cc.h   [plain text]

/* Copyright (c) (2010,2011,2012,2014,2015,2016,2017,2018,2019) Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * corecrypto is licensed under Apple Inc.’s Internal Use License Agreement (which
 * is contained in the License.txt file distributed with corecrypto) and only to 
 * people who accept that license. IMPORTANT:  Any license rights granted to you by 
 * Apple Inc. (if any) are limited to internal use within your organization only on 
 * devices and computers you own or control, for the sole purpose of verifying the 
 * security characteristics and correct functioning of the Apple Software.  You may 
 * not, directly or indirectly, redistribute the Apple Software or any portions thereof.


#include <corecrypto/cc_config.h>
#include <corecrypto/cc_error.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#if __has_feature(attribute_availability_with_replacement)
#if __has_feature(attribute_availability_bridgeos)
    #define __CC_BRIDGEOS_DEPRECATED(_dep, _msg) __attribute__((availability(bridgeos,deprecated=_dep, replacement=_msg)))

  #define __CC_BRIDGEOS_DEPRECATED(_dep, _msg)

#define cc_deprecate_with_replacement(replacement_message, ios_version, macos_version, tvos_version, watchos_version, bridgeos_version) \
__attribute__((availability(macos,deprecated=macos_version,       replacement=replacement_message)))\
__attribute__((availability(ios,deprecated=ios_version,           replacement=replacement_message)))\
__attribute__((availability(watchos,deprecated=watchos_version,   replacement=replacement_message)))\
__attribute__((availability(tvos,deprecated=tvos_version,         replacement=replacement_message)))\
__CC_BRIDGEOS_DEPRECATED(bridgeos_version, replacement_message)

#else /* !__has_feature(attribute_availability_with_replacement) */

#define cc_deprecate_with_replacement(replacement_message, ios_version, macos_version, tvos_version, watchos_version, bridgeos_version)

#endif /* __has_feature(attribute_availability_with_replacement) */

/* Provide a general purpose macro concat method. */
#define cc_concat_(a, b) a##b
#define cc_concat(a, b) cc_concat_(a, b)

#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#define __asm__(x)

/* Manage asserts here because a few functions in header public files do use asserts */
#define cc_assert(x) assert(x)
#define cc_assert(x)

#include <kern/assert.h>
#elif CC_USE_S3
#define assert(args)  // No assert in S3
#include <assert.h>

/* Provide a static assert that can be used to create compile-type failures. */
#define cc_static_assert(e,m)                                               \
    enum { cc_concat(static_assert_, __COUNTER__) = 1/(int)(!!(e)) }

/* Declare a struct element with a guarenteed alignment of _alignment_.
   The resulting struct can be used to create arrays that are aligned by
   a certain amount.  */
#define cc_aligned_struct(_alignment_)  \
typedef struct { \
uint8_t b[_alignment_]; \
} CC_ALIGNED(_alignment_)

#if defined(__BIGGEST_ALIGNMENT__)
#define CC_MAX_ALIGNMENT ((size_t)16)

/* pads a given size to be a multiple of the biggest alignment for any type */
#define cc_pad_align(_size_) ((_size_ + CC_MAX_ALIGNMENT - 1) & (~(CC_MAX_ALIGNMENT - 1)))

/* number of array elements used in a cc_ctx_decl */
#define cc_ctx_n(_type_, _size_) ((_size_ + sizeof(_type_) - 1) / sizeof(_type_))

/* sizeof of a context declared with cc_ctx_decl */
#define cc_ctx_sizeof(_type_, _size_) sizeof(_type_[cc_ctx_n(_type_, _size_)])

