Package lldb
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Source Code for Package lldb

    1  # This file was automatically generated by SWIG ( 
    2  # Version 2.0.7 
    3  # 
    4  # Do not make changes to this file unless you know what you are doing--modify 
    5  # the SWIG interface file instead. 
    8  """ 
    9  The lldb module contains the public APIs for Python binding. 
   11  Some of the important classes are describe here: 
   13  o SBTarget: Represents the target program running under the debugger. 
   14  o SBProcess: Represents the process associated with the target program. 
   15  o SBThread: Represents a thread of execution. SBProcess contains SBThread(s). 
   16  o SBFrame: Represents one of the stack frames associated with a thread. SBThread 
   17        contains SBFrame(s). 
   18  o SBSymbolContext: A container that stores various debugger related info. 
   19  o SBValue: Represents the value of a variable, a register, or an expression. 
   20  o SBModule: Represents an executable image and its associated object and symbol 
   21        files.  SBTarget conatins SBModule(s). 
   22  o SBBreakpoint: Represents a logical breakpoint and its associated settings. 
   23        SBTarget conatins SBBreakpoint(s). 
   24  o SBSymbol: Represents the symbol possibly associated with a stack frame. 
   25  o SBCompileUnit: Represents a compilation unit, or compiled source file. 
   26  o SBFunction: Represents a generic function, which can be inlined or not. 
   27  o SBBlock: Represents a lexical block. SBFunction contains SBBlock(s). 
   28  o SBLineEntry: Specifies an association with a contiguous range of instructions 
   29        and a source file location. SBCompileUnit contains SBLineEntry(s). 
   30  """ 
   33  from sys import version_info 
   34  if version_info >= (2,6,0): 
35 - def swig_import_helper():
36 from os.path import dirname 37 import imp 38 fp = None 39 try: 40 fp, pathname, description = imp.find_module('_lldb', [dirname(__file__)]) 41 except ImportError: 42 import _lldb 43 return _lldb 44 if fp is not None: 45 try: 46 _mod = imp.load_module('_lldb', fp, pathname, description) 47 finally: 48 fp.close() 49 return _mod
50 _lldb = swig_import_helper() 51 del swig_import_helper 52 else: 53 import _lldb 54 del version_info 55 try: 56 _swig_property = property 57 except NameError: 58 pass # Python < 2.2 doesn't have 'property'.
59 -def _swig_setattr_nondynamic(self,class_type,name,value,static=1):
60 if (name == "thisown"): return self.this.own(value) 61 if (name == "this"): 62 if type(value).__name__ == 'SwigPyObject': 63 self.__dict__[name] = value 64 return 65 method = class_type.__swig_setmethods__.get(name,None) 66 if method: return method(self,value) 67 if (not static): 68 self.__dict__[name] = value 69 else: 70 raise AttributeError("You cannot add attributes to %s" % self)
72 -def _swig_setattr(self,class_type,name,value):
73 return _swig_setattr_nondynamic(self,class_type,name,value,0)
75 -def _swig_getattr(self,class_type,name):
76 if (name == "thisown"): return self.this.own() 77 method = class_type.__swig_getmethods__.get(name,None) 78 if method: return method(self) 79 raise AttributeError(name)
81 -def _swig_repr(self):
82 try: strthis = "proxy of " + self.this.__repr__() 83 except: strthis = "" 84 return "<%s.%s; %s >" % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, strthis,)
85 86 try: 87 _object = object 88 _newclass = 1 89 except AttributeError:
90 - class _object : pass
91 _newclass = 0 92 93 94 import uuid 95 import re 96 import os 97 98 UINT32_MAX = _lldb.UINT32_MAX 99 UINT64_MAX = _lldb.UINT64_MAX 100 LLDB_GENERIC_ERROR = _lldb.LLDB_GENERIC_ERROR 101 LLDB_INVALID_BREAK_ID = _lldb.LLDB_INVALID_BREAK_ID 102 LLDB_DEFAULT_BREAK_SIZE = _lldb.LLDB_DEFAULT_BREAK_SIZE 103 LLDB_INVALID_WATCH_ID = _lldb.LLDB_INVALID_WATCH_ID 104 LLDB_WATCH_TYPE_READ = _lldb.LLDB_WATCH_TYPE_READ 105 LLDB_WATCH_TYPE_WRITE = _lldb.LLDB_WATCH_TYPE_WRITE 106 LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_PC = _lldb.LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_PC 107 LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_SP = _lldb.LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_SP 108 LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_FP = _lldb.LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_FP 109 LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_RA = _lldb.LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_RA 110 LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_FLAGS = _lldb.LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_FLAGS 111 LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_ARG1 = _lldb.LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_ARG1 112 LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_ARG2 = _lldb.LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_ARG2 113 LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_ARG3 = _lldb.LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_ARG3 114 LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_ARG4 = _lldb.LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_ARG4 115 LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_ARG5 = _lldb.LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_ARG5 116 LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_ARG6 = _lldb.LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_ARG6 117 LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_ARG7 = _lldb.LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_ARG7 118 LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_ARG8 = _lldb.LLDB_REGNUM_GENERIC_ARG8 119 LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS = _lldb.LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS 120 LLDB_INVALID_INDEX32 = _lldb.LLDB_INVALID_INDEX32 121 LLDB_INVALID_IVAR_OFFSET = _lldb.LLDB_INVALID_IVAR_OFFSET 122 LLDB_INVALID_IMAGE_TOKEN = _lldb.LLDB_INVALID_IMAGE_TOKEN 123 LLDB_INVALID_REGNUM = _lldb.LLDB_INVALID_REGNUM 124 LLDB_INVALID_UID = _lldb.LLDB_INVALID_UID 125 LLDB_INVALID_PROCESS_ID = _lldb.LLDB_INVALID_PROCESS_ID 126 LLDB_INVALID_THREAD_ID = _lldb.LLDB_INVALID_THREAD_ID 127 LLDB_INVALID_FRAME_ID = _lldb.LLDB_INVALID_FRAME_ID 128 LLDB_INVALID_OFFSET = _lldb.LLDB_INVALID_OFFSET 129 LLDB_ARCH_DEFAULT = _lldb.LLDB_ARCH_DEFAULT 130 LLDB_ARCH_DEFAULT_32BIT = _lldb.LLDB_ARCH_DEFAULT_32BIT 131 LLDB_ARCH_DEFAULT_64BIT = _lldb.LLDB_ARCH_DEFAULT_64BIT 132 LLDB_INVALID_CPUTYPE = _lldb.LLDB_INVALID_CPUTYPE 133 LLDB_MAX_NUM_OPTION_SETS = _lldb.LLDB_MAX_NUM_OPTION_SETS 134 LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL = _lldb.LLDB_OPT_SET_ALL 135 LLDB_OPT_SET_1 = _lldb.LLDB_OPT_SET_1 136 LLDB_OPT_SET_2 = _lldb.LLDB_OPT_SET_2 137 LLDB_OPT_SET_3 = _lldb.LLDB_OPT_SET_3 138 LLDB_OPT_SET_4 = _lldb.LLDB_OPT_SET_4 139 LLDB_OPT_SET_5 = _lldb.LLDB_OPT_SET_5 140 LLDB_OPT_SET_6 = _lldb.LLDB_OPT_SET_6 141 LLDB_OPT_SET_7 = _lldb.LLDB_OPT_SET_7 142 LLDB_OPT_SET_8 = _lldb.LLDB_OPT_SET_8 143 LLDB_OPT_SET_9 = _lldb.LLDB_OPT_SET_9 144 LLDB_OPT_SET_10 = _lldb.LLDB_OPT_SET_10 145 eStateInvalid = _lldb.eStateInvalid 146 eStateUnloaded = _lldb.eStateUnloaded 147 eStateConnected = _lldb.eStateConnected 148 eStateAttaching = _lldb.eStateAttaching 149 eStateLaunching = _lldb.eStateLaunching 150 eStateStopped = _lldb.eStateStopped 151 eStateRunning = _lldb.eStateRunning 152 eStateStepping = _lldb.eStateStepping 153 eStateCrashed = _lldb.eStateCrashed 154 eStateDetached = _lldb.eStateDetached 155 eStateExited = _lldb.eStateExited 156 eStateSuspended = _lldb.eStateSuspended 157 eLaunchFlagNone = _lldb.eLaunchFlagNone 158 eLaunchFlagExec = _lldb.eLaunchFlagExec 159 eLaunchFlagDebug = _lldb.eLaunchFlagDebug 160 eLaunchFlagStopAtEntry = _lldb.eLaunchFlagStopAtEntry 161 eLaunchFlagDisableASLR = _lldb.eLaunchFlagDisableASLR 162 eLaunchFlagDisableSTDIO = _lldb.eLaunchFlagDisableSTDIO 163 eLaunchFlagLaunchInTTY = _lldb.eLaunchFlagLaunchInTTY 164 eLaunchFlagLaunchInShell = _lldb.eLaunchFlagLaunchInShell 165 eLaunchFlagLaunchInSeparateProcessGroup = _lldb.eLaunchFlagLaunchInSeparateProcessGroup 166 eOnlyThisThread = _lldb.eOnlyThisThread 167 eAllThreads = _lldb.eAllThreads 168 eOnlyDuringStepping = _lldb.eOnlyDuringStepping 169 eByteOrderInvalid = _lldb.eByteOrderInvalid 170 eByteOrderBig = _lldb.eByteOrderBig 171 eByteOrderPDP = _lldb.eByteOrderPDP 172 eByteOrderLittle = _lldb.eByteOrderLittle 173 eEncodingInvalid = _lldb.eEncodingInvalid 174 eEncodingUint = _lldb.eEncodingUint 175 eEncodingSint = _lldb.eEncodingSint 176 eEncodingIEEE754 = _lldb.eEncodingIEEE754 177 eEncodingVector = _lldb.eEncodingVector 178 eFormatDefault = _lldb.eFormatDefault 179 eFormatInvalid = _lldb.eFormatInvalid 180 eFormatBoolean = _lldb.eFormatBoolean 181 eFormatBinary = _lldb.eFormatBinary 182 eFormatBytes = _lldb.eFormatBytes 183 eFormatBytesWithASCII = _lldb.eFormatBytesWithASCII 184 eFormatChar = _lldb.eFormatChar 185 eFormatCharPrintable = _lldb.eFormatCharPrintable 186 eFormatComplex = _lldb.eFormatComplex 187 eFormatComplexFloat = _lldb.eFormatComplexFloat 188 eFormatCString = _lldb.eFormatCString 189 eFormatDecimal = _lldb.eFormatDecimal 190 eFormatEnum = _lldb.eFormatEnum 191 eFormatHex = _lldb.eFormatHex 192 eFormatHexUppercase = _lldb.eFormatHexUppercase 193 eFormatFloat = _lldb.eFormatFloat 194 eFormatOctal = _lldb.eFormatOctal 195 eFormatOSType = _lldb.eFormatOSType 196 eFormatUnicode16 = _lldb.eFormatUnicode16 197 eFormatUnicode32 = _lldb.eFormatUnicode32 198 eFormatUnsigned = _lldb.eFormatUnsigned 199 eFormatPointer = _lldb.eFormatPointer 200 eFormatVectorOfChar = _lldb.eFormatVectorOfChar 201 eFormatVectorOfSInt8 = _lldb.eFormatVectorOfSInt8 202 eFormatVectorOfUInt8 = _lldb.eFormatVectorOfUInt8 203 eFormatVectorOfSInt16 = _lldb.eFormatVectorOfSInt16 204 eFormatVectorOfUInt16 = _lldb.eFormatVectorOfUInt16 205 eFormatVectorOfSInt32 = _lldb.eFormatVectorOfSInt32 206 eFormatVectorOfUInt32 = _lldb.eFormatVectorOfUInt32 207 eFormatVectorOfSInt64 = _lldb.eFormatVectorOfSInt64 208 eFormatVectorOfUInt64 = _lldb.eFormatVectorOfUInt64 209 eFormatVectorOfFloat32 = _lldb.eFormatVectorOfFloat32 210 eFormatVectorOfFloat64 = _lldb.eFormatVectorOfFloat64 211 eFormatVectorOfUInt128 = _lldb.eFormatVectorOfUInt128 212 eFormatComplexInteger = _lldb.eFormatComplexInteger 213 eFormatCharArray = _lldb.eFormatCharArray 214 eFormatAddressInfo = _lldb.eFormatAddressInfo 215 eFormatHexFloat = _lldb.eFormatHexFloat 216 eFormatInstruction = _lldb.eFormatInstruction 217 eFormatVoid = _lldb.eFormatVoid 218 kNumFormats = _lldb.kNumFormats 219 eDescriptionLevelBrief = _lldb.eDescriptionLevelBrief 220 eDescriptionLevelFull = _lldb.eDescriptionLevelFull 221 eDescriptionLevelVerbose = _lldb.eDescriptionLevelVerbose 222 eDescriptionLevelInitial = _lldb.eDescriptionLevelInitial 223 kNumDescriptionLevels = _lldb.kNumDescriptionLevels 224 eScriptLanguageNone = _lldb.eScriptLanguageNone 225 eScriptLanguagePython = _lldb.eScriptLanguagePython 226 eScriptLanguageDefault = _lldb.eScriptLanguageDefault 227 eRegisterKindGCC = _lldb.eRegisterKindGCC 228 eRegisterKindDWARF = _lldb.eRegisterKindDWARF 229 eRegisterKindGeneric = _lldb.eRegisterKindGeneric 230 eRegisterKindGDB = _lldb.eRegisterKindGDB 231 eRegisterKindLLDB = _lldb.eRegisterKindLLDB 232 kNumRegisterKinds = _lldb.kNumRegisterKinds 233 eStopReasonInvalid = _lldb.eStopReasonInvalid 234 eStopReasonNone = _lldb.eStopReasonNone 235 eStopReasonTrace = _lldb.eStopReasonTrace 236 eStopReasonBreakpoint = _lldb.eStopReasonBreakpoint 237 eStopReasonWatchpoint = _lldb.eStopReasonWatchpoint 238 eStopReasonSignal = _lldb.eStopReasonSignal 239 eStopReasonException = _lldb.eStopReasonException 240 eStopReasonExec = _lldb.eStopReasonExec 241 eStopReasonPlanComplete = _lldb.eStopReasonPlanComplete 242 eStopReasonThreadExiting = _lldb.eStopReasonThreadExiting 243 eReturnStatusInvalid = _lldb.eReturnStatusInvalid 244 eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult = _lldb.eReturnStatusSuccessFinishNoResult 245 eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult = _lldb.eReturnStatusSuccessFinishResult 246 eReturnStatusSuccessContinuingNoResult = _lldb.eReturnStatusSuccessContinuingNoResult 247 eReturnStatusSuccessContinuingResult = _lldb.eReturnStatusSuccessContinuingResult 248 eReturnStatusStarted = _lldb.eReturnStatusStarted 249 eReturnStatusFailed = _lldb.eReturnStatusFailed 250 eReturnStatusQuit = _lldb.eReturnStatusQuit 251 eConnectionStatusSuccess = _lldb.eConnectionStatusSuccess 252 eConnectionStatusEndOfFile = _lldb.eConnectionStatusEndOfFile 253 eConnectionStatusError = _lldb.eConnectionStatusError 254 eConnectionStatusTimedOut = _lldb.eConnectionStatusTimedOut 255 eConnectionStatusNoConnection = _lldb.eConnectionStatusNoConnection 256 eConnectionStatusLostConnection = _lldb.eConnectionStatusLostConnection 257 eErrorTypeInvalid = _lldb.eErrorTypeInvalid 258 eErrorTypeGeneric = _lldb.eErrorTypeGeneric 259 eErrorTypeMachKernel = _lldb.eErrorTypeMachKernel 260 eErrorTypePOSIX = _lldb.eErrorTypePOSIX 261 eValueTypeInvalid = _lldb.eValueTypeInvalid 262 eValueTypeVariableGlobal = _lldb.eValueTypeVariableGlobal 263 eValueTypeVariableStatic = _lldb.eValueTypeVariableStatic 264 eValueTypeVariableArgument = _lldb.eValueTypeVariableArgument 265 eValueTypeVariableLocal = _lldb.eValueTypeVariableLocal 266 eValueTypeRegister = _lldb.eValueTypeRegister 267 eValueTypeRegisterSet = _lldb.eValueTypeRegisterSet 268 eValueTypeConstResult = _lldb.eValueTypeConstResult 269 eInputReaderGranularityInvalid = _lldb.eInputReaderGranularityInvalid 270 eInputReaderGranularityByte = _lldb.eInputReaderGranularityByte 271 eInputReaderGranularityWord = _lldb.eInputReaderGranularityWord 272 eInputReaderGranularityLine = _lldb.eInputReaderGranularityLine 273 eInputReaderGranularityAll = _lldb.eInputReaderGranularityAll 274 eSymbolContextTarget = _lldb.eSymbolContextTarget 275 eSymbolContextModule = _lldb.eSymbolContextModule 276 eSymbolContextCompUnit = _lldb.eSymbolContextCompUnit 277 eSymbolContextFunction = _lldb.eSymbolContextFunction 278 eSymbolContextBlock = _lldb.eSymbolContextBlock 279 eSymbolContextLineEntry = _lldb.eSymbolContextLineEntry 280 eSymbolContextSymbol = _lldb.eSymbolContextSymbol 281 eSymbolContextEverything = _lldb.eSymbolContextEverything 282 ePermissionsWritable = _lldb.ePermissionsWritable 283 ePermissionsReadable = _lldb.ePermissionsReadable 284 ePermissionsExecutable = _lldb.ePermissionsExecutable 285 eInputReaderActivate = _lldb.eInputReaderActivate 286 eInputReaderAsynchronousOutputWritten = _lldb.eInputReaderAsynchronousOutputWritten 287 eInputReaderReactivate = _lldb.eInputReaderReactivate 288 eInputReaderDeactivate = _lldb.eInputReaderDeactivate 289 eInputReaderGotToken = _lldb.eInputReaderGotToken 290 eInputReaderInterrupt = _lldb.eInputReaderInterrupt 291 eInputReaderEndOfFile = _lldb.eInputReaderEndOfFile 292 eInputReaderDone = _lldb.eInputReaderDone 293 eBreakpointEventTypeInvalidType = _lldb.eBreakpointEventTypeInvalidType 294 eBreakpointEventTypeAdded = _lldb.eBreakpointEventTypeAdded 295 eBreakpointEventTypeRemoved = _lldb.eBreakpointEventTypeRemoved 296 eBreakpointEventTypeLocationsAdded = _lldb.eBreakpointEventTypeLocationsAdded 297 eBreakpointEventTypeLocationsRemoved = _lldb.eBreakpointEventTypeLocationsRemoved 298 eBreakpointEventTypeLocationsResolved = _lldb.eBreakpointEventTypeLocationsResolved 299 eBreakpointEventTypeEnabled = _lldb.eBreakpointEventTypeEnabled 300 eBreakpointEventTypeDisabled = _lldb.eBreakpointEventTypeDisabled 301 eBreakpointEventTypeCommandChanged = _lldb.eBreakpointEventTypeCommandChanged 302 eBreakpointEventTypeConditionChanged = _lldb.eBreakpointEventTypeConditionChanged 303 eBreakpointEventTypeIgnoreChanged = _lldb.eBreakpointEventTypeIgnoreChanged 304 eBreakpointEventTypeThreadChanged = _lldb.eBreakpointEventTypeThreadChanged 305 eWatchpointEventTypeInvalidType = _lldb.eWatchpointEventTypeInvalidType 306 eWatchpointEventTypeAdded = _lldb.eWatchpointEventTypeAdded 307 eWatchpointEventTypeRemoved = _lldb.eWatchpointEventTypeRemoved 308 eWatchpointEventTypeEnabled = _lldb.eWatchpointEventTypeEnabled 309 eWatchpointEventTypeDisabled = _lldb.eWatchpointEventTypeDisabled 310 eWatchpointEventTypeCommandChanged = _lldb.eWatchpointEventTypeCommandChanged 311 eWatchpointEventTypeConditionChanged = _lldb.eWatchpointEventTypeConditionChanged 312 eWatchpointEventTypeIgnoreChanged = _lldb.eWatchpointEventTypeIgnoreChanged 313 eWatchpointEventTypeThreadChanged = _lldb.eWatchpointEventTypeThreadChanged 314 eWatchpointEventTypeTypeChanged = _lldb.eWatchpointEventTypeTypeChanged 315 eLanguageTypeUnknown = _lldb.eLanguageTypeUnknown 316 eLanguageTypeC89 = _lldb.eLanguageTypeC89 317 eLanguageTypeC = _lldb.eLanguageTypeC 318 eLanguageTypeAda83 = _lldb.eLanguageTypeAda83 319 eLanguageTypeC_plus_plus = _lldb.eLanguageTypeC_plus_plus 320 eLanguageTypeCobol74 = _lldb.eLanguageTypeCobol74 321 eLanguageTypeCobol85 = _lldb.eLanguageTypeCobol85 322 eLanguageTypeFortran77 = _lldb.eLanguageTypeFortran77 323 eLanguageTypeFortran90 = _lldb.eLanguageTypeFortran90 324 eLanguageTypePascal83 = _lldb.eLanguageTypePascal83 325 eLanguageTypeModula2 = _lldb.eLanguageTypeModula2 326 eLanguageTypeJava = _lldb.eLanguageTypeJava 327 eLanguageTypeC99 = _lldb.eLanguageTypeC99 328 eLanguageTypeAda95 = _lldb.eLanguageTypeAda95 329 eLanguageTypeFortran95 = _lldb.eLanguageTypeFortran95 330 eLanguageTypePLI = _lldb.eLanguageTypePLI 331 eLanguageTypeObjC = _lldb.eLanguageTypeObjC 332 eLanguageTypeObjC_plus_plus = _lldb.eLanguageTypeObjC_plus_plus 333 eLanguageTypeUPC = _lldb.eLanguageTypeUPC 334 eLanguageTypeD = _lldb.eLanguageTypeD 335 eLanguageTypePython = _lldb.eLanguageTypePython 336 eNumLanguageTypes = _lldb.eNumLanguageTypes 337 eNoDynamicValues = _lldb.eNoDynamicValues 338 eDynamicCanRunTarget = _lldb.eDynamicCanRunTarget 339 eDynamicDontRunTarget = _lldb.eDynamicDontRunTarget 340 eAccessNone = _lldb.eAccessNone 341 eAccessPublic = _lldb.eAccessPublic 342 eAccessPrivate = _lldb.eAccessPrivate 343 eAccessProtected = _lldb.eAccessProtected 344 eAccessPackage = _lldb.eAccessPackage 345 eArgTypeAddress = _lldb.eArgTypeAddress 346 eArgTypeAddressOrExpression = _lldb.eArgTypeAddressOrExpression 347 eArgTypeAliasName = _lldb.eArgTypeAliasName 348 eArgTypeAliasOptions = _lldb.eArgTypeAliasOptions 349 eArgTypeArchitecture = _lldb.eArgTypeArchitecture 350 eArgTypeBoolean = _lldb.eArgTypeBoolean 351 eArgTypeBreakpointID = _lldb.eArgTypeBreakpointID 352 eArgTypeBreakpointIDRange = _lldb.eArgTypeBreakpointIDRange 353 eArgTypeByteSize = _lldb.eArgTypeByteSize 354 eArgTypeClassName = _lldb.eArgTypeClassName 355 eArgTypeCommandName = _lldb.eArgTypeCommandName 356 eArgTypeCount = _lldb.eArgTypeCount 357 eArgTypeDirectoryName = _lldb.eArgTypeDirectoryName 358 eArgTypeDisassemblyFlavor = _lldb.eArgTypeDisassemblyFlavor 359 eArgTypeEndAddress = _lldb.eArgTypeEndAddress 360 eArgTypeExpression = _lldb.eArgTypeExpression 361 eArgTypeExpressionPath = _lldb.eArgTypeExpressionPath 362 eArgTypeExprFormat = _lldb.eArgTypeExprFormat 363 eArgTypeFilename = _lldb.eArgTypeFilename 364 eArgTypeFormat = _lldb.eArgTypeFormat 365 eArgTypeFrameIndex = _lldb.eArgTypeFrameIndex 366 eArgTypeFullName = _lldb.eArgTypeFullName 367 eArgTypeFunctionName = _lldb.eArgTypeFunctionName 368 eArgTypeFunctionOrSymbol = _lldb.eArgTypeFunctionOrSymbol 369 eArgTypeGDBFormat = _lldb.eArgTypeGDBFormat 370 eArgTypeIndex = _lldb.eArgTypeIndex 371 eArgTypeLanguage = _lldb.eArgTypeLanguage 372 eArgTypeLineNum = _lldb.eArgTypeLineNum 373 eArgTypeLogCategory = _lldb.eArgTypeLogCategory 374 eArgTypeLogChannel = _lldb.eArgTypeLogChannel 375 eArgTypeMethod = _lldb.eArgTypeMethod 376 eArgTypeName = _lldb.eArgTypeName 377 eArgTypeNewPathPrefix = _lldb.eArgTypeNewPathPrefix 378 eArgTypeNumLines = _lldb.eArgTypeNumLines 379 eArgTypeNumberPerLine = _lldb.eArgTypeNumberPerLine 380 eArgTypeOffset = _lldb.eArgTypeOffset 381 eArgTypeOldPathPrefix = _lldb.eArgTypeOldPathPrefix 382 eArgTypeOneLiner = _lldb.eArgTypeOneLiner 383 eArgTypePid = _lldb.eArgTypePid 384 eArgTypePlugin = _lldb.eArgTypePlugin 385 eArgTypeProcessName = _lldb.eArgTypeProcessName 386 eArgTypePythonClass = _lldb.eArgTypePythonClass 387 eArgTypePythonFunction = _lldb.eArgTypePythonFunction 388 eArgTypePythonScript = _lldb.eArgTypePythonScript 389 eArgTypeQueueName = _lldb.eArgTypeQueueName 390 eArgTypeRegisterName = _lldb.eArgTypeRegisterName 391 eArgTypeRegularExpression = _lldb.eArgTypeRegularExpression 392 eArgTypeRunArgs = _lldb.eArgTypeRunArgs 393 eArgTypeRunMode = _lldb.eArgTypeRunMode 394 eArgTypeScriptedCommandSynchronicity = _lldb.eArgTypeScriptedCommandSynchronicity 395 eArgTypeScriptLang = _lldb.eArgTypeScriptLang 396 eArgTypeSearchWord = _lldb.eArgTypeSearchWord 397 eArgTypeSelector = _lldb.eArgTypeSelector 398 eArgTypeSettingIndex = _lldb.eArgTypeSettingIndex 399 eArgTypeSettingKey = _lldb.eArgTypeSettingKey 400 eArgTypeSettingPrefix = _lldb.eArgTypeSettingPrefix 401 eArgTypeSettingVariableName = _lldb.eArgTypeSettingVariableName 402 eArgTypeShlibName = _lldb.eArgTypeShlibName 403 eArgTypeSourceFile = _lldb.eArgTypeSourceFile 404 eArgTypeSortOrder = _lldb.eArgTypeSortOrder 405 eArgTypeStartAddress = _lldb.eArgTypeStartAddress 406 eArgTypeSummaryString = _lldb.eArgTypeSummaryString 407 eArgTypeSymbol = _lldb.eArgTypeSymbol 408 eArgTypeThreadID = _lldb.eArgTypeThreadID 409 eArgTypeThreadIndex = _lldb.eArgTypeThreadIndex 410 eArgTypeThreadName = _lldb.eArgTypeThreadName 411 eArgTypeUnsignedInteger = _lldb.eArgTypeUnsignedInteger 412 eArgTypeUnixSignal = _lldb.eArgTypeUnixSignal 413 eArgTypeVarName = _lldb.eArgTypeVarName 414 eArgTypeValue = _lldb.eArgTypeValue 415 eArgTypeWidth = _lldb.eArgTypeWidth 416 eArgTypeNone = _lldb.eArgTypeNone 417 eArgTypePlatform = _lldb.eArgTypePlatform 418 eArgTypeWatchpointID = _lldb.eArgTypeWatchpointID 419 eArgTypeWatchpointIDRange = _lldb.eArgTypeWatchpointIDRange 420 eArgTypeWatchType = _lldb.eArgTypeWatchType 421 eArgTypeLastArg = _lldb.eArgTypeLastArg 422 eSymbolTypeAny = _lldb.eSymbolTypeAny 423 eSymbolTypeInvalid = _lldb.eSymbolTypeInvalid 424 eSymbolTypeAbsolute = _lldb.eSymbolTypeAbsolute 425 eSymbolTypeCode = _lldb.eSymbolTypeCode 426 eSymbolTypeResolver = _lldb.eSymbolTypeResolver 427 eSymbolTypeData = _lldb.eSymbolTypeData 428 eSymbolTypeTrampoline = _lldb.eSymbolTypeTrampoline 429 eSymbolTypeRuntime = _lldb.eSymbolTypeRuntime 430 eSymbolTypeException = _lldb.eSymbolTypeException 431 eSymbolTypeSourceFile = _lldb.eSymbolTypeSourceFile 432 eSymbolTypeHeaderFile = _lldb.eSymbolTypeHeaderFile 433 eSymbolTypeObjectFile = _lldb.eSymbolTypeObjectFile 434 eSymbolTypeCommonBlock = _lldb.eSymbolTypeCommonBlock 435 eSymbolTypeBlock = _lldb.eSymbolTypeBlock 436 eSymbolTypeLocal = _lldb.eSymbolTypeLocal 437 eSymbolTypeParam = _lldb.eSymbolTypeParam 438 eSymbolTypeVariable = _lldb.eSymbolTypeVariable 439 eSymbolTypeVariableType = _lldb.eSymbolTypeVariableType 440 eSymbolTypeLineEntry = _lldb.eSymbolTypeLineEntry 441 eSymbolTypeLineHeader = _lldb.eSymbolTypeLineHeader 442 eSymbolTypeScopeBegin = _lldb.eSymbolTypeScopeBegin 443 eSymbolTypeScopeEnd = _lldb.eSymbolTypeScopeEnd 444 eSymbolTypeAdditional = _lldb.eSymbolTypeAdditional 445 eSymbolTypeCompiler = _lldb.eSymbolTypeCompiler 446 eSymbolTypeInstrumentation = _lldb.eSymbolTypeInstrumentation 447 eSymbolTypeUndefined = _lldb.eSymbolTypeUndefined 448 eSymbolTypeObjCClass = _lldb.eSymbolTypeObjCClass 449 eSymbolTypeObjCMetaClass = _lldb.eSymbolTypeObjCMetaClass 450 eSymbolTypeObjCIVar = _lldb.eSymbolTypeObjCIVar 451 eSectionTypeInvalid = _lldb.eSectionTypeInvalid 452 eSectionTypeCode = _lldb.eSectionTypeCode 453 eSectionTypeContainer = _lldb.eSectionTypeContainer 454 eSectionTypeData = _lldb.eSectionTypeData 455 eSectionTypeDataCString = _lldb.eSectionTypeDataCString 456 eSectionTypeDataCStringPointers = _lldb.eSectionTypeDataCStringPointers 457 eSectionTypeDataSymbolAddress = _lldb.eSectionTypeDataSymbolAddress 458 eSectionTypeData4 = _lldb.eSectionTypeData4 459 eSectionTypeData8 = _lldb.eSectionTypeData8 460 eSectionTypeData16 = _lldb.eSectionTypeData16 461 eSectionTypeDataPointers = _lldb.eSectionTypeDataPointers 462 eSectionTypeDebug = _lldb.eSectionTypeDebug 463 eSectionTypeZeroFill = _lldb.eSectionTypeZeroFill 464 eSectionTypeDataObjCMessageRefs = _lldb.eSectionTypeDataObjCMessageRefs 465 eSectionTypeDataObjCCFStrings = _lldb.eSectionTypeDataObjCCFStrings 466 eSectionTypeDWARFDebugAbbrev = _lldb.eSectionTypeDWARFDebugAbbrev 467 eSectionTypeDWARFDebugAranges = _lldb.eSectionTypeDWARFDebugAranges 468 eSectionTypeDWARFDebugFrame = _lldb.eSectionTypeDWARFDebugFrame 469 eSectionTypeDWARFDebugInfo = _lldb.eSectionTypeDWARFDebugInfo 470 eSectionTypeDWARFDebugLine = _lldb.eSectionTypeDWARFDebugLine 471 eSectionTypeDWARFDebugLoc = _lldb.eSectionTypeDWARFDebugLoc 472 eSectionTypeDWARFDebugMacInfo = _lldb.eSectionTypeDWARFDebugMacInfo 473 eSectionTypeDWARFDebugPubNames = _lldb.eSectionTypeDWARFDebugPubNames 474 eSectionTypeDWARFDebugPubTypes = _lldb.eSectionTypeDWARFDebugPubTypes 475 eSectionTypeDWARFDebugRanges = _lldb.eSectionTypeDWARFDebugRanges 476 eSectionTypeDWARFDebugStr = _lldb.eSectionTypeDWARFDebugStr 477 eSectionTypeDWARFAppleNames = _lldb.eSectionTypeDWARFAppleNames 478 eSectionTypeDWARFAppleTypes = _lldb.eSectionTypeDWARFAppleTypes 479 eSectionTypeDWARFAppleNamespaces = _lldb.eSectionTypeDWARFAppleNamespaces 480 eSectionTypeDWARFAppleObjC = _lldb.eSectionTypeDWARFAppleObjC 481 eSectionTypeELFSymbolTable = _lldb.eSectionTypeELFSymbolTable 482 eSectionTypeELFDynamicSymbols = _lldb.eSectionTypeELFDynamicSymbols 483 eSectionTypeELFRelocationEntries = _lldb.eSectionTypeELFRelocationEntries 484 eSectionTypeELFDynamicLinkInfo = _lldb.eSectionTypeELFDynamicLinkInfo 485 eSectionTypeEHFrame = _lldb.eSectionTypeEHFrame 486 eSectionTypeOther = _lldb.eSectionTypeOther 487 eEmulateInstructionOptionNone = _lldb.eEmulateInstructionOptionNone 488 eEmulateInstructionOptionAutoAdvancePC = _lldb.eEmulateInstructionOptionAutoAdvancePC 489 eEmulateInstructionOptionIgnoreConditions = _lldb.eEmulateInstructionOptionIgnoreConditions 490 eFunctionNameTypeNone = _lldb.eFunctionNameTypeNone 491 eFunctionNameTypeAuto = _lldb.eFunctionNameTypeAuto 492 eFunctionNameTypeFull = _lldb.eFunctionNameTypeFull 493 eFunctionNameTypeBase = _lldb.eFunctionNameTypeBase 494 eFunctionNameTypeMethod = _lldb.eFunctionNameTypeMethod 495 eFunctionNameTypeSelector = _lldb.eFunctionNameTypeSelector 496 eFunctionNameTypeAny = _lldb.eFunctionNameTypeAny 497 eBasicTypeInvalid = _lldb.eBasicTypeInvalid 498 eBasicTypeVoid = _lldb.eBasicTypeVoid 499 eBasicTypeChar = _lldb.eBasicTypeChar 500 eBasicTypeSignedChar = _lldb.eBasicTypeSignedChar 501 eBasicTypeUnsignedChar = _lldb.eBasicTypeUnsignedChar 502 eBasicTypeWChar = _lldb.eBasicTypeWChar 503 eBasicTypeSignedWChar = _lldb.eBasicTypeSignedWChar 504 eBasicTypeUnsignedWChar = _lldb.eBasicTypeUnsignedWChar 505 eBasicTypeChar16 = _lldb.eBasicTypeChar16 506 eBasicTypeChar32 = _lldb.eBasicTypeChar32 507 eBasicTypeShort = _lldb.eBasicTypeShort 508 eBasicTypeUnsignedShort = _lldb.eBasicTypeUnsignedShort 509 eBasicTypeInt = _lldb.eBasicTypeInt 510 eBasicTypeUnsignedInt = _lldb.eBasicTypeUnsignedInt 511 eBasicTypeLong = _lldb.eBasicTypeLong 512 eBasicTypeUnsignedLong = _lldb.eBasicTypeUnsignedLong 513 eBasicTypeLongLong = _lldb.eBasicTypeLongLong 514 eBasicTypeUnsignedLongLong = _lldb.eBasicTypeUnsignedLongLong 515 eBasicTypeInt128 = _lldb.eBasicTypeInt128 516 eBasicTypeUnsignedInt128 = _lldb.eBasicTypeUnsignedInt128 517 eBasicTypeBool = _lldb.eBasicTypeBool 518 eBasicTypeHalf = _lldb.eBasicTypeHalf 519 eBasicTypeFloat = _lldb.eBasicTypeFloat 520 eBasicTypeDouble = _lldb.eBasicTypeDouble 521 eBasicTypeLongDouble = _lldb.eBasicTypeLongDouble 522 eBasicTypeFloatComplex = _lldb.eBasicTypeFloatComplex 523 eBasicTypeDoubleComplex = _lldb.eBasicTypeDoubleComplex 524 eBasicTypeLongDoubleComplex = _lldb.eBasicTypeLongDoubleComplex 525 eBasicTypeObjCID = _lldb.eBasicTypeObjCID 526 eBasicTypeObjCClass = _lldb.eBasicTypeObjCClass 527 eBasicTypeObjCSel = _lldb.eBasicTypeObjCSel 528 eBasicTypeNullPtr = _lldb.eBasicTypeNullPtr 529 eBasicTypeOther = _lldb.eBasicTypeOther 530 eTypeClassInvalid = _lldb.eTypeClassInvalid 531 eTypeClassArray = _lldb.eTypeClassArray 532 eTypeClassBlockPointer = _lldb.eTypeClassBlockPointer 533 eTypeClassBuiltin = _lldb.eTypeClassBuiltin 534 eTypeClassClass = _lldb.eTypeClassClass 535 eTypeClassComplexFloat = _lldb.eTypeClassComplexFloat 536 eTypeClassComplexInteger = _lldb.eTypeClassComplexInteger 537 eTypeClassEnumeration = _lldb.eTypeClassEnumeration 538 eTypeClassFunction = _lldb.eTypeClassFunction 539 eTypeClassMemberPointer = _lldb.eTypeClassMemberPointer 540 eTypeClassObjCObject = _lldb.eTypeClassObjCObject 541 eTypeClassObjCInterface = _lldb.eTypeClassObjCInterface 542 eTypeClassObjCObjectPointer = _lldb.eTypeClassObjCObjectPointer 543 eTypeClassPointer = _lldb.eTypeClassPointer 544 eTypeClassReference = _lldb.eTypeClassReference 545 eTypeClassStruct = _lldb.eTypeClassStruct 546 eTypeClassTypedef = _lldb.eTypeClassTypedef 547 eTypeClassUnion = _lldb.eTypeClassUnion 548 eTypeClassVector = _lldb.eTypeClassVector 549 eTypeClassOther = _lldb.eTypeClassOther 550 eTypeClassAny = _lldb.eTypeClassAny 551 eTemplateArgumentKindNull = _lldb.eTemplateArgumentKindNull 552 eTemplateArgumentKindType = _lldb.eTemplateArgumentKindType 553 eTemplateArgumentKindDeclaration = _lldb.eTemplateArgumentKindDeclaration 554 eTemplateArgumentKindIntegral = _lldb.eTemplateArgumentKindIntegral 555 eTemplateArgumentKindTemplate = _lldb.eTemplateArgumentKindTemplate 556 eTemplateArgumentKindTemplateExpansion = _lldb.eTemplateArgumentKindTemplateExpansion 557 eTemplateArgumentKindExpression = _lldb.eTemplateArgumentKindExpression 558 eTemplateArgumentKindPack = _lldb.eTemplateArgumentKindPack 559 eTypeOptionNone = _lldb.eTypeOptionNone 560 eTypeOptionCascade = _lldb.eTypeOptionCascade 561 eTypeOptionSkipPointers = _lldb.eTypeOptionSkipPointers 562 eTypeOptionSkipReferences = _lldb.eTypeOptionSkipReferences 563 eTypeOptionHideChildren = _lldb.eTypeOptionHideChildren 564 eTypeOptionHideValue = _lldb.eTypeOptionHideValue 565 eTypeOptionShowOneLiner = _lldb.eTypeOptionShowOneLiner 566 eTypeOptionHideNames = _lldb.eTypeOptionHideNames 567 eFrameCompareInvalid = _lldb.eFrameCompareInvalid 568 eFrameCompareUnknown = _lldb.eFrameCompareUnknown 569 eFrameCompareEqual = _lldb.eFrameCompareEqual 570 eFrameCompareYounger = _lldb.eFrameCompareYounger 571 eFrameCompareOlder = _lldb.eFrameCompareOlder 572 eAddressClassInvalid = _lldb.eAddressClassInvalid 573 eAddressClassUnknown = _lldb.eAddressClassUnknown 574 eAddressClassCode = _lldb.eAddressClassCode 575 eAddressClassCodeAlternateISA = _lldb.eAddressClassCodeAlternateISA 576 eAddressClassData = _lldb.eAddressClassData 577 eAddressClassDebug = _lldb.eAddressClassDebug 578 eAddressClassRuntime = _lldb.eAddressClassRuntime
579 580 # ================================== 581 # Helper function for SBModule class 582 # ================================== 583 -def in_range(symbol, section):
584 """Test whether a symbol is within the range of a section.""" 585 symSA = symbol.GetStartAddress().GetFileAddress() 586 symEA = symbol.GetEndAddress().GetFileAddress() 587 secSA = section.GetFileAddress() 588 secEA = secSA + section.GetByteSize() 589 590 if symEA != LLDB_INVALID_ADDRESS: 591 if secSA <= symSA and symEA <= secEA: 592 return True 593 else: 594 return False 595 else: 596 if secSA <= symSA and symSA < secEA: 597 return True 598 else: 599 return False
601 602 # =================================== 603 # Iterator for lldb container objects 604 # =================================== 605 -def lldb_iter(obj, getsize, getelem):
606 """A generator adaptor to support iteration for lldb container objects.""" 607 size = getattr(obj, getsize) 608 elem = getattr(obj, getelem) 609 for i in range(size()): 610 yield elem(i)
612 # ============================================================================== 613 # The script is responsible for post-processing this SWIG- 614 # generated module. It is responsible for adding the above lldb_iter() 615 # function definition as well as the supports, in the following, for iteration 616 # protocol: __iter__, rich comparison methods: __eq__ and __ne__, truth value 617 # testing (and built-in operation bool()): __nonzero__, and built-in function 618 # len(): __len__. 619 # ============================================================================== 620 621 -class SBAddress(_object):
622 """ 623 A section + offset based address class. 624 625 The SBAddress class allows addresses to be relative to a section 626 that can move during runtime due to images (executables, shared 627 libraries, bundles, frameworks) being loaded at different 628 addresses than the addresses found in the object file that 629 represents them on disk. There are currently two types of addresses 630 for a section: 631 o file addresses 632 o load addresses 633 634 File addresses represents the virtual addresses that are in the 'on 635 disk' object files. These virtual addresses are converted to be 636 relative to unique sections scoped to the object file so that 637 when/if the addresses slide when the images are loaded/unloaded 638 in memory, we can easily track these changes without having to 639 update every object (compile unit ranges, line tables, function 640 address ranges, lexical block and inlined subroutine address 641 ranges, global and static variables) each time an image is loaded or 642 unloaded. 643 644 Load addresses represents the virtual addresses where each section 645 ends up getting loaded at runtime. Before executing a program, it 646 is common for all of the load addresses to be unresolved. When a 647 DynamicLoader plug-in receives notification that shared libraries 648 have been loaded/unloaded, the load addresses of the main executable 649 and any images (shared libraries) will be resolved/unresolved. When 650 this happens, breakpoints that are in one of these sections can be 651 set/cleared. 652 653 See docstring of SBFunction for example usage of SBAddress. 654 """ 655 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 656 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBAddress, name, value) 657 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 658 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBAddress, name) 659 __repr__ = _swig_repr
660 - def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, SBAddress) and self.GetFileAddress() == other.GetFileAddress() and self.GetModule() == other.GetModule()
661 - def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
662 - def __init__(self, *args):
663 """ 664 __init__(lldb::SBAddress self) -> SBAddress 665 __init__(lldb::SBAddress self, SBAddress rhs) -> SBAddress 666 __init__(lldb::SBAddress self, SBSection section, lldb::addr_t offset) -> SBAddress 667 __init__(lldb::SBAddress self, lldb::addr_t load_addr, SBTarget target) -> SBAddress 668 669 Create an address by resolving a load address using the supplied target. 670 """ 671 this = _lldb.new_SBAddress(*args) 672 try: self.this.append(this) 673 except: self.this = this
674 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBAddress 675 __del__ = lambda self : None;
676 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
677 - def IsValid(self):
678 """IsValid(SBAddress self) -> bool""" 679 return _lldb.SBAddress_IsValid(self)
681 - def Clear(self):
682 """Clear(SBAddress self)""" 683 return _lldb.SBAddress_Clear(self)
685 - def GetFileAddress(self):
686 """GetFileAddress(SBAddress self) -> lldb::addr_t""" 687 return _lldb.SBAddress_GetFileAddress(self)
689 - def GetLoadAddress(self, *args):
690 """GetLoadAddress(SBAddress self, SBTarget target) -> lldb::addr_t""" 691 return _lldb.SBAddress_GetLoadAddress(self, *args)
693 - def SetLoadAddress(self, *args):
694 """SetLoadAddress(SBAddress self, lldb::addr_t load_addr, SBTarget target)""" 695 return _lldb.SBAddress_SetLoadAddress(self, *args)
697 - def OffsetAddress(self, *args):
698 """OffsetAddress(SBAddress self, lldb::addr_t offset) -> bool""" 699 return _lldb.SBAddress_OffsetAddress(self, *args)
701 - def GetDescription(self, *args):
702 """GetDescription(SBAddress self, SBStream description) -> bool""" 703 return _lldb.SBAddress_GetDescription(self, *args)
705 - def GetSection(self):
706 """GetSection(SBAddress self) -> SBSection""" 707 return _lldb.SBAddress_GetSection(self)
709 - def GetOffset(self):
710 """GetOffset(SBAddress self) -> lldb::addr_t""" 711 return _lldb.SBAddress_GetOffset(self)
713 - def SetAddress(self, *args):
714 """SetAddress(SBAddress self, SBSection section, lldb::addr_t offset)""" 715 return _lldb.SBAddress_SetAddress(self, *args)
717 - def GetAddressClass(self):
718 """GetAddressClass(SBAddress self) -> lldb::AddressClass""" 719 return _lldb.SBAddress_GetAddressClass(self)
721 - def GetSymbolContext(self, *args):
722 """ 723 GetSymbolContext(SBAddress self, uint32_t resolve_scope) -> SBSymbolContext 724 725 GetSymbolContext() and the following can lookup symbol information for a given address. 726 An address might refer to code or data from an existing module, or it 727 might refer to something on the stack or heap. The following functions 728 will only return valid values if the address has been resolved to a code 729 or data address using 'void SBAddress::SetLoadAddress(...)' or 730 'lldb::SBAddress SBTarget::ResolveLoadAddress (...)'. 731 """ 732 return _lldb.SBAddress_GetSymbolContext(self, *args)
734 - def GetModule(self):
735 """ 736 GetModule(SBAddress self) -> SBModule 737 738 GetModule() and the following grab individual objects for a given address and 739 are less efficient if you want more than one symbol related objects. 740 Use one of the following when you want multiple debug symbol related 741 objects for an address: 742 lldb::SBSymbolContext SBAddress::GetSymbolContext (uint32_t resolve_scope); 743 lldb::SBSymbolContext SBTarget::ResolveSymbolContextForAddress (const SBAddress &addr, uint32_t resolve_scope); 744 One or more bits from the SymbolContextItem enumerations can be logically 745 OR'ed together to more efficiently retrieve multiple symbol objects. 746 """ 747 return _lldb.SBAddress_GetModule(self)
749 - def GetCompileUnit(self):
750 """GetCompileUnit(SBAddress self) -> SBCompileUnit""" 751 return _lldb.SBAddress_GetCompileUnit(self)
753 - def GetFunction(self):
754 """GetFunction(SBAddress self) -> SBFunction""" 755 return _lldb.SBAddress_GetFunction(self)
757 - def GetBlock(self):
758 """GetBlock(SBAddress self) -> SBBlock""" 759 return _lldb.SBAddress_GetBlock(self)
761 - def GetSymbol(self):
762 """GetSymbol(SBAddress self) -> SBSymbol""" 763 return _lldb.SBAddress_GetSymbol(self)
765 - def GetLineEntry(self):
766 """GetLineEntry(SBAddress self) -> SBLineEntry""" 767 return _lldb.SBAddress_GetLineEntry(self)
769 - def __get_load_addr_property__ (self):
770 '''Get the load address for a lldb.SBAddress using the current target.''' 771 return self.GetLoadAddress (target)
773 - def __set_load_addr_property__ (self, load_addr):
774 '''Set the load address for a lldb.SBAddress using the current target.''' 775 return self.SetLoadAddress (load_addr, target)
777 - def __int__(self):
778 '''Convert an address to a load address if there is a process and that process is alive, or to a file address otherwise.''' 779 if process.is_alive: 780 return self.GetLoadAddress (target) 781 else: 782 return self.GetFileAddress ()
784 - def __oct__(self):
785 '''Convert the address to an octal string''' 786 return '%o' % int(self)
788 - def __hex__(self):
789 '''Convert the address to an hex string''' 790 return '0x%x' % int(self)
791 792 __swig_getmethods__["module"] = GetModule 793 if _newclass: module = property(GetModule, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the module (lldb.SBModule) that this address resides within.''') 794 795 __swig_getmethods__["compile_unit"] = GetCompileUnit 796 if _newclass: compile_unit = property(GetCompileUnit, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the compile unit (lldb.SBCompileUnit) that this address resides within.''') 797 798 __swig_getmethods__["line_entry"] = GetLineEntry 799 if _newclass: line_entry = property(GetLineEntry, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the line entry (lldb.SBLineEntry) that this address resides within.''') 800 801 __swig_getmethods__["function"] = GetFunction 802 if _newclass: function = property(GetFunction, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the function (lldb.SBFunction) that this address resides within.''') 803 804 __swig_getmethods__["block"] = GetBlock 805 if _newclass: block = property(GetBlock, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the block (lldb.SBBlock) that this address resides within.''') 806 807 __swig_getmethods__["symbol"] = GetSymbol 808 if _newclass: symbol = property(GetSymbol, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the symbol (lldb.SBSymbol) that this address resides within.''') 809 810 __swig_getmethods__["offset"] = GetOffset 811 if _newclass: offset = property(GetOffset, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the section offset in bytes as an integer.''') 812 813 __swig_getmethods__["section"] = GetSection 814 if _newclass: section = property(GetSection, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the section (lldb.SBSection) that this address resides within.''') 815 816 __swig_getmethods__["file_addr"] = GetFileAddress 817 if _newclass: file_addr = property(GetFileAddress, None, doc='''A read only property that returns file address for the section as an integer. This is the address that represents the address as it is found in the object file that defines it.''') 818 819 __swig_getmethods__["load_addr"] = __get_load_addr_property__ 820 __swig_setmethods__["load_addr"] = __set_load_addr_property__ 821 if _newclass: load_addr = property(__get_load_addr_property__, __set_load_addr_property__, doc='''A read/write property that gets/sets the SBAddress using load address. The setter resolves SBAddress using the SBTarget from''') 822 823
824 - def __str__(self):
825 """__str__(SBAddress self) -> PyObject *""" 826 return _lldb.SBAddress___str__(self)
827 828 SBAddress_swigregister = _lldb.SBAddress_swigregister 829 SBAddress_swigregister(SBAddress)
830 831 -class SBBlock(_object):
832 """Represents a lexical block. SBFunction contains SBBlock(s).""" 833 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 834 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBBlock, name, value) 835 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 836 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBBlock, name) 837 __repr__ = _swig_repr
838 - def __init__(self, *args):
839 """ 840 __init__(lldb::SBBlock self) -> SBBlock 841 __init__(lldb::SBBlock self, SBBlock rhs) -> SBBlock 842 """ 843 this = _lldb.new_SBBlock(*args) 844 try: self.this.append(this) 845 except: self.this = this
846 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBBlock 847 __del__ = lambda self : None;
848 - def IsInlined(self):
849 """ 850 IsInlined(SBBlock self) -> bool 851 852 Does this block represent an inlined function? 853 """ 854 return _lldb.SBBlock_IsInlined(self)
856 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
857 - def IsValid(self):
858 """IsValid(SBBlock self) -> bool""" 859 return _lldb.SBBlock_IsValid(self)
861 - def GetInlinedName(self):
862 """ 863 GetInlinedName(SBBlock self) -> str const * 864 865 Get the function name if this block represents an inlined function; 866 otherwise, return None. 867 """ 868 return _lldb.SBBlock_GetInlinedName(self)
870 - def GetInlinedCallSiteFile(self):
871 """ 872 GetInlinedCallSiteFile(SBBlock self) -> SBFileSpec 873 874 Get the call site file if this block represents an inlined function; 875 otherwise, return an invalid file spec. 876 """ 877 return _lldb.SBBlock_GetInlinedCallSiteFile(self)
879 - def GetInlinedCallSiteLine(self):
880 """ 881 GetInlinedCallSiteLine(SBBlock self) -> uint32_t 882 883 Get the call site line if this block represents an inlined function; 884 otherwise, return 0. 885 """ 886 return _lldb.SBBlock_GetInlinedCallSiteLine(self)
888 - def GetInlinedCallSiteColumn(self):
889 """ 890 GetInlinedCallSiteColumn(SBBlock self) -> uint32_t 891 892 Get the call site column if this block represents an inlined function; 893 otherwise, return 0. 894 """ 895 return _lldb.SBBlock_GetInlinedCallSiteColumn(self)
897 - def GetParent(self):
898 """ 899 GetParent(SBBlock self) -> SBBlock 900 901 Get the parent block. 902 """ 903 return _lldb.SBBlock_GetParent(self)
905 - def GetContainingInlinedBlock(self):
906 """ 907 GetContainingInlinedBlock(SBBlock self) -> SBBlock 908 909 Get the inlined block that is or contains this block. 910 """ 911 return _lldb.SBBlock_GetContainingInlinedBlock(self)
913 - def GetSibling(self):
914 """ 915 GetSibling(SBBlock self) -> SBBlock 916 917 Get the sibling block for this block. 918 """ 919 return _lldb.SBBlock_GetSibling(self)
921 - def GetFirstChild(self):
922 """ 923 GetFirstChild(SBBlock self) -> SBBlock 924 925 Get the first child block. 926 """ 927 return _lldb.SBBlock_GetFirstChild(self)
929 - def GetNumRanges(self):
930 """GetNumRanges(SBBlock self) -> uint32_t""" 931 return _lldb.SBBlock_GetNumRanges(self)
933 - def GetRangeStartAddress(self, *args):
934 """GetRangeStartAddress(SBBlock self, uint32_t idx) -> SBAddress""" 935 return _lldb.SBBlock_GetRangeStartAddress(self, *args)
937 - def GetRangeEndAddress(self, *args):
938 """GetRangeEndAddress(SBBlock self, uint32_t idx) -> SBAddress""" 939 return _lldb.SBBlock_GetRangeEndAddress(self, *args)
941 - def GetRangeIndexForBlockAddress(self, *args):
942 """GetRangeIndexForBlockAddress(SBBlock self, SBAddress block_addr) -> uint32_t""" 943 return _lldb.SBBlock_GetRangeIndexForBlockAddress(self, *args)
945 - def GetDescription(self, *args):
946 """GetDescription(SBBlock self, SBStream description) -> bool""" 947 return _lldb.SBBlock_GetDescription(self, *args)
949 - def GetVariables(self, *args):
950 """ 951 GetVariables(SBBlock self, SBFrame frame, bool arguments, bool locals, bool statics, lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic) -> SBValueList 952 GetVariables(SBBlock self, SBTarget target, bool arguments, bool locals, bool statics) -> SBValueList 953 """ 954 return _lldb.SBBlock_GetVariables(self, *args)
956 - def get_range_at_index(self, idx):
957 if idx < self.GetNumRanges(): 958 return [self.GetRangeStartAddress(idx), self.GetRangeEndAddress(idx)] 959 return []
961 - class ranges_access(object):
962 '''A helper object that will lazily hand out an array of lldb.SBAddress that represent address ranges for a block.'''
