kauth.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2004-2010 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.
 * NOTICE: This file was modified by SPARTA, Inc. in 2005 to introduce
 * support for mandatory and extensible security protections.  This notice
 * is included in support of clause 2.2 (b) of the Apple Public License,
 * Version 2.0.

#ifndef _SYS_KAUTH_H
#define _SYS_KAUTH_H

#include <sys/appleapiopts.h>
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#include <mach/boolean.h>
#include <machine/types.h>      /* u_int8_t, etc. */
#include <sys/_types.h>         /* __offsetof() */
#include <sys/_types/_uid_t.h>  /* uid_t */
#include <sys/_types/_gid_t.h>     /* gid_t */
#include <sys/syslimits.h>      /* NGROUPS_MAX */


 * Identities.

#define KAUTH_UID_NONE  (~(uid_t)0 - 100)       /* not a valid UID */
#define KAUTH_GID_NONE  (~(gid_t)0 - 100)       /* not a valid GID */

#include <sys/_types/_guid_t.h>

/* NT Security Identifier, structure as defined by Microsoft */
#pragma pack(1)    /* push packing of 1 byte */
typedef struct {
	u_int8_t                sid_kind;
	u_int8_t                sid_authcount;
	u_int8_t                sid_authority[6];
	u_int32_t       sid_authorities[KAUTH_NTSID_MAX_AUTHORITIES];
} ntsid_t;
#pragma pack()    /* pop packing to previous packing level */
#define _NTSID_T

/* valid byte count inside a SID structure */
#define KAUTH_NTSID_HDRSIZE     (8)
#define KAUTH_NTSID_SIZE(_s)    (KAUTH_NTSID_HDRSIZE + ((_s)->sid_authcount * sizeof(u_int32_t)))

 * External lookup message payload; this structure is shared between the
 * kernel group membership resolver, and the user space group membership
 * resolver daemon, and is use to communicate resolution requests from the
 * kernel to user space, and the result of that request from user space to
 * the kernel.
struct kauth_identity_extlookup {
	u_int32_t       el_seqno;       /* request sequence number */
	u_int32_t       el_result;      /* lookup result */
#define KAUTH_EXTLOOKUP_SUCCESS         0       /* results here are good */
#define KAUTH_EXTLOOKUP_BADRQ           1       /* request badly formatted */
#define KAUTH_EXTLOOKUP_FAILURE         2       /* transient failure during lookup */
#define KAUTH_EXTLOOKUP_FATAL           3       /* permanent failure during lookup */
#define KAUTH_EXTLOOKUP_INPROG          100     /* request in progress */
	u_int32_t       el_flags;
#define KAUTH_EXTLOOKUP_VALID_UID       (1<<0)
#define KAUTH_EXTLOOKUP_VALID_USID      (1<<2)
#define KAUTH_EXTLOOKUP_VALID_GID       (1<<3)
#define KAUTH_EXTLOOKUP_VALID_GSID      (1<<5)
#define KAUTH_EXTLOOKUP_WANT_UID        (1<<6)
#define KAUTH_EXTLOOKUP_WANT_UGUID      (1<<7)
#define KAUTH_EXTLOOKUP_WANT_USID       (1<<8)
#define KAUTH_EXTLOOKUP_WANT_GID        (1<<9)
#define KAUTH_EXTLOOKUP_WANT_GGUID      (1<<10)
#define KAUTH_EXTLOOKUP_WANT_GSID       (1<<11)
#define KAUTH_EXTLOOKUP_ISMEMBER        (1<<14)
#define KAUTH_EXTLOOKUP_WANT_PWNAM      (1<<16)
#define KAUTH_EXTLOOKUP_WANT_GRNAM      (1<<18)

