Berkeley DB
version 4.7.25

Class ReplicationManagerAckPolicy

  extended by com.sleepycat.db.ReplicationManagerAckPolicy

public final class ReplicationManagerAckPolicy
extends Object

A class that provides definitions for the types of network ack policyto use when transmitting messages between replication sites using theReplication Manager.

Set using the EnvironmentConfig.setReplicationManagerAckPolicy API.

Field Summary
static ReplicationManagerAckPolicy ALL
          The master should wait until all replication clients have acknowledged each permanent replication message.
static ReplicationManagerAckPolicy ALL_PEERS
          The master should wait until all electable peers have acknowledged each permanent replication message (where "electable peer" means a client capable of being subsequently elected master of the replication group).
static ReplicationManagerAckPolicy NONE
          The master should not wait for any client replication message acknowledgments.
static ReplicationManagerAckPolicy ONE
          The master should wait until at least one client site has acknowledged each permanent replication message.
static ReplicationManagerAckPolicy ONE_PEER
          The master should wait until at least one electable peer has acknowledged each permanent replication message (where "electable peer" means a client capable of being subsequently elected master of the replication group).
static ReplicationManagerAckPolicy QUORUM
          The master should wait until it has received acknowledgements from the minimum number of electable peers sufficient to ensure that the effect of the permanent record remains durable if an election is held (where "electable peer" means a client capable of being subsequently elected master of the replication group).
Method Summary
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final ReplicationManagerAckPolicy ALL
The master should wait until all replication clients have acknowledged each permanent replication message.


public static final ReplicationManagerAckPolicy ALL_PEERS
The master should wait until all electable peers have acknowledged each permanent replication message (where "electable peer" means a client capable of being subsequently elected master of the replication group).


public static final ReplicationManagerAckPolicy NONE
The master should not wait for any client replication message acknowledgments.


public static final ReplicationManagerAckPolicy ONE
The master should wait until at least one client site has acknowledged each permanent replication message.


public static final ReplicationManagerAckPolicy ONE_PEER
The master should wait until at least one electable peer has acknowledged each permanent replication message (where "electable peer" means a client capable of being subsequently elected master of the replication group).


public static final ReplicationManagerAckPolicy QUORUM
The master should wait until it has received acknowledgements from the minimum number of electable peers sufficient to ensure that the effect of the permanent record remains durable if an election is held (where "electable peer" means a client capable of being subsequently elected master of the replication group). This is the default acknowledgement policy.

Method Detail


public String toString()

toString in class Object

Berkeley DB
version 4.7.25

Copyright (c) 1996,2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.