sched_multiq.c   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2013-2020 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
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 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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#include <mach/mach_types.h>
#include <mach/machine.h>

#include <machine/machine_routines.h>
#include <machine/sched_param.h>
#include <machine/machine_cpu.h>

#include <kern/kern_types.h>
#include <kern/debug.h>
#include <kern/mach_param.h>
#include <kern/machine.h>
#include <kern/misc_protos.h>
#include <kern/processor.h>
#include <kern/queue.h>
#include <kern/sched.h>
#include <kern/sched_prim.h>
#include <kern/task.h>
#include <kern/thread.h>

#include <sys/kdebug.h>

 * Theory Statement
 * How does the task scheduler work?
 * It schedules threads across a few levels.
 * RT threads are dealt with above us
 * Bound threads go into the per-processor runq
 * Non-bound threads are linked on their task's sched_group's runq
 * sched_groups' sched_entries are linked on the pset's runq
 * TODO: make this explicit - bound threads should have a different enqueue fxn
 * When we choose a new thread, we will decide whether to look at the bound runqueue, the global runqueue
 * or the current group's runqueue, then dequeue the next thread in that runqueue.
 * We then manipulate the sched_entries to reflect the invariant that:
 * Each non-empty priority level in a group's runq is represented by one sched_entry enqueued in the global
 * runqueue.
 * A sched_entry represents a chance at running - for each priority in each task, there is one chance of getting
 * to run.  This reduces the excess contention bonus given to processes which have work spread among many threads
 * as compared to processes which do the same amount of work under fewer threads.
 * NOTE: Currently, the multiq scheduler only supports one pset.
 * NOTE ABOUT thread->sched_pri:
 * It can change after enqueue - it's changed without pset lock but with thread lock if thread->runq is 0.
 * Therefore we can only depend on it not changing during the enqueue and remove path, not the dequeue.
 * TODO: Future features:
 * Decouple the task priority from the sched_entry priority, allowing for:
 *      fast task priority change without having to iterate and re-dispatch all threads in the task.
 *              i.e. task-wide priority, task-wide boosting
 *      fancier group decay features
 * Group (or task) decay:
 *      Decay is used for a few different things:
 *              Prioritizing latency-needing threads over throughput-needing threads for time-to-running
 *              Balancing work between threads in a process
 *              Balancing work done at the same priority between different processes
 *              Recovering from priority inversions between two threads in the same process
 *              Recovering from priority inversions between two threads in different processes
 *              Simulating a proportional share scheduler by allowing lower priority threads
 *                to run for a certain percentage of the time
 *      Task decay lets us separately address the 'same process' and 'different process' needs,
 *      which will allow us to make smarter tradeoffs in different cases.
 *      For example, we could resolve priority inversion in the same process by reordering threads without dropping the
 *      process below low priority threads in other processes.
 * One lock to rule them all (or at least all the runqueues) instead of the pset locks
 * Shrink sched_entry size to the size of a queue_chain_t by inferring priority, group, and perhaps runq field.
 * The entries array is 5K currently so it'd be really great to reduce.
 * One way to get sched_group below 4K without a new runq structure would be to remove the extra queues above realtime.
 * When preempting a processor, store a flag saying if the preemption
 * was from a thread in the same group or different group,
 * and tell choose_thread about it.
 * When choosing a processor, bias towards those running in the same
 * group as I am running (at the same priority, or within a certain band?).
 * Decide if we need to support psets.
 * Decide how to support psets - do we need duplicate entries for each pset,
 * or can we get away with putting the entry in either one or the other pset?
 * Consider the right way to handle runq count - I don't want to iterate groups.
 * Perhaps keep a global counter.
 * Alternate option - remove it from choose_processor. It doesn't add much value
 * now that we have global runq.
 * Need a better way of finding group to target instead of looking at current_task.
 * Perhaps choose_thread could pass in the current thread?
 * Consider unifying runq copy-pastes.
 * Thoughts on having a group central quantum bucket:
 * I see two algorithms to decide quanta:
 * A) Hand off only when switching thread to thread in the same group
 * B) Allocate and return quanta to the group's pool
 * Issues:
 * If a task blocks completely, should it come back with the leftover quanta
 * or brand new quanta?
 * Should I put a flag saying zero out a quanta you grab when youre dispatched'?
 * Resolution:
 * Handing off quanta between threads will help with jumping around in the current task
 * but will not help when a thread from a different task is involved.
 * Need an algorithm that works with round robin-ing between threads in different tasks
 * But wait - round robining can only be triggered by quantum expire or blocking.
 * We need something that works with preemption or yielding - that's the more interesting idea.
 * Existing algorithm - preemption doesn't re-set quantum, puts thread on head of runq.
 * Blocking or quantum expiration does re-set quantum, puts thread on tail of runq.
 * New algorithm -
 * Hand off quanta when hopping between threads with same sched_group
 * Even if thread was blocked it uses last thread remaining quanta when it starts.
 * If we use the only cycle entry at quantum algorithm, then the quantum pool starts getting
 * interesting.
 * A thought - perhaps the handoff approach doesn't work so well in the presence of
 * non-handoff wakeups i.e. wake other thread then wait then block - doesn't mean that
 * woken thread will be what I switch to - other processor may have stolen it.
 * What do we do there?
 * Conclusions:
 * We currently don't know of a scenario where quantum buckets on the task is beneficial.
 * We will instead handoff quantum between threads in the task, and keep quantum
 * on the preempted thread if it's preempted by something outside the task.