	__darwin_pid_t  el_info_pid;            /* request on behalf of PID */
	u_int64_t       el_extend;              /* extension field */
	u_int32_t       el_info_reserved_1;     /* reserved (APPLE) */

	uid_t           el_uid;         /* user ID */
	guid_t          el_uguid;       /* user GUID */
	u_int32_t       el_uguid_valid; /* TTL on translation result (seconds) */
	ntsid_t         el_usid;        /* user NT SID */
	u_int32_t       el_usid_valid;  /* TTL on translation result (seconds) */
	gid_t           el_gid;         /* group ID */
	guid_t          el_gguid;       /* group GUID */
	u_int32_t       el_gguid_valid; /* TTL on translation result (seconds) */
	ntsid_t         el_gsid;        /* group SID */
	u_int32_t       el_gsid_valid;  /* TTL on translation result (seconds) */
	u_int32_t       el_member_valid; /* TTL on group lookup result */
	u_int32_t       el_sup_grp_cnt;  /* count of supplemental groups up to NGROUPS */
	gid_t           el_sup_groups[NGROUPS_MAX];     /* supplemental group list */

struct kauth_cache_sizes {
	u_int32_t kcs_group_size;
	u_int32_t kcs_id_size;

#define KAUTH_EXTLOOKUP_RESULT          (1<<0)
#define KAUTH_EXTLOOKUP_WORKER          (1<<1)
#define KAUTH_GET_CACHE_SIZES           (1<<3)
#define KAUTH_SET_CACHE_SIZES           (1<<4)
#define KAUTH_CLEAR_CACHES              (1<<5)

#define IDENTITYSVC_ENTITLEMENT         "com.apple.private.identitysvc"

#ifdef KERNEL
 * Credentials.

#if 0
 * Supplemental credential data.
 * This interface allows us to associate arbitrary data with a credential.
 * As with the credential, the data is considered immutable.
struct kauth_cred_supplement {
	TAILQ_ENTRY(kauth_cred_supplement) kcs_link;

	int     kcs_ref;                /* reference count */
	int     kcs_id;                 /* vended identifier */
	size_t  kcs_size;               /* size of data field */
	char    kcs_data[0];

typedef struct kauth_cred_supplement *kauth_cred_supplement_t;

struct kauth_cred {
	TAILQ_ENTRY(kauth_cred) kc_link;

	int     kc_ref;                 /* reference count */
	uid_t   kc_uid;                 /* effective user id */
	uid_t   kc_ruid;                /* real user id */
	uid_t   kc_svuid;               /* saved user id */
	gid_t   kc_gid;                 /* effective group id */
	gid_t   kc_rgid;                /* real group id */
	gid_t   kc_svgid;               /* saved group id */

	int     kc_flags;
#define KAUTH_CRED_GRPOVERRIDE          (1<<0)  /* private group list is authoritative */

	int     kc_npvtgroups;          /* private group list, advisory or authoritative */
	gid_t   kc_pvtgroups[NGROUPS];  /* based on KAUTH_CRED_GRPOVERRIDE flag */

	int     kc_nsuppgroups;         /* supplementary group list */
	gid_t   *kc_suppgroups;

	int     kc_nwhtgroups;          /* whiteout group list */
	gid_t   *kc_whtgroups;

	struct au_session cr_audit;     /* user auditing data */

	int     kc_nsupplement;         /* entry count in supplemental data pointer array */
	kauth_cred_supplement_t *kc_supplement;

/* XXX just for now */
#include <sys/ucred.h>
// typedef struct ucred *kauth_cred_t;

/* Kernel SPI for now */
 * Routines specific to credentials with POSIX credential labels attached
 * XXX	Should be in policy_posix.h, with struct posix_cred
extern kauth_cred_t posix_cred_create(posix_cred_t pcred);
extern posix_cred_t posix_cred_get(kauth_cred_t cred);
extern void posix_cred_label(kauth_cred_t cred, posix_cred_t pcred);
extern int posix_cred_access(kauth_cred_t cred, id_t object_uid, id_t object_gid, mode_t object_mode, mode_t mode_req);

extern uid_t    kauth_getuid(void);
extern uid_t    kauth_getruid(void);
extern gid_t    kauth_getgid(void);
extern kauth_cred_t kauth_cred_get(void);
extern kauth_cred_t kauth_cred_get_with_ref(void);
extern kauth_cred_t kauth_cred_proc_ref(proc_t procp);
extern kauth_cred_t kauth_cred_create(kauth_cred_t cred);
extern void     kauth_cred_ref(kauth_cred_t _cred);
#ifndef __LP64__
/* Use kauth_cred_unref(), not kauth_cred_rele() */
extern void     kauth_cred_rele(kauth_cred_t _cred) __deprecated;
extern void     kauth_cred_unref(kauth_cred_t *_cred);

