Package twisted :: Package internet :: Module utils
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Module twisted.internet.utils

Utility methods.
SRVConnector A connector that looks up DNS SRV records.

Function Summary
  _callProtocolWithDeferred(protocol, executable, args, env, path, reactor)
  getProcessOutput(executable, args, env, path, reactor)
Spawn a process and return its output as a deferred returning a string.
  getProcessValue(executable, args, env, path, reactor)
Spawn a process and return its exit code as a Deferred.

Function Details

getProcessOutput(executable, args=(), env={}, path='.', reactor=<twisted.internet.default.SelectReactor instance at 0x825...)

Spawn a process and return its output as a deferred returning a string.
executable - The file name to run and get the output of - the full path should be used.
args - the command line arguments to pass to the process; a sequence of strings. The first string should *NOT* be the executable's name.
env - the environment variables to pass to the processs; a dictionary of strings.
path - the path to run the subprocess in - defaults to the current directory.
reactor - the reactor to use - defaults to the default reactor

getProcessValue(executable, args=(), env={}, path='.', reactor=<twisted.internet.default.SelectReactor instance at 0x825...)

Spawn a process and return its exit code as a Deferred.

Generated by Epydoc 2.0 on Sat May 15 20:08:08 2004