Package twisted :: Package cred :: Module credentials :: Class IUsernameHashedPassword
[frames | no frames]

Class IUsernameHashedPassword

Interface --+    
 ICredentials --+

I encapsulate a username and a hashed password.

This credential is used when a hashed password is received from the party requesting authentication. CredentialCheckers which check this kind of credential must store the passwords in plaintext (or as password-equivalent hashes) form so that they can be hashed in a manner appropriate for the particular credentials class.
Method Summary
  checkPassword(self, password)
Validate these credentials against the correct password.

Instance Variable Summary
str username: The username associated with these credentials.

Class Variable Summary
    Inherited from ICredentials
  __implements__: Implementors _must_ provide an __implements__ attribute which contains at least the list of sub-interfaces of ICredentials to which it conforms.

Method Details

checkPassword(self, password)

Validate these credentials against the correct password.
password - The correct, plaintext password against which to check.
a deferred which becomes, or a boolean indicating if the password matches.

Instance Variable Details


The username associated with these credentials.

Generated by Epydoc 2.0 on Sat May 15 20:08:31 2004