struct label;
extern kauth_cred_t     kauth_cred_label_update(kauth_cred_t cred, struct label *label);
extern int kauth_proc_label_update(struct proc *p, struct label *label);
/* this is a temp hack to cover us when MAC is not built in a kernel configuration.
 * Since we cannot build our export list based on the kernel configuration we need
 * to define a stub.
extern kauth_cred_t     kauth_cred_label_update(kauth_cred_t cred, void *label);
extern int kauth_proc_label_update(struct proc *p, void *label);

__deprecated_msg("Unsafe interface: requires lock holds that aren't exposed")
extern kauth_cred_t kauth_cred_find(kauth_cred_t cred);
extern uid_t    kauth_cred_getuid(kauth_cred_t _cred);
extern uid_t    kauth_cred_getruid(kauth_cred_t _cred);
extern uid_t    kauth_cred_getsvuid(kauth_cred_t _cred);
extern gid_t    kauth_cred_getgid(kauth_cred_t _cred);
extern gid_t    kauth_cred_getrgid(kauth_cred_t _cred);
extern gid_t    kauth_cred_getsvgid(kauth_cred_t _cred);
extern int      kauth_cred_pwnam2guid(char *pwnam, guid_t *guidp);
extern int      kauth_cred_grnam2guid(char *grnam, guid_t *guidp);
extern int      kauth_cred_guid2pwnam(guid_t *guidp, char *pwnam);
extern int      kauth_cred_guid2grnam(guid_t *guidp, char *grnam);
extern int      kauth_cred_guid2uid(guid_t *_guid, uid_t *_uidp);
extern int      kauth_cred_guid2gid(guid_t *_guid, gid_t *_gidp);
extern int      kauth_cred_ntsid2uid(ntsid_t *_sid, uid_t *_uidp);
extern int      kauth_cred_ntsid2gid(ntsid_t *_sid, gid_t *_gidp);
extern int      kauth_cred_ntsid2guid(ntsid_t *_sid, guid_t *_guidp);
extern int      kauth_cred_uid2guid(uid_t _uid, guid_t *_guidp);
extern int      kauth_cred_getguid(kauth_cred_t _cred, guid_t *_guidp);
extern int      kauth_cred_gid2guid(gid_t _gid, guid_t *_guidp);
extern int      kauth_cred_uid2ntsid(uid_t _uid, ntsid_t *_sidp);
extern int      kauth_cred_getntsid(kauth_cred_t _cred, ntsid_t *_sidp);
extern int      kauth_cred_gid2ntsid(gid_t _gid, ntsid_t *_sidp);
extern int      kauth_cred_guid2ntsid(guid_t *_guid, ntsid_t *_sidp);
extern int      kauth_cred_ismember_gid(kauth_cred_t _cred, gid_t _gid, int *_resultp);
extern int      kauth_cred_ismember_guid(kauth_cred_t _cred, guid_t *_guidp, int *_resultp);
extern int      kauth_cred_nfs4domain2dsnode(char *nfs4domain, char *dsnode);
extern int      kauth_cred_dsnode2nfs4domain(char *dsnode, char *nfs4domain);

extern int      groupmember(gid_t gid, kauth_cred_t cred);

/* currently only exported in unsupported for use by seatbelt */
extern int      kauth_cred_issuser(kauth_cred_t _cred);

/* GUID, NTSID helpers */
extern guid_t   kauth_null_guid;
extern int      kauth_guid_equal(guid_t *_guid1, guid_t *_guid2);
extern int      kauth_ntsid_equal(ntsid_t *_sid1, ntsid_t *_sid2);

extern int      kauth_wellknown_guid(guid_t *_guid);
#define KAUTH_WKG_NOT           0       /* not a well-known GUID */
#define KAUTH_WKG_OWNER         1
#define KAUTH_WKG_GROUP         2
#define KAUTH_WKG_NOBODY        3

