use_config.htm   [plain text]


<title>Network Identity Manager - Configuration</title>
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<h1>Network Identity Manager - Configuration</h1>
<p>All Network Identity Manager configuration options can be accessed via the
<span class="pre">Options</span> menu. The available configuration panels are:
	<p><span class="title">General</span>: General application options for NetIDMgr.</p>
	<p><span class="title">Appearance</span>: Allows you to set the font used by 
	<p><span class="title">Identities</span>: Default settings for all identities 
	and settings for each identity. Details <a href="#cfg_idents">below</a>.</p>
	<p><span class="title">Notifications</span>: Notification and timer options. 
	NetIDMgr can issue warnings when credentials are about to expire. This configuration 
	panel allows you to set the thresholds at which these warnings are issued. For 
	example, if the warning timeout is set for 10 minutes, NetIDMgr will issue a 
	warning 10 minutes before a credential expires.</p>
	<p>The panel also allows you to control the credentials renew timer. If the 
	timer is disabled, NetIDMgr will not automatically attempt to renew credentials. 
	If the <span class="pre">Renew at half life intervals when possible</span> option 
	is set, then the timer will expire after the credential has less than half its 
	lifetime left. If the renewal operation fails, it will attempt another renwal 
	after half of the remaining liftime is over (i.e. when the credential has less 
	than 1/4 of its original lifetime left) and so on. </p>
	<p><span class="title">Plug-ins</span>: Enable/disable and check the status of 
	registered plug-ins. Enabling or disabling a plug-in only takes effect after 
	a restart of NetIDMgr.</p>
	<p><span class="title">Kerberos v5</span>: Kerberos v5 Credential Provider Configuration</p>
	<p><span class="title">Kerberos v4</span>: Kerberos v4 Credential Provider Configuration</p>
<h3>General Options</h3>
<p>The General options dialog, accessed via the Options menu, allows you to configure 
operational properties specific to the NetIdMgr application.</p>
<p><img src="images/screen_config_general.png" /> </p>
<p>The <b>Obtain new credentials at startup (if none are present)</b> checkbox will 
determine whether or not NetIdMgr will display the New Credentials dialog at startup 
when no valid credentials exist.</p>
<p>The <b>Destroy all credentials on exit </b>option can be used to empty all of 
the credential caches when the NetIdMgr is terminated.</p>
<p>The <b>Run NetIdMgr in taskbar notification area after window close </b>checkbox 
determines the behavior of the window close button. When checked, NetIdMgr will 
close the window but will continue running and can be accessed from the taskbar 
notification area. When unchecked, NetIdMgr will behave as if File-&gt;Exit was selected 
from the menu.</p>
<p><b>Clicking on the notification icon</b> can be configured to either Show Network 
Identity Manager or Obtain New Credentials. This option controls which menu item 
on the notification icon menu is the default action.</p>
<p>The <b>Monitor network connectivity</b> option determines whether or not NetIdMgr 
monitors the configuration of IP addresses on the machine. When IP addresses are 
added or removed and this feature is activated, the NetIdMgr will probe the identity 
management servers (e.g., Kerberos Key Distribution Centers) to determine if they 
are reachable and if so will automatically obtain credentials.</p>
<p>The <b>Log trace events to trace log at the following location</b> option is 
used to activate a log file that can be used to help debug the behavior of NetIdMgr 
and its plug-ins. Press the <b>Show log</b> button to view the log file in Windows 
Notepad. </p>

<h3>Appearance Options</h3>
<p>The Appearance Options page can be used to select an alternate typeface to be 
used when displaying credentials in the NetIdMgr.</p>
<p><img src="images/screen_config_appearance.png" /> </p>

<a name="cfg_idents"></a>
<h3>Configuration of default settings for all identities</h3>
<p>The <span class="pre">Identities</span> configuration panel allows you to set 
the defaults that will be used for all identities. However, most of the settings 
displayed here can be overridden with specific per-identity settings. </p>
<p>The panel will have a number of sub panels (or tabs) corresponding to each plug-in 
that maintains per-identity configuration. </p>
<p>A list of identities for which configuration information is maintained will be 
shown under the main <span class="pre">Identities</span> configuration panel name. 
Each of these correspond to a <a href="#cfg_ident">per identity</a> configuration 
panel. </p>
<p>Note that adding or removing an identity in the configuration panel only has 
the effect of adding or removing the identity to or from the list of identities 
for which configuration information is maintained. </p>

<h4>Global Identity Settings</h4>
<p><img src="images/screen_config_idents.png" /> </p>
<p class="MsoNormal">There are three general settings that can be used to set 
global defaults.</p>
<p class="MsoNormal">The <b>Monitor credential expiration</b> setting determines 
whether or not NetIdMgr should monitor the credential lifetimes and issue 
expiration notifications.&nbsp;&nbsp; This value is used as the default for all new 
<p class="MsoNormal">The <b>Automatically renew</b> setting determines if <i>
renewable</i> credentials are automatically renewed prior to expiration.&nbsp; This 
value is used as the default for all new identities.</p>
<p class="MsoNormal">The <b>Always show in the credentials list (Pinned)</b> 
setting determines whether new identities are always pinned within the 
credentials list.&nbsp; A pinned identity will always be displayed regardless of 
whether or not there are credentials associated with it.</p>