typedef struct sched_entry {
	queue_chain_t           entry_links;
	int16_t                 sched_pri;      /* scheduled (current) priority */
	int16_t                 runq;
	int32_t                 pad;
} *sched_entry_t;

typedef run_queue_t entry_queue_t;                      /* A run queue that holds sched_entries instead of threads */
typedef run_queue_t group_runq_t;                       /* A run queue that is part of a sched_group */

#define SCHED_ENTRY_NULL        ((sched_entry_t) 0)
#define MULTIQ_ERUNQ            (-4)                    /* Indicates entry is on the main runq */

/* Each level in the run queue corresponds to one entry in the entries array */
struct sched_group {
	struct sched_entry      entries[NRQS];
	struct run_queue        runq;
	queue_chain_t           sched_groups;

 * Keep entry on the head of the runqueue while dequeueing threads.
 * Only cycle it to the end of the runqueue when a thread in the task
 * hits its quantum.
static boolean_t        deep_drain = FALSE;

/* Verify the consistency of the runq before touching it */
static boolean_t        multiq_sanity_check = FALSE;

 * Draining threads from the current task is preferred
 * when they're less than X steps below the current
 * global highest priority
static integer_t        drain_band_limit;

 * Don't go below this priority level if there is something above it in another task
static integer_t        drain_depth_limit;

 * Don't favor the task when there's something above this priority in another task.
static integer_t        drain_ceiling;

static ZONE_DECLARE(sched_group_zone, "sched groups",
    sizeof(struct sched_group), ZC_NOENCRYPT | ZC_NOCALLOUT);

static uint64_t         num_sched_groups = 0;
static queue_head_t     sched_groups;

static LCK_GRP_DECLARE(sched_groups_lock_grp, "sched_groups");
static LCK_MTX_DECLARE(sched_groups_lock, &sched_groups_lock_grp);

static void

static thread_t
sched_multiq_steal_thread(processor_set_t pset);

static void
sched_multiq_thread_update_scan(sched_update_scan_context_t scan_context);

static boolean_t
sched_multiq_processor_enqueue(processor_t processor, thread_t thread,
    sched_options_t options);

static boolean_t
sched_multiq_processor_queue_remove(processor_t processor, thread_t thread);

sched_multiq_quantum_expire(thread_t thread);

static ast_t
sched_multiq_processor_csw_check(processor_t processor);

static boolean_t
sched_multiq_processor_queue_has_priority(processor_t processor, int priority, boolean_t gte);

static int
sched_multiq_runq_count(processor_t processor);

static boolean_t
sched_multiq_processor_queue_empty(processor_t processor);

static uint64_t
sched_multiq_runq_stats_count_sum(processor_t processor);

static int
sched_multiq_processor_bound_count(processor_t processor);

static void
sched_multiq_pset_init(processor_set_t pset);

static void
sched_multiq_processor_init(processor_t processor);

static thread_t
sched_multiq_choose_thread(processor_t processor, int priority, ast_t reason);

static void
sched_multiq_processor_queue_shutdown(processor_t processor);

static sched_mode_t
sched_multiq_initial_thread_sched_mode(task_t parent_task);

static bool
sched_multiq_thread_avoid_processor(processor_t processor, thread_t thread);

