KIM CCache Iterator Reference Documentation


Function Documentation

kim_error_t kim_ccache_iterator_create kim_ccache_iterator_t out_ccache_iterator  ) 

Get a ccache iterator to enumerate ccaches in the cache collection.

out_ccache_iterator on exit, a ccache iterator object for the cache collection.
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error object representing the failure.

kim_error_t kim_ccache_iterator_next kim_ccache_iterator_t  in_ccache_iterator,
kim_ccache_t out_ccache

Get the next ccache in the cache collection.

in_ccache_iterator a ccache iterator object.
out_ccache on exit, the next ccache in the cache collection. If there are no more ccaches in the cache collection this argument will be set to NULL.
On success, KIM_NO_ERROR. On failure, an error object representing the failure.

void kim_ccache_iterator_free kim_ccache_iterator_t io_ccache_iterator  ) 

Free memory associated with a ccache iterator.

io_ccache_iterator a ccache iterator object to be freed. Set to NULL on exit.