963 - def __init__(self, sbblock):
964 self.sbblock = sbblock
966 - def __len__(self):
967 if self.sbblock: 968 return int(self.sbblock.GetNumRanges()) 969 return 0
971 - def __getitem__(self, key):
972 count = len(self) 973 if type(key) is int: 974 return self.sbblock.get_range_at_index (key); 975 if isinstance(key, SBAddress): 976 range_idx = self.sbblock.GetRangeIndexForBlockAddress(key); 977 if range_idx < len(self): 978 return [self.sbblock.GetRangeStartAddress(range_idx), self.sbblock.GetRangeEndAddress(range_idx)] 979 else: 980 print "error: unsupported item type: %s" % type(key) 981 return None
983 - def get_ranges_access_object(self):
984 '''An accessor function that returns a ranges_access() object which allows lazy block address ranges access.''' 985 return self.ranges_access (self)
987 - def get_ranges_array(self):
988 '''An accessor function that returns an array object that contains all ranges in this block object.''' 989 if not hasattr(self, 'ranges_array'): 990 self.ranges_array = [] 991 for idx in range(self.num_ranges): 992 self.ranges_array.append ([self.GetRangeStartAddress(idx), self.GetRangeEndAddress(idx)]) 993 return self.ranges_array
995 - def get_call_site(self):
996 return declaration(self.GetInlinedCallSiteFile(), self.GetInlinedCallSiteLine(), self.GetInlinedCallSiteColumn())
997 998 __swig_getmethods__["parent"] = GetParent 999 if _newclass: parent = property(GetParent, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the same result as GetParent().''') 1000 1001 __swig_getmethods__["first_child"] = GetFirstChild 1002 if _newclass: first_child = property(GetFirstChild, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the same result as GetFirstChild().''') 1003 1004 __swig_getmethods__["call_site"] = get_call_site 1005 if _newclass: call_site = property(get_call_site, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a lldb.declaration object that contains the inlined call site file, line and column.''') 1006 1007 __swig_getmethods__["sibling"] = GetSibling 1008 if _newclass: sibling = property(GetSibling, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the same result as GetSibling().''') 1009 1010 __swig_getmethods__["name"] = GetInlinedName 1011 if _newclass: name = property(GetInlinedName, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the same result as GetInlinedName().''') 1012 1013 __swig_getmethods__["inlined_block"] = GetContainingInlinedBlock 1014 if _newclass: inlined_block = property(GetContainingInlinedBlock, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the same result as GetContainingInlinedBlock().''') 1015 1016 __swig_getmethods__["range"] = get_ranges_access_object 1017 if _newclass: range = property(get_ranges_access_object, None, doc='''A read only property that allows item access to the address ranges for a block by integer (range = block.range[0]) and by lldb.SBAdddress (find the range that contains the specified lldb.SBAddress like "pc_range = lldb.frame.block.range[frame.addr]").''') 1018 1019 __swig_getmethods__["ranges"] = get_ranges_array 1020 if _newclass: ranges = property(get_ranges_array, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a list() object that contains all of the address ranges for the block.''') 1021 1022 __swig_getmethods__["num_ranges"] = GetNumRanges 1023 if _newclass: num_ranges = property(GetNumRanges, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the same result as GetNumRanges().''') 1024
1025 - def __str__(self):
1026 """__str__(SBBlock self) -> PyObject *""" 1027 return _lldb.SBBlock___str__(self)
1028 1029 SBBlock_swigregister = _lldb.SBBlock_swigregister 1030 SBBlock_swigregister(SBBlock)
1031 1032 -class SBBreakpoint(_object):
1033 """ 1034 Represents a logical breakpoint and its associated settings. 1035 1036 For example (from test/functionalities/breakpoint/breakpoint_ignore_count/ 1037, 1038 1039 def breakpoint_ignore_count_python(self): 1040 '''Use Python APIs to set breakpoint ignore count.''' 1041 exe = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'a.out') 1042 1043 # Create a target by the debugger. 1044 target = self.dbg.CreateTarget(exe) 1045 self.assertTrue(target, VALID_TARGET) 1046 1047 # Now create a breakpoint on main.c by name 'c'. 1048 breakpoint = target.BreakpointCreateByName('c', 'a.out') 1049 self.assertTrue(breakpoint and 1050 breakpoint.GetNumLocations() == 1, 1051 VALID_BREAKPOINT) 1052 1053 # Get the breakpoint location from breakpoint after we verified that, 1054 # indeed, it has one location. 1055 location = breakpoint.GetLocationAtIndex(0) 1056 self.assertTrue(location and 1057 location.IsEnabled(), 1058 VALID_BREAKPOINT_LOCATION) 1059 1060 # Set the ignore count on the breakpoint location. 1061 location.SetIgnoreCount(2) 1062 self.assertTrue(location.GetIgnoreCount() == 2, 1063 'SetIgnoreCount() works correctly') 1064 1065 # Now launch the process, and do not stop at entry point. 1066 process = target.LaunchSimple(None, None, os.getcwd()) 1067 self.assertTrue(process, PROCESS_IS_VALID) 1068 1069 # Frame#0 should be on main.c:37, frame#1 should be on main.c:25, and 1070 # frame#2 should be on main.c:48. 1071 #lldbutil.print_stacktraces(process) 1072 from lldbutil import get_stopped_thread 1073 thread = get_stopped_thread(process, lldb.eStopReasonBreakpoint) 1074 self.assertTrue(thread != None, 'There should be a thread stopped due to breakpoint') 1075 frame0 = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(0) 1076 frame1 = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(1) 1077 frame2 = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(2) 1078 self.assertTrue(frame0.GetLineEntry().GetLine() == self.line1 and 1079 frame1.GetLineEntry().GetLine() == self.line3 and 1080 frame2.GetLineEntry().GetLine() == self.line4, 1081 STOPPED_DUE_TO_BREAKPOINT_IGNORE_COUNT) 1082 1083 # The hit count for the breakpoint should be 3. 1084 self.assertTrue(breakpoint.GetHitCount() == 3) 1085 1086 process.Continue() 1087 1088 SBBreakpoint supports breakpoint location iteration, for example, 1089 1090 for bl in breakpoint: 1091 print 'breakpoint location load addr: %s' % hex(bl.GetLoadAddress()) 1092 print 'breakpoint location condition: %s' % hex(bl.GetCondition()) 1093 1094 and rich comparion methods which allow the API program to use, 1095 1096 if aBreakpoint == bBreakpoint: 1097 ... 1098 1099 to compare two breakpoints for equality. 1100 """ 1101 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 1102 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBBreakpoint, name, value) 1103 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 1104 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBBreakpoint, name) 1105 __repr__ = _swig_repr
1106 - def __iter__(self): return lldb_iter(self, 'GetNumLocations', 'GetLocationAtIndex')
1107 - def __len__(self): return self.GetNumLocations()
1108 - def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, SBBreakpoint) and self.GetID() == other.GetID()
1109 - def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
1110 - def __init__(self, *args):
1111 """ 1112 __init__(lldb::SBBreakpoint self) -> SBBreakpoint 1113 __init__(lldb::SBBreakpoint self, SBBreakpoint rhs) -> SBBreakpoint 1114 """ 1115 this = _lldb.new_SBBreakpoint(*args) 1116 try: self.this.append(this) 1117 except: self.this = this
1118 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBBreakpoint 1119 __del__ = lambda self : None;
1120 - def GetID(self):
1121 """GetID(SBBreakpoint self) -> lldb::break_id_t""" 1122 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_GetID(self)
1124 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
1125 - def IsValid(self):
1126 """IsValid(SBBreakpoint self) -> bool""" 1127 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_IsValid(self)
1129 - def ClearAllBreakpointSites(self):
1130 """ClearAllBreakpointSites(SBBreakpoint self)""" 1131 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_ClearAllBreakpointSites(self)
1133 - def FindLocationByAddress(self, *args):
1134 """FindLocationByAddress(SBBreakpoint self, lldb::addr_t vm_addr) -> SBBreakpointLocation""" 1135 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_FindLocationByAddress(self, *args)
1137 - def FindLocationIDByAddress(self, *args):
1138 """FindLocationIDByAddress(SBBreakpoint self, lldb::addr_t vm_addr) -> lldb::break_id_t""" 1139 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_FindLocationIDByAddress(self, *args)
1141 - def FindLocationByID(self, *args):
1142 """FindLocationByID(SBBreakpoint self, lldb::break_id_t bp_loc_id) -> SBBreakpointLocation""" 1143 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_FindLocationByID(self, *args)
1145 - def GetLocationAtIndex(self, *args):
1146 """GetLocationAtIndex(SBBreakpoint self, uint32_t index) -> SBBreakpointLocation""" 1147 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_GetLocationAtIndex(self, *args)
1149 - def SetEnabled(self, *args):
1150 """SetEnabled(SBBreakpoint self, bool enable)""" 1151 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_SetEnabled(self, *args)
1153 - def IsEnabled(self):
1154 """IsEnabled(SBBreakpoint self) -> bool""" 1155 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_IsEnabled(self)
1157 - def SetOneShot(self, *args):
1158 """SetOneShot(SBBreakpoint self, bool one_shot)""" 1159 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_SetOneShot(self, *args)
1161 - def IsOneShot(self):
1162 """IsOneShot(SBBreakpoint self) -> bool""" 1163 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_IsOneShot(self)
1165 - def IsInternal(self):
1166 """IsInternal(SBBreakpoint self) -> bool""" 1167 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_IsInternal(self)
1169 - def GetHitCount(self):
1170 """GetHitCount(SBBreakpoint self) -> uint32_t""" 1171 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_GetHitCount(self)
1173 - def SetIgnoreCount(self, *args):
1174 """SetIgnoreCount(SBBreakpoint self, uint32_t count)""" 1175 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_SetIgnoreCount(self, *args)
1177 - def GetIgnoreCount(self):
1178 """GetIgnoreCount(SBBreakpoint self) -> uint32_t""" 1179 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_GetIgnoreCount(self)
1181 - def SetCondition(self, *args):
1182 """ 1183 SetCondition(SBBreakpoint self, str const * condition) 1184 1185 The breakpoint stops only if the condition expression evaluates to true. 1186 """ 1187 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_SetCondition(self, *args)
1189 - def GetCondition(self):
1190 """ 1191 GetCondition(SBBreakpoint self) -> str const * 1192 1193 Get the condition expression for the breakpoint. 1194 """ 1195 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_GetCondition(self)
1197 - def SetThreadID(self, *args):
1198 """SetThreadID(SBBreakpoint self, lldb::tid_t sb_thread_id)""" 1199 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_SetThreadID(self, *args)
1201 - def GetThreadID(self):
1202 """GetThreadID(SBBreakpoint self) -> lldb::tid_t""" 1203 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_GetThreadID(self)
1205 - def SetThreadIndex(self, *args):
1206 """SetThreadIndex(SBBreakpoint self, uint32_t index)""" 1207 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_SetThreadIndex(self, *args)
1209 - def GetThreadIndex(self):
1210 """GetThreadIndex(SBBreakpoint self) -> uint32_t""" 1211 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_GetThreadIndex(self)
1213 - def SetThreadName(self, *args):
1214 """SetThreadName(SBBreakpoint self, str const * thread_name)""" 1215 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_SetThreadName(self, *args)
1217 - def GetThreadName(self):
1218 """GetThreadName(SBBreakpoint self) -> str const *""" 1219 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_GetThreadName(self)
1221 - def SetQueueName(self, *args):
1222 """SetQueueName(SBBreakpoint self, str const * queue_name)""" 1223 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_SetQueueName(self, *args)
1225 - def GetQueueName(self):
1226 """GetQueueName(SBBreakpoint self) -> str const *""" 1227 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_GetQueueName(self)
1229 - def SetCallback(self, *args):
1230 """SetCallback(SBBreakpoint self, lldb::SBBreakpoint::BreakpointHitCallback callback, void * baton)""" 1231 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_SetCallback(self, *args)
1233 - def GetNumResolvedLocations(self):
1234 """GetNumResolvedLocations(SBBreakpoint self) -> size_t""" 1235 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_GetNumResolvedLocations(self)
1237 - def GetNumLocations(self):
1238 """GetNumLocations(SBBreakpoint self) -> size_t""" 1239 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_GetNumLocations(self)
1241 - def GetDescription(self, *args):
1242 """GetDescription(SBBreakpoint self, SBStream description) -> bool""" 1243 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_GetDescription(self, *args)
1245 - def __eq__(self, *args):
1246 """__eq__(SBBreakpoint self, SBBreakpoint rhs) -> bool""" 1247 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint___eq__(self, *args)
1249 - def __ne__(self, *args):
1250 """__ne__(SBBreakpoint self, SBBreakpoint rhs) -> bool""" 1251 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint___ne__(self, *args)
1253 - def EventIsBreakpointEvent(*args):
1254 """EventIsBreakpointEvent(SBEvent event) -> bool""" 1255 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_EventIsBreakpointEvent(*args)
1256 1257 if _newclass:EventIsBreakpointEvent = staticmethod(EventIsBreakpointEvent) 1258 __swig_getmethods__["EventIsBreakpointEvent"] = lambda x: EventIsBreakpointEvent
1259 - def GetBreakpointEventTypeFromEvent(*args):
1260 """GetBreakpointEventTypeFromEvent(SBEvent event) -> lldb::BreakpointEventType""" 1261 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_GetBreakpointEventTypeFromEvent(*args)
1262 1263 if _newclass:GetBreakpointEventTypeFromEvent = staticmethod(GetBreakpointEventTypeFromEvent) 1264 __swig_getmethods__["GetBreakpointEventTypeFromEvent"] = lambda x: GetBreakpointEventTypeFromEvent
1265 - def GetBreakpointFromEvent(*args):
1266 """GetBreakpointFromEvent(SBEvent event) -> SBBreakpoint""" 1267 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_GetBreakpointFromEvent(*args)
1268 1269 if _newclass:GetBreakpointFromEvent = staticmethod(GetBreakpointFromEvent) 1270 __swig_getmethods__["GetBreakpointFromEvent"] = lambda x: GetBreakpointFromEvent
1271 - def GetBreakpointLocationAtIndexFromEvent(*args):
1272 """GetBreakpointLocationAtIndexFromEvent(SBEvent event, uint32_t loc_idx) -> SBBreakpointLocation""" 1273 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_GetBreakpointLocationAtIndexFromEvent(*args)
1274 1275 if _newclass:GetBreakpointLocationAtIndexFromEvent = staticmethod(GetBreakpointLocationAtIndexFromEvent) 1276 __swig_getmethods__["GetBreakpointLocationAtIndexFromEvent"] = lambda x: GetBreakpointLocationAtIndexFromEvent
1277 - def GetNumBreakpointLocationsFromEvent(*args):
1278 """GetNumBreakpointLocationsFromEvent(SBEvent event_sp) -> uint32_t""" 1279 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_GetNumBreakpointLocationsFromEvent(*args)
1280 1281 if _newclass:GetNumBreakpointLocationsFromEvent = staticmethod(GetNumBreakpointLocationsFromEvent) 1282 __swig_getmethods__["GetNumBreakpointLocationsFromEvent"] = lambda x: GetNumBreakpointLocationsFromEvent 1283 __swig_getmethods__["id"] = GetID 1284 if _newclass: id = property(GetID, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the ID of this breakpoint.''') 1285 1286 __swig_getmethods__["enabled"] = IsEnabled 1287 __swig_setmethods__["enabled"] = SetEnabled 1288 if _newclass: enabled = property(IsEnabled, SetEnabled, doc='''A read/write property that configures whether this breakpoint is enabled or not.''') 1289 1290 __swig_getmethods__["one_shot"] = IsOneShot 1291 __swig_setmethods__["one_shot"] = SetOneShot 1292 if _newclass: one_shot = property(IsOneShot, SetOneShot, doc='''A read/write property that configures whether this breakpoint is one-shot (deleted when hit) or not.''') 1293 1294 __swig_getmethods__["num_locations"] = GetNumLocations 1295 if _newclass: num_locations = property(GetNumLocations, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the count of locations of this breakpoint.''') 1296 1297
1298 - def __str__(self):
1299 """__str__(SBBreakpoint self) -> PyObject *""" 1300 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint___str__(self)
1302 - def __eq__(self, rhs):
1303 if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)): 1304 return False 1305 1306 return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___eq__")(self, rhs)
1308 - def __ne__(self, rhs):
1309 if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)): 1310 return True 1311 1312 return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___ne__")(self, rhs)
1313 1314 SBBreakpoint_swigregister = _lldb.SBBreakpoint_swigregister 1315 SBBreakpoint_swigregister(SBBreakpoint)
1316 1317 -def SBBreakpoint_EventIsBreakpointEvent(*args):
1318 """SBBreakpoint_EventIsBreakpointEvent(SBEvent event) -> bool""" 1319 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_EventIsBreakpointEvent(*args)
1321 -def SBBreakpoint_GetBreakpointEventTypeFromEvent(*args):
1322 """SBBreakpoint_GetBreakpointEventTypeFromEvent(SBEvent event) -> lldb::BreakpointEventType""" 1323 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_GetBreakpointEventTypeFromEvent(*args)
1325 -def SBBreakpoint_GetBreakpointFromEvent(*args):
1326 """SBBreakpoint_GetBreakpointFromEvent(SBEvent event) -> SBBreakpoint""" 1327 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_GetBreakpointFromEvent(*args)
1329 -def SBBreakpoint_GetBreakpointLocationAtIndexFromEvent(*args):
1330 """SBBreakpoint_GetBreakpointLocationAtIndexFromEvent(SBEvent event, uint32_t loc_idx) -> SBBreakpointLocation""" 1331 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_GetBreakpointLocationAtIndexFromEvent(*args)
1333 -def SBBreakpoint_GetNumBreakpointLocationsFromEvent(*args):
1334 """SBBreakpoint_GetNumBreakpointLocationsFromEvent(SBEvent event_sp) -> uint32_t""" 1335 return _lldb.SBBreakpoint_GetNumBreakpointLocationsFromEvent(*args)
1337 -class SBBreakpointLocation(_object):
1338 """ 1339 Represents one unique instance (by address) of a logical breakpoint. 1340 1341 A breakpoint location is defined by the breakpoint that produces it, 1342 and the address that resulted in this particular instantiation. 1343 Each breakpoint location has its settable options. 1344 1345 SBBreakpoint contains SBBreakpointLocation(s). See docstring of SBBreakpoint 1346 for retrieval of an SBBreakpointLocation from an SBBreakpoint. 1347 """ 1348 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 1349 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBBreakpointLocation, name, value) 1350 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 1351 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBBreakpointLocation, name) 1352 __repr__ = _swig_repr
1353 - def __init__(self, *args):
1354 """ 1355 __init__(lldb::SBBreakpointLocation self) -> SBBreakpointLocation 1356 __init__(lldb::SBBreakpointLocation self, SBBreakpointLocation rhs) -> SBBreakpointLocation 1357 """ 1358 this = _lldb.new_SBBreakpointLocation(*args) 1359 try: self.this.append(this) 1360 except: self.this = this
1361 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBBreakpointLocation 1362 __del__ = lambda self : None;
1363 - def GetID(self):
1364 """GetID(SBBreakpointLocation self) -> lldb::break_id_t""" 1365 return _lldb.SBBreakpointLocation_GetID(self)
1367 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
1368 - def IsValid(self):
1369 """IsValid(SBBreakpointLocation self) -> bool""" 1370 return _lldb.SBBreakpointLocation_IsValid(self)
1372 - def GetAddress(self):
1373 """GetAddress(SBBreakpointLocation self) -> SBAddress""" 1374 return _lldb.SBBreakpointLocation_GetAddress(self)
1376 - def GetLoadAddress(self):
1377 """GetLoadAddress(SBBreakpointLocation self) -> lldb::addr_t""" 1378 return _lldb.SBBreakpointLocation_GetLoadAddress(self)
1380 - def SetEnabled(self, *args):
1381 """SetEnabled(SBBreakpointLocation self, bool enabled)""" 1382 return _lldb.SBBreakpointLocation_SetEnabled(self, *args)
1384 - def IsEnabled(self):
1385 """IsEnabled(SBBreakpointLocation self) -> bool""" 1386 return _lldb.SBBreakpointLocation_IsEnabled(self)
1388 - def GetIgnoreCount(self):
1389 """GetIgnoreCount(SBBreakpointLocation self) -> uint32_t""" 1390 return _lldb.SBBreakpointLocation_GetIgnoreCount(self)
1392 - def SetIgnoreCount(self, *args):
1393 """SetIgnoreCount(SBBreakpointLocation self, uint32_t n)""" 1394 return _lldb.SBBreakpointLocation_SetIgnoreCount(self, *args)
1396 - def SetCondition(self, *args):
1397 """ 1398 SetCondition(SBBreakpointLocation self, str const * condition) 1399 1400 The breakpoint location stops only if the condition expression evaluates 1401 to true. 1402 """ 1403 return _lldb.SBBreakpointLocation_SetCondition(self, *args)
1405 - def GetCondition(self):
1406 """ 1407 GetCondition(SBBreakpointLocation self) -> str const * 1408 1409 Get the condition expression for the breakpoint location. 1410 """ 1411 return _lldb.SBBreakpointLocation_GetCondition(self)
1413 - def SetThreadID(self, *args):
1414 """SetThreadID(SBBreakpointLocation self, lldb::tid_t sb_thread_id)""" 1415 return _lldb.SBBreakpointLocation_SetThreadID(self, *args)
1417 - def GetThreadID(self):
1418 """GetThreadID(SBBreakpointLocation self) -> lldb::tid_t""" 1419 return _lldb.SBBreakpointLocation_GetThreadID(self)
1421 - def SetThreadIndex(self, *args):
1422 """SetThreadIndex(SBBreakpointLocation self, uint32_t index)""" 1423 return _lldb.SBBreakpointLocation_SetThreadIndex(self, *args)
1425 - def GetThreadIndex(self):
1426 """GetThreadIndex(SBBreakpointLocation self) -> uint32_t""" 1427 return _lldb.SBBreakpointLocation_GetThreadIndex(self)
1429 - def SetThreadName(self, *args):
1430 """SetThreadName(SBBreakpointLocation self, str const * thread_name)""" 1431 return _lldb.SBBreakpointLocation_SetThreadName(self, *args)
1433 - def GetThreadName(self):
1434 """GetThreadName(SBBreakpointLocation self) -> str const *""" 1435 return _lldb.SBBreakpointLocation_GetThreadName(self)
1437 - def SetQueueName(self, *args):
1438 """SetQueueName(SBBreakpointLocation self, str const * queue_name)""" 1439 return _lldb.SBBreakpointLocation_SetQueueName(self, *args)
1441 - def GetQueueName(self):
1442 """GetQueueName(SBBreakpointLocation self) -> str const *""" 1443 return _lldb.SBBreakpointLocation_GetQueueName(self)
1445 - def IsResolved(self):
1446 """IsResolved(SBBreakpointLocation self) -> bool""" 1447 return _lldb.SBBreakpointLocation_IsResolved(self)
1449 - def GetDescription(self, *args):
1450 """GetDescription(SBBreakpointLocation self, SBStream description, lldb::DescriptionLevel level) -> bool""" 1451 return _lldb.SBBreakpointLocation_GetDescription(self, *args)
1453 - def GetBreakpoint(self):
1454 """GetBreakpoint(SBBreakpointLocation self) -> SBBreakpoint""" 1455 return _lldb.SBBreakpointLocation_GetBreakpoint(self)
1457 - def __str__(self):
1458 """__str__(SBBreakpointLocation self) -> PyObject *""" 1459 return _lldb.SBBreakpointLocation___str__(self)
1460 1461 SBBreakpointLocation_swigregister = _lldb.SBBreakpointLocation_swigregister 1462 SBBreakpointLocation_swigregister(SBBreakpointLocation)
1463 1464 -class SBBroadcaster(_object):
1465 """ 1466 Represents an entity which can broadcast events. A default broadcaster is 1467 associated with an SBCommandInterpreter, SBProcess, and SBTarget. For 1468 example, use 1469 1470 broadcaster = process.GetBroadcaster() 1471 1472 to retrieve the process's broadcaster. 1473 1474 See also SBEvent for example usage of interacting with a broadcaster. 1475 """ 1476 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 1477 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBBroadcaster, name, value) 1478 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 1479 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBBroadcaster, name) 1480 __repr__ = _swig_repr
1481 - def __init__(self, *args):
1482 """ 1483 __init__(lldb::SBBroadcaster self) -> SBBroadcaster 1484 __init__(lldb::SBBroadcaster self, str const * name) -> SBBroadcaster 1485 __init__(lldb::SBBroadcaster self, SBBroadcaster rhs) -> SBBroadcaster 1486 """ 1487 this = _lldb.new_SBBroadcaster(*args) 1488 try: self.this.append(this) 1489 except: self.this = this
1490 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBBroadcaster 1491 __del__ = lambda self : None;
1492 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
1493 - def IsValid(self):
1494 """IsValid(SBBroadcaster self) -> bool""" 1495 return _lldb.SBBroadcaster_IsValid(self)
1497 - def Clear(self):
1498 """Clear(SBBroadcaster self)""" 1499 return _lldb.SBBroadcaster_Clear(self)
1501 - def BroadcastEventByType(self, *args):
1502 """ 1503 BroadcastEventByType(SBBroadcaster self, uint32_t event_type, bool unique=False) 1504 BroadcastEventByType(SBBroadcaster self, uint32_t event_type) 1505 """ 1506 return _lldb.SBBroadcaster_BroadcastEventByType(self, *args)
1508 - def BroadcastEvent(self, *args):
1509 """ 1510 BroadcastEvent(SBBroadcaster self, SBEvent event, bool unique=False) 1511 BroadcastEvent(SBBroadcaster self, SBEvent event) 1512 """ 1513 return _lldb.SBBroadcaster_BroadcastEvent(self, *args)
1515 - def AddInitialEventsToListener(self, *args):
1516 """AddInitialEventsToListener(SBBroadcaster self, SBListener listener, uint32_t requested_events)""" 1517 return _lldb.SBBroadcaster_AddInitialEventsToListener(self, *args)
1519 - def AddListener(self, *args):
1520 """AddListener(SBBroadcaster self, SBListener listener, uint32_t event_mask) -> uint32_t""" 1521 return _lldb.SBBroadcaster_AddListener(self, *args)
1523 - def GetName(self):
1524 """GetName(SBBroadcaster self) -> str const *""" 1525 return _lldb.SBBroadcaster_GetName(self)
1527 - def EventTypeHasListeners(self, *args):
1528 """EventTypeHasListeners(SBBroadcaster self, uint32_t event_type) -> bool""" 1529 return _lldb.SBBroadcaster_EventTypeHasListeners(self, *args)
1531 - def RemoveListener(self, *args):
1532 """ 1533 RemoveListener(SBBroadcaster self, SBListener listener, uint32_t event_mask=4294967295U) -> bool 1534 RemoveListener(SBBroadcaster self, SBListener listener) -> bool 1535 """ 1536 return _lldb.SBBroadcaster_RemoveListener(self, *args)
1538 - def __eq__(self, *args):
1539 """__eq__(SBBroadcaster self, SBBroadcaster rhs) -> bool""" 1540 return _lldb.SBBroadcaster___eq__(self, *args)
1542 - def __ne__(self, *args):
1543 """__ne__(SBBroadcaster self, SBBroadcaster rhs) -> bool""" 1544 return _lldb.SBBroadcaster___ne__(self, *args)
1546 - def __eq__(self, rhs):
1547 if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)): 1548 return False 1549 1550 return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___eq__")(self, rhs)
1552 - def __ne__(self, rhs):
1553 if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)): 1554 return True 1555 1556 return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___ne__")(self, rhs)
1557 1558 SBBroadcaster_swigregister = _lldb.SBBroadcaster_swigregister 1559 SBBroadcaster_swigregister(SBBroadcaster)
1560 1561 -class SBCommandInterpreter(_object):
1562 """ 1563 SBCommandInterpreter handles/interprets commands for lldb. You get the 1564 command interpreter from the SBDebugger instance. For example (from test/ 1565 python_api/interpreter/, 1566 1567 def command_interpreter_api(self): 1568 '''Test the SBCommandInterpreter APIs.''' 1569 exe = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'a.out') 1570 1571 # Create a target by the debugger. 1572 target = self.dbg.CreateTarget(exe) 1573 self.assertTrue(target, VALID_TARGET) 1574 1575 # Retrieve the associated command interpreter from our debugger. 1576 ci = self.dbg.GetCommandInterpreter() 1577 self.assertTrue(ci, VALID_COMMAND_INTERPRETER) 1578 1579 # Exercise some APIs.... 1580 1581 self.assertTrue(ci.HasCommands()) 1582 self.assertTrue(ci.HasAliases()) 1583 self.assertTrue(ci.HasAliasOptions()) 1584 self.assertTrue(ci.CommandExists('breakpoint')) 1585 self.assertTrue(ci.CommandExists('target')) 1586 self.assertTrue(ci.CommandExists('platform')) 1587 self.assertTrue(ci.AliasExists('file')) 1588 self.assertTrue(ci.AliasExists('run')) 1589 self.assertTrue(ci.AliasExists('bt')) 1590 1591 res = lldb.SBCommandReturnObject() 1592 ci.HandleCommand('breakpoint set -f main.c -l %d' % self.line, res) 1593 self.assertTrue(res.Succeeded()) 1594 ci.HandleCommand('process launch', res) 1595 self.assertTrue(res.Succeeded()) 1596 1597 process = ci.GetProcess() 1598 self.assertTrue(process) 1599 1600 ... 1601 1602 The HandleCommand() instance method takes two args: the command string and 1603 an SBCommandReturnObject instance which encapsulates the result of command 1604 execution. 1605 1606 """ 1607 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 1608 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBCommandInterpreter, name, value) 1609 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 1610 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBCommandInterpreter, name) 1611 __repr__ = _swig_repr 1612 eBroadcastBitThreadShouldExit = _lldb.SBCommandInterpreter_eBroadcastBitThreadShouldExit 1613 eBroadcastBitResetPrompt = _lldb.SBCommandInterpreter_eBroadcastBitResetPrompt 1614 eBroadcastBitQuitCommandReceived = _lldb.SBCommandInterpreter_eBroadcastBitQuitCommandReceived 1615 eBroadcastBitAsynchronousOutputData = _lldb.SBCommandInterpreter_eBroadcastBitAsynchronousOutputData 1616 eBroadcastBitAsynchronousErrorData = _lldb.SBCommandInterpreter_eBroadcastBitAsynchronousErrorData
1617 - def __init__(self, *args):
1618 """__init__(lldb::SBCommandInterpreter self, SBCommandInterpreter rhs) -> SBCommandInterpreter""" 1619 this = _lldb.new_SBCommandInterpreter(*args) 1620 try: self.this.append(this) 1621 except: self.this = this
1622 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBCommandInterpreter 1623 __del__ = lambda self : None;
1624 - def GetArgumentTypeAsCString(*args):
1625 """GetArgumentTypeAsCString(lldb::CommandArgumentType const arg_type) -> str const *""" 1626 return _lldb.SBCommandInterpreter_GetArgumentTypeAsCString(*args)
1627 1628 if _newclass:GetArgumentTypeAsCString = staticmethod(GetArgumentTypeAsCString) 1629 __swig_getmethods__["GetArgumentTypeAsCString"] = lambda x: GetArgumentTypeAsCString
1630 - def GetArgumentDescriptionAsCString(*args):
1631 """GetArgumentDescriptionAsCString(lldb::CommandArgumentType const arg_type) -> str const *""" 1632 return _lldb.SBCommandInterpreter_GetArgumentDescriptionAsCString(*args)
1633 1634 if _newclass:GetArgumentDescriptionAsCString = staticmethod(GetArgumentDescriptionAsCString) 1635 __swig_getmethods__["GetArgumentDescriptionAsCString"] = lambda x: GetArgumentDescriptionAsCString
1636 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
1637 - def IsValid(self):
1638 """IsValid(SBCommandInterpreter self) -> bool""" 1639 return _lldb.SBCommandInterpreter_IsValid(self)
1641 - def CommandExists(self, *args):
1642 """CommandExists(SBCommandInterpreter self, str const * cmd) -> bool""" 1643 return _lldb.SBCommandInterpreter_CommandExists(self, *args)
1645 - def AliasExists(self, *args):
1646 """AliasExists(SBCommandInterpreter self, str const * cmd) -> bool""" 1647 return _lldb.SBCommandInterpreter_AliasExists(self, *args)
1649 - def GetBroadcaster(self):
1650 """GetBroadcaster(SBCommandInterpreter self) -> SBBroadcaster""" 1651 return _lldb.SBCommandInterpreter_GetBroadcaster(self)
1653 - def GetBroadcasterClass():
1654 """GetBroadcasterClass() -> str const *""" 1655 return _lldb.SBCommandInterpreter_GetBroadcasterClass()
1656 1657 if _newclass:GetBroadcasterClass = staticmethod(GetBroadcasterClass) 1658 __swig_getmethods__["GetBroadcasterClass"] = lambda x: GetBroadcasterClass
1659 - def HasCommands(self):
1660 """HasCommands(SBCommandInterpreter self) -> bool""" 1661 return _lldb.SBCommandInterpreter_HasCommands(self)
1663 - def HasAliases(self):
1664 """HasAliases(SBCommandInterpreter self) -> bool""" 1665 return _lldb.SBCommandInterpreter_HasAliases(self)
1667 - def HasAliasOptions(self):
1668 """HasAliasOptions(SBCommandInterpreter self) -> bool""" 1669 return _lldb.SBCommandInterpreter_HasAliasOptions(self)
1671 - def GetProcess(self):
1672 """GetProcess(SBCommandInterpreter self) -> SBProcess""" 1673 return _lldb.SBCommandInterpreter_GetProcess(self)
1675 - def GetDebugger(self):
1676 """GetDebugger(SBCommandInterpreter self) -> SBDebugger""" 1677 return _lldb.SBCommandInterpreter_GetDebugger(self)
1679 - def SourceInitFileInHomeDirectory(self, *args):
1680 """SourceInitFileInHomeDirectory(SBCommandInterpreter self, SBCommandReturnObject result)""" 1681 return _lldb.SBCommandInterpreter_SourceInitFileInHomeDirectory(self, *args)
1683 - def SourceInitFileInCurrentWorkingDirectory(self, *args):
1684 """SourceInitFileInCurrentWorkingDirectory(SBCommandInterpreter self, SBCommandReturnObject result)""" 1685 return _lldb.SBCommandInterpreter_SourceInitFileInCurrentWorkingDirectory(self, *args)
1687 - def HandleCommand(self, *args):
1688 """ 1689 HandleCommand(SBCommandInterpreter self, str const * command_line, SBCommandReturnObject result, bool add_to_history=False) -> lldb::ReturnStatus 1690 HandleCommand(SBCommandInterpreter self, str const * command_line, SBCommandReturnObject result) -> lldb::ReturnStatus 1691 """ 1692 return _lldb.SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCommand(self, *args)
1694 - def HandleCompletion(self, *args):
1695 """ 1696 HandleCompletion(SBCommandInterpreter self, str const * current_line, uint32_t cursor_pos, int match_start_point, int max_return_elements, 1697 SBStringList matches) -> int 1698 """ 1699 return _lldb.SBCommandInterpreter_HandleCompletion(self, *args)
1700 1701 SBCommandInterpreter_swigregister = _lldb.SBCommandInterpreter_swigregister 1702 SBCommandInterpreter_swigregister(SBCommandInterpreter)
1703 1704 -def SBCommandInterpreter_GetArgumentTypeAsCString(*args):
1705 """SBCommandInterpreter_GetArgumentTypeAsCString(lldb::CommandArgumentType const arg_type) -> str const *""" 1706 return _lldb.SBCommandInterpreter_GetArgumentTypeAsCString(*args)
1708 -def SBCommandInterpreter_GetArgumentDescriptionAsCString(*args):
1709 """SBCommandInterpreter_GetArgumentDescriptionAsCString(lldb::CommandArgumentType const arg_type) -> str const *""" 1710 return _lldb.SBCommandInterpreter_GetArgumentDescriptionAsCString(*args)
1712 -def SBCommandInterpreter_GetBroadcasterClass():
1713 """SBCommandInterpreter_GetBroadcasterClass() -> str const *""" 1714 return _lldb.SBCommandInterpreter_GetBroadcasterClass()
1716 -class SBCommandReturnObject(_object):
1717 """ 1718 Represents a container which holds the result from command execution. 1719 It works with SBCommandInterpreter.HandleCommand() to encapsulate the result 1720 of command execution. 1721 1722 See SBCommandInterpreter for example usage of SBCommandReturnObject. 1723 """ 1724 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 1725 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBCommandReturnObject, name, value) 1726 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 1727 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBCommandReturnObject, name) 1728 __repr__ = _swig_repr
1729 - def __init__(self, *args):
1730 """ 1731 __init__(lldb::SBCommandReturnObject self) -> SBCommandReturnObject 1732 __init__(lldb::SBCommandReturnObject self, SBCommandReturnObject rhs) -> SBCommandReturnObject 1733 """ 1734 this = _lldb.new_SBCommandReturnObject(*args) 1735 try: self.this.append(this) 1736 except: self.this = this
1737 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBCommandReturnObject 1738 __del__ = lambda self : None;
1739 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
1740 - def IsValid(self):
1741 """IsValid(SBCommandReturnObject self) -> bool""" 1742 return _lldb.SBCommandReturnObject_IsValid(self)
1744 - def GetOutputSize(self):
1745 """GetOutputSize(SBCommandReturnObject self) -> size_t""" 1746 return _lldb.SBCommandReturnObject_GetOutputSize(self)
1748 - def GetErrorSize(self):
1749 """GetErrorSize(SBCommandReturnObject self) -> size_t""" 1750 return _lldb.SBCommandReturnObject_GetErrorSize(self)
1752 - def GetOutput(self, *args):
1753 """ 1754 GetOutput(SBCommandReturnObject self) -> str const 1755 GetOutput(SBCommandReturnObject self, bool only_if_no_immediate) -> str const * 1756 """ 1757 return _lldb.SBCommandReturnObject_GetOutput(self, *args)
1759 - def GetError(self, *args):
1760 """ 1761 GetError(SBCommandReturnObject self) -> str const 1762 GetError(SBCommandReturnObject self, bool if_no_immediate) -> str const * 1763 """ 1764 return _lldb.SBCommandReturnObject_GetError(self, *args)
1766 - def PutOutput(self, *args):
1767 """PutOutput(SBCommandReturnObject self, FILE * fh) -> size_t""" 1768 return _lldb.SBCommandReturnObject_PutOutput(self, *args)
1770 - def PutError(self, *args):
1771 """PutError(SBCommandReturnObject self, FILE * fh) -> size_t""" 1772 return _lldb.SBCommandReturnObject_PutError(self, *args)
1774 - def Clear(self):
1775 """Clear(SBCommandReturnObject self)""" 1776 return _lldb.SBCommandReturnObject_Clear(self)
1778 - def SetStatus(self, *args):
1779 """SetStatus(SBCommandReturnObject self, lldb::ReturnStatus status)""" 1780 return _lldb.SBCommandReturnObject_SetStatus(self, *args)
1782 - def SetError(self, *args):
1783 """ 1784 SetError(SBCommandReturnObject self, SBError error, str const * fallback_error_cstr=None) 1785 SetError(SBCommandReturnObject self, SBError error) 1786 SetError(SBCommandReturnObject self, str const * error_cstr) 1787 """ 1788 return _lldb.SBCommandReturnObject_SetError(self, *args)
1790 - def GetStatus(self):
1791 """GetStatus(SBCommandReturnObject self) -> lldb::ReturnStatus""" 1792 return _lldb.SBCommandReturnObject_GetStatus(self)
1794 - def Succeeded(self):
1795 """Succeeded(SBCommandReturnObject self) -> bool""" 1796 return _lldb.SBCommandReturnObject_Succeeded(self)
1798 - def HasResult(self):
1799 """HasResult(SBCommandReturnObject self) -> bool""" 1800 return _lldb.SBCommandReturnObject_HasResult(self)
1802 - def AppendMessage(self, *args):
1803 """AppendMessage(SBCommandReturnObject self, str const * message)""" 1804 return _lldb.SBCommandReturnObject_AppendMessage(self, *args)
1806 - def AppendWarning(self, *args):
1807 """AppendWarning(SBCommandReturnObject self, str const * message)""" 1808 return _lldb.SBCommandReturnObject_AppendWarning(self, *args)
1810 - def GetDescription(self, *args):
1811 """GetDescription(SBCommandReturnObject self, SBStream description) -> bool""" 1812 return _lldb.SBCommandReturnObject_GetDescription(self, *args)
1814 - def SetImmediateOutputFile(self, *args):
1815 """SetImmediateOutputFile(SBCommandReturnObject self, FILE * fh)""" 1816 return _lldb.SBCommandReturnObject_SetImmediateOutputFile(self, *args)
1818 - def SetImmediateErrorFile(self, *args):
1819 """SetImmediateErrorFile(SBCommandReturnObject self, FILE * fh)""" 1820 return _lldb.SBCommandReturnObject_SetImmediateErrorFile(self, *args)
1822 - def PutCString(self, *args):
1823 """PutCString(SBCommandReturnObject self, str const * string)""" 1824 return _lldb.SBCommandReturnObject_PutCString(self, *args)
1826 - def Print(self, *args):
1827 """Print(SBCommandReturnObject self, str const * str)""" 1828 return _lldb.SBCommandReturnObject_Print(self, *args)
1830 - def __str__(self):
1831 """__str__(SBCommandReturnObject self) -> PyObject *""" 1832 return _lldb.SBCommandReturnObject___str__(self)
1834 - def write(self, *args):
1835 """write(SBCommandReturnObject self, str const * str)""" 1836 return _lldb.SBCommandReturnObject_write(self, *args)
1838 - def flush(self):
1839 """flush(SBCommandReturnObject self)""" 1840 return _lldb.SBCommandReturnObject_flush(self)
1841 1842 SBCommandReturnObject_swigregister = _lldb.SBCommandReturnObject_swigregister 1843 SBCommandReturnObject_swigregister(SBCommandReturnObject)
1844 1845 -class SBCommunication(_object):
1846 """Proxy of C++ lldb::SBCommunication class""" 1847 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 1848 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBCommunication, name, value) 1849 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 1850 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBCommunication, name) 1851 __repr__ = _swig_repr 1852 eBroadcastBitDisconnected = _lldb.SBCommunication_eBroadcastBitDisconnected 1853 eBroadcastBitReadThreadGotBytes = _lldb.SBCommunication_eBroadcastBitReadThreadGotBytes 1854 eBroadcastBitReadThreadDidExit = _lldb.SBCommunication_eBroadcastBitReadThreadDidExit 1855 eBroadcastBitReadThreadShouldExit = _lldb.SBCommunication_eBroadcastBitReadThreadShouldExit 1856 eBroadcastBitPacketAvailable = _lldb.SBCommunication_eBroadcastBitPacketAvailable 1857 eAllEventBits = _lldb.SBCommunication_eAllEventBits
1858 - def __init__(self, *args):
1859 """ 1860 __init__(lldb::SBCommunication self) -> SBCommunication 1861 __init__(lldb::SBCommunication self, str const * broadcaster_name) -> SBCommunication 1862 """ 1863 this = _lldb.new_SBCommunication(*args) 1864 try: self.this.append(this) 1865 except: self.this = this
1866 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBCommunication 1867 __del__ = lambda self : None;
1868 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
1869 - def IsValid(self):
1870 """IsValid(SBCommunication self) -> bool""" 1871 return _lldb.SBCommunication_IsValid(self)
1873 - def GetBroadcaster(self):
1874 """GetBroadcaster(SBCommunication self) -> SBBroadcaster""" 1875 return _lldb.SBCommunication_GetBroadcaster(self)
1877 - def GetBroadcasterClass():
1878 """GetBroadcasterClass() -> str const *""" 1879 return _lldb.SBCommunication_GetBroadcasterClass()
1880 1881 if _newclass:GetBroadcasterClass = staticmethod(GetBroadcasterClass) 1882 __swig_getmethods__["GetBroadcasterClass"] = lambda x: GetBroadcasterClass
1883 - def AdoptFileDesriptor(self, *args):
1884 """AdoptFileDesriptor(SBCommunication self, int fd, bool owns_fd) -> lldb::ConnectionStatus""" 1885 return _lldb.SBCommunication_AdoptFileDesriptor(self, *args)
1887 - def Connect(self, *args):
1888 """Connect(SBCommunication self, str const * url) -> lldb::ConnectionStatus""" 1889 return _lldb.SBCommunication_Connect(self, *args)
1891 - def Disconnect(self):
1892 """Disconnect(SBCommunication self) -> lldb::ConnectionStatus""" 1893 return _lldb.SBCommunication_Disconnect(self)
1895 - def IsConnected(self):
1896 """IsConnected(SBCommunication self) -> bool""" 1897 return _lldb.SBCommunication_IsConnected(self)
1899 - def GetCloseOnEOF(self):
1900 """GetCloseOnEOF(SBCommunication self) -> bool""" 1901 return _lldb.SBCommunication_GetCloseOnEOF(self)
1903 - def SetCloseOnEOF(self, *args):
1904 """SetCloseOnEOF(SBCommunication self, bool b)""" 1905 return _lldb.SBCommunication_SetCloseOnEOF(self, *args)
1907 - def Read(self, *args):
1908 """Read(SBCommunication self, void * dst, size_t dst_len, uint32_t timeout_usec, lldb::ConnectionStatus & status) -> size_t""" 1909 return _lldb.SBCommunication_Read(self, *args)
1911 - def Write(self, *args):
1912 """Write(SBCommunication self, void const * src, size_t src_len, lldb::ConnectionStatus & status) -> size_t""" 1913 return _lldb.SBCommunication_Write(self, *args)
1915 - def ReadThreadStart(self):
1916 """ReadThreadStart(SBCommunication self) -> bool""" 1917 return _lldb.SBCommunication_ReadThreadStart(self)
1919 - def ReadThreadStop(self):
1920 """ReadThreadStop(SBCommunication self) -> bool""" 1921 return _lldb.SBCommunication_ReadThreadStop(self)
1923 - def ReadThreadIsRunning(self):
1924 """ReadThreadIsRunning(SBCommunication self) -> bool""" 1925 return _lldb.SBCommunication_ReadThreadIsRunning(self)
1927 - def SetReadThreadBytesReceivedCallback(self, *args):
1928 """SetReadThreadBytesReceivedCallback(SBCommunication self, lldb::SBCommunication::ReadThreadBytesReceived callback, void * callback_baton) -> bool""" 1929 return _lldb.SBCommunication_SetReadThreadBytesReceivedCallback(self, *args)
1930 1931 SBCommunication_swigregister = _lldb.SBCommunication_swigregister 1932 SBCommunication_swigregister(SBCommunication)
1933 1934 -def SBCommunication_GetBroadcasterClass():
1935 """SBCommunication_GetBroadcasterClass() -> str const *""" 1936 return _lldb.SBCommunication_GetBroadcasterClass()
1938 -class SBCompileUnit(_object):
1939 """ 1940 Represents a compilation unit, or compiled source file. 1941 1942 SBCompileUnit supports line entry iteration. For example, 1943 1944 # Now get the SBSymbolContext from this frame. We want everything. :-) 1945 context = frame0.GetSymbolContext(lldb.eSymbolContextEverything) 1946 ... 1947 1948 compileUnit = context.GetCompileUnit() 1949 1950 for lineEntry in compileUnit: 1951 print 'line entry: %s:%d' % (str(lineEntry.GetFileSpec()), 1952 lineEntry.GetLine()) 1953 print 'start addr: %s' % str(lineEntry.GetStartAddress()) 1954 print 'end addr: %s' % str(lineEntry.GetEndAddress()) 1955 1956 produces: 1957 1958 line entry: /Volumes/data/lldb/svn/trunk/test/python_api/symbol-context/main.c:20 1959 start addr: a.out[0x100000d98] 1960 end addr: a.out[0x100000da3] 1961 line entry: /Volumes/data/lldb/svn/trunk/test/python_api/symbol-context/main.c:21 1962 start addr: a.out[0x100000da3] 1963 end addr: a.out[0x100000da9] 1964 line entry: /Volumes/data/lldb/svn/trunk/test/python_api/symbol-context/main.c:22 1965 start addr: a.out[0x100000da9] 1966 end addr: a.out[0x100000db6] 1967 line entry: /Volumes/data/lldb/svn/trunk/test/python_api/symbol-context/main.c:23 1968 start addr: a.out[0x100000db6] 1969 end addr: a.out[0x100000dbc] 1970 ... 1971 1972 See also SBSymbolContext and SBLineEntry 1973 """ 1974 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 1975 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBCompileUnit, name, value) 1976 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 1977 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBCompileUnit, name) 1978 __repr__ = _swig_repr
1979 - def __iter__(self): return lldb_iter(self, 'GetNumLineEntries', 'GetLineEntryAtIndex')
1980 - def __len__(self): return self.GetNumLineEntries()
1981 - def __init__(self, *args):
1982 """ 1983 __init__(lldb::SBCompileUnit self) -> SBCompileUnit 1984 __init__(lldb::SBCompileUnit self, SBCompileUnit rhs) -> SBCompileUnit 1985 """ 1986 this = _lldb.new_SBCompileUnit(*args) 1987 try: self.this.append(this) 1988 except: self.this = this
1989 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBCompileUnit 1990 __del__ = lambda self : None;
1991 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
1992 - def IsValid(self):
1993 """IsValid(SBCompileUnit self) -> bool""" 1994 return _lldb.SBCompileUnit_IsValid(self)
1996 - def GetFileSpec(self):
1997 """GetFileSpec(SBCompileUnit self) -> SBFileSpec""" 1998 return _lldb.SBCompileUnit_GetFileSpec(self)
2000 - def GetNumLineEntries(self):
2001 """GetNumLineEntries(SBCompileUnit self) -> uint32_t""" 2002 return _lldb.SBCompileUnit_GetNumLineEntries(self)
2004 - def GetLineEntryAtIndex(self, *args):
2005 """GetLineEntryAtIndex(SBCompileUnit self, uint32_t idx) -> SBLineEntry""" 2006 return _lldb.SBCompileUnit_GetLineEntryAtIndex(self, *args)
2008 - def FindLineEntryIndex(self, *args):
2009 """ 2010 FindLineEntryIndex(SBCompileUnit self, uint32_t start_idx, uint32_t line, SBFileSpec inline_file_spec) -> uint32_t 2011 FindLineEntryIndex(SBCompileUnit self, uint32_t start_idx, uint32_t line, SBFileSpec inline_file_spec, bool exact) -> uint32_t 2012 """ 2013 return _lldb.SBCompileUnit_FindLineEntryIndex(self, *args)
2015 - def GetSupportFileAtIndex(self, *args):
2016 """GetSupportFileAtIndex(SBCompileUnit self, uint32_t idx) -> SBFileSpec""" 2017 return _lldb.SBCompileUnit_GetSupportFileAtIndex(self, *args)
2019 - def GetNumSupportFiles(self):
2020 """GetNumSupportFiles(SBCompileUnit self) -> uint32_t""" 2021 return _lldb.SBCompileUnit_GetNumSupportFiles(self)
2023 - def FindSupportFileIndex(self, *args):
2024 """FindSupportFileIndex(SBCompileUnit self, uint32_t start_idx, SBFileSpec sb_file, bool full) -> uint32_t""" 2025 return _lldb.SBCompileUnit_FindSupportFileIndex(self, *args)
2027 - def GetTypes(self, *args):
2028 """ 2029 GetTypes(SBCompileUnit self, uint32_t type_mask=eTypeClassAny) -> SBTypeList 2030 GetTypes(SBCompileUnit self) -> SBTypeList 2031 2032 Get all types matching type_mask from debug info in this 2033 compile unit. 2034 2035 @param[in] type_mask 2036 A bitfield that consists of one or more bits logically OR'ed 2037 together from the lldb::TypeClass enumeration. This allows 2038 you to request only structure types, or only class, struct 2039 and union types. Passing in lldb::eTypeClassAny will return 2040 all types found in the debug information for this compile 2041 unit. 2042 2043 @return 2044 A list of types in this compile unit that match type_mask 2045 """ 2046 return _lldb.SBCompileUnit_GetTypes(self, *args)
2048 - def GetDescription(self, *args):
2049 """GetDescription(SBCompileUnit self, SBStream description) -> bool""" 2050 return _lldb.SBCompileUnit_GetDescription(self, *args)
2052 - def __eq__(self, *args):
2053 """__eq__(SBCompileUnit self, SBCompileUnit rhs) -> bool""" 2054 return _lldb.SBCompileUnit___eq__(self, *args)
2056 - def __ne__(self, *args):
2057 """__ne__(SBCompileUnit self, SBCompileUnit rhs) -> bool""" 2058 return _lldb.SBCompileUnit___ne__(self, *args)
2059 2060 __swig_getmethods__["file"] = GetFileSpec 2061 if _newclass: file = property(GetFileSpec, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the same result an lldb object that represents the source file (lldb.SBFileSpec) for the compile unit.''') 2062 2063 __swig_getmethods__["num_line_entries"] = GetNumLineEntries 2064 if _newclass: num_line_entries = property(GetNumLineEntries, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the number of line entries in a compile unit as an integer.''') 2065
2066 - def __str__(self):
2067 """__str__(SBCompileUnit self) -> PyObject *""" 2068 return _lldb.SBCompileUnit___str__(self)
2070 - def __eq__(self, rhs):
2071 if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)): 2072 return False 2073 2074 return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___eq__")(self, rhs)
2076 - def __ne__(self, rhs):
2077 if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)): 2078 return True 2079 2080 return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___ne__")(self, rhs)
2081 2082 SBCompileUnit_swigregister = _lldb.SBCompileUnit_swigregister 2083 SBCompileUnit_swigregister(SBCompileUnit)
2084 2085 -class SBData(_object):
2086 """Proxy of C++ lldb::SBData class""" 2087 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 2088 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBData, name, value) 2089 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 2090 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBData, name) 2091 __repr__ = _swig_repr
2092 - def __init__(self, *args):
2093 """ 2094 __init__(lldb::SBData self) -> SBData 2095 __init__(lldb::SBData self, SBData rhs) -> SBData 2096 """ 2097 this = _lldb.new_SBData(*args) 2098 try: self.this.append(this) 2099 except: self.this = this
2100 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBData 2101 __del__ = lambda self : None;
2102 - def GetAddressByteSize(self):
2103 """GetAddressByteSize(SBData self) -> uint8_t""" 2104 return _lldb.SBData_GetAddressByteSize(self)
2106 - def SetAddressByteSize(self, *args):
2107 """SetAddressByteSize(SBData self, uint8_t addr_byte_size)""" 2108 return _lldb.SBData_SetAddressByteSize(self, *args)
2110 - def Clear(self):
2111 """Clear(SBData self)""" 2112 return _lldb.SBData_Clear(self)
2114 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
2115 - def IsValid(self):
2116 """IsValid(SBData self) -> bool""" 2117 return _lldb.SBData_IsValid(self)
2119 - def GetByteSize(self):
2120 """GetByteSize(SBData self) -> size_t""" 2121 return _lldb.SBData_GetByteSize(self)
2123 - def GetByteOrder(self):
2124 """GetByteOrder(SBData self) -> lldb::ByteOrder""" 2125 return _lldb.SBData_GetByteOrder(self)
2127 - def SetByteOrder(self, *args):
2128 """SetByteOrder(SBData self, lldb::ByteOrder endian)""" 2129 return _lldb.SBData_SetByteOrder(self, *args)
2131 - def GetFloat(self, *args):
2132 """GetFloat(SBData self, SBError error, lldb::offset_t offset) -> float""" 2133 return _lldb.SBData_GetFloat(self, *args)
2135 - def GetDouble(self, *args):
2136 """GetDouble(SBData self, SBError error, lldb::offset_t offset) -> double""" 2137 return _lldb.SBData_GetDouble(self, *args)
2139 - def GetLongDouble(self, *args):
2140 """GetLongDouble(SBData self, SBError error, lldb::offset_t offset) -> long double""" 2141 return _lldb.SBData_GetLongDouble(self, *args)
2143 - def GetAddress(self, *args):
2144 """GetAddress(SBData self, SBError error, lldb::offset_t offset) -> lldb::addr_t""" 2145 return _lldb.SBData_GetAddress(self, *args)
2147 - def GetUnsignedInt8(self, *args):
2148 """GetUnsignedInt8(SBData self, SBError error, lldb::offset_t offset) -> uint8_t""" 2149 return _lldb.SBData_GetUnsignedInt8(self, *args)
2151 - def GetUnsignedInt16(self, *args):
2152 """GetUnsignedInt16(SBData self, SBError error, lldb::offset_t offset) -> uint16_t""" 2153 return _lldb.SBData_GetUnsignedInt16(self, *args)
2155 - def GetUnsignedInt32(self, *args):
2156 """GetUnsignedInt32(SBData self, SBError error, lldb::offset_t offset) -> uint32_t""" 2157 return _lldb.SBData_GetUnsignedInt32(self, *args)
2159 - def GetUnsignedInt64(self, *args):
2160 """GetUnsignedInt64(SBData self, SBError error, lldb::offset_t offset) -> uint64_t""" 2161 return _lldb.SBData_GetUnsignedInt64(self, *args)
2163 - def GetSignedInt8(self, *args):
2164 """GetSignedInt8(SBData self, SBError error, lldb::offset_t offset) -> int8_t""" 2165 return _lldb.SBData_GetSignedInt8(self, *args)
2167 - def GetSignedInt16(self, *args):
2168 """GetSignedInt16(SBData self, SBError error, lldb::offset_t offset) -> int16_t""" 2169 return _lldb.SBData_GetSignedInt16(self, *args)
2171 - def GetSignedInt32(self, *args):
2172 """GetSignedInt32(SBData self, SBError error, lldb::offset_t offset) -> int32_t""" 2173 return _lldb.SBData_GetSignedInt32(self, *args)
2175 - def GetSignedInt64(self, *args):
2176 """GetSignedInt64(SBData self, SBError error, lldb::offset_t offset) -> int64_t""" 2177 return _lldb.SBData_GetSignedInt64(self, *args)
2179 - def GetString(self, *args):
2180 """GetString(SBData self, SBError error, lldb::offset_t offset) -> str const *""" 2181 return _lldb.SBData_GetString(self, *args)
2183 - def GetDescription(self, *args):
2184 """GetDescription(SBData self, SBStream description, lldb::addr_t base_addr) -> bool""" 2185 return _lldb.SBData_GetDescription(self, *args)
2187 - def ReadRawData(self, *args):
2188 """ReadRawData(SBData self, SBError error, lldb::offset_t offset, void * buf) -> size_t""" 2189 return _lldb.SBData_ReadRawData(self, *args)
2191 - def SetData(self, *args):
2192 """SetData(SBData self, SBError error, void const * buf, lldb::ByteOrder endian, uint8_t addr_size)""" 2193 return _lldb.SBData_SetData(self, *args)
2195 - def Append(self, *args):
2196 """Append(SBData self, SBData rhs) -> bool""" 2197 return _lldb.SBData_Append(self, *args)
2199 - def CreateDataFromCString(*args):
2200 """CreateDataFromCString(lldb::ByteOrder endian, uint32_t addr_byte_size, str const * data) -> SBData""" 2201 return _lldb.SBData_CreateDataFromCString(*args)
2202 2203 if _newclass:CreateDataFromCString = staticmethod(CreateDataFromCString) 2204 __swig_getmethods__["CreateDataFromCString"] = lambda x: CreateDataFromCString
2205 - def CreateDataFromUInt64Array(*args):
2206 """CreateDataFromUInt64Array(lldb::ByteOrder endian, uint32_t addr_byte_size, uint64_t * array) -> SBData""" 2207 return _lldb.SBData_CreateDataFromUInt64Array(*args)
2208 2209 if _newclass:CreateDataFromUInt64Array = staticmethod(CreateDataFromUInt64Array) 2210 __swig_getmethods__["CreateDataFromUInt64Array"] = lambda x: CreateDataFromUInt64Array
2211 - def CreateDataFromUInt32Array(*args):
2212 """CreateDataFromUInt32Array(lldb::ByteOrder endian, uint32_t addr_byte_size, uint32_t * array) -> SBData""" 2213 return _lldb.SBData_CreateDataFromUInt32Array(*args)
2214 2215 if _newclass:CreateDataFromUInt32Array = staticmethod(CreateDataFromUInt32Array) 2216 __swig_getmethods__["CreateDataFromUInt32Array"] = lambda x: CreateDataFromUInt32Array
2217 - def CreateDataFromSInt64Array(*args):
2218 """CreateDataFromSInt64Array(lldb::ByteOrder endian, uint32_t addr_byte_size, int64_t * array) -> SBData""" 2219 return _lldb.SBData_CreateDataFromSInt64Array(*args)
2220 2221 if _newclass:CreateDataFromSInt64Array = staticmethod(CreateDataFromSInt64Array) 2222 __swig_getmethods__["CreateDataFromSInt64Array"] = lambda x: CreateDataFromSInt64Array
2223 - def CreateDataFromSInt32Array(*args):
2224 """CreateDataFromSInt32Array(lldb::ByteOrder endian, uint32_t addr_byte_size, int32_t * array) -> SBData""" 2225 return _lldb.SBData_CreateDataFromSInt32Array(*args)
2226 2227 if _newclass:CreateDataFromSInt32Array = staticmethod(CreateDataFromSInt32Array) 2228 __swig_getmethods__["CreateDataFromSInt32Array"] = lambda x: CreateDataFromSInt32Array
2229 - def CreateDataFromDoubleArray(*args):
2230 """CreateDataFromDoubleArray(lldb::ByteOrder endian, uint32_t addr_byte_size, double * array) -> SBData""" 2231 return _lldb.SBData_CreateDataFromDoubleArray(*args)
2232 2233 if _newclass:CreateDataFromDoubleArray = staticmethod(CreateDataFromDoubleArray) 2234 __swig_getmethods__["CreateDataFromDoubleArray"] = lambda x: CreateDataFromDoubleArray
2235 - def SetDataFromCString(self, *args):
2236 """SetDataFromCString(SBData self, str const * data) -> bool""" 2237 return _lldb.SBData_SetDataFromCString(self, *args)
2239 - def SetDataFromUInt64Array(self, *args):
2240 """SetDataFromUInt64Array(SBData self, uint64_t * array) -> bool""" 2241 return _lldb.SBData_SetDataFromUInt64Array(self, *args)
2243 - def SetDataFromUInt32Array(self, *args):
2244 """SetDataFromUInt32Array(SBData self, uint32_t * array) -> bool""" 2245 return _lldb.SBData_SetDataFromUInt32Array(self, *args)
2247 - def SetDataFromSInt64Array(self, *args):
2248 """SetDataFromSInt64Array(SBData self, int64_t * array) -> bool""" 2249 return _lldb.SBData_SetDataFromSInt64Array(self, *args)
2251 - def SetDataFromSInt32Array(self, *args):
2252 """SetDataFromSInt32Array(SBData self, int32_t * array) -> bool""" 2253 return _lldb.SBData_SetDataFromSInt32Array(self, *args)
2255 - def SetDataFromDoubleArray(self, *args):
2256 """SetDataFromDoubleArray(SBData self, double * array) -> bool""" 2257 return _lldb.SBData_SetDataFromDoubleArray(self, *args)
2259 - class read_data_helper:
2260 - def __init__(self, sbdata, readerfunc, item_size):
2261 self.sbdata = sbdata 2262 self.readerfunc = readerfunc 2263 self.item_size = item_size
2264 - def __getitem__(self,key):
2265 if isinstance(key,slice): 2266 list = [] 2267 for x in range(*key.indices(self.__len__())): 2268 list.append(self.__getitem__(x)) 2269 return list 2270 if not (isinstance(key,(int,long))): 2271 raise TypeError('must be int') 2272 key = key * self.item_size # SBData uses byte-based indexes, but we want to use itemsize-based indexes here 2273 error = SBError() 2274 my_data = self.readerfunc(self.sbdata,error,key) 2275 if error.Fail(): 2276 raise IndexError(error.GetCString()) 2277 else: 2278 return my_data
2279 - def __len__(self):
