Package twisted :: Package internet :: Module error
[frames | no frames]

Module twisted.internet.error

Exceptions and errors for use in twisted.internet modules.

API Stability: semi-stable

Maintainer: Itamar Shtull-Trauring
AlreadyCalled Tried to cancel an already-called event
AlreadyCancelled Tried to cancel an already-cancelled event
BadFileError File used for UNIX socket is no good
BindError An error occurred binding to an interface
CannotListenError This gets raised by a call to startListening, when the object cannot start listening.
ConnectBindError Couldn't bind
ConnectError An error occurred while connecting
ConnectInProgressError A connect operation was started and isn't done yet.
ConnectionDone Connection was closed cleanly
ConnectionFdescWentAway Uh
ConnectionLost Connection to the other side was lost in a non-clean fashion
ConnectionRefusedError Connection was refused by other side
DNSLookupError DNS lookup failed
MessageLengthError Message is too long to send
NoRouteError No route to host
NotConnectingError The Connector was not connecting when it was asked to stop connecting
NotListeningError The Port was not listening when it was asked to stop listening
ProcessDone A process has ended without apparent errors
ProcessTerminated A process has ended with a probable error condition
ServiceNameUnknownError Service name given as port is unknown
SSLError An SSL error occurred
TCPTimedOutError TCP connection timed out
TimeoutError User timeout caused connection failure
UnknownHostError Hostname couldn't be looked up
UserError User aborted connection

Function Summary
Given a socket exception, return connection error.

Function Details


Given a socket exception, return connection error.

Generated by Epydoc 2.0 on Sat May 15 20:08:02 2004