KIM Options Reference Documentation


Function Documentation

kim_error kim_options_create ( kim_options out_options  ) 

Create new options with default values.

out_options on exit, a new options object. Must be freed with kim_options_free().
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.

kim_error kim_options_copy ( kim_options out_options,
kim_options  in_options 

Copy options.

out_options on exit, a new options object which is a copy of in_options. Must be freed with kim_options_free(). If passed KIM_OPTIONS_DEFAULT will set out_options to KIM_OPTIONS_DEFAULT.
in_options a options object.
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.

kim_error kim_options_set_start_time ( kim_options  io_options,
kim_time  in_start_time 

Set the date when a credential should become valid.

io_options an options object to modify.
in_start_time a start date (in seconds since January 1, 1970). Set to KIM_OPTIONS_START_IMMEDIATELY for the acquired credential to be valid immediately.
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
When using a start time in the future, once the start time has been reached the credential must be validated before it can be used.
Default value
0, indicating "now". The credential will be valid immediately.
See also:
kim_options_get_start_time(), kim_credential_validate(), kim_ccache_validate(), kim_identity_validate()

kim_error kim_options_get_start_time ( kim_options  in_options,
kim_time out_start_time 

Get the date when a credential should become valid.

in_options an options object.
out_start_time on exit, the start date (in seconds since January 1, 1970) specified by in_options. KIM_OPTIONS_START_IMMEDIATELY indicates the credential will be valid immediately.
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
When using a start time in the future, once the start time has been reached the credential must be validated before it can be used.
Default value
0, indicating "now". The credential will be valid immediately.
See also:
kim_options_set_start_time(), kim_credential_validate(), kim_ccache_validate(), kim_identity_validate()

kim_error kim_options_set_lifetime ( kim_options  io_options,
kim_lifetime  in_lifetime 

Set the duration during which a credential should be valid.

io_options an options object to modify.
in_lifetime a lifetime duration (in seconds).
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
KDCs have a maximum allowed lifetime per identity (usually 10 to 21 hours). As a result the credential will actually have a lifetime which is the minimum of in_lifetime and the KDC's maximum allowed lifetime.
See also:
Default value
Read from the user's preferences and the Kerberos configuration. 10 hours if unspecified.

kim_error kim_options_get_lifetime ( kim_options  in_options,
kim_lifetime out_lifetime 

Get the duration during which an acquired credential should be valid.

in_options an options object.
out_lifetime on exit, the lifetime duration (in seconds) specified in in_options.
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
KDCs have a maximum allowed lifetime per identity (usually 10 to 21 hours). As a result the credential will actually have a lifetime which is the minimum of in_lifetime and the KDC's maximum allowed lifetime.
Default value
Read from the user's preferences and the Kerberos configuration. 10 hours if unspecified.
See also:

kim_error kim_options_set_renewable ( kim_options  io_options,
kim_boolean  in_renewable 

Set whether or not to request a renewable credential.

io_options an options object to modify.
in_renewable a boolean value indicating whether or not to request a renewable credential.
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
Default value
Read from the user's preferences and the Kerberos configuration. TRUE if unspecified.
See also:

kim_error kim_options_get_renewable ( kim_options  in_options,
kim_boolean out_renewable 

Get whether or not to request a renewable credential.

in_options an options object.
out_renewable on exit, a boolean value indicating whether or in_options will request a renewable credential.
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
Default value
Read from the user's preferences and the Kerberos configuration. TRUE if unspecified.
See also:

kim_error kim_options_set_renewal_lifetime ( kim_options  io_options,
kim_lifetime  in_renewal_lifetime 

Set the duration during which a valid credential should be renewable.

