IOPM.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.
#ifndef _IOKIT_IOPM_H
#define _IOKIT_IOPM_H

#define IOPMMaxPowerStates 10

typedef unsigned long IOPMPowerFlags;
enum {
                        // following  bits are used in the input and output power fields
    kIOPMClockNormal		= 0x0004,
    kIOPMClockRunning		= 0x0008,
    kIOPMAuxPowerOn		= 0x0020,	// used only between root and root parent
    kIOPMPagingAvailable	= 0x0020,	// used only between paging plexus and its children
    kIOPMPassThrough		= 0x0100,
    kIOPMDoze			= 0x0400,
    kIOPMSoftSleep		= 0x0400,	// old usage, replaced by kIOPMDoze
    kIOPMSleep			= 0x0001,
    kIOPMRestart		= 0x0080,
                        // following  bits are used in the capabilites field and the power fields
    kIOPMPowerOn		= 0x0002,
    kIOPMPreventSystemSleep	= 0x0010,
    kIOPMPreventIdleSleep	= 0x0040,
                        // following  bits are used in the capabilites field
    kIOPMNotAttainable		= 0x0001,	// used between a driver and its policy-maker
    kIOPMChildClamp		= 0x0080,	// used internally in a power domain parent
    kIOPMChildClamp2		= 0x0200,	// used internally in a power domain parent
    kIOPMDeviceUsable		= 0x8000,
    kIOPMMaxPerformance	 	= 0x4000,
    kIOPMContextRetained	= 0x2000,
    kIOPMConfigRetained		= 0x1000,
    kIOPMSleepCapability	= 0x0004,
    kIOPMRestartCapability	= 0x0080,
    kIOPMNotPowerManaged	= 0x0800,	// this is an error return rather than a bit
    kIOPMStaticPowerValid	= 0x0800,	// therefore this bit safely overloads it
    kIOPMCapabilitiesMask =     kIOPMPowerOn | kIOPMDeviceUsable | kIOPMMaxPerformance |
                                kIOPMContextRetained | kIOPMConfigRetained | kIOPMSleepCapability |

enum {
    IOPMNotAttainable	= kIOPMNotAttainable,
    IOPMPowerOn		= kIOPMPowerOn,
    IOPMClockNormal	= kIOPMClockNormal,
    IOPMClockRunning	= kIOPMClockRunning,
    IOPMAuxPowerOn	= kIOPMAuxPowerOn,
    IOPMDeviceUsable	= kIOPMDeviceUsable,
    IOPMMaxPerformance	= kIOPMMaxPerformance,
    IOPMContextRetained	= kIOPMContextRetained,
    IOPMConfigRetained	= kIOPMConfigRetained,
    IOPMNotPowerManaged	= kIOPMNotPowerManaged,
    IOPMPagingAvailable	= kIOPMPagingAvailable,
    IOPMSoftSleep	= kIOPMSoftSleep

enum {
    kIOPMNextHigherState	= 1,
    kIOPMHighestState		= 2,
    kIOPMNextLowerState		= 3,
    kIOPMLowestState		= 4

enum {
    IOPMNextHigherState		= kIOPMNextHigherState,
    IOPMHighestState		= kIOPMHighestState,
    IOPMNextLowerState		= kIOPMNextLowerState,
    IOPMLowestState		= kIOPMLowestState

enum {		// commands on power managment command queue
    kIOPMBroadcastAggressiveness = 1,

enum {		// special value means "power consumption unknown"
    kIOPMUnknown = 0xFFFF

// Power events
enum {
  kClamshellClosedEventMask  = (1<<0),  // User closed lid
  kDockingBarEventMask       = (1<<1),  // OBSOLETE
  kACPlugEventMask           = (1<<2),  // User plugged or unplugged adapter
  kFrontPanelButtonEventMask = (1<<3),  // User hit the front panel button
  kBatteryStatusEventMask    = (1<<4)   // Battery status has changed