const struct sched_dispatch_table sched_multiq_dispatch = {
	.sched_name                                     = "multiq",
	.init                                           = sched_multiq_init,
	.timebase_init                                  = sched_timeshare_timebase_init,
	.processor_init                                 = sched_multiq_processor_init,
	.pset_init                                      = sched_multiq_pset_init,
	.maintenance_continuation                       = sched_timeshare_maintenance_continue,
	.choose_thread                                  = sched_multiq_choose_thread,
	.steal_thread_enabled                           = sched_steal_thread_DISABLED,
	.steal_thread                                   = sched_multiq_steal_thread,
	.compute_timeshare_priority                     = sched_compute_timeshare_priority,
	.choose_node                                    = sched_choose_node,
	.choose_processor                               = choose_processor,
	.processor_enqueue                              = sched_multiq_processor_enqueue,
	.processor_queue_shutdown                       = sched_multiq_processor_queue_shutdown,
	.processor_queue_remove                         = sched_multiq_processor_queue_remove,
	.processor_queue_empty                          = sched_multiq_processor_queue_empty,
	.priority_is_urgent                             = priority_is_urgent,
	.processor_csw_check                            = sched_multiq_processor_csw_check,
	.processor_queue_has_priority                   = sched_multiq_processor_queue_has_priority,
	.initial_quantum_size                           = sched_timeshare_initial_quantum_size,
	.initial_thread_sched_mode                      = sched_multiq_initial_thread_sched_mode,
	.can_update_priority                            = can_update_priority,
	.update_priority                                = update_priority,
	.lightweight_update_priority                    = lightweight_update_priority,
	.quantum_expire                                 = sched_multiq_quantum_expire,
	.processor_runq_count                           = sched_multiq_runq_count,
	.processor_runq_stats_count_sum                 = sched_multiq_runq_stats_count_sum,
	.processor_bound_count                          = sched_multiq_processor_bound_count,
	.thread_update_scan                             = sched_multiq_thread_update_scan,
	.multiple_psets_enabled                         = FALSE,
	.sched_groups_enabled                           = TRUE,
	.avoid_processor_enabled                        = TRUE,
	.thread_avoid_processor                         = sched_multiq_thread_avoid_processor,
	.processor_balance                              = sched_SMT_balance,

	.rt_runq                                        = sched_rtlocal_runq,
	.rt_init                                        = sched_rtlocal_init,
	.rt_queue_shutdown                              = sched_rtlocal_queue_shutdown,
	.rt_runq_scan                                   = sched_rtlocal_runq_scan,
	.rt_runq_count_sum                              = sched_rtlocal_runq_count_sum,

	.qos_max_parallelism                            = sched_qos_max_parallelism,
	.check_spill                                    = sched_check_spill,
	.ipi_policy                                     = sched_ipi_policy,
	.thread_should_yield                            = sched_thread_should_yield,
	.run_count_incr                                 = sched_run_incr,
	.run_count_decr                                 = sched_run_decr,
	.update_thread_bucket                           = sched_update_thread_bucket,
	.pset_made_schedulable                          = sched_pset_made_schedulable,

static void
	PE_parse_boot_argn("-multiq-sanity-check", &multiq_sanity_check, sizeof(multiq_sanity_check));

	PE_parse_boot_argn("-multiq-deep-drain", &deep_drain, sizeof(deep_drain));

	if (!PE_parse_boot_argn("multiq_drain_ceiling", &drain_ceiling, sizeof(drain_ceiling))) {
		drain_ceiling = DEFAULT_DRAIN_CEILING;

	if (!PE_parse_boot_argn("multiq_drain_depth_limit", &drain_depth_limit, sizeof(drain_depth_limit))) {
		drain_depth_limit = DEFAULT_DRAIN_DEPTH_LIMIT;

	if (!PE_parse_boot_argn("multiq_drain_band_limit", &drain_band_limit, sizeof(drain_band_limit))) {
		drain_band_limit = DEFAULT_DRAIN_BAND_LIMIT;

	printf("multiq scheduler config: deep-drain %d, ceiling %d, depth limit %d, band limit %d, sanity check %d\n",
	    deep_drain, drain_ceiling, drain_depth_limit, drain_band_limit, multiq_sanity_check);



static void
sched_multiq_processor_init(processor_t processor)

static void
sched_multiq_pset_init(processor_set_t pset)

static sched_mode_t
sched_multiq_initial_thread_sched_mode(task_t parent_task)
	if (parent_task == kernel_task) {
		return TH_MODE_FIXED;
	} else {

	sched_group_t       sched_group;

	if (!SCHED(sched_groups_enabled)) {

	sched_group = (sched_group_t)zalloc(sched_group_zone);

	bzero(sched_group, sizeof(struct sched_group));


	for (size_t i = 0; i < NRQS; i++) {
		sched_group->entries[i].runq = 0;
		sched_group->entries[i].sched_pri = (int16_t)i;

	queue_enter(&sched_groups, sched_group, sched_group_t, sched_groups);

	return sched_group;

sched_group_destroy(sched_group_t sched_group)
	if (!SCHED(sched_groups_enabled)) {
		assert(sched_group == SCHED_GROUP_NULL);

	assert(sched_group != SCHED_GROUP_NULL);
	assert(sched_group->runq.count == 0);

	for (int i = 0; i < NRQS; i++) {
		assert(sched_group->entries[i].runq == 0);
		assert(sched_group->entries[i].sched_pri == i);

	queue_remove(&sched_groups, sched_group, sched_group_t, sched_groups);

	zfree(sched_group_zone, sched_group);

static inline entry_queue_t
multiq_main_entryq(processor_t processor)
	return (entry_queue_t)&processor->processor_set->pset_runq;

static inline run_queue_t
multiq_bound_runq(processor_t processor)
	return &processor->runq;

static inline sched_entry_t
group_entry_for_pri(sched_group_t group, integer_t pri)
	return &group->entries[pri];

static inline sched_group_t
group_for_entry(sched_entry_t entry)
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wcast-align"
	sched_group_t group = (sched_group_t)(entry - entry->sched_pri);
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
	return group;