<h4>Global Kerberos v5 Identity Settings</h4>
<p><img src="images/screen_config_global_krb5.png" /> </p>
<p class="MsoNormal">The global Kerberos v5 settings define default credential 
lifetimes and minimum and maximum values for use in constructing the slider 
controls used to set the lifetimes.&nbsp; </p>
<p class="MsoNormal">There are two expiration times associated with Kerberos 
tickets.&nbsp; The first specifies the length of the time period during which the 
tickets are valid for use.&nbsp; The second specifies the length of the renewable 
lifetime.&nbsp; Valid Kerberos tickets may have their valid use lifetime repeatedly 
extended up until the renewable lifetime expires.&nbsp; The settings on this page are 
used to configure default lifetime values for NetIdMgr to use when requesting 
Kerberos tickets from the Kerberos server (key distribution center).&nbsp; The 
Kerberos server may issue tickets with shorter lifetimes than were requested.</p>
<p class="MsoNormal">The <b>Renewable</b>, <b>Forwardable</b>, and <b>
Addressless</b> options determine whether or not new identities default to 
obtaining Kerberos v5 tickets with these options.</p>
<p class="MsoNormal">When <b>Forwardable </b>tickets are received from the 
Kerberos Server, these tickets can be forwarded to a remote host when you 
connect via telnet, ssh, ftp, rlogin, or similar applications.&nbsp; When tickets are 
forwarded, there is no need to obtain Kerberos tickets again to access 
Kerberized services on the remote host.&nbsp;&nbsp; <b>Forwardable</b> tickets are often 
required when authenticating to a remote host using ssh or ftp when the remote 
host requires the ability to authenticate to a remote file system such as AFS.</p>
<p class="MsoNormal">When <b>Renewable</b> tickets are received from the 
Kerberos Server, the ticket lifetimes may be renewed without prompting the user 
for her password.&nbsp; This allows Kerberos tickets to be issued with short 
lifetimes allowing compromised accounts to be disabled on short notice without 
requiring the user to enter a password every few hours.&nbsp; When combined with <b>
Automatic Ticket Renewal</b>, NetIdMgr can maintain valid tickets for a week, a 
month, or longer by automatically renewing tickets prior to their expiration.&nbsp; 
The ability to renew tickets without a password is limited by the ticket’s 
renewable lifetime as issued by the Kerberos Server.</p>
<p class="MsoNormal">When <b>Addressless</b> is selected, the tickets do not 
contain IP address information.&nbsp; This enables the tickets to be used from behind 
Network Address Translators which are frequently found in Cable and DSL Modems.</p>
<p class="MsoNormal">The minimum and maximum ranges are used by the ticket 
initialization dialog box when constructing the Lifetime and Renewable Lifetime 
sliders.&nbsp; These sliders can be used to modify the requested ticket lifetimes 
when Kerberos tickets are initialized.</p>

<h4>Global Kerberos v4 Identity Settings</h4>
<p><img src="images/screen_config_global_krb4.png" /> </p>
<p class="MsoNormal">When the <b>Obtain Kerberos v4 credentials</b> button is 
checked, NetIdMgr will attempt to retrieve Kerberos v4 credentials when ticket 
initialization, renewal, or importation is performed. &nbsp;Kerberos realms are 
increasingly configured to support only Kerberos v5 (e.g., Windows Active 
Directory Domains.)&nbsp; If the realms you use do not support Kerberos v4 it is 
suggested that this button be unchecked.</p>
<p class="MsoNormal">Be aware that only the default identity can obtain Kerberos 
v4 credentials.&nbsp;&nbsp; This limitation is due to the inability of Kerberos v4 
applications on Microsoft Windows to specify a credentials cache. </p>

<a name="cfg_ident"></a>
<h3>Per identity configuration</h3>
<p>You can access the per-identity configuration panel for a specific identity by 
selecting the identity name from the list of configuration panels in the configuration 
dialog. </p>
<p>These panels are similar to the <span class="pre">Identities</span> configuration 
panel, but they change per-identity settings. Changes you make in these panels will 
override the defaults set in the <span class="pre">Identities</span> panel. </p>
<h4>Per identity General Configuration</h4>
<p><img src="images/screen_config_ident.png" /> </p>
<p class="MsoNormal">The General page contains a <b>Remove Identity</b> button 
that can be used to delete this Identity from the Network Identity Manager.</p>

<h4>Per identity Kerberos v5 Configuration</h4>

<p><img src="images/screen_config_ident_krb5.png" /> </p>
<p class="MsoNormal">The Kerberos v5 page displays the name of the credential 
cache currently associated with the Identity.</p>

<h4>Per identity Kerberos v4 Configuration</h4>

<p><img src="images/screen_config_ident_krb4.png" /></p>
<p class="MsoNormal">The Kerberos v4 page is optional and may not appear on all 
systems.&nbsp; Only one identity can obtain Kerberos v4 credentials at a time.&nbsp; </p>