extern gid_t    kauth_getrgid(void);
extern int      cantrace(proc_t cur_procp, kauth_cred_t creds, proc_t traced_procp, int *errp);
extern kauth_cred_t kauth_cred_copy_real(kauth_cred_t cred);
extern kauth_cred_t kauth_cred_setresuid(kauth_cred_t cred, uid_t ruid, uid_t euid, uid_t svuid, uid_t gmuid);
extern kauth_cred_t kauth_cred_setresgid(kauth_cred_t cred, gid_t rgid, gid_t egid, gid_t svgid);
extern kauth_cred_t kauth_cred_setuidgid(kauth_cred_t cred, uid_t uid, gid_t gid);
extern kauth_cred_t kauth_cred_setsvuidgid(kauth_cred_t cred, uid_t uid, gid_t gid);
extern kauth_cred_t kauth_cred_setgroups(kauth_cred_t cred, gid_t *groups, size_t groupcount, uid_t gmuid);
struct uthread;
extern void     kauth_cred_uthread_update(struct uthread *, proc_t);
extern void kauth_proc_label_update_execve(struct proc *p, struct vfs_context *ctx, struct vnode *vp, off_t offset, struct vnode *scriptvp, struct label *scriptlabel, struct label *execlabel, unsigned int *csflags, void *psattr, int *disjoint, int *update_return);
extern int      kauth_cred_getgroups(kauth_cred_t _cred, gid_t *_groups, size_t *_groupcount);
extern int      kauth_cred_gid_subset(kauth_cred_t _cred1, kauth_cred_t _cred2, int *_resultp);
struct auditinfo_addr;
extern kauth_cred_t kauth_cred_setauditinfo(kauth_cred_t, au_session_t *);
extern int      kauth_cred_supplementary_register(const char *name, int *ident);
extern int      kauth_cred_supplementary_add(kauth_cred_t cred, int ident, const void *data, size_t datasize);
extern int      kauth_cred_supplementary_remove(kauth_cred_t cred, int ident);


#endif /* KERNEL */

 * Generic Access Control Lists.
#if defined(KERNEL) || defined (_SYS_ACL_H)

typedef u_int32_t kauth_ace_rights_t;

/* Access Control List Entry (ACE) */
struct kauth_ace {
	guid_t          ace_applicable;
	u_int32_t       ace_flags;
#define KAUTH_ACE_KINDMASK              0xf
#define KAUTH_ACE_PERMIT                1
#define KAUTH_ACE_DENY                  2
#define KAUTH_ACE_AUDIT                 3       /* not implemented */
#define KAUTH_ACE_ALARM                 4       /* not implemented */
#define KAUTH_ACE_INHERITED             (1<<4)
#define KAUTH_ACE_FILE_INHERIT          (1<<5)
#define KAUTH_ACE_LIMIT_INHERIT         (1<<7)
#define KAUTH_ACE_ONLY_INHERIT          (1<<8)
#define KAUTH_ACE_SUCCESS               (1<<9)  /* not implemented (AUDIT/ALARM) */
#define KAUTH_ACE_FAILURE               (1<<10) /* not implemented (AUDIT/ALARM) */
/* All flag bits controlling ACE inheritance */
	        (KAUTH_ACE_FILE_INHERIT |       \
	         KAUTH_ACE_LIMIT_INHERIT |      \
	kauth_ace_rights_t ace_rights;          /* scope specific */
	/* These rights are never tested, but may be present in an ACL */
#define KAUTH_ACE_GENERIC_ALL           (1<<21)
#define KAUTH_ACE_GENERIC_EXECUTE       (1<<22)
#define KAUTH_ACE_GENERIC_WRITE         (1<<23)
#define KAUTH_ACE_GENERIC_READ          (1<<24)

#ifndef _KAUTH_ACE
#define _KAUTH_ACE
typedef struct kauth_ace *kauth_ace_t;

/* Access Control List */
struct kauth_acl {
	u_int32_t       acl_entrycount;
	u_int32_t       acl_flags;

	struct kauth_ace acl_ace[1];

 * XXX this value needs to be raised - 3893388
#define KAUTH_ACL_MAX_ENTRIES           128

 * The low 16 bits of the flags field are reserved for filesystem
 * internal use and must be preserved by all APIs.  This includes
 * round-tripping flags through user-space interfaces.
#define KAUTH_ACL_FLAGS_PRIVATE (0xffff)

 * The high 16 bits of the flags are used to store attributes and
 * to request specific handling of the ACL.