2280 return int(self.sbdata.GetByteSize()/self.item_size)
2281 - def all(self):
2282 return self[0:len(self)]
2283 2284 @classmethod
2285 - def CreateDataFromInt (cls, value, size = None, target = None, ptr_size = None, endian = None):
2286 import sys 2287 lldbmodule = sys.modules[cls.__module__] 2288 lldbdict = lldbmodule.__dict__ 2289 if 'target' in lldbdict: 2290 lldbtarget = lldbdict['target'] 2291 else: 2292 lldbtarget = None 2293 if target == None and lldbtarget != None and lldbtarget.IsValid(): 2294 target = lldbtarget 2295 if ptr_size == None: 2296 if target and target.IsValid(): 2297 ptr_size = target.addr_size 2298 else: 2299 ptr_size = 8 2300 if endian == None: 2301 if target and target.IsValid(): 2302 endian = target.byte_order 2303 else: 2304 endian = lldbdict['eByteOrderLittle'] 2305 if size == None: 2306 if value > 2147483647: 2307 size = 8 2308 elif value < -2147483648: 2309 size = 8 2310 elif value > 4294967295: 2311 size = 8 2312 else: 2313 size = 4 2314 if size == 4: 2315 if value < 0: 2316 return SBData().CreateDataFromSInt32Array(endian, ptr_size, [value]) 2317 return SBData().CreateDataFromUInt32Array(endian, ptr_size, [value]) 2318 if size == 8: 2319 if value < 0: 2320 return SBData().CreateDataFromSInt64Array(endian, ptr_size, [value]) 2321 return SBData().CreateDataFromUInt64Array(endian, ptr_size, [value]) 2322 return None
2324 - def _make_helper(self, sbdata, getfunc, itemsize):
2325 return self.read_data_helper(sbdata, getfunc, itemsize)
2327 - def _make_helper_uint8(self):
2328 return self._make_helper(self, SBData.GetUnsignedInt8, 1)
2330 - def _make_helper_uint16(self):
2331 return self._make_helper(self, SBData.GetUnsignedInt16, 2)
2333 - def _make_helper_uint32(self):
2334 return self._make_helper(self, SBData.GetUnsignedInt32, 4)
2336 - def _make_helper_uint64(self):
2337 return self._make_helper(self, SBData.GetUnsignedInt64, 8)
2339 - def _make_helper_sint8(self):
2340 return self._make_helper(self, SBData.GetSignedInt8, 1)
2342 - def _make_helper_sint16(self):
2343 return self._make_helper(self, SBData.GetSignedInt16, 2)
2345 - def _make_helper_sint32(self):
2346 return self._make_helper(self, SBData.GetSignedInt32, 4)
2348 - def _make_helper_sint64(self):
2349 return self._make_helper(self, SBData.GetSignedInt64, 8)
2351 - def _make_helper_float(self):
2352 return self._make_helper(self, SBData.GetFloat, 4)
2354 - def _make_helper_double(self):
2355 return self._make_helper(self, SBData.GetDouble, 8)
2357 - def _read_all_uint8(self):
2358 return self._make_helper_uint8().all()
2360 - def _read_all_uint16(self):
2361 return self._make_helper_uint16().all()
2363 - def _read_all_uint32(self):
2364 return self._make_helper_uint32().all()
2366 - def _read_all_uint64(self):
2367 return self._make_helper_uint64().all()
2369 - def _read_all_sint8(self):
2370 return self._make_helper_sint8().all()
2372 - def _read_all_sint16(self):
2373 return self._make_helper_sint16().all()
2375 - def _read_all_sint32(self):
2376 return self._make_helper_sint32().all()
2378 - def _read_all_sint64(self):
2379 return self._make_helper_sint64().all()
2381 - def _read_all_float(self):
2382 return self._make_helper_float().all()
2384 - def _read_all_double(self):
2385 return self._make_helper_double().all()
2386 2387 __swig_getmethods__["uint8"] = _make_helper_uint8 2388 if _newclass: uint8 = property(_make_helper_uint8, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array-like object out of which you can read uint8 values.''') 2389 2390 __swig_getmethods__["uint16"] = _make_helper_uint16 2391 if _newclass: uint16 = property(_make_helper_uint16, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array-like object out of which you can read uint16 values.''') 2392 2393 __swig_getmethods__["uint32"] = _make_helper_uint32 2394 if _newclass: uint32 = property(_make_helper_uint32, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array-like object out of which you can read uint32 values.''') 2395 2396 __swig_getmethods__["uint64"] = _make_helper_uint64 2397 if _newclass: uint64 = property(_make_helper_uint64, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array-like object out of which you can read uint64 values.''') 2398 2399 __swig_getmethods__["sint8"] = _make_helper_sint8 2400 if _newclass: sint8 = property(_make_helper_sint8, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array-like object out of which you can read sint8 values.''') 2401 2402 __swig_getmethods__["sint16"] = _make_helper_sint16 2403 if _newclass: sint16 = property(_make_helper_sint16, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array-like object out of which you can read sint16 values.''') 2404 2405 __swig_getmethods__["sint32"] = _make_helper_sint32 2406 if _newclass: sint32 = property(_make_helper_sint32, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array-like object out of which you can read sint32 values.''') 2407 2408 __swig_getmethods__["sint64"] = _make_helper_sint64 2409 if _newclass: sint64 = property(_make_helper_sint64, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array-like object out of which you can read sint64 values.''') 2410 2411 __swig_getmethods__["float"] = _make_helper_float 2412 if _newclass: float = property(_make_helper_float, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array-like object out of which you can read float values.''') 2413 2414 __swig_getmethods__["double"] = _make_helper_double 2415 if _newclass: double = property(_make_helper_double, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array-like object out of which you can read double values.''') 2416 2417 __swig_getmethods__["uint8s"] = _read_all_uint8 2418 if _newclass: uint8s = property(_read_all_uint8, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array with all the contents of this SBData represented as uint8 values.''') 2419 2420 __swig_getmethods__["uint16s"] = _read_all_uint16 2421 if _newclass: uint16s = property(_read_all_uint16, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array with all the contents of this SBData represented as uint16 values.''') 2422 2423 __swig_getmethods__["uint32s"] = _read_all_uint32 2424 if _newclass: uint32s = property(_read_all_uint32, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array with all the contents of this SBData represented as uint32 values.''') 2425 2426 __swig_getmethods__["uint64s"] = _read_all_uint64 2427 if _newclass: uint64s = property(_read_all_uint64, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array with all the contents of this SBData represented as uint64 values.''') 2428 2429 __swig_getmethods__["sint8s"] = _read_all_sint8 2430 if _newclass: sint8s = property(_read_all_sint8, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array with all the contents of this SBData represented as sint8 values.''') 2431 2432 __swig_getmethods__["sint16s"] = _read_all_sint16 2433 if _newclass: sint16s = property(_read_all_sint16, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array with all the contents of this SBData represented as sint16 values.''') 2434 2435 __swig_getmethods__["sint32s"] = _read_all_sint32 2436 if _newclass: sint32s = property(_read_all_sint32, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array with all the contents of this SBData represented as sint32 values.''') 2437 2438 __swig_getmethods__["sint64s"] = _read_all_sint64 2439 if _newclass: sint64s = property(_read_all_sint64, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array with all the contents of this SBData represented as sint64 values.''') 2440 2441 __swig_getmethods__["floats"] = _read_all_float 2442 if _newclass: floats = property(_read_all_float, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array with all the contents of this SBData represented as float values.''') 2443 2444 __swig_getmethods__["doubles"] = _read_all_double 2445 if _newclass: doubles = property(_read_all_double, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an array with all the contents of this SBData represented as double values.''') 2446 2447 2448 __swig_getmethods__["byte_order"] = GetByteOrder 2449 __swig_setmethods__["byte_order"] = SetByteOrder 2450 if _newclass: byte_order = property(GetByteOrder, SetByteOrder, doc='''A read/write property getting and setting the endianness of this SBData (data.byte_order = lldb.eByteOrderLittle).''') 2451 2452 __swig_getmethods__["size"] = GetByteSize 2453 if _newclass: size = property(GetByteSize, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the size the same result as GetByteSize().''') 2454 2455
2456 - def __str__(self):
2457 """__str__(SBData self) -> PyObject *""" 2458 return _lldb.SBData___str__(self)
2459 2460 SBData_swigregister = _lldb.SBData_swigregister 2461 SBData_swigregister(SBData)
2462 2463 -def SBData_CreateDataFromCString(*args):
2464 """SBData_CreateDataFromCString(lldb::ByteOrder endian, uint32_t addr_byte_size, str const * data) -> SBData""" 2465 return _lldb.SBData_CreateDataFromCString(*args)
2467 -def SBData_CreateDataFromUInt64Array(*args):
2468 """SBData_CreateDataFromUInt64Array(lldb::ByteOrder endian, uint32_t addr_byte_size, uint64_t * array) -> SBData""" 2469 return _lldb.SBData_CreateDataFromUInt64Array(*args)
2471 -def SBData_CreateDataFromUInt32Array(*args):
2472 """SBData_CreateDataFromUInt32Array(lldb::ByteOrder endian, uint32_t addr_byte_size, uint32_t * array) -> SBData""" 2473 return _lldb.SBData_CreateDataFromUInt32Array(*args)
2475 -def SBData_CreateDataFromSInt64Array(*args):
2476 """SBData_CreateDataFromSInt64Array(lldb::ByteOrder endian, uint32_t addr_byte_size, int64_t * array) -> SBData""" 2477 return _lldb.SBData_CreateDataFromSInt64Array(*args)
2479 -def SBData_CreateDataFromSInt32Array(*args):
2480 """SBData_CreateDataFromSInt32Array(lldb::ByteOrder endian, uint32_t addr_byte_size, int32_t * array) -> SBData""" 2481 return _lldb.SBData_CreateDataFromSInt32Array(*args)
2483 -def SBData_CreateDataFromDoubleArray(*args):
2484 """SBData_CreateDataFromDoubleArray(lldb::ByteOrder endian, uint32_t addr_byte_size, double * array) -> SBData""" 2485 return _lldb.SBData_CreateDataFromDoubleArray(*args)
2487 -class SBDebugger(_object):
2488 """ 2489 SBDebugger is the primordial object that creates SBTargets and provides 2490 access to them. It also manages the overall debugging experiences. 2491 2492 For example (from example/, 2493 2494 import lldb 2495 import os 2496 import sys 2497 2498 def disassemble_instructions (insts): 2499 for i in insts: 2500 print i 2501 2502 ... 2503 2504 # Create a new debugger instance 2505 debugger = lldb.SBDebugger.Create() 2506 2507 # When we step or continue, don't return from the function until the process 2508 # stops. We do this by setting the async mode to false. 2509 debugger.SetAsync (False) 2510 2511 # Create a target from a file and arch 2512 print 'Creating a target for '%s'' % exe 2513 2514 target = debugger.CreateTargetWithFileAndArch (exe, lldb.LLDB_ARCH_DEFAULT) 2515 2516 if target: 2517 # If the target is valid set a breakpoint at main 2518 main_bp = target.BreakpointCreateByName (fname, target.GetExecutable().GetFilename()); 2519 2520 print main_bp 2521 2522 # Launch the process. Since we specified synchronous mode, we won't return 2523 # from this function until we hit the breakpoint at main 2524 process = target.LaunchSimple (None, None, os.getcwd()) 2525 2526 # Make sure the launch went ok 2527 if process: 2528 # Print some simple process info 2529 state = process.GetState () 2530 print process 2531 if state == lldb.eStateStopped: 2532 # Get the first thread 2533 thread = process.GetThreadAtIndex (0) 2534 if thread: 2535 # Print some simple thread info 2536 print thread 2537 # Get the first frame 2538 frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex (0) 2539 if frame: 2540 # Print some simple frame info 2541 print frame 2542 function = frame.GetFunction() 2543 # See if we have debug info (a function) 2544 if function: 2545 # We do have a function, print some info for the function 2546 print function 2547 # Now get all instructions for this function and print them 2548 insts = function.GetInstructions(target) 2549 disassemble_instructions (insts) 2550 else: 2551 # See if we have a symbol in the symbol table for where we stopped 2552 symbol = frame.GetSymbol(); 2553 if symbol: 2554 # We do have a symbol, print some info for the symbol 2555 print symbol 2556 # Now get all instructions for this symbol and print them 2557 insts = symbol.GetInstructions(target) 2558 disassemble_instructions (insts) 2559 2560 registerList = frame.GetRegisters() 2561 print 'Frame registers (size of register set = %d):' % registerList.GetSize() 2562 for value in registerList: 2563 #print value 2564 print '%s (number of children = %d):' % (value.GetName(), value.GetNumChildren()) 2565 for child in value: 2566 print 'Name: ', child.GetName(), ' Value: ', child.GetValue() 2567 2568 print 'Hit the breakpoint at main, enter to continue and wait for program to exit or 'Ctrl-D'/'quit' to terminate the program' 2569 next = sys.stdin.readline() 2570 if not next or next.rstrip(' 2571 ') == 'quit': 2572 print 'Terminating the inferior process...' 2573 process.Kill() 2574 else: 2575 # Now continue to the program exit 2576 process.Continue() 2577 # When we return from the above function we will hopefully be at the 2578 # program exit. Print out some process info 2579 print process 2580 elif state == lldb.eStateExited: 2581 print 'Didn't hit the breakpoint at main, program has exited...' 2582 else: 2583 print 'Unexpected process state: %s, killing process...' % debugger.StateAsCString (state) 2584 process.Kill() 2585 2586 """ 2587 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 2588 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBDebugger, name, value) 2589 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 2590 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBDebugger, name) 2591 __repr__ = _swig_repr
2592 - def Initialize():
2593 """Initialize()""" 2594 return _lldb.SBDebugger_Initialize()
2595 2596 if _newclass:Initialize = staticmethod(Initialize) 2597 __swig_getmethods__["Initialize"] = lambda x: Initialize
2598 - def Terminate():
2599 """Terminate()""" 2600 return _lldb.SBDebugger_Terminate()
2601 2602 if _newclass:Terminate = staticmethod(Terminate) 2603 __swig_getmethods__["Terminate"] = lambda x: Terminate
2604 - def Create(*args):
2605 """ 2606 Create() -> SBDebugger 2607 Create(bool source_init_files) -> SBDebugger 2608 Create(bool source_init_files, lldb::LogOutputCallback log_callback) -> SBDebugger 2609 """ 2610 return _lldb.SBDebugger_Create(*args)
2611 2612 if _newclass:Create = staticmethod(Create) 2613 __swig_getmethods__["Create"] = lambda x: Create
2614 - def Destroy(*args):
2615 """Destroy(SBDebugger debugger)""" 2616 return _lldb.SBDebugger_Destroy(*args)
2617 2618 if _newclass:Destroy = staticmethod(Destroy) 2619 __swig_getmethods__["Destroy"] = lambda x: Destroy
2621 """MemoryPressureDetected()""" 2622 return _lldb.SBDebugger_MemoryPressureDetected()
2623 2624 if _newclass:MemoryPressureDetected = staticmethod(MemoryPressureDetected) 2625 __swig_getmethods__["MemoryPressureDetected"] = lambda x: MemoryPressureDetected
2626 - def __iter__(self): return lldb_iter(self, 'GetNumTargets', 'GetTargetAtIndex')
2627 - def __len__(self): return self.GetNumTargets()
2628 - def __init__(self, *args):
2629 """ 2630 __init__(lldb::SBDebugger self) -> SBDebugger 2631 __init__(lldb::SBDebugger self, SBDebugger rhs) -> SBDebugger 2632 """ 2633 this = _lldb.new_SBDebugger(*args) 2634 try: self.this.append(this) 2635 except: self.this = this
2636 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBDebugger 2637 __del__ = lambda self : None;
2638 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
2639 - def IsValid(self):
2640 """IsValid(SBDebugger self) -> bool""" 2641 return _lldb.SBDebugger_IsValid(self)
2643 - def Clear(self):
2644 """Clear(SBDebugger self)""" 2645 return _lldb.SBDebugger_Clear(self)
2647 - def SetAsync(self, *args):
2648 """SetAsync(SBDebugger self, bool b)""" 2649 return _lldb.SBDebugger_SetAsync(self, *args)
2651 - def GetAsync(self):
2652 """GetAsync(SBDebugger self) -> bool""" 2653 return _lldb.SBDebugger_GetAsync(self)
2655 - def SkipLLDBInitFiles(self, *args):
2656 """SkipLLDBInitFiles(SBDebugger self, bool b)""" 2657 return _lldb.SBDebugger_SkipLLDBInitFiles(self, *args)
2659 - def SetInputFileHandle(self, *args):
2660 """SetInputFileHandle(SBDebugger self, FILE * f, bool transfer_ownership)""" 2661 return _lldb.SBDebugger_SetInputFileHandle(self, *args)
2663 - def SetOutputFileHandle(self, *args):
2664 """SetOutputFileHandle(SBDebugger self, FILE * f, bool transfer_ownership)""" 2665 return _lldb.SBDebugger_SetOutputFileHandle(self, *args)
2667 - def SetErrorFileHandle(self, *args):
2668 """SetErrorFileHandle(SBDebugger self, FILE * f, bool transfer_ownership)""" 2669 return _lldb.SBDebugger_SetErrorFileHandle(self, *args)
2671 - def GetInputFileHandle(self):
2672 """GetInputFileHandle(SBDebugger self) -> FILE *""" 2673 return _lldb.SBDebugger_GetInputFileHandle(self)
2675 - def GetOutputFileHandle(self):
2676 """GetOutputFileHandle(SBDebugger self) -> FILE *""" 2677 return _lldb.SBDebugger_GetOutputFileHandle(self)
2679 - def GetErrorFileHandle(self):
2680 """GetErrorFileHandle(SBDebugger self) -> FILE *""" 2681 return _lldb.SBDebugger_GetErrorFileHandle(self)
2683 - def GetCommandInterpreter(self):
2684 """GetCommandInterpreter(SBDebugger self) -> SBCommandInterpreter""" 2685 return _lldb.SBDebugger_GetCommandInterpreter(self)
2687 - def HandleCommand(self, *args):
2688 """HandleCommand(SBDebugger self, str const * command)""" 2689 return _lldb.SBDebugger_HandleCommand(self, *args)
2691 - def GetListener(self):
2692 """GetListener(SBDebugger self) -> SBListener""" 2693 return _lldb.SBDebugger_GetListener(self)
2695 - def HandleProcessEvent(self, *args):
2696 """HandleProcessEvent(SBDebugger self, SBProcess process, SBEvent event, FILE * out, FILE * err)""" 2697 return _lldb.SBDebugger_HandleProcessEvent(self, *args)
2699 - def CreateTargetWithFileAndTargetTriple(self, *args):
2700 """CreateTargetWithFileAndTargetTriple(SBDebugger self, str const * filename, str const * target_triple) -> SBTarget""" 2701 return _lldb.SBDebugger_CreateTargetWithFileAndTargetTriple(self, *args)
2703 - def CreateTargetWithFileAndArch(self, *args):
2704 """CreateTargetWithFileAndArch(SBDebugger self, str const * filename, str const * archname) -> SBTarget""" 2705 return _lldb.SBDebugger_CreateTargetWithFileAndArch(self, *args)
2707 - def CreateTarget(self, *args):
2708 """ 2709 CreateTarget(SBDebugger self, str const * filename, str const * target_triple, str const * platform_name, bool add_dependent_modules, 2710 SBError sb_error) -> SBTarget 2711 CreateTarget(SBDebugger self, str const * filename) -> SBTarget 2712 """ 2713 return _lldb.SBDebugger_CreateTarget(self, *args)
2715 - def DeleteTarget(self, *args):
2716 """ 2717 DeleteTarget(SBDebugger self, SBTarget target) -> bool 2718 2719 Return true if target is deleted from the target list of the debugger. 2720 """ 2721 return _lldb.SBDebugger_DeleteTarget(self, *args)
2723 - def GetTargetAtIndex(self, *args):
2724 """GetTargetAtIndex(SBDebugger self, uint32_t idx) -> SBTarget""" 2725 return _lldb.SBDebugger_GetTargetAtIndex(self, *args)
2727 - def GetIndexOfTarget(self, *args):
2728 """GetIndexOfTarget(SBDebugger self, SBTarget target) -> uint32_t""" 2729 return _lldb.SBDebugger_GetIndexOfTarget(self, *args)
2731 - def FindTargetWithProcessID(self, *args):
2732 """FindTargetWithProcessID(SBDebugger self, lldb::pid_t pid) -> SBTarget""" 2733 return _lldb.SBDebugger_FindTargetWithProcessID(self, *args)
2735 - def FindTargetWithFileAndArch(self, *args):
2736 """FindTargetWithFileAndArch(SBDebugger self, str const * filename, str const * arch) -> SBTarget""" 2737 return _lldb.SBDebugger_FindTargetWithFileAndArch(self, *args)
2739 - def GetNumTargets(self):
2740 """GetNumTargets(SBDebugger self) -> uint32_t""" 2741 return _lldb.SBDebugger_GetNumTargets(self)
2743 - def GetSelectedTarget(self):
2744 """GetSelectedTarget(SBDebugger self) -> SBTarget""" 2745 return _lldb.SBDebugger_GetSelectedTarget(self)
2747 - def SetSelectedTarget(self, *args):
2748 """SetSelectedTarget(SBDebugger self, SBTarget target)""" 2749 return _lldb.SBDebugger_SetSelectedTarget(self, *args)
2751 - def GetSourceManager(self):
2752 """GetSourceManager(SBDebugger self) -> SBSourceManager""" 2753 return _lldb.SBDebugger_GetSourceManager(self)
2755 - def SetCurrentPlatform(self, *args):
2756 """SetCurrentPlatform(SBDebugger self, str const * platform_name) -> SBError""" 2757 return _lldb.SBDebugger_SetCurrentPlatform(self, *args)
2759 - def SetCurrentPlatformSDKRoot(self, *args):
2760 """SetCurrentPlatformSDKRoot(SBDebugger self, str const * sysroot) -> bool""" 2761 return _lldb.SBDebugger_SetCurrentPlatformSDKRoot(self, *args)
2763 - def SetUseExternalEditor(self, *args):
2764 """SetUseExternalEditor(SBDebugger self, bool input) -> bool""" 2765 return _lldb.SBDebugger_SetUseExternalEditor(self, *args)
2767 - def GetUseExternalEditor(self):
2768 """GetUseExternalEditor(SBDebugger self) -> bool""" 2769 return _lldb.SBDebugger_GetUseExternalEditor(self)
2771 - def GetDefaultArchitecture(*args):
2772 """GetDefaultArchitecture(str * arch_name, size_t arch_name_len) -> bool""" 2773 return _lldb.SBDebugger_GetDefaultArchitecture(*args)
2774 2775 if _newclass:GetDefaultArchitecture = staticmethod(GetDefaultArchitecture) 2776 __swig_getmethods__["GetDefaultArchitecture"] = lambda x: GetDefaultArchitecture
2777 - def SetDefaultArchitecture(*args):
2778 """SetDefaultArchitecture(str const * arch_name) -> bool""" 2779 return _lldb.SBDebugger_SetDefaultArchitecture(*args)
2780 2781 if _newclass:SetDefaultArchitecture = staticmethod(SetDefaultArchitecture) 2782 __swig_getmethods__["SetDefaultArchitecture"] = lambda x: SetDefaultArchitecture
2783 - def GetScriptingLanguage(self, *args):
2784 """GetScriptingLanguage(SBDebugger self, str const * script_language_name) -> lldb::ScriptLanguage""" 2785 return _lldb.SBDebugger_GetScriptingLanguage(self, *args)
2787 - def GetVersionString():
2788 """GetVersionString() -> str const *""" 2789 return _lldb.SBDebugger_GetVersionString()
2790 2791 if _newclass:GetVersionString = staticmethod(GetVersionString) 2792 __swig_getmethods__["GetVersionString"] = lambda x: GetVersionString
2793 - def StateAsCString(*args):
2794 """StateAsCString(lldb::StateType state) -> str const *""" 2795 return _lldb.SBDebugger_StateAsCString(*args)
2796 2797 if _newclass:StateAsCString = staticmethod(StateAsCString) 2798 __swig_getmethods__["StateAsCString"] = lambda x: StateAsCString
2799 - def StateIsRunningState(*args):
2800 """StateIsRunningState(lldb::StateType state) -> bool""" 2801 return _lldb.SBDebugger_StateIsRunningState(*args)
2802 2803 if _newclass:StateIsRunningState = staticmethod(StateIsRunningState) 2804 __swig_getmethods__["StateIsRunningState"] = lambda x: StateIsRunningState
2805 - def StateIsStoppedState(*args):
2806 """StateIsStoppedState(lldb::StateType state) -> bool""" 2807 return _lldb.SBDebugger_StateIsStoppedState(*args)
2808 2809 if _newclass:StateIsStoppedState = staticmethod(StateIsStoppedState) 2810 __swig_getmethods__["StateIsStoppedState"] = lambda x: StateIsStoppedState
2811 - def EnableLog(self, *args):
2812 """EnableLog(SBDebugger self, str const * channel, str const ** types) -> bool""" 2813 return _lldb.SBDebugger_EnableLog(self, *args)
2815 - def SetLoggingCallback(self, *args):
2816 """SetLoggingCallback(SBDebugger self, lldb::LogOutputCallback log_callback)""" 2817 return _lldb.SBDebugger_SetLoggingCallback(self, *args)
2819 - def DispatchInput(self, *args):
2820 """DispatchInput(SBDebugger self, void const * data)""" 2821 return _lldb.SBDebugger_DispatchInput(self, *args)
2823 - def DispatchInputInterrupt(self):
2824 """DispatchInputInterrupt(SBDebugger self)""" 2825 return _lldb.SBDebugger_DispatchInputInterrupt(self)
2827 - def DispatchInputEndOfFile(self):
2828 """DispatchInputEndOfFile(SBDebugger self)""" 2829 return _lldb.SBDebugger_DispatchInputEndOfFile(self)
2831 - def PushInputReader(self, *args):
2832 """PushInputReader(SBDebugger self, SBInputReader reader)""" 2833 return _lldb.SBDebugger_PushInputReader(self, *args)
2835 - def NotifyTopInputReader(self, *args):
2836 """NotifyTopInputReader(SBDebugger self, lldb::InputReaderAction notification)""" 2837 return _lldb.SBDebugger_NotifyTopInputReader(self, *args)
2839 - def InputReaderIsTopReader(self, *args):
2840 """InputReaderIsTopReader(SBDebugger self, SBInputReader reader) -> bool""" 2841 return _lldb.SBDebugger_InputReaderIsTopReader(self, *args)
2843 - def GetInstanceName(self):
2844 """GetInstanceName(SBDebugger self) -> str const *""" 2845 return _lldb.SBDebugger_GetInstanceName(self)
2847 - def FindDebuggerWithID(*args):
2848 """FindDebuggerWithID(int id) -> SBDebugger""" 2849 return _lldb.SBDebugger_FindDebuggerWithID(*args)
2850 2851 if _newclass:FindDebuggerWithID = staticmethod(FindDebuggerWithID) 2852 __swig_getmethods__["FindDebuggerWithID"] = lambda x: FindDebuggerWithID
2853 - def SetInternalVariable(*args):
2854 """SetInternalVariable(str const * var_name, str const * value, str const * debugger_instance_name) -> SBError""" 2855 return _lldb.SBDebugger_SetInternalVariable(*args)
2856 2857 if _newclass:SetInternalVariable = staticmethod(SetInternalVariable) 2858 __swig_getmethods__["SetInternalVariable"] = lambda x: SetInternalVariable
2859 - def GetInternalVariableValue(*args):
2860 """GetInternalVariableValue(str const * var_name, str const * debugger_instance_name) -> SBStringList""" 2861 return _lldb.SBDebugger_GetInternalVariableValue(*args)
2862 2863 if _newclass:GetInternalVariableValue = staticmethod(GetInternalVariableValue) 2864 __swig_getmethods__["GetInternalVariableValue"] = lambda x: GetInternalVariableValue
2865 - def GetDescription(self, *args):
2866 """GetDescription(SBDebugger self, SBStream description) -> bool""" 2867 return _lldb.SBDebugger_GetDescription(self, *args)
2869 - def GetTerminalWidth(self):
2870 """GetTerminalWidth(SBDebugger self) -> uint32_t""" 2871 return _lldb.SBDebugger_GetTerminalWidth(self)
2873 - def SetTerminalWidth(self, *args):
2874 """SetTerminalWidth(SBDebugger self, uint32_t term_width)""" 2875 return _lldb.SBDebugger_SetTerminalWidth(self, *args)
2877 - def GetID(self):
2878 """GetID(SBDebugger self) -> lldb::user_id_t""" 2879 return _lldb.SBDebugger_GetID(self)
2881 - def GetPrompt(self):
2882 """GetPrompt(SBDebugger self) -> str const *""" 2883 return _lldb.SBDebugger_GetPrompt(self)
2885 - def SetPrompt(self, *args):
2886 """SetPrompt(SBDebugger self, str const * prompt)""" 2887 return _lldb.SBDebugger_SetPrompt(self, *args)
2889 - def GetScriptLanguage(self):
2890 """GetScriptLanguage(SBDebugger self) -> lldb::ScriptLanguage""" 2891 return _lldb.SBDebugger_GetScriptLanguage(self)
2893 - def SetScriptLanguage(self, *args):
2894 """SetScriptLanguage(SBDebugger self, lldb::ScriptLanguage script_lang)""" 2895 return _lldb.SBDebugger_SetScriptLanguage(self, *args)
2897 - def GetCloseInputOnEOF(self):
2898 """GetCloseInputOnEOF(SBDebugger self) -> bool""" 2899 return _lldb.SBDebugger_GetCloseInputOnEOF(self)
2901 - def SetCloseInputOnEOF(self, *args):
2902 """SetCloseInputOnEOF(SBDebugger self, bool b)""" 2903 return _lldb.SBDebugger_SetCloseInputOnEOF(self, *args)
2905 - def GetCategory(self, *args):
2906 """GetCategory(SBDebugger self, str const * category_name) -> SBTypeCategory""" 2907 return _lldb.SBDebugger_GetCategory(self, *args)
2909 - def CreateCategory(self, *args):
2910 """CreateCategory(SBDebugger self, str const * category_name) -> SBTypeCategory""" 2911 return _lldb.SBDebugger_CreateCategory(self, *args)
2913 - def DeleteCategory(self, *args):
2914 """DeleteCategory(SBDebugger self, str const * category_name) -> bool""" 2915 return _lldb.SBDebugger_DeleteCategory(self, *args)
2917 - def GetNumCategories(self):
2918 """GetNumCategories(SBDebugger self) -> uint32_t""" 2919 return _lldb.SBDebugger_GetNumCategories(self)
2921 - def GetCategoryAtIndex(self, *args):
2922 """GetCategoryAtIndex(SBDebugger self, uint32_t arg2) -> SBTypeCategory""" 2923 return _lldb.SBDebugger_GetCategoryAtIndex(self, *args)
2925 - def GetDefaultCategory(self):
2926 """GetDefaultCategory(SBDebugger self) -> SBTypeCategory""" 2927 return _lldb.SBDebugger_GetDefaultCategory(self)
2929 - def GetFormatForType(self, *args):
2930 """GetFormatForType(SBDebugger self, SBTypeNameSpecifier arg2) -> SBTypeFormat""" 2931 return _lldb.SBDebugger_GetFormatForType(self, *args)
2933 - def GetSummaryForType(self, *args):
2934 """GetSummaryForType(SBDebugger self, SBTypeNameSpecifier arg2) -> SBTypeSummary""" 2935 return _lldb.SBDebugger_GetSummaryForType(self, *args)
2937 - def GetFilterForType(self, *args):
2938 """GetFilterForType(SBDebugger self, SBTypeNameSpecifier arg2) -> SBTypeFilter""" 2939 return _lldb.SBDebugger_GetFilterForType(self, *args)
2941 - def GetSyntheticForType(self, *args):
2942 """GetSyntheticForType(SBDebugger self, SBTypeNameSpecifier arg2) -> SBTypeSynthetic""" 2943 return _lldb.SBDebugger_GetSyntheticForType(self, *args)
2945 - def __str__(self):
2946 """__str__(SBDebugger self) -> PyObject *""" 2947 return _lldb.SBDebugger___str__(self)
2948 2949 SBDebugger_swigregister = _lldb.SBDebugger_swigregister 2950 SBDebugger_swigregister(SBDebugger)
2951 2952 -def SBDebugger_Initialize():
2953 """SBDebugger_Initialize()""" 2954 return _lldb.SBDebugger_Initialize()
2956 -def SBDebugger_Terminate():
2957 """SBDebugger_Terminate()""" 2958 return _lldb.SBDebugger_Terminate()
2960 -def SBDebugger_Create(*args):
2961 """ 2962 Create() -> SBDebugger 2963 Create(bool source_init_files) -> SBDebugger 2964 SBDebugger_Create(bool source_init_files, lldb::LogOutputCallback log_callback) -> SBDebugger 2965 """ 2966 return _lldb.SBDebugger_Create(*args)
2968 -def SBDebugger_Destroy(*args):
2969 """SBDebugger_Destroy(SBDebugger debugger)""" 2970 return _lldb.SBDebugger_Destroy(*args)
2972 -def SBDebugger_MemoryPressureDetected():
2973 """SBDebugger_MemoryPressureDetected()""" 2974 return _lldb.SBDebugger_MemoryPressureDetected()
2976 -def SBDebugger_GetDefaultArchitecture(*args):
2977 """SBDebugger_GetDefaultArchitecture(str * arch_name, size_t arch_name_len) -> bool""" 2978 return _lldb.SBDebugger_GetDefaultArchitecture(*args)
2980 -def SBDebugger_SetDefaultArchitecture(*args):
2981 """SBDebugger_SetDefaultArchitecture(str const * arch_name) -> bool""" 2982 return _lldb.SBDebugger_SetDefaultArchitecture(*args)
2984 -def SBDebugger_GetVersionString():
2985 """SBDebugger_GetVersionString() -> str const *""" 2986 return _lldb.SBDebugger_GetVersionString()
2988 -def SBDebugger_StateAsCString(*args):
2989 """SBDebugger_StateAsCString(lldb::StateType state) -> str const *""" 2990 return _lldb.SBDebugger_StateAsCString(*args)
2992 -def SBDebugger_StateIsRunningState(*args):
2993 """SBDebugger_StateIsRunningState(lldb::StateType state) -> bool""" 2994 return _lldb.SBDebugger_StateIsRunningState(*args)
2996 -def SBDebugger_StateIsStoppedState(*args):
2997 """SBDebugger_StateIsStoppedState(lldb::StateType state) -> bool""" 2998 return _lldb.SBDebugger_StateIsStoppedState(*args)
3000 -def SBDebugger_FindDebuggerWithID(*args):
3001 """SBDebugger_FindDebuggerWithID(int id) -> SBDebugger""" 3002 return _lldb.SBDebugger_FindDebuggerWithID(*args)
3004 -def SBDebugger_SetInternalVariable(*args):
3005 """SBDebugger_SetInternalVariable(str const * var_name, str const * value, str const * debugger_instance_name) -> SBError""" 3006 return _lldb.SBDebugger_SetInternalVariable(*args)
3008 -def SBDebugger_GetInternalVariableValue(*args):
3009 """SBDebugger_GetInternalVariableValue(str const * var_name, str const * debugger_instance_name) -> SBStringList""" 3010 return _lldb.SBDebugger_GetInternalVariableValue(*args)
3012 -class SBDeclaration(_object):
3013 """Specifies an association with a line and column for a variable.""" 3014 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 3015 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBDeclaration, name, value) 3016 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 3017 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBDeclaration, name) 3018 __repr__ = _swig_repr
3019 - def __init__(self, *args):
3020 """ 3021 __init__(lldb::SBDeclaration self) -> SBDeclaration 3022 __init__(lldb::SBDeclaration self, SBDeclaration rhs) -> SBDeclaration 3023 """ 3024 this = _lldb.new_SBDeclaration(*args) 3025 try: self.this.append(this) 3026 except: self.this = this
3027 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBDeclaration 3028 __del__ = lambda self : None;
3029 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
3030 - def IsValid(self):
3031 """IsValid(SBDeclaration self) -> bool""" 3032 return _lldb.SBDeclaration_IsValid(self)
3034 - def GetFileSpec(self):
3035 """GetFileSpec(SBDeclaration self) -> SBFileSpec""" 3036 return _lldb.SBDeclaration_GetFileSpec(self)
3038 - def GetLine(self):
3039 """GetLine(SBDeclaration self) -> uint32_t""" 3040 return _lldb.SBDeclaration_GetLine(self)
3042 - def GetColumn(self):
3043 """GetColumn(SBDeclaration self) -> uint32_t""" 3044 return _lldb.SBDeclaration_GetColumn(self)
3046 - def GetDescription(self, *args):
3047 """GetDescription(SBDeclaration self, SBStream description) -> bool""" 3048 return _lldb.SBDeclaration_GetDescription(self, *args)
3050 - def SetFileSpec(self, *args):
3051 """SetFileSpec(SBDeclaration self, SBFileSpec filespec)""" 3052 return _lldb.SBDeclaration_SetFileSpec(self, *args)
3054 - def SetLine(self, *args):
3055 """SetLine(SBDeclaration self, uint32_t line)""" 3056 return _lldb.SBDeclaration_SetLine(self, *args)
3058 - def SetColumn(self, *args):
3059 """SetColumn(SBDeclaration self, uint32_t column)""" 3060 return _lldb.SBDeclaration_SetColumn(self, *args)
3062 - def __eq__(self, *args):
3063 """__eq__(SBDeclaration self, SBDeclaration rhs) -> bool""" 3064 return _lldb.SBDeclaration___eq__(self, *args)
3066 - def __ne__(self, *args):
3067 """__ne__(SBDeclaration self, SBDeclaration rhs) -> bool""" 3068 return _lldb.SBDeclaration___ne__(self, *args)
3069 3070 __swig_getmethods__["file"] = GetFileSpec 3071 if _newclass: file = property(GetFileSpec, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the file (lldb.SBFileSpec) for this line entry.''') 3072 3073 __swig_getmethods__["line"] = GetLine 3074 if _newclass: ling = property(GetLine, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the 1 based line number for this line entry, a return value of zero indicates that no line information is available.''') 3075 3076 __swig_getmethods__["column"] = GetColumn 3077 if _newclass: column = property(GetColumn, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the 1 based column number for this line entry, a return value of zero indicates that no column information is available.''') 3078
3079 - def __str__(self):
3080 """__str__(SBDeclaration self) -> PyObject *""" 3081 return _lldb.SBDeclaration___str__(self)
3083 - def __eq__(self, rhs):
3084 if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)): 3085 return False 3086 3087 return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___eq__")(self, rhs)
3089 - def __ne__(self, rhs):
3090 if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)): 3091 return True 3092 3093 return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___ne__")(self, rhs)
3094 3095 SBDeclaration_swigregister = _lldb.SBDeclaration_swigregister 3096 SBDeclaration_swigregister(SBDeclaration)
3097 3098 -class SBError(_object):
3099 """ 3100 Represents a container for holding any error code. 3101 3102 For example (from test/python_api/hello_world/, 3103 3104 def hello_world_attach_with_id_api(self): 3105 '''Create target, spawn a process, and attach to it by id.''' 3106 3107 target = self.dbg.CreateTarget(self.exe) 3108 3109 # Spawn a new process and don't display the stdout if not in TraceOn() mode. 3110 import subprocess 3111 popen = subprocess.Popen([self.exe, 'abc', 'xyz'], 3112 stdout = open(os.devnull, 'w') if not self.TraceOn() else None) 3113 3114 listener = lldb.SBListener('my.attach.listener') 3115 error = lldb.SBError() 3116 process = target.AttachToProcessWithID(listener,, error) 3117 3118 self.assertTrue(error.Success() and process, PROCESS_IS_VALID) 3119 3120 # Let's check the stack traces of the attached process. 3121 import lldbutil 3122 stacktraces = lldbutil.print_stacktraces(process, string_buffer=True) 3123 self.expect(stacktraces, exe=False, 3124 substrs = ['main.c:%d' % self.line2, 3125 '(int)argc=3']) 3126 3127 listener = lldb.SBListener('my.attach.listener') 3128 error = lldb.SBError() 3129 process = target.AttachToProcessWithID(listener,, error) 3130 3131 self.assertTrue(error.Success() and process, PROCESS_IS_VALID) 3132 3133 checks that after the attach, there is no error condition by asserting 3134 that error.Success() is True and we get back a valid process object. 3135 3136 And (from test/python_api/event/, 3137 3138 # Now launch the process, and do not stop at entry point. 3139 error = lldb.SBError() 3140 process = target.Launch(listener, None, None, None, None, None, None, 0, False, error) 3141 self.assertTrue(error.Success() and process, PROCESS_IS_VALID) 3142 3143 checks that after calling the target.Launch() method there's no error 3144 condition and we get back a void process object. 3145 3146 """ 3147 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 3148 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBError, name, value) 3149 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 3150 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBError, name) 3151 __repr__ = _swig_repr
3152 - def __init__(self, *args):
3153 """ 3154 __init__(lldb::SBError self) -> SBError 3155 __init__(lldb::SBError self, SBError rhs) -> SBError 3156 """ 3157 this = _lldb.new_SBError(*args) 3158 try: self.this.append(this) 3159 except: self.this = this
3160 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBError 3161 __del__ = lambda self : None;
3162 - def GetCString(self):
3163 """GetCString(SBError self) -> str const *""" 3164 return _lldb.SBError_GetCString(self)
3166 - def Clear(self):
3167 """Clear(SBError self)""" 3168 return _lldb.SBError_Clear(self)
3170 - def Fail(self):
3171 """Fail(SBError self) -> bool""" 3172 return _lldb.SBError_Fail(self)
3174 - def Success(self):
3175 """Success(SBError self) -> bool""" 3176 return _lldb.SBError_Success(self)
3178 - def GetError(self):
3179 """GetError(SBError self) -> uint32_t""" 3180 return _lldb.SBError_GetError(self)
3182 - def GetType(self):
3183 """GetType(SBError self) -> lldb::ErrorType""" 3184 return _lldb.SBError_GetType(self)
3186 - def SetError(self, *args):
3187 """SetError(SBError self, uint32_t err, lldb::ErrorType type)""" 3188 return _lldb.SBError_SetError(self, *args)
3190 - def SetErrorToErrno(self):
3191 """SetErrorToErrno(SBError self)""" 3192 return _lldb.SBError_SetErrorToErrno(self)
3194 - def SetErrorToGenericError(self):
3195 """SetErrorToGenericError(SBError self)""" 3196 return _lldb.SBError_SetErrorToGenericError(self)
3198 - def SetErrorString(self, *args):
3199 """SetErrorString(SBError self, str const * err_str)""" 3200 return _lldb.SBError_SetErrorString(self, *args)
3202 - def SetErrorStringWithFormat(self, *args):
3203 """SetErrorStringWithFormat(SBError self, str const * format) -> int""" 3204 return _lldb.SBError_SetErrorStringWithFormat(self, *args)
3206 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
3207 - def IsValid(self):
3208 """IsValid(SBError self) -> bool""" 3209 return _lldb.SBError_IsValid(self)
3211 - def GetDescription(self, *args):
3212 """GetDescription(SBError self, SBStream description) -> bool""" 3213 return _lldb.SBError_GetDescription(self, *args)
3214 3215 __swig_getmethods__["value"] = GetError 3216 if _newclass: value = property(GetError, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the same result as GetError().''') 3217 3218 __swig_getmethods__["fail"] = Fail 3219 if _newclass: fail = property(Fail, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the same result as Fail().''') 3220 3221 __swig_getmethods__["success"] = Success 3222 if _newclass: success = property(Success, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the same result as Success().''') 3223 3224 __swig_getmethods__["description"] = GetCString 3225 if _newclass: description = property(GetCString, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the same result as GetCString().''') 3226 3227 __swig_getmethods__["type"] = GetType 3228 if _newclass: type = property(GetType, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the same result as GetType().''') 3229 3230
3231 - def __str__(self):
3232 """__str__(SBError self) -> PyObject *""" 3233 return _lldb.SBError___str__(self)
3234 3235 SBError_swigregister = _lldb.SBError_swigregister 3236 SBError_swigregister(SBError)
3237 3238 -class SBEvent(_object):
3239 """ 3240 API clients can register to receive events. 3241 3242 For example, check out the following output: 3243 3244 Try wait for event... 3245 Event description: 0x103d0bb70 Event: broadcaster = 0x1009c8410, type = 0x00000001, data = { process = 0x1009c8400 (pid = 21528), state = running} 3246 Event data flavor: Process::ProcessEventData 3247 Process state: running 3248 3249 Try wait for event... 3250 Event description: 0x103a700a0 Event: broadcaster = 0x1009c8410, type = 0x00000001, data = { process = 0x1009c8400 (pid = 21528), state = stopped} 3251 Event data flavor: Process::ProcessEventData 3252 Process state: stopped 3253 3254 Try wait for event... 3255 Event description: 0x103d0d4a0 Event: broadcaster = 0x1009c8410, type = 0x00000001, data = { process = 0x1009c8400 (pid = 21528), state = exited} 3256 Event data flavor: Process::ProcessEventData 3257 Process state: exited 3258 3259 Try wait for event... 3260 timeout occurred waiting for event... 3261 3262 from test/python_api/event/TestEventspy: 3263 3264 def do_listen_for_and_print_event(self): 3265 '''Create a listener and use SBEvent API to print the events received.''' 3266 exe = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'a.out') 3267 3268 # Create a target by the debugger. 3269 target = self.dbg.CreateTarget(exe) 3270 self.assertTrue(target, VALID_TARGET) 3271 3272 # Now create a breakpoint on main.c by name 'c'. 3273 breakpoint = target.BreakpointCreateByName('c', 'a.out') 3274 3275 # Now launch the process, and do not stop at the entry point. 3276 process = target.LaunchSimple(None, None, os.getcwd()) 3277 self.assertTrue(process.GetState() == lldb.eStateStopped, 3278 PROCESS_STOPPED) 3279 3280 # Get a handle on the process's broadcaster. 3281 broadcaster = process.GetBroadcaster() 3282 3283 # Create an empty event object. 3284 event = lldb.SBEvent() 3285 3286 # Create a listener object and register with the broadcaster. 3287 listener = lldb.SBListener('my listener') 3288 rc = broadcaster.AddListener(listener, lldb.SBProcess.eBroadcastBitStateChanged) 3289 self.assertTrue(rc, 'AddListener successfully retruns') 3290 3291 traceOn = self.TraceOn() 3292 if traceOn: 3293 lldbutil.print_stacktraces(process) 3294 3295 # Create MyListeningThread class to wait for any kind of event. 3296 import threading 3297 class MyListeningThread(threading.Thread): 3298 def run(self): 3299 count = 0 3300 # Let's only try at most 4 times to retrieve any kind of event. 3301 # After that, the thread exits. 3302 while not count > 3: 3303 if traceOn: 3304 print 'Try wait for event...' 3305 if listener.WaitForEventForBroadcasterWithType(5, 3306 broadcaster, 3307 lldb.SBProcess.eBroadcastBitStateChanged, 3308 event): 3309 if traceOn: 3310 desc = lldbutil.get_description(event) 3311 print 'Event description:', desc 3312 print 'Event data flavor:', event.GetDataFlavor() 3313 print 'Process state:', lldbutil.state_type_to_str(process.GetState()) 3314 print 3315 else: 3316 if traceOn: 3317 print 'timeout occurred waiting for event...' 3318 count = count + 1 3319 return 3320 3321 # Let's start the listening thread to retrieve the events. 3322 my_thread = MyListeningThread() 3323 my_thread.start() 3324 3325 # Use Python API to continue the process. The listening thread should be 3326 # able to receive the state changed events. 3327 process.Continue() 3328 3329 # Use Python API to kill the process. The listening thread should be 3330 # able to receive the state changed event, too. 3331 process.Kill() 3332 3333 # Wait until the 'MyListeningThread' terminates. 3334 my_thread.join() 3335 3336 """ 3337 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 3338 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBEvent, name, value) 3339 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 3340 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBEvent, name) 3341 __repr__ = _swig_repr
3342 - def __init__(self, *args):
3343 """ 3344 __init__(lldb::SBEvent self) -> SBEvent 3345 __init__(lldb::SBEvent self, SBEvent rhs) -> SBEvent 3346 __init__(self, int type, str data) -> SBEvent (make an event that contains a C string) 3347 """ 3348 this = _lldb.new_SBEvent(*args) 3349 try: self.this.append(this) 3350 except: self.this = this
3351 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBEvent 3352 __del__ = lambda self : None;
3353 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
3354 - def IsValid(self):
3355 """IsValid(SBEvent self) -> bool""" 3356 return _lldb.SBEvent_IsValid(self)
3358 - def GetDataFlavor(self):
3359 """GetDataFlavor(SBEvent self) -> str const *""" 3360 return _lldb.SBEvent_GetDataFlavor(self)
3362 - def GetType(self):
3363 """GetType(SBEvent self) -> uint32_t""" 3364 return _lldb.SBEvent_GetType(self)
3366 - def GetBroadcaster(self):
3367 """GetBroadcaster(SBEvent self) -> SBBroadcaster""" 3368 return _lldb.SBEvent_GetBroadcaster(self)
3370 - def GetBroadcasterClass(self):
3371 """GetBroadcasterClass(SBEvent self) -> str const *""" 3372 return _lldb.SBEvent_GetBroadcasterClass(self)
3374 - def BroadcasterMatchesRef(self, *args):
3375 """BroadcasterMatchesRef(SBEvent self, SBBroadcaster broadcaster) -> bool""" 3376 return _lldb.SBEvent_BroadcasterMatchesRef(self, *args)
3378 - def Clear(self):
3379 """Clear(SBEvent self)""" 3380 return _lldb.SBEvent_Clear(self)
3382 - def GetCStringFromEvent(*args):
3383 """GetCStringFromEvent(SBEvent event) -> str const *""" 3384 return _lldb.SBEvent_GetCStringFromEvent(*args)
3385 3386 if _newclass:GetCStringFromEvent = staticmethod(GetCStringFromEvent) 3387 __swig_getmethods__["GetCStringFromEvent"] = lambda x: GetCStringFromEvent
3388 - def GetDescription(self, *args):
3389 """GetDescription(SBEvent self, SBStream description) -> bool""" 3390 return _lldb.SBEvent_GetDescription(self, *args)
3391 3392 SBEvent_swigregister = _lldb.SBEvent_swigregister 3393 SBEvent_swigregister(SBEvent)
3394 3395 -def SBEvent_GetCStringFromEvent(*args):
3396 """SBEvent_GetCStringFromEvent(SBEvent event) -> str const *""" 3397 return _lldb.SBEvent_GetCStringFromEvent(*args)
3399 -class SBExpressionOptions(_object):
3400 """A container for options to use when evaluating expressions.""" 3401 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 3402 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBExpressionOptions, name, value) 3403 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 3404 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBExpressionOptions, name) 3405 __repr__ = _swig_repr
3406 - def __init__(self, *args):
3407 """ 3408 __init__(lldb::SBExpressionOptions self) -> SBExpressionOptions 3409 __init__(lldb::SBExpressionOptions self, SBExpressionOptions rhs) -> SBExpressionOptions 3410 """ 3411 this = _lldb.new_SBExpressionOptions(*args) 3412 try: self.this.append(this) 3413 except: self.this = this
3414 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBExpressionOptions 3415 __del__ = lambda self : None;
3416 - def GetCoerceResultToId(self):
3417 """GetCoerceResultToId(SBExpressionOptions self) -> bool""" 3418 return _lldb.SBExpressionOptions_GetCoerceResultToId(self)
3420 - def SetCoerceResultToId(self, coerce=True):
3421 """ 3422 SetCoerceResultToId(SBExpressionOptions self, bool coerce=True) 3423 SetCoerceResultToId(SBExpressionOptions self) 3424 3425 Sets whether to coerce the expression result to ObjC id type after evaluation. 3426 """ 3427 return _lldb.SBExpressionOptions_SetCoerceResultToId(self, coerce)
3429 - def GetUnwindOnError(self):
3430 """GetUnwindOnError(SBExpressionOptions self) -> bool""" 3431 return _lldb.SBExpressionOptions_GetUnwindOnError(self)
3433 - def SetUnwindOnError(self, unwind=True):
3434 """ 3435 SetUnwindOnError(SBExpressionOptions self, bool unwind=True) 3436 SetUnwindOnError(SBExpressionOptions self) 3437 3438 Sets whether to unwind the expression stack on error. 3439 """ 3440 return _lldb.SBExpressionOptions_SetUnwindOnError(self, unwind)
3442 - def GetIgnoreBreakpoints(self):
3443 """GetIgnoreBreakpoints(SBExpressionOptions self) -> bool""" 3444 return _lldb.SBExpressionOptions_GetIgnoreBreakpoints(self)
3446 - def SetIgnoreBreakpoints(self, ignore=True):
3447 """ 3448 SetIgnoreBreakpoints(SBExpressionOptions self, bool ignore=True) 3449 SetIgnoreBreakpoints(SBExpressionOptions self) 3450 """ 3451 return _lldb.SBExpressionOptions_SetIgnoreBreakpoints(self, ignore)
3453 - def GetFetchDynamicValue(self):
3454 """GetFetchDynamicValue(SBExpressionOptions self) -> lldb::DynamicValueType""" 3455 return _lldb.SBExpressionOptions_GetFetchDynamicValue(self)
3457 - def SetFetchDynamicValue(self, *args):
3458 """ 3459 SetFetchDynamicValue(SBExpressionOptions self, lldb::DynamicValueType dynamic=eDynamicCanRunTarget) 3460 SetFetchDynamicValue(SBExpressionOptions self) 3461 3462 Sets whether to cast the expression result to its dynamic type. 3463 """ 3464 return _lldb.SBExpressionOptions_SetFetchDynamicValue(self, *args)
3466 - def GetTimeoutInMicroSeconds(self):
3467 """GetTimeoutInMicroSeconds(SBExpressionOptions self) -> uint32_t""" 3468 return _lldb.SBExpressionOptions_GetTimeoutInMicroSeconds(self)
3470 - def SetTimeoutInMicroSeconds(self, timeout=0):
3471 """ 3472 SetTimeoutInMicroSeconds(SBExpressionOptions self, uint32_t timeout=0) 3473 SetTimeoutInMicroSeconds(SBExpressionOptions self) 3474 3475 Sets the timeout in microseconds to run the expression for. If try all threads is set to true and the expression doesn't complete within the specified timeout, all threads will be resumed for the same timeout to see if the expresson will finish. 3476 """ 3477 return _lldb.SBExpressionOptions_SetTimeoutInMicroSeconds(self, timeout)
3479 - def GetTryAllThreads(self):
3480 """GetTryAllThreads(SBExpressionOptions self) -> bool""" 3481 return _lldb.SBExpressionOptions_GetTryAllThreads(self)
3483 - def SetTryAllThreads(self, run_others=True):
3484 """ 3485 SetTryAllThreads(SBExpressionOptions self, bool run_others=True) 3486 SetTryAllThreads(SBExpressionOptions self) 3487 3488 Sets whether to run all threads if the expression does not complete on one thread. 3489 """ 3490 return _lldb.SBExpressionOptions_SetTryAllThreads(self, run_others)
3491 3492 SBExpressionOptions_swigregister = _lldb.SBExpressionOptions_swigregister 3493 SBExpressionOptions_swigregister(SBExpressionOptions)
3494 3495 -class SBFileSpec(_object):
3496 """ 3497 Represents a file specfication that divides the path into a directory and 3498 basename. The string values of the paths are put into uniqued string pools 3499 for fast comparisons and efficient memory usage. 3500 3501 For example, the following code 3502 3503 lineEntry = context.GetLineEntry() 3504 self.expect(lineEntry.GetFileSpec().GetDirectory(), 'The line entry should have the correct directory', 3505 exe=False, 3506 substrs = [self.mydir]) 3507 self.expect(lineEntry.GetFileSpec().GetFilename(), 'The line entry should have the correct filename', 3508 exe=False, 3509 substrs = ['main.c']) 3510 self.assertTrue(lineEntry.GetLine() == self.line, 3511 'The line entry's line number should match ') 3512 3513 gets the line entry from the symbol context when a thread is stopped. 3514 It gets the file spec corresponding to the line entry and checks that 3515 the filename and the directory matches wat we expect. 3516 3517 """ 3518 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 3519 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBFileSpec, name, value) 3520 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 3521 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBFileSpec, name) 3522 __repr__ = _swig_repr
3523 - def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, SBFileSpec) and self.GetFilename() == other.GetFilename() and self.GetDirectory() == other.GetDirectory()
3524 - def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
3525 - def __init__(self, *args):
3526 """ 3527 __init__(lldb::SBFileSpec self) -> SBFileSpec 3528 __init__(lldb::SBFileSpec self, SBFileSpec rhs) -> SBFileSpec 3529 __init__(lldb::SBFileSpec self, str const * path) -> SBFileSpec 3530 __init__(lldb::SBFileSpec self, str const * path, bool resolve) -> SBFileSpec 3531 """ 3532 this = _lldb.new_SBFileSpec(*args) 3533 try: self.this.append(this) 3534 except: self.this = this
3535 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBFileSpec 3536 __del__ = lambda self : None;
3537 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
3538 - def IsValid(self):
3539 """IsValid(SBFileSpec self) -> bool""" 3540 return _lldb.SBFileSpec_IsValid(self)
3542 - def Exists(self):
3543 """Exists(SBFileSpec self) -> bool""" 3544 return _lldb.SBFileSpec_Exists(self)
3546 - def ResolveExecutableLocation(self):
3547 """ResolveExecutableLocation(SBFileSpec self) -> bool""" 3548 return _lldb.SBFileSpec_ResolveExecutableLocation(self)
3550 - def GetFilename(self):
3551 """GetFilename(SBFileSpec self) -> str const *""" 3552 return _lldb.SBFileSpec_GetFilename(self)
3554 - def GetDirectory(self):
3555 """GetDirectory(SBFileSpec self) -> str const *""" 3556 return _lldb.SBFileSpec_GetDirectory(self)
3558 - def GetPath(self, *args):
3559 """GetPath(SBFileSpec self, str * dst_path, size_t dst_len) -> uint32_t""" 3560 return _lldb.SBFileSpec_GetPath(self, *args)
3562 - def ResolvePath(*args):
3563 """ResolvePath(str const * src_path, str * dst_path, size_t dst_len) -> int""" 3564 return _lldb.SBFileSpec_ResolvePath(*args)
3565 3566 if _newclass:ResolvePath = staticmethod(ResolvePath) 3567 __swig_getmethods__["ResolvePath"] = lambda x: ResolvePath
3568 - def GetDescription(self, *args):
3569 """GetDescription(SBFileSpec self, SBStream description) -> bool""" 3570 return _lldb.SBFileSpec_GetDescription(self, *args)
3572 - def __get_fullpath__(self):
3573 spec_dir = self.GetDirectory() 3574 spec_file = self.GetFilename() 3575 if spec_dir and spec_file: 3576 return '%s/%s' % (spec_dir, spec_file) 3577 elif spec_dir: 3578 return spec_dir 3579 elif spec_file: 3580 return spec_file 3581 return None
3582 3583 __swig_getmethods__["fullpath"] = __get_fullpath__ 3584 if _newclass: fullpath = property(__get_fullpath__, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the fullpath as a python string.''') 3585 3586 __swig_getmethods__["basename"] = GetFilename 3587 if _newclass: basename = property(GetFilename, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the path basename as a python string.''') 3588 3589 __swig_getmethods__["dirname"] = GetDirectory 3590 if _newclass: dirname = property(GetDirectory, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the path directory name as a python string.''') 3591 3592 __swig_getmethods__["exists"] = Exists 3593 if _newclass: exists = property(Exists, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a boolean value that indicates if the file exists.''') 3594
3595 - def __str__(self):
3596 """__str__(SBFileSpec self) -> PyObject *""" 3597 return _lldb.SBFileSpec___str__(self)
3598 3599 SBFileSpec_swigregister = _lldb.SBFileSpec_swigregister 3600 SBFileSpec_swigregister(SBFileSpec)
3601 3602 -def SBFileSpec_ResolvePath(*args):
3603 """SBFileSpec_ResolvePath(str const * src_path, str * dst_path, size_t dst_len) -> int""" 3604 return _lldb.SBFileSpec_ResolvePath(*args)
3606 -class SBFileSpecList(_object):
3607 """Proxy of C++ lldb::SBFileSpecList class""" 3608 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 3609 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBFileSpecList, name, value) 3610 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 3611 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBFileSpecList, name) 3612 __repr__ = _swig_repr
3613 - def __init__(self, *args):
3614 """ 3615 __init__(lldb::SBFileSpecList self) -> SBFileSpecList 3616 __init__(lldb::SBFileSpecList self, SBFileSpecList rhs) -> SBFileSpecList 3617 """ 3618 this = _lldb.new_SBFileSpecList(*args) 3619 try: self.this.append(this) 3620 except: self.this = this
3621 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBFileSpecList 3622 __del__ = lambda self : None;
3623 - def GetSize(self):
3624 """GetSize(SBFileSpecList self) -> uint32_t""" 3625 return _lldb.SBFileSpecList_GetSize(self)
3627 - def GetDescription(self, *args):
3628 """GetDescription(SBFileSpecList self, SBStream description) -> bool""" 3629 return _lldb.SBFileSpecList_GetDescription(self, *args)
3631 - def Append(self, *args):
3632 """Append(SBFileSpecList self, SBFileSpec sb_file)""" 3633 return _lldb.SBFileSpecList_Append(self, *args)
3635 - def AppendIfUnique(self, *args):
3636 """AppendIfUnique(SBFileSpecList self, SBFileSpec sb_file) -> bool""" 3637 return _lldb.SBFileSpecList_AppendIfUnique(self, *args)
3639 - def Clear(self):
3640 """Clear(SBFileSpecList self)""" 3641 return _lldb.SBFileSpecList_Clear(self)
3643 - def FindFileIndex(self, *args):
3644 """FindFileIndex(SBFileSpecList self, uint32_t idx, SBFileSpec sb_file, bool full) -> uint32_t""" 3645 return _lldb.SBFileSpecList_FindFileIndex(self, *args)
3647 - def GetFileSpecAtIndex(self, *args):
3648 """GetFileSpecAtIndex(SBFileSpecList self, uint32_t idx) -> SBFileSpec""" 3649 return _lldb.SBFileSpecList_GetFileSpecAtIndex(self, *args)
3650 3651 SBFileSpecList_swigregister = _lldb.SBFileSpecList_swigregister 3652 SBFileSpecList_swigregister(SBFileSpecList)
3653 3654 -class SBFrame(_object):
3655 """ 3656 Represents one of the stack frames associated with a thread. 3657 SBThread contains SBFrame(s). For example (from test/, 3658 3659 def print_stacktrace(thread, string_buffer = False): 3660 '''Prints a simple stack trace of this thread.''' 3661 3662 ... 3663 3664 for i in range(depth): 3665 frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(i) 3666 function = frame.GetFunction() 3667 3668 load_addr = addrs[i].GetLoadAddress(target) 3669 if not function: 3670 file_addr = addrs[i].GetFileAddress() 3671 start_addr = frame.GetSymbol().GetStartAddress().GetFileAddress() 3672 symbol_offset = file_addr - start_addr 3673 print >> output, ' frame #{num}: {addr:#016x} {mod}`{symbol} + {offset}'.format( 3674 num=i, addr=load_addr, mod=mods[i], symbol=symbols[i], offset=symbol_offset) 3675 else: 3676 print >> output, ' frame #{num}: {addr:#016x} {mod}`{func} at {file}:{line} {args}'.format( 3677 num=i, addr=load_addr, mod=mods[i], 3678 func='%s [inlined]' % funcs[i] if frame.IsInlined() else funcs[i], 3679 file=files[i], line=lines[i], 3680 args=get_args_as_string(frame, showFuncName=False) if not frame.IsInlined() else '()') 3681 3682 ... 3683 3684 And, 3685 3686 for frame in thread: 3687 print frame 3688 3689 See also SBThread. 3690 """ 3691 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 3692 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBFrame, name, value) 3693 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 3694 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBFrame, name) 3695 __repr__ = _swig_repr
