proc_info.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2005-2020 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

#ifndef _SYS_PROC_INFO_H
#define _SYS_PROC_INFO_H

#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/mount.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <sys/kern_control.h>
#include <sys/event.h>
#include <net/if.h>
#include <net/route.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>
#include <mach/machine.h>
#include <uuid/uuid.h>

#ifdef PRIVATE
#include <mach/coalition.h> /* COALITION_NUM_TYPES */


#define PROC_ALL_PIDS           1
#define PROC_PGRP_ONLY          2
#define PROC_TTY_ONLY           3
#define PROC_UID_ONLY           4
#define PROC_RUID_ONLY          5
#define PROC_PPID_ONLY          6
#define PROC_KDBG_ONLY          7

struct proc_bsdinfo {
	uint32_t                pbi_flags;              /* 64bit; emulated etc */
	uint32_t                pbi_status;
	uint32_t                pbi_xstatus;
	uint32_t                pbi_pid;
	uint32_t                pbi_ppid;
	uid_t                   pbi_uid;
	gid_t                   pbi_gid;
	uid_t                   pbi_ruid;
	gid_t                   pbi_rgid;
	uid_t                   pbi_svuid;
	gid_t                   pbi_svgid;
	uint32_t                rfu_1;                  /* reserved */
	char                    pbi_comm[MAXCOMLEN];
	char                    pbi_name[2 * MAXCOMLEN];  /* empty if no name is registered */
	uint32_t                pbi_nfiles;
	uint32_t                pbi_pgid;
	uint32_t                pbi_pjobc;
	uint32_t                e_tdev;                 /* controlling tty dev */
	uint32_t                e_tpgid;                /* tty process group id */
	int32_t                 pbi_nice;
	uint64_t                pbi_start_tvsec;
	uint64_t                pbi_start_tvusec;

struct proc_bsdshortinfo {
	uint32_t                pbsi_pid;               /* process id */
	uint32_t                pbsi_ppid;              /* process parent id */
	uint32_t                pbsi_pgid;              /* process perp id */
	uint32_t                pbsi_status;            /* p_stat value, SZOMB, SRUN, etc */
	char                    pbsi_comm[MAXCOMLEN];   /* upto 16 characters of process name */
	uint32_t                pbsi_flags;              /* 64bit; emulated etc */
	uid_t                   pbsi_uid;               /* current uid on process */
	gid_t                   pbsi_gid;               /* current gid on process */
	uid_t                   pbsi_ruid;              /* current ruid on process */
	gid_t                   pbsi_rgid;              /* current tgid on process */
	uid_t                   pbsi_svuid;             /* current svuid on process */
	gid_t                   pbsi_svgid;             /* current svgid on process */
	uint32_t                pbsi_rfu;               /* reserved for future use*/

#ifdef  PRIVATE
struct proc_uniqidentifierinfo {
	uint8_t                 p_uuid[16];             /* UUID of the main executable */
	uint64_t                p_uniqueid;             /* 64 bit unique identifier for process */
	uint64_t                p_puniqueid;            /* unique identifier for process's parent */
	int32_t                 p_idversion;            /* pid version */
	uint32_t                p_reserve2;             /* reserved for future use */
	uint64_t                p_reserve3;             /* reserved for future use */
	uint64_t                p_reserve4;             /* reserved for future use */

struct proc_bsdinfowithuniqid {
	struct proc_bsdinfo             pbsd;
	struct proc_uniqidentifierinfo  p_uniqidentifier;

struct proc_archinfo {
	cpu_type_t              p_cputype;
	cpu_subtype_t           p_cpusubtype;

struct proc_pidcoalitioninfo {
	uint64_t coalition_id[COALITION_NUM_TYPES];
	uint64_t reserved1;
	uint64_t reserved2;
	uint64_t reserved3;

struct proc_originatorinfo {
	uuid_t                  originator_uuid;        /* UUID of the originator process */
	pid_t                   originator_pid;         /* pid of the originator process */
	uint64_t                p_reserve2;
	uint64_t                p_reserve3;
	uint64_t                p_reserve4;

struct proc_ipctableinfo {
	uint32_t               table_size;
	uint32_t               table_free;


