Package twisted :: Package flow :: Module wrap :: Class _String
[frames | no frames]

Class _String

Instruction --+    
          Stage --+

Wrapper for a string object; don't create directly use flow.wrap

This is probably the simplest stage of all. It is a constant list of one item. See wrap for an example.
Method Summary
  __init__(self, str)
executed during a yield statement by previous stage
    Inherited from Stage
return current result

Method Details


executed during a yield statement by previous stage

This method is private within the scope of the flow module, it is used by one stage in the flow to ask a subsequent stage to produce its value. The result of the yield is then stored in self.result and is an instance of Failure if a problem occurred.
twisted.flow.base.Stage._yield (inherited documentation)

Generated by Epydoc 2.0 on Sat May 15 20:08:20 2004