3696 - def __init__(self, *args):
3697 """ 3698 __init__(lldb::SBFrame self) -> SBFrame 3699 __init__(lldb::SBFrame self, SBFrame rhs) -> SBFrame 3700 """ 3701 this = _lldb.new_SBFrame(*args) 3702 try: self.this.append(this) 3703 except: self.this = this
3704 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBFrame 3705 __del__ = lambda self : None;
3706 - def IsEqual(self, *args):
3707 """IsEqual(SBFrame self, SBFrame rhs) -> bool""" 3708 return _lldb.SBFrame_IsEqual(self, *args)
3710 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
3711 - def IsValid(self):
3712 """IsValid(SBFrame self) -> bool""" 3713 return _lldb.SBFrame_IsValid(self)
3715 - def GetFrameID(self):
3716 """GetFrameID(SBFrame self) -> uint32_t""" 3717 return _lldb.SBFrame_GetFrameID(self)
3719 - def GetPC(self):
3720 """GetPC(SBFrame self) -> lldb::addr_t""" 3721 return _lldb.SBFrame_GetPC(self)
3723 - def SetPC(self, *args):
3724 """SetPC(SBFrame self, lldb::addr_t new_pc) -> bool""" 3725 return _lldb.SBFrame_SetPC(self, *args)
3727 - def GetSP(self):
3728 """GetSP(SBFrame self) -> lldb::addr_t""" 3729 return _lldb.SBFrame_GetSP(self)
3731 - def GetFP(self):
3732 """GetFP(SBFrame self) -> lldb::addr_t""" 3733 return _lldb.SBFrame_GetFP(self)
3735 - def GetPCAddress(self):
3736 """GetPCAddress(SBFrame self) -> SBAddress""" 3737 return _lldb.SBFrame_GetPCAddress(self)
3739 - def GetSymbolContext(self, *args):
3740 """GetSymbolContext(SBFrame self, uint32_t resolve_scope) -> SBSymbolContext""" 3741 return _lldb.SBFrame_GetSymbolContext(self, *args)
3743 - def GetModule(self):
3744 """GetModule(SBFrame self) -> SBModule""" 3745 return _lldb.SBFrame_GetModule(self)
3747 - def GetCompileUnit(self):
3748 """GetCompileUnit(SBFrame self) -> SBCompileUnit""" 3749 return _lldb.SBFrame_GetCompileUnit(self)
3751 - def GetFunction(self):
3752 """GetFunction(SBFrame self) -> SBFunction""" 3753 return _lldb.SBFrame_GetFunction(self)
3755 - def GetSymbol(self):
3756 """GetSymbol(SBFrame self) -> SBSymbol""" 3757 return _lldb.SBFrame_GetSymbol(self)
3759 - def GetBlock(self):
3760 """ 3761 GetBlock(SBFrame self) -> SBBlock 3762 3763 Gets the deepest block that contains the frame PC. 3764 3765 See also GetFrameBlock(). 3766 """ 3767 return _lldb.SBFrame_GetBlock(self)
3769 - def GetFunctionName(self):
3770 """ 3771 GetFunctionName(SBFrame self) -> str const * 3772 3773 Get the appropriate function name for this frame. Inlined functions in 3774 LLDB are represented by Blocks that have inlined function information, so 3775 just looking at the SBFunction or SBSymbol for a frame isn't enough. 3776 This function will return the appriopriate function, symbol or inlined 3777 function name for the frame. 3778 3779 This function returns: 3780 - the name of the inlined function (if there is one) 3781 - the name of the concrete function (if there is one) 3782 - the name of the symbol (if there is one) 3783 - NULL 3784 3785 See also IsInlined(). 3786 """ 3787 return _lldb.SBFrame_GetFunctionName(self)
3789 - def IsInlined(self):
3790 """ 3791 IsInlined(SBFrame self) -> bool 3792 3793 Return true if this frame represents an inlined function. 3794 3795 See also GetFunctionName(). 3796 """ 3797 return _lldb.SBFrame_IsInlined(self)
3799 - def EvaluateExpression(self, *args):
3800 """ 3801 EvaluateExpression(SBFrame self, str const * expr) -> SBValue 3802 EvaluateExpression(SBFrame self, str const * expr, lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic) -> SBValue 3803 EvaluateExpression(SBFrame self, str const * expr, lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic, bool unwind_on_error) -> SBValue 3804 EvaluateExpression(SBFrame self, str const * expr, SBExpressionOptions options) -> SBValue 3805 3806 The version that doesn't supply a 'use_dynamic' value will use the 3807 target's default. 3808 """ 3809 return _lldb.SBFrame_EvaluateExpression(self, *args)
3811 - def GetFrameBlock(self):
3812 """ 3813 GetFrameBlock(SBFrame self) -> SBBlock 3814 3815 Gets the lexical block that defines the stack frame. Another way to think 3816 of this is it will return the block that contains all of the variables 3817 for a stack frame. Inlined functions are represented as SBBlock objects 3818 that have inlined function information: the name of the inlined function, 3819 where it was called from. The block that is returned will be the first 3820 block at or above the block for the PC (SBFrame::GetBlock()) that defines 3821 the scope of the frame. When a function contains no inlined functions, 3822 this will be the top most lexical block that defines the function. 3823 When a function has inlined functions and the PC is currently 3824 in one of those inlined functions, this method will return the inlined 3825 block that defines this frame. If the PC isn't currently in an inlined 3826 function, the lexical block that defines the function is returned. 3827 """ 3828 return _lldb.SBFrame_GetFrameBlock(self)
3830 - def GetLineEntry(self):
3831 """GetLineEntry(SBFrame self) -> SBLineEntry""" 3832 return _lldb.SBFrame_GetLineEntry(self)
3834 - def GetThread(self):
3835 """GetThread(SBFrame self) -> SBThread""" 3836 return _lldb.SBFrame_GetThread(self)
3838 - def Disassemble(self):
3839 """Disassemble(SBFrame self) -> str const *""" 3840 return _lldb.SBFrame_Disassemble(self)
3842 - def Clear(self):
3843 """Clear(SBFrame self)""" 3844 return _lldb.SBFrame_Clear(self)
3846 - def GetVariables(self, *args):
3847 """ 3848 GetVariables(SBFrame self, bool arguments, bool locals, bool statics, bool in_scope_only) -> SBValueList 3849 GetVariables(SBFrame self, bool arguments, bool locals, bool statics, bool in_scope_only, lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic) -> SBValueList 3850 3851 The version that doesn't supply a 'use_dynamic' value will use the 3852 target's default. 3853 """ 3854 return _lldb.SBFrame_GetVariables(self, *args)
3856 - def GetRegisters(self):
3857 """GetRegisters(SBFrame self) -> SBValueList""" 3858 return _lldb.SBFrame_GetRegisters(self)
3860 - def FindVariable(self, *args):
3861 """ 3862 FindVariable(SBFrame self, str const * var_name) -> SBValue 3863 FindVariable(SBFrame self, str const * var_name, lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic) -> SBValue 3864 3865 The version that doesn't supply a 'use_dynamic' value will use the 3866 target's default. 3867 """ 3868 return _lldb.SBFrame_FindVariable(self, *args)
3870 - def GetValueForVariablePath(self, *args):
3871 """ 3872 GetValueForVariablePath(SBFrame self, str const * var_path) -> SBValue 3873 GetValueForVariablePath(SBFrame self, str const * var_path, lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic) -> SBValue 3874 3875 Get a lldb.SBValue for a variable path. 3876 3877 Variable paths can include access to pointer or instance members: 3878 rect_ptr->origin.y 3879 pt.x 3880 Pointer dereferences: 3881 *this->foo_ptr 3882 **argv 3883 Address of: 3884 &pt 3885 &my_array[3].x 3886 Array accesses and treating pointers as arrays: 3887 int_array[1] 3888 pt_ptr[22].x 3889 3890 Unlike EvaluateExpression() which returns lldb.SBValue objects 3891 with constant copies of the values at the time of evaluation, 3892 the result of this function is a value that will continue to 3893 track the current value of the value as execution progresses 3894 in the current frame. 3895 """ 3896 return _lldb.SBFrame_GetValueForVariablePath(self, *args)
3898 - def FindValue(self, *args):
3899 """ 3900 FindValue(SBFrame self, str const * name, lldb::ValueType value_type) -> SBValue 3901 FindValue(SBFrame self, str const * name, lldb::ValueType value_type, lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic) -> SBValue 3902 3903 Find variables, register sets, registers, or persistent variables using 3904 the frame as the scope. 3905 3906 The version that doesn't supply a 'use_dynamic' value will use the 3907 target's default. 3908 """ 3909 return _lldb.SBFrame_FindValue(self, *args)
3911 - def GetDescription(self, *args):
3912 """GetDescription(SBFrame self, SBStream description) -> bool""" 3913 return _lldb.SBFrame_GetDescription(self, *args)
3915 - def get_all_variables(self):
3916 return self.GetVariables(True,True,True,True)
3918 - def get_arguments(self):
3919 return self.GetVariables(True,False,False,False)
3921 - def get_locals(self):
3922 return self.GetVariables(False,True,False,False)
3924 - def get_statics(self):
3925 return self.GetVariables(False,False,True,False)
3927 - def var(self, var_expr_path):
3928 '''Calls through to lldb.SBFrame.GetValueForVariablePath() and returns 3929 a value that represents the variable expression path''' 3930 return self.GetValueForVariablePath(var_expr_path)
3931 3932 __swig_getmethods__["pc"] = GetPC 3933 __swig_setmethods__["pc"] = SetPC 3934 if _newclass: pc = property(GetPC, SetPC) 3935 3936 __swig_getmethods__["addr"] = GetPCAddress 3937 if _newclass: addr = property(GetPCAddress, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the program counter (PC) as a section offset address (lldb.SBAddress).''') 3938 3939 __swig_getmethods__["fp"] = GetFP 3940 if _newclass: fp = property(GetFP, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the frame pointer (FP) as an unsigned integer.''') 3941 3942 __swig_getmethods__["sp"] = GetSP 3943 if _newclass: sp = property(GetSP, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the stack pointer (SP) as an unsigned integer.''') 3944 3945 __swig_getmethods__["module"] = GetModule 3946 if _newclass: module = property(GetModule, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the module (lldb.SBModule) for this stack frame.''') 3947 3948 __swig_getmethods__["compile_unit"] = GetCompileUnit 3949 if _newclass: compile_unit = property(GetCompileUnit, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the compile unit (lldb.SBCompileUnit) for this stack frame.''') 3950 3951 __swig_getmethods__["function"] = GetFunction 3952 if _newclass: function = property(GetFunction, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the function (lldb.SBFunction) for this stack frame.''') 3953 3954 __swig_getmethods__["symbol"] = GetSymbol 3955 if _newclass: symbol = property(GetSymbol, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the symbol (lldb.SBSymbol) for this stack frame.''') 3956 3957 __swig_getmethods__["block"] = GetBlock 3958 if _newclass: block = property(GetBlock, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the block (lldb.SBBlock) for this stack frame.''') 3959 3960 __swig_getmethods__["is_inlined"] = IsInlined 3961 if _newclass: is_inlined = property(IsInlined, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an boolean that indicates if the block frame is an inlined function.''') 3962 3963 __swig_getmethods__["name"] = GetFunctionName 3964 if _newclass: name = property(GetFunctionName, None, doc='''A read only property that retuns the name for the function that this frame represents. Inlined stack frame might have a concrete function that differs from the name of the inlined function (a named lldb.SBBlock).''') 3965 3966 __swig_getmethods__["line_entry"] = GetLineEntry 3967 if _newclass: line_entry = property(GetLineEntry, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the line table entry (lldb.SBLineEntry) for this stack frame.''') 3968 3969 __swig_getmethods__["thread"] = GetThread 3970 if _newclass: thread = property(GetThread, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the thread (lldb.SBThread) for this stack frame.''') 3971 3972 __swig_getmethods__["disassembly"] = Disassemble 3973 if _newclass: disassembly = property(Disassemble, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the disassembly for this stack frame as a python string.''') 3974 3975 __swig_getmethods__["idx"] = GetFrameID 3976 if _newclass: idx = property(GetFrameID, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the zero based stack frame index.''') 3977 3978 __swig_getmethods__["variables"] = get_all_variables 3979 if _newclass: variables = property(get_all_variables, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a list() that contains a collection of lldb.SBValue objects that represent the variables in this stack frame.''') 3980 3981 __swig_getmethods__["vars"] = get_all_variables 3982 if _newclass: vars = property(get_all_variables, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a list() that contains a collection of lldb.SBValue objects that represent the variables in this stack frame.''') 3983 3984 __swig_getmethods__["locals"] = get_locals 3985 if _newclass: locals = property(get_locals, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a list() that contains a collection of lldb.SBValue objects that represent the local variables in this stack frame.''') 3986 3987 __swig_getmethods__["args"] = get_arguments 3988 if _newclass: args = property(get_arguments, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a list() that contains a collection of lldb.SBValue objects that represent the argument variables in this stack frame.''') 3989 3990 __swig_getmethods__["arguments"] = get_arguments 3991 if _newclass: arguments = property(get_arguments, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a list() that contains a collection of lldb.SBValue objects that represent the argument variables in this stack frame.''') 3992 3993 __swig_getmethods__["statics"] = get_statics 3994 if _newclass: statics = property(get_statics, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a list() that contains a collection of lldb.SBValue objects that represent the static variables in this stack frame.''') 3995 3996 __swig_getmethods__["registers"] = GetRegisters 3997 if _newclass: registers = property(GetRegisters, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a list() that contains a collection of lldb.SBValue objects that represent the CPU registers for this stack frame.''') 3998 3999 __swig_getmethods__["regs"] = GetRegisters 4000 if _newclass: regs = property(GetRegisters, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a list() that contains a collection of lldb.SBValue objects that represent the CPU registers for this stack frame.''') 4001 4002
4003 - def __str__(self):
4004 """__str__(SBFrame self) -> PyObject *""" 4005 return _lldb.SBFrame___str__(self)
4006 4007 SBFrame_swigregister = _lldb.SBFrame_swigregister 4008 SBFrame_swigregister(SBFrame)
4009 4010 -class SBFunction(_object):
4011 """ 4012 Represents a generic function, which can be inlined or not. 4013 4014 For example (from test/, but slightly modified for doc purpose), 4015 4016 ... 4017 4018 frame = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(i) 4019 addr = frame.GetPCAddress() 4020 load_addr = addr.GetLoadAddress(target) 4021 function = frame.GetFunction() 4022 mod_name = frame.GetModule().GetFileSpec().GetFilename() 4023 4024 if not function: 4025 # No debug info for 'function'. 4026 symbol = frame.GetSymbol() 4027 file_addr = addr.GetFileAddress() 4028 start_addr = symbol.GetStartAddress().GetFileAddress() 4029 symbol_name = symbol.GetName() 4030 symbol_offset = file_addr - start_addr 4031 print >> output, ' frame #{num}: {addr:#016x} {mod}`{symbol} + {offset}'.format( 4032 num=i, addr=load_addr, mod=mod_name, symbol=symbol_name, offset=symbol_offset) 4033 else: 4034 # Debug info is available for 'function'. 4035 func_name = frame.GetFunctionName() 4036 file_name = frame.GetLineEntry().GetFileSpec().GetFilename() 4037 line_num = frame.GetLineEntry().GetLine() 4038 print >> output, ' frame #{num}: {addr:#016x} {mod}`{func} at {file}:{line} {args}'.format( 4039 num=i, addr=load_addr, mod=mod_name, 4040 func='%s [inlined]' % func_name] if frame.IsInlined() else func_name, 4041 file=file_name, line=line_num, args=get_args_as_string(frame, showFuncName=False)) 4042 4043 ... 4044 4045 """ 4046 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 4047 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBFunction, name, value) 4048 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 4049 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBFunction, name) 4050 __repr__ = _swig_repr
4051 - def __init__(self, *args):
4052 """ 4053 __init__(lldb::SBFunction self) -> SBFunction 4054 __init__(lldb::SBFunction self, SBFunction rhs) -> SBFunction 4055 """ 4056 this = _lldb.new_SBFunction(*args) 4057 try: self.this.append(this) 4058 except: self.this = this
4059 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBFunction 4060 __del__ = lambda self : None;
4061 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
4062 - def IsValid(self):
4063 """IsValid(SBFunction self) -> bool""" 4064 return _lldb.SBFunction_IsValid(self)
4066 - def GetName(self):
4067 """GetName(SBFunction self) -> str const *""" 4068 return _lldb.SBFunction_GetName(self)
4070 - def GetMangledName(self):
4071 """GetMangledName(SBFunction self) -> str const *""" 4072 return _lldb.SBFunction_GetMangledName(self)
4074 - def GetInstructions(self, *args):
4075 """ 4076 GetInstructions(SBFunction self, SBTarget target) -> SBInstructionList 4077 GetInstructions(SBFunction self, SBTarget target, str const * flavor) -> SBInstructionList 4078 """ 4079 return _lldb.SBFunction_GetInstructions(self, *args)
4081 - def GetStartAddress(self):
4082 """GetStartAddress(SBFunction self) -> SBAddress""" 4083 return _lldb.SBFunction_GetStartAddress(self)
4085 - def GetEndAddress(self):
4086 """GetEndAddress(SBFunction self) -> SBAddress""" 4087 return _lldb.SBFunction_GetEndAddress(self)
4089 - def GetPrologueByteSize(self):
4090 """GetPrologueByteSize(SBFunction self) -> uint32_t""" 4091 return _lldb.SBFunction_GetPrologueByteSize(self)
4093 - def GetType(self):
4094 """GetType(SBFunction self) -> SBType""" 4095 return _lldb.SBFunction_GetType(self)
4097 - def GetBlock(self):
4098 """GetBlock(SBFunction self) -> SBBlock""" 4099 return _lldb.SBFunction_GetBlock(self)
4101 - def GetDescription(self, *args):
4102 """GetDescription(SBFunction self, SBStream description) -> bool""" 4103 return _lldb.SBFunction_GetDescription(self, *args)
4105 - def __eq__(self, *args):
4106 """__eq__(SBFunction self, SBFunction rhs) -> bool""" 4107 return _lldb.SBFunction___eq__(self, *args)
4109 - def __ne__(self, *args):
4110 """__ne__(SBFunction self, SBFunction rhs) -> bool""" 4111 return _lldb.SBFunction___ne__(self, *args)
4113 - def get_instructions_from_current_target (self):
4114 return self.GetInstructions (target)
4115 4116 __swig_getmethods__["addr"] = GetStartAddress 4117 if _newclass: addr = property(GetStartAddress, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the start address (lldb.SBAddress) for this function.''') 4118 4119 __swig_getmethods__["end_addr"] = GetEndAddress 4120 if _newclass: end_addr = property(GetEndAddress, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the end address (lldb.SBAddress) for this function.''') 4121 4122 __swig_getmethods__["block"] = GetBlock 4123 if _newclass: block = property(GetBlock, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the top level lexical block (lldb.SBBlock) for this function.''') 4124 4125 __swig_getmethods__["instructions"] = get_instructions_from_current_target 4126 if _newclass: instructions = property(get_instructions_from_current_target, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the instructions (lldb.SBInstructionList) for this function.''') 4127 4128 __swig_getmethods__["mangled"] = GetMangledName 4129 if _newclass: mangled = property(GetMangledName, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the mangled (linkage) name for this function as a string.''') 4130 4131 __swig_getmethods__["name"] = GetName 4132 if _newclass: name = property(GetName, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the name for this function as a string.''') 4133 4134 __swig_getmethods__["prologue_size"] = GetPrologueByteSize 4135 if _newclass: prologue_size = property(GetPrologueByteSize, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the size in bytes of the prologue instructions as an unsigned integer.''') 4136 4137 __swig_getmethods__["type"] = GetType 4138 if _newclass: type = property(GetType, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the return type (lldb.SBType) for this function.''') 4139
4140 - def __str__(self):
4141 """__str__(SBFunction self) -> PyObject *""" 4142 return _lldb.SBFunction___str__(self)
4144 - def __eq__(self, rhs):
4145 if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)): 4146 return False 4147 4148 return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___eq__")(self, rhs)
4150 - def __ne__(self, rhs):
4151 if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)): 4152 return True 4153 4154 return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___ne__")(self, rhs)
4155 4156 SBFunction_swigregister = _lldb.SBFunction_swigregister 4157 SBFunction_swigregister(SBFunction)
4158 4159 -class SBHostOS(_object):
4160 """Proxy of C++ lldb::SBHostOS class""" 4161 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 4162 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBHostOS, name, value) 4163 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 4164 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBHostOS, name) 4165 __repr__ = _swig_repr
4166 - def GetProgramFileSpec():
4167 """GetProgramFileSpec() -> SBFileSpec""" 4168 return _lldb.SBHostOS_GetProgramFileSpec()
4169 4170 if _newclass:GetProgramFileSpec = staticmethod(GetProgramFileSpec) 4171 __swig_getmethods__["GetProgramFileSpec"] = lambda x: GetProgramFileSpec
4172 - def ThreadCreated(*args):
4173 """ThreadCreated(str const * name)""" 4174 return _lldb.SBHostOS_ThreadCreated(*args)
4175 4176 if _newclass:ThreadCreated = staticmethod(ThreadCreated) 4177 __swig_getmethods__["ThreadCreated"] = lambda x: ThreadCreated
4178 - def ThreadCreate(*args):
4179 """ThreadCreate(str const * name, void *(*)(void *) thread_function, void * thread_arg, SBError err) -> lldb::thread_t""" 4180 return _lldb.SBHostOS_ThreadCreate(*args)
4181 4182 if _newclass:ThreadCreate = staticmethod(ThreadCreate) 4183 __swig_getmethods__["ThreadCreate"] = lambda x: ThreadCreate
4184 - def ThreadCancel(*args):
4185 """ThreadCancel(lldb::thread_t thread, SBError err) -> bool""" 4186 return _lldb.SBHostOS_ThreadCancel(*args)
4187 4188 if _newclass:ThreadCancel = staticmethod(ThreadCancel) 4189 __swig_getmethods__["ThreadCancel"] = lambda x: ThreadCancel
4190 - def ThreadDetach(*args):
4191 """ThreadDetach(lldb::thread_t thread, SBError err) -> bool""" 4192 return _lldb.SBHostOS_ThreadDetach(*args)
4193 4194 if _newclass:ThreadDetach = staticmethod(ThreadDetach) 4195 __swig_getmethods__["ThreadDetach"] = lambda x: ThreadDetach
4196 - def ThreadJoin(*args):
4197 """ThreadJoin(lldb::thread_t thread, void ** result, SBError err) -> bool""" 4198 return _lldb.SBHostOS_ThreadJoin(*args)
4199 4200 if _newclass:ThreadJoin = staticmethod(ThreadJoin) 4201 __swig_getmethods__["ThreadJoin"] = lambda x: ThreadJoin
4202 - def __init__(self):
4203 """__init__(lldb::SBHostOS self) -> SBHostOS""" 4204 this = _lldb.new_SBHostOS() 4205 try: self.this.append(this) 4206 except: self.this = this
4207 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBHostOS 4208 __del__ = lambda self : None; 4209 SBHostOS_swigregister = _lldb.SBHostOS_swigregister 4210 SBHostOS_swigregister(SBHostOS)
4211 4212 -def SBHostOS_GetProgramFileSpec():
4213 """SBHostOS_GetProgramFileSpec() -> SBFileSpec""" 4214 return _lldb.SBHostOS_GetProgramFileSpec()
4216 -def SBHostOS_ThreadCreated(*args):
4217 """SBHostOS_ThreadCreated(str const * name)""" 4218 return _lldb.SBHostOS_ThreadCreated(*args)
4220 -def SBHostOS_ThreadCreate(*args):
4221 """SBHostOS_ThreadCreate(str const * name, void *(*)(void *) thread_function, void * thread_arg, SBError err) -> lldb::thread_t""" 4222 return _lldb.SBHostOS_ThreadCreate(*args)
4224 -def SBHostOS_ThreadCancel(*args):
4225 """SBHostOS_ThreadCancel(lldb::thread_t thread, SBError err) -> bool""" 4226 return _lldb.SBHostOS_ThreadCancel(*args)
4228 -def SBHostOS_ThreadDetach(*args):
4229 """SBHostOS_ThreadDetach(lldb::thread_t thread, SBError err) -> bool""" 4230 return _lldb.SBHostOS_ThreadDetach(*args)
4232 -def SBHostOS_ThreadJoin(*args):
4233 """SBHostOS_ThreadJoin(lldb::thread_t thread, void ** result, SBError err) -> bool""" 4234 return _lldb.SBHostOS_ThreadJoin(*args)
4236 -class SBInputReader(_object):
4237 """Proxy of C++ lldb::SBInputReader class""" 4238 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 4239 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBInputReader, name, value) 4240 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 4241 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBInputReader, name) 4242 __repr__ = _swig_repr
4243 - def __init__(self, *args):
4244 """ 4245 __init__(lldb::SBInputReader self) -> SBInputReader 4246 __init__(lldb::SBInputReader self, SBInputReader rhs) -> SBInputReader 4247 """ 4248 this = _lldb.new_SBInputReader(*args) 4249 try: self.this.append(this) 4250 except: self.this = this
4251 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBInputReader 4252 __del__ = lambda self : None;
4253 - def Initialize(self, *args):
4254 """ 4255 Initialize(SBInputReader self, SBDebugger debugger, lldb::SBInputReader::Callback callback, lldb::InputReaderGranularity granularity, 4256 str const * end_token, str const * prompt, bool echo) -> SBError 4257 """ 4258 return _lldb.SBInputReader_Initialize(self, *args)
4260 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
4261 - def IsValid(self):
4262 """IsValid(SBInputReader self) -> bool""" 4263 return _lldb.SBInputReader_IsValid(self)
4265 - def IsActive(self):
4266 """IsActive(SBInputReader self) -> bool""" 4267 return _lldb.SBInputReader_IsActive(self)
4269 - def IsDone(self):
4270 """IsDone(SBInputReader self) -> bool""" 4271 return _lldb.SBInputReader_IsDone(self)
4273 - def SetIsDone(self, *args):
4274 """SetIsDone(SBInputReader self, bool value)""" 4275 return _lldb.SBInputReader_SetIsDone(self, *args)
4277 - def GetGranularity(self):
4278 """GetGranularity(SBInputReader self) -> lldb::InputReaderGranularity""" 4279 return _lldb.SBInputReader_GetGranularity(self)
4280 4281 SBInputReader_swigregister = _lldb.SBInputReader_swigregister 4282 SBInputReader_swigregister(SBInputReader)
4283 4284 -class SBInstruction(_object):
4285 """Proxy of C++ lldb::SBInstruction class""" 4286 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 4287 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBInstruction, name, value) 4288 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 4289 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBInstruction, name) 4290 __repr__ = _swig_repr
4291 - def __init__(self, *args):
4292 """ 4293 __init__(lldb::SBInstruction self) -> SBInstruction 4294 __init__(lldb::SBInstruction self, SBInstruction rhs) -> SBInstruction 4295 """ 4296 this = _lldb.new_SBInstruction(*args) 4297 try: self.this.append(this) 4298 except: self.this = this
4299 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBInstruction 4300 __del__ = lambda self : None;
4301 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
4302 - def IsValid(self):
4303 """IsValid(SBInstruction self) -> bool""" 4304 return _lldb.SBInstruction_IsValid(self)
4306 - def GetAddress(self):
4307 """GetAddress(SBInstruction self) -> SBAddress""" 4308 return _lldb.SBInstruction_GetAddress(self)
4310 - def GetAddressClass(self):
4311 """GetAddressClass(SBInstruction self) -> lldb::AddressClass""" 4312 return _lldb.SBInstruction_GetAddressClass(self)
4314 - def GetMnemonic(self, *args):
4315 """GetMnemonic(SBInstruction self, SBTarget target) -> str const *""" 4316 return _lldb.SBInstruction_GetMnemonic(self, *args)
4318 - def GetOperands(self, *args):
4319 """GetOperands(SBInstruction self, SBTarget target) -> str const *""" 4320 return _lldb.SBInstruction_GetOperands(self, *args)
4322 - def GetComment(self, *args):
4323 """GetComment(SBInstruction self, SBTarget target) -> str const *""" 4324 return _lldb.SBInstruction_GetComment(self, *args)
4326 - def GetData(self, *args):
4327 """GetData(SBInstruction self, SBTarget target) -> SBData""" 4328 return _lldb.SBInstruction_GetData(self, *args)
4330 - def GetByteSize(self):
4331 """GetByteSize(SBInstruction self) -> size_t""" 4332 return _lldb.SBInstruction_GetByteSize(self)
4334 - def DoesBranch(self):
4335 """DoesBranch(SBInstruction self) -> bool""" 4336 return _lldb.SBInstruction_DoesBranch(self)
4338 - def Print(self, *args):
4339 """Print(SBInstruction self, FILE * out)""" 4340 return _lldb.SBInstruction_Print(self, *args)
4342 - def GetDescription(self, *args):
4343 """GetDescription(SBInstruction self, SBStream description) -> bool""" 4344 return _lldb.SBInstruction_GetDescription(self, *args)
4346 - def EmulateWithFrame(self, *args):
4347 """EmulateWithFrame(SBInstruction self, SBFrame frame, uint32_t evaluate_options) -> bool""" 4348 return _lldb.SBInstruction_EmulateWithFrame(self, *args)
4350 - def DumpEmulation(self, *args):
4351 """DumpEmulation(SBInstruction self, str const * triple) -> bool""" 4352 return _lldb.SBInstruction_DumpEmulation(self, *args)
4354 - def TestEmulation(self, *args):
4355 """TestEmulation(SBInstruction self, SBStream output_stream, str const * test_file) -> bool""" 4356 return _lldb.SBInstruction_TestEmulation(self, *args)
4358 - def __mnemonic_property__ (self):
4359 return self.GetMnemonic (target)
4360 - def __operands_property__ (self):
4361 return self.GetOperands (target)
4362 - def __comment_property__ (self):
4363 return self.GetComment (target)
4364 - def __file_addr_property__ (self):
4365 return self.GetAddress ().GetFileAddress()
4366 - def __load_adrr_property__ (self):
4367 return self.GetComment (target)
4368 4369 __swig_getmethods__["mnemonic"] = __mnemonic_property__ 4370 if _newclass: mnemonic = property(__mnemonic_property__, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the mnemonic for this instruction as a string.''') 4371 4372 __swig_getmethods__["operands"] = __operands_property__ 4373 if _newclass: operands = property(__operands_property__, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the operands for this instruction as a string.''') 4374 4375 __swig_getmethods__["comment"] = __comment_property__ 4376 if _newclass: comment = property(__comment_property__, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the comment for this instruction as a string.''') 4377 4378 __swig_getmethods__["addr"] = GetAddress 4379 if _newclass: addr = property(GetAddress, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the address (lldb.SBAddress) for this instruction.''') 4380 4381 __swig_getmethods__["size"] = GetByteSize 4382 if _newclass: size = property(GetByteSize, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the size in bytes for this instruction as an integer.''') 4383 4384 __swig_getmethods__["is_branch"] = DoesBranch 4385 if _newclass: is_branch = property(DoesBranch, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a boolean value that indicates if this instruction is a branch instruction.''') 4386
4387 - def __str__(self):
4388 """__str__(SBInstruction self) -> PyObject *""" 4389 return _lldb.SBInstruction___str__(self)
4390 4391 SBInstruction_swigregister = _lldb.SBInstruction_swigregister 4392 SBInstruction_swigregister(SBInstruction)
4393 4394 -class SBInstructionList(_object):
4395 """ 4396 Represents a list of machine instructions. SBFunction and SBSymbol have 4397 GetInstructions() methods which return SBInstructionList instances. 4398 4399 SBInstructionList supports instruction (SBInstruction instance) iteration. 4400 For example (see also SBDebugger for a more complete example), 4401 4402 def disassemble_instructions (insts): 4403 for i in insts: 4404 print i 4405 4406 defines a function which takes an SBInstructionList instance and prints out 4407 the machine instructions in assembly format. 4408 """ 4409 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 4410 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBInstructionList, name, value) 4411 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 4412 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBInstructionList, name) 4413 __repr__ = _swig_repr
4414 - def __iter__(self): return lldb_iter(self, 'GetSize', 'GetInstructionAtIndex')
4415 - def __len__(self): return self.GetSize()
4416 - def __init__(self, *args):
4417 """ 4418 __init__(lldb::SBInstructionList self) -> SBInstructionList 4419 __init__(lldb::SBInstructionList self, SBInstructionList rhs) -> SBInstructionList 4420 """ 4421 this = _lldb.new_SBInstructionList(*args) 4422 try: self.this.append(this) 4423 except: self.this = this
4424 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBInstructionList 4425 __del__ = lambda self : None;
4426 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
4427 - def IsValid(self):
4428 """IsValid(SBInstructionList self) -> bool""" 4429 return _lldb.SBInstructionList_IsValid(self)
4431 - def GetSize(self):
4432 """GetSize(SBInstructionList self) -> size_t""" 4433 return _lldb.SBInstructionList_GetSize(self)
4435 - def GetInstructionAtIndex(self, *args):
4436 """GetInstructionAtIndex(SBInstructionList self, uint32_t idx) -> SBInstruction""" 4437 return _lldb.SBInstructionList_GetInstructionAtIndex(self, *args)
4439 - def Clear(self):
4440 """Clear(SBInstructionList self)""" 4441 return _lldb.SBInstructionList_Clear(self)
4443 - def AppendInstruction(self, *args):
4444 """AppendInstruction(SBInstructionList self, SBInstruction inst)""" 4445 return _lldb.SBInstructionList_AppendInstruction(self, *args)
4447 - def Print(self, *args):
4448 """Print(SBInstructionList self, FILE * out)""" 4449 return _lldb.SBInstructionList_Print(self, *args)
4451 - def GetDescription(self, *args):
4452 """GetDescription(SBInstructionList self, SBStream description) -> bool""" 4453 return _lldb.SBInstructionList_GetDescription(self, *args)
4455 - def DumpEmulationForAllInstructions(self, *args):
4456 """DumpEmulationForAllInstructions(SBInstructionList self, str const * triple) -> bool""" 4457 return _lldb.SBInstructionList_DumpEmulationForAllInstructions(self, *args)
4459 - def __len__(self):
4460 '''Access len of the instruction list.''' 4461 return int(self.GetSize())
4463 - def __getitem__(self, key):
4464 '''Access instructions by integer index for array access or by lldb.SBAddress to find an instruction that matches a section offset address object.''' 4465 if type(key) is int: 4466 # Find an instruction by index 4467 if key < len(self): 4468 return self.GetInstructionAtIndex(key) 4469 elif type(key) is SBAddress: 4470 # Find an instruction using a lldb.SBAddress object 4471 lookup_file_addr = key.file_addr 4472 closest_inst = None 4473 for idx in range(self.GetSize()): 4474 inst = self.GetInstructionAtIndex(idx) 4475 inst_file_addr = inst.addr.file_addr 4476 if inst_file_addr == lookup_file_addr: 4477 return inst 4478 elif inst_file_addr > lookup_file_addr: 4479 return closest_inst 4480 else: 4481 closest_inst = inst 4482 return None
4484 - def __str__(self):
4485 """__str__(SBInstructionList self) -> PyObject *""" 4486 return _lldb.SBInstructionList___str__(self)
4487 4488 SBInstructionList_swigregister = _lldb.SBInstructionList_swigregister 4489 SBInstructionList_swigregister(SBInstructionList)
4490 4491 -class SBLineEntry(_object):
4492 """ 4493 Specifies an association with a contiguous range of instructions and 4494 a source file location. SBCompileUnit contains SBLineEntry(s). For example, 4495 4496 for lineEntry in compileUnit: 4497 print 'line entry: %s:%d' % (str(lineEntry.GetFileSpec()), 4498 lineEntry.GetLine()) 4499 print 'start addr: %s' % str(lineEntry.GetStartAddress()) 4500 print 'end addr: %s' % str(lineEntry.GetEndAddress()) 4501 4502 produces: 4503 4504 line entry: /Volumes/data/lldb/svn/trunk/test/python_api/symbol-context/main.c:20 4505 start addr: a.out[0x100000d98] 4506 end addr: a.out[0x100000da3] 4507 line entry: /Volumes/data/lldb/svn/trunk/test/python_api/symbol-context/main.c:21 4508 start addr: a.out[0x100000da3] 4509 end addr: a.out[0x100000da9] 4510 line entry: /Volumes/data/lldb/svn/trunk/test/python_api/symbol-context/main.c:22 4511 start addr: a.out[0x100000da9] 4512 end addr: a.out[0x100000db6] 4513 line entry: /Volumes/data/lldb/svn/trunk/test/python_api/symbol-context/main.c:23 4514 start addr: a.out[0x100000db6] 4515 end addr: a.out[0x100000dbc] 4516 ... 4517 4518 See also SBCompileUnit. 4519 """ 4520 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 4521 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBLineEntry, name, value) 4522 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 4523 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBLineEntry, name) 4524 __repr__ = _swig_repr
4525 - def __init__(self, *args):
4526 """ 4527 __init__(lldb::SBLineEntry self) -> SBLineEntry 4528 __init__(lldb::SBLineEntry self, SBLineEntry rhs) -> SBLineEntry 4529 """ 4530 this = _lldb.new_SBLineEntry(*args) 4531 try: self.this.append(this) 4532 except: self.this = this
4533 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBLineEntry 4534 __del__ = lambda self : None;
4535 - def GetStartAddress(self):
4536 """GetStartAddress(SBLineEntry self) -> SBAddress""" 4537 return _lldb.SBLineEntry_GetStartAddress(self)
4539 - def GetEndAddress(self):
4540 """GetEndAddress(SBLineEntry self) -> SBAddress""" 4541 return _lldb.SBLineEntry_GetEndAddress(self)
4543 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
4544 - def IsValid(self):
4545 """IsValid(SBLineEntry self) -> bool""" 4546 return _lldb.SBLineEntry_IsValid(self)
4548 - def GetFileSpec(self):
4549 """GetFileSpec(SBLineEntry self) -> SBFileSpec""" 4550 return _lldb.SBLineEntry_GetFileSpec(self)
4552 - def GetLine(self):
4553 """GetLine(SBLineEntry self) -> uint32_t""" 4554 return _lldb.SBLineEntry_GetLine(self)
4556 - def GetColumn(self):
4557 """GetColumn(SBLineEntry self) -> uint32_t""" 4558 return _lldb.SBLineEntry_GetColumn(self)
4560 - def GetDescription(self, *args):
4561 """GetDescription(SBLineEntry self, SBStream description) -> bool""" 4562 return _lldb.SBLineEntry_GetDescription(self, *args)
4564 - def SetFileSpec(self, *args):
4565 """SetFileSpec(SBLineEntry self, SBFileSpec filespec)""" 4566 return _lldb.SBLineEntry_SetFileSpec(self, *args)
4568 - def SetLine(self, *args):
4569 """SetLine(SBLineEntry self, uint32_t line)""" 4570 return _lldb.SBLineEntry_SetLine(self, *args)
4572 - def SetColumn(self, *args):
4573 """SetColumn(SBLineEntry self, uint32_t column)""" 4574 return _lldb.SBLineEntry_SetColumn(self, *args)
4576 - def __eq__(self, *args):
4577 """__eq__(SBLineEntry self, SBLineEntry rhs) -> bool""" 4578 return _lldb.SBLineEntry___eq__(self, *args)
4580 - def __ne__(self, *args):
4581 """__ne__(SBLineEntry self, SBLineEntry rhs) -> bool""" 4582 return _lldb.SBLineEntry___ne__(self, *args)
4583 4584 __swig_getmethods__["file"] = GetFileSpec 4585 if _newclass: file = property(GetFileSpec, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the file (lldb.SBFileSpec) for this line entry.''') 4586 4587 __swig_getmethods__["line"] = GetLine 4588 if _newclass: ling = property(GetLine, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the 1 based line number for this line entry, a return value of zero indicates that no line information is available.''') 4589 4590 __swig_getmethods__["column"] = GetColumn 4591 if _newclass: column = property(GetColumn, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the 1 based column number for this line entry, a return value of zero indicates that no column information is available.''') 4592 4593 __swig_getmethods__["addr"] = GetStartAddress 4594 if _newclass: addr = property(GetStartAddress, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the start address (lldb.SBAddress) for this line entry.''') 4595 4596 __swig_getmethods__["end_addr"] = GetEndAddress 4597 if _newclass: end_addr = property(GetEndAddress, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the end address (lldb.SBAddress) for this line entry.''') 4598 4599
4600 - def __str__(self):
4601 """__str__(SBLineEntry self) -> PyObject *""" 4602 return _lldb.SBLineEntry___str__(self)
4604 - def __eq__(self, rhs):
4605 if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)): 4606 return False 4607 4608 return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___eq__")(self, rhs)
4610 - def __ne__(self, rhs):
4611 if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)): 4612 return True 4613 4614 return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___ne__")(self, rhs)
4615 4616 SBLineEntry_swigregister = _lldb.SBLineEntry_swigregister 4617 SBLineEntry_swigregister(SBLineEntry)
4618 4619 -class SBListener(_object):
4620 """ 4621 API clients can register its own listener to debugger events. 4622 4623 See aslo SBEvent for example usage of creating and adding a listener. 4624 """ 4625 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 4626 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBListener, name, value) 4627 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 4628 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBListener, name) 4629 __repr__ = _swig_repr
4630 - def __init__(self, *args):
4631 """ 4632 __init__(lldb::SBListener self) -> SBListener 4633 __init__(lldb::SBListener self, str const * name) -> SBListener 4634 __init__(lldb::SBListener self, SBListener rhs) -> SBListener 4635 """ 4636 this = _lldb.new_SBListener(*args) 4637 try: self.this.append(this) 4638 except: self.this = this
4639 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBListener 4640 __del__ = lambda self : None;
4641 - def AddEvent(self, *args):
4642 """AddEvent(SBListener self, SBEvent event)""" 4643 return _lldb.SBListener_AddEvent(self, *args)
4645 - def Clear(self):
4646 """Clear(SBListener self)""" 4647 return _lldb.SBListener_Clear(self)
4649 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
4650 - def IsValid(self):
4651 """IsValid(SBListener self) -> bool""" 4652 return _lldb.SBListener_IsValid(self)
4654 - def StartListeningForEventClass(self, *args):
4655 """StartListeningForEventClass(SBListener self, SBDebugger debugger, str const * broadcaster_class, uint32_t event_mask) -> uint32_t""" 4656 return _lldb.SBListener_StartListeningForEventClass(self, *args)
4658 - def StopListeningForEventClass(self, *args):
4659 """StopListeningForEventClass(SBListener self, SBDebugger debugger, str const * broadcaster_class, uint32_t event_mask) -> uint32_t""" 4660 return _lldb.SBListener_StopListeningForEventClass(self, *args)
4662 - def StartListeningForEvents(self, *args):
4663 """StartListeningForEvents(SBListener self, SBBroadcaster broadcaster, uint32_t event_mask) -> uint32_t""" 4664 return _lldb.SBListener_StartListeningForEvents(self, *args)
4666 - def StopListeningForEvents(self, *args):
4667 """StopListeningForEvents(SBListener self, SBBroadcaster broadcaster, uint32_t event_mask) -> bool""" 4668 return _lldb.SBListener_StopListeningForEvents(self, *args)
4670 - def WaitForEvent(self, *args):
4671 """WaitForEvent(SBListener self, uint32_t num_seconds, SBEvent event) -> bool""" 4672 return _lldb.SBListener_WaitForEvent(self, *args)
4674 - def WaitForEventForBroadcaster(self, *args):
4675 """WaitForEventForBroadcaster(SBListener self, uint32_t num_seconds, SBBroadcaster broadcaster, SBEvent sb_event) -> bool""" 4676 return _lldb.SBListener_WaitForEventForBroadcaster(self, *args)
4678 - def WaitForEventForBroadcasterWithType(self, *args):
4679 """WaitForEventForBroadcasterWithType(SBListener self, uint32_t num_seconds, SBBroadcaster broadcaster, uint32_t event_type_mask, SBEvent sb_event) -> bool""" 4680 return _lldb.SBListener_WaitForEventForBroadcasterWithType(self, *args)
4682 - def PeekAtNextEvent(self, *args):
4683 """PeekAtNextEvent(SBListener self, SBEvent sb_event) -> bool""" 4684 return _lldb.SBListener_PeekAtNextEvent(self, *args)
4686 - def PeekAtNextEventForBroadcaster(self, *args):
4687 """PeekAtNextEventForBroadcaster(SBListener self, SBBroadcaster broadcaster, SBEvent sb_event) -> bool""" 4688 return _lldb.SBListener_PeekAtNextEventForBroadcaster(self, *args)
4690 - def PeekAtNextEventForBroadcasterWithType(self, *args):
4691 """PeekAtNextEventForBroadcasterWithType(SBListener self, SBBroadcaster broadcaster, uint32_t event_type_mask, SBEvent sb_event) -> bool""" 4692 return _lldb.SBListener_PeekAtNextEventForBroadcasterWithType(self, *args)
4694 - def GetNextEvent(self, *args):
4695 """GetNextEvent(SBListener self, SBEvent sb_event) -> bool""" 4696 return _lldb.SBListener_GetNextEvent(self, *args)
4698 - def GetNextEventForBroadcaster(self, *args):
4699 """GetNextEventForBroadcaster(SBListener self, SBBroadcaster broadcaster, SBEvent sb_event) -> bool""" 4700 return _lldb.SBListener_GetNextEventForBroadcaster(self, *args)
4702 - def GetNextEventForBroadcasterWithType(self, *args):
4703 """GetNextEventForBroadcasterWithType(SBListener self, SBBroadcaster broadcaster, uint32_t event_type_mask, SBEvent sb_event) -> bool""" 4704 return _lldb.SBListener_GetNextEventForBroadcasterWithType(self, *args)
4706 - def HandleBroadcastEvent(self, *args):
4707 """HandleBroadcastEvent(SBListener self, SBEvent event) -> bool""" 4708 return _lldb.SBListener_HandleBroadcastEvent(self, *args)
4709 4710 SBListener_swigregister = _lldb.SBListener_swigregister 4711 SBListener_swigregister(SBListener)
4712 4713 -class SBModule(_object):
4714 """ 4715 Represents an executable image and its associated object and symbol files. 4716 4717 The module is designed to be able to select a single slice of an 4718 executable image as it would appear on disk and during program 4719 execution. 4720 4721 You can retrieve SBModule from SBSymbolContext, which in turn is available 4722 from SBFrame. 4723 4724 SBModule supports symbol iteration, for example, 4725 4726 for symbol in module: 4727 name = symbol.GetName() 4728 saddr = symbol.GetStartAddress() 4729 eaddr = symbol.GetEndAddress() 4730 4731 and rich comparion methods which allow the API program to use, 4732 4733 if thisModule == thatModule: 4734 print 'This module is the same as that module' 4735 4736 to test module equality. A module also contains object file sections, namely 4737 SBSection. SBModule supports section iteration through section_iter(), for 4738 example, 4739 4740 print 'Number of sections: %d' % module.GetNumSections() 4741 for sec in module.section_iter(): 4742 print sec 4743 4744 And to iterate the symbols within a SBSection, use symbol_in_section_iter(), 4745 4746 # Iterates the text section and prints each symbols within each sub-section. 4747 for subsec in text_sec: 4748 print INDENT + repr(subsec) 4749 for sym in exe_module.symbol_in_section_iter(subsec): 4750 print INDENT2 + repr(sym) 4751 print INDENT2 + 'symbol type: %s' % symbol_type_to_str(sym.GetType()) 4752 4753 produces this following output: 4754 4755 [0x0000000100001780-0x0000000100001d5c) a.out.__TEXT.__text 4756 id = {0x00000004}, name = 'mask_access(MaskAction, unsigned int)', range = [0x00000001000017c0-0x0000000100001870) 4757 symbol type: code 4758 id = {0x00000008}, name = 'thread_func(void*)', range = [0x0000000100001870-0x00000001000019b0) 4759 symbol type: code 4760 id = {0x0000000c}, name = 'main', range = [0x00000001000019b0-0x0000000100001d5c) 4761 symbol type: code 4762 id = {0x00000023}, name = 'start', address = 0x0000000100001780 4763 symbol type: code 4764 [0x0000000100001d5c-0x0000000100001da4) a.out.__TEXT.__stubs 4765 id = {0x00000024}, name = '__stack_chk_fail', range = [0x0000000100001d5c-0x0000000100001d62) 4766 symbol type: trampoline 4767 id = {0x00000028}, name = 'exit', range = [0x0000000100001d62-0x0000000100001d68) 4768 symbol type: trampoline 4769 id = {0x00000029}, name = 'fflush', range = [0x0000000100001d68-0x0000000100001d6e) 4770 symbol type: trampoline 4771 id = {0x0000002a}, name = 'fgets', range = [0x0000000100001d6e-0x0000000100001d74) 4772 symbol type: trampoline 4773 id = {0x0000002b}, name = 'printf', range = [0x0000000100001d74-0x0000000100001d7a) 4774 symbol type: trampoline 4775 id = {0x0000002c}, name = 'pthread_create', range = [0x0000000100001d7a-0x0000000100001d80) 4776 symbol type: trampoline 4777 id = {0x0000002d}, name = 'pthread_join', range = [0x0000000100001d80-0x0000000100001d86) 4778 symbol type: trampoline 4779 id = {0x0000002e}, name = 'pthread_mutex_lock', range = [0x0000000100001d86-0x0000000100001d8c) 4780 symbol type: trampoline 4781 id = {0x0000002f}, name = 'pthread_mutex_unlock', range = [0x0000000100001d8c-0x0000000100001d92) 4782 symbol type: trampoline 4783 id = {0x00000030}, name = 'rand', range = [0x0000000100001d92-0x0000000100001d98) 4784 symbol type: trampoline 4785 id = {0x00000031}, name = 'strtoul', range = [0x0000000100001d98-0x0000000100001d9e) 4786 symbol type: trampoline 4787 id = {0x00000032}, name = 'usleep', range = [0x0000000100001d9e-0x0000000100001da4) 4788 symbol type: trampoline 4789 [0x0000000100001da4-0x0000000100001e2c) a.out.__TEXT.__stub_helper 4790 [0x0000000100001e2c-0x0000000100001f10) a.out.__TEXT.__cstring 4791 [0x0000000100001f10-0x0000000100001f68) a.out.__TEXT.__unwind_info 4792 [0x0000000100001f68-0x0000000100001ff8) a.out.__TEXT.__eh_frame 4793 4794 """ 4795 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 4796 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBModule, name, value) 4797 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 4798 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBModule, name) 4799 __repr__ = _swig_repr
4800 - def __iter__(self): return lldb_iter(self, 'GetNumSymbols', 'GetSymbolAtIndex')
4801 - def __len__(self): return self.GetNumSymbols()
4802 - def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, SBModule) and self.GetFileSpec() == other.GetFileSpec() and self.GetUUIDString() == other.GetUUIDString()
4803 - def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
4804 - def section_iter(self): return lldb_iter(self, 'GetNumSections', 'GetSectionAtIndex')
4805 - def compile_unit_iter(self): return lldb_iter(self, 'GetNumCompileUnits', 'GetCompileUnitAtIndex')
4807 - def symbol_in_section_iter(self, section):
4808 """Given a module and its contained section, returns an iterator on the 4809 symbols within the section.""" 4810 for sym in self: 4811 if in_range(sym, section): 4812 yield sym
4814 - def __init__(self, *args):
4815 """ 4816 __init__(lldb::SBModule self) -> SBModule 4817 __init__(lldb::SBModule self, SBModule rhs) -> SBModule 4818 __init__(lldb::SBModule self, SBModuleSpec module_spec) -> SBModule 4819 __init__(lldb::SBModule self, SBProcess process, lldb::addr_t header_addr) -> SBModule 4820 """ 4821 this = _lldb.new_SBModule(*args) 4822 try: self.this.append(this) 4823 except: self.this = this
4824 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBModule 4825 __del__ = lambda self : None;
4826 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
4827 - def IsValid(self):
4828 """IsValid(SBModule self) -> bool""" 4829 return _lldb.SBModule_IsValid(self)
4831 - def Clear(self):
4832 """Clear(SBModule self)""" 4833 return _lldb.SBModule_Clear(self)
4835 - def GetFileSpec(self):
4836 """ 4837 GetFileSpec(SBModule self) -> SBFileSpec 4838 4839 Get const accessor for the module file specification. 4840 4841 This function returns the file for the module on the host system 4842 that is running LLDB. This can differ from the path on the 4843 platform since we might be doing remote debugging. 4844 4845 @return 4846 A const reference to the file specification object. 4847 """ 4848 return _lldb.SBModule_GetFileSpec(self)
4850 - def GetPlatformFileSpec(self):
4851 """ 4852 GetPlatformFileSpec(SBModule self) -> SBFileSpec 4853 4854 Get accessor for the module platform file specification. 4855 4856 Platform file refers to the path of the module as it is known on 4857 the remote system on which it is being debugged. For local 4858 debugging this is always the same as Module::GetFileSpec(). But 4859 remote debugging might mention a file '/usr/lib/liba.dylib' 4860 which might be locally downloaded and cached. In this case the 4861 platform file could be something like: 4862 '/tmp/lldb/platform-cache/' 4863 The file could also be cached in a local developer kit directory. 4864 4865 @return 4866 A const reference to the file specification object. 4867 """ 4868 return _lldb.SBModule_GetPlatformFileSpec(self)
4870 - def SetPlatformFileSpec(self, *args):
4871 """SetPlatformFileSpec(SBModule self, SBFileSpec platform_file) -> bool""" 4872 return _lldb.SBModule_SetPlatformFileSpec(self, *args)
4874 - def GetUUIDString(self):
4875 """ 4876 GetUUIDString(SBModule self) -> str const * 4877 4878 Returns the UUID of the module as a Python string. 4879 """ 4880 return _lldb.SBModule_GetUUIDString(self)
4882 - def FindSection(self, *args):
4883 """FindSection(SBModule self, str const * sect_name) -> SBSection""" 4884 return _lldb.SBModule_FindSection(self, *args)
4886 - def ResolveFileAddress(self, *args):
4887 """ResolveFileAddress(SBModule self, lldb::addr_t vm_addr) -> SBAddress""" 4888 return _lldb.SBModule_ResolveFileAddress(self, *args)
4890 - def ResolveSymbolContextForAddress(self, *args):
4891 """ResolveSymbolContextForAddress(SBModule self, SBAddress addr, uint32_t resolve_scope) -> SBSymbolContext""" 4892 return _lldb.SBModule_ResolveSymbolContextForAddress(self, *args)
4894 - def GetDescription(self, *args):
4895 """GetDescription(SBModule self, SBStream description) -> bool""" 4896 return _lldb.SBModule_GetDescription(self, *args)
4898 - def GetNumCompileUnits(self):
4899 """GetNumCompileUnits(SBModule self) -> uint32_t""" 4900 return _lldb.SBModule_GetNumCompileUnits(self)
4902 - def GetCompileUnitAtIndex(self, *args):
4903 """GetCompileUnitAtIndex(SBModule self, uint32_t arg2) -> SBCompileUnit""" 4904 return _lldb.SBModule_GetCompileUnitAtIndex(self, *args)
4906 - def GetNumSymbols(self):
4907 """GetNumSymbols(SBModule self) -> size_t""" 4908 return _lldb.SBModule_GetNumSymbols(self)
4910 - def GetSymbolAtIndex(self, *args):
4911 """GetSymbolAtIndex(SBModule self, size_t idx) -> SBSymbol""" 4912 return _lldb.SBModule_GetSymbolAtIndex(self, *args)
4914 - def FindSymbol(self, *args):
4915 """ 4916 FindSymbol(SBModule self, str const * name, lldb::SymbolType type=eSymbolTypeAny) -> SBSymbol 4917 FindSymbol(SBModule self, str const * name) -> SBSymbol 4918 """ 4919 return _lldb.SBModule_FindSymbol(self, *args)
4921 - def FindSymbols(self, *args):
4922 """ 4923 FindSymbols(SBModule self, str const * name, lldb::SymbolType type=eSymbolTypeAny) -> SBSymbolContextList 4924 FindSymbols(SBModule self, str const * name) -> SBSymbolContextList 4925 """ 4926 return _lldb.SBModule_FindSymbols(self, *args)
4928 - def GetNumSections(self):
4929 """GetNumSections(SBModule self) -> size_t""" 4930 return _lldb.SBModule_GetNumSections(self)
4932 - def GetSectionAtIndex(self, *args):
4933 """GetSectionAtIndex(SBModule self, size_t idx) -> SBSection""" 4934 return _lldb.SBModule_GetSectionAtIndex(self, *args)
4936 - def FindFunctions(self, *args):
4937 """ 4938 FindFunctions(SBModule self, str const * name, uint32_t name_type_mask=eFunctionNameTypeAny) -> SBSymbolContextList 4939 FindFunctions(SBModule self, str const * name) -> SBSymbolContextList 4940 4941 Find functions by name. 4942 4943 @param[in] name 4944 The name of the function we are looking for. 4945 4946 @param[in] name_type_mask 4947 A logical OR of one or more FunctionNameType enum bits that 4948 indicate what kind of names should be used when doing the 4949 lookup. Bits include fully qualified names, base names, 4950 C++ methods, or ObjC selectors. 4951 See FunctionNameType for more details. 4952 4953 @return 4954 A symbol context list that gets filled in with all of the 4955 matches. 4956 """ 4957 return _lldb.SBModule_FindFunctions(self, *args)
4959 - def FindFirstType(self, *args):
4960 """FindFirstType(SBModule self, str const * name) -> SBType""" 4961 return _lldb.SBModule_FindFirstType(self, *args)
4963 - def FindTypes(self, *args):
4964 """FindTypes(SBModule self, str const * type) -> SBTypeList""" 4965 return _lldb.SBModule_FindTypes(self, *args)
4967 - def GetBasicType(self, *args):
4968 """GetBasicType(SBModule self, lldb::BasicType type) -> SBType""" 4969 return _lldb.SBModule_GetBasicType(self, *args)
4971 - def GetTypes(self, *args):
4972 """ 4973 GetTypes(SBModule self, uint32_t type_mask=eTypeClassAny) -> SBTypeList 4974 GetTypes(SBModule self) -> SBTypeList 4975 4976 Get all types matching type_mask from debug info in this 4977 module. 4978 4979 @param[in] type_mask 4980 A bitfield that consists of one or more bits logically OR'ed 4981 together from the lldb::TypeClass enumeration. This allows 4982 you to request only structure types, or only class, struct 4983 and union types. Passing in lldb::eTypeClassAny will return 4984 all types found in the debug information for this module. 4985 4986 @return 4987 A list of types in this module that match type_mask 4988 """ 4989 return _lldb.SBModule_GetTypes(self, *args)
4991 - def FindGlobalVariables(self, *args):
4992 """ 4993 FindGlobalVariables(SBModule self, SBTarget target, str const * name, uint32_t max_matches) -> SBValueList 4994 4995 Find global and static variables by name. 4996 4997 @param[in] target 4998 A valid SBTarget instance representing the debuggee. 4999 5000 @param[in] name 5001 The name of the global or static variable we are looking 5002 for. 5003 5004 @param[in] max_matches 5005 Allow the number of matches to be limited to max_matches. 5006 5007 @return 5008 A list of matched variables in an SBValueList. 5009 """ 5010 return _lldb.SBModule_FindGlobalVariables(self, *args)
5012 - def FindFirstGlobalVariable(self, *args):
5013 """ 5014 FindFirstGlobalVariable(SBModule self, SBTarget target, str const * name) -> SBValue 5015 5016 Find the first global (or static) variable by name. 5017 5018 @param[in] target 5019 A valid SBTarget instance representing the debuggee. 5020 5021 @param[in] name 5022 The name of the global or static variable we are looking 5023 for. 5024 5025 @return 5026 An SBValue that gets filled in with the found variable (if any). 5027 """ 5028 return _lldb.SBModule_FindFirstGlobalVariable(self, *args)
5030 - def GetByteOrder(self):
5031 """GetByteOrder(SBModule self) -> lldb::ByteOrder""" 5032 return _lldb.SBModule_GetByteOrder(self)
5034 - def GetAddressByteSize(self):
5035 """GetAddressByteSize(SBModule self) -> uint32_t""" 5036 return _lldb.SBModule_GetAddressByteSize(self)
5038 - def GetTriple(self):
5039 """GetTriple(SBModule self) -> str const *""" 5040 return _lldb.SBModule_GetTriple(self)
5042 - def GetVersion(self):
5043 """GetVersion(SBModule self) -> uint32_t""" 5044 return _lldb.SBModule_GetVersion(self)
5046 - def __eq__(self, *args):
5047 """__eq__(SBModule self, SBModule rhs) -> bool""" 5048 return _lldb.SBModule___eq__(self, *args)
5050 - def __ne__(self, *args):
5051 """__ne__(SBModule self, SBModule rhs) -> bool""" 5052 return _lldb.SBModule___ne__(self, *args)
5054 - class symbols_access(object):
5055 re_compile_type = type(re.compile('.')) 5056 '''A helper object that will lazily hand out lldb.SBSymbol objects for a module when supplied an index, name, or regular expression.'''
