Package twisted :: Package web :: Package woven :: Module widgets :: Class RawText
[frames | no frames]

Class RawText

View --+    
  Widget --+

Method Summary
  generateDOM(self, request, node)
Return a DOM Node to replace the Node in the template that this Widget handles.
    Inherited from Widget
  __init__(self, model, submodel, setup, controller, viewStack, *args, **kwargs)
  __getitem__(self, item)
Convenience syntax for getting an attribute from the resultant DOM Node of this widget.
  __setitem__(self, item, value)
Convenience syntax for adding attributes to the resultant DOM Node of this widget.
  _regenerate(self, request, node, data)
  add(self, item)
Add `item' to the children of the resultant DOM Node of this widget.
  addEventHandler(self, eventName, handler, *args)
Add an event handler to this widget.
  addUpdateMethod(self, updateMethod)
Add a method to this widget that will be called when the widget is being rendered.
  appendChild(self, item)
Add `item' to the children of the resultant DOM Node of this widget.
  cleanNode(self, node)
Do your part, prevent infinite recursion!
  generate(self, request, node)
Allow a view to be used like a widget.
  getAllPatterns(self, name, default, clone, deep)
Get all nodes below this one which have a matching pattern attribute.
  getAttribute(self, item)
Convenience syntax for getting an attribute from the resultant DOM Node of this widget.
  getData(self, request)
I have a model; however since I am a widget I am only responsible for a portion of that model.
  getPattern(self, name, default, clone, deep)
Get a named slot from the incoming template node.
Get a reference to this page's top model object.
  initialize(self, *args, **kwargs)
Use this method instead of __init__ to initialize your Widget, so you don't have to deal with calling the __init__ of the superclass.
  insert(self, index, item)
Insert `item' at `index' in the children list of the resultant DOM Node of this widget.
  modelChanged(self, payload)
  onEvent(self, request, eventName, *args)
Dispatch a client-side event to an event handler that was registered using addEventHandler.
  setAttribute(self, item, value)
Convenience syntax for adding attributes to the resultant DOM Node of this widget.
  setData(self, request, data)
If the return value of getData is a Deferred, I am called when the result of the Deferred is available.
  setDataCallback(self, result, request, node)
  setError(self, request, message)
Convenience method for allowing a Controller to report an error to the user.
  setNode(self, node)
Set a node for this widget to use instead of creating one programatically.
  setSubmodel(self, submodel)
I use the submodel to know which attribute in self.model I am responsible for
  setUp(self, request, node, data)
Override this method to set up your Widget prior to generateDOM.
    Inherited from View
  dispatchResult(self, request, node, result)
Check a given result from handling a node and look up a NodeMutator adapter which will convert the result into a node and insert it into the DOM tree.
  dispatchResultCallback(self, result, request, node)
Deal with a callback from a deferred, checking to see if it is ok to send the page yet or not.
  getChild(self, path, request)
  getChildWithDefault(self, path, request)
  getNodeController(self, request, node, submodel, model)
Get a controller object to handle this node.
  getNodeModel(self, request, node, submodel)
Get the model object associated with this node.
  getNodeView(self, request, node, submodel, model)
  getSubview(self, request, node, model, viewName)
Get a sub-view from me.
  getTemplate(self, request)
Override this if you want to have your subclass look up its template using a different method.
  handleControllerResults(self, controllerResult, request, node, controller, view)
Handle a deferred from a controller.
  handleDocument(self, request, document)
Handle the root node, and send the page if there are no outstanding callbacks when it returns.
  handleNewNode(self, request, returnNode)
  handleNode(self, request, node)
  handleOutstanding(self, request)
  importViewLibrary(self, namespace)
  lookupTemplate(self, request)
Use acquisition to look up the template named by self.templateFile, located anywhere above this object in the heirarchy, and use it as the template.
  recurseChildren(self, request, node)
If this node has children, handle them.
  render(self, request, doneCallback)
  renderFailure(self, failure, request)
  sendPage(self, request)
Check to see if handlers recorded any errors before sending the page
  setController(self, controller)
  setSubviewFactory(self, name, factory, setup, *args, **kwargs)

Instance Variable Summary
    Inherited from Widget
  model: If the current model is an model.Model, then the result of model.getData().

Class Variable Summary
    Inherited from Widget
int clearNode = 0                                                                     
int livePage = 1                                                                     
int setupStacks = 0                                                                     
NoneType tagName: The tag name of the element that this widget creates.
  wantsAllNotifications: Indicate that this widget wants to recieve every change notification from the main model, not just notifications that affect its model.
    Inherited from View
tuple __implements__ = (<class twisted.web.resource.IResource ...
NoneType doneCallback = None                                                                  
int isLeaf = 1                                                                     
str template = ''
str templateDirectory = ''
str templateFile = ''
NoneType templateNode = None                                                                  
list viewLibraries = []

Method Details

generateDOM(self, request, node)

A DOM Node to replace the Node in the template that this Widget handles. This Node is created based on tagName, children, and attributes (You should populate these in setUp, probably).
twisted.web.woven.widgets.Widget.generateDOM (inherited documentation)

Generated by Epydoc 2.0 on Sat May 15 20:08:14 2004