/* pbi_flags values */
#define PROC_FLAG_SYSTEM        1       /*  System process */
#define PROC_FLAG_TRACED        2       /* process currently being traced, possibly by gdb */
#define PROC_FLAG_INEXIT        4       /* process is working its way in exit() */
#define PROC_FLAG_PPWAIT        8
#define PROC_FLAG_LP64          0x10    /* 64bit process */
#define PROC_FLAG_SLEADER       0x20    /* The process is the session leader */
#define PROC_FLAG_CTTY          0x40    /* process has a control tty */
#define PROC_FLAG_CONTROLT      0x80    /* Has a controlling terminal */
#define PROC_FLAG_THCWD         0x100   /* process has a thread with cwd */
/* process control bits for resource starvation */
#define PROC_FLAG_PC_THROTTLE   0x200   /* In resource starvation situations, this process is to be throttled */
#define PROC_FLAG_PC_SUSP       0x400   /* In resource starvation situations, this process is to be suspended */
#define PROC_FLAG_PC_KILL       0x600   /* In resource starvation situations, this process is to be terminated */
#define PROC_FLAG_PC_MASK       0x600
/* process action bits for resource starvation */
#define PROC_FLAG_PA_THROTTLE   0x800   /* The process is currently throttled due to resource starvation */
#define PROC_FLAG_PA_SUSP       0x1000  /* The process is currently suspended due to resource starvation */
#define PROC_FLAG_PSUGID        0x2000   /* process has set privileges since last exec */
#define PROC_FLAG_EXEC          0x4000   /* process has called exec  */
#ifdef  PRIVATE
#define PROC_FLAG_DARWINBG      0x8000  /* process in darwin background */
#define PROC_FLAG_EXT_DARWINBG  0x10000 /* process in darwin background - external enforcement */
#define PROC_FLAG_IOS_APPLEDAEMON 0x20000       /* Process is apple daemon  */
#define PROC_FLAG_DELAYIDLESLEEP 0x40000        /* Process is marked to delay idle sleep on disk IO */
#define PROC_FLAG_IOS_IMPPROMOTION 0x80000      /* Process is daemon which receives importane donation  */
#define PROC_FLAG_ADAPTIVE              0x100000         /* Process is adaptive */
#define PROC_FLAG_ADAPTIVE_IMPORTANT    0x200000         /* Process is adaptive, and is currently important */
#define PROC_FLAG_IMPORTANCE_DONOR   0x400000 /* Process is marked as an importance donor */
#define PROC_FLAG_SUPPRESSED         0x800000 /* Process is suppressed */
#define PROC_FLAG_APPLICATION 0x1000000 /* Process is an application */
#define PROC_FLAG_IOS_APPLICATION PROC_FLAG_APPLICATION /* Process is an application */

struct proc_taskinfo {
	uint64_t                pti_virtual_size;       /* virtual memory size (bytes) */
	uint64_t                pti_resident_size;      /* resident memory size (bytes) */
	uint64_t                pti_total_user;         /* total time */
	uint64_t                pti_total_system;
	uint64_t                pti_threads_user;       /* existing threads only */
	uint64_t                pti_threads_system;
	int32_t                 pti_policy;             /* default policy for new threads */
	int32_t                 pti_faults;             /* number of page faults */
	int32_t                 pti_pageins;            /* number of actual pageins */
	int32_t                 pti_cow_faults;         /* number of copy-on-write faults */
	int32_t                 pti_messages_sent;      /* number of messages sent */
	int32_t                 pti_messages_received;  /* number of messages received */
	int32_t                 pti_syscalls_mach;      /* number of mach system calls */
	int32_t                 pti_syscalls_unix;      /* number of unix system calls */
	int32_t                 pti_csw;                /* number of context switches */
	int32_t                 pti_threadnum;          /* number of threads in the task */
	int32_t                 pti_numrunning;         /* number of running threads */
	int32_t                 pti_priority;           /* task priority*/

struct proc_taskallinfo {
	struct proc_bsdinfo     pbsd;
	struct proc_taskinfo    ptinfo;


struct proc_threadinfo {
	uint64_t                pth_user_time;          /* user run time */
	uint64_t                pth_system_time;        /* system run time */
	int32_t                 pth_cpu_usage;          /* scaled cpu usage percentage */
	int32_t                 pth_policy;             /* scheduling policy in effect */
	int32_t                 pth_run_state;          /* run state (see below) */
	int32_t                 pth_flags;              /* various flags (see below) */
	int32_t                 pth_sleep_time;         /* number of seconds that thread */
	int32_t                 pth_curpri;             /* cur priority*/
	int32_t                 pth_priority;           /*  priority*/
	int32_t                 pth_maxpriority;        /* max priority*/
	char                    pth_name[MAXTHREADNAMESIZE];    /* thread name, if any */

struct proc_regioninfo {
	uint32_t                pri_protection;
	uint32_t                pri_max_protection;
	uint32_t                pri_inheritance;
	uint32_t                pri_flags;              /* shared, external pager, is submap */
	uint64_t                pri_offset;
	uint32_t                pri_behavior;
	uint32_t                pri_user_wired_count;
	uint32_t                pri_user_tag;
	uint32_t                pri_pages_resident;
	uint32_t                pri_pages_shared_now_private;
	uint32_t                pri_pages_swapped_out;
	uint32_t                pri_pages_dirtied;
	uint32_t                pri_ref_count;
	uint32_t                pri_shadow_depth;
	uint32_t                pri_share_mode;
	uint32_t                pri_private_pages_resident;
	uint32_t                pri_shared_pages_resident;
	uint32_t                pri_obj_id;
	uint32_t                pri_depth;
	uint64_t                pri_address;
	uint64_t                pri_size;

#define PROC_REGION_SUBMAP      1
#define PROC_REGION_SHARED      2

#define SM_COW             1
#define SM_PRIVATE         2
#define SM_EMPTY           3
#define SM_SHARED          4
#define SM_TRUESHARED      5
#define SM_LARGE_PAGE      8

 *	Thread run states (state field).

