Berkeley DB
version 4.7.25

Annotation Type SecondaryKey

public @interface SecondaryKey

Indicates a secondary key field of an entity class. The value of the secondary key field is a unique or non-unique identifier for the entity and is accessed via a SecondaryIndex.

SecondaryKey may appear on any number of fields in an entity class, subclasses and superclasses. For a secondary key field in the entity class or one of its superclasses, all entity instances will be indexed by that field (if it is non-null). For a secondary key field in an entity subclass, only instances of that subclass will be indexed by that field (if it is non-null).

If a secondary key field is null, the entity will not be indexed by that key. In other words, the entity cannot be queried by that secondary key nor can the entity be found by iterating through the secondary index.

For a given entity class and its superclasses and subclasses, no two secondary keys may have the same name. By default, the field name identifies the secondary key and the secondary index for a given entity class. name() may be specified to override this default.

Using relate(), instances of the entity class are related to secondary keys in a many-to-one, one-to-many, many-to-many, or one-to-one relationship. This required property specifies the cardinality of each side of the relationship.

A secondary key may optionally be used to form a relationship with instances of another entity class using relatedEntity() and onRelatedEntityDelete(). This establishes foreign key constraints for the secondary key.

The secondary key field type must be an array or collection type when a x-to-many relationship is used or a singular type when an x-to-one relationship is used; see relate().

The field type (or element type, when an array or collection type is used) of a secondary key field must follow the same rules as for a primary key type. The key sort order is also the same.

Required Element Summary
 Relationship relate
          Defines the relationship between instances of the entity class and the secondary keys.
Optional Element Summary
 String name
          Specifies the name of the key in order to use a name that is different than the field name.
 DeleteAction onRelatedEntityDelete
          Specifies the action to take when a related entity is deleted having a primary key value that exists as a secondary key value for this entity.
 Class relatedEntity
          Specifies the entity to which this entity is related, for establishing foreign key constraints.

Element Detail


public abstract Relationship relate
Defines the relationship between instances of the entity class and the secondary keys.

The table below summarizes how to create all four variations of relationships.

Relationship Field type Key type Example
Relationship.ONE_TO_ONE Singular Unique A person record with a unique social security number key.
Relationship.MANY_TO_ONE Singular Duplicates A person record with a non-unique employer key.
Relationship.ONE_TO_MANY Array/Collection Unique A person record with multiple unique email address keys.
Relationship.MANY_TO_MANY Array/Collection Duplicates A person record with multiple non-unique organization keys.

For a many-to-x relationship, the secondary index will have non-unique keys; in other words, duplicates will be allowed. Conversely, for one-to-x relationship, the secondary index will have unique keys.

For a x-to-one relationship, the secondary key field is singular; in other words, it may not be an array or collection type. Conversely, for a x-to-many relationship, the secondary key field must be an array or collection type. A collection type is any implementation of Collection.


public abstract Class relatedEntity
Specifies the entity to which this entity is related, for establishing foreign key constraints. Values of this secondary key will be constrained to the set of primary key values for the given entity class.

The given class must be an entity class. This class is called the related entity or foreign entity.

When a related entity class is specified, a check (foreign key constraint) is made every time a new secondary key value is stored for this entity, and every time a related entity is deleted.

Whenever a new secondary key value is stored for this entity, it is checked to ensure it exists as a primary key value of the related entity. If it does not, a DatabaseException will be thrown by the PrimaryIndex put method.

Whenever a related entity is deleted and its primary key value exists as a secondary key value for this entity, the action is taken that is specified using the onRelatedEntityDelete() property.

Together, these two checks guarantee that a secondary key value for this entity will always exist as a primary key value for the related entity. Note, however, that a transactional store must be configured to guarantee this to be true in the face of a crash; see StoreConfig.setTransactional(boolean).



public abstract DeleteAction onRelatedEntityDelete
Specifies the action to take when a related entity is deleted having a primary key value that exists as a secondary key value for this entity.

Note: This property only applies when relatedEntity() is specified to define the related entity.

The default action, ABORT, means that a DatabaseException is thrown in order to abort the current transaction.

If CASCADE is specified, then this entity will be deleted also. This in turn could trigger further deletions, causing a cascading effect.

If NULLIFY is specified, then the secondary key in this entity is set to null and this entity is updated. If the key field type is singular, the field value is set to null; therefore, to specify NULLIFY for a singular key field type, a primitive wrapper type must be used instead of a primitive type. If the key field type is an array or collection type, the key is deleted from the array (the array is resized) or from the collection (using Collection.remove).



public abstract String name
Specifies the name of the key in order to use a name that is different than the field name.

This is convenient when prefixes or suffices are used on field names. For example:

  class Person {
      @SecondaryKey(relate=MANY_TO_ONE, relatedEntity=Person.class, name="parentSsn")
      String m_parentSsn;

It can also be used to uniquely name a key when multiple secondary keys for a single entity class have the same field name. For example, an entity class and its subclass may both have a field named 'date', and both fields are used as secondary keys. The name property can be specified for one or both fields to give each key a unique name.


Berkeley DB
version 4.7.25

Copyright (c) 1996,2008 Oracle. All rights reserved.