<h3>Notification Configuration</h3>

<p><img src="images/screen_config_notifications.png" /> </p>
<p class="MsoNormal">The <b>Renew automatically at</b> check box determines 
whether or not renewable tickets will be renewed by NetIdMgr when they reach the 
specified time remaining.&nbsp;&nbsp; </p>
<p class="MsoNormal">The <b>Initial warning at</b> check box determines whether 
or not a warning will be issued when the specified time remaining is reached.</p>
<p class="MsoNormal">The <b>Final warning at</b> check box determines whether or 
not a warning will be issued when the specified time remaining is reached.</p>
<p class="MsoNormal">Notifications are performed in two ways.&nbsp; First, icons are 
displayed next to the affected credentials in the flags column of the display.&nbsp; 
Second, a balloon tip is displayed off of the NetIdMgr taskbar notification area 

<h3>Plug-in Configuration</h3>
<p><img src="images/screen_config_plug_ins.png" /> </p>
<p><span style="font-size: 10.0pt; font-family: Times New Roman">The Plug-ins 
and Modules page provides status information on the currently loaded plug-ins 
and modules include a description of their purpose; whether or not it was loaded 
properly; which other modules are required; and what organization developed it.
</span> </p>

<h4>Kerberos v5 Plug-in Configuration</h4>

<p><img src="images/screen_config_plug_in_krb5.png" /> </p>
<p class="MsoNormal">The <b>Kerberos v5 Configuration</b> tab allows you to 
alter the behavior of&nbsp; the Kerberos v5 identity provider.&nbsp; </p>
<p class="MsoNormal">In the <b>Default Realm</b> field, select a Kerberos realm 
from the dropdown list.</p>
<p class="MsoBodyTextIndent2" style="text-indent:0pt">The <b>Include all 
configured realms in New Credentials realm list</b> determines whether all of 
the realms declared in the Kerberos v5 Configuration file are included in the 
realms list of the <b>Obtain New Credentials</b> dialog.&nbsp; If disabled, only the 
realms previously used to obtain credentials are displayed.</p>
<p class="MsoBodyTextIndent2" style="text-indent:0pt">The <b>Configuration File
</b>field displays the path to the Kerberos v5 configuration file, krb5.ini.</p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><span style="display: none">The Kerberos libraries depend 
on configuration files for their proper operation.&nbsp; When <b>Create file if 
missing </b>is checked, NetIdMgr will construct replacements for missing 
configuration files upon startup.&nbsp; This is performed by extracting Kerberos 
configuration information from the local Windows registry and the Domain Name 
System.&nbsp; The contents of the created file may then be edited using the <b>
Kerberos Properties Dialog</b>.&nbsp; [This functionality is not available in this 
<p class="MsoNormal">The field labeled <b>Host Name</b> displays the name of 
your local machine.&nbsp; The <b>Domain Name</b> field displays the domain to which 
your local machine currently belongs.&nbsp;</p>
<p class="MsoNormal">The <b>Import Tickets</b> listbox allows you to configure 
how NetIdMgr interacts with the Microsoft Kerberos Authentication Provider.&nbsp; 
NetIdMgr will automatically import Kerberos Tickets from the Microsoft LSA at 
startup depending upon the selected option and whether or not the Kerberos 
Authentication Provider was used for Windows Logon authorization.&nbsp; </p>
<ul style="margin-top: 0pt; margin-bottom: 0pt" type="disc">
	<li class="MsoNormal"><b>Never</b> means do not import tickets from the 
	MSLSA; </li>
	<li class="MsoNormal"><b>Always</b> means do import tickets from the MSLSA; 
	and </li>
	<li class="MsoNormal"><b>Only when the Principal matches</b> means import 
	tickets from the MSLSA only if the MSLSA Kerberos principal belongs to the 
	Default Realm.</li>
<p class="MsoNormal">When the Windows Logon identity is imported and is 
configured as the default identity, the MIT credential cache will be used in 
preference to the MSLSA credential cache.</p>

<h4>Kerberos v5 Realm Configuration</h4>
<p><img src="images/screen_config_plug_in_krb5_realm.png" /> </p>

<h4>Kerberos v5 Credential Cache Configuration</h4>
<p><img src="images/screen_config_plug_in_krb5_ccache.png" /> </p>
<p class="MsoNormal">The Kerberos Realm Configuration dialog can be used to 
manage the contents of the [Realms] and [Domain_Realm] sections of the Kerberos 
v5 configuration file.</p>

<h4>Kerberos v4 Plug-in Configuration</h4>
<p><img src="images/screen_config_plug_in_krb4.png" /> </p>
<p class="MsoBodyTextIndent2" style="text-indent:0pt">Here, you can specify the 
name of the in-memory cache used to store the Kerberos v4 tickets.&nbsp; The format 
of the name is “API:” followed by the cache name.&nbsp; Disk caches are not supported 
by Kerberos for Windows.</p>
<p class="MsoNormal">The paths to the Kerberos v4 configuration files: krb.con 
and krbrealm.con may be viewed from this dialog.&nbsp; The default is to store the 
configuration files in the Windows directory.</p>

