zcache_internal.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2017-2020 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
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 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
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 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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 * limitations under the License.
 *      Below is a diagram of the caching system. This design is based of the
 * paper "Magazines and Vmem: Extending the Slab Allocator to Many CPUs and
 * Arbitrary Resources" by Jeff Bonwick and Jonathan Adams. It is divided into 3
 * layers: the Per-cpu Layer, the Depot Layer, and the Zone Allocator. The
 * Per-CPU and Depot layers store elements using arrays we call magazines.
 *      Magazines function like a stack (we push and pop elements) and can be
 *  moved around for bulk operations.
 *  _________         _________         _________
 * |  CPU 1  |       |  CPU 2  |       |  CPU 3  |
 * |  _   _  |       |  _   _  |       |  _   _  |
 * | |#| | | |       | | | |#| |       | |#| |#| |        Per-CPU Layer
 * | |#| |_| |       | |_| |#| |       | |#| |#| |
 * |_________|       |_________|       |_________|
 *  ______________________________________________
 * |            _   _   _   _   _   _             |
 * |           |#| |#| |#| | | | | | |            |     Depot Layer
 * |           |#| |#| |#| |_| |_| |_|            |
 * |______________________________________________|
 *  _______________________________________________
 * | # | # | # | # | # | # | # | # | # | # | # | # |   Zone Allocator
 * |_______________________________________________|
 *	The top layer is the per-cpu cache and consists of a current and
 * previous magazine for each CPU. The current magazine is the one we always try
 * to allocate from and free to first. Only if we are unable, do we check the
 * previous magazine. If the previous magazine can satisfy the allocate or free,
 * then we switch the two and allocate from the new current magazine. This layer
 * requires no locking, so we can access multiple CPU's caches concurrently.
 * This is the main source of the speedup.
 *      We have two magazines here to prevent thrashing when swapping magazines
 * with the depot layer. If a certain pattern of alloc and free are called we
 * can waste a lot of time swapping magazines to and from the depot layer. We
 * prevent this by dividing the per-cpu cache into two separate magazines.
 *	The middle layer is the magazine depot. This layer consists of a
 * collection of full and empty magazines. These are used to reload the per-cpu
 * caches when needed. This is implemented as an array of magazines which are
 * initially all empty and as we fill up magazines we increment the index to
 * point at the first empty magazine. Since this layer is per-zone, it allows us
 *  to balance the cache between cpus, but does require taking a lock.
 *      When neither the current nor previous magazine for a given CPU can
 * satisfy the free or allocation, we look to the depot layer. If there are
 * magazines in the depot that can satisfy the free or allocation we swap
 * that magazine into the current position. In the example below, to allocate on
 * the given CPU we must lock the depot layer and swap magazine A with magazine
 * B and decrement the depot index.
 *      _____________________       _______________________________________
 *     |    Per-CPU Cache    |     |              Depot Layer              |
 *     |                     |     |                                       |
 *     |   A___      ____    |     |   ____      B___      ____      ____  |
 *     |  |    |    |    |   |     |  | ## |    | ## |    |    |    |    | |
 *     |  |    |    |    |   |     |  | ## |    | ## |    |    |    |    | |
 *     |  |    |    |    |   |     |  | ## |    | ## |    |    |    |    | |
 *     |  |    |    |    |   |     |  | ## |    | ## |    |    |    |    | |
 *     |  |____|    |____|   |     |  |_##_|    |_##_|    |____|    |____| |
 *     | Current   Previous  |     |                                       |
 *     |_____________________|     |_______________________________________|
 *	The bottom layer is the Zone Allocator. This is already implemented in
 *  XNU and will remain mostly unchanged. Implementation for this can be found
 * in zalloc.c and zalloc.h. We will only use the zone if all other layers are
 * unable to satisfy the allocation or free. When we do use the zone, we will
 * try to allocate an entire magazine of elements or free an entire magazine of
 * elements at once.
 *      Caching must be enabled explicitly, by calling zone_create() with the
 * ZC_CACHING flag, for every zone you want to cache elements for. Zones
 * which are good candidates for this are ones with highly contended zone locks.
 * Some good potential candidates are kalloc.16, kalloc.48, Vm objects, VM map
 * entries, ipc vouchers, and ipc ports.
 * Some factors can be tuned by boot-arg:
 *  zcc_enable_for_zone_name    name of a single zone to enable caching for
 *				(replace space characters with '.')
 *  zcc_magazine_element_count	integer value for magazine size used for all
 *				zones (default 8 is used if not specified)
 *  zcc_depot_element_count	integer value for how many full and empty
 *				magazines to store in the depot, if N specified
 *				depot will have N full and N empty magazines
 *				(default 16 used if not specified)

#ifndef _KERN_ZCACHE_H_
#define _KERN_ZCACHE_H_

#include <kern/kern_types.h>
#include <kern/zalloc.h> /* zone_stats_t */
#include <vm/vm_kern.h>

#pragma GCC visibility push(hidden)


struct zone_cache {
	struct zcc_per_cpu_cache *__zpercpu zcc_pcpu;
	struct zcc_depot         *zcc_depot;

 * @function zcache_init
 * @abstract
 * Initializes all parts of the per-cpu caches for a given zone
 * @param zone      pointer to zone on which to iniitalize caching
extern void zcache_init(
	zone_t          zone);

 * @function zcache_free_to_cpu_cache()
 * @abstract
 * Checks per-cpu caches to free element there if possible.
 * @discussion
 * The caller is responsible for checking that caching is enabled for zone.
 * @param zone      pointer to zone for which element comes from
 * @param zstats    pointer to the per-cpu statistics to maintain
 * @param addr      adddress of the element to free
extern void zcache_free_to_cpu_cache(
	zone_t          zone,
	zone_stats_t    zstats,
	vm_offset_t     addr);

 * @function zcache_alloc_from_cpu_cache
 * @abstract
 * Checks per-cpu caches to allocate element from there if possible
 * @discussion
 * The caller is responsible for checking that caching is enabled for zone.
 * @param zone      pointer to zone for which element will comes from
 * @param zstats    pointer to the per-cpu statistics to maintain
 * @param waste     amount of waste of this allocation (or 0)
 * @return          pointer to usable element
extern vm_offset_t zcache_alloc_from_cpu_cache(
	zone_t          zone,
	zone_stats_t    zstats,
	vm_size_t       waste);

 * @function zcache_drain_depot
 * @abstract
 * Frees all the full magazines from the depot layer to the zone allocator
 * Invoked by zone_gc()
 * @param zone      pointer to zone for which the depot layer needs to be drained
extern void zcache_drain_depot(
	zone_t          zone);


#pragma GCC visibility pop
#endif /*  CONFIG_ZCACHE */
#endif /* _KERN_ZCACHE_H_ */