io_options an options object to modify.
in_renewal_lifetime a renewal lifetime duration (in seconds).
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
KDCs have a maximum allowed renewal lifetime per identity (usually 10 to 21 hours). As a result the credential will actually have a lifetime which is the minimum of in_lifetime and the KDC's maximum allowed lifetime.
Default value
Read from the user's preferences and the Kerberos configuration. 7 days if unspecified.
See also:
kim_options_get_renewal_lifetime(), kim_identity_renew(), kim_credential_renew(), kim_ccache_renew()

kim_error kim_options_get_renewal_lifetime ( kim_options  in_options,
kim_lifetime out_renewal_lifetime 

Get the duration during which a valid credential should be renewable.

in_options an options object.
out_renewal_lifetime on exit, the renewal lifetime duration (in seconds) specified in in_options.
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
KDCs have a maximum allowed lifetime per identity (usually 10 to 21 hours). As a result the credential will actually have a lifetime which is the minimum of in_lifetime and the KDC's maximum allowed lifetime.
Default value
Read from the user's preferences and the Kerberos configuration. 7 days if unspecified.
See also:
kim_options_set_renewal_lifetime(), kim_identity_renew(), kim_credential_renew(), kim_ccache_renew()

kim_error kim_options_set_forwardable ( kim_options  io_options,
kim_boolean  in_forwardable 

Set whether or not to request a forwardable credential.

io_options an options object to modify.
in_forwardable a boolean value indicating whether or not to request a forwardable credential.
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
Default value
Read from the user's preferences and the Kerberos configuration. TRUE if unspecified.
See also:

kim_error kim_options_get_forwardable ( kim_options  in_options,
kim_boolean out_forwardable 

Get whether or not to request a forwardable credential.

in_options an options object.
out_forwardable on exit, a boolean value indicating whether or in_options will request a forwardable credential.
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
Default value
Read from the user's preferences and the Kerberos configuration. TRUE if unspecified.
See also:

kim_error kim_options_set_proxiable ( kim_options  io_options,
kim_boolean  in_proxiable 

Set whether or not to request a proxiable credential.

io_options an options object to modify.
in_proxiable a boolean value indicating whether or not to request a proxiable credential.
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
Default value
Read from the user's preferences and the Kerberos configuration. TRUE if unspecified.
See also:

kim_error kim_options_get_proxiable ( kim_options  in_options,
kim_boolean out_proxiable 

Get whether or not to request a proxiable credential.

in_options an options object.
out_proxiable on exit, a boolean value indicating whether or in_options will request a proxiable credential.
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
Default value
Read from the user's preferences and the Kerberos configuration. TRUE if unspecified.
See also:

kim_error kim_options_set_addressless ( kim_options  io_options,
kim_boolean  in_addressless 

Set whether or not to request an addressless credential.

io_options an options object to modify.
in_addressless a boolean value indicating whether or not to request an addressless credential.
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
Default value
Read from the user's preferences and the Kerberos configuration. TRUE if unspecified.
See also:

kim_error kim_options_get_addressless ( kim_options  in_options,
kim_boolean out_addressless 

Get whether or not to request an addressless credential.

in_options an options object.
out_addressless on exit, a boolean value indicating whether or in_options will request an addressless credential.
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
Default value
Read from the user's preferences and the Kerberos configuration. TRUE if unspecified.
See also:

kim_error kim_options_set_service_name ( kim_options  io_options,
kim_string  in_service_name 

Set the service name to request a credential for.

io_options an options object to modify.
in_service_name a service name.
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
Default value
NULL, indicating "krbtgt@<REALM>", the ticket granting ticket (TGT) service.
See also:

kim_error kim_options_get_service_name ( kim_options  in_options,
kim_string out_service_name 

Get the service name to request a credential for.

in_options an options object.
out_service_name on exit, the service name specified in in_options. Must be freed with kim_string_free().
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error code representing the failure.
Default value
NULL, indicating "krbtgt@<REALM>", the ticket granting ticket (TGT) service.
See also:

void kim_options_free ( kim_options io_options  ) 

Free memory associated with an options object.

io_options the options object to be freed. Set to NULL on exit.

Generated on Mon Nov 3 17:45:44 2008 for Kerberos Identity Management by  doxygen 1.5.3