#define TH_STATE_RUNNING        1       /* thread is running normally */
#define TH_STATE_STOPPED        2       /* thread is stopped */
#define TH_STATE_WAITING        3       /* thread is waiting normally */
#define TH_STATE_UNINTERRUPTIBLE 4      /* thread is in an uninterruptible
	                                 *  wait */
#define TH_STATE_HALTED         5       /* thread is halted at a
	                                 *  clean point */

 *	Thread flags (flags field).
#define TH_FLAGS_SWAPPED        0x1     /* thread is swapped out */
#define TH_FLAGS_IDLE           0x2     /* thread is an idle thread */

struct proc_workqueueinfo {
	uint32_t        pwq_nthreads;           /* total number of workqueue threads */
	uint32_t        pwq_runthreads;         /* total number of running workqueue threads */
	uint32_t        pwq_blockedthreads;     /* total number of blocked workqueue threads */
	uint32_t        pwq_state;

 *	workqueue state (pwq_state field)

struct proc_fileinfo {
	uint32_t                fi_openflags;
	uint32_t                fi_status;
	off_t                   fi_offset;
	int32_t                 fi_type;
	uint32_t                fi_guardflags;

/* stats flags in proc_fileinfo */
#define PROC_FP_SHARED  1       /* shared by more than one fd */
#define PROC_FP_CLEXEC  2       /* close on exec */
#define PROC_FP_GUARDED 4       /* guarded fd */
#define PROC_FP_CLFORK  8       /* close on fork */

#define PROC_FI_GUARD_CLOSE             (1u << 0)
#define PROC_FI_GUARD_DUP               (1u << 1)
#define PROC_FI_GUARD_SOCKET_IPC        (1u << 2)
#define PROC_FI_GUARD_FILEPORT          (1u << 3)

struct proc_exitreasonbasicinfo {
	uint32_t                        beri_namespace;
	uint64_t                        beri_code;
	uint64_t                        beri_flags;
	uint32_t                        beri_reason_buf_size;
} __attribute__((packed));

struct proc_exitreasoninfo {
	uint32_t                        eri_namespace;
	uint64_t                        eri_code;
	uint64_t                        eri_flags;
	uint32_t                        eri_reason_buf_size;
	uint64_t                        eri_kcd_buf;
} __attribute__((packed));

 * A copy of stat64 with static sized fields.
struct vinfo_stat {
	uint32_t        vst_dev;        /* [XSI] ID of device containing file */
	uint16_t        vst_mode;       /* [XSI] Mode of file (see below) */
	uint16_t        vst_nlink;      /* [XSI] Number of hard links */
	uint64_t        vst_ino;        /* [XSI] File serial number */
	uid_t           vst_uid;        /* [XSI] User ID of the file */
	gid_t           vst_gid;        /* [XSI] Group ID of the file */
	int64_t         vst_atime;      /* [XSI] Time of last access */
	int64_t         vst_atimensec;  /* nsec of last access */
	int64_t         vst_mtime;      /* [XSI] Last data modification time */
	int64_t         vst_mtimensec;  /* last data modification nsec */
	int64_t         vst_ctime;      /* [XSI] Time of last status change */
	int64_t         vst_ctimensec;  /* nsec of last status change */
	int64_t         vst_birthtime;  /*  File creation time(birth)  */
	int64_t         vst_birthtimensec;      /* nsec of File creation time */
	off_t           vst_size;       /* [XSI] file size, in bytes */
	int64_t         vst_blocks;     /* [XSI] blocks allocated for file */
	int32_t         vst_blksize;    /* [XSI] optimal blocksize for I/O */
	uint32_t        vst_flags;      /* user defined flags for file */
	uint32_t        vst_gen;        /* file generation number */
	uint32_t        vst_rdev;       /* [XSI] Device ID */
	int64_t         vst_qspare[2];  /* RESERVED: DO NOT USE! */

struct vnode_info {
	struct vinfo_stat       vi_stat;
	int                     vi_type;
	int                     vi_pad;
	fsid_t                  vi_fsid;

struct vnode_info_path {
	struct vnode_info       vip_vi;
	char                    vip_path[MAXPATHLEN];   /* tail end of it  */

struct vnode_fdinfo {
	struct proc_fileinfo    pfi;
	struct vnode_info       pvi;

struct vnode_fdinfowithpath {
	struct proc_fileinfo    pfi;
	struct vnode_info_path  pvip;

struct proc_regionwithpathinfo {
	struct proc_regioninfo  prp_prinfo;
	struct vnode_info_path  prp_vip;

struct proc_regionpath {
	uint64_t prpo_addr;
	uint64_t prpo_regionlength;
	char prpo_path[MAXPATHLEN];

struct proc_vnodepathinfo {
	struct vnode_info_path  pvi_cdir;
	struct vnode_info_path  pvi_rdir;

struct proc_threadwithpathinfo {
	struct proc_threadinfo  pt;
	struct vnode_info_path  pvip;

