Package twisted :: Package flow :: Module base
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Module twisted.flow.base


This module contains the core exceptions and base classes in the flow module. See flow.flow for more detailed information
CallLater Instruction to support callbacks
Controller Flow controller
Cooperate Requests that processing be paused so other tasks can resume Yield this object when the current chain would block or periodically during an intensive processing task.
Instruction Has special meaning when yielded in a flow
Stage Abstract base defining protocol for iterator/generators in a flow This is the primary component in the flow system, it is an iterable object which must be passed to a yield statement before each call to next().

NotReadyError Raised when a stage has not been subject to a yield
Unsupported Indicates that the given stage does not know what to do with the flow instruction that was returned.

Generated by Epydoc 2.0 on Sat May 15 20:08:48 2004