  1. _alloca cannot be removed becasue this header file is compiled with both MSVC++ and with clang.
  2. The _MSC_VER version of cc_ctx_decl() is not compatible with the way *_decl macros as used in CommonCrypto, AppleKeyStore and SecurityFrameworks. To observe the incompatibilities and errors, use below definition. Corecrypto itself, accepts both deinitions
      #define cc_ctx_decl(_type_, _size_, _name_)  _type_ _name_ ## _array[cc_ctx_n(_type_, (_size_))]; _type_ *_name_ = _name_ ## _array
  3. Never use sizeof() operator for the variables declared with cc_ctx_decl(), because it is not be compatible with the _MSC_VER version of cc_ctx_decl().
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#include <malloc.h>
#define cc_ctx_decl(_type_, _size_, _name_)  _type_ * _name_ = (_type_ *) _alloca(sizeof(_type_) * cc_ctx_n(_type_, _size_) )
#define cc_ctx_decl_field(_type_, _size_, _name_)  _type_ _name_ [cc_ctx_n(_type_, _size_)]
// FIXME <rdar://problem/57372917> this pragma is the wrong fix for VLA usage, but since this API is central to corecrypto it's difficult to remove VLAs. The macro is then used in many other projects who don't need to be warned about VLAs at the moment. It's therefore desirable to silence the diagnostic and let corecrypto deal with removing VLAs.
#define cc_ctx_decl(_type_, _size_, _name_)     \
  _Pragma("GCC diagnostic push")                \
  _Pragma("GCC diagnostic ignored \"-Wvla\"")   \
  _type_ _name_ [cc_ctx_n(_type_, _size_)]      \
  _Pragma("GCC diagnostic pop")
#define cc_ctx_decl_field cc_ctx_decl

 @brief cc_clear(len, dst) zeroizes array dst and it will not be optimized out.
 @discussion It is used to clear sensitive data, particularly when the are defined in the stack
 @param len number of bytes to be cleared in dst
 @param dst input array
void cc_clear(size_t len, void *dst);

// cc_zero is deprecated, please use cc_clear instead.
cc_deprecate_with_replacement("cc_clear", 13.0, 10.15, 13.0, 6.0, 4.0)
void cc_zero(size_t len, void *dst)
    cc_clear(len, dst);

#define cc_copy(_size_, _dst_, _src_) memcpy(_dst_, _src_, _size_)

void cc_xor(size_t size, void *r, const void *s, const void *t) {
    uint8_t *_r=(uint8_t *)r;
    const uint8_t *_s=(const uint8_t *)s;
    const uint8_t *_t=(const uint8_t *)t;
    while (size--) {
        _r[size] = _s[size] ^ _t[size];

 @brief cc_cmp_safe(num, pt1, pt2) compares two array ptr1 and ptr2 of num bytes.
 @discussion The execution time/cycles is independent of the data and therefore guarantees no leak about the data. However, the execution time depends on num.
 @param num  number of bytes in each array
 @param ptr1 input array
 @param ptr2 input array
 @return  returns 0 if the num bytes starting at ptr1 are identical to the num bytes starting at ptr2 and 1 if they are different or if num is 0 (empty arrays).
CC_NONNULL((2, 3))
int cc_cmp_safe (size_t num, const void * ptr1, const void * ptr2);

/* Exchange S and T of any type.  NOTE: Both and S and T are evaluated
   mutliple times and MUST NOT be expressions. */
#define CC_SWAP(S,T)  do { \
    volatile __typeof__(S) _cc_swap_tmp = S; S = T; T = _cc_swap_tmp; \
    _cc_swap_tmp = 0;\
} while(0)

/* Return the maximum value between S and T. */
#define CC_MAX(S, T) ({__typeof__(S) _cc_max_s = S; __typeof__(T) _cc_max_t = T; _cc_max_s > _cc_max_t ? _cc_max_s : _cc_max_t;})

/* Clone of CC_MAX() that evalutes S and T multiple times to allow nesting. */
#define CC_MAX_EVAL(S, T) ((S) > (T) ? (S) : (T))

/* Return the minimum value between S and T. */
#define CC_MIN(S, T) ({__typeof__(S) _cc_min_s = S; __typeof__(T) _cc_min_t = T; _cc_min_s <= _cc_min_t ? _cc_min_s : _cc_min_t;})

 When building with "-nostdinc" (i.e. iboot), ptrauth.h is in a non-standard location.
 This requires a new flag to be used when building iboot: -ibuiltininc.
 This flag doesn't seem present at the moment in clang. For now lets not
 diversify in iBoot.
#if __has_feature(ptrauth_calls) && (CC_KERNEL || CC_USE_L4 || CC_USE_SEPROM)
#include <ptrauth.h>
#define CC_SPTR(_sn_, _n_) \
    __ptrauth(ptrauth_key_process_independent_code, 1, ptrauth_string_discriminator("cc_" #_sn_ #_n_)) _n_
#define CC_SPTR(_sn_, _n_) _n_

#endif /* _CORECRYPTO_CC_H_ */