// Power commands issued to root domain
enum {
  kIOPMSleepNow                  = (1<<0),  // put machine to sleep now
  kIOPMAllowSleep                = (1<<1),  // allow idle sleep
  kIOPMPreventSleep              = (1<<2),  // do not allow idle sleep
  kIOPMPowerButton		 = (1<<3),  // power button was pressed
  kIOPMClamshellClosed		 = (1<<4),  // clamshell was closed
  kIOPMPowerEmergency		 = (1<<5),  // battery dangerously low
  kIOPMDisableClamshell		 = (1<<6),  // do not sleep on clamshell closure
  kIOPMEnableClamshell		 = (1<<7),  // sleep on clamshell closure
  kIOPMProcessorSpeedChange	 = (1<<8),  // change the processor speed
  kIOPMOverTemp                  = (1<<9)   // system dangerously hot
                                        // Return codes

// PUBLIC power management features
// NOTE: this is a direct port from classic, some of these bits
//       are obsolete but are included for completeness
enum {
  kPMHasWakeupTimerMask        = (1<<0),  // 1=wake timer is supported
  kPMHasSharedModemPortMask    = (1<<1),  // Not used
  kPMHasProcessorCyclingMask   = (1<<2),  // 1=processor cycling supported
  kPMMustProcessorCycleMask    = (1<<3),  // Not used
  kPMHasReducedSpeedMask       = (1<<4),  // 1=supports reduced processor speed
  kPMDynamicSpeedChangeMask    = (1<<5),  // 1=supports changing processor speed on the fly
  kPMHasSCSIDiskModeMask       = (1<<6),  // 1=supports using machine as SCSI drive
  kPMCanGetBatteryTimeMask     = (1<<7),  // 1=battery time can be calculated
  kPMCanWakeupOnRingMask       = (1<<8),  // 1=machine can wake on modem ring
  kPMHasDimmingSupportMask     = (1<<9),  // 1=has monitor dimming support
  kPMHasStartupTimerMask       = (1<<10), // 1=can program startup timer
  kPMHasChargeNotificationMask = (1<<11), // 1=client can determine charger status/get notifications
  kPMHasDimSuspendSupportMask  = (1<<12), // 1=can dim diplay to DPMS ('off') state
  kPMHasWakeOnNetActivityMask  = (1<<13), // 1=supports waking upon receipt of net packet
  kPMHasWakeOnLidMask          = (1<<14), // 1=can wake upon lid/case opening
  kPMCanPowerOffPCIBusMask     = (1<<15), // 1=can remove power from PCI bus on sleep
  kPMHasDeepSleepMask          = (1<<16), // 1=supports deep (hibernation) sleep
  kPMHasSleepMask              = (1<<17), // 1=machine support low power sleep (ala powerbooks)
  kPMSupportsServerModeAPIMask = (1<<18), // 1=supports reboot on AC resume for unexpected power loss
  kPMHasUPSIntegrationMask     = (1<<19)  // 1=supports incorporating UPS devices into power source calcs

// PRIVATE power management features
// NOTE: this is a direct port from classic, some of these bits
//       are obsolete but are included for completeness.
enum {
  kPMHasExtdBattInfoMask       = (1<<0),  // Not used
  kPMHasBatteryIDMask          = (1<<1),  // Not used
  kPMCanSwitchPowerMask        = (1<<2),  // Not used 
  kPMHasCelsiusCyclingMask     = (1<<3),  // Not used
  kPMHasBatteryPredictionMask  = (1<<4),  // Not used
  kPMHasPowerLevelsMask        = (1<<5),  // Not used
  kPMHasSleepCPUSpeedMask      = (1<<6),  // Not used
  kPMHasBtnIntHandlersMask     = (1<<7),  // 1=supports individual button interrupt handlers
  kPMHasSCSITermPowerMask      = (1<<8),  // 1=supports SCSI termination power switch
  kPMHasADBButtonHandlersMask  = (1<<9),  // 1=supports button handlers via ADB
  kPMHasICTControlMask         = (1<<10), // 1=supports ICT control
  kPMHasLegacyDesktopSleepMask = (1<<11), // 1=supports 'doze' style sleep
  kPMHasDeepIdleMask           = (1<<12), // 1=supports Idle2 in hardware
  kPMOpenLidPreventsSleepMask  = (1<<13), // 1=open case prevent machine from sleeping
  kPMClosedLidCausesSleepMask  = (1<<14), // 1=case closed (clamshell closed) causes sleep
  kPMHasFanControlMask         = (1<<15), // 1=machine has software-programmable fan/thermostat controls
  kPMHasThermalControlMask     = (1<<16), // 1=machine supports thermal monitoring
  kPMHasVStepSpeedChangeMask   = (1<<17), // 1=machine supports processor voltage/clock change
  kPMEnvironEventsPolledMask   = (1<<18)  // 1=machine doesn't generate pmu env ints, we must poll instead 

