Package twisted :: Package spread :: Module flavors :: Class RemoteCopy
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Class RemoteCopy

Unjellyable --+

Known Subclasses:
CopiedFailure, RemoteCache, Request

I am a remote copy of a Copyable object.

When the state from a Copyable object is received, an instance will be created based on the copy tags table (see setUnjellyableForClass) and sent the setCopyableState message. I provide a reasonable default implementation of that message; subclass me if you wish to serve as a copier for remote data.

NOTE: copiers are invoked with no arguments. Do not implement a constructor which requires args in a subclass of RemoteCopy!
Method Summary
  setCopyableState(self, state)
I will be invoked with the state to copy locally.
  unjellyFor(self, unjellier, jellyList)
    Inherited from Unjellyable
  setStateFor(self, unjellier, state)

Class Variable Summary
    Inherited from Unjellyable
tuple __implements__ = (<class twisted.spread.interfaces.IUnje...

Method Details

setCopyableState(self, state)

I will be invoked with the state to copy locally.

'state' is the data returned from the remote object's 'getStateToCopyFor' method, which will often be the remote object's dictionary (or a filtered approximation of it depending on my peer's perspective).

Generated by Epydoc 2.0 on Sat May 15 20:08:27 2004