fsevents.h   [plain text]

#ifndef FSEVENT_H
#define FSEVENT_H 1

// Event types that you can ask to listen for
#define FSE_INVALID             -1
#define FSE_CREATE_FILE          0
#define FSE_DELETE               1
#define FSE_STAT_CHANGED         2
#define FSE_RENAME               3
#define FSE_EXCHANGE             5
#define FSE_CREATE_DIR           7
#define FSE_CHOWN                8

#define FSE_MAX_EVENTS           9
#define FSE_ALL_EVENTS         998

#define FSE_EVENTS_DROPPED     999

// Actions for each event type
#define FSE_IGNORE    0
#define FSE_REPORT    1
#define FSE_ASK       2    // Not implemented yet

// The types of each of the arguments for an event
// Each type is followed by the size and then the
// data.  FSE_ARG_VNODE is just a path string
#define FSE_ARG_VNODE    0x0001   // next arg is a vnode pointer
#define FSE_ARG_STRING   0x0002   // next arg is length followed by string ptr
#define FSE_ARG_PATH     0x0003   // next arg is a full path
#define FSE_ARG_INT32    0x0004   // next arg is a 32-bit int
#define FSE_ARG_INT64    0x0005   // next arg is a 64-bit int
#define FSE_ARG_RAW      0x0006   // next arg is a length followed by a void ptr
#define FSE_ARG_INO      0x0007   // next arg is the inode number (ino_t)
#define FSE_ARG_UID      0x0008   // next arg is the file's uid (uid_t)
#define FSE_ARG_DEV      0x0009   // next arg is the file's dev_t
#define FSE_ARG_MODE     0x000a   // next arg is the file's mode (as an int32, file type only)
#define FSE_ARG_GID      0x000b   // next arg is the file's gid (gid_t)
#define FSE_ARG_FINFO    0x000c   // kernel internal only
#define FSE_ARG_DONE     0xb33f   // no more arguments

#define FSE_MAX_ARGS     12

// ioctl's on /dev/fsevents
typedef struct fsevent_clone_args {
    int8_t  *event_list;
    int32_t  num_events;
    int32_t  event_queue_depth;
    int32_t *fd;
} fsevent_clone_args;

#define	FSEVENTS_CLONE	_IOW('s', 1, fsevent_clone_args)

// ioctl's on the cloned fd
typedef struct fsevent_dev_filter_args {
    uint32_t  num_devices;
    dev_t    *devices;
} fsevent_dev_filter_args;

#define	FSEVENTS_DEVICE_FILTER	_IOW('s', 100, fsevent_dev_filter_args)

#ifdef KERNEL

int  need_fsevent(int type, vnode_t vp);
int  add_fsevent(int type, vfs_context_t, ...);
void fsevent_unmount(struct mount *mp);

// misc utility functions for fsevent info and pathbuffers...
typedef struct fse_info {
    dev_t      dev;
    ino_t      ino;
    int32_t    mode;   // note: this is not a mode_t (it's 32-bits, not 16)
    uid_t      uid;
    gid_t      gid;
} fse_info;

int   get_fse_info(struct vnode *vp, fse_info *fse, vfs_context_t ctx);

char *get_pathbuff(void);
void  release_pathbuff(char *path);

#endif /* KERNEL */

#endif /* FSEVENT_H */