 *  Socket

 * IPv4 and IPv6 Sockets

#define INI_IPV4        0x1
#define INI_IPV6        0x2

struct in4in6_addr {
	u_int32_t               i46a_pad32[3];
	struct in_addr          i46a_addr4;

struct in_sockinfo {
	int                                     insi_fport;             /* foreign port */
	int                                     insi_lport;             /* local port */
	uint64_t                                insi_gencnt;            /* generation count of this instance */
	uint32_t                                insi_flags;             /* generic IP/datagram flags */
	uint32_t                                insi_flow;

	uint8_t                                 insi_vflag;             /* ini_IPV4 or ini_IPV6 */
	uint8_t                                 insi_ip_ttl;            /* time to live proto */
	uint32_t                                rfu_1;                  /* reserved */
	/* protocol dependent part */
	union {
		struct in4in6_addr      ina_46;
		struct in6_addr         ina_6;
	}                                       insi_faddr;             /* foreign host table entry */
	union {
		struct in4in6_addr      ina_46;
		struct in6_addr         ina_6;
	}                                       insi_laddr;             /* local host table entry */
	struct {
		u_char                  in4_tos;                        /* type of service */
	}                                       insi_v4;
	struct {
		uint8_t                 in6_hlim;
		int                     in6_cksum;
		u_short                 in6_ifindex;
		short                   in6_hops;
	}                                       insi_v6;

 * TCP Sockets

#define TSI_T_REXMT             0       /* retransmit */
#define TSI_T_PERSIST           1       /* retransmit persistence */
#define TSI_T_KEEP              2       /* keep alive */
#define TSI_T_2MSL              3       /* 2*msl quiet time timer */
#define TSI_T_NTIMERS           4

#define TSI_S_CLOSED            0       /* closed */
#define TSI_S_LISTEN            1       /* listening for connection */
#define TSI_S_SYN_SENT          2       /* active, have sent syn */
#define TSI_S_SYN_RECEIVED      3       /* have send and received syn */
#define TSI_S_ESTABLISHED       4       /* established */
#define TSI_S__CLOSE_WAIT       5       /* rcvd fin, waiting for close */
#define TSI_S_FIN_WAIT_1        6       /* have closed, sent fin */
#define TSI_S_CLOSING           7       /* closed xchd FIN; await FIN ACK */
#define TSI_S_LAST_ACK          8       /* had fin and close; await FIN ACK */
#define TSI_S_FIN_WAIT_2        9       /* have closed, fin is acked */
#define TSI_S_TIME_WAIT         10      /* in 2*msl quiet wait after close */
#define TSI_S_RESERVED          11      /* pseudo state: reserved */

struct tcp_sockinfo {
	struct in_sockinfo              tcpsi_ini;
	int                             tcpsi_state;
	int                             tcpsi_timer[TSI_T_NTIMERS];
	int                             tcpsi_mss;
	uint32_t                        tcpsi_flags;
	uint32_t                        rfu_1;          /* reserved */
	uint64_t                        tcpsi_tp;       /* opaque handle of TCP protocol control block */

 * Unix Domain Sockets

struct un_sockinfo {
	uint64_t                                unsi_conn_so;   /* opaque handle of connected socket */
	uint64_t                                unsi_conn_pcb;  /* opaque handle of connected protocol control block */
	union {
		struct sockaddr_un      ua_sun;
		char                    ua_dummy[SOCK_MAXADDRLEN];
	}                                       unsi_addr;      /* bound address */
	union {
		struct sockaddr_un      ua_sun;
		char                    ua_dummy[SOCK_MAXADDRLEN];
	}                                       unsi_caddr;     /* address of socket connected to */

 * PF_NDRV Sockets

struct ndrv_info {
	uint32_t        ndrvsi_if_family;
	uint32_t        ndrvsi_if_unit;
	char            ndrvsi_if_name[IF_NAMESIZE];

 * Kernel Event Sockets

struct kern_event_info {
	uint32_t        kesi_vendor_code_filter;
	uint32_t        kesi_class_filter;
	uint32_t        kesi_subclass_filter;