/* inheritance will be deferred until the first rename operation */
/* this ACL must not be overwritten as part of an inheritance operation */
#define KAUTH_ACL_NO_INHERIT    (1<<17)

/* acl_entrycount that tells us the ACL is not valid */
#define KAUTH_FILESEC_NOACL ((u_int32_t)(-1))

 * If the acl_entrycount field is KAUTH_FILESEC_NOACL, then the size is the
 * same as a kauth_acl structure; the intent is to put an actual entrycount of
 * KAUTH_FILESEC_NOACL on disk to distinguish a kauth_filesec_t with an empty
 * entry (Windows treats this as "deny all") from one that merely indicates a
 * file group and/or owner guid values.
#define KAUTH_ACL_SIZE(c)       (__offsetof(struct kauth_acl, acl_ace) + ((u_int32_t)(c) != KAUTH_FILESEC_NOACL ? ((c) * sizeof(struct kauth_ace)) : 0))
#define KAUTH_ACL_COPYSIZE(p)   KAUTH_ACL_SIZE((p)->acl_entrycount)

#ifndef _KAUTH_ACL
#define _KAUTH_ACL
typedef struct kauth_acl *kauth_acl_t;

#ifdef KERNEL
kauth_acl_t     kauth_acl_alloc(int size);
void            kauth_acl_free(kauth_acl_t fsp);

 * Extended File Security.

/* File Security information */
struct kauth_filesec {
	u_int32_t       fsec_magic;
#define KAUTH_FILESEC_MAGIC     0x012cc16d
	guid_t          fsec_owner;
	guid_t          fsec_group;

	struct kauth_acl fsec_acl;

/* backwards compatibility */
#define fsec_entrycount fsec_acl.acl_entrycount
#define fsec_flags      fsec_acl.acl_flags
#define fsec_ace        fsec_acl.acl_ace
#define KAUTH_FILESEC_NONE      ((kauth_filesec_t)0)
#define KAUTH_FILESEC_WANTED    ((kauth_filesec_t)1)

typedef struct kauth_filesec *kauth_filesec_t;

#define KAUTH_FILESEC_SIZE(c)           (__offsetof(struct kauth_filesec, fsec_acl) + __offsetof(struct kauth_acl, acl_ace) + (c) * sizeof(struct kauth_ace))
#define KAUTH_FILESEC_COPYSIZE(p)       KAUTH_FILESEC_SIZE(((p)->fsec_entrycount == KAUTH_FILESEC_NOACL) ? 0 : (p)->fsec_entrycount)
#define KAUTH_FILESEC_COUNT(s)          (((s)  - KAUTH_FILESEC_SIZE(0)) / sizeof(struct kauth_ace))
#define KAUTH_FILESEC_VALID(s)          ((s) >= KAUTH_FILESEC_SIZE(0) && (((s) - KAUTH_FILESEC_SIZE(0)) % sizeof(struct kauth_ace)) == 0)

#define KAUTH_FILESEC_XATTR     "com.apple.system.Security"

/* Allowable first arguments to kauth_filesec_acl_setendian() */
#define KAUTH_ENDIAN_HOST       0x00000001      /* set host endianness */
#define KAUTH_ENDIAN_DISK       0x00000002      /* set disk endianness */

#endif /* KERNEL || <sys/acl.h> */

#ifdef KERNEL

 * Scope management.
struct kauth_scope;
typedef struct kauth_scope *kauth_scope_t;
struct kauth_listener;
typedef struct kauth_listener *kauth_listener_t;
typedef int kauth_action_t;
# define _KAUTH_ACTION_T

typedef int (* kauth_scope_callback_t)(kauth_cred_t _credential,
    void *_idata,
    kauth_action_t _action,
    uintptr_t _arg0,
    uintptr_t _arg1,
    uintptr_t _arg2,
    uintptr_t _arg3);

