KIM Selection Hints Reference Documentation



Define Documentation

#define kim_hint_key_client_realm   "kim_hint_key_client_realm"

A client identity in this realm. See KIM Selection Hints Overview for more information

#define kim_hint_key_user   "kim_hint_key_user"

A client identity whose first component is this user string. See KIM Selection Hints Overview for more information

#define kim_hint_key_service_realm   "kim_hint_key_service_realm"

A client identity which has obtained a service credential for this realm. See KIM Selection Hints Overview for more information

#define kim_hint_key_service   "kim_hint_key_service"

A client identity which has obtained a service credential for this service. See KIM Selection Hints Overview for more information

#define kim_hint_key_server   "kim_hint_key_server"

A client identity which has obtained a service credential for this server. See KIM Selection Hints Overview for more information

#define kim_hint_key_service_identity   "kim_hint_key_service_identity"

The client identity which has obtained a service credential for this service identity. See KIM Selection Hints Overview for more information

Function Documentation

kim_error kim_selection_hints_create ( kim_selection_hints out_selection_hints,
kim_string  in_application_identifier 

Create a new selection hints object.

out_selection_hints on exit, a new selection hints object. Must be freed with kim_selection_hints_free().
in_application_identifier an application identifier string. Java-style identifiers are recommended to avoid cache entry collisions (eg: "com.example.MyApplication")
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.

kim_error kim_selection_hints_copy ( kim_selection_hints out_selection_hints,
kim_selection_hints  in_selection_hints 

Copy a selection hints object.

out_selection_hints on exit, a new selection hints object which is a copy of in_selection_hints. Must be freed with kim_selection_hints_free().
in_selection_hints a selection hints object.
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.

kim_error kim_selection_hints_set_hint ( kim_selection_hints  io_selection_hints,
kim_string  in_hint_key,
kim_string  in_hint_string 

Set the string value of a hint used for identity selection.

io_selection_hints a selection hints object to modify.
in_hint_key A string representing the type of hint to set.
in_hint_string A string representation of a hint for in_hint_key to set in in_selection_hints.
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
See also:

kim_error kim_selection_hints_get_hint ( kim_selection_hints  in_selection_hints,
kim_string  in_hint_key,
kim_string out_hint_string 

Get the string value of a hint used for identity selection.

in_selection_hints a selection hints object.
in_hint_key A string representing the type of hint to obtain.
out_hint_string On exit, a string representation of the hint in_hint_key in in_selection_hints. If the hint is not set, sets the value pointed to by out_hint_string to NULL; Must be freed with kim_string_free().
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
See also:

kim_error kim_selection_hints_set_explanation ( kim_selection_hints  io_selection_hints,
kim_string  in_explanation 

Set the strings used to prompt the user to select the identity.

io_selection_hints a selection hints object to modify.
in_explanation a localized string describing why the caller needs the identity.
If the application only does one thing (the reason it needs an identity is obvious) then you may not need to call this function.
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
See also:

kim_error kim_selection_hints_get_explanation ( kim_selection_hints  in_selection_hints,
kim_string out_explanation 

Get the strings used to prompt the user to select the identity.

in_selection_hints a selection hints object.
out_explanation on exit, the localized string specified in in_selection_hints which describes why the caller needs the identity. May be NULL. If non-NULL, must be freed with kim_string_free().
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
See also:

kim_error kim_selection_hints_set_options ( kim_selection_hints  io_selection_hints,
kim_options  in_options 

Set the options which will be used if credentials need to be acquired.

io_selection_hints a selection hints object to modify.
in_options options to control credential acquisition.
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
See also:

kim_error kim_selection_hints_get_options ( kim_selection_hints  in_selection_hints,
kim_options out_options 

Get the options which will be used if credentials need to be acquired.

in_selection_hints a selection hints object.
out_options on exit, the options to control credential acquisition specified in in_selection_hints. May be KIM_OPTIONS_DEFAULT. If not, must be freed with kim_options_free().
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
See also:

kim_error kim_selection_hints_set_allow_user_interaction ( kim_selection_hints  in_selection_hints,
kim_boolean  in_allow_user_interaction 

Set whether or not KIM may interact with the user to select an identity.

in_selection_hints a selection hints object to modify
in_allow_user_interaction a boolean value specifying whether or not KIM should ask the user to select an identity for in_selection_hints.
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
This setting defaults to TRUE.
See also:

kim_error kim_selection_hints_get_allow_user_interaction ( kim_selection_hints  in_selection_hints,
kim_boolean out_allow_user_interaction 

Get whether or not KIM may interact with the user to select an identity.

in_selection_hints a selection hints object to modify
out_allow_user_interaction on exit, a boolean value specifying whether or not KIM should ask the user to select an identity for in_selection_hints.
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
This setting defaults to TRUE.
See also:

kim_error kim_selection_hints_set_remember_identity ( kim_selection_hints  in_selection_hints,
kim_boolean  in_remember_identity 

Set whether or not KIM will use cached mappings for this selection hints object.

in_selection_hints a selection hints object to modify
in_remember_identity a boolean value specifying whether or not KIM should use a cached mapping between in_selection_hints and a Kerberos identity.
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
This setting defaults to TRUE.
See also:

kim_error kim_selection_hints_get_remember_identity ( kim_selection_hints  in_selection_hints,
kim_boolean out_remember_identity 

Get whether or not KIM will use cache mappings for this selection hints object.

in_selection_hints a selection hints object to modify
out_remember_identity on exit, a boolean value specifying whether or not KIM will use a cached mapping between in_selection_hints and a Kerberos identity.
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
This setting defaults to TRUE.
See also:

kim_error kim_selection_hints_get_identity ( kim_selection_hints  in_selection_hints,
kim_identity out_identity 

Choose a client identity based on selection hints.

in_selection_hints the selection hints to add to the cache.
out_identity the Kerberos identity in_selection_hints maps to. Must be freed with kim_identity_free().
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
out_identity is the identity mapped to by the current state of in_selection_hints. This function may prompt the user via a GUI to choose that identity. Subsequent modifications to in_selection_hints will not change out_identity.

kim_error kim_selection_hints_remember_identity ( kim_selection_hints  in_selection_hints,
kim_identity  in_identity 

Add an entry for the selection hints to the selection hints cache, replacing any existing entry.

in_selection_hints the selection hints to add to the cache.
in_identity the Kerberos identity in_selection_hints maps to.
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.

kim_error kim_selection_hints_forget_identity ( kim_selection_hints  in_selection_hints  ) 

Remove an entry for the selection hints from the selection hints cache.

in_selection_hints the selection hints to remove from the cache.
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.

void kim_selection_hints_free ( kim_selection_hints io_selection_hints  ) 

Free memory associated with a selection hints object.

io_selection_hints the selection hints object to be freed. Set to NULL on exit.

Generated on Mon Nov 3 17:45:44 2008 for Kerberos Identity Management by  doxygen 1.5.3