KIM String Reference Documentation


Function Documentation

kim_error kim_string_create_for_last_error ( kim_string out_string,
kim_error  in_error 

Get a text description of an error suitable for display to the user.

out_string On success, a human-readable UTF-8 string describing the error representedby in_error. Must be freed with kim_string_free().
in_error an error code. Used to verify that the correct error string will be returned (see note below).
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR.
This API is implemented using thread local storage. It should be called immediately after a KIM API returns an error code so that the correct string is returned. The returned copy may then be held by the caller until needed. If in_error does not match the last saved error KIM may return a less descriptive string.

kim_error kim_string_copy ( kim_string out_string,
const kim_string  in_string 

Copy a string.

out_string on exit, a new string object which is a copy of in_string. Must be freed with kim_string_free().
in_string the string to copy.
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.

kim_error kim_string_compare ( kim_string  in_string,
kim_string  in_compare_to_string,
kim_comparison out_comparison 

Compare two strings.

in_string a string.
in_compare_to_string a string to be compared to in_string.
out_comparison on exit, a comparison result indicating whether in_string is greater than, less than or equal to in_compare_to_string.
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.

void kim_string_free ( kim_string io_string  ) 

Free memory associated with a string.

io_string a string to be freed. Set to NULL on exit.

Generated on Mon Nov 3 17:45:44 2008 for Kerberos Identity Management by  doxygen 1.5.3