/* Peek at the head of the runqueue */
static sched_entry_t
entry_queue_first_entry(entry_queue_t rq)
	assert(rq->count != 0);

	circle_queue_t queue = &rq->queues[rq->highq];

	sched_entry_t entry = cqe_queue_first(queue, struct sched_entry, entry_links);

	assert(entry->sched_pri == rq->highq);

	return entry;


static inline boolean_t
queue_chain_linked(queue_chain_t* chain)
	if (chain->next != NULL) {
		assert(chain->prev != NULL);
		return TRUE;
	} else {
		assert(chain->prev == NULL);
		return FALSE;
#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */

static thread_t
group_first_thread(sched_group_t group)
	group_runq_t rq = &group->runq;

	assert(rq->count != 0);

	circle_queue_t queue = &rq->queues[rq->highq];

	thread_t thread = cqe_queue_first(queue, struct thread, runq_links);

	assert(thread != THREAD_NULL);

	assert(thread->sched_group == group);

	/* TODO: May not be safe */
	assert(thread->sched_pri == rq->highq);

	return thread;

/* Asserts if entry is not in entry runq at pri */
static void
entry_queue_check_entry(entry_queue_t runq, sched_entry_t entry, int expected_pri)
	circle_queue_t q;
	sched_entry_t elem;

	assert(entry->runq == MULTIQ_ERUNQ);

	q = &runq->queues[expected_pri];

	cqe_foreach_element(elem, q, entry_links) {
		if (elem == entry) {

	panic("runq %p doesn't contain entry %p at pri %d", runq, entry, expected_pri);

/* Asserts if thread is not in group at its priority */
static void
sched_group_check_thread(sched_group_t group, thread_t thread)
	circle_queue_t q;
	thread_t elem;
	int pri = thread->sched_pri;

	assert(thread->runq != PROCESSOR_NULL);

	q = &group->runq.queues[pri];

	cqe_foreach_element(elem, q, runq_links) {
		if (elem == thread) {

	panic("group %p doesn't contain thread %p at pri %d", group, thread, pri);

static void
global_check_entry_queue(entry_queue_t main_entryq)
	if (main_entryq->count == 0) {

	sched_entry_t entry = entry_queue_first_entry(main_entryq);

	assert(entry->runq == MULTIQ_ERUNQ);

	sched_group_t group = group_for_entry(entry);

	thread_t thread = group_first_thread(group);

	__assert_only sched_entry_t thread_entry = group_entry_for_pri(thread->sched_group, thread->sched_pri);

	assert(entry->sched_pri == group->runq.highq);

	assert(entry == thread_entry);
	assert(thread->runq != PROCESSOR_NULL);

static void
group_check_run_queue(entry_queue_t main_entryq, sched_group_t group)
	if (group->runq.count == 0) {

	thread_t thread = group_first_thread(group);

	assert(thread->runq != PROCESSOR_NULL);

	sched_entry_t sched_entry = group_entry_for_pri(thread->sched_group, thread->sched_pri);

	entry_queue_check_entry(main_entryq, sched_entry, thread->sched_pri);

	assert(sched_entry->sched_pri == thread->sched_pri);
	assert(sched_entry->runq == MULTIQ_ERUNQ);

#endif /* defined(MULTIQ_SANITY_CHECK) */

 * The run queue must not be empty.
static sched_entry_t
entry_queue_dequeue_entry(entry_queue_t rq)
	sched_entry_t   sched_entry;
	circle_queue_t  queue = &rq->queues[rq->highq];

	assert(rq->count > 0);

	sched_entry = cqe_dequeue_head(queue, struct sched_entry, entry_links);

	SCHED_STATS_RUNQ_CHANGE(&rq->runq_stats, rq->count);
	if (SCHED(priority_is_urgent)(rq->highq)) {
		rq->urgency--; assert(rq->urgency >= 0);
	if (circle_queue_empty(queue)) {
		rq_bitmap_clear(rq->bitmap, rq->highq);
		rq->highq = bitmap_first(rq->bitmap, NRQS);

	sched_entry->runq = 0;

	return sched_entry;

 * The run queue must not be empty.
static boolean_t
	entry_queue_t rq,
	sched_entry_t entry,
	integer_t     options)
	int             sched_pri = entry->sched_pri;
	circle_queue_t  queue = &rq->queues[sched_pri];
	boolean_t       result = FALSE;

	assert(entry->runq == 0);

	if (circle_queue_empty(queue)) {
		circle_enqueue_tail(queue, &entry->entry_links);

		rq_bitmap_set(rq->bitmap, sched_pri);
		if (sched_pri > rq->highq) {
			rq->highq = sched_pri;
			result = TRUE;
	} else {
		if (options & SCHED_TAILQ) {
			circle_enqueue_tail(queue, &entry->entry_links);
		} else {
			circle_enqueue_head(queue, &entry->entry_links);
	if (SCHED(priority_is_urgent)(sched_pri)) {
	SCHED_STATS_RUNQ_CHANGE(&rq->runq_stats, rq->count);

	entry->runq = MULTIQ_ERUNQ;

	return result;