 * Kernel Control Sockets

struct kern_ctl_info {
	uint32_t        kcsi_id;
	uint32_t        kcsi_reg_unit;
	uint32_t        kcsi_flags;                     /* support flags */
	uint32_t        kcsi_recvbufsize;               /* request more than the default buffer size */
	uint32_t        kcsi_sendbufsize;               /* request more than the default buffer size */
	uint32_t        kcsi_unit;
	char            kcsi_name[MAX_KCTL_NAME];       /* unique nke identifier, provided by DTS */

 * VSock Sockets

struct vsock_sockinfo {
	uint32_t        local_cid;
	uint32_t        local_port;
	uint32_t        remote_cid;
	uint32_t        remote_port;

/* soi_state */

#define SOI_S_NOFDREF           0x0001  /* no file table ref any more */
#define SOI_S_ISCONNECTED       0x0002  /* socket connected to a peer */
#define SOI_S_ISCONNECTING      0x0004  /* in process of connecting to peer */
#define SOI_S_ISDISCONNECTING   0x0008  /* in process of disconnecting */
#define SOI_S_CANTSENDMORE      0x0010  /* can't send more data to peer */
#define SOI_S_CANTRCVMORE       0x0020  /* can't receive more data from peer */
#define SOI_S_RCVATMARK         0x0040  /* at mark on input */
#define SOI_S_PRIV              0x0080  /* privileged for broadcast, raw... */
#define SOI_S_NBIO              0x0100  /* non-blocking ops */
#define SOI_S_ASYNC             0x0200  /* async i/o notify */
#define SOI_S_INCOMP            0x0800  /* Unaccepted, incomplete connection */
#define SOI_S_COMP              0x1000  /* unaccepted, complete connection */
#define SOI_S_ISDISCONNECTED    0x2000  /* socket disconnected from peer */
#define SOI_S_DRAINING          0x4000  /* close waiting for blocked system calls to drain */

struct sockbuf_info {
	uint32_t                sbi_cc;
	uint32_t                sbi_hiwat;                      /* SO_RCVBUF, SO_SNDBUF */
	uint32_t                sbi_mbcnt;
	uint32_t                sbi_mbmax;
	uint32_t                sbi_lowat;
	short                   sbi_flags;
	short                   sbi_timeo;

enum {
	SOCKINFO_IN             = 1,
	SOCKINFO_TCP            = 2,
	SOCKINFO_UN             = 3,
	SOCKINFO_NDRV           = 4,
	SOCKINFO_VSOCK          = 7,

struct socket_info {
	struct vinfo_stat                       soi_stat;
	uint64_t                                soi_so;         /* opaque handle of socket */
	uint64_t                                soi_pcb;        /* opaque handle of protocol control block */
	int                                     soi_type;
	int                                     soi_protocol;
	int                                     soi_family;
	short                                   soi_options;
	short                                   soi_linger;
	short                                   soi_state;
	short                                   soi_qlen;
	short                                   soi_incqlen;
	short                                   soi_qlimit;
	short                                   soi_timeo;
	u_short                                 soi_error;
	uint32_t                                soi_oobmark;
	struct sockbuf_info                     soi_rcv;
	struct sockbuf_info                     soi_snd;
	int                                     soi_kind;
	uint32_t                                rfu_1;          /* reserved */
	union {
		struct in_sockinfo      pri_in;                 /* SOCKINFO_IN */
		struct tcp_sockinfo     pri_tcp;                /* SOCKINFO_TCP */
		struct un_sockinfo      pri_un;                 /* SOCKINFO_UN */
		struct ndrv_info        pri_ndrv;               /* SOCKINFO_NDRV */
		struct kern_event_info  pri_kern_event;         /* SOCKINFO_KERN_EVENT */
		struct kern_ctl_info    pri_kern_ctl;           /* SOCKINFO_KERN_CTL */
		struct vsock_sockinfo   pri_vsock;              /* SOCKINFO_VSOCK */
	}                                       soi_proto;

struct socket_fdinfo {
	struct proc_fileinfo    pfi;
	struct socket_info      psi;

struct psem_info {
	struct vinfo_stat       psem_stat;
	char                    psem_name[MAXPATHLEN];

struct psem_fdinfo {
	struct proc_fileinfo    pfi;
	struct psem_info        pseminfo;

struct pshm_info  {
	struct vinfo_stat       pshm_stat;
	uint64_t                pshm_mappaddr;
	char                    pshm_name[MAXPATHLEN];

struct pshm_fdinfo {
	struct proc_fileinfo    pfi;
	struct pshm_info        pshminfo;

struct pipe_info {
	struct vinfo_stat       pipe_stat;
	uint64_t                pipe_handle;
	uint64_t                pipe_peerhandle;
	int                     pipe_status;
	int                     rfu_1;  /* reserved */

struct pipe_fdinfo {
	struct proc_fileinfo    pfi;
	struct pipe_info        pipeinfo;

