Package twisted :: Package flow :: Module protocol
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Module twisted.flow.protocol


This allows one to use flow module to create protocols, a protocol is actually a controller, but it is specialized enough to deserve its own module.
Protocol A concrete flow.Protocol for inheritance

Function Summary
  makeProtocol(controller, baseClass, *callbacks, **kwargs)
Construct a flow based protocol This takes a base protocol class, and a set of callbacks and creates a connection flow based on the two.

Function Details

makeProtocol(controller, baseClass=<class twisted.internet.protocol.Protocol at 0x82a647c>, *callbacks, **kwargs)

Construct a flow based protocol

        This takes a base protocol class, and a set of callbacks and
        creates a connection flow based on the two.   For example, 
        the following would build a simple 'echo' protocol.

            from __future__ import generators
            from twisted.internet import reactor, protocol
            from twisted.flow import flow
            PORT = 8392

            def echoServer(conn):
                yield conn
                for data in conn:
                    yield conn
            def echoClient(conn):
                conn.write("hello, world!")
                yield conn
                print "server said: ",
            server = protocol.ServerFactory()
            server.protocol = flow.makeProtocol(echoServer)
            client = protocol.ClientFactory()
            client.protocol = flow.makeProtocol(echoClient)
            reactor.connectTCP("localhost", PORT, client)

        Of course, the best part about flow is that you can nest
        stages.  Therefore it is quite easy to make a lineBreaker
        generator which takes an input connection and produces
        and output connection.   Anyway, the code is almost 
        identical as far as the client/server is concerned:

            # this is a filter generator, it consumes from the
            # incoming connection, and yields results to
            # the next stage, the echoServer below
            def lineBreaker(conn, lineEnding = "
                lst = []
                yield conn
                for chunk in conn:
                   pos = chunk.find(lineEnding)
                   if pos > -1:
                       yield "".join(lst)
                       lst = [chunk[pos+1:]]
                   yield conn
                yield "".join(lst)

            # note that this class is only slightly modified,
            # simply comment out the line breaker line to see
            # how the server behaves without the filter...
            def echoServer(conn):
                lines = flow.wrap(lineBreaker(conn))
                yield lines
                for data in lines:
                    yield lines
            # and the only thing that is changed is that we
            # are sending data in strange chunks, and even
            # putting the last chunk on hold for 2 seconds. 
            def echoClient(conn):
                conn.write("Good Morning!
Please ")
                yield conn
                print "server said: ",
                conn.write("do not disregard ")
                reactor.callLater(2, conn.write, "this.
                yield conn
                print "server said: ",

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