#define KAUTH_RESULT_ALLOW      (1)
#define KAUTH_RESULT_DENY       (2)
#define KAUTH_RESULT_DEFER      (3)

struct kauth_acl_eval {
	kauth_ace_t             ae_acl;
	int                     ae_count;
	kauth_ace_rights_t      ae_requested;
	kauth_ace_rights_t      ae_residual;
	int                     ae_result;
	boolean_t               ae_found_deny;
	int                     ae_options;
#define KAUTH_AEVAL_IS_OWNER    (1<<0)          /* authorizing operation for owner */
#define KAUTH_AEVAL_IN_GROUP    (1<<1)          /* authorizing operation for groupmember */
#define KAUTH_AEVAL_IN_GROUP_UNKNOWN    (1<<2)          /* authorizing operation for unknown group membership */
	/* expansions for 'generic' rights bits */
	kauth_ace_rights_t      ae_exp_gall;
	kauth_ace_rights_t      ae_exp_gread;
	kauth_ace_rights_t      ae_exp_gwrite;
	kauth_ace_rights_t      ae_exp_gexec;

typedef struct kauth_acl_eval *kauth_acl_eval_t;

kauth_filesec_t kauth_filesec_alloc(int size);
void            kauth_filesec_free(kauth_filesec_t fsp);
extern kauth_scope_t kauth_register_scope(const char *_identifier, kauth_scope_callback_t _callback, void *_idata);
extern void     kauth_deregister_scope(kauth_scope_t _scope);
__kpi_deprecated("Use EndpointSecurity instead")
extern kauth_listener_t kauth_listen_scope(const char *_identifier, kauth_scope_callback_t _callback, void *_idata);
__kpi_deprecated("Use EndpointSecurity instead")
extern void     kauth_unlisten_scope(kauth_listener_t _scope);
extern int      kauth_authorize_action(kauth_scope_t _scope, kauth_cred_t _credential, kauth_action_t _action,
    uintptr_t _arg0, uintptr_t _arg1, uintptr_t _arg2, uintptr_t _arg3);

/* default scope handlers */
extern int      kauth_authorize_allow(kauth_cred_t _credential, void *_idata, kauth_action_t _action,
    uintptr_t _arg0, uintptr_t _arg1, uintptr_t _arg2, uintptr_t _arg3);

void            kauth_filesec_acl_setendian(int, kauth_filesec_t, kauth_acl_t);
int             kauth_copyinfilesec(user_addr_t xsecurity, kauth_filesec_t *xsecdestpp);
extern int      kauth_acl_evaluate(kauth_cred_t _credential, kauth_acl_eval_t _eval);
extern int      kauth_acl_inherit(vnode_t _dvp, kauth_acl_t _initial, kauth_acl_t *_product, int _isdir, vfs_context_t _ctx);



 * Generic scope.
#define KAUTH_SCOPE_GENERIC     "com.apple.kauth.generic"

/* Actions */
#define KAUTH_GENERIC_ISSUSER                   1

extern int      kauth_authorize_generic(kauth_cred_t credential, kauth_action_t action);

 * Process/task scope.
#define KAUTH_SCOPE_PROCESS     "com.apple.kauth.process"

/* Actions */
#define KAUTH_PROCESS_CANSIGNAL                 1
#define KAUTH_PROCESS_CANTRACE                  2

extern int      kauth_authorize_process(kauth_cred_t _credential, kauth_action_t _action,
    struct proc *_process, uintptr_t _arg1, uintptr_t _arg2, uintptr_t _arg3);

 * Vnode operation scope.
 * Prototype for vnode_authorize is in vnode.h
#define KAUTH_SCOPE_VNODE       "com.apple.kauth.vnode"

 * File system operation scope.
#define KAUTH_SCOPE_FILEOP      "com.apple.kauth.fileop"

/* Actions */
#define KAUTH_FILEOP_OPEN                       1
#define KAUTH_FILEOP_CLOSE                      2
#define KAUTH_FILEOP_RENAME                     3
#define KAUTH_FILEOP_EXCHANGE                   4
#define KAUTH_FILEOP_LINK                       5
#define KAUTH_FILEOP_EXEC                       6
#define KAUTH_FILEOP_DELETE                     7
#define KAUTH_FILEOP_WILL_RENAME                8

