Package twisted :: Package cred :: Module identity :: Class Identity
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Class Identity

Known Subclasses:

An identity, with different methods for verification.

An identity represents a user's permissions with a particular application. It is a username, a password, and a collection of Perspective/Service name pairs, each of which is a perspective that this identity is allowed to access.
Method Summary
  __init__(self, name, authorizer)
Create an identity.
  addKeyByString(self, serviceName, perspectiveName)
Put a key on my keyring.
  addKeyForPerspective(self, perspective)
Add a key for the given perspective.
I return some random data.
Returns a list of all services and perspectives this identity can connect to.
  removeKey(self, serviceName, perspectiveName)
Remove a key from my keyring.
  requestPerspectiveForKey(self, serviceName, perspectiveName)
Get a perspective request (a Deferred) for the given key.
  requestPerspectiveForService(self, serviceName)
Get the first available perspective for a given service.
Persist this Identity to the authorizer.
  setAlreadyHashedPassword(self, cyphertext)
(legacy) Set a password for this identity, already md5 hashed.
  setPassword(self, plaintext)
  verifyPassword(self, challenge, hashedPassword)
Verify a challenge/response password.
  verifyPlainPassword(self, plaintext)
Verify plain text password.

Class Variable Summary
NoneType hashedPassword = None                                                                  

Method Details

__init__(self, name, authorizer)

Create an identity.

I must have a name, and a backreference to the Application that the Keys on my keyring make reference to.

addKeyByString(self, serviceName, perspectiveName)

Put a key on my keyring.

This key will give me a token to access to some service in the future.

addKeyForPerspective(self, perspective)

Add a key for the given perspective.


I return some random data.

This is a method in addition to the module-level function because it is anticipated that we will want to change this to store salted passwords.


Returns a list of all services and perspectives this identity can connect to.

This returns a sequence of keys.

removeKey(self, serviceName, perspectiveName)

Remove a key from my keyring.

If this key is not present, raise KeyError.

requestPerspectiveForKey(self, serviceName, perspectiveName)

Get a perspective request (a Deferred) for the given key.

If this identity does not have access to the given (serviceName, perspectiveName) pair, I will raise KeyNotFound.

requestPerspectiveForService(self, serviceName)

Get the first available perspective for a given service.


Persist this Identity to the authorizer.

setAlreadyHashedPassword(self, cyphertext)

(legacy) Set a password for this identity, already md5 hashed.

verifyPassword(self, challenge, hashedPassword)

Verify a challenge/response password.

verifyPlainPassword(self, plaintext)

Verify plain text password.

This is insecure, but necessary to support legacy protocols such as IRC, POP3, HTTP, etc.

Class Variable Details



Generated by Epydoc 2.0 on Sat May 15 20:07:52 2004