struct kqueue_info {
	struct vinfo_stat       kq_stat;
	uint32_t                kq_state;
	uint32_t                rfu_1;  /* reserved */

struct kqueue_dyninfo {
	struct kqueue_info kqdi_info;
	uint64_t kqdi_servicer;
	uint64_t kqdi_owner;
	uint32_t kqdi_sync_waiters;
	uint8_t  kqdi_sync_waiter_qos;
	uint8_t  kqdi_async_qos;
	uint16_t kqdi_request_state;
	uint8_t  kqdi_events_qos;
	uint8_t  kqdi_pri;
	uint8_t  kqdi_pol;
	uint8_t  kqdi_cpupercent;
	uint8_t  _kqdi_reserved0[4];
	uint64_t _kqdi_reserved1[4];

/* keep in sync with KQ_* in sys/eventvar.h */
#define PROC_KQUEUE_SELECT      0x01
#define PROC_KQUEUE_SLEEP       0x02
#define PROC_KQUEUE_32          0x08
#define PROC_KQUEUE_64          0x10
#define PROC_KQUEUE_QOS         0x20

#ifdef PRIVATE
struct kevent_extinfo {
	struct kevent_qos_s kqext_kev;
	uint64_t kqext_sdata;
	int kqext_status;
	int kqext_sfflags;
	uint64_t kqext_reserved[2];
#endif /* PRIVATE */

struct kqueue_fdinfo {
	struct proc_fileinfo    pfi;
	struct kqueue_info      kqueueinfo;

struct appletalk_info {
	struct vinfo_stat       atalk_stat;

struct appletalk_fdinfo {
	struct proc_fileinfo    pfi;
	struct appletalk_info   appletalkinfo;

typedef uint64_t proc_info_udata_t;

/* defns of process file desc type */
#define PROX_FDTYPE_ATALK       0
#define PROX_FDTYPE_VNODE       1
#define PROX_FDTYPE_SOCKET      2
#define PROX_FDTYPE_PSHM        3
#define PROX_FDTYPE_PSEM        4
#define PROX_FDTYPE_KQUEUE      5
#define PROX_FDTYPE_PIPE        6

struct proc_fdinfo {
	int32_t                 proc_fd;
	uint32_t                proc_fdtype;

struct proc_fileportinfo {
	uint32_t                proc_fileport;
	uint32_t                proc_fdtype;

/* Flavors for proc_pidinfo() */
#define PROC_PIDLISTFDS                 1
#define PROC_PIDLISTFD_SIZE             (sizeof(struct proc_fdinfo))

#define PROC_PIDTASKALLINFO             2
#define PROC_PIDTASKALLINFO_SIZE        (sizeof(struct proc_taskallinfo))

#define PROC_PIDTBSDINFO                3
#define PROC_PIDTBSDINFO_SIZE           (sizeof(struct proc_bsdinfo))

#define PROC_PIDTASKINFO                4
#define PROC_PIDTASKINFO_SIZE           (sizeof(struct proc_taskinfo))

#define PROC_PIDTHREADINFO              5
#define PROC_PIDTHREADINFO_SIZE         (sizeof(struct proc_threadinfo))

#define PROC_PIDLISTTHREADS             6
#define PROC_PIDLISTTHREADS_SIZE        (2* sizeof(uint32_t))

#define PROC_PIDREGIONINFO              7
#define PROC_PIDREGIONINFO_SIZE         (sizeof(struct proc_regioninfo))

#define PROC_PIDREGIONPATHINFO_SIZE     (sizeof(struct proc_regionwithpathinfo))

#define PROC_PIDVNODEPATHINFO           9
#define PROC_PIDVNODEPATHINFO_SIZE      (sizeof(struct proc_vnodepathinfo))

#define PROC_PIDTHREADPATHINFO          10
#define PROC_PIDTHREADPATHINFO_SIZE     (sizeof(struct proc_threadwithpathinfo))

#define PROC_PIDPATHINFO                11

#define PROC_PIDWORKQUEUEINFO           12
#define PROC_PIDWORKQUEUEINFO_SIZE      (sizeof(struct proc_workqueueinfo))

#define PROC_PIDT_SHORTBSDINFO          13
#define PROC_PIDT_SHORTBSDINFO_SIZE     (sizeof(struct proc_bsdshortinfo))

#define PROC_PIDLISTFILEPORTS           14
#define PROC_PIDLISTFILEPORTS_SIZE      (sizeof(struct proc_fileportinfo))

#define PROC_PIDTHREADID64INFO          15
#define PROC_PIDTHREADID64INFO_SIZE     (sizeof(struct proc_threadinfo))

#define PROC_PID_RUSAGE                 16
#define PROC_PID_RUSAGE_SIZE            0

#ifdef  PRIVATE
	                                (sizeof(struct proc_uniqidentifierinfo))

	                                (sizeof(struct proc_bsdinfowithuniqid))

