Package twisted :: Package mail :: Module relay :: Class SMTPRelayer
[frames | no frames]

Class SMTPRelayer

            RelayerMixin --+
BaseProtocol --+           |
               |           |
        Protocol --+       |
                   |       |
        LineReceiver --+   |
                       |   |
              SMTPClient --+

Known Subclasses:

Method Summary
  __init__(self, messagePaths, *args, **kw)
    Inherited from RelayerMixin
  loadMessages(self, messagePaths)
  sentMail(self, code, resp, numOk, addresses, log)
Since we only use one recipient per envelope, this will be called with 0 or 1 addresses.
    Inherited from SMTPClient
  connectionLost(self, reason)
We are no longer connected
Called when a connection is made.
  finishedFileTransfer(self, lastsent)
  lineReceived(self, line)
Override this for when each line is received.
  sendLine(self, line)
Logging sendLine
  smtpConnectionFailed(self, code, resp)
  smtpState_data(self, code, resp)
  smtpState_disconnect(self, code, resp)
  smtpState_from(self, code, resp)
  smtpState_helo(self, code, resp)
  smtpState_msgSent(self, code, resp)
  smtpState_to(self, code, resp)
  smtpState_toOrData(self, code, resp)
  smtpTransferFailed(self, code, resp)
  transformChunk(self, chunk)
    Inherited from LineReceiver
Clear buffered data.
  dataReceived(self, data)
  lineLengthExceeded(self, line)
Called when the maximum line length has been reached.
  rawDataReceived(self, data)
Override this for when raw data is received.
  setLineMode(self, extra)
Sets the line-mode of this receiver.
Sets the raw mode of this receiver.
    Inherited from Protocol
    Inherited from BaseProtocol
  makeConnection(self, transport)
Make a connection to a transport and a server.

Class Variable Summary
    Inherited from LineReceiver
str _LineReceiver__buffer = ''
str delimiter: The line-ending delimiter to use.
int line_mode = 1                                                                     
int MAX_LENGTH: The maximum length of a line to allow (If a sent line is longer than this, the connection is dropped).
    Inherited from Protocol
tuple __implements__ = (<class twisted.internet.interfaces.IPr...
    Inherited from BaseProtocol
int connected = 0                                                                     
NoneType transport = None                                                                  

Generated by Epydoc 2.0 on Sat May 15 20:08:49 2004