 * arguments passed to KAUTH_FILEOP_OPEN listeners
 *		arg0 is pointer to vnode (vnode *) for given user path.
 *		arg1 is pointer to path (char *) passed in to open.
 * arguments passed to KAUTH_FILEOP_CLOSE listeners
 *		arg0 is pointer to vnode (vnode *) for file to be closed.
 *		arg1 is pointer to path (char *) of file to be closed.
 *		arg2 is close flags.
 * arguments passed to KAUTH_FILEOP_WILL_RENAME listeners
 *		arg0 is pointer to vnode (vnode *) of the file being renamed
 *		arg1 is pointer to the "from" path (char *)
 *		arg2 is pointer to the "to" path (char *)
 * arguments passed to KAUTH_FILEOP_RENAME listeners
 *		arg0 is pointer to "from" path (char *).
 *		arg1 is pointer to "to" path (char *).
 * arguments passed to KAUTH_FILEOP_EXCHANGE listeners
 *		arg0 is pointer to file 1 path (char *).
 *		arg1 is pointer to file 2 path (char *).
 * arguments passed to KAUTH_FILEOP_LINK listeners
 *		arg0 is pointer to path to file we are linking to (char *).
 *		arg1 is pointer to path to the new link file (char *).
 * arguments passed to KAUTH_FILEOP_EXEC listeners
 *		arg0 is pointer to vnode (vnode *) for executable.
 *		arg1 is pointer to path (char *) to executable.
 * arguments passed to KAUTH_FILEOP_DELETE listeners
 *		arg0 is pointer to vnode (vnode *) of file/dir that was deleted.
 *		arg1 is pointer to path (char *) of file/dir that was deleted.

/* Flag values returned to close listeners. */
#define KAUTH_FILEOP_CLOSE_MODIFIED                     (1<<1)

extern int      kauth_authorize_fileop_has_listeners(void);
extern int      kauth_authorize_fileop(kauth_cred_t _credential, kauth_action_t _action,
    uintptr_t _arg0, uintptr_t _arg1);

#endif /* KERNEL */

/* Actions, also rights bits in an ACE */

#if defined(KERNEL) || defined (_SYS_ACL_H)
#define KAUTH_VNODE_READ_DATA                   (1U<<1)
#define KAUTH_VNODE_WRITE_DATA                  (1U<<2)
#define KAUTH_VNODE_EXECUTE                     (1U<<3)
#define KAUTH_VNODE_SEARCH                      KAUTH_VNODE_EXECUTE
#define KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE                      (1U<<4)
#define KAUTH_VNODE_APPEND_DATA                 (1U<<5)
#define KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE_CHILD                (1U<<6)
#define KAUTH_VNODE_READ_ATTRIBUTES             (1U<<7)
#define KAUTH_VNODE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES            (1U<<8)
#define KAUTH_VNODE_READ_SECURITY               (1U<<11)
#define KAUTH_VNODE_WRITE_SECURITY              (1U<<12)
#define KAUTH_VNODE_TAKE_OWNERSHIP              (1U<<13)

/* backwards compatibility only */

/* For Windows interoperability only */
#define KAUTH_VNODE_SYNCHRONIZE                 (1U<<20)

/* (1<<21) - (1<<24) are reserved for generic rights bits */

/* Actions not expressed as rights bits */
 * Authorizes the vnode as the target of a hard link.
#define KAUTH_VNODE_LINKTARGET                  (1U<<25)

 * Indicates that other steps have been taken to authorise the action,
 * but authorisation should be denied for immutable objects.
#define KAUTH_VNODE_CHECKIMMUTABLE              (1U<<26)

/* Action modifiers */
 * The KAUTH_VNODE_ACCESS bit is passed to the callback if the authorisation
 * request in progress is advisory, rather than authoritative.  Listeners
 * performing consequential work (i.e. not strictly checking authorisation)
 * may test this flag to avoid performing unnecessary work.
 * This bit will never be present in an ACE.
#define KAUTH_VNODE_ACCESS                      (1U<<31)

 * The KAUTH_VNODE_NOIMMUTABLE bit is passed to the callback along with the
 * KAUTH_VNODE_WRITE_SECURITY bit (and no others) to indicate that the
 * caller wishes to change one or more of the immutable flags, and the
 * state of these flags should not be considered when authorizing the request.
 * The system immutable flags are only ignored when the system securelevel
 * is low enough to allow their removal.
#define KAUTH_VNODE_NOIMMUTABLE                 (1U<<30)