 * The entry must be in this runqueue.
static void
	entry_queue_t  rq,
	sched_entry_t  entry)
	int sched_pri = entry->sched_pri;

	if (multiq_sanity_check) {
		entry_queue_check_entry(rq, entry, sched_pri);


	SCHED_STATS_RUNQ_CHANGE(&rq->runq_stats, rq->count);
	if (SCHED(priority_is_urgent)(sched_pri)) {
		rq->urgency--; assert(rq->urgency >= 0);

	if (circle_queue_empty(&rq->queues[sched_pri])) {
		/* update run queue status */
		rq_bitmap_clear(rq->bitmap, sched_pri);
		rq->highq = bitmap_first(rq->bitmap, NRQS);

	entry->runq = 0;

static void
	entry_queue_t rq,
	sched_entry_t entry,
	integer_t     options)
	int            sched_pri   = entry->sched_pri;
	circle_queue_t queue       = &rq->queues[sched_pri];

	if (multiq_sanity_check) {
		entry_queue_check_entry(rq, entry, sched_pri);

	circle_dequeue(queue, &entry->entry_links);
	if (options & SCHED_TAILQ) {
		circle_enqueue_tail(queue, &entry->entry_links);
	} else {
		circle_enqueue_head(queue, &entry->entry_links);
 * The run queue must not be empty.
 * sets queue_empty to TRUE if queue is now empty at thread_pri
static thread_t
	group_runq_t   rq,
	integer_t     *thread_pri,
	boolean_t     *queue_empty)
	thread_t        thread;
	circle_queue_t  queue = &rq->queues[rq->highq];

	assert(rq->count > 0);

	*thread_pri = rq->highq;

	thread = cqe_dequeue_head(queue, struct thread, runq_links);

	SCHED_STATS_RUNQ_CHANGE(&rq->runq_stats, rq->count);
	if (SCHED(priority_is_urgent)(rq->highq)) {
		rq->urgency--; assert(rq->urgency >= 0);
	if (circle_queue_empty(queue)) {
		rq_bitmap_clear(rq->bitmap, rq->highq);
		rq->highq = bitmap_first(rq->bitmap, NRQS);
		*queue_empty = TRUE;
	} else {
		*queue_empty = FALSE;

	return thread;

 * The run queue must not be empty.
 * returns TRUE if queue was empty at thread_pri
static boolean_t
	group_runq_t   rq,
	thread_t       thread,
	integer_t      thread_pri,
	integer_t      options)
	circle_queue_t  queue = &rq->queues[thread_pri];
	boolean_t       result = FALSE;

	assert(thread->runq == PROCESSOR_NULL);

	if (circle_queue_empty(queue)) {
		circle_enqueue_tail(queue, &thread->runq_links);

		rq_bitmap_set(rq->bitmap, thread_pri);
		if (thread_pri > rq->highq) {
			rq->highq = thread_pri;
		result = TRUE;
	} else {
		if (options & SCHED_TAILQ) {
			circle_enqueue_tail(queue, &thread->runq_links);
		} else {
			circle_enqueue_head(queue, &thread->runq_links);
	if (SCHED(priority_is_urgent)(thread_pri)) {
	SCHED_STATS_RUNQ_CHANGE(&rq->runq_stats, rq->count);

	return result;

 * The thread must be in this runqueue.
 * returns TRUE if queue is now empty at thread_pri
static boolean_t
	group_runq_t    rq,
	thread_t        thread,
	integer_t       thread_pri)
	circle_queue_t  queue = &rq->queues[thread_pri];
	boolean_t       result = FALSE;

	assert(thread->runq != PROCESSOR_NULL);

	circle_dequeue(queue, &thread->runq_links);

	SCHED_STATS_RUNQ_CHANGE(&rq->runq_stats, rq->count);
	if (SCHED(priority_is_urgent)(thread_pri)) {
		rq->urgency--; assert(rq->urgency >= 0);

	if (circle_queue_empty(queue)) {
		/* update run queue status */
		rq_bitmap_clear(rq->bitmap, thread_pri);
		rq->highq = bitmap_first(rq->bitmap, NRQS);
		result = TRUE;

	thread->runq = PROCESSOR_NULL;

	return result;

