Package twisted :: Package internet :: Module interfaces :: Class IReactorUDP
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Class IReactorUDP

Interface --+

UDP socket methods.

IMPORTANT: This is an experimental new interface. It may change without backwards compatability. Suggestions are welcome.
Method Summary
  connectUDP(self, remotehost, remoteport, protocol, localport, interface, maxPacketSize)
  listenUDP(self, port, protocol, interface, maxPacketSize)
Connects a given DatagramProtocol to the given numeric UDP port.

Method Details

connectUDP(self, remotehost, remoteport, protocol, localport=0, interface='', maxPacketSize=8192)


Connects a twisted.internet.protocol.ConnectedDatagramProtocol instance to a UDP port.

listenUDP(self, port, protocol, interface='', maxPacketSize=8192)

Connects a given DatagramProtocol to the given numeric UDP port.
object conforming to IListeningPort.

Generated by Epydoc 2.0 on Sat May 15 20:08:42 2004