Package twisted :: Package python :: Module roots :: Class Constrained
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Class Constrained

Collection --+

Known Subclasses:
Homogenous, Locked

A collection that has constraints on its names and/or entities.
Method Summary
  entityConstraint(self, entity)
A method that determines whether an entity may be added to me.
  nameConstraint(self, name)
A method that determines whether an entity may be added to me with a given name.
  putEntity(self, name, entity)
Store an entity if it meets both constraints.
  reallyPutEntity(self, name, entity)
    Inherited from Collection
  __init__(self, entities)
Initialize me.
  delEntity(self, name)
Remove a static reference for 'name'.
  getDynamicEntity(self, name, request)
Subclass this to generate an entity on demand.
  getEntity(self, name, request)
Retrieve an entity from me.
  getStaticEntity(self, name)
Get an entity that was added to me using putEntity.
  listDynamicEntities(self, request)
A list of all name, entity that I can generate on demand.
Retrieve a list of the names of entities that I store references to.
  listEntities(self, request)
Retrieve a list of all name, entity pairs I contain.
  listNames(self, request)
Retrieve a list of all names for entities that I contain.
Retrieve a list of all name, entity pairs that I store references to.
Retrieve a list of the names of entities that I store references to.
  removeEntity(self, name, request)
Remove an entity for 'name', based on the content of 'request'.
  storeEntity(self, name, request)
Store an entity for 'name', based on the content of 'request'.

Method Details

entityConstraint(self, entity)

A method that determines whether an entity may be added to me.

If the constraint is satisfied, return 1; if the constraint is not satisfied, either return 0 or raise a descriptive ConstraintViolation.

nameConstraint(self, name)

A method that determines whether an entity may be added to me with a given name.

If the constraint is satisfied, return 1; if the constraint is not satisfied, either return 0 or raise a descriptive ConstraintViolation.

putEntity(self, name, entity)

Store an entity if it meets both constraints.

Otherwise raise a ConstraintViolation.

Generated by Epydoc 2.0 on Sat May 15 20:08:55 2004