5057 - def __init__(self, sbmodule):
5058 self.sbmodule = sbmodule
5060 - def __len__(self):
5061 if self.sbmodule: 5062 return int(self.sbmodule.GetNumSymbols()) 5063 return 0
5065 - def __getitem__(self, key):
5066 count = len(self) 5067 if type(key) is int: 5068 if key < count: 5069 return self.sbmodule.GetSymbolAtIndex(key) 5070 elif type(key) is str: 5071 matches = [] 5072 sc_list = self.sbmodule.FindSymbols(key) 5073 for sc in sc_list: 5074 symbol = sc.symbol 5075 if symbol: 5076 matches.append(symbol) 5077 return matches 5078 elif isinstance(key, self.re_compile_type): 5079 matches = [] 5080 for idx in range(count): 5081 symbol = self.sbmodule.GetSymbolAtIndex(idx) 5082 added = False 5083 name = 5084 if name: 5085 re_match = 5086 if re_match: 5087 matches.append(symbol) 5088 added = True 5089 if not added: 5090 mangled = symbol.mangled 5091 if mangled: 5092 re_match = 5093 if re_match: 5094 matches.append(symbol) 5095 return matches 5096 else: 5097 print "error: unsupported item type: %s" % type(key) 5098 return None
5100 - def get_symbols_access_object(self):
5101 '''An accessor function that returns a symbols_access() object which allows lazy symbol access from a lldb.SBModule object.''' 5102 return self.symbols_access (self)
5104 - def get_compile_units_access_object (self):
5105 '''An accessor function that returns a compile_units_access() object which allows lazy compile unit access from a lldb.SBModule object.''' 5106 return self.compile_units_access (self)
5108 - def get_symbols_array(self):
5109 '''An accessor function that returns a list() that contains all symbols in a lldb.SBModule object.''' 5110 symbols = [] 5111 for idx in range(self.num_symbols): 5112 symbols.append(self.GetSymbolAtIndex(idx)) 5113 return symbols
5115 - class sections_access(object):
5116 re_compile_type = type(re.compile('.')) 5117 '''A helper object that will lazily hand out lldb.SBSection objects for a module when supplied an index, name, or regular expression.'''
5118 - def __init__(self, sbmodule):
5119 self.sbmodule = sbmodule
5121 - def __len__(self):
5122 if self.sbmodule: 5123 return int(self.sbmodule.GetNumSections()) 5124 return 0
5126 - def __getitem__(self, key):
5127 count = len(self) 5128 if type(key) is int: 5129 if key < count: 5130 return self.sbmodule.GetSectionAtIndex(key) 5131 elif type(key) is str: 5132 for idx in range(count): 5133 section = self.sbmodule.GetSectionAtIndex(idx) 5134 if == key: 5135 return section 5136 elif isinstance(key, self.re_compile_type): 5137 matches = [] 5138 for idx in range(count): 5139 section = self.sbmodule.GetSectionAtIndex(idx) 5140 name = 5141 if name: 5142 re_match = 5143 if re_match: 5144 matches.append(section) 5145 return matches 5146 else: 5147 print "error: unsupported item type: %s" % type(key) 5148 return None
5150 - class compile_units_access(object):
5151 re_compile_type = type(re.compile('.')) 5152 '''A helper object that will lazily hand out lldb.SBCompileUnit objects for a module when supplied an index, full or partial path, or regular expression.'''
5153 - def __init__(self, sbmodule):
5154 self.sbmodule = sbmodule
5156 - def __len__(self):
5157 if self.sbmodule: 5158 return int(self.sbmodule.GetNumCompileUnits()) 5159 return 0
5161 - def __getitem__(self, key):
5162 count = len(self) 5163 if type(key) is int: 5164 if key < count: 5165 return self.sbmodule.GetCompileUnitAtIndex(key) 5166 elif type(key) is str: 5167 is_full_path = key[0] == '/' 5168 for idx in range(count): 5169 comp_unit = self.sbmodule.GetCompileUnitAtIndex(idx) 5170 if is_full_path: 5171 if comp_unit.file.fullpath == key: 5172 return comp_unit 5173 else: 5174 if comp_unit.file.basename == key: 5175 return comp_unit 5176 elif isinstance(key, self.re_compile_type): 5177 matches = [] 5178 for idx in range(count): 5179 comp_unit = self.sbmodule.GetCompileUnitAtIndex(idx) 5180 fullpath = comp_unit.file.fullpath 5181 if fullpath: 5182 re_match = 5183 if re_match: 5184 matches.append(comp_unit) 5185 return matches 5186 else: 5187 print "error: unsupported item type: %s" % type(key) 5188 return None
5190 - def get_sections_access_object(self):
5191 '''An accessor function that returns a sections_access() object which allows lazy section array access.''' 5192 return self.sections_access (self)
5194 - def get_sections_array(self):
5195 '''An accessor function that returns an array object that contains all sections in this module object.''' 5196 if not hasattr(self, 'sections_array'): 5197 self.sections_array = [] 5198 for idx in range(self.num_sections): 5199 self.sections_array.append(self.GetSectionAtIndex(idx)) 5200 return self.sections_array
5202 - def get_compile_units_array(self):
5203 '''An accessor function that returns an array object that contains all compile_units in this module object.''' 5204 if not hasattr(self, 'compile_units_array'): 5205 self.compile_units_array = [] 5206 for idx in range(self.GetNumCompileUnits()): 5207 self.compile_units_array.append(self.GetCompileUnitAtIndex(idx)) 5208 return self.compile_units_array
5209 5210 __swig_getmethods__["symbols"] = get_symbols_array 5211 if _newclass: symbols = property(get_symbols_array, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a list() of lldb.SBSymbol objects contained in this module.''') 5212 5213 __swig_getmethods__["symbol"] = get_symbols_access_object 5214 if _newclass: symbol = property(get_symbols_access_object, None, doc='''A read only property that can be used to access symbols by index ("symbol = module.symbol[0]"), name ("symbols = module.symbol['main']"), or using a regular expression ("symbols = module.symbol[re.compile(...)]"). The return value is a single lldb.SBSymbol object for array access, and a list() of lldb.SBSymbol objects for name and regular expression access''') 5215 5216 __swig_getmethods__["sections"] = get_sections_array 5217 if _newclass: sections = property(get_sections_array, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a list() of lldb.SBSection objects contained in this module.''') 5218 5219 __swig_getmethods__["compile_units"] = get_compile_units_array 5220 if _newclass: compile_units = property(get_compile_units_array, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a list() of lldb.SBCompileUnit objects contained in this module.''') 5221 5222 __swig_getmethods__["section"] = get_sections_access_object 5223 if _newclass: section = property(get_sections_access_object, None, doc='''A read only property that can be used to access symbols by index ("section = module.section[0]"), name ("sections = module.section[\'main\']"), or using a regular expression ("sections = module.section[re.compile(...)]"). The return value is a single lldb.SBSection object for array access, and a list() of lldb.SBSection objects for name and regular expression access''') 5224 5225 __swig_getmethods__["compile_unit"] = get_compile_units_access_object 5226 if _newclass: section = property(get_sections_access_object, None, doc='''A read only property that can be used to access compile units by index ("compile_unit = module.compile_unit[0]"), name ("compile_unit = module.compile_unit[\'main.cpp\']"), or using a regular expression ("compile_unit = module.compile_unit[re.compile(...)]"). The return value is a single lldb.SBCompileUnit object for array access or by full or partial path, and a list() of lldb.SBCompileUnit objects regular expressions.''') 5227
5228 - def get_uuid(self):
5229 return uuid.UUID (self.GetUUIDString())
5230 5231 __swig_getmethods__["uuid"] = get_uuid 5232 if _newclass: uuid = property(get_uuid, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a standard python uuid.UUID object that represents the UUID of this module.''') 5233 5234 __swig_getmethods__["file"] = GetFileSpec 5235 if _newclass: file = property(GetFileSpec, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the file (lldb.SBFileSpec) for this object file for this module as it is represented where it is being debugged.''') 5236 5237 __swig_getmethods__["platform_file"] = GetPlatformFileSpec 5238 if _newclass: platform_file = property(GetPlatformFileSpec, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the file (lldb.SBFileSpec) for this object file for this module as it is represented on the current host system.''') 5239 5240 __swig_getmethods__["byte_order"] = GetByteOrder 5241 if _newclass: byte_order = property(GetByteOrder, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb enumeration value (lldb.eByteOrderLittle, lldb.eByteOrderBig, lldb.eByteOrderInvalid) that represents the byte order for this module.''') 5242 5243 __swig_getmethods__["addr_size"] = GetAddressByteSize 5244 if _newclass: addr_size = property(GetAddressByteSize, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the size in bytes of an address for this module.''') 5245 5246 __swig_getmethods__["triple"] = GetTriple 5247 if _newclass: triple = property(GetTriple, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the target triple (arch-vendor-os) for this module.''') 5248 5249 __swig_getmethods__["num_symbols"] = GetNumSymbols 5250 if _newclass: num_symbols = property(GetNumSymbols, None, doc='''A read only property that returns number of symbols in the module symbol table as an integer.''') 5251 5252 __swig_getmethods__["num_sections"] = GetNumSections 5253 if _newclass: num_sections = property(GetNumSections, None, doc='''A read only property that returns number of sections in the module as an integer.''') 5254 5255
5256 - def __str__(self):
5257 """__str__(SBModule self) -> PyObject *""" 5258 return _lldb.SBModule___str__(self)
5260 - def __eq__(self, rhs):
5261 if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)): 5262 return False 5263 5264 return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___eq__")(self, rhs)
5266 - def __ne__(self, rhs):
5267 if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)): 5268 return True 5269 5270 return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___ne__")(self, rhs)
5271 5272 SBModule_swigregister = _lldb.SBModule_swigregister 5273 SBModule_swigregister(SBModule)
5274 5275 -class SBModuleSpec(_object):
5276 """Proxy of C++ lldb::SBModuleSpec class""" 5277 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 5278 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBModuleSpec, name, value) 5279 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 5280 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBModuleSpec, name) 5281 __repr__ = _swig_repr
5282 - def __init__(self, *args):
5283 """ 5284 __init__(lldb::SBModuleSpec self) -> SBModuleSpec 5285 __init__(lldb::SBModuleSpec self, SBModuleSpec rhs) -> SBModuleSpec 5286 """ 5287 this = _lldb.new_SBModuleSpec(*args) 5288 try: self.this.append(this) 5289 except: self.this = this
5290 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBModuleSpec 5291 __del__ = lambda self : None;
5292 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
5293 - def IsValid(self):
5294 """IsValid(SBModuleSpec self) -> bool""" 5295 return _lldb.SBModuleSpec_IsValid(self)
5297 - def Clear(self):
5298 """Clear(SBModuleSpec self)""" 5299 return _lldb.SBModuleSpec_Clear(self)
5301 - def GetFileSpec(self):
5302 """GetFileSpec(SBModuleSpec self) -> SBFileSpec""" 5303 return _lldb.SBModuleSpec_GetFileSpec(self)
5305 - def SetFileSpec(self, *args):
5306 """SetFileSpec(SBModuleSpec self, SBFileSpec fspec)""" 5307 return _lldb.SBModuleSpec_SetFileSpec(self, *args)
5309 - def GetPlatformFileSpec(self):
5310 """GetPlatformFileSpec(SBModuleSpec self) -> SBFileSpec""" 5311 return _lldb.SBModuleSpec_GetPlatformFileSpec(self)
5313 - def SetPlatformFileSpec(self, *args):
5314 """SetPlatformFileSpec(SBModuleSpec self, SBFileSpec fspec)""" 5315 return _lldb.SBModuleSpec_SetPlatformFileSpec(self, *args)
5317 - def GetSymbolFileSpec(self):
5318 """GetSymbolFileSpec(SBModuleSpec self) -> SBFileSpec""" 5319 return _lldb.SBModuleSpec_GetSymbolFileSpec(self)
5321 - def SetSymbolFileSpec(self, *args):
5322 """SetSymbolFileSpec(SBModuleSpec self, SBFileSpec fspec)""" 5323 return _lldb.SBModuleSpec_SetSymbolFileSpec(self, *args)
5325 - def GetObjectName(self):
5326 """GetObjectName(SBModuleSpec self) -> str const *""" 5327 return _lldb.SBModuleSpec_GetObjectName(self)
5329 - def SetObjectName(self, *args):
5330 """SetObjectName(SBModuleSpec self, str const * name)""" 5331 return _lldb.SBModuleSpec_SetObjectName(self, *args)
5333 - def GetTriple(self):
5334 """GetTriple(SBModuleSpec self) -> str const *""" 5335 return _lldb.SBModuleSpec_GetTriple(self)
5337 - def SetTriple(self, *args):
5338 """SetTriple(SBModuleSpec self, str const * triple)""" 5339 return _lldb.SBModuleSpec_SetTriple(self, *args)
5341 - def GetUUIDBytes(self):
5342 """GetUUIDBytes(SBModuleSpec self) -> uint8_t const *""" 5343 return _lldb.SBModuleSpec_GetUUIDBytes(self)
5345 - def GetUUIDLength(self):
5346 """GetUUIDLength(SBModuleSpec self) -> size_t""" 5347 return _lldb.SBModuleSpec_GetUUIDLength(self)
5349 - def SetUUIDBytes(self, *args):
5350 """SetUUIDBytes(SBModuleSpec self, uint8_t const * uuid, size_t uuid_len) -> bool""" 5351 return _lldb.SBModuleSpec_SetUUIDBytes(self, *args)
5353 - def GetDescription(self, *args):
5354 """GetDescription(SBModuleSpec self, SBStream description) -> bool""" 5355 return _lldb.SBModuleSpec_GetDescription(self, *args)
5357 - def __str__(self):
5358 """__str__(SBModuleSpec self) -> PyObject *""" 5359 return _lldb.SBModuleSpec___str__(self)
5360 5361 SBModuleSpec_swigregister = _lldb.SBModuleSpec_swigregister 5362 SBModuleSpec_swigregister(SBModuleSpec)
5363 5364 -class SBModuleSpecList(_object):
5365 """Proxy of C++ lldb::SBModuleSpecList class""" 5366 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 5367 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBModuleSpecList, name, value) 5368 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 5369 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBModuleSpecList, name) 5370 __repr__ = _swig_repr
5371 - def __init__(self, *args):
5372 """ 5373 __init__(lldb::SBModuleSpecList self) -> SBModuleSpecList 5374 __init__(lldb::SBModuleSpecList self, SBModuleSpecList rhs) -> SBModuleSpecList 5375 """ 5376 this = _lldb.new_SBModuleSpecList(*args) 5377 try: self.this.append(this) 5378 except: self.this = this
5379 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBModuleSpecList 5380 __del__ = lambda self : None;
5381 - def GetModuleSpecifications(*args):
5382 """GetModuleSpecifications(str const * path) -> SBModuleSpecList""" 5383 return _lldb.SBModuleSpecList_GetModuleSpecifications(*args)
5384 5385 if _newclass:GetModuleSpecifications = staticmethod(GetModuleSpecifications) 5386 __swig_getmethods__["GetModuleSpecifications"] = lambda x: GetModuleSpecifications
5387 - def Append(self, *args):
5388 """ 5389 Append(SBModuleSpecList self, SBModuleSpec spec) 5390 Append(SBModuleSpecList self, SBModuleSpecList spec_list) 5391 """ 5392 return _lldb.SBModuleSpecList_Append(self, *args)
5394 - def FindFirstMatchingSpec(self, *args):
5395 """FindFirstMatchingSpec(SBModuleSpecList self, SBModuleSpec match_spec) -> SBModuleSpec""" 5396 return _lldb.SBModuleSpecList_FindFirstMatchingSpec(self, *args)
5398 - def FindMatchingSpecs(self, *args):
5399 """FindMatchingSpecs(SBModuleSpecList self, SBModuleSpec match_spec) -> SBModuleSpecList""" 5400 return _lldb.SBModuleSpecList_FindMatchingSpecs(self, *args)
5402 - def GetSize(self):
5403 """GetSize(SBModuleSpecList self) -> size_t""" 5404 return _lldb.SBModuleSpecList_GetSize(self)
5406 - def GetSpecAtIndex(self, *args):
5407 """GetSpecAtIndex(SBModuleSpecList self, size_t i) -> SBModuleSpec""" 5408 return _lldb.SBModuleSpecList_GetSpecAtIndex(self, *args)
5410 - def GetDescription(self, *args):
5411 """GetDescription(SBModuleSpecList self, SBStream description) -> bool""" 5412 return _lldb.SBModuleSpecList_GetDescription(self, *args)
5414 - def __str__(self):
5415 """__str__(SBModuleSpecList self) -> PyObject *""" 5416 return _lldb.SBModuleSpecList___str__(self)
5417 5418 SBModuleSpecList_swigregister = _lldb.SBModuleSpecList_swigregister 5419 SBModuleSpecList_swigregister(SBModuleSpecList)
5420 5421 -def SBModuleSpecList_GetModuleSpecifications(*args):
5422 """SBModuleSpecList_GetModuleSpecifications(str const * path) -> SBModuleSpecList""" 5423 return _lldb.SBModuleSpecList_GetModuleSpecifications(*args)
5425 -class SBProcess(_object):
5426 """ 5427 Represents the process associated with the target program. 5428 5429 SBProcess supports thread iteration. For example (from test/, 5430 5431 # ================================================== 5432 # Utility functions related to Threads and Processes 5433 # ================================================== 5434 5435 def get_stopped_threads(process, reason): 5436 '''Returns the thread(s) with the specified stop reason in a list. 5437 5438 The list can be empty if no such thread exists. 5439 ''' 5440 threads = [] 5441 for t in process: 5442 if t.GetStopReason() == reason: 5443 threads.append(t) 5444 return threads 5445 5446 ... 5447 5448 """ 5449 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 5450 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBProcess, name, value) 5451 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 5452 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBProcess, name) 5453 __repr__ = _swig_repr 5454 eBroadcastBitStateChanged = _lldb.SBProcess_eBroadcastBitStateChanged 5455 eBroadcastBitInterrupt = _lldb.SBProcess_eBroadcastBitInterrupt 5456 eBroadcastBitSTDOUT = _lldb.SBProcess_eBroadcastBitSTDOUT 5457 eBroadcastBitSTDERR = _lldb.SBProcess_eBroadcastBitSTDERR 5458 eBroadcastBitProfileData = _lldb.SBProcess_eBroadcastBitProfileData
5459 - def __iter__(self): return lldb_iter(self, 'GetNumThreads', 'GetThreadAtIndex')
5460 - def __len__(self): return self.GetNumThreads()
5461 - def __init__(self, *args):
5462 """ 5463 __init__(lldb::SBProcess self) -> SBProcess 5464 __init__(lldb::SBProcess self, SBProcess rhs) -> SBProcess 5465 """ 5466 this = _lldb.new_SBProcess(*args) 5467 try: self.this.append(this) 5468 except: self.this = this
5469 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBProcess 5470 __del__ = lambda self : None;
5471 - def GetBroadcasterClassName():
5472 """GetBroadcasterClassName() -> str const *""" 5473 return _lldb.SBProcess_GetBroadcasterClassName()
5474 5475 if _newclass:GetBroadcasterClassName = staticmethod(GetBroadcasterClassName) 5476 __swig_getmethods__["GetBroadcasterClassName"] = lambda x: GetBroadcasterClassName
5477 - def GetPluginName(self):
5478 """GetPluginName(SBProcess self) -> str const *""" 5479 return _lldb.SBProcess_GetPluginName(self)
5481 - def GetShortPluginName(self):
5482 """GetShortPluginName(SBProcess self) -> str const *""" 5483 return _lldb.SBProcess_GetShortPluginName(self)
5485 - def Clear(self):
5486 """Clear(SBProcess self)""" 5487 return _lldb.SBProcess_Clear(self)
5489 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
5490 - def IsValid(self):
5491 """IsValid(SBProcess self) -> bool""" 5492 return _lldb.SBProcess_IsValid(self)
5494 - def GetTarget(self):
5495 """GetTarget(SBProcess self) -> SBTarget""" 5496 return _lldb.SBProcess_GetTarget(self)
5498 - def GetByteOrder(self):
5499 """GetByteOrder(SBProcess self) -> lldb::ByteOrder""" 5500 return _lldb.SBProcess_GetByteOrder(self)
5502 - def PutSTDIN(self, *args):
5503 """ 5504 Writes data into the current process's stdin. API client specifies a Python 5505 string as the only argument. 5506 """ 5507 return _lldb.SBProcess_PutSTDIN(self, *args)
5509 - def GetSTDOUT(self, *args):
5510 """ 5511 Reads data from the current process's stdout stream. API client specifies 5512 the size of the buffer to read data into. It returns the byte buffer in a 5513 Python string. 5514 """ 5515 return _lldb.SBProcess_GetSTDOUT(self, *args)
5517 - def GetSTDERR(self, *args):
5518 """ 5519 Reads data from the current process's stderr stream. API client specifies 5520 the size of the buffer to read data into. It returns the byte buffer in a 5521 Python string. 5522 """ 5523 return _lldb.SBProcess_GetSTDERR(self, *args)
5525 - def GetAsyncProfileData(self, *args):
5526 """GetAsyncProfileData(SBProcess self, str * dst) -> size_t""" 5527 return _lldb.SBProcess_GetAsyncProfileData(self, *args)
5529 - def ReportEventState(self, *args):
5530 """ReportEventState(SBProcess self, SBEvent event, FILE * out)""" 5531 return _lldb.SBProcess_ReportEventState(self, *args)
5533 - def AppendEventStateReport(self, *args):
5534 """AppendEventStateReport(SBProcess self, SBEvent event, SBCommandReturnObject result)""" 5535 return _lldb.SBProcess_AppendEventStateReport(self, *args)
5537 - def RemoteAttachToProcessWithID(self, *args):
5538 """ 5539 RemoteAttachToProcessWithID(SBProcess self, lldb::pid_t pid, SBError error) -> bool 5540 5541 Remote connection related functions. These will fail if the 5542 process is not in eStateConnected. They are intended for use 5543 when connecting to an externally managed debugserver instance. 5544 """ 5545 return _lldb.SBProcess_RemoteAttachToProcessWithID(self, *args)
5547 - def RemoteLaunch(self, *args):
5548 """ 5549 RemoteLaunch(SBProcess self, str const ** argv, str const ** envp, str const * stdin_path, str const * stdout_path, 5550 str const * stderr_path, str const * working_directory, uint32_t launch_flags, 5551 bool stop_at_entry, SBError error) -> bool 5552 5553 See SBTarget.Launch for argument description and usage. 5554 """ 5555 return _lldb.SBProcess_RemoteLaunch(self, *args)
5557 - def GetNumThreads(self):
5558 """GetNumThreads(SBProcess self) -> uint32_t""" 5559 return _lldb.SBProcess_GetNumThreads(self)
5561 - def GetThreadAtIndex(self, *args):
5562 """ 5563 Returns the INDEX'th thread from the list of current threads. The index 5564 of a thread is only valid for the current stop. For a persistent thread 5565 identifier use either the thread ID or the IndexID. See help on SBThread 5566 for more details. 5567 """ 5568 return _lldb.SBProcess_GetThreadAtIndex(self, *args)
5570 - def GetThreadByID(self, *args):
5571 """ 5572 Returns the thread with the given thread ID. 5573 """ 5574 return _lldb.SBProcess_GetThreadByID(self, *args)
5576 - def GetThreadByIndexID(self, *args):
5577 """ 5578 Returns the thread with the given thread IndexID. 5579 """ 5580 return _lldb.SBProcess_GetThreadByIndexID(self, *args)
5582 - def GetSelectedThread(self):
5583 """ 5584 Returns the currently selected thread. 5585 """ 5586 return _lldb.SBProcess_GetSelectedThread(self)
5588 - def CreateOSPluginThread(self, *args):
5589 """ 5590 Lazily create a thread on demand through the current OperatingSystem plug-in, if the current OperatingSystem plug-in supports it. 5591 """ 5592 return _lldb.SBProcess_CreateOSPluginThread(self, *args)
5594 - def SetSelectedThread(self, *args):
5595 """SetSelectedThread(SBProcess self, SBThread thread) -> bool""" 5596 return _lldb.SBProcess_SetSelectedThread(self, *args)
5598 - def SetSelectedThreadByID(self, *args):
5599 """SetSelectedThreadByID(SBProcess self, lldb::tid_t tid) -> bool""" 5600 return _lldb.SBProcess_SetSelectedThreadByID(self, *args)
5602 - def SetSelectedThreadByIndexID(self, *args):
5603 """SetSelectedThreadByIndexID(SBProcess self, uint32_t index_id) -> bool""" 5604 return _lldb.SBProcess_SetSelectedThreadByIndexID(self, *args)
5606 - def GetState(self):
5607 """GetState(SBProcess self) -> lldb::StateType""" 5608 return _lldb.SBProcess_GetState(self)
5610 - def GetExitStatus(self):
5611 """GetExitStatus(SBProcess self) -> int""" 5612 return _lldb.SBProcess_GetExitStatus(self)
5614 - def GetExitDescription(self):
5615 """GetExitDescription(SBProcess self) -> str const *""" 5616 return _lldb.SBProcess_GetExitDescription(self)
5618 - def GetProcessID(self):
5619 """ 5620 Returns the process ID of the process. 5621 """ 5622 return _lldb.SBProcess_GetProcessID(self)
5624 - def GetUniqueID(self):
5625 """ 5626 Returns an integer ID that is guaranteed to be unique across all process instances. This is not the process ID, just a unique integer for comparison and caching purposes. 5627 """ 5628 return _lldb.SBProcess_GetUniqueID(self)
5630 - def GetAddressByteSize(self):
5631 """GetAddressByteSize(SBProcess self) -> uint32_t""" 5632 return _lldb.SBProcess_GetAddressByteSize(self)
5634 - def Destroy(self):
5635 """ 5636 Destroy(SBProcess self) -> SBError 5637 5638 Kills the process and shuts down all threads that were spawned to 5639 track and monitor process. 5640 """ 5641 return _lldb.SBProcess_Destroy(self)
5643 - def Continue(self):
5644 """Continue(SBProcess self) -> SBError""" 5645 return _lldb.SBProcess_Continue(self)
5647 - def Stop(self):
5648 """Stop(SBProcess self) -> SBError""" 5649 return _lldb.SBProcess_Stop(self)
5651 - def Kill(self):
5652 """Kill(SBProcess self) -> SBError""" 5653 return _lldb.SBProcess_Kill(self)
5655 - def Detach(self):
5656 """Detach(SBProcess self) -> SBError""" 5657 return _lldb.SBProcess_Detach(self)
5659 - def Signal(self, *args):
5660 """ 5661 Signal(SBProcess self, int signal) -> SBError 5662 5663 Sends the process a unix signal. 5664 """ 5665 return _lldb.SBProcess_Signal(self, *args)
5667 - def GetStopID(self, include_expression_stops=False):
5668 """ 5669 GetStopID(SBProcess self, bool include_expression_stops=False) -> uint32_t 5670 GetStopID(SBProcess self) -> uint32_t 5671 5672 Returns a stop id that will increase every time the process executes. If 5673 include_expression_stops is true, then stops caused by expression evaluation 5674 will cause the returned value to increase, otherwise the counter returned will 5675 only increase when execution is continued explicitly by the user. Note, the value 5676 will always increase, but may increase by more than one per stop. 5677 """ 5678 return _lldb.SBProcess_GetStopID(self, include_expression_stops)
5680 - def SendAsyncInterrupt(self):
5681 """SendAsyncInterrupt(SBProcess self)""" 5682 return _lldb.SBProcess_SendAsyncInterrupt(self)
5684 - def ReadMemory(self, *args):
5685 """ 5686 Reads memory from the current process's address space and removes any 5687 traps that may have been inserted into the memory. It returns the byte 5688 buffer in a Python string. Example: 5689 5690 # Read 4 bytes from address 'addr' and assume error.Success() is True. 5691 content = process.ReadMemory(addr, 4, error) 5692 # Use 'ascii' encoding as each byte of 'content' is within [0..255]. 5693 new_bytes = bytearray(content, 'ascii') 5694 """ 5695 return _lldb.SBProcess_ReadMemory(self, *args)
5697 - def WriteMemory(self, *args):
5698 """ 5699 Writes memory to the current process's address space and maintains any 5700 traps that might be present due to software breakpoints. Example: 5701 5702 # Create a Python string from the byte array. 5703 new_value = str(bytes) 5704 result = process.WriteMemory(addr, new_value, error) 5705 if not error.Success() or result != len(bytes): 5706 print 'SBProcess.WriteMemory() failed!' 5707 """ 5708 return _lldb.SBProcess_WriteMemory(self, *args)
5710 - def ReadCStringFromMemory(self, *args):
5711 """ 5712 Reads a NULL terminated C string from the current process's address space. 5713 It returns a python string of the exact length, or truncates the string if 5714 the maximum stracter limit is reached. Example: 5715 5716 # Read a C string of at most 256 bytes from address '0x1000' 5717 error = lldb.SBError() 5718 cstring = process.ReadCStringFromMemory(0x1000, 256, error) 5719 if error.Success(): 5720 print 'cstring: ', cstring 5721 else 5722 print 'error: ', error 5723 """ 5724 return _lldb.SBProcess_ReadCStringFromMemory(self, *args)
5726 - def ReadUnsignedFromMemory(self, *args):
5727 """ 5728 Reads an unsigned integer from memory given a byte size and an address. 5729 Returns the unsigned integer that was read. Example: 5730 5731 # Read a 4 byte unsigned integer from address 0x1000 5732 error = lldb.SBError() 5733 uint = ReadUnsignedFromMemory(0x1000, 4, error) 5734 if error.Success(): 5735 print 'integer: %u' % uint 5736 else 5737 print 'error: ', error 5738 5739 """ 5740 return _lldb.SBProcess_ReadUnsignedFromMemory(self, *args)
5742 - def ReadPointerFromMemory(self, *args):
5743 """ 5744 Reads a pointer from memory from an address and returns the value. Example: 5745 5746 # Read a pointer from address 0x1000 5747 error = lldb.SBError() 5748 ptr = ReadPointerFromMemory(0x1000, error) 5749 if error.Success(): 5750 print 'pointer: 0x%x' % ptr 5751 else 5752 print 'error: ', error 5753 5754 """ 5755 return _lldb.SBProcess_ReadPointerFromMemory(self, *args)
5757 - def GetStateFromEvent(*args):
5758 """GetStateFromEvent(SBEvent event) -> lldb::StateType""" 5759 return _lldb.SBProcess_GetStateFromEvent(*args)
5760 5761 if _newclass:GetStateFromEvent = staticmethod(GetStateFromEvent) 5762 __swig_getmethods__["GetStateFromEvent"] = lambda x: GetStateFromEvent
5763 - def GetRestartedFromEvent(*args):
5764 """GetRestartedFromEvent(SBEvent event) -> bool""" 5765 return _lldb.SBProcess_GetRestartedFromEvent(*args)
5766 5767 if _newclass:GetRestartedFromEvent = staticmethod(GetRestartedFromEvent) 5768 __swig_getmethods__["GetRestartedFromEvent"] = lambda x: GetRestartedFromEvent
5769 - def GetNumRestartedReasonsFromEvent(*args):
5770 """GetNumRestartedReasonsFromEvent(SBEvent event) -> size_t""" 5771 return _lldb.SBProcess_GetNumRestartedReasonsFromEvent(*args)
5772 5773 if _newclass:GetNumRestartedReasonsFromEvent = staticmethod(GetNumRestartedReasonsFromEvent) 5774 __swig_getmethods__["GetNumRestartedReasonsFromEvent"] = lambda x: GetNumRestartedReasonsFromEvent
5775 - def GetRestartedReasonAtIndexFromEvent(*args):
5776 """GetRestartedReasonAtIndexFromEvent(SBEvent event, size_t idx) -> str const *""" 5777 return _lldb.SBProcess_GetRestartedReasonAtIndexFromEvent(*args)
5778 5779 if _newclass:GetRestartedReasonAtIndexFromEvent = staticmethod(GetRestartedReasonAtIndexFromEvent) 5780 __swig_getmethods__["GetRestartedReasonAtIndexFromEvent"] = lambda x: GetRestartedReasonAtIndexFromEvent
5781 - def GetProcessFromEvent(*args):
5782 """GetProcessFromEvent(SBEvent event) -> SBProcess""" 5783 return _lldb.SBProcess_GetProcessFromEvent(*args)
5784 5785 if _newclass:GetProcessFromEvent = staticmethod(GetProcessFromEvent) 5786 __swig_getmethods__["GetProcessFromEvent"] = lambda x: GetProcessFromEvent
5787 - def EventIsProcessEvent(*args):
5788 """EventIsProcessEvent(SBEvent event) -> bool""" 5789 return _lldb.SBProcess_EventIsProcessEvent(*args)
5790 5791 if _newclass:EventIsProcessEvent = staticmethod(EventIsProcessEvent) 5792 __swig_getmethods__["EventIsProcessEvent"] = lambda x: EventIsProcessEvent
5793 - def GetBroadcaster(self):
5794 """GetBroadcaster(SBProcess self) -> SBBroadcaster""" 5795 return _lldb.SBProcess_GetBroadcaster(self)
5797 - def GetDescription(self, *args):
5798 """GetDescription(SBProcess self, SBStream description) -> bool""" 5799 return _lldb.SBProcess_GetDescription(self, *args)
5801 - def GetNumSupportedHardwareWatchpoints(self, *args):
5802 """GetNumSupportedHardwareWatchpoints(SBProcess self, SBError error) -> uint32_t""" 5803 return _lldb.SBProcess_GetNumSupportedHardwareWatchpoints(self, *args)
5805 - def LoadImage(self, *args):
5806 """LoadImage(SBProcess self, SBFileSpec image_spec, SBError error) -> uint32_t""" 5807 return _lldb.SBProcess_LoadImage(self, *args)
5809 - def UnloadImage(self, *args):
5810 """UnloadImage(SBProcess self, uint32_t image_token) -> SBError""" 5811 return _lldb.SBProcess_UnloadImage(self, *args)
5813 - def __get_is_alive__(self):
5814 '''Returns "True" if the process is currently alive, "False" otherwise''' 5815 s = self.GetState() 5816 if (s == eStateAttaching or 5817 s == eStateLaunching or 5818 s == eStateStopped or 5819 s == eStateRunning or 5820 s == eStateStepping or 5821 s == eStateCrashed or 5822 s == eStateSuspended): 5823 return True 5824 return False
5826 - def __get_is_running__(self):
5827 '''Returns "True" if the process is currently running, "False" otherwise''' 5828 state = self.GetState() 5829 if state == eStateRunning or state == eStateStepping: 5830 return True 5831 return False
5833 - def __get_is_running__(self):
5834 '''Returns "True" if the process is currently stopped, "False" otherwise''' 5835 state = self.GetState() 5836 if state == eStateStopped or state == eStateCrashed or state == eStateSuspended: 5837 return True 5838 return False
5840 - class threads_access(object):
5841 '''A helper object that will lazily hand out thread for a process when supplied an index.'''
5842 - def __init__(self, sbprocess):
5843 self.sbprocess = sbprocess
5845 - def __len__(self):
5846 if self.sbprocess: 5847 return int(self.sbprocess.GetNumThreads()) 5848 return 0
5850 - def __getitem__(self, key):
5851 if type(key) is int and key < len(self): 5852 return self.sbprocess.GetThreadAtIndex(key) 5853 return None
5855 - def get_threads_access_object(self):
5856 '''An accessor function that returns a modules_access() object which allows lazy thread access from a lldb.SBProcess object.''' 5857 return self.threads_access (self)
5859 - def get_process_thread_list(self):
5860 '''An accessor function that returns a list() that contains all threads in a lldb.SBProcess object.''' 5861 threads = [] 5862 accessor = self.get_threads_access_object() 5863 for idx in range(len(accessor)): 5864 threads.append(accessor[idx]) 5865 return threads
5866 5867 __swig_getmethods__["threads"] = get_process_thread_list 5868 if _newclass: threads = property(get_process_thread_list, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a list() of lldb.SBThread objects for this process.''') 5869 5870 __swig_getmethods__["thread"] = get_threads_access_object 5871 if _newclass: thread = property(get_threads_access_object, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an object that can access threads by thread index (thread = lldb.process.thread[12]).''') 5872 5873 __swig_getmethods__["is_alive"] = __get_is_alive__ 5874 if _newclass: is_alive = property(__get_is_alive__, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a boolean value that indicates if this process is currently alive.''') 5875 5876 __swig_getmethods__["is_running"] = __get_is_running__ 5877 if _newclass: is_running = property(__get_is_running__, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a boolean value that indicates if this process is currently running.''') 5878 5879 __swig_getmethods__["is_stopped"] = __get_is_running__ 5880 if _newclass: is_stopped = property(__get_is_running__, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a boolean value that indicates if this process is currently stopped.''') 5881 5882 __swig_getmethods__["id"] = GetProcessID 5883 if _newclass: id = property(GetProcessID, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the process ID as an integer.''') 5884 5885 __swig_getmethods__["target"] = GetTarget 5886 if _newclass: target = property(GetTarget, None, doc='''A read only property that an lldb object that represents the target (lldb.SBTarget) that owns this process.''') 5887 5888 __swig_getmethods__["num_threads"] = GetNumThreads 5889 if _newclass: num_threads = property(GetNumThreads, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the number of threads in this process as an integer.''') 5890 5891 __swig_getmethods__["selected_thread"] = GetSelectedThread 5892 __swig_setmethods__["selected_thread"] = SetSelectedThread 5893 if _newclass: selected_thread = property(GetSelectedThread, SetSelectedThread, doc='''A read/write property that gets/sets the currently selected thread in this process. The getter returns a lldb.SBThread object and the setter takes an lldb.SBThread object.''') 5894 5895 __swig_getmethods__["state"] = GetState 5896 if _newclass: state = property(GetState, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb enumeration value (see enumerations that start with "lldb.eState") that represents the current state of this process (running, stopped, exited, etc.).''') 5897 5898 __swig_getmethods__["exit_state"] = GetExitStatus 5899 if _newclass: exit_state = property(GetExitStatus, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an exit status as an integer of this process when the process state is lldb.eStateExited.''') 5900 5901 __swig_getmethods__["exit_description"] = GetExitDescription 5902 if _newclass: exit_description = property(GetExitDescription, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an exit description as a string of this process when the process state is lldb.eStateExited.''') 5903 5904 __swig_getmethods__["broadcaster"] = GetBroadcaster 5905 if _newclass: broadcaster = property(GetBroadcaster, None, doc='''A read only property that an lldb object that represents the broadcaster (lldb.SBBroadcaster) for this process.''') 5906
5907 - def __str__(self):
5908 """__str__(SBProcess self) -> PyObject *""" 5909 return _lldb.SBProcess___str__(self)
5910 5911 SBProcess_swigregister = _lldb.SBProcess_swigregister 5912 SBProcess_swigregister(SBProcess)
5913 5914 -def SBProcess_GetBroadcasterClassName():
5915 """SBProcess_GetBroadcasterClassName() -> str const *""" 5916 return _lldb.SBProcess_GetBroadcasterClassName()
5918 -def SBProcess_GetStateFromEvent(*args):
5919 """SBProcess_GetStateFromEvent(SBEvent event) -> lldb::StateType""" 5920 return _lldb.SBProcess_GetStateFromEvent(*args)
5922 -def SBProcess_GetRestartedFromEvent(*args):
5923 """SBProcess_GetRestartedFromEvent(SBEvent event) -> bool""" 5924 return _lldb.SBProcess_GetRestartedFromEvent(*args)
5926 -def SBProcess_GetNumRestartedReasonsFromEvent(*args):
5927 """SBProcess_GetNumRestartedReasonsFromEvent(SBEvent event) -> size_t""" 5928 return _lldb.SBProcess_GetNumRestartedReasonsFromEvent(*args)
5930 -def SBProcess_GetRestartedReasonAtIndexFromEvent(*args):
5931 """SBProcess_GetRestartedReasonAtIndexFromEvent(SBEvent event, size_t idx) -> str const *""" 5932 return _lldb.SBProcess_GetRestartedReasonAtIndexFromEvent(*args)
5934 -def SBProcess_GetProcessFromEvent(*args):
5935 """SBProcess_GetProcessFromEvent(SBEvent event) -> SBProcess""" 5936 return _lldb.SBProcess_GetProcessFromEvent(*args)
5938 -def SBProcess_EventIsProcessEvent(*args):
5939 """SBProcess_EventIsProcessEvent(SBEvent event) -> bool""" 5940 return _lldb.SBProcess_EventIsProcessEvent(*args)
5942 -class SBSection(_object):
5943 """ 5944 Represents an executable image section. 5945 5946 SBSection supports iteration through its subsection, represented as SBSection 5947 as well. For example, 5948 5949 for sec in exe_module: 5950 if sec.GetName() == '__TEXT': 5951 print sec 5952 break 5953 print INDENT + 'Number of subsections: %d' % sec.GetNumSubSections() 5954 for subsec in sec: 5955 print INDENT + repr(subsec) 5956 5957 produces: 5958 5959 [0x0000000100000000-0x0000000100002000) a.out.__TEXT 5960 Number of subsections: 6 5961 [0x0000000100001780-0x0000000100001d5c) a.out.__TEXT.__text 5962 [0x0000000100001d5c-0x0000000100001da4) a.out.__TEXT.__stubs 5963 [0x0000000100001da4-0x0000000100001e2c) a.out.__TEXT.__stub_helper 5964 [0x0000000100001e2c-0x0000000100001f10) a.out.__TEXT.__cstring 5965 [0x0000000100001f10-0x0000000100001f68) a.out.__TEXT.__unwind_info 5966 [0x0000000100001f68-0x0000000100001ff8) a.out.__TEXT.__eh_frame 5967 5968 See also SBModule. 5969 """ 5970 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 5971 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBSection, name, value) 5972 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 5973 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBSection, name) 5974 __repr__ = _swig_repr
5975 - def __iter__(self): return lldb_iter(self, 'GetNumSubSections', 'GetSubSectionAtIndex')
5976 - def __len__(self): return self.GetNumSubSections()
5977 - def __init__(self, *args):
5978 """ 5979 __init__(lldb::SBSection self) -> SBSection 5980 __init__(lldb::SBSection self, SBSection rhs) -> SBSection 5981 """ 5982 this = _lldb.new_SBSection(*args) 5983 try: self.this.append(this) 5984 except: self.this = this
5985 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBSection 5986 __del__ = lambda self : None;
5987 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
5988 - def IsValid(self):
5989 """IsValid(SBSection self) -> bool""" 5990 return _lldb.SBSection_IsValid(self)
5992 - def GetName(self):
5993 """GetName(SBSection self) -> str const *""" 5994 return _lldb.SBSection_GetName(self)
5996 - def GetParent(self):
5997 """GetParent(SBSection self) -> SBSection""" 5998 return _lldb.SBSection_GetParent(self)
6000 - def FindSubSection(self, *args):
6001 """FindSubSection(SBSection self, str const * sect_name) -> SBSection""" 6002 return _lldb.SBSection_FindSubSection(self, *args)
6004 - def GetNumSubSections(self):
6005 """GetNumSubSections(SBSection self) -> size_t""" 6006 return _lldb.SBSection_GetNumSubSections(self)
6008 - def GetSubSectionAtIndex(self, *args):
6009 """GetSubSectionAtIndex(SBSection self, size_t idx) -> SBSection""" 6010 return _lldb.SBSection_GetSubSectionAtIndex(self, *args)
6012 - def GetFileAddress(self):
6013 """GetFileAddress(SBSection self) -> lldb::addr_t""" 6014 return _lldb.SBSection_GetFileAddress(self)
6016 - def GetLoadAddress(self, *args):
6017 """GetLoadAddress(SBSection self, SBTarget target) -> lldb::addr_t""" 6018 return _lldb.SBSection_GetLoadAddress(self, *args)
6020 - def GetByteSize(self):
6021 """GetByteSize(SBSection self) -> lldb::addr_t""" 6022 return _lldb.SBSection_GetByteSize(self)
6024 - def GetFileOffset(self):
6025 """GetFileOffset(SBSection self) -> uint64_t""" 6026 return _lldb.SBSection_GetFileOffset(self)
6028 - def GetFileByteSize(self):
6029 """GetFileByteSize(SBSection self) -> uint64_t""" 6030 return _lldb.SBSection_GetFileByteSize(self)
6032 - def GetSectionData(self, *args):
6033 """ 6034 GetSectionData(SBSection self) -> SBData 6035 GetSectionData(SBSection self, uint64_t offset, uint64_t size) -> SBData 6036 """ 6037 return _lldb.SBSection_GetSectionData(self, *args)
6039 - def GetSectionType(self):
6040 """GetSectionType(SBSection self) -> lldb::SectionType""" 6041 return _lldb.SBSection_GetSectionType(self)
6043 - def GetDescription(self, *args):
6044 """GetDescription(SBSection self, SBStream description) -> bool""" 6045 return _lldb.SBSection_GetDescription(self, *args)
6047 - def __eq__(self, *args):
6048 """__eq__(SBSection self, SBSection rhs) -> bool""" 6049 return _lldb.SBSection___eq__(self, *args)
6051 - def __ne__(self, *args):
6052 """__ne__(SBSection self, SBSection rhs) -> bool""" 6053 return _lldb.SBSection___ne__(self, *args)
6055 - def get_addr(self):
6056 return SBAddress(self, 0)
6057 6058 __swig_getmethods__["name"] = GetName 6059 if _newclass: name = property(GetName, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the name of this section as a string.''') 6060 6061 __swig_getmethods__["addr"] = get_addr 6062 if _newclass: addr = property(get_addr, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the start address (lldb.SBAddress) for this section.''') 6063 6064 __swig_getmethods__["file_addr"] = GetFileAddress 6065 if _newclass: file_addr = property(GetFileAddress, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an integer that represents the starting "file" address for this section, or the address of the section in the object file in which it is defined.''') 6066 6067 __swig_getmethods__["size"] = GetByteSize 6068 if _newclass: size = property(GetByteSize, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the size in bytes of this section as an integer.''') 6069 6070 __swig_getmethods__["file_offset"] = GetFileOffset 6071 if _newclass: file_offset = property(GetFileOffset, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the file offset in bytes of this section as an integer.''') 6072 6073 __swig_getmethods__["file_size"] = GetFileByteSize 6074 if _newclass: file_size = property(GetFileByteSize, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the file size in bytes of this section as an integer.''') 6075 6076 __swig_getmethods__["data"] = GetSectionData 6077 if _newclass: data = property(GetSectionData, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the bytes for this section (lldb.SBData) for this section.''') 6078 6079 __swig_getmethods__["type"] = GetSectionType 6080 if _newclass: type = property(GetSectionType, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb enumeration value (see enumerations that start with "lldb.eSectionType") that represents the type of this section (code, data, etc.).''') 6081 6082
6083 - def __str__(self):
6084 """__str__(SBSection self) -> PyObject *""" 6085 return _lldb.SBSection___str__(self)
6087 - def __eq__(self, rhs):
6088 if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)): 6089 return False 6090 6091 return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___eq__")(self, rhs)
6093 - def __ne__(self, rhs):
6094 if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)): 6095 return True 6096 6097 return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___ne__")(self, rhs)
6098 6099 SBSection_swigregister = _lldb.SBSection_swigregister 6100 SBSection_swigregister(SBSection)
6101 6102 -class SBSourceManager(_object):
6103 """ 6104 Represents a central authority for displaying source code. 6105 6106 For example (from test/source-manager/, 6107 6108 # Create the filespec for 'main.c'. 6109 filespec = lldb.SBFileSpec('main.c', False) 6110 source_mgr = self.dbg.GetSourceManager() 6111 # Use a string stream as the destination. 6112 stream = lldb.SBStream() 6113 source_mgr.DisplaySourceLinesWithLineNumbers(filespec, 6114 self.line, 6115 2, # context before 6116 2, # context after 6117 '=>', # prefix for current line 6118 stream) 6119 6120 # 2 6121 # 3 int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { 6122 # => 4 printf('Hello world.\n'); // Set break point at this line. 6123 # 5 return 0; 6124 # 6 } 6125 self.expect(stream.GetData(), 'Source code displayed correctly', 6126 exe=False, 6127 patterns = ['=> %d.*Hello world' % self.line]) 6128 6129 """ 6130 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 6131 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBSourceManager, name, value) 6132 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 6133 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBSourceManager, name) 6134 __repr__ = _swig_repr
6135 - def __init__(self, *args):
6136 """__init__(lldb::SBSourceManager self, SBSourceManager rhs) -> SBSourceManager""" 6137 this = _lldb.new_SBSourceManager(*args) 6138 try: self.this.append(this) 6139 except: self.this = this
6140 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBSourceManager 6141 __del__ = lambda self : None;
6142 - def DisplaySourceLinesWithLineNumbers(self, *args):
6143 """ 6144 DisplaySourceLinesWithLineNumbers(SBSourceManager self, SBFileSpec file, uint32_t line, uint32_t context_before, uint32_t context_after, 6145 str const * current_line_cstr, SBStream s) -> size_t 6146 """ 6147 return _lldb.SBSourceManager_DisplaySourceLinesWithLineNumbers(self, *args)
6148 6149 SBSourceManager_swigregister = _lldb.SBSourceManager_swigregister 6150 SBSourceManager_swigregister(SBSourceManager)
6151 6152 -class SBStream(_object):
6153 """ 6154 Represents a destination for streaming data output to. By default, a string 6155 stream is created. 6156 6157 For example (from test/source-manager/, 6158 6159 # Create the filespec for 'main.c'. 6160 filespec = lldb.SBFileSpec('main.c', False) 6161 source_mgr = self.dbg.GetSourceManager() 6162 # Use a string stream as the destination. 6163 stream = lldb.SBStream() 6164 source_mgr.DisplaySourceLinesWithLineNumbers(filespec, 6165 self.line, 6166 2, # context before 6167 2, # context after 6168 '=>', # prefix for current line 6169 stream) 6170 6171 # 2 6172 # 3 int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { 6173 # => 4 printf('Hello world.\n'); // Set break point at this line. 6174 # 5 return 0; 6175 # 6 } 6176 self.expect(stream.GetData(), 'Source code displayed correctly', 6177 exe=False, 6178 patterns = ['=> %d.*Hello world' % self.line]) 6179 6180 """ 6181 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 6182 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBStream, name, value) 6183 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 6184 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBStream, name) 6185 __repr__ = _swig_repr
6186 - def __init__(self):
6187 """__init__(lldb::SBStream self) -> SBStream""" 6188 this = _lldb.new_SBStream() 6189 try: self.this.append(this) 6190 except: self.this = this
6191 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBStream 6192 __del__ = lambda self : None;
6193 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
6194 - def IsValid(self):
6195 """IsValid(SBStream self) -> bool""" 6196 return _lldb.SBStream_IsValid(self)
6198 - def GetData(self):
6199 """ 6200 GetData(SBStream self) -> str const * 6201 6202 If this stream is not redirected to a file, it will maintain a local 6203 cache for the stream data which can be accessed using this accessor. 6204 """ 6205 return _lldb.SBStream_GetData(self)
6207 - def GetSize(self):
6208 """ 6209 GetSize(SBStream self) -> size_t 6210 6211 If this stream is not redirected to a file, it will maintain a local 6212 cache for the stream output whose length can be accessed using this 6213 accessor. 6214 """ 6215 return _lldb.SBStream_GetSize(self)
6217 - def Print(self, *args):
6218 """Print(SBStream self, str const * str)""" 6219 return _lldb.SBStream_Print(self, *args)
6221 - def RedirectToFile(self, *args):
6222 """RedirectToFile(SBStream self, str const * path, bool append)""" 6223 return _lldb.SBStream_RedirectToFile(self, *args)
6225 - def RedirectToFileHandle(self, *args):
6226 """RedirectToFileHandle(SBStream self, FILE * fh, bool transfer_fh_ownership)""" 6227 return _lldb.SBStream_RedirectToFileHandle(self, *args)
6229 - def RedirectToFileDescriptor(self, *args):
6230 """RedirectToFileDescriptor(SBStream self, int fd, bool transfer_fh_ownership)""" 6231 return _lldb.SBStream_RedirectToFileDescriptor(self, *args)
6233 - def Clear(self):
6234 """ 6235 Clear(SBStream self) 6236 6237 If the stream is redirected to a file, forget about the file and if 6238 ownership of the file was transfered to this object, close the file. 6239 If the stream is backed by a local cache, clear this cache. 6240 """ 6241 return _lldb.SBStream_Clear(self)
6243 - def write(self, *args):
6244 """write(SBStream self, str const * str)""" 6245 return _lldb.SBStream_write(self, *args)
6247 - def flush(self):
6248 """flush(SBStream self)""" 6249 return _lldb.SBStream_flush(self)
6250 6251 SBStream_swigregister = _lldb.SBStream_swigregister 6252 SBStream_swigregister(SBStream)
6253 6254 -class SBStringList(_object):
6255 """Proxy of C++ lldb::SBStringList class""" 6256 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 6257 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBStringList, name, value) 6258 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 6259 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBStringList, name) 6260 __repr__ = _swig_repr
6261 - def __iter__(self): return lldb_iter(self, 'GetSize', 'GetStringAtIndex')
6262 - def __len__(self): return self.GetSize()
6263 - def __init__(self, *args):
6264 """ 6265 __init__(lldb::SBStringList self) -> SBStringList 6266 __init__(lldb::SBStringList self, SBStringList rhs) -> SBStringList 6267 """ 6268 this = _lldb.new_SBStringList(*args) 6269 try: self.this.append(this) 6270 except: self.this = this
6271 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBStringList 6272 __del__ = lambda self : None;
6273 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
6274 - def IsValid(self):
6275 """IsValid(SBStringList self) -> bool""" 6276 return _lldb.SBStringList_IsValid(self)
6278 - def AppendString(self, *args):
6279 """AppendString(SBStringList self, str const * str)""" 6280 return _lldb.SBStringList_AppendString(self, *args)
6282 - def AppendList(self, *args):