 * A thread's sched pri may change out from under us because
 * we're clearing thread->runq here without the thread locked.
 * Do not rely on it to be the same as when we enqueued.
static thread_t
sched_global_dequeue_thread(entry_queue_t main_entryq)
	boolean_t pri_level_empty = FALSE;
	sched_entry_t entry;
	group_runq_t group_runq;
	thread_t thread;
	integer_t thread_pri;
	sched_group_t group;

	assert(main_entryq->count > 0);

	entry = entry_queue_dequeue_entry(main_entryq);

	group = group_for_entry(entry);
	group_runq = &group->runq;

	thread = group_run_queue_dequeue_thread(group_runq, &thread_pri, &pri_level_empty);

	thread->runq = PROCESSOR_NULL;

	if (!pri_level_empty) {
		entry_queue_enqueue_entry(main_entryq, entry, SCHED_TAILQ);

	return thread;

/* Dequeue a thread from the global runq without moving the entry */
static thread_t
sched_global_deep_drain_dequeue_thread(entry_queue_t main_entryq)
	boolean_t pri_level_empty = FALSE;
	sched_entry_t entry;
	group_runq_t group_runq;
	thread_t thread;
	integer_t thread_pri;
	sched_group_t group;

	assert(main_entryq->count > 0);

	entry = entry_queue_first_entry(main_entryq);

	group = group_for_entry(entry);
	group_runq = &group->runq;

	thread = group_run_queue_dequeue_thread(group_runq, &thread_pri, &pri_level_empty);

	thread->runq = PROCESSOR_NULL;

	if (pri_level_empty) {
		entry_queue_remove_entry(main_entryq, entry);

	return thread;

static thread_t
	entry_queue_t main_entryq,
	sched_group_t group)
	group_runq_t group_runq = &group->runq;
	boolean_t pri_level_empty = FALSE;
	thread_t thread;
	integer_t thread_pri;

	thread = group_run_queue_dequeue_thread(group_runq, &thread_pri, &pri_level_empty);

	thread->runq = PROCESSOR_NULL;

	if (pri_level_empty) {
		entry_queue_remove_entry(main_entryq, group_entry_for_pri(group, thread_pri));

	return thread;

static void
	entry_queue_t main_entryq,
	sched_group_t group,
	thread_t thread)
	integer_t thread_pri = thread->sched_pri;
	sched_entry_t sched_entry = group_entry_for_pri(group, thread_pri);

	if (multiq_sanity_check) {
		group_check_run_queue(main_entryq, group);

		sched_group_check_thread(group, thread);
		entry_queue_check_entry(main_entryq, sched_entry, thread_pri);

	boolean_t pri_level_empty = group_run_queue_remove_thread(&group->runq, thread, thread_pri);

	if (pri_level_empty) {
		entry_queue_remove_entry(main_entryq, sched_entry);

	if (multiq_sanity_check) {
		group_check_run_queue(main_entryq, group);

static void
	entry_queue_t        main_entryq,
	sched_group_t        group,
	thread_t             thread,
	integer_t            options)
	if (multiq_sanity_check) {
		group_check_run_queue(main_entryq, group);

	int sched_pri = thread->sched_pri;

	boolean_t pri_level_was_empty = group_run_queue_enqueue_thread(&group->runq, thread, sched_pri, options);

	if (pri_level_was_empty) {
		 * TODO: Need to figure out if passing options here is a good idea or not
		 * What effects would it have?
		entry_queue_enqueue_entry(main_entryq, &group->entries[sched_pri], options);
	} else if (options & SCHED_HEADQ) {
		/* The thread should be at the head of the line - move its entry to the front */
		entry_queue_change_entry(main_entryq, &group->entries[sched_pri], options);

 *  Locate a thread to execute from the run queue and return it.
 *  Only choose a thread with greater or equal priority.
 *  pset is locked, thread is not locked.
 *  Returns THREAD_NULL if it cannot find a valid thread.
 *  Note: we cannot rely on the value of thread->sched_pri in this path because
 *  we don't have the thread locked.
 *  TODO: Remove tracepoints
static thread_t
	processor_t      processor,
	int              priority,
	ast_t            reason)
	entry_queue_t   main_entryq = multiq_main_entryq(processor);
	run_queue_t     bound_runq  = multiq_bound_runq(processor);

	boolean_t choose_bound_runq = FALSE;

	if (bound_runq->highq < priority &&
	    main_entryq->highq < priority) {
		return THREAD_NULL;

	if (bound_runq->count && main_entryq->count) {
		if (bound_runq->highq >= main_entryq->highq) {
			choose_bound_runq = TRUE;
		} else {
			/* Use main runq */
	} else if (bound_runq->count) {
		choose_bound_runq = TRUE;
	} else if (main_entryq->count) {
		/* Use main runq */
	} else {
		return THREAD_NULL;

	if (choose_bound_runq) {
		    MACH_MULTIQ_BOUND, main_entryq->highq, bound_runq->highq, 0, 0);

		return run_queue_dequeue(bound_runq, SCHED_HEADQ);

	sched_group_t group = current_thread()->sched_group;

	if (multiq_sanity_check) {
		group_check_run_queue(main_entryq, group);