#define PROC_PIDARCHINFO                19
#define PROC_PIDARCHINFO_SIZE           \
	                                (sizeof(struct proc_archinfo))

#define PROC_PIDCOALITIONINFO           20
#define PROC_PIDCOALITIONINFO_SIZE      (sizeof(struct proc_pidcoalitioninfo))

#define PROC_PIDNOTEEXIT                21
#define PROC_PIDNOTEEXIT_SIZE           (sizeof(uint32_t))

#define PROC_PIDREGIONPATHINFO2         22
#define PROC_PIDREGIONPATHINFO2_SIZE    (sizeof(struct proc_regionwithpathinfo))

#define PROC_PIDREGIONPATHINFO3         23
#define PROC_PIDREGIONPATHINFO3_SIZE    (sizeof(struct proc_regionwithpathinfo))

#define PROC_PIDEXITREASONINFO          24
#define PROC_PIDEXITREASONINFO_SIZE     (sizeof(struct proc_exitreasoninfo))

#define PROC_PIDEXITREASONBASICINFOSIZE (sizeof(struct proc_exitreasonbasicinfo))

#define PROC_PIDLISTUPTRS      26
#define PROC_PIDLISTUPTRS_SIZE (sizeof(uint64_t))

#define PROC_PIDLISTDYNKQUEUES_SIZE (sizeof(kqueue_id_t))

#define PROC_PIDLISTTHREADIDS           28
#define PROC_PIDLISTTHREADIDS_SIZE      (2* sizeof(uint32_t))

#define PROC_PIDVMRTFAULTINFO           29
#define PROC_PIDVMRTFAULTINFO_SIZE (7 * sizeof(uint64_t))

#define PROC_PIDPLATFORMINFO_SIZE (sizeof(uint32_t))

#define PROC_PIDREGIONPATH              31
#define PROC_PIDREGIONPATH_SIZE         (sizeof(struct proc_regionpath))

#define PROC_PIDIPCTABLEINFO_SIZE (sizeof(struct proc_ipctableinfo))

#endif /* PRIVATE */
/* Flavors for proc_pidfdinfo */

#define PROC_PIDFDVNODEINFO             1
#define PROC_PIDFDVNODEINFO_SIZE        (sizeof(struct vnode_fdinfo))

#define PROC_PIDFDVNODEPATHINFO_SIZE    (sizeof(struct vnode_fdinfowithpath))

#define PROC_PIDFDSOCKETINFO            3
#define PROC_PIDFDSOCKETINFO_SIZE       (sizeof(struct socket_fdinfo))

#define PROC_PIDFDPSEMINFO              4
#define PROC_PIDFDPSEMINFO_SIZE         (sizeof(struct psem_fdinfo))

#define PROC_PIDFDPSHMINFO              5
#define PROC_PIDFDPSHMINFO_SIZE         (sizeof(struct pshm_fdinfo))

#define PROC_PIDFDPIPEINFO              6
#define PROC_PIDFDPIPEINFO_SIZE         (sizeof(struct pipe_fdinfo))

#define PROC_PIDFDKQUEUEINFO            7
#define PROC_PIDFDKQUEUEINFO_SIZE       (sizeof(struct kqueue_fdinfo))

#define PROC_PIDFDATALKINFO             8
#define PROC_PIDFDATALKINFO_SIZE        (sizeof(struct appletalk_fdinfo))

#ifdef PRIVATE
#define PROC_PIDFDKQUEUE_EXTINFO_SIZE   (sizeof(struct kevent_extinfo))
#define PROC_PIDFDKQUEUE_KNOTES_MAX     (1024 * 128)
#define PROC_PIDDYNKQUEUES_MAX  (1024 * 128)
#endif /* PRIVATE */

/* Flavors for proc_pidfileportinfo */

#define PROC_PIDFILEPORTVNODEPATHINFO   2       /* out: vnode_fdinfowithpath */

#define PROC_PIDFILEPORTSOCKETINFO      3       /* out: socket_fdinfo */

#define PROC_PIDFILEPORTPSHMINFO        5       /* out: pshm_fdinfo */

#define PROC_PIDFILEPORTPIPEINFO        6       /* out: pipe_fdinfo */

/* used for proc_setcontrol */
#define PROC_SELFSET_PCONTROL           1




/* used for proc_dirtycontrol */
#define PROC_DIRTYCONTROL_SET           2
#define PROC_DIRTYCONTROL_GET           3

/* proc_track_dirty() flags */
#define PROC_DIRTY_TRACK                0x1
#define PROC_DIRTY_DEFER                0x4
#define PROC_DIRTY_DEFER_ALWAYS         0x10

/* proc_get_dirty() flags */
#define PROC_DIRTY_TRACKED              0x1
#define PROC_DIRTY_IS_DIRTY             0x4