6283 """ 6284 AppendList(SBStringList self, str const ** strv, int strc) 6285 AppendList(SBStringList self, SBStringList strings) 6286 """ 6287 return _lldb.SBStringList_AppendList(self, *args)
6289 - def GetSize(self):
6290 """GetSize(SBStringList self) -> uint32_t""" 6291 return _lldb.SBStringList_GetSize(self)
6293 - def GetStringAtIndex(self, *args):
6294 """GetStringAtIndex(SBStringList self, size_t idx) -> str const *""" 6295 return _lldb.SBStringList_GetStringAtIndex(self, *args)
6297 - def Clear(self):
6298 """Clear(SBStringList self)""" 6299 return _lldb.SBStringList_Clear(self)
6300 6301 SBStringList_swigregister = _lldb.SBStringList_swigregister 6302 SBStringList_swigregister(SBStringList)
6303 6304 -class SBSymbol(_object):
6305 """ 6306 Represents the symbol possibly associated with a stack frame. 6307 SBModule contains SBSymbol(s). SBSymbol can also be retrived from SBFrame. 6308 6309 See also SBModule and SBFrame. 6310 """ 6311 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 6312 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBSymbol, name, value) 6313 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 6314 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBSymbol, name) 6315 __repr__ = _swig_repr 6316 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBSymbol 6317 __del__ = lambda self : None;
6318 - def __init__(self, *args):
6319 """ 6320 __init__(lldb::SBSymbol self) -> SBSymbol 6321 __init__(lldb::SBSymbol self, SBSymbol rhs) -> SBSymbol 6322 """ 6323 this = _lldb.new_SBSymbol(*args) 6324 try: self.this.append(this) 6325 except: self.this = this
6326 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
6327 - def IsValid(self):
6328 """IsValid(SBSymbol self) -> bool""" 6329 return _lldb.SBSymbol_IsValid(self)
6331 - def GetName(self):
6332 """GetName(SBSymbol self) -> str const *""" 6333 return _lldb.SBSymbol_GetName(self)
6335 - def GetMangledName(self):
6336 """GetMangledName(SBSymbol self) -> str const *""" 6337 return _lldb.SBSymbol_GetMangledName(self)
6339 - def GetInstructions(self, *args):
6340 """ 6341 GetInstructions(SBSymbol self, SBTarget target) -> SBInstructionList 6342 GetInstructions(SBSymbol self, SBTarget target, str const * flavor_string) -> SBInstructionList 6343 """ 6344 return _lldb.SBSymbol_GetInstructions(self, *args)
6346 - def GetStartAddress(self):
6347 """GetStartAddress(SBSymbol self) -> SBAddress""" 6348 return _lldb.SBSymbol_GetStartAddress(self)
6350 - def GetEndAddress(self):
6351 """GetEndAddress(SBSymbol self) -> SBAddress""" 6352 return _lldb.SBSymbol_GetEndAddress(self)
6354 - def GetPrologueByteSize(self):
6355 """GetPrologueByteSize(SBSymbol self) -> uint32_t""" 6356 return _lldb.SBSymbol_GetPrologueByteSize(self)
6358 - def GetType(self):
6359 """GetType(SBSymbol self) -> lldb::SymbolType""" 6360 return _lldb.SBSymbol_GetType(self)
6362 - def GetDescription(self, *args):
6363 """GetDescription(SBSymbol self, SBStream description) -> bool""" 6364 return _lldb.SBSymbol_GetDescription(self, *args)
6366 - def IsExternal(self):
6367 """IsExternal(SBSymbol self) -> bool""" 6368 return _lldb.SBSymbol_IsExternal(self)
6370 - def IsSynthetic(self):
6371 """IsSynthetic(SBSymbol self) -> bool""" 6372 return _lldb.SBSymbol_IsSynthetic(self)
6374 - def __eq__(self, *args):
6375 """__eq__(SBSymbol self, SBSymbol rhs) -> bool""" 6376 return _lldb.SBSymbol___eq__(self, *args)
6378 - def __ne__(self, *args):
6379 """__ne__(SBSymbol self, SBSymbol rhs) -> bool""" 6380 return _lldb.SBSymbol___ne__(self, *args)
6382 - def get_instructions_from_current_target (self):
6383 return self.GetInstructions (target)
6384 6385 __swig_getmethods__["name"] = GetName 6386 if _newclass: name = property(GetName, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the name for this symbol as a string.''') 6387 6388 __swig_getmethods__["mangled"] = GetMangledName 6389 if _newclass: mangled = property(GetMangledName, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the mangled (linkage) name for this symbol as a string.''') 6390 6391 __swig_getmethods__["type"] = GetType 6392 if _newclass: type = property(GetType, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb enumeration value (see enumerations that start with "lldb.eSymbolType") that represents the type of this symbol.''') 6393 6394 __swig_getmethods__["addr"] = GetStartAddress 6395 if _newclass: addr = property(GetStartAddress, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the start address (lldb.SBAddress) for this symbol.''') 6396 6397 __swig_getmethods__["end_addr"] = GetEndAddress 6398 if _newclass: end_addr = property(GetEndAddress, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the end address (lldb.SBAddress) for this symbol.''') 6399 6400 __swig_getmethods__["prologue_size"] = GetPrologueByteSize 6401 if _newclass: prologue_size = property(GetPrologueByteSize, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the size in bytes of the prologue instructions as an unsigned integer.''') 6402 6403 __swig_getmethods__["instructions"] = get_instructions_from_current_target 6404 if _newclass: instructions = property(get_instructions_from_current_target, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the instructions (lldb.SBInstructionList) for this symbol.''') 6405 6406 __swig_getmethods__["external"] = IsExternal 6407 if _newclass: external = property(IsExternal, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a boolean value that indicates if this symbol is externally visiable (exported) from the module that contains it.''') 6408 6409 __swig_getmethods__["synthetic"] = IsSynthetic 6410 if _newclass: synthetic = property(IsSynthetic, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a boolean value that indicates if this symbol was synthetically created from information in module that contains it.''') 6411 6412 6413
6414 - def __str__(self):
6415 """__str__(SBSymbol self) -> PyObject *""" 6416 return _lldb.SBSymbol___str__(self)
6418 - def __eq__(self, rhs):
6419 if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)): 6420 return False 6421 6422 return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___eq__")(self, rhs)
6424 - def __ne__(self, rhs):
6425 if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)): 6426 return True 6427 6428 return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___ne__")(self, rhs)
6429 6430 SBSymbol_swigregister = _lldb.SBSymbol_swigregister 6431 SBSymbol_swigregister(SBSymbol)
6432 6433 -class SBSymbolContext(_object):
6434 """ 6435 A context object that provides access to core debugger entities. 6436 6437 Manay debugger functions require a context when doing lookups. This class 6438 provides a common structure that can be used as the result of a query that 6439 can contain a single result. 6440 6441 For example, 6442 6443 exe = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'a.out') 6444 6445 # Create a target for the debugger. 6446 target = self.dbg.CreateTarget(exe) 6447 6448 # Now create a breakpoint on main.c by name 'c'. 6449 breakpoint = target.BreakpointCreateByName('c', 'a.out') 6450 6451 # Now launch the process, and do not stop at entry point. 6452 process = target.LaunchSimple(None, None, os.getcwd()) 6453 6454 # The inferior should stop on 'c'. 6455 from lldbutil import get_stopped_thread 6456 thread = get_stopped_thread(process, lldb.eStopReasonBreakpoint) 6457 frame0 = thread.GetFrameAtIndex(0) 6458 6459 # Now get the SBSymbolContext from this frame. We want everything. :-) 6460 context = frame0.GetSymbolContext(lldb.eSymbolContextEverything) 6461 6462 # Get the module. 6463 module = context.GetModule() 6464 ... 6465 6466 # And the compile unit associated with the frame. 6467 compileUnit = context.GetCompileUnit() 6468 ... 6469 6470 """ 6471 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 6472 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBSymbolContext, name, value) 6473 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 6474 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBSymbolContext, name) 6475 __repr__ = _swig_repr
6476 - def __init__(self, *args):
6477 """ 6478 __init__(lldb::SBSymbolContext self) -> SBSymbolContext 6479 __init__(lldb::SBSymbolContext self, SBSymbolContext rhs) -> SBSymbolContext 6480 """ 6481 this = _lldb.new_SBSymbolContext(*args) 6482 try: self.this.append(this) 6483 except: self.this = this
6484 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBSymbolContext 6485 __del__ = lambda self : None;
6486 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
6487 - def IsValid(self):
6488 """IsValid(SBSymbolContext self) -> bool""" 6489 return _lldb.SBSymbolContext_IsValid(self)
6491 - def GetModule(self):
6492 """GetModule(SBSymbolContext self) -> SBModule""" 6493 return _lldb.SBSymbolContext_GetModule(self)
6495 - def GetCompileUnit(self):
6496 """GetCompileUnit(SBSymbolContext self) -> SBCompileUnit""" 6497 return _lldb.SBSymbolContext_GetCompileUnit(self)
6499 - def GetFunction(self):
6500 """GetFunction(SBSymbolContext self) -> SBFunction""" 6501 return _lldb.SBSymbolContext_GetFunction(self)
6503 - def GetBlock(self):
6504 """GetBlock(SBSymbolContext self) -> SBBlock""" 6505 return _lldb.SBSymbolContext_GetBlock(self)
6507 - def GetLineEntry(self):
6508 """GetLineEntry(SBSymbolContext self) -> SBLineEntry""" 6509 return _lldb.SBSymbolContext_GetLineEntry(self)
6511 - def GetSymbol(self):
6512 """GetSymbol(SBSymbolContext self) -> SBSymbol""" 6513 return _lldb.SBSymbolContext_GetSymbol(self)
6515 - def SetModule(self, *args):
6516 """SetModule(SBSymbolContext self, SBModule module)""" 6517 return _lldb.SBSymbolContext_SetModule(self, *args)
6519 - def SetCompileUnit(self, *args):
6520 """SetCompileUnit(SBSymbolContext self, SBCompileUnit compile_unit)""" 6521 return _lldb.SBSymbolContext_SetCompileUnit(self, *args)
6523 - def SetFunction(self, *args):
6524 """SetFunction(SBSymbolContext self, SBFunction function)""" 6525 return _lldb.SBSymbolContext_SetFunction(self, *args)
6527 - def SetBlock(self, *args):
6528 """SetBlock(SBSymbolContext self, SBBlock block)""" 6529 return _lldb.SBSymbolContext_SetBlock(self, *args)
6531 - def SetLineEntry(self, *args):
6532 """SetLineEntry(SBSymbolContext self, SBLineEntry line_entry)""" 6533 return _lldb.SBSymbolContext_SetLineEntry(self, *args)
6535 - def SetSymbol(self, *args):
6536 """SetSymbol(SBSymbolContext self, SBSymbol symbol)""" 6537 return _lldb.SBSymbolContext_SetSymbol(self, *args)
6539 - def GetParentOfInlinedScope(self, *args):
6540 """GetParentOfInlinedScope(SBSymbolContext self, SBAddress curr_frame_pc, SBAddress parent_frame_addr) -> SBSymbolContext""" 6541 return _lldb.SBSymbolContext_GetParentOfInlinedScope(self, *args)
6543 - def GetDescription(self, *args):
6544 """GetDescription(SBSymbolContext self, SBStream description) -> bool""" 6545 return _lldb.SBSymbolContext_GetDescription(self, *args)
6546 6547 __swig_getmethods__["module"] = GetModule 6548 __swig_setmethods__["module"] = SetModule 6549 if _newclass: module = property(GetModule, SetModule, doc='''A read/write property that allows the getting/setting of the module (lldb.SBModule) in this symbol context.''') 6550 6551 __swig_getmethods__["compile_unit"] = GetCompileUnit 6552 __swig_setmethods__["compile_unit"] = SetCompileUnit 6553 if _newclass: compile_unit = property(GetCompileUnit, SetCompileUnit, doc='''A read/write property that allows the getting/setting of the compile unit (lldb.SBCompileUnit) in this symbol context.''') 6554 6555 __swig_getmethods__["function"] = GetFunction 6556 __swig_setmethods__["function"] = SetFunction 6557 if _newclass: function = property(GetFunction, SetFunction, doc='''A read/write property that allows the getting/setting of the function (lldb.SBFunction) in this symbol context.''') 6558 6559 __swig_getmethods__["block"] = GetBlock 6560 __swig_setmethods__["block"] = SetBlock 6561 if _newclass: block = property(GetBlock, SetBlock, doc='''A read/write property that allows the getting/setting of the block (lldb.SBBlock) in this symbol context.''') 6562 6563 __swig_getmethods__["symbol"] = GetSymbol 6564 __swig_setmethods__["symbol"] = SetSymbol 6565 if _newclass: symbol = property(GetSymbol, SetSymbol, doc='''A read/write property that allows the getting/setting of the symbol (lldb.SBSymbol) in this symbol context.''') 6566 6567 __swig_getmethods__["line_entry"] = GetLineEntry 6568 __swig_setmethods__["line_entry"] = SetLineEntry 6569 if _newclass: line_entry = property(GetLineEntry, SetLineEntry, doc='''A read/write property that allows the getting/setting of the line entry (lldb.SBLineEntry) in this symbol context.''') 6570
6571 - def __str__(self):
6572 """__str__(SBSymbolContext self) -> PyObject *""" 6573 return _lldb.SBSymbolContext___str__(self)
6574 6575 SBSymbolContext_swigregister = _lldb.SBSymbolContext_swigregister 6576 SBSymbolContext_swigregister(SBSymbolContext)
6577 6578 -class SBSymbolContextList(_object):
6579 """ 6580 Represents a list of symbol context object. See also SBSymbolContext. 6581 6582 For example (from test/python_api/target/, 6583 6584 def find_functions(self, exe_name): 6585 '''Exercise SBTaget.FindFunctions() API.''' 6586 exe = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), exe_name) 6587 6588 # Create a target by the debugger. 6589 target = self.dbg.CreateTarget(exe) 6590 self.assertTrue(target, VALID_TARGET) 6591 6592 list = lldb.SBSymbolContextList() 6593 num = target.FindFunctions('c', lldb.eFunctionNameTypeAuto, False, list) 6594 self.assertTrue(num == 1 and list.GetSize() == 1) 6595 6596 for sc in list: 6597 self.assertTrue(sc.GetModule().GetFileSpec().GetFilename() == exe_name) 6598 self.assertTrue(sc.GetSymbol().GetName() == 'c') 6599 6600 """ 6601 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 6602 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBSymbolContextList, name, value) 6603 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 6604 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBSymbolContextList, name) 6605 __repr__ = _swig_repr
6606 - def __iter__(self): return lldb_iter(self, 'GetSize', 'GetContextAtIndex')
6607 - def __len__(self): return self.GetSize()
6608 - def __init__(self, *args):
6609 """ 6610 __init__(lldb::SBSymbolContextList self) -> SBSymbolContextList 6611 __init__(lldb::SBSymbolContextList self, SBSymbolContextList rhs) -> SBSymbolContextList 6612 """ 6613 this = _lldb.new_SBSymbolContextList(*args) 6614 try: self.this.append(this) 6615 except: self.this = this
6616 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBSymbolContextList 6617 __del__ = lambda self : None;
6618 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
6619 - def IsValid(self):
6620 """IsValid(SBSymbolContextList self) -> bool""" 6621 return _lldb.SBSymbolContextList_IsValid(self)
6623 - def GetSize(self):
6624 """GetSize(SBSymbolContextList self) -> uint32_t""" 6625 return _lldb.SBSymbolContextList_GetSize(self)
6627 - def GetContextAtIndex(self, *args):
6628 """GetContextAtIndex(SBSymbolContextList self, uint32_t idx) -> SBSymbolContext""" 6629 return _lldb.SBSymbolContextList_GetContextAtIndex(self, *args)
6631 - def Append(self, *args):
6632 """ 6633 Append(SBSymbolContextList self, SBSymbolContext sc) 6634 Append(SBSymbolContextList self, SBSymbolContextList sc_list) 6635 """ 6636 return _lldb.SBSymbolContextList_Append(self, *args)
6638 - def GetDescription(self, *args):
6639 """GetDescription(SBSymbolContextList self, SBStream description) -> bool""" 6640 return _lldb.SBSymbolContextList_GetDescription(self, *args)
6642 - def Clear(self):
6643 """Clear(SBSymbolContextList self)""" 6644 return _lldb.SBSymbolContextList_Clear(self)
6646 - def __len__(self):
6647 return int(self.GetSize())
6649 - def __getitem__(self, key):
6650 count = len(self) 6651 if type(key) is int: 6652 if key < count: 6653 return self.GetContextAtIndex(key) 6654 else: 6655 raise IndexError 6656 raise TypeError
6658 - def get_module_array(self):
6659 a = [] 6660 for i in range(len(self)): 6661 obj = self.GetContextAtIndex(i).module 6662 if obj: 6663 a.append(obj) 6664 return a
6666 - def get_compile_unit_array(self):
6667 a = [] 6668 for i in range(len(self)): 6669 obj = self.GetContextAtIndex(i).compile_unit 6670 if obj: 6671 a.append(obj) 6672 return a
6673 - def get_function_array(self):
6674 a = [] 6675 for i in range(len(self)): 6676 obj = self.GetContextAtIndex(i).function 6677 if obj: 6678 a.append(obj) 6679 return a
6680 - def get_block_array(self):
6681 a = [] 6682 for i in range(len(self)): 6683 obj = self.GetContextAtIndex(i).block 6684 if obj: 6685 a.append(obj) 6686 return a
6687 - def get_symbol_array(self):
6688 a = [] 6689 for i in range(len(self)): 6690 obj = self.GetContextAtIndex(i).symbol 6691 if obj: 6692 a.append(obj) 6693 return a
6694 - def get_line_entry_array(self):
6695 a = [] 6696 for i in range(len(self)): 6697 obj = self.GetContextAtIndex(i).line_entry 6698 if obj: 6699 a.append(obj) 6700 return a
6701 __swig_getmethods__["modules"] = get_module_array 6702 if _newclass: modules = property(get_module_array, None, doc='''Returns a list() of lldb.SBModule objects, one for each module in each SBSymbolContext object in this list.''') 6703 6704 __swig_getmethods__["compile_units"] = get_compile_unit_array 6705 if _newclass: compile_units = property(get_compile_unit_array, None, doc='''Returns a list() of lldb.SBCompileUnit objects, one for each compile unit in each SBSymbolContext object in this list.''') 6706 6707 __swig_getmethods__["functions"] = get_function_array 6708 if _newclass: functions = property(get_function_array, None, doc='''Returns a list() of lldb.SBFunction objects, one for each function in each SBSymbolContext object in this list.''') 6709 6710 __swig_getmethods__["blocks"] = get_block_array 6711 if _newclass: blocks = property(get_block_array, None, doc='''Returns a list() of lldb.SBBlock objects, one for each block in each SBSymbolContext object in this list.''') 6712 6713 __swig_getmethods__["line_entries"] = get_line_entry_array 6714 if _newclass: line_entries = property(get_line_entry_array, None, doc='''Returns a list() of lldb.SBLineEntry objects, one for each line entry in each SBSymbolContext object in this list.''') 6715 6716 __swig_getmethods__["symbols"] = get_symbol_array 6717 if _newclass: symbols = property(get_symbol_array, None, doc='''Returns a list() of lldb.SBSymbol objects, one for each symbol in each SBSymbolContext object in this list.''') 6718
6719 - def __str__(self):
6720 """__str__(SBSymbolContextList self) -> PyObject *""" 6721 return _lldb.SBSymbolContextList___str__(self)
6722 6723 SBSymbolContextList_swigregister = _lldb.SBSymbolContextList_swigregister 6724 SBSymbolContextList_swigregister(SBSymbolContextList)
6725 6726 -class SBLaunchInfo(_object):
6727 """Proxy of C++ lldb::SBLaunchInfo class""" 6728 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 6729 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBLaunchInfo, name, value) 6730 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 6731 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBLaunchInfo, name) 6732 __repr__ = _swig_repr
6733 - def __init__(self, *args):
6734 """__init__(lldb::SBLaunchInfo self, str const ** argv) -> SBLaunchInfo""" 6735 this = _lldb.new_SBLaunchInfo(*args) 6736 try: self.this.append(this) 6737 except: self.this = this
6738 - def GetUserID(self):
6739 """GetUserID(SBLaunchInfo self) -> uint32_t""" 6740 return _lldb.SBLaunchInfo_GetUserID(self)
6742 - def GetGroupID(self):
6743 """GetGroupID(SBLaunchInfo self) -> uint32_t""" 6744 return _lldb.SBLaunchInfo_GetGroupID(self)
6746 - def UserIDIsValid(self):
6747 """UserIDIsValid(SBLaunchInfo self) -> bool""" 6748 return _lldb.SBLaunchInfo_UserIDIsValid(self)
6750 - def GroupIDIsValid(self):
6751 """GroupIDIsValid(SBLaunchInfo self) -> bool""" 6752 return _lldb.SBLaunchInfo_GroupIDIsValid(self)
6754 - def SetUserID(self, *args):
6755 """SetUserID(SBLaunchInfo self, uint32_t uid)""" 6756 return _lldb.SBLaunchInfo_SetUserID(self, *args)
6758 - def SetGroupID(self, *args):
6759 """SetGroupID(SBLaunchInfo self, uint32_t gid)""" 6760 return _lldb.SBLaunchInfo_SetGroupID(self, *args)
6762 - def GetNumArguments(self):
6763 """GetNumArguments(SBLaunchInfo self) -> uint32_t""" 6764 return _lldb.SBLaunchInfo_GetNumArguments(self)
6766 - def GetArgumentAtIndex(self, *args):
6767 """GetArgumentAtIndex(SBLaunchInfo self, uint32_t idx) -> str const *""" 6768 return _lldb.SBLaunchInfo_GetArgumentAtIndex(self, *args)
6770 - def SetArguments(self, *args):
6771 """SetArguments(SBLaunchInfo self, str const ** argv, bool append)""" 6772 return _lldb.SBLaunchInfo_SetArguments(self, *args)
6774 - def GetNumEnvironmentEntries(self):
6775 """GetNumEnvironmentEntries(SBLaunchInfo self) -> uint32_t""" 6776 return _lldb.SBLaunchInfo_GetNumEnvironmentEntries(self)
6778 - def GetEnvironmentEntryAtIndex(self, *args):
6779 """GetEnvironmentEntryAtIndex(SBLaunchInfo self, uint32_t idx) -> str const *""" 6780 return _lldb.SBLaunchInfo_GetEnvironmentEntryAtIndex(self, *args)
6782 - def SetEnvironmentEntries(self, *args):
6783 """SetEnvironmentEntries(SBLaunchInfo self, str const ** envp, bool append)""" 6784 return _lldb.SBLaunchInfo_SetEnvironmentEntries(self, *args)
6786 - def Clear(self):
6787 """Clear(SBLaunchInfo self)""" 6788 return _lldb.SBLaunchInfo_Clear(self)
6790 - def GetWorkingDirectory(self):
6791 """GetWorkingDirectory(SBLaunchInfo self) -> str const *""" 6792 return _lldb.SBLaunchInfo_GetWorkingDirectory(self)
6794 - def SetWorkingDirectory(self, *args):
6795 """SetWorkingDirectory(SBLaunchInfo self, str const * working_dir)""" 6796 return _lldb.SBLaunchInfo_SetWorkingDirectory(self, *args)
6798 - def GetLaunchFlags(self):
6799 """GetLaunchFlags(SBLaunchInfo self) -> uint32_t""" 6800 return _lldb.SBLaunchInfo_GetLaunchFlags(self)
6802 - def SetLaunchFlags(self, *args):
6803 """SetLaunchFlags(SBLaunchInfo self, uint32_t flags)""" 6804 return _lldb.SBLaunchInfo_SetLaunchFlags(self, *args)
6806 - def GetProcessPluginName(self):
6807 """GetProcessPluginName(SBLaunchInfo self) -> str const *""" 6808 return _lldb.SBLaunchInfo_GetProcessPluginName(self)
6810 - def SetProcessPluginName(self, *args):
6811 """SetProcessPluginName(SBLaunchInfo self, str const * plugin_name)""" 6812 return _lldb.SBLaunchInfo_SetProcessPluginName(self, *args)
6814 - def GetShell(self):
6815 """GetShell(SBLaunchInfo self) -> str const *""" 6816 return _lldb.SBLaunchInfo_GetShell(self)
6818 - def SetShell(self, *args):
6819 """SetShell(SBLaunchInfo self, str const * path)""" 6820 return _lldb.SBLaunchInfo_SetShell(self, *args)
6822 - def GetResumeCount(self):
6823 """GetResumeCount(SBLaunchInfo self) -> uint32_t""" 6824 return _lldb.SBLaunchInfo_GetResumeCount(self)
6826 - def SetResumeCount(self, *args):
6827 """SetResumeCount(SBLaunchInfo self, uint32_t c)""" 6828 return _lldb.SBLaunchInfo_SetResumeCount(self, *args)
6830 - def AddCloseFileAction(self, *args):
6831 """AddCloseFileAction(SBLaunchInfo self, int fd) -> bool""" 6832 return _lldb.SBLaunchInfo_AddCloseFileAction(self, *args)
6834 - def AddDuplicateFileAction(self, *args):
6835 """AddDuplicateFileAction(SBLaunchInfo self, int fd, int dup_fd) -> bool""" 6836 return _lldb.SBLaunchInfo_AddDuplicateFileAction(self, *args)
6838 - def AddOpenFileAction(self, *args):
6839 """AddOpenFileAction(SBLaunchInfo self, int fd, str const * path, bool read, bool write) -> bool""" 6840 return _lldb.SBLaunchInfo_AddOpenFileAction(self, *args)
6842 - def AddSuppressFileAction(self, *args):
6843 """AddSuppressFileAction(SBLaunchInfo self, int fd, bool read, bool write) -> bool""" 6844 return _lldb.SBLaunchInfo_AddSuppressFileAction(self, *args)
6845 6846 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBLaunchInfo 6847 __del__ = lambda self : None; 6848 SBLaunchInfo_swigregister = _lldb.SBLaunchInfo_swigregister 6849 SBLaunchInfo_swigregister(SBLaunchInfo)
6850 6851 -class SBAttachInfo(_object):
6852 """Proxy of C++ lldb::SBAttachInfo class""" 6853 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 6854 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBAttachInfo, name, value) 6855 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 6856 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBAttachInfo, name) 6857 __repr__ = _swig_repr
6858 - def __init__(self, *args):
6859 """ 6860 __init__(lldb::SBAttachInfo self) -> SBAttachInfo 6861 __init__(lldb::SBAttachInfo self, lldb::pid_t pid) -> SBAttachInfo 6862 __init__(lldb::SBAttachInfo self, str const * path, bool wait_for) -> SBAttachInfo 6863 __init__(lldb::SBAttachInfo self, SBAttachInfo rhs) -> SBAttachInfo 6864 """ 6865 this = _lldb.new_SBAttachInfo(*args) 6866 try: self.this.append(this) 6867 except: self.this = this
6868 - def GetProcessID(self):
6869 """GetProcessID(SBAttachInfo self) -> lldb::pid_t""" 6870 return _lldb.SBAttachInfo_GetProcessID(self)
6872 - def SetProcessID(self, *args):
6873 """SetProcessID(SBAttachInfo self, lldb::pid_t pid)""" 6874 return _lldb.SBAttachInfo_SetProcessID(self, *args)
6876 - def SetExecutable(self, *args):
6877 """ 6878 SetExecutable(SBAttachInfo self, str const * path) 6879 SetExecutable(SBAttachInfo self, SBFileSpec exe_file) 6880 """ 6881 return _lldb.SBAttachInfo_SetExecutable(self, *args)
6883 - def GetWaitForLaunch(self):
6884 """GetWaitForLaunch(SBAttachInfo self) -> bool""" 6885 return _lldb.SBAttachInfo_GetWaitForLaunch(self)
6887 - def SetWaitForLaunch(self, *args):
6888 """SetWaitForLaunch(SBAttachInfo self, bool b)""" 6889 return _lldb.SBAttachInfo_SetWaitForLaunch(self, *args)
6891 - def GetIgnoreExisting(self):
6892 """GetIgnoreExisting(SBAttachInfo self) -> bool""" 6893 return _lldb.SBAttachInfo_GetIgnoreExisting(self)
6895 - def SetIgnoreExisting(self, *args):
6896 """SetIgnoreExisting(SBAttachInfo self, bool b)""" 6897 return _lldb.SBAttachInfo_SetIgnoreExisting(self, *args)
6899 - def GetResumeCount(self):
6900 """GetResumeCount(SBAttachInfo self) -> uint32_t""" 6901 return _lldb.SBAttachInfo_GetResumeCount(self)
6903 - def SetResumeCount(self, *args):
6904 """SetResumeCount(SBAttachInfo self, uint32_t c)""" 6905 return _lldb.SBAttachInfo_SetResumeCount(self, *args)
6907 - def GetProcessPluginName(self):
6908 """GetProcessPluginName(SBAttachInfo self) -> str const *""" 6909 return _lldb.SBAttachInfo_GetProcessPluginName(self)
6911 - def SetProcessPluginName(self, *args):
6912 """SetProcessPluginName(SBAttachInfo self, str const * plugin_name)""" 6913 return _lldb.SBAttachInfo_SetProcessPluginName(self, *args)
6915 - def GetUserID(self):
6916 """GetUserID(SBAttachInfo self) -> uint32_t""" 6917 return _lldb.SBAttachInfo_GetUserID(self)
6919 - def GetGroupID(self):
6920 """GetGroupID(SBAttachInfo self) -> uint32_t""" 6921 return _lldb.SBAttachInfo_GetGroupID(self)
6923 - def UserIDIsValid(self):
6924 """UserIDIsValid(SBAttachInfo self) -> bool""" 6925 return _lldb.SBAttachInfo_UserIDIsValid(self)
6927 - def GroupIDIsValid(self):
6928 """GroupIDIsValid(SBAttachInfo self) -> bool""" 6929 return _lldb.SBAttachInfo_GroupIDIsValid(self)
6931 - def SetUserID(self, *args):
6932 """SetUserID(SBAttachInfo self, uint32_t uid)""" 6933 return _lldb.SBAttachInfo_SetUserID(self, *args)
6935 - def SetGroupID(self, *args):
6936 """SetGroupID(SBAttachInfo self, uint32_t gid)""" 6937 return _lldb.SBAttachInfo_SetGroupID(self, *args)
6939 - def GetEffectiveUserID(self):
6940 """GetEffectiveUserID(SBAttachInfo self) -> uint32_t""" 6941 return _lldb.SBAttachInfo_GetEffectiveUserID(self)
6943 - def GetEffectiveGroupID(self):
6944 """GetEffectiveGroupID(SBAttachInfo self) -> uint32_t""" 6945 return _lldb.SBAttachInfo_GetEffectiveGroupID(self)
6947 - def EffectiveUserIDIsValid(self):
6948 """EffectiveUserIDIsValid(SBAttachInfo self) -> bool""" 6949 return _lldb.SBAttachInfo_EffectiveUserIDIsValid(self)
6951 - def EffectiveGroupIDIsValid(self):
6952 """EffectiveGroupIDIsValid(SBAttachInfo self) -> bool""" 6953 return _lldb.SBAttachInfo_EffectiveGroupIDIsValid(self)
6955 - def SetEffectiveUserID(self, *args):
6956 """SetEffectiveUserID(SBAttachInfo self, uint32_t uid)""" 6957 return _lldb.SBAttachInfo_SetEffectiveUserID(self, *args)
6959 - def SetEffectiveGroupID(self, *args):
6960 """SetEffectiveGroupID(SBAttachInfo self, uint32_t gid)""" 6961 return _lldb.SBAttachInfo_SetEffectiveGroupID(self, *args)
6963 - def GetParentProcessID(self):
6964 """GetParentProcessID(SBAttachInfo self) -> lldb::pid_t""" 6965 return _lldb.SBAttachInfo_GetParentProcessID(self)
6967 - def SetParentProcessID(self, *args):
6968 """SetParentProcessID(SBAttachInfo self, lldb::pid_t pid)""" 6969 return _lldb.SBAttachInfo_SetParentProcessID(self, *args)
6971 - def ParentProcessIDIsValid(self):
6972 """ParentProcessIDIsValid(SBAttachInfo self) -> bool""" 6973 return _lldb.SBAttachInfo_ParentProcessIDIsValid(self)
6974 6975 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBAttachInfo 6976 __del__ = lambda self : None; 6977 SBAttachInfo_swigregister = _lldb.SBAttachInfo_swigregister 6978 SBAttachInfo_swigregister(SBAttachInfo)
6979 6980 -class SBTarget(_object):
6981 """ 6982 Represents the target program running under the debugger. 6983 6984 SBTarget supports module, breakpoint, and watchpoint iterations. For example, 6985 6986 for m in target.module_iter(): 6987 print m 6988 6989 produces: 6990 6991 (x86_64) /Volumes/data/lldb/svn/trunk/test/python_api/lldbutil/iter/a.out 6992 (x86_64) /usr/lib/dyld 6993 (x86_64) /usr/lib/libstdc++.6.dylib 6994 (x86_64) /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib 6995 (x86_64) /usr/lib/system/libmathCommon.A.dylib 6996 (x86_64) /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib(__commpage) 6997 6998 and, 6999 7000 for b in target.breakpoint_iter(): 7001 print b 7002 7003 produces: 7004 7005 SBBreakpoint: id = 1, file ='main.cpp', line = 66, locations = 1 7006 SBBreakpoint: id = 2, file ='main.cpp', line = 85, locations = 1 7007 7008 and, 7009 7010 for wp_loc in target.watchpoint_iter(): 7011 print wp_loc 7012 7013 produces: 7014 7015 Watchpoint 1: addr = 0x1034ca048 size = 4 state = enabled type = rw 7016 declare @ '/Volumes/data/lldb/svn/trunk/test/python_api/watchpoint/main.c:12' 7017 hw_index = 0 hit_count = 2 ignore_count = 0 7018 """ 7019 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 7020 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBTarget, name, value) 7021 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 7022 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBTarget, name) 7023 __repr__ = _swig_repr 7024 eBroadcastBitBreakpointChanged = _lldb.SBTarget_eBroadcastBitBreakpointChanged 7025 eBroadcastBitModulesLoaded = _lldb.SBTarget_eBroadcastBitModulesLoaded 7026 eBroadcastBitModulesUnloaded = _lldb.SBTarget_eBroadcastBitModulesUnloaded 7027 eBroadcastBitWatchpointChanged = _lldb.SBTarget_eBroadcastBitWatchpointChanged 7028 eBroadcastBitSymbolsLoaded = _lldb.SBTarget_eBroadcastBitSymbolsLoaded
7029 - def module_iter(self): return lldb_iter(self, 'GetNumModules', 'GetModuleAtIndex')
7030 - def breakpoint_iter(self): return lldb_iter(self, 'GetNumBreakpoints', 'GetBreakpointAtIndex')
7031 - def watchpoint_iter(self): return lldb_iter(self, 'GetNumWatchpoints', 'GetWatchpointAtIndex')
7032 - def __init__(self, *args):
7033 """ 7034 __init__(lldb::SBTarget self) -> SBTarget 7035 __init__(lldb::SBTarget self, SBTarget rhs) -> SBTarget 7036 """ 7037 this = _lldb.new_SBTarget(*args) 7038 try: self.this.append(this) 7039 except: self.this = this
7040 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBTarget 7041 __del__ = lambda self : None;
7042 - def GetBroadcasterClassName():
7043 """GetBroadcasterClassName() -> str const *""" 7044 return _lldb.SBTarget_GetBroadcasterClassName()
7045 7046 if _newclass:GetBroadcasterClassName = staticmethod(GetBroadcasterClassName) 7047 __swig_getmethods__["GetBroadcasterClassName"] = lambda x: GetBroadcasterClassName
7048 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
7049 - def IsValid(self):
7050 """IsValid(SBTarget self) -> bool""" 7051 return _lldb.SBTarget_IsValid(self)
7053 - def GetProcess(self):
7054 """GetProcess(SBTarget self) -> SBProcess""" 7055 return _lldb.SBTarget_GetProcess(self)
7057 - def LaunchSimple(self, *args):
7058 """ 7059 LaunchSimple(SBTarget self, str const ** argv, str const ** envp, str const * working_directory) -> SBProcess 7060 7061 Launch a new process with sensible defaults. 7062 7063 @param[in] argv 7064 The argument array. 7065 7066 @param[in] envp 7067 The environment array. 7068 7069 @param[in] working_directory 7070 The working directory to have the child process run in 7071 7072 Default: listener 7073 Set to the target's debugger (SBTarget::GetDebugger()) 7074 7075 Default: launch_flags 7076 Empty launch flags 7077 7078 Default: stdin_path 7079 Default: stdout_path 7080 Default: stderr_path 7081 A pseudo terminal will be used. 7082 7083 @return 7084 A process object for the newly created process. 7085 7086 For example, 7087 7088 process = target.LaunchSimple(['X', 'Y', 'Z'], None, os.getcwd()) 7089 7090 launches a new process by passing 'X', 'Y', 'Z' as the args to the 7091 executable. 7092 """ 7093 return _lldb.SBTarget_LaunchSimple(self, *args)
7095 - def Launch(self, *args):
7096 """ 7097 Launch(SBTarget self, SBListener listener, str const ** argv, str const ** envp, str const * stdin_path, 7098 str const * stdout_path, str const * stderr_path, str const * working_directory, 7099 uint32_t launch_flags, bool stop_at_entry, SBError error) -> SBProcess 7100 Launch(SBTarget self, SBLaunchInfo launch_info, SBError error) -> SBProcess 7101 7102 Launch a new process. 7103 7104 Launch a new process by spawning a new process using the 7105 target object's executable module's file as the file to launch. 7106 Arguments are given in argv, and the environment variables 7107 are in envp. Standard input and output files can be 7108 optionally re-directed to stdin_path, stdout_path, and 7109 stderr_path. 7110 7111 @param[in] listener 7112 An optional listener that will receive all process events. 7113 If listener is valid then listener will listen to all 7114 process events. If not valid, then this target's debugger 7115 (SBTarget::GetDebugger()) will listen to all process events. 7116 7117 @param[in] argv 7118 The argument array. 7119 7120 @param[in] envp 7121 The environment array. 7122 7123 @param[in] launch_flags 7124 Flags to modify the launch (@see lldb::LaunchFlags) 7125 7126 @param[in] stdin_path 7127 The path to use when re-directing the STDIN of the new 7128 process. If all stdXX_path arguments are NULL, a pseudo 7129 terminal will be used. 7130 7131 @param[in] stdout_path 7132 The path to use when re-directing the STDOUT of the new 7133 process. If all stdXX_path arguments are NULL, a pseudo 7134 terminal will be used. 7135 7136 @param[in] stderr_path 7137 The path to use when re-directing the STDERR of the new 7138 process. If all stdXX_path arguments are NULL, a pseudo 7139 terminal will be used. 7140 7141 @param[in] working_directory 7142 The working directory to have the child process run in 7143 7144 @param[in] launch_flags 7145 Some launch options specified by logical OR'ing 7146 lldb::LaunchFlags enumeration values together. 7147 7148 @param[in] stop_at_endtry 7149 If false do not stop the inferior at the entry point. 7150 7151 @param[out] 7152 An error object. Contains the reason if there is some failure. 7153 7154 @return 7155 A process object for the newly created process. 7156 7157 For example, 7158 7159 process = target.Launch(self.dbg.GetListener(), None, None, 7160 None, '/tmp/stdout.txt', None, 7161 None, 0, False, error) 7162 7163 launches a new process by passing nothing for both the args and the envs 7164 and redirect the standard output of the inferior to the /tmp/stdout.txt 7165 file. It does not specify a working directory so that the debug server 7166 will use its idea of what the current working directory is for the 7167 inferior. Also, we ask the debugger not to stop the inferior at the 7168 entry point. If no breakpoint is specified for the inferior, it should 7169 run to completion if no user interaction is required. 7170 """ 7171 return _lldb.SBTarget_Launch(self, *args)
7173 - def LoadCore(self, *args):
7174 """ 7175 LoadCore(SBTarget self, str const * core_file) -> SBProcess 7176 7177 Load a core file 7178 7179 @param[in] core_file 7180 File path of the core dump. 7181 7182 @return 7183 A process object for the newly created core file. 7184 7185 For example, 7186 7187 process = target.LoadCore('./a.out.core') 7188 7189 loads a new core file and returns the process object. 7190 """ 7191 return _lldb.SBTarget_LoadCore(self, *args)
7193 - def Attach(self, *args):
7194 """Attach(SBTarget self, SBAttachInfo attach_info, SBError error) -> SBProcess""" 7195 return _lldb.SBTarget_Attach(self, *args)
7197 - def AttachToProcessWithID(self, *args):
7198 """ 7199 AttachToProcessWithID(SBTarget self, SBListener listener, lldb::pid_t pid, SBError error) -> SBProcess 7200 7201 Attach to process with pid. 7202 7203 @param[in] listener 7204 An optional listener that will receive all process events. 7205 If listener is valid then listener will listen to all 7206 process events. If not valid, then this target's debugger 7207 (SBTarget::GetDebugger()) will listen to all process events. 7208 7209 @param[in] pid 7210 The process ID to attach to. 7211 7212 @param[out] 7213 An error explaining what went wrong if attach fails. 7214 7215 @return 7216 A process object for the attached process. 7217 """ 7218 return _lldb.SBTarget_AttachToProcessWithID(self, *args)
7220 - def AttachToProcessWithName(self, *args):
7221 """ 7222 AttachToProcessWithName(SBTarget self, SBListener listener, str const * name, bool wait_for, SBError error) -> SBProcess 7223 7224 Attach to process with name. 7225 7226 @param[in] listener 7227 An optional listener that will receive all process events. 7228 If listener is valid then listener will listen to all 7229 process events. If not valid, then this target's debugger 7230 (SBTarget::GetDebugger()) will listen to all process events. 7231 7232 @param[in] name 7233 Basename of process to attach to. 7234 7235 @param[in] wait_for 7236 If true wait for a new instance of 'name' to be launched. 7237 7238 @param[out] 7239 An error explaining what went wrong if attach fails. 7240 7241 @return 7242 A process object for the attached process. 7243 """ 7244 return _lldb.SBTarget_AttachToProcessWithName(self, *args)
7246 - def ConnectRemote(self, *args):
7247 """ 7248 ConnectRemote(SBTarget self, SBListener listener, str const * url, str const * plugin_name, SBError error) -> SBProcess 7249 7250 Connect to a remote debug server with url. 7251 7252 @param[in] listener 7253 An optional listener that will receive all process events. 7254 If listener is valid then listener will listen to all 7255 process events. If not valid, then this target's debugger 7256 (SBTarget::GetDebugger()) will listen to all process events. 7257 7258 @param[in] url 7259 The url to connect to, e.g., 'connect://localhost:12345'. 7260 7261 @param[in] plugin_name 7262 The plugin name to be used; can be NULL. 7263 7264 @param[out] 7265 An error explaining what went wrong if the connect fails. 7266 7267 @return 7268 A process object for the connected process. 7269 """ 7270 return _lldb.SBTarget_ConnectRemote(self, *args)
7272 - def GetExecutable(self):
7273 """GetExecutable(SBTarget self) -> SBFileSpec""" 7274 return _lldb.SBTarget_GetExecutable(self)
7276 - def AddModule(self, *args):
7277 """ 7278 AddModule(SBTarget self, SBModule module) -> bool 7279 AddModule(SBTarget self, str const * path, str const * triple, str const * uuid) -> SBModule 7280 AddModule(SBTarget self, str const * path, str const * triple, str const * uuid_cstr, str const * symfile) -> SBModule 7281 AddModule(SBTarget self, SBModuleSpec module_spec) -> SBModule 7282 """ 7283 return _lldb.SBTarget_AddModule(self, *args)
7285 - def GetNumModules(self):
7286 """GetNumModules(SBTarget self) -> uint32_t""" 7287 return _lldb.SBTarget_GetNumModules(self)
7289 - def GetModuleAtIndex(self, *args):
7290 """GetModuleAtIndex(SBTarget self, uint32_t idx) -> SBModule""" 7291 return _lldb.SBTarget_GetModuleAtIndex(self, *args)
7293 - def RemoveModule(self, *args):
7294 """RemoveModule(SBTarget self, SBModule module) -> bool""" 7295 return _lldb.SBTarget_RemoveModule(self, *args)
7297 - def GetDebugger(self):
7298 """GetDebugger(SBTarget self) -> SBDebugger""" 7299 return _lldb.SBTarget_GetDebugger(self)
7301 - def FindModule(self, *args):
7302 """FindModule(SBTarget self, SBFileSpec file_spec) -> SBModule""" 7303 return _lldb.SBTarget_FindModule(self, *args)
7305 - def GetByteOrder(self):
7306 """GetByteOrder(SBTarget self) -> lldb::ByteOrder""" 7307 return _lldb.SBTarget_GetByteOrder(self)
7309 - def GetAddressByteSize(self):
7310 """GetAddressByteSize(SBTarget self) -> uint32_t""" 7311 return _lldb.SBTarget_GetAddressByteSize(self)
7313 - def GetTriple(self):
7314 """GetTriple(SBTarget self) -> str const *""" 7315 return _lldb.SBTarget_GetTriple(self)
7317 - def SetSectionLoadAddress(self, *args):
7318 """SetSectionLoadAddress(SBTarget self, SBSection section, lldb::addr_t section_base_addr) -> SBError""" 7319 return _lldb.SBTarget_SetSectionLoadAddress(self, *args)
7321 - def ClearSectionLoadAddress(self, *args):
7322 """ClearSectionLoadAddress(SBTarget self, SBSection section) -> SBError""" 7323 return _lldb.SBTarget_ClearSectionLoadAddress(self, *args)
7325 - def SetModuleLoadAddress(self, *args):
7326 """SetModuleLoadAddress(SBTarget self, SBModule module, int64_t sections_offset) -> SBError""" 7327 return _lldb.SBTarget_SetModuleLoadAddress(self, *args)
7329 - def ClearModuleLoadAddress(self, *args):
7330 """ClearModuleLoadAddress(SBTarget self, SBModule module) -> SBError""" 7331 return _lldb.SBTarget_ClearModuleLoadAddress(self, *args)
7333 - def FindFunctions(self, *args):
7334 """ 7335 FindFunctions(SBTarget self, str const * name, uint32_t name_type_mask=eFunctionNameTypeAny) -> SBSymbolContextList 7336 FindFunctions(SBTarget self, str const * name) -> SBSymbolContextList 7337 7338 Find functions by name. 7339 7340 @param[in] name 7341 The name of the function we are looking for. 7342 7343 @param[in] name_type_mask 7344 A logical OR of one or more FunctionNameType enum bits that 7345 indicate what kind of names should be used when doing the 7346 lookup. Bits include fully qualified names, base names, 7347 C++ methods, or ObjC selectors. 7348 See FunctionNameType for more details. 7349 7350 @return 7351 A lldb::SBSymbolContextList that gets filled in with all of 7352 the symbol contexts for all the matches. 7353 """ 7354 return _lldb.SBTarget_FindFunctions(self, *args)
7356 - def FindFirstType(self, *args):
7357 """FindFirstType(SBTarget self, str const * type) -> SBType""" 7358 return _lldb.SBTarget_FindFirstType(self, *args)
7360 - def FindTypes(self, *args):
7361 """FindTypes(SBTarget self, str const * type) -> SBTypeList""" 7362 return _lldb.SBTarget_FindTypes(self, *args)
7364 - def GetBasicType(self, *args):
7365 """GetBasicType(SBTarget self, lldb::BasicType type) -> SBType""" 7366 return _lldb.SBTarget_GetBasicType(self, *args)
7368 - def GetSourceManager(self):
7369 """GetSourceManager(SBTarget self) -> SBSourceManager""" 7370 return _lldb.SBTarget_GetSourceManager(self)
7372 - def FindGlobalVariables(self, *args):
7373 """ 7374 FindGlobalVariables(SBTarget self, str const * name, uint32_t max_matches) -> SBValueList 7375 7376 Find global and static variables by name. 7377 7378 @param[in] name 7379 The name of the global or static variable we are looking 7380 for. 7381 7382 @param[in] max_matches 7383 Allow the number of matches to be limited to max_matches. 7384 7385 @return 7386 A list of matched variables in an SBValueList. 7387 """ 7388 return _lldb.SBTarget_FindGlobalVariables(self, *args)
7390 - def FindFirstGlobalVariable(self, *args):
7391 """ 7392 FindFirstGlobalVariable(SBTarget self, str const * name) -> SBValue 7393 7394 Find the first global (or static) variable by name. 7395 7396 @param[in] name 7397 The name of the global or static variable we are looking 7398 for. 7399 7400 @return 7401 An SBValue that gets filled in with the found variable (if any). 7402 """ 7403 return _lldb.SBTarget_FindFirstGlobalVariable(self, *args)
7405 - def Clear(self):
7406 """Clear(SBTarget self)""" 7407 return _lldb.SBTarget_Clear(self)
7409 - def ResolveLoadAddress(self, *args):
7410 """ResolveLoadAddress(SBTarget self, lldb::addr_t vm_addr) -> SBAddress""" 7411 return _lldb.SBTarget_ResolveLoadAddress(self, *args)
7413 - def ResolveSymbolContextForAddress(self, *args):
7414 """ResolveSymbolContextForAddress(SBTarget self, SBAddress addr, uint32_t resolve_scope) -> SBSymbolContext""" 7415 return _lldb.SBTarget_ResolveSymbolContextForAddress(self, *args)
7417 - def BreakpointCreateByLocation(self, *args):
7418 """ 7419 BreakpointCreateByLocation(SBTarget self, str const * file, uint32_t line) -> SBBreakpoint 7420 BreakpointCreateByLocation(SBTarget self, SBFileSpec file_spec, uint32_t line) -> SBBreakpoint 7421 """ 7422 return _lldb.SBTarget_BreakpointCreateByLocation(self, *args)
7424 - def BreakpointCreateByName(self, *args):
7425 """ 7426 BreakpointCreateByName(SBTarget self, str const * symbol_name, str const * module_name=None) -> SBBreakpoint 7427 BreakpointCreateByName(SBTarget self, str const * symbol_name) -> SBBreakpoint 7428 BreakpointCreateByName(SBTarget self, str const * symbol_name, uint32_t func_name_type, SBFileSpecList module_list, SBFileSpecList comp_unit_list) -> SBBreakpoint 7429 """ 7430 return _lldb.SBTarget_BreakpointCreateByName(self, *args)
7432 - def BreakpointCreateByNames(self, *args):
7433 """ 7434 BreakpointCreateByNames(SBTarget self, str const *[] symbol_name, uint32_t num_names, uint32_t name_type_mask, SBFileSpecList module_list, 7435 SBFileSpecList comp_unit_list) -> SBBreakpoint 7436 """ 7437 return _lldb.SBTarget_BreakpointCreateByNames(self, *args)
7439 - def BreakpointCreateByRegex(self, *args):
7440 """ 7441 BreakpointCreateByRegex(SBTarget self, str const * symbol_name_regex, str const * module_name=None) -> SBBreakpoint 7442 BreakpointCreateByRegex(SBTarget self, str const * symbol_name_regex) -> SBBreakpoint 7443 """ 7444 return _lldb.SBTarget_BreakpointCreateByRegex(self, *args)
7446 - def BreakpointCreateBySourceRegex(self, *args):
7447 """ 7448 BreakpointCreateBySourceRegex(SBTarget self, str const * source_regex, SBFileSpec source_file, str const * module_name=None) -> SBBreakpoint 7449 BreakpointCreateBySourceRegex(SBTarget self, str const * source_regex, SBFileSpec source_file) -> SBBreakpoint 7450 """ 7451 return _lldb.SBTarget_BreakpointCreateBySourceRegex(self, *args)
7453 - def BreakpointCreateForException(self, *args):
7454 """BreakpointCreateForException(SBTarget self, lldb::LanguageType language, bool catch_bp, bool throw_bp) -> SBBreakpoint""" 7455 return _lldb.SBTarget_BreakpointCreateForException(self, *args)
7457 - def BreakpointCreateByAddress(self, *args):
7458 """BreakpointCreateByAddress(SBTarget self, lldb::addr_t address) -> SBBreakpoint""" 7459 return _lldb.SBTarget_BreakpointCreateByAddress(self, *args)
7461 - def GetNumBreakpoints(self):
7462 """GetNumBreakpoints(SBTarget self) -> uint32_t""" 7463 return _lldb.SBTarget_GetNumBreakpoints(self)
7465 - def GetBreakpointAtIndex(self, *args):
7466 """GetBreakpointAtIndex(SBTarget self, uint32_t idx) -> SBBreakpoint""" 7467 return _lldb.SBTarget_GetBreakpointAtIndex(self, *args)
7469 - def BreakpointDelete(self, *args):
7470 """BreakpointDelete(SBTarget self, lldb::break_id_t break_id) -> bool""" 7471 return _lldb.SBTarget_BreakpointDelete(self, *args)
7473 - def FindBreakpointByID(self, *args):
7474 """FindBreakpointByID(SBTarget self, lldb::break_id_t break_id) -> SBBreakpoint""" 7475 return _lldb.SBTarget_FindBreakpointByID(self, *args)
7477 - def EnableAllBreakpoints(self):
7478 """EnableAllBreakpoints(SBTarget self) -> bool""" 7479 return _lldb.SBTarget_EnableAllBreakpoints(self)
7481 - def DisableAllBreakpoints(self):
7482 """DisableAllBreakpoints(SBTarget self) -> bool""" 7483 return _lldb.SBTarget_DisableAllBreakpoints(self)
7485 - def DeleteAllBreakpoints(self):
7486 """DeleteAllBreakpoints(SBTarget self) -> bool""" 7487 return _lldb.SBTarget_DeleteAllBreakpoints(self)
7489 - def GetNumWatchpoints(self):
7490 """GetNumWatchpoints(SBTarget self) -> uint32_t""" 7491 return _lldb.SBTarget_GetNumWatchpoints(self)
7493 - def GetWatchpointAtIndex(self, *args):
7494 """GetWatchpointAtIndex(SBTarget self, uint32_t idx) -> SBWatchpoint""" 7495 return _lldb.SBTarget_GetWatchpointAtIndex(self, *args)
7497 - def DeleteWatchpoint(self, *args):
7498 """DeleteWatchpoint(SBTarget self, lldb::watch_id_t watch_id) -> bool""" 7499 return _lldb.SBTarget_DeleteWatchpoint(self, *args)
7501 - def FindWatchpointByID(self, *args):
7502 """FindWatchpointByID(SBTarget self, lldb::watch_id_t watch_id) -> SBWatchpoint""" 7503 return _lldb.SBTarget_FindWatchpointByID(self, *args)
7505 - def EnableAllWatchpoints(self):
7506 """EnableAllWatchpoints(SBTarget self) -> bool""" 7507 return _lldb.SBTarget_EnableAllWatchpoints(self)
7509 - def DisableAllWatchpoints(self):
7510 """DisableAllWatchpoints(SBTarget self) -> bool""" 7511 return _lldb.SBTarget_DisableAllWatchpoints(self)
7513 - def DeleteAllWatchpoints(self):
7514 """DeleteAllWatchpoints(SBTarget self) -> bool""" 7515 return _lldb.SBTarget_DeleteAllWatchpoints(self)
7517 - def WatchAddress(self, *args):
7518 """WatchAddress(SBTarget self, lldb::addr_t addr, size_t size, bool read, bool write, SBError error) -> SBWatchpoint""" 7519 return _lldb.SBTarget_WatchAddress(self, *args)
7521 - def GetBroadcaster(self):
7522 """GetBroadcaster(SBTarget self) -> SBBroadcaster""" 7523 return _lldb.SBTarget_GetBroadcaster(self)
7525 - def ReadInstructions(self, *args):
7526 """ 7527 ReadInstructions(SBTarget self, SBAddress base_addr, uint32_t count) -> SBInstructionList 7528 ReadInstructions(SBTarget self, SBAddress base_addr, uint32_t count, str const * flavor_string) -> SBInstructionList 7529 """ 7530 return _lldb.SBTarget_ReadInstructions(self, *args)
7532 - def GetInstructions(self, *args):
7533 """GetInstructions(SBTarget self, SBAddress base_addr, void const * buf) -> SBInstructionList""" 7534 return _lldb.SBTarget_GetInstructions(self, *args)
7536 - def GetInstructionsWithFlavor(self, *args):
7537 """GetInstructionsWithFlavor(SBTarget self, SBAddress base_addr, str const * flavor_string, void const * buf) -> SBInstructionList""" 7538 return _lldb.SBTarget_GetInstructionsWithFlavor(self, *args)
7540 - def FindSymbols(self, *args):
7541 """ 7542 FindSymbols(SBTarget self, str const * name, lldb::SymbolType type=eSymbolTypeAny) -> SBSymbolContextList 7543 FindSymbols(SBTarget self, str const * name) -> SBSymbolContextList 7544 """ 7545 return _lldb.SBTarget_FindSymbols(self, *args)
7547 - def GetDescription(self, *args):
7548 """GetDescription(SBTarget self, SBStream description, lldb::DescriptionLevel description_level) -> bool""" 7549 return _lldb.SBTarget_GetDescription(self, *args)
7551 - def GetStackRedZoneSize(self):
7552 """GetStackRedZoneSize(SBTarget self) -> lldb::addr_t""" 7553 return _lldb.SBTarget_GetStackRedZoneSize(self)
7555 - def __eq__(self, *args):
7556 """__eq__(SBTarget self, SBTarget rhs) -> bool""" 7557 return _lldb.SBTarget___eq__(self, *args)
7559 - def __ne__(self, *args):
7560 """__ne__(SBTarget self, SBTarget rhs) -> bool""" 7561 return _lldb.SBTarget___ne__(self, *args)
7563 - def EvaluateExpression(self, *args):
7564 """EvaluateExpression(SBTarget self, str const * expr, SBExpressionOptions options) -> SBValue""" 7565 return _lldb.SBTarget_EvaluateExpression(self, *args)
7567 - class modules_access(object):
7568 '''A helper object that will lazily hand out lldb.SBModule objects for a target when supplied an index, or by full or partial path.'''
