/* * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ enum PMLogEnum { kPMLogSetParent = 1, // 1 0x05070004 kPMLogAddChild, // 2 0x05070008 kPMLogRemoveChild, // 3 0x0507000c kPMLogControllingDriver, // 4 0x05070010 kPMLogControllingDriverErr1, // 5 0x05070014 - bad power state array version kPMLogControllingDriverErr2, // 6 0x05070018 - power states already registered kPMLogControllingDriverErr3, // 7 0x0507001c kPMLogControllingDriverErr4, // 8 0x05070020 - power driver is invalid kPMLogInterestedDriver, // 9 0x05070024 kPMLogAcknowledgeErr1, // 10 0x05070028 - unknown entity called acknowledgePowerChange kPMLogChildAcknowledge, // 11 0x0507002c kPMLogDriverAcknowledge, // 12 0x05070030 - interested driver acknowledges kPMLogAcknowledgeErr2, // 13 0x05070034 - object has already acked kPMLogAcknowledgeErr3, // 14 0x05070038 - not expecting any acks kPMLogAcknowledgeErr4, // 15 0x0507003c - not expecting acknowledgeSetPowerState kPMLogDriverAcknowledgeSet, // 16 0x05070040 - controlling driver acknowledges kPMLogWillChange, // 17 0x05070044 kPMLogDidChange, // 18 0x05070048 kPMLogRequestDomain, // 19 0x0507004c kPMLogMakeUsable, // 20 0x05070050 kPMLogChangeStateTo, // 21 0x05070054 kPMLogChangeStateToPriv, // 22 0x05070058 kPMLogSetAggressiveness, // 23 0x0507005c kPMLogCriticalTemp, // 24 0x05070060 kPMLogOverrideOn, // 25 0x05070064 kPMLogOverrideOff, // 26 0x05070068 kPMLogChangeStateForRootDomain, // 27 0x0507006c kPMLogCSynchronizePowerTree, // 28 0x05070070 kPMLogChangeDone, // 29 0x05070074 kPMLogCtrlDriverTardy, // 30 0x05070078 - controlling driver didn't acknowledge kPMLogIntDriverTardy, // 31 0x0507007c - interested driver didn't acknowledge kPMLogStartAckTimer, // 32 0x05070080 kPMLogStartParentChange, // 33 0x05070084 kPMLogAmendParentChange, // 34 0x05070088 kPMLogStartDeviceChange, // 35 0x0507008c kPMLogRequestDenied, // 36 0x05070090 - parent denied domain state change request kPMLogControllingDriverErr5, // 37 0x05070094 - too few power states kPMLogProgramHardware, // 38 0x05070098 kPMLogInformDriverPreChange, // 39 0x0507009c kPMLogInformDriverPostChange, // 40 0x050700a0 kPMLogRemoveDriver, // 41 0x050700a4 - NOT USED kPMLogSetIdleTimerPeriod, // 42 0x050700a8 kPMLogSystemWake, // 43 0x050700ac kPMLogAcknowledgeErr5, // 44 0x050700b0 kPMLogClientAcknowledge, // 45 0x050700b4 kPMLogClientTardy, // 46 0x050700b8 - application didn't acknowledge kPMLogClientCancel, // 47 0x050700bc - NOT USED kPMLogClientNotify, // 48 0x050700c0 - client sent a notification kPMLogAppNotify, // 49 0x050700c4 - application sent a notification kPMLogSetClockGating, // 50 0x050700c8 - NOT USED kPMLogSetPowerGating, // 51 0x050700cc - NOT USED kPMLogSetPinGroup, // 52 0x050700d0 - NOT USED kPMLogIdleCancel, // 53 0x050700d4 - device unidle during change kPMLogSleepWakeTracePoint, // 54 0x050700d8 - kIOPMTracePoint markers kPMLogQuiescePowerTree, // 55 0x050700dc kPMLogComponentWakeProgress, // 56 0x050700e0 kPMLogUserActiveState, // 57 0x050700e4 kPMLogAppResponseDelay, // 58 0x050700e8 kPMLogDrvResponseDelay, // 59 0x050700ec kPMLogPCIDevChangeStart, // 60 0x050700f0 kPMLogPCIDevChangeDone, // 61 0x050700f4 kPMLogSleepWakeMessage, // 62 0x050700f8 kPMLogDrvPSChangeDelay, // 63 0x050700fc kIOPMlogLastEvent };