/* Flavors for proc_udata_info */
#define PROC_UDATA_INFO_GET             1
#define PROC_UDATA_INFO_SET             2

#ifdef PRIVATE

/* Flavors for proc_pidoriginatorinfo */
#define PROC_PIDORIGINATOR_UUID         0x1
#define PROC_PIDORIGINATOR_UUID_SIZE    (sizeof(uuid_t))

#define PROC_PIDORIGINATOR_BGSTATE_SIZE (sizeof(uint32_t))

#define PROC_PIDORIGINATOR_PID_UUID_SIZE (sizeof(struct proc_originatorinfo))

/* Flavors for proc_listcoalitions */
#define LISTCOALITIONS_ALL_COALS_SIZE   (sizeof(struct procinfo_coalinfo))

#define LISTCOALITIONS_SINGLE_TYPE_SIZE (sizeof(struct procinfo_coalinfo))

/* reasons for proc_can_use_foreground_hw */
#define PROC_FGHW_OK                     0 /* pid may use foreground HW */
#define PROC_FGHW_DAEMON_OK              1
#define PROC_FGHW_DAEMON_LEADER         10 /* pid is in a daemon coalition */
#define PROC_FGHW_LEADER_NONUI          11 /* coalition leader is in a non-focal state */
#define PROC_FGHW_LEADER_BACKGROUND     12 /* coalition leader is in a background state */
#define PROC_FGHW_DAEMON_NO_VOUCHER     13 /* pid is a daemon with no adopted voucher */
#define PROC_FGHW_NO_VOUCHER_ATTR       14 /* pid has adopted a voucher with no bank/originator attribute */
#define PROC_FGHW_NO_ORIGINATOR         15 /* pid has adopted a voucher for a process that's gone away */
#define PROC_FGHW_ORIGINATOR_BACKGROUND 16 /* pid has adopted a voucher for an app that's in the background */
#define PROC_FGHW_VOUCHER_ERROR         98 /* error in voucher / originator callout */
#define PROC_FGHW_ERROR                 99 /* syscall parameter/permissions error */

/* flavors for proc_piddynkqueueinfo */
#define PROC_PIDDYNKQUEUE_INFO         0
#define PROC_PIDDYNKQUEUE_INFO_SIZE    (sizeof(struct kqueue_dyninfo))
#define PROC_PIDDYNKQUEUE_EXTINFO_SIZE (sizeof(struct kevent_extinfo))

/* __proc_info() call numbers */
#define PROC_INFO_CALL_LISTPIDS          0x1
#define PROC_INFO_CALL_PIDINFO           0x2
#define PROC_INFO_CALL_PIDFDINFO         0x3
#define PROC_INFO_CALL_KERNMSGBUF        0x4
#define PROC_INFO_CALL_SETCONTROL        0x5
#define PROC_INFO_CALL_TERMINATE         0x7
#define PROC_INFO_CALL_PIDRUSAGE         0x9
#define PROC_INFO_CALL_CANUSEFGHW        0xc
#define PROC_INFO_CALL_UDATA_INFO        0xe

/* __proc_info_extended_id() flags */
#define PIF_COMPARE_IDVERSION           0x01
#define PIF_COMPARE_UNIQUEID            0x02

#endif /* PRIVATE */

extern int proc_fdlist(proc_t p, struct proc_fdinfo *buf, size_t *count);

#ifndef pshmnode
struct pshmnode;

#ifndef psemnode
struct psemnode;

#ifndef pipe
struct pipe;

extern int fill_socketinfo(socket_t so, struct socket_info *si);
extern int fill_pshminfo(struct pshmnode * pshm, struct pshm_info * pinfo);
extern int fill_pseminfo(struct psemnode * psem, struct psem_info * pinfo);
extern int fill_pipeinfo(struct pipe * cpipe, struct pipe_info * pinfo);
extern int fill_kqueueinfo(struct kqueue * kq, struct kqueue_info * kinfo);
extern int pid_kqueue_extinfo(proc_t, struct kqueue * kq, user_addr_t buffer,
    uint32_t buffersize, int32_t * retval);
extern int pid_kqueue_udatainfo(proc_t p, struct kqueue *kq, uint64_t *buf,
    uint32_t bufsize);
extern int pid_kqueue_listdynamickqueues(proc_t p, user_addr_t ubuf,
    uint32_t bufsize, int32_t *retval);
extern int pid_dynamickqueue_extinfo(proc_t p, kqueue_id_t kq_id,
    user_addr_t ubuf, uint32_t bufsize, int32_t *retval);
extern int fill_procworkqueue(proc_t, struct proc_workqueueinfo *);
extern boolean_t workqueue_get_pwq_exceeded(void *v, boolean_t *exceeded_total,
    boolean_t *exceeded_constrained);
extern uint32_t workqueue_get_pwq_state_kdp(void *proc);



#endif /*_SYS_PROC_INFO_H */