7569 - def __init__(self, sbtarget):
7570 self.sbtarget = sbtarget
7572 - def __len__(self):
7573 if self.sbtarget: 7574 return int(self.sbtarget.GetNumModules()) 7575 return 0
7577 - def __getitem__(self, key):
7578 num_modules = self.sbtarget.GetNumModules() 7579 if type(key) is int: 7580 if key < num_modules: 7581 return self.sbtarget.GetModuleAtIndex(key) 7582 elif type(key) is str: 7583 if key.find('/') == -1: 7584 for idx in range(num_modules): 7585 module = self.sbtarget.GetModuleAtIndex(idx) 7586 if module.file.basename == key: 7587 return module 7588 else: 7589 for idx in range(num_modules): 7590 module = self.sbtarget.GetModuleAtIndex(idx) 7591 if module.file.fullpath == key: 7592 return module 7593 # See if the string is a UUID 7594 try: 7595 the_uuid = uuid.UUID(key) 7596 if the_uuid: 7597 for idx in range(num_modules): 7598 module = self.sbtarget.GetModuleAtIndex(idx) 7599 if module.uuid == the_uuid: 7600 return module 7601 except: 7602 return None 7603 elif type(key) is uuid.UUID: 7604 for idx in range(num_modules): 7605 module = self.sbtarget.GetModuleAtIndex(idx) 7606 if module.uuid == key: 7607 return module 7608 elif type(key) is re.SRE_Pattern: 7609 matching_modules = [] 7610 for idx in range(num_modules): 7611 module = self.sbtarget.GetModuleAtIndex(idx) 7612 re_match = 7613 if re_match: 7614 matching_modules.append(module) 7615 return matching_modules 7616 else: 7617 print "error: unsupported item type: %s" % type(key) 7618 return None
7620 - def get_modules_access_object(self):
7621 '''An accessor function that returns a modules_access() object which allows lazy module access from a lldb.SBTarget object.''' 7622 return self.modules_access (self)
7624 - def get_modules_array(self):
7625 '''An accessor function that returns a list() that contains all modules in a lldb.SBTarget object.''' 7626 modules = [] 7627 for idx in range(self.GetNumModules()): 7628 modules.append(self.GetModuleAtIndex(idx)) 7629 return modules
7630 7631 __swig_getmethods__["modules"] = get_modules_array 7632 if _newclass: modules = property(get_modules_array, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a list() of lldb.SBModule objects contained in this target. This list is a list all modules that the target currently is tracking (the main executable and all dependent shared libraries).''') 7633 7634 __swig_getmethods__["module"] = get_modules_access_object 7635 if _newclass: module = property(get_modules_access_object, None, doc=r'''A read only property that returns an object that implements python operator overloading with the square brackets().\n target.module[<int>] allows array access to any modules.\n target.module[<str>] allows access to modules by basename, full path, or uuid string value.\n target.module[uuid.UUID()] allows module access by UUID.\n target.module[re] allows module access using a regular expression that matches the module full path.''') 7636 7637 __swig_getmethods__["process"] = GetProcess 7638 if _newclass: process = property(GetProcess, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the process (lldb.SBProcess) that this target owns.''') 7639 7640 __swig_getmethods__["executable"] = GetExecutable 7641 if _newclass: executable = property(GetExecutable, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the main executable module (lldb.SBModule) for this target.''') 7642 7643 __swig_getmethods__["debugger"] = GetDebugger 7644 if _newclass: debugger = property(GetDebugger, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the debugger (lldb.SBDebugger) that owns this target.''') 7645 7646 __swig_getmethods__["num_breakpoints"] = GetNumBreakpoints 7647 if _newclass: num_breakpoints = property(GetNumBreakpoints, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the number of breakpoints that this target has as an integer.''') 7648 7649 __swig_getmethods__["num_watchpoints"] = GetNumWatchpoints 7650 if _newclass: num_watchpoints = property(GetNumWatchpoints, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the number of watchpoints that this target has as an integer.''') 7651 7652 __swig_getmethods__["broadcaster"] = GetBroadcaster 7653 if _newclass: broadcaster = property(GetBroadcaster, None, doc='''A read only property that an lldb object that represents the broadcaster (lldb.SBBroadcaster) for this target.''') 7654 7655 __swig_getmethods__["byte_order"] = GetByteOrder 7656 if _newclass: byte_order = property(GetByteOrder, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb enumeration value (lldb.eByteOrderLittle, lldb.eByteOrderBig, lldb.eByteOrderInvalid) that represents the byte order for this target.''') 7657 7658 __swig_getmethods__["addr_size"] = GetAddressByteSize 7659 if _newclass: addr_size = property(GetAddressByteSize, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the size in bytes of an address for this target.''') 7660 7661 __swig_getmethods__["triple"] = GetTriple 7662 if _newclass: triple = property(GetTriple, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the target triple (arch-vendor-os) for this target as a string.''') 7663
7664 - def __str__(self):
7665 """__str__(SBTarget self) -> PyObject *""" 7666 return _lldb.SBTarget___str__(self)
7668 - def __eq__(self, rhs):
7669 if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)): 7670 return False 7671 7672 return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___eq__")(self, rhs)
7674 - def __ne__(self, rhs):
7675 if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)): 7676 return True 7677 7678 return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___ne__")(self, rhs)
7679 7680 SBTarget_swigregister = _lldb.SBTarget_swigregister 7681 SBTarget_swigregister(SBTarget)
7682 7683 -def SBTarget_GetBroadcasterClassName():
7684 """SBTarget_GetBroadcasterClassName() -> str const *""" 7685 return _lldb.SBTarget_GetBroadcasterClassName()
7687 -class SBThread(_object):
7688 """ 7689 Represents a thread of execution. SBProcess contains SBThread(s). 7690 7691 SBThreads can be referred to by their ID, which maps to the system specific thread 7692 identifier, or by IndexID. The ID may or may not be unique depending on whether the 7693 system reuses its thread identifiers. The IndexID is a monotonically increasing identifier 7694 that will always uniquely reference a particular thread, and when that thread goes 7695 away it will not be reused. 7696 7697 SBThread supports frame iteration. For example (from test/python_api/ 7698 lldbutil/iter/, 7699 7700 from lldbutil import print_stacktrace 7701 stopped_due_to_breakpoint = False 7702 for thread in process: 7703 if self.TraceOn(): 7704 print_stacktrace(thread) 7705 ID = thread.GetThreadID() 7706 if thread.GetStopReason() == lldb.eStopReasonBreakpoint: 7707 stopped_due_to_breakpoint = True 7708 for frame in thread: 7709 self.assertTrue(frame.GetThread().GetThreadID() == ID) 7710 if self.TraceOn(): 7711 print frame 7712 7713 self.assertTrue(stopped_due_to_breakpoint) 7714 7715 See also SBProcess and SBFrame. 7716 """ 7717 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 7718 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBThread, name, value) 7719 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 7720 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBThread, name) 7721 __repr__ = _swig_repr
7722 - def __iter__(self): return lldb_iter(self, 'GetNumFrames', 'GetFrameAtIndex')
7723 - def __len__(self): return self.GetNumFrames()
7724 - def __init__(self, *args):
7725 """ 7726 __init__(lldb::SBThread self) -> SBThread 7727 __init__(lldb::SBThread self, SBThread thread) -> SBThread 7728 """ 7729 this = _lldb.new_SBThread(*args) 7730 try: self.this.append(this) 7731 except: self.this = this
7732 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBThread 7733 __del__ = lambda self : None;
7734 - def EventIsThreadEvent(*args):
7735 """EventIsThreadEvent(SBEvent event) -> bool""" 7736 return _lldb.SBThread_EventIsThreadEvent(*args)
7737 7738 if _newclass:EventIsThreadEvent = staticmethod(EventIsThreadEvent) 7739 __swig_getmethods__["EventIsThreadEvent"] = lambda x: EventIsThreadEvent
7740 - def GetStackFrameFromEvent(*args):
7741 """GetStackFrameFromEvent(SBEvent event) -> SBFrame""" 7742 return _lldb.SBThread_GetStackFrameFromEvent(*args)
7743 7744 if _newclass:GetStackFrameFromEvent = staticmethod(GetStackFrameFromEvent) 7745 __swig_getmethods__["GetStackFrameFromEvent"] = lambda x: GetStackFrameFromEvent
7746 - def GetThreadFromEvent(*args):
7747 """GetThreadFromEvent(SBEvent event) -> SBThread""" 7748 return _lldb.SBThread_GetThreadFromEvent(*args)
7749 7750 if _newclass:GetThreadFromEvent = staticmethod(GetThreadFromEvent) 7751 __swig_getmethods__["GetThreadFromEvent"] = lambda x: GetThreadFromEvent
7752 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
7753 - def IsValid(self):
7754 """IsValid(SBThread self) -> bool""" 7755 return _lldb.SBThread_IsValid(self)
7757 - def Clear(self):
7758 """Clear(SBThread self)""" 7759 return _lldb.SBThread_Clear(self)
7761 - def GetStopReason(self):
7762 """GetStopReason(SBThread self) -> lldb::StopReason""" 7763 return _lldb.SBThread_GetStopReason(self)
7765 - def GetStopReasonDataCount(self):
7766 """ 7767 GetStopReasonDataCount(SBThread self) -> size_t 7768 7769 Get the number of words associated with the stop reason. 7770 See also GetStopReasonDataAtIndex(). 7771 """ 7772 return _lldb.SBThread_GetStopReasonDataCount(self)
7774 - def GetStopReasonDataAtIndex(self, *args):
7775 """ 7776 GetStopReasonDataAtIndex(SBThread self, uint32_t idx) -> uint64_t 7777 7778 Get information associated with a stop reason. 7779 7780 Breakpoint stop reasons will have data that consists of pairs of 7781 breakpoint IDs followed by the breakpoint location IDs (they always come 7782 in pairs). 7783 7784 Stop Reason Count Data Type 7785 ======================== ===== ========================================= 7786 eStopReasonNone 0 7787 eStopReasonTrace 0 7788 eStopReasonBreakpoint N duple: {breakpoint id, location id} 7789 eStopReasonWatchpoint 1 watchpoint id 7790 eStopReasonSignal 1 unix signal number 7791 eStopReasonException N exception data 7792 eStopReasonExec 0 7793 eStopReasonPlanComplete 0 7794 """ 7795 return _lldb.SBThread_GetStopReasonDataAtIndex(self, *args)
7797 - def GetStopDescription(self, *args):
7798 """ 7799 Pass only an (int)length and expect to get a Python string describing the 7800 stop reason. 7801 """ 7802 return _lldb.SBThread_GetStopDescription(self, *args)
7804 - def GetStopReturnValue(self):
7805 """GetStopReturnValue(SBThread self) -> SBValue""" 7806 return _lldb.SBThread_GetStopReturnValue(self)
7808 - def GetThreadID(self):
7809 """GetThreadID(SBThread self) -> lldb::tid_t""" 7810 return _lldb.SBThread_GetThreadID(self)
7812 - def GetIndexID(self):
7813 """GetIndexID(SBThread self) -> uint32_t""" 7814 return _lldb.SBThread_GetIndexID(self)
7816 - def GetName(self):
7817 """GetName(SBThread self) -> str const *""" 7818 return _lldb.SBThread_GetName(self)
7820 - def GetQueueName(self):
7821 """GetQueueName(SBThread self) -> str const *""" 7822 return _lldb.SBThread_GetQueueName(self)
7824 - def StepOver(self, *args):
7825 """ 7826 StepOver(SBThread self, lldb::RunMode stop_other_threads=eOnlyDuringStepping) 7827 StepOver(SBThread self) 7828 """ 7829 return _lldb.SBThread_StepOver(self, *args)
7831 - def StepInto(self, *args):
7832 """ 7833 StepInto(SBThread self, lldb::RunMode stop_other_threads=eOnlyDuringStepping) 7834 StepInto(SBThread self) 7835 StepInto(SBThread self, str const * target_name, lldb::RunMode stop_other_threads=eOnlyDuringStepping) 7836 StepInto(SBThread self, str const * target_name) 7837 """ 7838 return _lldb.SBThread_StepInto(self, *args)
7840 - def StepOut(self):
7841 """StepOut(SBThread self)""" 7842 return _lldb.SBThread_StepOut(self)
7844 - def StepOutOfFrame(self, *args):
7845 """StepOutOfFrame(SBThread self, SBFrame frame)""" 7846 return _lldb.SBThread_StepOutOfFrame(self, *args)
7848 - def StepInstruction(self, *args):
7849 """StepInstruction(SBThread self, bool step_over)""" 7850 return _lldb.SBThread_StepInstruction(self, *args)
7852 - def StepOverUntil(self, *args):
7853 """StepOverUntil(SBThread self, SBFrame frame, SBFileSpec file_spec, uint32_t line) -> SBError""" 7854 return _lldb.SBThread_StepOverUntil(self, *args)
7856 - def RunToAddress(self, *args):
7857 """RunToAddress(SBThread self, lldb::addr_t addr)""" 7858 return _lldb.SBThread_RunToAddress(self, *args)
7860 - def ReturnFromFrame(self, *args):
7861 """ReturnFromFrame(SBThread self, SBFrame frame, SBValue return_value) -> SBError""" 7862 return _lldb.SBThread_ReturnFromFrame(self, *args)
7864 - def Suspend(self):
7865 """ 7866 Suspend(SBThread self) -> bool 7867 7868 LLDB currently supports process centric debugging which means when any 7869 thread in a process stops, all other threads are stopped. The Suspend() 7870 call here tells our process to suspend a thread and not let it run when 7871 the other threads in a process are allowed to run. So when 7872 SBProcess::Continue() is called, any threads that aren't suspended will 7873 be allowed to run. If any of the SBThread functions for stepping are 7874 called (StepOver, StepInto, StepOut, StepInstruction, RunToAddres), the 7875 thread will now be allowed to run and these funtions will simply return. 7876 7877 Eventually we plan to add support for thread centric debugging where 7878 each thread is controlled individually and each thread would broadcast 7879 its state, but we haven't implemented this yet. 7880 7881 Likewise the SBThread::Resume() call will again allow the thread to run 7882 when the process is continued. 7883 7884 Suspend() and Resume() functions are not currently reference counted, if 7885 anyone has the need for them to be reference counted, please let us 7886 know. 7887 """ 7888 return _lldb.SBThread_Suspend(self)
7890 - def Resume(self):
7891 """Resume(SBThread self) -> bool""" 7892 return _lldb.SBThread_Resume(self)
7894 - def IsSuspended(self):
7895 """IsSuspended(SBThread self) -> bool""" 7896 return _lldb.SBThread_IsSuspended(self)
7898 - def IsStopped(self):
7899 """IsStopped(SBThread self) -> bool""" 7900 return _lldb.SBThread_IsStopped(self)
7902 - def GetNumFrames(self):
7903 """GetNumFrames(SBThread self) -> uint32_t""" 7904 return _lldb.SBThread_GetNumFrames(self)
7906 - def GetFrameAtIndex(self, *args):
7907 """GetFrameAtIndex(SBThread self, uint32_t idx) -> SBFrame""" 7908 return _lldb.SBThread_GetFrameAtIndex(self, *args)
7910 - def GetSelectedFrame(self):
7911 """GetSelectedFrame(SBThread self) -> SBFrame""" 7912 return _lldb.SBThread_GetSelectedFrame(self)
7914 - def SetSelectedFrame(self, *args):
7915 """SetSelectedFrame(SBThread self, uint32_t frame_idx) -> SBFrame""" 7916 return _lldb.SBThread_SetSelectedFrame(self, *args)
7918 - def GetProcess(self):
7919 """GetProcess(SBThread self) -> SBProcess""" 7920 return _lldb.SBThread_GetProcess(self)
7922 - def GetDescription(self, *args):
7923 """GetDescription(SBThread self, SBStream description) -> bool""" 7924 return _lldb.SBThread_GetDescription(self, *args)
7926 - def GetStatus(self, *args):
7927 """GetStatus(SBThread self, SBStream status) -> bool""" 7928 return _lldb.SBThread_GetStatus(self, *args)
7930 - def __eq__(self, *args):
7931 """__eq__(SBThread self, SBThread rhs) -> bool""" 7932 return _lldb.SBThread___eq__(self, *args)
7934 - def __ne__(self, *args):
7935 """__ne__(SBThread self, SBThread rhs) -> bool""" 7936 return _lldb.SBThread___ne__(self, *args)
7938 - class frames_access(object):
7939 '''A helper object that will lazily hand out frames for a thread when supplied an index.'''
7940 - def __init__(self, sbthread):
7941 self.sbthread = sbthread
7943 - def __len__(self):
7944 if self.sbthread: 7945 return int(self.sbthread.GetNumFrames()) 7946 return 0
7948 - def __getitem__(self, key):
7949 if type(key) is int and key < self.sbthread.GetNumFrames(): 7950 return self.sbthread.GetFrameAtIndex(key) 7951 return None
7953 - def get_frames_access_object(self):
7954 '''An accessor function that returns a frames_access() object which allows lazy frame access from a lldb.SBThread object.''' 7955 return self.frames_access (self)
7957 - def get_thread_frames(self):
7958 '''An accessor function that returns a list() that contains all frames in a lldb.SBThread object.''' 7959 frames = [] 7960 for frame in self: 7961 frames.append(frame) 7962 return frames
7963 7964 __swig_getmethods__["id"] = GetThreadID 7965 if _newclass: id = property(GetThreadID, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the thread ID as an integer.''') 7966 7967 __swig_getmethods__["idx"] = GetIndexID 7968 if _newclass: idx = property(GetIndexID, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the thread index ID as an integer. Thread index ID values start at 1 and increment as threads come and go and can be used to uniquely identify threads.''') 7969 7970 __swig_getmethods__["return_value"] = GetStopReturnValue 7971 if _newclass: return_value = property(GetStopReturnValue, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the return value from the last stop (lldb.SBValue) if we just stopped due to stepping out of a function.''') 7972 7973 __swig_getmethods__["process"] = GetProcess 7974 if _newclass: process = property(GetProcess, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the process (lldb.SBProcess) that owns this thread.''') 7975 7976 __swig_getmethods__["num_frames"] = GetNumFrames 7977 if _newclass: num_frames = property(GetNumFrames, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the number of stack frames in this thread as an integer.''') 7978 7979 __swig_getmethods__["frames"] = get_thread_frames 7980 if _newclass: frames = property(get_thread_frames, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a list() of lldb.SBFrame objects for all frames in this thread.''') 7981 7982 __swig_getmethods__["frame"] = get_frames_access_object 7983 if _newclass: frame = property(get_frames_access_object, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an object that can be used to access frames as an array ("frame_12 = lldb.thread.frame[12]").''') 7984 7985 __swig_getmethods__["name"] = GetName 7986 if _newclass: name = property(GetName, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the name of this thread as a string.''') 7987 7988 __swig_getmethods__["queue"] = GetQueueName 7989 if _newclass: queue = property(GetQueueName, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the dispatch queue name of this thread as a string.''') 7990 7991 __swig_getmethods__["stop_reason"] = GetStopReason 7992 if _newclass: stop_reason = property(GetStopReason, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb enumeration value (see enumerations that start with "lldb.eStopReason") that represents the reason this thread stopped.''') 7993 7994 __swig_getmethods__["is_suspended"] = IsSuspended 7995 if _newclass: is_suspended = property(IsSuspended, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a boolean value that indicates if this thread is suspended.''') 7996 7997 __swig_getmethods__["is_stopped"] = IsStopped 7998 if _newclass: is_stopped = property(IsStopped, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a boolean value that indicates if this thread is stopped but not exited.''') 7999
8000 - def __str__(self):
8001 """__str__(SBThread self) -> PyObject *""" 8002 return _lldb.SBThread___str__(self)
8004 - def __eq__(self, rhs):
8005 if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)): 8006 return False 8007 8008 return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___eq__")(self, rhs)
8010 - def __ne__(self, rhs):
8011 if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)): 8012 return True 8013 8014 return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___ne__")(self, rhs)
8015 8016 SBThread_swigregister = _lldb.SBThread_swigregister 8017 SBThread_swigregister(SBThread)
8018 8019 -def SBThread_EventIsThreadEvent(*args):
8020 """SBThread_EventIsThreadEvent(SBEvent event) -> bool""" 8021 return _lldb.SBThread_EventIsThreadEvent(*args)
8023 -def SBThread_GetStackFrameFromEvent(*args):
8024 """SBThread_GetStackFrameFromEvent(SBEvent event) -> SBFrame""" 8025 return _lldb.SBThread_GetStackFrameFromEvent(*args)
8027 -def SBThread_GetThreadFromEvent(*args):
8028 """SBThread_GetThreadFromEvent(SBEvent event) -> SBThread""" 8029 return _lldb.SBThread_GetThreadFromEvent(*args)
8031 -class SBTypeMember(_object):
8032 """ 8033 Represents a member of a type in lldb. 8034 8035 """ 8036 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 8037 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBTypeMember, name, value) 8038 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 8039 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBTypeMember, name) 8040 __repr__ = _swig_repr
8041 - def __init__(self, *args):
8042 """ 8043 __init__(lldb::SBTypeMember self) -> SBTypeMember 8044 __init__(lldb::SBTypeMember self, SBTypeMember rhs) -> SBTypeMember 8045 """ 8046 this = _lldb.new_SBTypeMember(*args) 8047 try: self.this.append(this) 8048 except: self.this = this
8049 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBTypeMember 8050 __del__ = lambda self : None;
8051 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
8052 - def IsValid(self):
8053 """IsValid(SBTypeMember self) -> bool""" 8054 return _lldb.SBTypeMember_IsValid(self)
8056 - def GetName(self):
8057 """GetName(SBTypeMember self) -> str const *""" 8058 return _lldb.SBTypeMember_GetName(self)
8060 - def GetType(self):
8061 """GetType(SBTypeMember self) -> SBType""" 8062 return _lldb.SBTypeMember_GetType(self)
8064 - def GetOffsetInBytes(self):
8065 """GetOffsetInBytes(SBTypeMember self) -> uint64_t""" 8066 return _lldb.SBTypeMember_GetOffsetInBytes(self)
8068 - def GetOffsetInBits(self):
8069 """GetOffsetInBits(SBTypeMember self) -> uint64_t""" 8070 return _lldb.SBTypeMember_GetOffsetInBits(self)
8072 - def IsBitfield(self):
8073 """IsBitfield(SBTypeMember self) -> bool""" 8074 return _lldb.SBTypeMember_IsBitfield(self)
8076 - def GetBitfieldSizeInBits(self):
8077 """GetBitfieldSizeInBits(SBTypeMember self) -> uint32_t""" 8078 return _lldb.SBTypeMember_GetBitfieldSizeInBits(self)
8079 8080 __swig_getmethods__["name"] = GetName 8081 if _newclass: name = property(GetName, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the name for this member as a string.''') 8082 8083 __swig_getmethods__["type"] = GetType 8084 if _newclass: type = property(GetType, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object that represents the type (lldb.SBType) for this member.''') 8085 8086 __swig_getmethods__["byte_offset"] = GetOffsetInBytes 8087 if _newclass: byte_offset = property(GetOffsetInBytes, None, doc='''A read only property that returns offset in bytes for this member as an integer.''') 8088 8089 __swig_getmethods__["bit_offset"] = GetOffsetInBits 8090 if _newclass: bit_offset = property(GetOffsetInBits, None, doc='''A read only property that returns offset in bits for this member as an integer.''') 8091 8092 __swig_getmethods__["is_bitfield"] = IsBitfield 8093 if _newclass: is_bitfield = property(IsBitfield, None, doc='''A read only property that returns true if this member is a bitfield.''') 8094 8095 __swig_getmethods__["bitfield_bit_size"] = GetBitfieldSizeInBits 8096 if _newclass: bitfield_bit_size = property(GetBitfieldSizeInBits, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the bitfield size in bits for this member as an integer, or zero if this member is not a bitfield.''') 8097 8098
8099 - def __str__(self):
8100 """__str__(SBTypeMember self) -> PyObject *""" 8101 return _lldb.SBTypeMember___str__(self)
8102 8103 SBTypeMember_swigregister = _lldb.SBTypeMember_swigregister 8104 SBTypeMember_swigregister(SBTypeMember)
8105 8106 -class SBType(_object):
8107 """ 8108 Represents a data type in lldb. The FindFirstType() method of SBTarget/SBModule 8109 returns a SBType. 8110 8111 SBType supports the eq/ne operator. For example, 8112 8113 main.cpp: 8114 8115 class Task { 8116 public: 8117 int id; 8118 Task *next; 8119 Task(int i, Task *n): 8120 id(i), 8121 next(n) 8122 {} 8123 }; 8124 8125 int main (int argc, char const *argv[]) 8126 { 8127 Task *task_head = new Task(-1, NULL); 8128 Task *task1 = new Task(1, NULL); 8129 Task *task2 = new Task(2, NULL); 8130 Task *task3 = new Task(3, NULL); // Orphaned. 8131 Task *task4 = new Task(4, NULL); 8132 Task *task5 = new Task(5, NULL); 8133 8134 task_head->next = task1; 8135 task1->next = task2; 8136 task2->next = task4; 8137 task4->next = task5; 8138 8139 int total = 0; 8140 Task *t = task_head; 8141 while (t != NULL) { 8142 if (t->id >= 0) 8143 ++total; 8144 t = t->next; 8145 } 8146 printf('We have a total number of %d tasks\n', total); 8147 8148 // This corresponds to an empty task list. 8149 Task *empty_task_head = new Task(-1, NULL); 8150 8151 return 0; // Break at this line 8152 } 8153 8154 8155 8156 # Get the type 'Task'. 8157 task_type = target.FindFirstType('Task') 8158 self.assertTrue(task_type) 8159 8160 # Get the variable 'task_head'. 8161 frame0.FindVariable('task_head') 8162 task_head_type = task_head.GetType() 8163 self.assertTrue(task_head_type.IsPointerType()) 8164 8165 # task_head_type is 'Task *'. 8166 task_pointer_type = task_type.GetPointerType() 8167 self.assertTrue(task_head_type == task_pointer_type) 8168 8169 # Get the child mmember 'id' from 'task_head'. 8170 id = task_head.GetChildMemberWithName('id') 8171 id_type = id.GetType() 8172 8173 # SBType.GetBasicType() takes an enum 'BasicType' (lldb-enumerations.h). 8174 int_type = id_type.GetBasicType(lldb.eBasicTypeInt) 8175 # id_type and int_type should be the same type! 8176 self.assertTrue(id_type == int_type) 8177 8178 ... 8179 8180 """ 8181 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 8182 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBType, name, value) 8183 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 8184 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBType, name) 8185 __repr__ = _swig_repr
8186 - def __iter__(self): return lldb_iter(self, 'GetNumberChildren', 'GetChildAtIndex')
8187 - def __len__(self): return self.GetNumberChildren()
8188 - def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, SBType) and self.GetByteSize() == other.GetByteSize() and self.GetName() == other.GetName()
8189 - def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
8190 - def __init__(self, *args):
8191 """ 8192 __init__(lldb::SBType self) -> SBType 8193 __init__(lldb::SBType self, SBType rhs) -> SBType 8194 """ 8195 this = _lldb.new_SBType(*args) 8196 try: self.this.append(this) 8197 except: self.this = this
8198 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBType 8199 __del__ = lambda self : None;
8200 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
8201 - def IsValid(self):
8202 """IsValid(SBType self) -> bool""" 8203 return _lldb.SBType_IsValid(self)
8205 - def GetByteSize(self):
8206 """GetByteSize(SBType self) -> uint64_t""" 8207 return _lldb.SBType_GetByteSize(self)
8209 - def IsPointerType(self):
8210 """IsPointerType(SBType self) -> bool""" 8211 return _lldb.SBType_IsPointerType(self)
8213 - def IsReferenceType(self):
8214 """IsReferenceType(SBType self) -> bool""" 8215 return _lldb.SBType_IsReferenceType(self)
8217 - def IsFunctionType(self):
8218 """IsFunctionType(SBType self) -> bool""" 8219 return _lldb.SBType_IsFunctionType(self)
8221 - def IsPolymorphicClass(self):
8222 """IsPolymorphicClass(SBType self) -> bool""" 8223 return _lldb.SBType_IsPolymorphicClass(self)
8225 - def GetPointerType(self):
8226 """GetPointerType(SBType self) -> SBType""" 8227 return _lldb.SBType_GetPointerType(self)
8229 - def GetPointeeType(self):
8230 """GetPointeeType(SBType self) -> SBType""" 8231 return _lldb.SBType_GetPointeeType(self)
8233 - def GetReferenceType(self):
8234 """GetReferenceType(SBType self) -> SBType""" 8235 return _lldb.SBType_GetReferenceType(self)
8237 - def GetDereferencedType(self):
8238 """GetDereferencedType(SBType self) -> SBType""" 8239 return _lldb.SBType_GetDereferencedType(self)
8241 - def GetUnqualifiedType(self):
8242 """GetUnqualifiedType(SBType self) -> SBType""" 8243 return _lldb.SBType_GetUnqualifiedType(self)
8245 - def GetCanonicalType(self):
8246 """GetCanonicalType(SBType self) -> SBType""" 8247 return _lldb.SBType_GetCanonicalType(self)
8249 - def GetBasicType(self, *args):
8250 """ 8251 GetBasicType(SBType self) -> lldb::BasicType 8252 GetBasicType(SBType self, lldb::BasicType type) -> SBType 8253 """ 8254 return _lldb.SBType_GetBasicType(self, *args)
8256 - def GetNumberOfFields(self):
8257 """GetNumberOfFields(SBType self) -> uint32_t""" 8258 return _lldb.SBType_GetNumberOfFields(self)
8260 - def GetNumberOfDirectBaseClasses(self):
8261 """GetNumberOfDirectBaseClasses(SBType self) -> uint32_t""" 8262 return _lldb.SBType_GetNumberOfDirectBaseClasses(self)
8264 - def GetNumberOfVirtualBaseClasses(self):
8265 """GetNumberOfVirtualBaseClasses(SBType self) -> uint32_t""" 8266 return _lldb.SBType_GetNumberOfVirtualBaseClasses(self)
8268 - def GetFieldAtIndex(self, *args):
8269 """GetFieldAtIndex(SBType self, uint32_t idx) -> SBTypeMember""" 8270 return _lldb.SBType_GetFieldAtIndex(self, *args)
8272 - def GetDirectBaseClassAtIndex(self, *args):
8273 """GetDirectBaseClassAtIndex(SBType self, uint32_t idx) -> SBTypeMember""" 8274 return _lldb.SBType_GetDirectBaseClassAtIndex(self, *args)
8276 - def GetVirtualBaseClassAtIndex(self, *args):
8277 """GetVirtualBaseClassAtIndex(SBType self, uint32_t idx) -> SBTypeMember""" 8278 return _lldb.SBType_GetVirtualBaseClassAtIndex(self, *args)
8280 - def GetName(self):
8281 """GetName(SBType self) -> str const *""" 8282 return _lldb.SBType_GetName(self)
8284 - def GetTypeClass(self):
8285 """GetTypeClass(SBType self) -> lldb::TypeClass""" 8286 return _lldb.SBType_GetTypeClass(self)
8288 - def GetNumberOfTemplateArguments(self):
8289 """GetNumberOfTemplateArguments(SBType self) -> uint32_t""" 8290 return _lldb.SBType_GetNumberOfTemplateArguments(self)
8292 - def GetTemplateArgumentType(self, *args):
8293 """GetTemplateArgumentType(SBType self, uint32_t idx) -> SBType""" 8294 return _lldb.SBType_GetTemplateArgumentType(self, *args)
8296 - def GetTemplateArgumentKind(self, *args):
8297 """GetTemplateArgumentKind(SBType self, uint32_t idx) -> lldb::TemplateArgumentKind""" 8298 return _lldb.SBType_GetTemplateArgumentKind(self, *args)
8300 - def GetFunctionReturnType(self):
8301 """GetFunctionReturnType(SBType self) -> SBType""" 8302 return _lldb.SBType_GetFunctionReturnType(self)
8304 - def GetFunctionArgumentTypes(self):
8305 """GetFunctionArgumentTypes(SBType self) -> SBTypeList""" 8306 return _lldb.SBType_GetFunctionArgumentTypes(self)
8308 - def IsTypeComplete(self):
8309 """IsTypeComplete(SBType self) -> bool""" 8310 return _lldb.SBType_IsTypeComplete(self)
8312 - def template_arg_array(self):
8313 num_args = self.num_template_args 8314 if num_args: 8315 template_args = [] 8316 for i in range(num_args): 8317 template_args.append(self.GetTemplateArgumentType(i)) 8318 return template_args 8319 return None
8320 8321 __swig_getmethods__["name"] = GetName 8322 if _newclass: name = property(GetName, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the name for this type as a string.''') 8323 8324 __swig_getmethods__["size"] = GetByteSize 8325 if _newclass: size = property(GetByteSize, None, doc='''A read only property that returns size in bytes for this type as an integer.''') 8326 8327 __swig_getmethods__["is_pointer"] = IsPointerType 8328 if _newclass: is_pointer = property(IsPointerType, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a boolean value that indicates if this type is a pointer type.''') 8329 8330 __swig_getmethods__["is_reference"] = IsReferenceType 8331 if _newclass: is_reference = property(IsReferenceType, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a boolean value that indicates if this type is a reference type.''') 8332 8333 __swig_getmethods__["is_function"] = IsFunctionType 8334 if _newclass: is_reference = property(IsReferenceType, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a boolean value that indicates if this type is a function type.''') 8335 8336 __swig_getmethods__["num_fields"] = GetNumberOfFields 8337 if _newclass: num_fields = property(GetNumberOfFields, None, doc='''A read only property that returns number of fields in this type as an integer.''') 8338 8339 __swig_getmethods__["num_bases"] = GetNumberOfDirectBaseClasses 8340 if _newclass: num_bases = property(GetNumberOfDirectBaseClasses, None, doc='''A read only property that returns number of direct base classes in this type as an integer.''') 8341 8342 __swig_getmethods__["num_vbases"] = GetNumberOfVirtualBaseClasses 8343 if _newclass: num_vbases = property(GetNumberOfVirtualBaseClasses, None, doc='''A read only property that returns number of virtual base classes in this type as an integer.''') 8344 8345 __swig_getmethods__["num_template_args"] = GetNumberOfTemplateArguments 8346 if _newclass: num_template_args = property(GetNumberOfTemplateArguments, None, doc='''A read only property that returns number of template arguments in this type as an integer.''') 8347 8348 __swig_getmethods__["template_args"] = template_arg_array 8349 if _newclass: template_args = property(template_arg_array, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a list() of lldb.SBType objects that represent all template arguments in this type.''') 8350 8351 __swig_getmethods__["type"] = GetTypeClass 8352 if _newclass: type = property(GetTypeClass, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb enumeration value (see enumerations that start with "lldb.eTypeClass") that represents a classification for this type.''') 8353 8354 __swig_getmethods__["is_complete"] = IsTypeComplete 8355 if _newclass: is_complete = property(IsTypeComplete, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a boolean value that indicates if this type is a complete type (True) or a forward declaration (False).''') 8356
8357 - def get_bases_array(self):
8358 '''An accessor function that returns a list() that contains all direct base classes in a lldb.SBType object.''' 8359 bases = [] 8360 for idx in range(self.GetNumberOfDirectBaseClasses()): 8361 bases.append(self.GetDirectBaseClassAtIndex(idx)) 8362 return bases
8364 - def get_vbases_array(self):
8365 '''An accessor function that returns a list() that contains all fields in a lldb.SBType object.''' 8366 vbases = [] 8367 for idx in range(self.GetNumberOfVirtualBaseClasses()): 8368 vbases.append(self.GetVirtualBaseClassAtIndex(idx)) 8369 return vbases
8371 - def get_fields_array(self):
8372 '''An accessor function that returns a list() that contains all fields in a lldb.SBType object.''' 8373 fields = [] 8374 for idx in range(self.GetNumberOfFields()): 8375 fields.append(self.GetFieldAtIndex(idx)) 8376 return fields
8378 - def get_members_array(self):
8379 '''An accessor function that returns a list() that contains all members (base classes and fields) in a lldb.SBType object in ascending bit offset order.''' 8380 members = [] 8381 bases = self.get_bases_array() 8382 fields = self.get_fields_array() 8383 vbases = self.get_vbases_array() 8384 for base in bases: 8385 bit_offset = base.bit_offset 8386 added = False 8387 for idx, member in enumerate(members): 8388 if member.bit_offset > bit_offset: 8389 members.insert(idx, base) 8390 added = True 8391 break 8392 if not added: 8393 members.append(base) 8394 for vbase in vbases: 8395 bit_offset = vbase.bit_offset 8396 added = False 8397 for idx, member in enumerate(members): 8398 if member.bit_offset > bit_offset: 8399 members.insert(idx, vbase) 8400 added = True 8401 break 8402 if not added: 8403 members.append(vbase) 8404 for field in fields: 8405 bit_offset = field.bit_offset 8406 added = False 8407 for idx, member in enumerate(members): 8408 if member.bit_offset > bit_offset: 8409 members.insert(idx, field) 8410 added = True 8411 break 8412 if not added: 8413 members.append(field) 8414 return members
8415 8416 __swig_getmethods__["bases"] = get_bases_array 8417 if _newclass: bases = property(get_bases_array, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a list() of lldb.SBTypeMember objects that represent all of the direct base classes for this type.''') 8418 8419 __swig_getmethods__["vbases"] = get_vbases_array 8420 if _newclass: vbases = property(get_vbases_array, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a list() of lldb.SBTypeMember objects that represent all of the virtual base classes for this type.''') 8421 8422 __swig_getmethods__["fields"] = get_fields_array 8423 if _newclass: fields = property(get_fields_array, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a list() of lldb.SBTypeMember objects that represent all of the fields for this type.''') 8424 8425 __swig_getmethods__["members"] = get_members_array 8426 if _newclass: members = property(get_members_array, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a list() of all lldb.SBTypeMember objects that represent all of the base classes, virtual base classes and fields for this type in ascending bit offset order.''') 8427 8428
8429 - def __str__(self):
8430 """__str__(SBType self) -> PyObject *""" 8431 return _lldb.SBType___str__(self)
8432 8433 SBType_swigregister = _lldb.SBType_swigregister 8434 SBType_swigregister(SBType)
8435 8436 -class SBTypeList(_object):
8437 """ 8438 Represents a list of SBTypes. The FindTypes() method of SBTarget/SBModule 8439 returns a SBTypeList. 8440 8441 SBTypeList supports SBType iteration. For example, 8442 8443 main.cpp: 8444 8445 class Task { 8446 public: 8447 int id; 8448 Task *next; 8449 Task(int i, Task *n): 8450 id(i), 8451 next(n) 8452 {} 8453 }; 8454 8455 ... 8456 8457 8458 8459 # Get the type 'Task'. 8460 type_list = target.FindTypes('Task') 8461 self.assertTrue(len(type_list) == 1) 8462 # To illustrate the SBType iteration. 8463 for type in type_list: 8464 # do something with type 8465 8466 ... 8467 8468 """ 8469 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 8470 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBTypeList, name, value) 8471 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 8472 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBTypeList, name) 8473 __repr__ = _swig_repr
8474 - def __iter__(self): return lldb_iter(self, 'GetSize', 'GetTypeAtIndex')
8475 - def __len__(self): return self.GetSize()
8476 - def __init__(self):
8477 """__init__(lldb::SBTypeList self) -> SBTypeList""" 8478 this = _lldb.new_SBTypeList() 8479 try: self.this.append(this) 8480 except: self.this = this
8481 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
8482 - def IsValid(self):
8483 """IsValid(SBTypeList self) -> bool""" 8484 return _lldb.SBTypeList_IsValid(self)
8486 - def Append(self, *args):
8487 """Append(SBTypeList self, SBType type)""" 8488 return _lldb.SBTypeList_Append(self, *args)
8490 - def GetTypeAtIndex(self, *args):
8491 """GetTypeAtIndex(SBTypeList self, uint32_t index) -> SBType""" 8492 return _lldb.SBTypeList_GetTypeAtIndex(self, *args)
8494 - def GetSize(self):
8495 """GetSize(SBTypeList self) -> uint32_t""" 8496 return _lldb.SBTypeList_GetSize(self)
8497 8498 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBTypeList 8499 __del__ = lambda self : None; 8500 SBTypeList_swigregister = _lldb.SBTypeList_swigregister 8501 SBTypeList_swigregister(SBTypeList)
8502 8503 -class SBTypeCategory(_object):
8504 """ 8505 Represents a category that can contain formatters for types. 8506 8507 """ 8508 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 8509 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBTypeCategory, name, value) 8510 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 8511 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBTypeCategory, name) 8512 __repr__ = _swig_repr
8513 - def __init__(self, *args):
8514 """ 8515 __init__(lldb::SBTypeCategory self) -> SBTypeCategory 8516 __init__(lldb::SBTypeCategory self, SBTypeCategory rhs) -> SBTypeCategory 8517 """ 8518 this = _lldb.new_SBTypeCategory(*args) 8519 try: self.this.append(this) 8520 except: self.this = this
8521 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBTypeCategory 8522 __del__ = lambda self : None;
8523 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
8524 - def IsValid(self):
8525 """IsValid(SBTypeCategory self) -> bool""" 8526 return _lldb.SBTypeCategory_IsValid(self)
8528 - def GetEnabled(self):
8529 """GetEnabled(SBTypeCategory self) -> bool""" 8530 return _lldb.SBTypeCategory_GetEnabled(self)
8532 - def SetEnabled(self, *args):
8533 """SetEnabled(SBTypeCategory self, bool arg2)""" 8534 return _lldb.SBTypeCategory_SetEnabled(self, *args)
8536 - def GetName(self):
8537 """GetName(SBTypeCategory self) -> str const *""" 8538 return _lldb.SBTypeCategory_GetName(self)
8540 - def GetDescription(self, *args):
8541 """GetDescription(SBTypeCategory self, SBStream description, lldb::DescriptionLevel description_level) -> bool""" 8542 return _lldb.SBTypeCategory_GetDescription(self, *args)
8544 - def GetNumFormats(self):
8545 """GetNumFormats(SBTypeCategory self) -> uint32_t""" 8546 return _lldb.SBTypeCategory_GetNumFormats(self)
8548 - def GetNumSummaries(self):
8549 """GetNumSummaries(SBTypeCategory self) -> uint32_t""" 8550 return _lldb.SBTypeCategory_GetNumSummaries(self)
8552 - def GetNumFilters(self):
8553 """GetNumFilters(SBTypeCategory self) -> uint32_t""" 8554 return _lldb.SBTypeCategory_GetNumFilters(self)
8556 - def GetNumSynthetics(self):
8557 """GetNumSynthetics(SBTypeCategory self) -> uint32_t""" 8558 return _lldb.SBTypeCategory_GetNumSynthetics(self)
8560 - def GetTypeNameSpecifierForFilterAtIndex(self, *args):
8561 """GetTypeNameSpecifierForFilterAtIndex(SBTypeCategory self, uint32_t arg2) -> SBTypeNameSpecifier""" 8562 return _lldb.SBTypeCategory_GetTypeNameSpecifierForFilterAtIndex(self, *args)
8564 - def GetTypeNameSpecifierForFormatAtIndex(self, *args):
8565 """GetTypeNameSpecifierForFormatAtIndex(SBTypeCategory self, uint32_t arg2) -> SBTypeNameSpecifier""" 8566 return _lldb.SBTypeCategory_GetTypeNameSpecifierForFormatAtIndex(self, *args)
8568 - def GetTypeNameSpecifierForSummaryAtIndex(self, *args):
8569 """GetTypeNameSpecifierForSummaryAtIndex(SBTypeCategory self, uint32_t arg2) -> SBTypeNameSpecifier""" 8570 return _lldb.SBTypeCategory_GetTypeNameSpecifierForSummaryAtIndex(self, *args)
8572 - def GetTypeNameSpecifierForSyntheticAtIndex(self, *args):
8573 """GetTypeNameSpecifierForSyntheticAtIndex(SBTypeCategory self, uint32_t arg2) -> SBTypeNameSpecifier""" 8574 return _lldb.SBTypeCategory_GetTypeNameSpecifierForSyntheticAtIndex(self, *args)
8576 - def GetFilterForType(self, *args):
8577 """GetFilterForType(SBTypeCategory self, SBTypeNameSpecifier arg2) -> SBTypeFilter""" 8578 return _lldb.SBTypeCategory_GetFilterForType(self, *args)
8580 - def GetFormatForType(self, *args):
8581 """GetFormatForType(SBTypeCategory self, SBTypeNameSpecifier arg2) -> SBTypeFormat""" 8582 return _lldb.SBTypeCategory_GetFormatForType(self, *args)
8584 - def GetSummaryForType(self, *args):
8585 """GetSummaryForType(SBTypeCategory self, SBTypeNameSpecifier arg2) -> SBTypeSummary""" 8586 return _lldb.SBTypeCategory_GetSummaryForType(self, *args)
8588 - def GetSyntheticForType(self, *args):
8589 """GetSyntheticForType(SBTypeCategory self, SBTypeNameSpecifier arg2) -> SBTypeSynthetic""" 8590 return _lldb.SBTypeCategory_GetSyntheticForType(self, *args)
8592 - def GetFilterAtIndex(self, *args):
8593 """GetFilterAtIndex(SBTypeCategory self, uint32_t arg2) -> SBTypeFilter""" 8594 return _lldb.SBTypeCategory_GetFilterAtIndex(self, *args)
8596 - def GetFormatAtIndex(self, *args):
8597 """GetFormatAtIndex(SBTypeCategory self, uint32_t arg2) -> SBTypeFormat""" 8598 return _lldb.SBTypeCategory_GetFormatAtIndex(self, *args)
8600 - def GetSummaryAtIndex(self, *args):
8601 """GetSummaryAtIndex(SBTypeCategory self, uint32_t arg2) -> SBTypeSummary""" 8602 return _lldb.SBTypeCategory_GetSummaryAtIndex(self, *args)
8604 - def GetSyntheticAtIndex(self, *args):
8605 """GetSyntheticAtIndex(SBTypeCategory self, uint32_t arg2) -> SBTypeSynthetic""" 8606 return _lldb.SBTypeCategory_GetSyntheticAtIndex(self, *args)
8608 - def AddTypeFormat(self, *args):
8609 """AddTypeFormat(SBTypeCategory self, SBTypeNameSpecifier arg2, SBTypeFormat arg3) -> bool""" 8610 return _lldb.SBTypeCategory_AddTypeFormat(self, *args)
8612 - def DeleteTypeFormat(self, *args):
8613 """DeleteTypeFormat(SBTypeCategory self, SBTypeNameSpecifier arg2) -> bool""" 8614 return _lldb.SBTypeCategory_DeleteTypeFormat(self, *args)
8616 - def AddTypeSummary(self, *args):
8617 """AddTypeSummary(SBTypeCategory self, SBTypeNameSpecifier arg2, SBTypeSummary arg3) -> bool""" 8618 return _lldb.SBTypeCategory_AddTypeSummary(self, *args)
8620 - def DeleteTypeSummary(self, *args):
8621 """DeleteTypeSummary(SBTypeCategory self, SBTypeNameSpecifier arg2) -> bool""" 8622 return _lldb.SBTypeCategory_DeleteTypeSummary(self, *args)
8624 - def AddTypeFilter(self, *args):
8625 """AddTypeFilter(SBTypeCategory self, SBTypeNameSpecifier arg2, SBTypeFilter arg3) -> bool""" 8626 return _lldb.SBTypeCategory_AddTypeFilter(self, *args)
8628 - def DeleteTypeFilter(self, *args):
8629 """DeleteTypeFilter(SBTypeCategory self, SBTypeNameSpecifier arg2) -> bool""" 8630 return _lldb.SBTypeCategory_DeleteTypeFilter(self, *args)
8632 - def AddTypeSynthetic(self, *args):
8633 """AddTypeSynthetic(SBTypeCategory self, SBTypeNameSpecifier arg2, SBTypeSynthetic arg3) -> bool""" 8634 return _lldb.SBTypeCategory_AddTypeSynthetic(self, *args)
8636 - def DeleteTypeSynthetic(self, *args):
8637 """DeleteTypeSynthetic(SBTypeCategory self, SBTypeNameSpecifier arg2) -> bool""" 8638 return _lldb.SBTypeCategory_DeleteTypeSynthetic(self, *args)
8640 - class formatters_access_class(object):
8641 '''A helper object that will lazily hand out formatters for a specific category.'''
8642 - def __init__(self, sbcategory, get_count_function, get_at_index_function, get_by_name_function):
8643 self.sbcategory = sbcategory 8644 self.get_count_function = get_count_function 8645 self.get_at_index_function = get_at_index_function 8646 self.get_by_name_function = get_by_name_function 8647 self.regex_type = type(re.compile('.'))