// DEFAULT public and private features for machines whose device tree
// does NOT contain this information (pre-Core99).

// For Cuda-based Desktops

#define kStdDesktopPMFeatures   kPMHasWakeupTimerMask         |\
                                kPMHasProcessorCyclingMask    |\
                                kPMHasDimmingSupportMask      |\
                                kPMHasStartupTimerMask        |\
                                kPMSupportsServerModeAPIMask  |\

#define kStdDesktopPrivPMFeatures  kPMHasExtdBattInfoMask     |\
                                   kPMHasICTControlMask       |\

#define kStdDesktopNumBatteries 0

// For Wallstreet (PowerBook G3 Series 1998)

#define kWallstreetPMFeatures   kPMHasWakeupTimerMask         |\
                                kPMHasProcessorCyclingMask    |\
                                kPMHasReducedSpeedMask        |\
                                kPMDynamicSpeedChangeMask     |\
                                kPMHasSCSIDiskModeMask        |\
                                kPMCanGetBatteryTimeMask      |\
                                kPMHasDimmingSupportMask      |\
                                kPMHasChargeNotificationMask  |\
                                kPMHasDimSuspendSupportMask   |\

#define kWallstreetPrivPMFeatures  kPMHasExtdBattInfoMask      |\
                                   kPMHasBatteryIDMask         |\
                                   kPMCanSwitchPowerMask       |\
                                   kPMHasADBButtonHandlersMask |\
                                   kPMHasSCSITermPowerMask     |\
                                   kPMHasICTControlMask        |\
                                   kPMClosedLidCausesSleepMask |\

#define kStdPowerBookPMFeatures      kWallstreetPMFeatures
#define kStdPowerBookPrivPMFeatures  kWallstreetPrivPMFeatures

#define kStdPowerBookNumBatteries 2

// For 101 (PowerBook G3 Series 1999)

#define k101PMFeatures          kPMHasWakeupTimerMask         |\
                                kPMHasProcessorCyclingMask    |\
                                kPMHasReducedSpeedMask        |\
                                kPMDynamicSpeedChangeMask     |\
                                kPMHasSCSIDiskModeMask        |\
                                kPMCanGetBatteryTimeMask      |\
                                kPMHasDimmingSupportMask      |\
                                kPMHasChargeNotificationMask  |\
                                kPMHasDimSuspendSupportMask   |\
                                kPMHasSleepMask               |\

#define k101PrivPMFeatures      kPMHasExtdBattInfoMask        |\
                                kPMHasBatteryIDMask           |\
                                kPMCanSwitchPowerMask         |\
                                kPMHasADBButtonHandlersMask   |\
                                kPMHasSCSITermPowerMask       |\
                                kPMHasICTControlMask          |\
                                kPMClosedLidCausesSleepMask   |\

#define IOPMNoErr		0	// normal return

                        // returned by powerStateWillChange and powerStateDidChange:
#define IOPMAckImplied		0	// acknowledgement of power state change is implied
#define IOPMWillAckLater	1	// acknowledgement of power state change will come later

                        // returned by requestDomainState
#define IOPMBadSpecification	4	// unrecognized specification parameter
#define IOPMNoSuchState		5	// no power state matches search specification

#define IOPMCannotRaisePower	6	// a device cannot change its power for some reason

                        // returned by changeStateTo
#define IOPMParameterError	7	// requested state doesn't exist
#define IOPMNotYetInitialized	8	// device not yet fully hooked into power management "graph"

