Package twisted :: Package python :: Module otp :: Class OTPAuthenticator
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Class OTPAuthenticator

Known Subclasses:

A One Time Password System

Based on RFC 2289, which is based on a the S/KEY Authentication-scheme. It uses the MD5- and SHA-algorithms for hashing

The variable OTP is at all times a 64bit string
Method Summary
  __init__(self, hash)
Set the hash to either md5 or sha1
  calculateParity(self, otp)
Calculate the parity from a 64bit OTP
  challenge(self, seed, sequence)
Return a challenge in the format otp-<hash> <sequence> <seed>
  foldDigest(self, otp)
  foldDigest128(self, otp128)
Fold a 128 bit digest to 64 bit
  foldDigest160(self, otp160)
Fold a 160 bit digest to 64 bit
  generateOTP(self, seed, passwd, sequence)
Return a 64 bit OTP based on inputs Run through makeReadable to get a 6 word pass-phrase
Return a 10 char random seed, with 6 lowercase chars and 4 digits
  hashUpdate(self, digest)
Run through the hash and fold to 64 bit
  makeReadable(self, otp)
Returns a 6 word pass-phrase from a 64bit OTP
  parsePhrase(self, phrase)
Decode the phrase, and return a 64bit OTP I will raise Unauthorized if the parity is wrong TODO: Add support for hex (MUST) and the '2nd scheme'(SHOULD)

Method Details

__init__(self, hash=<module 'md5' from '/usr/lib/python2.2/lib-dynload/'>)

Set the hash to either md5 or sha1

calculateParity(self, otp)

Calculate the parity from a 64bit OTP

challenge(self, seed, sequence)

Return a challenge in the format otp-<hash> <sequence> <seed>

foldDigest128(self, otp128)

Fold a 128 bit digest to 64 bit

foldDigest160(self, otp160)

Fold a 160 bit digest to 64 bit

generateOTP(self, seed, passwd, sequence)

Return a 64 bit OTP based on inputs Run through makeReadable to get a 6 word pass-phrase


Return a 10 char random seed, with 6 lowercase chars and 4 digits

hashUpdate(self, digest)

Run through the hash and fold to 64 bit

makeReadable(self, otp)

Returns a 6 word pass-phrase from a 64bit OTP

parsePhrase(self, phrase)

Decode the phrase, and return a 64bit OTP I will raise Unauthorized if the parity is wrong TODO: Add support for hex (MUST) and the '2nd scheme'(SHOULD)

Generated by Epydoc 2.0 on Sat May 15 20:08:05 2004