	 * Determine if we should look at the group or the global queue
	 * TODO:
	 * Perhaps pass reason as a 'should look inside' argument to choose_thread
	 * Should YIELD AST override drain limit?
	if (group->runq.count != 0 && (reason & AST_PREEMPTION) == 0) {
		boolean_t favor_group = TRUE;

		integer_t global_pri = main_entryq->highq;
		integer_t group_pri  = group->runq.highq;

		 * Favor the current group if the group is still the globally highest.
		 * Otherwise, consider choosing a thread from the current group
		 * even if it's lower priority than the global highest priority.
		if (global_pri > group_pri) {
			 * If there's something elsewhere above the depth limit,
			 * don't pick a thread below the limit.
			if (global_pri > drain_depth_limit && group_pri <= drain_depth_limit) {
				favor_group = FALSE;

			 * If there's something at or above the ceiling,
			 * don't favor the group.
			if (global_pri >= drain_ceiling) {
				favor_group = FALSE;

			 * Don't go more than X steps below the global highest
			if ((global_pri - group_pri) >= drain_band_limit) {
				favor_group = FALSE;

		if (favor_group) {
			/* Pull from local runq */
			    MACH_MULTIQ_GROUP, global_pri, group_pri, 0, 0);

			return sched_group_dequeue_thread(main_entryq, group);

	    MACH_MULTIQ_GLOBAL, main_entryq->highq, group->runq.highq, 0, 0);

	/* Couldn't pull from local runq, pull from global runq instead */
	if (deep_drain) {
		return sched_global_deep_drain_dequeue_thread(main_entryq);
	} else {
		return sched_global_dequeue_thread(main_entryq);

 * Thread must be locked, and not already be on a run queue.
 * pset is locked.
static boolean_t
	processor_t      processor,
	thread_t         thread,
	sched_options_t  options)
	boolean_t       result;

	assert(processor == thread->chosen_processor);

	if (thread->bound_processor != PROCESSOR_NULL) {
		assert(thread->bound_processor == processor);

		result = run_queue_enqueue(multiq_bound_runq(processor), thread, options);
		thread->runq = processor;

		return result;

	    thread, options);

	thread->runq = processor;

	return FALSE;

 * Called in the context of thread with thread and pset unlocked,
 * after updating thread priority but before propagating that priority
 * to the processor
sched_multiq_quantum_expire(thread_t thread)
	if (deep_drain) {
		 * Move the entry at this priority to the end of the queue,
		 * to allow the next task a shot at running.

		processor_t processor = thread->last_processor;
		processor_set_t pset = processor->processor_set;
		entry_queue_t entryq = multiq_main_entryq(processor);


		sched_entry_t entry = group_entry_for_pri(thread->sched_group, processor->current_pri);

		if (entry->runq == MULTIQ_ERUNQ) {
			entry_queue_change_entry(entryq, entry, SCHED_TAILQ);


static boolean_t
sched_multiq_processor_queue_empty(processor_t processor)
	return multiq_main_entryq(processor)->count == 0 &&
	       multiq_bound_runq(processor)->count == 0;

static ast_t
sched_multiq_processor_csw_check(processor_t processor)
	boolean_t       has_higher;
	int             pri;

	if (sched_multiq_thread_avoid_processor(processor, current_thread())) {

	entry_queue_t main_entryq = multiq_main_entryq(processor);
	run_queue_t   bound_runq  = multiq_bound_runq(processor);

	assert(processor->active_thread != NULL);

	pri = MAX(main_entryq->highq, bound_runq->highq);

	if (processor->first_timeslice) {
		has_higher = (pri > processor->current_pri);
	} else {
		has_higher = (pri >= processor->current_pri);

	if (has_higher) {
		if (main_entryq->urgency > 0) {

		if (bound_runq->urgency > 0) {

		return AST_PREEMPT;

	return AST_NONE;

static boolean_t
	processor_t   processor,
	int           priority,
	boolean_t     gte)
	run_queue_t main_runq  = multiq_main_entryq(processor);
	run_queue_t bound_runq = multiq_bound_runq(processor);

	int qpri = MAX(main_runq->highq, bound_runq->highq);

	if (gte) {
		return qpri >= priority;
	} else {
		return qpri > priority;

static int
sched_multiq_runq_count(processor_t processor)
	 *  TODO: Decide whether to keep a count of runnable threads in the pset
	 *  or just return something less than the true count.
	 *  This needs to be fast, so no iterating the whole runq.
	 *  Another possible decision is to remove this - with global runq
	 *  it doesn't make much sense.
	return multiq_main_entryq(processor)->count + multiq_bound_runq(processor)->count;

static uint64_t
sched_multiq_runq_stats_count_sum(processor_t processor)
	 * TODO: This one does need to go through all the runqueues, but it's only needed for
	 * the sched stats tool

	uint64_t bound_sum = multiq_bound_runq(processor)->runq_stats.count_sum;

	if (processor->cpu_id == processor->processor_set->cpu_set_low) {
		return bound_sum + multiq_main_entryq(processor)->runq_stats.count_sum;
	} else {
		return bound_sum;

static int
sched_multiq_processor_bound_count(processor_t processor)
	return multiq_bound_runq(processor)->count;

static void
sched_multiq_processor_queue_shutdown(processor_t processor)
	processor_set_t pset = processor->processor_set;
	entry_queue_t   main_entryq = multiq_main_entryq(processor);
	thread_t        thread;
	queue_head_t    tqueue;