8648 8649
8650 - def __len__(self):
8651 if self.sbcategory and self.get_count_function: 8652 return int(self.get_count_function(self.sbcategory)) 8653 return 0
8655 - def __getitem__(self, key):
8656 num_items = len(self) 8657 if type(key) is int: 8658 if key < num_items: 8659 return self.get_at_index_function(self.sbcategory,key) 8660 elif type(key) is str: 8661 return self.get_by_name_function(self.sbcategory,SBTypeNameSpecifier(key)) 8662 elif isinstance(key,self.regex_type): 8663 return self.get_by_name_function(self.sbcategory,SBTypeNameSpecifier(key.pattern,True)) 8664 else: 8665 print "error: unsupported item type: %s" % type(key) 8666 return None
8668 - def get_formats_access_object(self):
8669 '''An accessor function that returns an accessor object which allows lazy format access from a lldb.SBTypeCategory object.''' 8670 return self.formatters_access_class (self,self.__class__.GetNumFormats,self.__class__.GetFormatAtIndex,self.__class__.GetFormatForType)
8672 - def get_formats_array(self):
8673 '''An accessor function that returns a list() that contains all formats in a lldb.SBCategory object.''' 8674 formats = [] 8675 for idx in range(self.GetNumFormats()): 8676 formats.append(self.GetFormatAtIndex(idx)) 8677 return formats
8679 - def get_summaries_access_object(self):
8680 '''An accessor function that returns an accessor object which allows lazy summary access from a lldb.SBTypeCategory object.''' 8681 return self.formatters_access_class (self,self.__class__.GetNumSummaries,self.__class__.GetSummaryAtIndex,self.__class__.GetSummaryForType)
8683 - def get_summaries_array(self):
8684 '''An accessor function that returns a list() that contains all summaries in a lldb.SBCategory object.''' 8685 summaries = [] 8686 for idx in range(self.GetNumSummaries()): 8687 summaries.append(self.GetSummaryAtIndex(idx)) 8688 return summaries
8690 - def get_synthetics_access_object(self):
8691 '''An accessor function that returns an accessor object which allows lazy synthetic children provider access from a lldb.SBTypeCategory object.''' 8692 return self.formatters_access_class (self,self.__class__.GetNumSynthetics,self.__class__.GetSyntheticAtIndex,self.__class__.GetSyntheticForType)
8694 - def get_synthetics_array(self):
8695 '''An accessor function that returns a list() that contains all synthetic children providers in a lldb.SBCategory object.''' 8696 synthetics = [] 8697 for idx in range(self.GetNumSynthetics()): 8698 synthetics.append(self.GetSyntheticAtIndex(idx)) 8699 return synthetics
8701 - def get_filters_access_object(self):
8702 '''An accessor function that returns an accessor object which allows lazy filter access from a lldb.SBTypeCategory object.''' 8703 return self.formatters_access_class (self,self.__class__.GetNumFilters,self.__class__.GetFilterAtIndex,self.__class__.GetFilterForType)
8705 - def get_filters_array(self):
8706 '''An accessor function that returns a list() that contains all filters in a lldb.SBCategory object.''' 8707 filters = [] 8708 for idx in range(self.GetNumFilters()): 8709 filters.append(self.GetFilterAtIndex(idx)) 8710 return filters
8711 8712 __swig_getmethods__["formats"] = get_formats_array 8713 if _newclass: formats = property(get_formats_array, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a list() of lldb.SBTypeFormat objects contained in this category''') 8714 8715 __swig_getmethods__["format"] = get_formats_access_object 8716 if _newclass: format = property(get_formats_access_object, None, doc=r'''A read only property that returns an object that you can use to look for formats by index or type name.''') 8717 8718 __swig_getmethods__["summaries"] = get_summaries_array 8719 if _newclass: summaries = property(get_summaries_array, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a list() of lldb.SBTypeSummary objects contained in this category''') 8720 8721 __swig_getmethods__["summary"] = get_summaries_access_object 8722 if _newclass: summary = property(get_summaries_access_object, None, doc=r'''A read only property that returns an object that you can use to look for summaries by index or type name or regular expression.''') 8723 8724 __swig_getmethods__["filters"] = get_filters_array 8725 if _newclass: filters = property(get_filters_array, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a list() of lldb.SBTypeFilter objects contained in this category''') 8726 8727 __swig_getmethods__["filter"] = get_filters_access_object 8728 if _newclass: filter = property(get_filters_access_object, None, doc=r'''A read only property that returns an object that you can use to look for filters by index or type name or regular expression.''') 8729 8730 __swig_getmethods__["synthetics"] = get_synthetics_array 8731 if _newclass: synthetics = property(get_synthetics_array, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a list() of lldb.SBTypeSynthetic objects contained in this category''') 8732 8733 __swig_getmethods__["synthetic"] = get_synthetics_access_object 8734 if _newclass: synthetic = property(get_synthetics_access_object, None, doc=r'''A read only property that returns an object that you can use to look for synthetic children provider by index or type name or regular expression.''') 8735 8736 __swig_getmethods__["num_formats"] = GetNumFormats 8737 if _newclass: num_formats = property(GetNumFormats, None) 8738 __swig_getmethods__["num_summaries"] = GetNumSummaries 8739 if _newclass: num_summaries = property(GetNumSummaries, None) 8740 __swig_getmethods__["num_filters"] = GetNumFilters 8741 if _newclass: num_filters = property(GetNumFilters, None) 8742 __swig_getmethods__["num_synthetics"] = GetNumSynthetics 8743 if _newclass: num_synthetics = property(GetNumSynthetics, None) 8744 8745 __swig_getmethods__["name"] = GetName 8746 if _newclass: name = property(GetName, None) 8747 8748 __swig_getmethods__["enabled"] = GetEnabled 8749 __swig_setmethods__["enabled"] = SetEnabled 8750 if _newclass: enabled = property(GetEnabled, SetEnabled) 8751
8752 - def __str__(self):
8753 """__str__(SBTypeCategory self) -> PyObject *""" 8754 return _lldb.SBTypeCategory___str__(self)
8755 8756 SBTypeCategory_swigregister = _lldb.SBTypeCategory_swigregister 8757 SBTypeCategory_swigregister(SBTypeCategory)
8758 8759 -class SBTypeFilter(_object):
8760 """ 8761 Represents a filter that can be associated to one or more types. 8762 8763 """ 8764 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 8765 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBTypeFilter, name, value) 8766 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 8767 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBTypeFilter, name) 8768 __repr__ = _swig_repr
8769 - def __init__(self, *args):
8770 """ 8771 __init__(lldb::SBTypeFilter self) -> SBTypeFilter 8772 __init__(lldb::SBTypeFilter self, uint32_t options) -> SBTypeFilter 8773 __init__(lldb::SBTypeFilter self, SBTypeFilter rhs) -> SBTypeFilter 8774 """ 8775 this = _lldb.new_SBTypeFilter(*args) 8776 try: self.this.append(this) 8777 except: self.this = this
8778 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBTypeFilter 8779 __del__ = lambda self : None;
8780 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
8781 - def IsValid(self):
8782 """IsValid(SBTypeFilter self) -> bool""" 8783 return _lldb.SBTypeFilter_IsValid(self)
8785 - def IsEqualTo(self, *args):
8786 """IsEqualTo(SBTypeFilter self, SBTypeFilter rhs) -> bool""" 8787 return _lldb.SBTypeFilter_IsEqualTo(self, *args)
8789 - def GetNumberOfExpressionPaths(self):
8790 """GetNumberOfExpressionPaths(SBTypeFilter self) -> uint32_t""" 8791 return _lldb.SBTypeFilter_GetNumberOfExpressionPaths(self)
8793 - def GetExpressionPathAtIndex(self, *args):
8794 """GetExpressionPathAtIndex(SBTypeFilter self, uint32_t i) -> str const *""" 8795 return _lldb.SBTypeFilter_GetExpressionPathAtIndex(self, *args)
8797 - def ReplaceExpressionPathAtIndex(self, *args):
8798 """ReplaceExpressionPathAtIndex(SBTypeFilter self, uint32_t i, str const * item) -> bool""" 8799 return _lldb.SBTypeFilter_ReplaceExpressionPathAtIndex(self, *args)
8801 - def AppendExpressionPath(self, *args):
8802 """AppendExpressionPath(SBTypeFilter self, str const * item)""" 8803 return _lldb.SBTypeFilter_AppendExpressionPath(self, *args)
8805 - def Clear(self):
8806 """Clear(SBTypeFilter self)""" 8807 return _lldb.SBTypeFilter_Clear(self)
8809 - def GetOptions(self):
8810 """GetOptions(SBTypeFilter self) -> uint32_t""" 8811 return _lldb.SBTypeFilter_GetOptions(self)
8813 - def SetOptions(self, *args):
8814 """SetOptions(SBTypeFilter self, uint32_t arg2)""" 8815 return _lldb.SBTypeFilter_SetOptions(self, *args)
8817 - def GetDescription(self, *args):
8818 """GetDescription(SBTypeFilter self, SBStream description, lldb::DescriptionLevel description_level) -> bool""" 8819 return _lldb.SBTypeFilter_GetDescription(self, *args)
8821 - def __eq__(self, *args):
8822 """__eq__(SBTypeFilter self, SBTypeFilter rhs) -> bool""" 8823 return _lldb.SBTypeFilter___eq__(self, *args)
8825 - def __ne__(self, *args):
8826 """__ne__(SBTypeFilter self, SBTypeFilter rhs) -> bool""" 8827 return _lldb.SBTypeFilter___ne__(self, *args)
8828 8829 __swig_getmethods__["options"] = GetOptions 8830 __swig_setmethods__["options"] = SetOptions 8831 if _newclass: options = property(GetOptions, SetOptions) 8832 8833 __swig_getmethods__["count"] = GetNumberOfExpressionPaths 8834 if _newclass: count = property(GetNumberOfExpressionPaths, None) 8835
8836 - def __str__(self):
8837 """__str__(SBTypeFilter self) -> PyObject *""" 8838 return _lldb.SBTypeFilter___str__(self)
8840 - def __eq__(self, rhs):
8841 if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)): 8842 return False 8843 8844 return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___eq__")(self, rhs)
8846 - def __ne__(self, rhs):
8847 if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)): 8848 return True 8849 8850 return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___ne__")(self, rhs)
8851 8852 SBTypeFilter_swigregister = _lldb.SBTypeFilter_swigregister 8853 SBTypeFilter_swigregister(SBTypeFilter)
8854 8855 -class SBTypeFormat(_object):
8856 """ 8857 Represents a format that can be associated to one or more types. 8858 8859 """ 8860 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 8861 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBTypeFormat, name, value) 8862 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 8863 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBTypeFormat, name) 8864 __repr__ = _swig_repr
8865 - def __init__(self, *args):
8866 """ 8867 __init__(lldb::SBTypeFormat self) -> SBTypeFormat 8868 __init__(lldb::SBTypeFormat self, lldb::Format format, uint32_t options=0) -> SBTypeFormat 8869 __init__(lldb::SBTypeFormat self, lldb::Format format) -> SBTypeFormat 8870 __init__(lldb::SBTypeFormat self, SBTypeFormat rhs) -> SBTypeFormat 8871 """ 8872 this = _lldb.new_SBTypeFormat(*args) 8873 try: self.this.append(this) 8874 except: self.this = this
8875 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBTypeFormat 8876 __del__ = lambda self : None;
8877 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
8878 - def IsValid(self):
8879 """IsValid(SBTypeFormat self) -> bool""" 8880 return _lldb.SBTypeFormat_IsValid(self)
8882 - def IsEqualTo(self, *args):
8883 """IsEqualTo(SBTypeFormat self, SBTypeFormat rhs) -> bool""" 8884 return _lldb.SBTypeFormat_IsEqualTo(self, *args)
8886 - def GetFormat(self):
8887 """GetFormat(SBTypeFormat self) -> lldb::Format""" 8888 return _lldb.SBTypeFormat_GetFormat(self)
8890 - def GetOptions(self):
8891 """GetOptions(SBTypeFormat self) -> uint32_t""" 8892 return _lldb.SBTypeFormat_GetOptions(self)
8894 - def SetFormat(self, *args):
8895 """SetFormat(SBTypeFormat self, lldb::Format arg2)""" 8896 return _lldb.SBTypeFormat_SetFormat(self, *args)
8898 - def SetOptions(self, *args):
8899 """SetOptions(SBTypeFormat self, uint32_t arg2)""" 8900 return _lldb.SBTypeFormat_SetOptions(self, *args)
8902 - def GetDescription(self, *args):
8903 """GetDescription(SBTypeFormat self, SBStream description, lldb::DescriptionLevel description_level) -> bool""" 8904 return _lldb.SBTypeFormat_GetDescription(self, *args)
8906 - def __eq__(self, *args):
8907 """__eq__(SBTypeFormat self, SBTypeFormat rhs) -> bool""" 8908 return _lldb.SBTypeFormat___eq__(self, *args)
8910 - def __ne__(self, *args):
8911 """__ne__(SBTypeFormat self, SBTypeFormat rhs) -> bool""" 8912 return _lldb.SBTypeFormat___ne__(self, *args)
8913 8914 __swig_getmethods__["format"] = GetFormat 8915 __swig_setmethods__["format"] = SetFormat 8916 if _newclass: format = property(GetFormat, SetFormat) 8917 8918 __swig_getmethods__["options"] = GetOptions 8919 __swig_setmethods__["options"] = SetOptions 8920 if _newclass: options = property(GetOptions, SetOptions) 8921
8922 - def __str__(self):
8923 """__str__(SBTypeFormat self) -> PyObject *""" 8924 return _lldb.SBTypeFormat___str__(self)
8925 8926 SBTypeFormat_swigregister = _lldb.SBTypeFormat_swigregister 8927 SBTypeFormat_swigregister(SBTypeFormat)
8928 8929 -class SBTypeNameSpecifier(_object):
8930 """ 8931 Represents a general way to provide a type name to LLDB APIs. 8932 8933 """ 8934 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 8935 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBTypeNameSpecifier, name, value) 8936 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 8937 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBTypeNameSpecifier, name) 8938 __repr__ = _swig_repr
8939 - def __init__(self, *args):
8940 """ 8941 __init__(lldb::SBTypeNameSpecifier self) -> SBTypeNameSpecifier 8942 __init__(lldb::SBTypeNameSpecifier self, str const * name, bool is_regex=False) -> SBTypeNameSpecifier 8943 __init__(lldb::SBTypeNameSpecifier self, str const * name) -> SBTypeNameSpecifier 8944 __init__(lldb::SBTypeNameSpecifier self, SBType type) -> SBTypeNameSpecifier 8945 __init__(lldb::SBTypeNameSpecifier self, SBTypeNameSpecifier rhs) -> SBTypeNameSpecifier 8946 """ 8947 this = _lldb.new_SBTypeNameSpecifier(*args) 8948 try: self.this.append(this) 8949 except: self.this = this
8950 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBTypeNameSpecifier 8951 __del__ = lambda self : None;
8952 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
8953 - def IsValid(self):
8954 """IsValid(SBTypeNameSpecifier self) -> bool""" 8955 return _lldb.SBTypeNameSpecifier_IsValid(self)
8957 - def IsEqualTo(self, *args):
8958 """IsEqualTo(SBTypeNameSpecifier self, SBTypeNameSpecifier rhs) -> bool""" 8959 return _lldb.SBTypeNameSpecifier_IsEqualTo(self, *args)
8961 - def GetName(self):
8962 """GetName(SBTypeNameSpecifier self) -> str const *""" 8963 return _lldb.SBTypeNameSpecifier_GetName(self)
8965 - def GetType(self):
8966 """GetType(SBTypeNameSpecifier self) -> SBType""" 8967 return _lldb.SBTypeNameSpecifier_GetType(self)
8969 - def IsRegex(self):
8970 """IsRegex(SBTypeNameSpecifier self) -> bool""" 8971 return _lldb.SBTypeNameSpecifier_IsRegex(self)
8973 - def GetDescription(self, *args):
8974 """GetDescription(SBTypeNameSpecifier self, SBStream description, lldb::DescriptionLevel description_level) -> bool""" 8975 return _lldb.SBTypeNameSpecifier_GetDescription(self, *args)
8977 - def __eq__(self, *args):
8978 """__eq__(SBTypeNameSpecifier self, SBTypeNameSpecifier rhs) -> bool""" 8979 return _lldb.SBTypeNameSpecifier___eq__(self, *args)
8981 - def __ne__(self, *args):
8982 """__ne__(SBTypeNameSpecifier self, SBTypeNameSpecifier rhs) -> bool""" 8983 return _lldb.SBTypeNameSpecifier___ne__(self, *args)
8984 8985 __swig_getmethods__["name"] = GetName 8986 if _newclass: name = property(GetName, None) 8987 8988 __swig_getmethods__["is_regex"] = IsRegex 8989 if _newclass: is_regex = property(IsRegex, None) 8990
8991 - def __str__(self):
8992 """__str__(SBTypeNameSpecifier self) -> PyObject *""" 8993 return _lldb.SBTypeNameSpecifier___str__(self)
8995 - def __eq__(self, rhs):
8996 if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)): 8997 return False 8998 8999 return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___eq__")(self, rhs)
9001 - def __ne__(self, rhs):
9002 if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)): 9003 return True 9004 9005 return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___ne__")(self, rhs)
9006 9007 SBTypeNameSpecifier_swigregister = _lldb.SBTypeNameSpecifier_swigregister 9008 SBTypeNameSpecifier_swigregister(SBTypeNameSpecifier)
9009 9010 -class SBTypeSummary(_object):
9011 """ 9012 Represents a summary that can be associated to one or more types. 9013 9014 """ 9015 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 9016 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBTypeSummary, name, value) 9017 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 9018 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBTypeSummary, name) 9019 __repr__ = _swig_repr
9020 - def CreateWithSummaryString(*args):
9021 """ 9022 CreateWithSummaryString(str const * data, uint32_t options=0) -> SBTypeSummary 9023 CreateWithSummaryString(str const * data) -> SBTypeSummary 9024 """ 9025 return _lldb.SBTypeSummary_CreateWithSummaryString(*args)
9026 9027 if _newclass:CreateWithSummaryString = staticmethod(CreateWithSummaryString) 9028 __swig_getmethods__["CreateWithSummaryString"] = lambda x: CreateWithSummaryString
9029 - def CreateWithFunctionName(*args):
9030 """ 9031 CreateWithFunctionName(str const * data, uint32_t options=0) -> SBTypeSummary 9032 CreateWithFunctionName(str const * data) -> SBTypeSummary 9033 """ 9034 return _lldb.SBTypeSummary_CreateWithFunctionName(*args)
9035 9036 if _newclass:CreateWithFunctionName = staticmethod(CreateWithFunctionName) 9037 __swig_getmethods__["CreateWithFunctionName"] = lambda x: CreateWithFunctionName
9038 - def CreateWithScriptCode(*args):
9039 """ 9040 CreateWithScriptCode(str const * data, uint32_t options=0) -> SBTypeSummary 9041 CreateWithScriptCode(str const * data) -> SBTypeSummary 9042 """ 9043 return _lldb.SBTypeSummary_CreateWithScriptCode(*args)
9044 9045 if _newclass:CreateWithScriptCode = staticmethod(CreateWithScriptCode) 9046 __swig_getmethods__["CreateWithScriptCode"] = lambda x: CreateWithScriptCode
9047 - def __init__(self, *args):
9048 """ 9049 __init__(lldb::SBTypeSummary self) -> SBTypeSummary 9050 __init__(lldb::SBTypeSummary self, SBTypeSummary rhs) -> SBTypeSummary 9051 """ 9052 this = _lldb.new_SBTypeSummary(*args) 9053 try: self.this.append(this) 9054 except: self.this = this
9055 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBTypeSummary 9056 __del__ = lambda self : None;
9057 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
9058 - def IsValid(self):
9059 """IsValid(SBTypeSummary self) -> bool""" 9060 return _lldb.SBTypeSummary_IsValid(self)
9062 - def IsEqualTo(self, *args):
9063 """IsEqualTo(SBTypeSummary self, SBTypeSummary rhs) -> bool""" 9064 return _lldb.SBTypeSummary_IsEqualTo(self, *args)
9066 - def IsFunctionCode(self):
9067 """IsFunctionCode(SBTypeSummary self) -> bool""" 9068 return _lldb.SBTypeSummary_IsFunctionCode(self)
9070 - def IsFunctionName(self):
9071 """IsFunctionName(SBTypeSummary self) -> bool""" 9072 return _lldb.SBTypeSummary_IsFunctionName(self)
9074 - def IsSummaryString(self):
9075 """IsSummaryString(SBTypeSummary self) -> bool""" 9076 return _lldb.SBTypeSummary_IsSummaryString(self)
9078 - def GetData(self):
9079 """GetData(SBTypeSummary self) -> str const *""" 9080 return _lldb.SBTypeSummary_GetData(self)
9082 - def SetSummaryString(self, *args):
9083 """SetSummaryString(SBTypeSummary self, str const * data)""" 9084 return _lldb.SBTypeSummary_SetSummaryString(self, *args)
9086 - def SetFunctionName(self, *args):
9087 """SetFunctionName(SBTypeSummary self, str const * data)""" 9088 return _lldb.SBTypeSummary_SetFunctionName(self, *args)
9090 - def SetFunctionCode(self, *args):
9091 """SetFunctionCode(SBTypeSummary self, str const * data)""" 9092 return _lldb.SBTypeSummary_SetFunctionCode(self, *args)
9094 - def GetOptions(self):
9095 """GetOptions(SBTypeSummary self) -> uint32_t""" 9096 return _lldb.SBTypeSummary_GetOptions(self)
9098 - def SetOptions(self, *args):
9099 """SetOptions(SBTypeSummary self, uint32_t arg2)""" 9100 return _lldb.SBTypeSummary_SetOptions(self, *args)
9102 - def GetDescription(self, *args):
9103 """GetDescription(SBTypeSummary self, SBStream description, lldb::DescriptionLevel description_level) -> bool""" 9104 return _lldb.SBTypeSummary_GetDescription(self, *args)
9106 - def __eq__(self, *args):
9107 """__eq__(SBTypeSummary self, SBTypeSummary rhs) -> bool""" 9108 return _lldb.SBTypeSummary___eq__(self, *args)
9110 - def __ne__(self, *args):
9111 """__ne__(SBTypeSummary self, SBTypeSummary rhs) -> bool""" 9112 return _lldb.SBTypeSummary___ne__(self, *args)
9113 9114 __swig_getmethods__["options"] = GetOptions 9115 __swig_setmethods__["options"] = SetOptions 9116 if _newclass: options = property(GetOptions, SetOptions) 9117 9118 __swig_getmethods__["is_summary_string"] = IsSummaryString 9119 if _newclass: is_summary_string = property(IsSummaryString, None) 9120 9121 __swig_getmethods__["is_function_name"] = IsFunctionName 9122 if _newclass: is_function_name = property(IsFunctionName, None) 9123 9124 __swig_getmethods__["is_function_name"] = IsFunctionCode 9125 if _newclass: is_function_name = property(IsFunctionCode, None) 9126 9127 __swig_getmethods__["summary_data"] = GetData 9128 if _newclass: summary_data = property(GetData, None) 9129
9130 - def __str__(self):
9131 """__str__(SBTypeSummary self) -> PyObject *""" 9132 return _lldb.SBTypeSummary___str__(self)
9134 - def __eq__(self, rhs):
9135 if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)): 9136 return False 9137 9138 return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___eq__")(self, rhs)
9140 - def __ne__(self, rhs):
9141 if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)): 9142 return True 9143 9144 return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___ne__")(self, rhs)
9145 9146 SBTypeSummary_swigregister = _lldb.SBTypeSummary_swigregister 9147 SBTypeSummary_swigregister(SBTypeSummary)
9148 9149 -def SBTypeSummary_CreateWithSummaryString(*args):
9150 """ 9151 CreateWithSummaryString(char const * data, uint32_t options=0) -> SBTypeSummary 9152 SBTypeSummary_CreateWithSummaryString(char const * data) -> SBTypeSummary 9153 """ 9154 return _lldb.SBTypeSummary_CreateWithSummaryString(*args)
9156 -def SBTypeSummary_CreateWithFunctionName(*args):
9157 """ 9158 CreateWithFunctionName(char const * data, uint32_t options=0) -> SBTypeSummary 9159 SBTypeSummary_CreateWithFunctionName(char const * data) -> SBTypeSummary 9160 """ 9161 return _lldb.SBTypeSummary_CreateWithFunctionName(*args)
9163 -def SBTypeSummary_CreateWithScriptCode(*args):
9164 """ 9165 CreateWithScriptCode(char const * data, uint32_t options=0) -> SBTypeSummary 9166 SBTypeSummary_CreateWithScriptCode(char const * data) -> SBTypeSummary 9167 """ 9168 return _lldb.SBTypeSummary_CreateWithScriptCode(*args)
9170 -class SBTypeSynthetic(_object):
9171 """ 9172 Represents a summary that can be associated to one or more types. 9173 9174 """ 9175 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 9176 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBTypeSynthetic, name, value) 9177 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 9178 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBTypeSynthetic, name) 9179 __repr__ = _swig_repr
9180 - def CreateWithClassName(*args):
9181 """ 9182 CreateWithClassName(str const * data, uint32_t options=0) -> SBTypeSynthetic 9183 CreateWithClassName(str const * data) -> SBTypeSynthetic 9184 """ 9185 return _lldb.SBTypeSynthetic_CreateWithClassName(*args)
9186 9187 if _newclass:CreateWithClassName = staticmethod(CreateWithClassName) 9188 __swig_getmethods__["CreateWithClassName"] = lambda x: CreateWithClassName
9189 - def CreateWithScriptCode(*args):
9190 """ 9191 CreateWithScriptCode(str const * data, uint32_t options=0) -> SBTypeSynthetic 9192 CreateWithScriptCode(str const * data) -> SBTypeSynthetic 9193 """ 9194 return _lldb.SBTypeSynthetic_CreateWithScriptCode(*args)
9195 9196 if _newclass:CreateWithScriptCode = staticmethod(CreateWithScriptCode) 9197 __swig_getmethods__["CreateWithScriptCode"] = lambda x: CreateWithScriptCode
9198 - def __init__(self, *args):
9199 """ 9200 __init__(lldb::SBTypeSynthetic self) -> SBTypeSynthetic 9201 __init__(lldb::SBTypeSynthetic self, SBTypeSynthetic rhs) -> SBTypeSynthetic 9202 """ 9203 this = _lldb.new_SBTypeSynthetic(*args) 9204 try: self.this.append(this) 9205 except: self.this = this
9206 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBTypeSynthetic 9207 __del__ = lambda self : None;
9208 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
9209 - def IsValid(self):
9210 """IsValid(SBTypeSynthetic self) -> bool""" 9211 return _lldb.SBTypeSynthetic_IsValid(self)
9213 - def IsEqualTo(self, *args):
9214 """IsEqualTo(SBTypeSynthetic self, SBTypeSynthetic rhs) -> bool""" 9215 return _lldb.SBTypeSynthetic_IsEqualTo(self, *args)
9217 - def IsClassCode(self):
9218 """IsClassCode(SBTypeSynthetic self) -> bool""" 9219 return _lldb.SBTypeSynthetic_IsClassCode(self)
9221 - def GetData(self):
9222 """GetData(SBTypeSynthetic self) -> str const *""" 9223 return _lldb.SBTypeSynthetic_GetData(self)
9225 - def SetClassName(self, *args):
9226 """SetClassName(SBTypeSynthetic self, str const * data)""" 9227 return _lldb.SBTypeSynthetic_SetClassName(self, *args)
9229 - def SetClassCode(self, *args):
9230 """SetClassCode(SBTypeSynthetic self, str const * data)""" 9231 return _lldb.SBTypeSynthetic_SetClassCode(self, *args)
9233 - def GetOptions(self):
9234 """GetOptions(SBTypeSynthetic self) -> uint32_t""" 9235 return _lldb.SBTypeSynthetic_GetOptions(self)
9237 - def SetOptions(self, *args):
9238 """SetOptions(SBTypeSynthetic self, uint32_t arg2)""" 9239 return _lldb.SBTypeSynthetic_SetOptions(self, *args)
9241 - def GetDescription(self, *args):
9242 """GetDescription(SBTypeSynthetic self, SBStream description, lldb::DescriptionLevel description_level) -> bool""" 9243 return _lldb.SBTypeSynthetic_GetDescription(self, *args)
9245 - def __eq__(self, *args):
9246 """__eq__(SBTypeSynthetic self, SBTypeSynthetic rhs) -> bool""" 9247 return _lldb.SBTypeSynthetic___eq__(self, *args)
9249 - def __ne__(self, *args):
9250 """__ne__(SBTypeSynthetic self, SBTypeSynthetic rhs) -> bool""" 9251 return _lldb.SBTypeSynthetic___ne__(self, *args)
9252 9253 __swig_getmethods__["options"] = GetOptions 9254 __swig_setmethods__["options"] = SetOptions 9255 if _newclass: options = property(GetOptions, SetOptions) 9256 9257 __swig_getmethods__["contains_code"] = IsClassCode 9258 if _newclass: contains_code = property(IsClassCode, None) 9259 9260 __swig_getmethods__["synthetic_data"] = GetData 9261 if _newclass: synthetic_data = property(GetData, None) 9262
9263 - def __str__(self):
9264 """__str__(SBTypeSynthetic self) -> PyObject *""" 9265 return _lldb.SBTypeSynthetic___str__(self)
9267 - def __eq__(self, rhs):
9268 if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)): 9269 return False 9270 9271 return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___eq__")(self, rhs)
9273 - def __ne__(self, rhs):
9274 if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)): 9275 return True 9276 9277 return getattr(_lldb,self.__class__.__name__+"___ne__")(self, rhs)
9278 9279 SBTypeSynthetic_swigregister = _lldb.SBTypeSynthetic_swigregister 9280 SBTypeSynthetic_swigregister(SBTypeSynthetic)
9281 9282 -def SBTypeSynthetic_CreateWithClassName(*args):
9283 """ 9284 CreateWithClassName(char const * data, uint32_t options=0) -> SBTypeSynthetic 9285 SBTypeSynthetic_CreateWithClassName(char const * data) -> SBTypeSynthetic 9286 """ 9287 return _lldb.SBTypeSynthetic_CreateWithClassName(*args)
9289 -def SBTypeSynthetic_CreateWithScriptCode(*args):
9290 """ 9291 CreateWithScriptCode(char const * data, uint32_t options=0) -> SBTypeSynthetic 9292 SBTypeSynthetic_CreateWithScriptCode(char const * data) -> SBTypeSynthetic 9293 """ 9294 return _lldb.SBTypeSynthetic_CreateWithScriptCode(*args)
9296 -class SBValue(_object):
9297 """ 9298 Represents the value of a variable, a register, or an expression. 9299 9300 SBValue supports iteration through its child, which in turn is represented 9301 as an SBValue. For example, we can get the general purpose registers of a 9302 frame as an SBValue, and iterate through all the registers, 9303 9304 registerSet = frame.GetRegisters() # Returns an SBValueList. 9305 for regs in registerSet: 9306 if 'general purpose registers' in regs.getName().lower(): 9307 GPRs = regs 9308 break 9309 9310 print '%s (number of children = %d):' % (GPRs.GetName(), GPRs.GetNumChildren()) 9311 for reg in GPRs: 9312 print 'Name: ', reg.GetName(), ' Value: ', reg.GetValue() 9313 9314 produces the output: 9315 9316 General Purpose Registers (number of children = 21): 9317 Name: rax Value: 0x0000000100000c5c 9318 Name: rbx Value: 0x0000000000000000 9319 Name: rcx Value: 0x00007fff5fbffec0 9320 Name: rdx Value: 0x00007fff5fbffeb8 9321 Name: rdi Value: 0x0000000000000001 9322 Name: rsi Value: 0x00007fff5fbffea8 9323 Name: rbp Value: 0x00007fff5fbffe80 9324 Name: rsp Value: 0x00007fff5fbffe60 9325 Name: r8 Value: 0x0000000008668682 9326 Name: r9 Value: 0x0000000000000000 9327 Name: r10 Value: 0x0000000000001200 9328 Name: r11 Value: 0x0000000000000206 9329 Name: r12 Value: 0x0000000000000000 9330 Name: r13 Value: 0x0000000000000000 9331 Name: r14 Value: 0x0000000000000000 9332 Name: r15 Value: 0x0000000000000000 9333 Name: rip Value: 0x0000000100000dae 9334 Name: rflags Value: 0x0000000000000206 9335 Name: cs Value: 0x0000000000000027 9336 Name: fs Value: 0x0000000000000010 9337 Name: gs Value: 0x0000000000000048 9338 9339 See also linked_list_iter() for another perspective on how to iterate through an 9340 SBValue instance which interprets the value object as representing the head of a 9341 linked list. 9342 """ 9343 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 9344 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBValue, name, value) 9345 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 9346 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBValue, name) 9347 __repr__ = _swig_repr
9348 - def __iter__(self): return lldb_iter(self, 'GetNumChildren', 'GetChildAtIndex')
9349 - def __len__(self): return self.GetNumChildren()
9351 - def __eol_test__(val):
9352 """Default function for end of list test takes an SBValue object. 9353 9354 Return True if val is invalid or it corresponds to a null pointer. 9355 Otherwise, return False. 9356 """ 9357 if not val or val.GetValueAsUnsigned() == 0: 9358 return True 9359 else: 9360 return False
9361 9362 # ================================================== 9363 # Iterator for lldb.SBValue treated as a linked list 9364 # ==================================================
9365 - def linked_list_iter(self, next_item_name, end_of_list_test=__eol_test__):
9366 """Generator adaptor to support iteration for SBValue as a linked list. 9367 9368 linked_list_iter() is a special purpose iterator to treat the SBValue as 9369 the head of a list data structure, where you specify the child member 9370 name which points to the next item on the list and you specify the 9371 end-of-list test function which takes an SBValue for an item and returns 9372 True if EOL is reached and False if not. 9373 9374 linked_list_iter() also detects infinite loop and bails out early. 9375 9376 The end_of_list_test arg, if omitted, defaults to the __eol_test__ 9377 function above. 9378 9379 For example, 9380 9381 # Get Frame #0. 9382 ... 9383 9384 # Get variable 'task_head'. 9385 task_head = frame0.FindVariable('task_head') 9386 ... 9387 9388 for t in task_head.linked_list_iter('next'): 9389 print t 9390 """ 9391 if end_of_list_test(self): 9392 return 9393 item = self 9394 visited = set() 9395 try: 9396 while not end_of_list_test(item) and not item.GetValueAsUnsigned() in visited: 9397 visited.add(item.GetValueAsUnsigned()) 9398 yield item 9399 # Prepare for the next iteration. 9400 item = item.GetChildMemberWithName(next_item_name) 9401 except: 9402 # Exception occurred. Stop the generator. 9403 pass 9404 9405 return
9407 - def __init__(self, *args):
9408 """ 9409 __init__(lldb::SBValue self) -> SBValue 9410 __init__(lldb::SBValue self, SBValue rhs) -> SBValue 9411 """ 9412 this = _lldb.new_SBValue(*args) 9413 try: self.this.append(this) 9414 except: self.this = this
9415 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBValue 9416 __del__ = lambda self : None;
9417 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
9418 - def IsValid(self):
9419 """IsValid(SBValue self) -> bool""" 9420 return _lldb.SBValue_IsValid(self)
9422 - def Clear(self):
9423 """Clear(SBValue self)""" 9424 return _lldb.SBValue_Clear(self)
9426 - def GetError(self):
9427 """GetError(SBValue self) -> SBError""" 9428 return _lldb.SBValue_GetError(self)
9430 - def GetID(self):
9431 """GetID(SBValue self) -> lldb::user_id_t""" 9432 return _lldb.SBValue_GetID(self)
9434 - def GetName(self):
9435 """GetName(SBValue self) -> str const *""" 9436 return _lldb.SBValue_GetName(self)
9438 - def GetTypeName(self):
9439 """GetTypeName(SBValue self) -> str const *""" 9440 return _lldb.SBValue_GetTypeName(self)
9442 - def GetByteSize(self):
9443 """GetByteSize(SBValue self) -> size_t""" 9444 return _lldb.SBValue_GetByteSize(self)
9446 - def IsInScope(self):
9447 """IsInScope(SBValue self) -> bool""" 9448 return _lldb.SBValue_IsInScope(self)
9450 - def GetFormat(self):
9451 """GetFormat(SBValue self) -> lldb::Format""" 9452 return _lldb.SBValue_GetFormat(self)
9454 - def SetFormat(self, *args):
9455 """SetFormat(SBValue self, lldb::Format format)""" 9456 return _lldb.SBValue_SetFormat(self, *args)
9458 - def GetValue(self):
9459 """GetValue(SBValue self) -> str const *""" 9460 return _lldb.SBValue_GetValue(self)
9462 - def GetValueAsSigned(self, *args):
9463 """ 9464 GetValueAsSigned(SBValue self, SBError error, int64_t fail_value=0) -> int64_t 9465 GetValueAsSigned(SBValue self, SBError error) -> int64_t 9466 GetValueAsSigned(SBValue self, int64_t fail_value=0) -> int64_t 9467 GetValueAsSigned(SBValue self) -> int64_t 9468 """ 9469 return _lldb.SBValue_GetValueAsSigned(self, *args)
9471 - def GetValueAsUnsigned(self, *args):
9472 """ 9473 GetValueAsUnsigned(SBValue self, SBError error, uint64_t fail_value=0) -> uint64_t 9474 GetValueAsUnsigned(SBValue self, SBError error) -> uint64_t 9475 GetValueAsUnsigned(SBValue self, uint64_t fail_value=0) -> uint64_t 9476 GetValueAsUnsigned(SBValue self) -> uint64_t 9477 """ 9478 return _lldb.SBValue_GetValueAsUnsigned(self, *args)
9480 - def GetValueType(self):
9481 """GetValueType(SBValue self) -> lldb::ValueType""" 9482 return _lldb.SBValue_GetValueType(self)
9484 - def GetValueDidChange(self):
9485 """GetValueDidChange(SBValue self) -> bool""" 9486 return _lldb.SBValue_GetValueDidChange(self)
9488 - def GetSummary(self):
9489 """GetSummary(SBValue self) -> str const *""" 9490 return _lldb.SBValue_GetSummary(self)
9492 - def GetObjectDescription(self):
9493 """GetObjectDescription(SBValue self) -> str const *""" 9494 return _lldb.SBValue_GetObjectDescription(self)
9496 - def GetDynamicValue(self, *args):
9497 """GetDynamicValue(SBValue self, lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic) -> SBValue""" 9498 return _lldb.SBValue_GetDynamicValue(self, *args)
9500 - def GetStaticValue(self):
9501 """GetStaticValue(SBValue self) -> SBValue""" 9502 return _lldb.SBValue_GetStaticValue(self)
9504 - def GetNonSyntheticValue(self):
9505 """GetNonSyntheticValue(SBValue self) -> SBValue""" 9506 return _lldb.SBValue_GetNonSyntheticValue(self)
9508 - def GetPreferDynamicValue(self):
9509 """GetPreferDynamicValue(SBValue self) -> lldb::DynamicValueType""" 9510 return _lldb.SBValue_GetPreferDynamicValue(self)
9512 - def SetPreferDynamicValue(self, *args):
9513 """SetPreferDynamicValue(SBValue self, lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic)""" 9514 return _lldb.SBValue_SetPreferDynamicValue(self, *args)
9516 - def GetPreferSyntheticValue(self):
9517 """GetPreferSyntheticValue(SBValue self) -> bool""" 9518 return _lldb.SBValue_GetPreferSyntheticValue(self)
9520 - def SetPreferSyntheticValue(self, *args):
9521 """SetPreferSyntheticValue(SBValue self, bool use_synthetic)""" 9522 return _lldb.SBValue_SetPreferSyntheticValue(self, *args)
9524 - def IsDynamic(self):
9525 """IsDynamic(SBValue self) -> bool""" 9526 return _lldb.SBValue_IsDynamic(self)
9528 - def IsSynthetic(self):
9529 """IsSynthetic(SBValue self) -> bool""" 9530 return _lldb.SBValue_IsSynthetic(self)
9532 - def GetLocation(self):
9533 """GetLocation(SBValue self) -> str const *""" 9534 return _lldb.SBValue_GetLocation(self)
9536 - def SetValueFromCString(self, *args):
9537 """ 9538 SetValueFromCString(SBValue self, str const * value_str) -> bool 9539 SetValueFromCString(SBValue self, str const * value_str, SBError error) -> bool 9540 """ 9541 return _lldb.SBValue_SetValueFromCString(self, *args)
9543 - def GetTypeFormat(self):
9544 """GetTypeFormat(SBValue self) -> SBTypeFormat""" 9545 return _lldb.SBValue_GetTypeFormat(self)
9547 - def GetTypeSummary(self):
9548 """GetTypeSummary(SBValue self) -> SBTypeSummary""" 9549 return _lldb.SBValue_GetTypeSummary(self)
9551 - def GetTypeFilter(self):
9552 """GetTypeFilter(SBValue self) -> SBTypeFilter""" 9553 return _lldb.SBValue_GetTypeFilter(self)
9555 - def GetTypeSynthetic(self):
9556 """GetTypeSynthetic(SBValue self) -> SBTypeSynthetic""" 9557 return _lldb.SBValue_GetTypeSynthetic(self)
9559 - def GetChildAtIndex(self, *args):
9560 """ 9561 GetChildAtIndex(SBValue self, uint32_t idx) -> SBValue 9562 GetChildAtIndex(SBValue self, uint32_t idx, lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic, bool can_create_synthetic) -> SBValue 9563 9564 Get a child value by index from a value. 9565 9566 Structs, unions, classes, arrays and and pointers have child 9567 values that can be access by index. 9568 9569 Structs and unions access child members using a zero based index 9570 for each child member. For 9571 9572 Classes reserve the first indexes for base classes that have 9573 members (empty base classes are omitted), and all members of the 9574 current class will then follow the base classes. 9575 9576 Pointers differ depending on what they point to. If the pointer 9577 points to a simple type, the child at index zero 9578 is the only child value available, unless synthetic_allowed 9579 is true, in which case the pointer will be used as an array 9580 and can create 'synthetic' child values using positive or 9581 negative indexes. If the pointer points to an aggregate type 9582 (an array, class, union, struct), then the pointee is 9583 transparently skipped and any children are going to be the indexes 9584 of the child values within the aggregate type. For example if 9585 we have a 'Point' type and we have a SBValue that contains a 9586 pointer to a 'Point' type, then the child at index zero will be 9587 the 'x' member, and the child at index 1 will be the 'y' member 9588 (the child at index zero won't be a 'Point' instance). 9589 9590 Arrays have a preset number of children that can be accessed by 9591 index and will returns invalid child values for indexes that are 9592 out of bounds unless the synthetic_allowed is true. In this 9593 case the array can create 'synthetic' child values for indexes 9594 that aren't in the array bounds using positive or negative 9595 indexes. 9596 9597 @param[in] idx 9598 The index of the child value to get 9599 9600 @param[in] use_dynamic 9601 An enumeration that specifies wether to get dynamic values, 9602 and also if the target can be run to figure out the dynamic 9603 type of the child value. 9604 9605 @param[in] synthetic_allowed 9606 If true, then allow child values to be created by index 9607 for pointers and arrays for indexes that normally wouldn't 9608 be allowed. 9609 9610 @return 9611 A new SBValue object that represents the child member value. 9612 """ 9613 return _lldb.SBValue_GetChildAtIndex(self, *args)
9615 - def CreateChildAtOffset(self, *args):
9616 """CreateChildAtOffset(SBValue self, str const * name, uint32_t offset, SBType type) -> SBValue""" 9617 return _lldb.SBValue_CreateChildAtOffset(self, *args)
9619 - def Cast(self, *args):
9620 """Cast(SBValue self, SBType type) -> SBValue""" 9621 return _lldb.SBValue_Cast(self, *args)
9623 - def CreateValueFromExpression(self, *args):
9624 """ 9625 CreateValueFromExpression(SBValue self, str const * name, str const * expression) -> SBValue 9626 CreateValueFromExpression(SBValue self, str const * name, str const * expression, SBExpressionOptions options) -> SBValue 9627 """ 9628 return _lldb.SBValue_CreateValueFromExpression(self, *args)
9630 - def CreateValueFromAddress(self, *args):
9631 """CreateValueFromAddress(SBValue self, str const * name, lldb::addr_t address, SBType type) -> SBValue""" 9632 return _lldb.SBValue_CreateValueFromAddress(self, *args)
9634 - def CreateValueFromData(self, *args):
9635 """CreateValueFromData(SBValue self, str const * name, SBData data, SBType type) -> SBValue""" 9636 return _lldb.SBValue_CreateValueFromData(self, *args)
9638 - def GetType(self):
9639 """GetType(SBValue self) -> SBType""" 9640 return _lldb.SBValue_GetType(self)
9642 - def GetIndexOfChildWithName(self, *args):
9643 """ 9644 GetIndexOfChildWithName(SBValue self, str const * name) -> uint32_t 9645 9646 Returns the child member index. 9647 9648 Matches children of this object only and will match base classes and 9649 member names if this is a clang typed object. 9650 9651 @param[in] name 9652 The name of the child value to get 9653 9654 @return 9655 An index to the child member value. 9656 """ 9657 return _lldb.SBValue_GetIndexOfChildWithName(self, *args)
9659 - def GetChildMemberWithName(self, *args):
9660 """ 9661 GetChildMemberWithName(SBValue self, str const * name) -> SBValue 9662 GetChildMemberWithName(SBValue self, str const * name, lldb::DynamicValueType use_dynamic) -> SBValue 9663 9664 Returns the child member value. 9665 9666 Matches child members of this object and child members of any base 9667 classes. 9668 9669 @param[in] name 9670 The name of the child value to get 9671 9672 @param[in] use_dynamic 9673 An enumeration that specifies wether to get dynamic values, 9674 and also if the target can be run to figure out the dynamic 9675 type of the child value. 9676 9677 @return 9678 A new SBValue object that represents the child member value. 9679 """ 9680 return _lldb.SBValue_GetChildMemberWithName(self, *args)
9682 - def GetValueForExpressionPath(self, *args):
9683 """ 9684 GetValueForExpressionPath(SBValue self, str const * expr_path) -> SBValue 9685 9686 Expands nested expressions like .a->b[0].c[1]->d. 9687 """ 9688 return _lldb.SBValue_GetValueForExpressionPath(self, *args)
9690 - def GetDeclaration(self):
9691 """GetDeclaration(SBValue self) -> SBDeclaration""" 9692 return _lldb.SBValue_GetDeclaration(self)
9694 - def MightHaveChildren(self):
9695 """MightHaveChildren(SBValue self) -> bool""" 9696 return _lldb.SBValue_MightHaveChildren(self)
9698 - def GetNumChildren(self):
9699 """GetNumChildren(SBValue self) -> uint32_t""" 9700 return _lldb.SBValue_GetNumChildren(self)
9702 - def GetOpaqueType(self):
9703 """GetOpaqueType(SBValue self) -> void *""" 9704 return _lldb.SBValue_GetOpaqueType(self)
9706 - def Dereference(self):
9707 """Dereference(SBValue self) -> SBValue""" 9708 return _lldb.SBValue_Dereference(self)
9710 - def AddressOf(self):
9711 """AddressOf(SBValue self) -> SBValue""" 9712 return _lldb.SBValue_AddressOf(self)
9714 - def TypeIsPointerType(self):
9715 """TypeIsPointerType(SBValue self) -> bool""" 9716 return _lldb.SBValue_TypeIsPointerType(self)
9718 - def GetTarget(self):
9719 """GetTarget(SBValue self) -> SBTarget""" 9720 return _lldb.SBValue_GetTarget(self)
9722 - def GetProcess(self):
9723 """GetProcess(SBValue self) -> SBProcess""" 9724 return _lldb.SBValue_GetProcess(self)
9726 - def GetThread(self):
9727 """GetThread(SBValue self) -> SBThread""" 9728 return _lldb.SBValue_GetThread(self)
9730 - def GetFrame(self):
9731 """GetFrame(SBValue self) -> SBFrame""" 9732 return _lldb.SBValue_GetFrame(self)
9734 - def Watch(self, *args):
9735 """ 9736 Watch(SBValue self, bool resolve_location, bool read, bool write, SBError error) -> SBWatchpoint 9737 9738 Find and watch a variable. 9739 It returns an SBWatchpoint, which may be invalid. 9740 """ 9741 return _lldb.SBValue_Watch(self, *args)
9743 - def WatchPointee(self, *args):
9744 """ 9745 WatchPointee(SBValue self, bool resolve_location, bool read, bool write, SBError error) -> SBWatchpoint 9746 9747 Find and watch the location pointed to by a variable. 9748 It returns an SBWatchpoint, which may be invalid. 9749 """ 9750 return _lldb.SBValue_WatchPointee(self, *args)
9752 - def GetDescription(self, *args):
9753 """GetDescription(SBValue self, SBStream description) -> bool""" 9754 return _lldb.SBValue_GetDescription(self, *args)
9756 - def GetPointeeData(self, item_idx=0, item_count=1):
9757 """ 9758 GetPointeeData(SBValue self, uint32_t item_idx=0, uint32_t item_count=1) -> SBData 9759 GetPointeeData(SBValue self, uint32_t item_idx=0) -> SBData 9760 GetPointeeData(SBValue self) -> SBData 9761 9762 Get an SBData wrapping what this SBValue points to. 9763 9764 This method will dereference the current SBValue, if its 9765 data type is a T* or T[], and extract item_count elements 9766 of type T from it, copying their contents in an SBData. 9767 9768 @param[in] item_idx 9769 The index of the first item to retrieve. For an array 9770 this is equivalent to array[item_idx], for a pointer 9771 to *(pointer + item_idx). In either case, the measurement 9772 unit for item_idx is the sizeof(T) rather than the byte 9773 9774 @param[in] item_count 9775 How many items should be copied into the output. By default 9776 only one item is copied, but more can be asked for. 9777 9778 @return 9779 An SBData with the contents of the copied items, on success. 9780 An empty SBData otherwise. 9781 """ 9782 return _lldb.SBValue_GetPointeeData(self, item_idx, item_count)
9784 - def GetData(self):
9785 """ 9786 GetData(SBValue self) -> SBData 9787 9788 Get an SBData wrapping the contents of this SBValue. 9789 9790 This method will read the contents of this object in memory 9791 and copy them into an SBData for future use. 9792 9793 @return 9794 An SBData with the contents of this SBValue, on success. 9795 An empty SBData otherwise. 9796 """ 9797 return _lldb.SBValue_GetData(self)
9799 - def SetData(self, *args):
9800 """SetData(SBValue self, SBData data, SBError error) -> bool""" 9801 return _lldb.SBValue_SetData(self, *args)
9803 - def GetLoadAddress(self):
9804 """GetLoadAddress(SBValue self) -> lldb::addr_t""" 9805 return _lldb.SBValue_GetLoadAddress(self)
9807 - def GetAddress(self):
9808 """GetAddress(SBValue self) -> SBAddress""" 9809 return _lldb.SBValue_GetAddress(self)
9811 - def GetExpressionPath(self, *args):
9812 """ 9813 GetExpressionPath(SBValue self, SBStream description) -> bool 9814 GetExpressionPath(SBValue self, SBStream description, bool qualify_cxx_base_classes) -> bool 9815 9816 Returns an expression path for this value. 9817 """ 9818 return _lldb.SBValue_GetExpressionPath(self, *args)
9820 - def __get_dynamic__ (self):
9821 '''Helper function for the "SBValue.dynamic" property.''' 9822 return self.GetDynamicValue (eDynamicCanRunTarget)
9823 9824 __swig_getmethods__["name"] = GetName 9825 if _newclass: name = property(GetName, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the name of this value as a string.''') 9826 9827 __swig_getmethods__["type"] = GetType 9828 if _newclass: type = property(GetType, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a lldb.SBType object that represents the type for this value.''') 9829 9830 __swig_getmethods__["size"] = GetByteSize 9831 if _newclass: size = property(GetByteSize, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the size in bytes of this value.''') 9832 9833 __swig_getmethods__["is_in_scope"] = IsInScope 9834 if _newclass: is_in_scope = property(IsInScope, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a boolean value that indicates whether this value is currently lexically in scope.''') 9835 9836 __swig_getmethods__["format"] = GetFormat 9837 __swig_setmethods__["format"] = SetFormat 9838 if _newclass: format = property(GetName, SetFormat, doc='''A read/write property that gets/sets the format used for lldb.SBValue().GetValue() for this value. See enumerations that start with "lldb.eFormat".''') 9839 9840 __swig_getmethods__["value"] = GetValue 9841 __swig_setmethods__["value"] = SetValueFromCString 9842 if _newclass: value = property(GetValue, SetValueFromCString, doc='''A read/write property that gets/sets value from a string.''') 9843 9844 __swig_getmethods__["value_type"] = GetValueType 9845 if _newclass: value_type = property(GetValueType, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb enumeration value (see enumerations that start with "lldb.eValueType") that represents the type of this value (local, argument, global, register, etc.).''') 9846 9847 __swig_getmethods__["changed"] = GetValueDidChange 9848 if _newclass: changed = property(GetValueDidChange, None, doc='''A read only property that returns a boolean value that indicates if this value has changed since it was last updated.''') 9849 9850 __swig_getmethods__["data"] = GetData 9851 if _newclass: data = property(GetData, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb object (lldb.SBData) that represents the bytes that make up the value for this object.''') 9852 9853 __swig_getmethods__["load_addr"] = GetLoadAddress 9854 if _newclass: load_addr = property(GetLoadAddress, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the load address of this value as an integer.''') 9855 9856 __swig_getmethods__["addr"] = GetAddress 9857 if _newclass: addr = property(GetAddress, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb.SBAddress that represents the address of this value if it is in memory.''') 9858 9859 __swig_getmethods__["deref"] = Dereference 9860 if _newclass: deref = property(Dereference, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb.SBValue that is created by dereferencing this value.''') 9861 9862 __swig_getmethods__["address_of"] = AddressOf 9863 if _newclass: address_of = property(AddressOf, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb.SBValue that represents the address-of this value.''') 9864 9865 __swig_getmethods__["error"] = GetError 9866 if _newclass: error = property(GetError, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the lldb.SBError that represents the error from the last time the variable value was calculated.''') 9867 9868 __swig_getmethods__["summary"] = GetSummary 9869 if _newclass: summary = property(GetSummary, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the summary for this value as a string''') 9870 9871 __swig_getmethods__["description"] = GetObjectDescription 9872 if _newclass: description = property(GetObjectDescription, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the language-specific description of this value as a string''') 9873 9874 __swig_getmethods__["dynamic"] = __get_dynamic__ 9875 if _newclass: dynamic = property(__get_dynamic__, None, doc='''A read only property that returns an lldb.SBValue that is created by finding the dynamic type of this value.''') 9876 9877 __swig_getmethods__["location"] = GetLocation 9878 if _newclass: location = property(GetLocation, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the location of this value as a string.''') 9879 9880 __swig_getmethods__["target"] = GetTarget 9881 if _newclass: target = property(GetTarget, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the lldb.SBTarget that this value is associated with.''') 9882 9883 __swig_getmethods__["process"] = GetProcess 9884 if _newclass: process = property(GetProcess, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the lldb.SBProcess that this value is associated with, the returned value might be invalid and should be tested.''') 9885 9886 __swig_getmethods__["thread"] = GetThread 9887 if _newclass: thread = property(GetThread, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the lldb.SBThread that this value is associated with, the returned value might be invalid and should be tested.''') 9888 9889 __swig_getmethods__["frame"] = GetFrame 9890 if _newclass: frame = property(GetFrame, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the lldb.SBFrame that this value is associated with, the returned value might be invalid and should be tested.''') 9891 9892 __swig_getmethods__["num_children"] = GetNumChildren 9893 if _newclass: num_children = property(GetNumChildren, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the number of child lldb.SBValues that this value has.''') 9894 9895 __swig_getmethods__["unsigned"] = GetValueAsUnsigned 9896 if _newclass: unsigned = property(GetValueAsUnsigned, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the value of this SBValue as an usigned integer.''') 9897 9898 __swig_getmethods__["signed"] = GetValueAsSigned 9899 if _newclass: signed = property(GetValueAsSigned, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the value of this SBValue as a signed integer.''') 9900
9901 - def get_expr_path(self):
9902 s = SBStream() 9903 self.GetExpressionPath (s) 9904 return s.GetData()
9905 9906 __swig_getmethods__["path"] = get_expr_path 9907 if _newclass: path = property(get_expr_path, None, doc='''A read only property that returns the expression path that one can use to reach this value in an expression.''') 9908
9909 - def __str__(self):
9910 """__str__(SBValue self) -> PyObject *""" 9911 return _lldb.SBValue___str__(self)
9912 9913 SBValue_swigregister = _lldb.SBValue_swigregister 9914 SBValue_swigregister(SBValue)
9915 9916 -class SBValueList(_object):
9917 """ 9918 Represents a collection of SBValues. Both SBFrame's GetVariables() and 9919 GetRegisters() return a SBValueList. 9920 9921 SBValueList supports SBValue iteration. For example (from test/, 9922 9923 def get_registers(frame, kind): 9924 '''Returns the registers given the frame and the kind of registers desired. 9925 9926 Returns None if there's no such kind. 9927 ''' 9928 registerSet = frame.GetRegisters() # Return type of SBValueList. 9929 for value in registerSet: 9930 if kind.lower() in value.GetName().lower(): 9931 return value 9932 9933 return None 9934 9935 def get_GPRs(frame): 9936 '''Returns the general purpose registers of the frame as an SBValue. 9937 9938 The returned SBValue object is iterable. An example: 9939 ... 9940 from lldbutil import get_GPRs 9941 regs = get_GPRs(frame) 9942 for reg in regs: 9943 print '%s => %s' % (reg.GetName(), reg.GetValue()) 9944 ... 9945 ''' 9946 return get_registers(frame, 'general purpose') 9947 9948 def get_FPRs(frame): 9949 '''Returns the floating point registers of the frame as an SBValue. 9950 9951 The returned SBValue object is iterable. An example: 9952 ... 9953 from lldbutil import get_FPRs 9954 regs = get_FPRs(frame) 9955 for reg in regs: 9956 print '%s => %s' % (reg.GetName(), reg.GetValue()) 9957 ... 9958 ''' 9959 return get_registers(frame, 'floating point') 9960 9961 def get_ESRs(frame): 9962 '''Returns the exception state registers of the frame as an SBValue. 9963 9964 The returned SBValue object is iterable. An example: 9965 ... 9966 from lldbutil import get_ESRs 9967 regs = get_ESRs(frame) 9968 for reg in regs: 9969 print '%s => %s' % (reg.GetName(), reg.GetValue()) 9970 ... 9971 ''' 9972 return get_registers(frame, 'exception state') 9973 """ 9974 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 9975 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBValueList, name, value) 9976 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 9977 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBValueList, name) 9978 __repr__ = _swig_repr
9979 - def __iter__(self): return lldb_iter(self, 'GetSize', 'GetValueAtIndex')
9980 - def __len__(self): return self.GetSize()
9981 - def __init__(self, *args):
9982 """ 9983 __init__(lldb::SBValueList self) -> SBValueList 9984 __init__(lldb::SBValueList self, SBValueList rhs) -> SBValueList 9985 """ 9986 this = _lldb.new_SBValueList(*args) 9987 try: self.this.append(this) 9988 except: self.this = this
9989 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBValueList 9990 __del__ = lambda self : None;
9991 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
9992 - def IsValid(self):
9993 """IsValid(SBValueList self) -> bool""" 9994 return _lldb.SBValueList_IsValid(self)
9996 - def Clear(self):
9997 """Clear(SBValueList self)""" 9998 return _lldb.SBValueList_Clear(self)
10000 - def Append(self, *args):
10001 """ 10002 Append(SBValueList self, SBValue val_obj) 10003 Append(SBValueList self, SBValueList value_list) 10004 """ 10005 return _lldb.SBValueList_Append(self, *args)
10007 - def GetSize(self):
10008 """GetSize(SBValueList self) -> uint32_t""" 10009 return _lldb.SBValueList_GetSize(self)
10011 - def GetValueAtIndex(self, *args):
10012 """GetValueAtIndex(SBValueList self, uint32_t idx) -> SBValue""" 10013 return _lldb.SBValueList_GetValueAtIndex(self, *args)
10015 - def FindValueObjectByUID(self, *args):
10016 """FindValueObjectByUID(SBValueList self, lldb::user_id_t uid) -> SBValue""" 10017 return _lldb.SBValueList_FindValueObjectByUID(self, *args)
10019 - def __len__(self):
10020 return int(self.GetSize())
10022 - def __getitem__(self, key):
10023 count = len(self) 10024 #------------------------------------------------------------ 10025 # Access with "int" to get Nth item in the list 10026 #------------------------------------------------------------ 10027 if type(key) is int: 10028 if key < count: 10029 return self.GetValueAtIndex(key) 10030 #------------------------------------------------------------ 10031 # Access with "str" to get values by name 10032 #------------------------------------------------------------ 10033 elif type(key) is str: 10034 matches = [] 10035 for idx in range(count): 10036 value = self.GetValueAtIndex(idx) 10037 if == key: 10038 matches.append(value) 10039 return matches 10040 #------------------------------------------------------------ 10041 # Match with regex 10042 #------------------------------------------------------------ 10043 elif isinstance(key, type(re.compile('.'))): 10044 matches = [] 10045 for idx in range(count): 10046 value = self.GetValueAtIndex(idx) 10047 re_match = 10048 if re_match: 10049 matches.append(value) 10050 return matches
10051 10052
10053 - def __str__(self):
10054 """__str__(SBValueList self) -> PyObject *""" 10055 return _lldb.SBValueList___str__(self)
10056 10057 SBValueList_swigregister = _lldb.SBValueList_swigregister 10058 SBValueList_swigregister(SBValueList)
10059 10060 -class SBWatchpoint(_object):
10061 """ 10062 Represents an instance of watchpoint for a specific target program. 10063 10064 A watchpoint is determined by the address and the byte size that resulted in 10065 this particular instantiation. Each watchpoint has its settable options. 10066 10067 See also SBTarget.watchpoint_iter() for example usage of iterating through the 10068 watchpoints of the target. 10069 """ 10070 __swig_setmethods__ = {} 10071 __setattr__ = lambda self, name, value: _swig_setattr(self, SBWatchpoint, name, value) 10072 __swig_getmethods__ = {} 10073 __getattr__ = lambda self, name: _swig_getattr(self, SBWatchpoint, name) 10074 __repr__ = _swig_repr
10075 - def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, SBWatchpoint) and self.GetID() == other.GetID()
10076 - def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
10077 - def __init__(self, *args):
10078 """ 10079 __init__(lldb::SBWatchpoint self) -> SBWatchpoint 10080 __init__(lldb::SBWatchpoint self, SBWatchpoint rhs) -> SBWatchpoint 10081 """ 10082 this = _lldb.new_SBWatchpoint(*args) 10083 try: self.this.append(this) 10084 except: self.this = this
10085 __swig_destroy__ = _lldb.delete_SBWatchpoint 10086 __del__ = lambda self : None;
10087 - def __nonzero__(self): return self.IsValid()
10088 - def IsValid(self):
10089 """IsValid(SBWatchpoint self) -> bool""" 10090 return _lldb.SBWatchpoint_IsValid(self)
10092 - def GetError(self):
10093 """GetError(SBWatchpoint self) -> SBError""" 10094 return _lldb.SBWatchpoint_GetError(self)
10096 - def GetID(self):
10097 """GetID(SBWatchpoint self) -> lldb::watch_id_t""" 10098 return _lldb.SBWatchpoint_GetID(self)
10100 - def GetHardwareIndex(self):
10101 """ 10102 GetHardwareIndex(SBWatchpoint self) -> int32_t 10103 10104 With -1 representing an invalid hardware index. 10105 """ 10106 return _lldb.SBWatchpoint_GetHardwareIndex(self)
10108 - def GetWatchAddress(self):
10109 """GetWatchAddress(SBWatchpoint self) -> lldb::addr_t""" 10110 return _lldb.SBWatchpoint_GetWatchAddress(self)
10112 - def GetWatchSize(self):
10113 """GetWatchSize(SBWatchpoint self) -> size_t""" 10114 return _lldb.SBWatchpoint_GetWatchSize(self)
10116 - def SetEnabled(self, *args):
10117 """SetEnabled(SBWatchpoint self, bool enabled)""" 10118 return _lldb.SBWatchpoint_SetEnabled(self, *args)
10120 - def IsEnabled(self):
10121 """IsEnabled(SBWatchpoint self) -> bool""" 10122 return _lldb.SBWatchpoint_IsEnabled(self)
10124 - def GetHitCount(self):
10125 """GetHitCount(SBWatchpoint self) -> uint32_t""" 10126 return _lldb.SBWatchpoint_GetHitCount(self)
10128 - def GetIgnoreCount(self):
10129 """GetIgnoreCount(SBWatchpoint self) -> uint32_t""" 10130 return _lldb.SBWatchpoint_GetIgnoreCount(self)
10132 - def SetIgnoreCount(self, *args):
10133 """SetIgnoreCount(SBWatchpoint self, uint32_t n)""" 10134 return _lldb.SBWatchpoint_SetIgnoreCount(self, *args)
10136 - def GetCondition(self):
10137 """ 10138 GetCondition(SBWatchpoint self) -> str const * 10139 10140 Get the condition expression for the watchpoint. 10141 """ 10142 return _lldb.SBWatchpoint_GetCondition(self)
10144 - def SetCondition(self, *args):
10145 """ 10146 SetCondition(SBWatchpoint self, str const * condition) 10147 10148 The watchpoint stops only if the condition expression evaluates to true. 10149 """ 10150 return _lldb.SBWatchpoint_SetCondition(self, *args)
10152 - def GetDescription(self, *args):
10153 """GetDescription(SBWatchpoint self, SBStream description, lldb::DescriptionLevel level) -> bool""" 10154 return _lldb.SBWatchpoint_GetDescription(self, *args)
10156 - def EventIsWatchpointEvent(*args):
10157 """EventIsWatchpointEvent(SBEvent event) -> bool""" 10158 return _lldb.SBWatchpoint_EventIsWatchpointEvent(*args)
10159 10160 if _newclass:EventIsWatchpointEvent = staticmethod(EventIsWatchpointEvent) 10161 __swig_getmethods__["EventIsWatchpointEvent"] = lambda x: EventIsWatchpointEvent
10162 - def GetWatchpointEventTypeFromEvent(*args):
10163 """GetWatchpointEventTypeFromEvent(SBEvent event) -> lldb::WatchpointEventType""" 10164 return _lldb.SBWatchpoint_GetWatchpointEventTypeFromEvent(*args)
10165 10166 if _newclass:GetWatchpointEventTypeFromEvent = staticmethod(GetWatchpointEventTypeFromEvent) 10167 __swig_getmethods__["GetWatchpointEventTypeFromEvent"] = lambda x: GetWatchpointEventTypeFromEvent
10168 - def GetWatchpointFromEvent(*args):
10169 """GetWatchpointFromEvent(SBEvent event) -> SBWatchpoint""" 10170 return _lldb.SBWatchpoint_GetWatchpointFromEvent(*args)
10171 10172 if _newclass:GetWatchpointFromEvent = staticmethod(GetWatchpointFromEvent) 10173 __swig_getmethods__["GetWatchpointFromEvent"] = lambda x: GetWatchpointFromEvent
10174 - def __str__(self):
10175 """__str__(SBWatchpoint self) -> PyObject *""" 10176 return _lldb.SBWatchpoint___str__(self)
10177 10178 SBWatchpoint_swigregister = _lldb.SBWatchpoint_swigregister 10179 SBWatchpoint_swigregister(SBWatchpoint)
10180 10181 -def SBWatchpoint_EventIsWatchpointEvent(*args):
10182 """SBWatchpoint_EventIsWatchpointEvent(SBEvent event) -> bool""" 10183 return _lldb.SBWatchpoint_EventIsWatchpointEvent(*args)
10185 -def SBWatchpoint_GetWatchpointEventTypeFromEvent(*args):
10186 """SBWatchpoint_GetWatchpointEventTypeFromEvent(SBEvent event) -> lldb::WatchpointEventType""" 10187 return _lldb.SBWatchpoint_GetWatchpointEventTypeFromEvent(*args)
10189 -def SBWatchpoint_GetWatchpointFromEvent(*args):
10190 """SBWatchpoint_GetWatchpointFromEvent(SBEvent event) -> SBWatchpoint""" 10191 return _lldb.SBWatchpoint_GetWatchpointFromEvent(*args)
10193 -def command(*args, **kwargs):
10194 import lldb 10195 """A decorator function that registers an LLDB command line 10196 command that is bound to the function it is attached to.""" 10197 class obj(object): 10198 """The object that tracks adding the command to LLDB one time and handles 10199 calling the function on subsequent calls.""" 10200 def __init__(self, function, command_name, doc = None): 10201 if doc: 10202 function.__doc__ = doc 10203 command = "command script add -f %s.%s %s" % (function.__module__, function.__name__, command_name) 10204 lldb.debugger.HandleCommand(command) 10205 self.function = function
10206 def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): 10207 self.function(*args, **kwargs) 10208 def callable(function): 10209 """Creates a callable object that gets used.""" 10210 return obj(function, *args, **kwargs) 10211 return callable 10212
10213 -class declaration(object):
10214 '''A class that represents a source declaration location with file, line and column.'''
10215 - def __init__(self, file, line, col):
10216 self.file = file 10217 self.line = line 10218 self.col = col
10220 -class value_iter(object):
10221 - def __iter__(self):
10222 return self
10224 - def next(self):
10225 if self.index >= self.length: 10226 raise StopIteration() 10227 child_sbvalue = self.sbvalue.GetChildAtIndex(self.index) 10228 self.index += 1 10229 return value(child_sbvalue)
10231 - def __init__(self,value):
10232 self.index = 0 10233 self.sbvalue = value 10234 if type(self.sbvalue) is value: 10235 self.sbvalue = self.sbvalue.sbvalue 10236 self.length = self.sbvalue.GetNumChildren()
10238 -class value(object):
10239 '''A class designed to wrap lldb.SBValue() objects so the resulting object 10240 can be used as a variable would be in code. So if you have a Point structure 10241 variable in your code in the current frame named "pt", you can initialize an instance 10242 of this class with it: 10243 10244 pt = lldb.value(lldb.frame.FindVariable("pt")) 10245 print pt 10246 print pt.x 10247 print pt.y 10248 10249 pt = lldb.value(lldb.frame.FindVariable("rectangle_array")) 10250 print rectangle_array[12] 10251 print rectangle_array[5].origin.x'''
10252 - def __init__(self, sbvalue):
10253 self.sbvalue = sbvalue
10255 - def __nonzero__(self):
10256 return self.sbvalue.__nonzero__()
10258 - def __str__(self):
10259 return self.sbvalue.__str__()
10261 - def __getitem__(self, key):
10262 # Allow array access if this value has children... 10263 if type(key) is value: 10264 key = int(key) 10265 if type(key) is int: 10266 child_sbvalue = (self.sbvalue.GetValueForExpressionPath("[%i]" % key)) 10267 if child_sbvalue and child_sbvalue.IsValid(): 10268 return value(child_sbvalue) 10269 raise IndexError("Index '%d' is out of range" % key) 10270 raise TypeError("No array item of type %s" % str(type(key)))
10272 - def __iter__(self):
10273 return value_iter(self.sbvalue)
10275 - def __getattr__(self, name):
10276 child_sbvalue = self.sbvalue.GetChildMemberWithName (name) 10277 if child_sbvalue and child_sbvalue.IsValid(): 10278 return value(child_sbvalue) 10279 raise AttributeError("Attribute '%s' is not defined" % name)
10281 - def __add__(self, other):
10282 return int(self) + int(other)
10284 - def __sub__(self, other):
10285 return int(self) - int(other)
10287 - def __mul__(self, other):
10288 return int(self) * int(other)
10290 - def __floordiv__(self, other):
10291 return int(self) // int(other)
10293 - def __mod__(self, other):
10294 return int(self) % int(other)
10296 - def __divmod__(self, other):
10297 return int(self) % int(other)
10299 - def __pow__(self, other):
10300 return int(self) ** int(other)
10302 - def __lshift__(self, other):
10303 return int(self) << int(other)
10305 - def __rshift__(self, other):
10306 return int(self) >> int(other)
10308 - def __and__(self, other):
10309 return int(self) & int(other)
10311 - def __xor__(self, other):
10312 return int(self) ^ int(other)
10314 - def __or__(self, other):
10315 return int(self) | int(other)
10317 - def __div__(self, other):
10318 return int(self) / int(other)
10320 - def __truediv__(self, other):
10321 return int(self) / int(other)
10323 - def __iadd__(self, other):
10324 result = self.__add__(other) 10325 self.sbvalue.SetValueFromCString (str(result)) 10326 return result
10328 - def __isub__(self, other):
10329 result = self.__sub__(other) 10330 self.sbvalue.SetValueFromCString (str(result)) 10331 return result
10333 - def __imul__(self, other):
10334 result = self.__mul__(other) 10335 self.sbvalue.SetValueFromCString (str(result)) 10336 return result
10338 - def __idiv__(self, other):
10339 result = self.__div__(other) 10340 self.sbvalue.SetValueFromCString (str(result)) 10341 return result
10343 - def __itruediv__(self, other):
10344 result = self.__truediv__(other) 10345 self.sbvalue.SetValueFromCString (str(result)) 10346 return result
10348 - def __ifloordiv__(self, other):
10349 result = self.__floordiv__(self, other) 10350 self.sbvalue.SetValueFromCString (str(result)) 10351 return result
10353 - def __imod__(self, other):
10354 result = self.__and__(self, other) 10355 self.sbvalue.SetValueFromCString (str(result)) 10356 return result
10358 - def __ipow__(self, other):
10359 result = self.__pow__(self, other) 10360 self.sbvalue.SetValueFromCString (str(result)) 10361 return result
10363 - def __ipow__(self, other, modulo):
10364 result = self.__pow__(self, other, modulo) 10365 self.sbvalue.SetValueFromCString (str(result)) 10366 return result
10368 - def __ilshift__(self, other):
10369 result = self.__lshift__(other) 10370 self.sbvalue.SetValueFromCString (str(result)) 10371 return result
10373 - def __irshift__(self, other):
10374 result = self.__rshift__(other) 10375 self.sbvalue.SetValueFromCString (str(result)) 10376 return result
10378 - def __iand__(self, other):
10379 result = self.__and__(self, other) 10380 self.sbvalue.SetValueFromCString (str(result)) 10381 return result
10383 - def __ixor__(self, other):
10384 result = self.__xor__(self, other) 10385 self.sbvalue.SetValueFromCString (str(result)) 10386 return result
10388 - def __ior__(self, other):
10389 result = self.__ior__(self, other) 10390 self.sbvalue.SetValueFromCString (str(result)) 10391 return result
10393 - def __neg__(self):
10394 return -int(self)
10396 - def __pos__(self):
10397 return +int(self)
10399 - def __abs__(self):
10400 return abs(int(self))
10402 - def __invert__(self):
10403 return ~int(self)
10405 - def __complex__(self):
10406 return complex (int(self))
10408 - def __int__(self):
10409 return self.sbvalue.GetValueAsSigned()
10411 - def __long__(self):
10412 return self.sbvalue.GetValueAsSigned()
10414 - def __float__(self):
10415 return float (self.sbvalue.GetValueAsSigned())
10417 - def __oct__(self):
10418 return '0%o' % self.sbvalue.GetValueAsUnsigned()
10420 - def __hex__(self):
10421 return '0x%x' % self.sbvalue.GetValueAsUnsigned()
10423 - def __len__(self):
10424 return self.sbvalue.GetNumChildren()
10426 - def __eq__(self, other):
10427 if type(other) is int: 10428 return int(self) == other 10429 elif type(other) is str: 10430 return str(self) == other 10431 elif type(other) is value: 10432 self_err = SBError() 10433 other_err = SBError() 10434 self_val = self.sbvalue.GetValueAsUnsigned(self_err) 10435 if 10436 raise ValueError("unable to extract value of self") 10437 other_val = other.sbvalue.GetValueAsUnsigned(other_err) 10438 if 10439 raise ValueError("unable to extract value of other") 10440 return self_val == other_val 10441 raise TypeError("Unknown type %s, No equality operation defined." % str(type(other)))
10443 - def __neq__(self, other):
10444 return not self.__eq__(other)
10445 10446 # This file is compatible with both classic and new-style classes. 10447 10448 10449 debugger_unique_id = 0 10450 SBDebugger.Initialize() 10451 debugger = None 10452 target = SBTarget() 10453 process = SBProcess() 10454 thread = SBThread() 10455 frame = SBFrame() 10456