 * fake right that is composed by the following...
 * vnode must have search for owner, group and world allowed
 * plus there must be no deny modes present for SEARCH... this fake
 * right is used by the fast lookup path to avoid checking
 * for an exact match on the last credential to lookup
 * the component being acted on
#define KAUTH_VNODE_SEARCHBYANYONE              (1U<<29)

 * when passed as an 'action' to "vnode_uncache_authorized_actions"
 * it indicates that all of the cached authorizations for that
 * vnode should be invalidated
#define KAUTH_INVALIDATE_CACHED_RIGHTS          ((kauth_action_t)~0)

/* The expansions of the GENERIC bits at evaluation time */
	                                KAUTH_VNODE_READ_ATTRIBUTES |           \
	                                KAUTH_VNODE_READ_EXTATTRIBUTES |        \

	                                KAUTH_VNODE_APPEND_DATA |               \
	                                KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE |                    \
	                                KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE_CHILD |              \
	                                KAUTH_VNODE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES |          \
	                                KAUTH_VNODE_WRITE_EXTATTRIBUTES |       \


	                                KAUTH_VNODE_GENERIC_WRITE_BITS |        \

 * Some sets of bits, defined here for convenience.
#define KAUTH_VNODE_WRITE_RIGHTS        (KAUTH_VNODE_ADD_FILE |                         \
	                                KAUTH_VNODE_ADD_SUBDIRECTORY |                  \
	                                KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE_CHILD |                      \
	                                KAUTH_VNODE_WRITE_DATA |                        \
	                                KAUTH_VNODE_APPEND_DATA |                       \
	                                KAUTH_VNODE_DELETE |                            \
	                                KAUTH_VNODE_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES |                  \
	                                KAUTH_VNODE_WRITE_EXTATTRIBUTES |               \
	                                KAUTH_VNODE_WRITE_SECURITY |                    \
	                                KAUTH_VNODE_TAKE_OWNERSHIP |                    \
	                                KAUTH_VNODE_LINKTARGET |                        \

#endif /* KERNEL || <sys/acl.h> */

#ifdef KERNEL
#include <sys/lock.h>   /* lck_grp_t */

 * Debugging
 * XXX this wouldn't be necessary if we had a *real* debug-logging system.
#if 0
# ifndef _FN_KPRINTF
#  define       _FN_KPRINTF
void kprintf(const char *fmt, ...);
# endif /* !_FN_KPRINTF */
# define K_UUID_FMT "%08x:%08x:%08x:%08x"
# define K_UUID_ARG(_u) &_u.g_guid_asint[0],&_u.g_guid_asint[1],&_u.g_guid_asint[2],&_u.g_guid_asint[3]
# define KAUTH_DEBUG(fmt, args...)      do { kprintf("%s:%d: " fmt "\n", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__ , ##args); } while (0)
# define KAUTH_DEBUG_CTX(_c)            KAUTH_DEBUG("p = %p c = %p", _c->vc_proc, _c->vc_ucred)
# define VFS_DEBUG(_ctx, _vp, fmt, args...)                                             \
	do {                                                                            \
	        kprintf("%p '%s' %s:%d " fmt "\n",                                      \
	            _ctx,                                                               \
	            (_vp != NULL && _vp->v_name != NULL) ? _vp->v_name : "????",        \
	            __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, __LINE__ ,                                     \
	            ##args);                                                            \
	} while(0)
#else   /* !0 */
# define KAUTH_DEBUG(fmt, args...)              do { } while (0)
# define VFS_DEBUG(ctx, vp, fmt, args...)       do { } while(0)
#endif  /* !0 */

 * Initialisation.
extern lck_grp_t *kauth_lck_grp;
extern void     kauth_init(void);
extern void     kauth_cred_init(void);
extern void     kauth_identity_init(void);
extern void     kauth_groups_init(void);
extern void     kauth_resolver_init(void);
extern void     kauth_resolver_identity_reset(void);

#endif  /* KERNEL */

#endif /* __APPLE_API_EVOLVING */
#endif /* _SYS_KAUTH_H */