	/* We only need to migrate threads if this is the last active processor in the pset */
	if (pset->online_processor_count > 0) {


	/* Note that we do not remove bound threads from the queues here */

	while (main_entryq->count > 0) {
		thread = sched_global_dequeue_thread(main_entryq);
		enqueue_tail(&tqueue, &thread->runq_links);


	qe_foreach_element_safe(thread, &tqueue, runq_links) {


		thread_setrun(thread, SCHED_TAILQ);


 * Thread is locked
 * This is why we can never read sched_pri unless we have the thread locked.
 * Which we do in the enqueue and remove cases, but not the dequeue case.
static boolean_t
	processor_t processor,
	thread_t    thread)
	boolean_t removed = FALSE;
	processor_set_t pset = processor->processor_set;


	if (thread->runq != PROCESSOR_NULL) {
		 * Thread is on a run queue and we have a lock on
		 * that run queue.

		assert(thread->runq == processor);

		if (thread->bound_processor != PROCESSOR_NULL) {
			assert(processor == thread->bound_processor);
			run_queue_remove(multiq_bound_runq(processor), thread);
			thread->runq = PROCESSOR_NULL;
		} else {

		removed = TRUE;


	return removed;

/* pset is locked, returned unlocked */
static thread_t
sched_multiq_steal_thread(processor_set_t pset)
	return THREAD_NULL;

 * Scan the global queue for candidate groups, and scan those groups for
 * candidate threads.
 * TODO: This iterates every group runq in its entirety for each entry it has in the runq, which is O(N^2)
 *       Instead, iterate only the queue in the group runq matching the priority of the entry.
 * Returns TRUE if retry is needed.
static boolean_t
group_scan(entry_queue_t runq, sched_update_scan_context_t scan_context)
	int count       = runq->count;
	int queue_index;

	assert(count >= 0);

	if (count == 0) {
		return FALSE;

	for (queue_index = bitmap_first(runq->bitmap, NRQS);
	    queue_index >= 0;
	    queue_index = bitmap_next(runq->bitmap, queue_index)) {
		sched_entry_t entry;

		cqe_foreach_element(entry, &runq->queues[queue_index], entry_links) {
			assert(count > 0);

			sched_group_t group = group_for_entry(entry);
			if (group->runq.count > 0) {
				if (runq_scan(&group->runq, scan_context)) {
					return TRUE;

	return FALSE;

static void
sched_multiq_thread_update_scan(sched_update_scan_context_t scan_context)
	boolean_t               restart_needed = FALSE;
	processor_t             processor = processor_list;
	processor_set_t         pset;
	thread_t                thread;
	spl_t                   s;

	 *  We update the threads associated with each processor (bound and idle threads)
	 *  and then update the threads in each pset runqueue.

	do {
		do {
			pset = processor->processor_set;

			s = splsched();

			restart_needed = runq_scan(multiq_bound_runq(processor), scan_context);


			if (restart_needed) {

			thread = processor->idle_thread;
			if (thread != THREAD_NULL && thread->sched_stamp != sched_tick) {
				if (thread_update_add_thread(thread) == FALSE) {
					restart_needed = TRUE;
		} while ((processor = processor->processor_list) != NULL);

		/* Ok, we now have a collection of candidates -- fix them. */
	} while (restart_needed);

	pset = &pset0;

	do {
		do {
			s = splsched();

			restart_needed = group_scan(&pset->pset_runq, scan_context);


			if (restart_needed) {
		} while ((pset = pset->pset_list) != NULL);

		/* Ok, we now have a collection of candidates -- fix them. */
	} while (restart_needed);

extern int sched_allow_rt_smt;

/* Return true if this thread should not continue running on this processor */
static bool
sched_multiq_thread_avoid_processor(processor_t processor, thread_t thread)
	if (processor->processor_primary != processor) {
		 * This is a secondary SMT processor.  If the primary is running
		 * a realtime thread, only allow realtime threads on the secondary.
		if ((processor->processor_primary->current_pri >= BASEPRI_RTQUEUES) && ((thread->sched_pri < BASEPRI_RTQUEUES) || !sched_allow_rt_smt)) {
			return true;

	return false;