						// used by Root Domain UserClient

enum {
    kPMGeneralAggressiveness = 0,
#define kMaxType (kPMLastAggressivenessType-1)

// SetAggressiveness values for the kPMPowerSource aggressiveness type
enum {
    kIOPMInternalPower = 1,

#define kAppleClamshellStateKey           "AppleClamshellState"
#define kIOREMSleepEnabledKey             "REMSleepEnabled"

// Strings for deciphering the dictionary returned from IOPMCopyBatteryInfo
#define kIOBatteryInfoKey		"IOBatteryInfo"
#define kIOBatteryCurrentChargeKey	"Current"
#define kIOBatteryCapacityKey		"Capacity"
#define kIOBatteryFlagsKey		"Flags"
#define kIOBatteryVoltageKey		"Voltage"
#define kIOBatteryAmperageKey		"Amperage"

enum {
    kIOBatteryInstalled		= (1 << 2),
    kIOBatteryCharge		= (1 << 1),
    kIOBatteryChargerConnect	= (1 << 0)

// Private power management message indicating battery data has changed
// Indicates new data resides in the IORegistry
#define kIOPMMessageBatteryStatusHasChanged         iokit_family_msg(sub_iokit_pmu, 0x100)

// Apple private Legacy messages for re-routing AutoWake and AutoPower messages to the PMU
// through newer user space IOPMSchedulePowerEvent API
#define kIOPMUMessageLegacyAutoWake                 iokit_family_msg(sub_iokit_pmu, 0x200)
#define kIOPMUMessageLegacyAutoPower            	iokit_family_msg(sub_iokit_pmu, 0x210)

// These flags are deprecated. Use the version with the kIOPM prefix below.
enum {
  kACInstalled      = kIOBatteryChargerConnect,
  kBatteryCharging  = kIOBatteryCharge,
  kBatteryInstalled = kIOBatteryInstalled,
  kUPSInstalled     = (1<<3),
  kBatteryAtWarn    = (1<<4),
  kBatteryDepleted  = (1<<5),
  kACnoChargeCapability = (1<<6),     // AC adapter cannot charge battery
  kRawLowBattery    = (1<<7),         // used only by  Platform Expert
  kForceLowSpeed    = (1<<8)         // set by Platfm Expert, chk'd by Pwr Plugin};

// For use with IOPMPowerSource bFlags
enum {
  kIOPMACInstalled      = kIOBatteryChargerConnect,
  kIOPMBatteryCharging  = kIOBatteryCharge,
  kIOPMBatteryInstalled = kIOBatteryInstalled,
  kIOPMUPSInstalled     = (1<<3),
  kIOPMBatteryAtWarn    = (1<<4),
  kIOPMBatteryDepleted  = (1<<5),
  kIOPMACnoChargeCapability = (1<<6),     // AC adapter cannot charge battery
  kIOPMRawLowBattery    = (1<<7),         // used only by  Platform Expert
  kIOPMForceLowSpeed    = (1<<8),         // set by Platfm Expert, chk'd by Pwr Plugin
  kIOPMClosedClamshell  = (1<<9),         // set by PMU - reflects state of the clamshell
  kIOPMClamshellStateOnWake = (1<<10)     // used only by Platform Expert

// **********************************************
// Internal power management data structures
// **********************************************

#if KERNEL && __cplusplus
class IOService;

enum {
    kIOPowerEmergencyLevel = 1000

enum {

struct stateChangeNote{
    IOPMPowerFlags	stateFlags;
    unsigned long	stateNum;
    void * 		powerRef;
typedef struct stateChangeNote stateChangeNote;

struct IOPowerStateChangeNotification {
    void *		powerRef;
    unsigned long	returnValue;
    unsigned long	stateNumber;
    IOPMPowerFlags	stateFlags;
typedef struct IOPowerStateChangeNotification IOPowerStateChangeNotification;
typedef IOPowerStateChangeNotification sleepWakeNote;

extern void IOPMRegisterDevice(const char *, IOService *);
#endif /* KERNEL && __cplusplus */

#endif /* ! _IOKIT_IOPM_H */