locks.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2003-2019 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

#ifndef _KERN_LOCKS_H_
#define _KERN_LOCKS_H_

#include        <sys/cdefs.h>
#include        <sys/appleapiopts.h>
#include        <mach/boolean.h>
#include        <mach/mach_types.h>
#include        <kern/kern_types.h>
#include        <kern/lock_group.h>
#include        <machine/locks.h>

#include        <kern/queue.h>

extern void                             lck_mod_init(


typedef unsigned int            lck_sleep_action_t;

#define LCK_SLEEP_DEFAULT       0x00    /* Release the lock while waiting for the event, then reclaim */
/* RW locks are returned in the same mode */
#define LCK_SLEEP_UNLOCK        0x01    /* Release the lock and return unheld */
#define LCK_SLEEP_SHARED        0x02    /* Reclaim the lock in shared mode (RW only) */
#define LCK_SLEEP_EXCLUSIVE     0x04    /* Reclaim the lock in exclusive mode (RW only) */
#define LCK_SLEEP_SPIN          0x08    /* Reclaim the lock in spin mode (mutex only) */
#define LCK_SLEEP_PROMOTED_PRI  0x10    /* Sleep at a promoted priority */
#define LCK_SLEEP_SPIN_ALWAYS   0x20    /* Reclaim the lock in spin-always mode (mutex only) */

#define LCK_SLEEP_MASK          0x3f    /* Valid actions */

typedef unsigned int            lck_wake_action_t;

#define LCK_WAKE_DEFAULT                0x00 /* If waiters are present, transfer their push to the wokenup thread */
#define LCK_WAKE_DO_NOT_TRANSFER_PUSH   0x01 /* Do not transfer waiters push when waking up */

typedef struct _lck_attr_ {
	unsigned int    lck_attr_val;
} lck_attr_t;

extern lck_attr_t      LockDefaultLckAttr;

#define LCK_ATTR_NONE           0

#define LCK_ATTR_DEBUG                          0x00000001
#define LCK_ATTR_RW_SHARED_PRIORITY     0x00010000

typedef struct __lck_attr__ lck_attr_t;

#define LCK_ATTR_NULL (lck_attr_t *)NULL


extern  lck_attr_t              *lck_attr_alloc_init(

extern  void                    lck_attr_setdefault(
	lck_attr_t              *attr);

extern  void                    lck_attr_setdebug(
	lck_attr_t              *attr);

extern  void                    lck_attr_cleardebug(
	lck_attr_t              *attr);


typedef union {
	uint16_t tcurnext;
	struct {
		uint8_t cticket;
		uint8_t nticket;
} lck_ticket_internal;

typedef struct {
	lck_ticket_internal tu;
	uintptr_t lck_owner;
} lck_ticket_t;

void lck_ticket_init(lck_ticket_t *tlock);
void lck_ticket_lock(lck_ticket_t *tlock);
void lck_ticket_unlock(lck_ticket_t *tlock);
void lck_ticket_assert_owned(lck_ticket_t *tlock);

extern  void                    lck_attr_rw_shared_priority(
	lck_attr_t              *attr);

extern  void                    lck_attr_free(
	lck_attr_t              *attr);

#define decl_lck_spin_data(class, name)     class lck_spin_t name

extern lck_spin_t               *lck_spin_alloc_init(
	lck_grp_t               *grp,
	lck_attr_t              *attr);

extern void                             lck_spin_init(
	lck_spin_t              *lck,
	lck_grp_t               *grp,
	lck_attr_t              *attr);

extern void                             lck_spin_lock(
	lck_spin_t              *lck);

extern void                             lck_spin_lock_grp(
	lck_spin_t              *lck,
	lck_grp_t               *grp);

extern void                             lck_spin_unlock(
	lck_spin_t              *lck);

extern void                             lck_spin_destroy(
	lck_spin_t              *lck,
	lck_grp_t               *grp);

extern void                             lck_spin_free(
	lck_spin_t              *lck,
	lck_grp_t               *grp);

extern wait_result_t    lck_spin_sleep(
	lck_spin_t                      *lck,
	lck_sleep_action_t      lck_sleep_action,
	event_t                         event,
	wait_interrupt_t        interruptible);

extern wait_result_t    lck_spin_sleep_grp(
	lck_spin_t                      *lck,
	lck_sleep_action_t      lck_sleep_action,
	event_t                         event,
	wait_interrupt_t        interruptible,
	lck_grp_t               *grp);

extern wait_result_t    lck_spin_sleep_deadline(
	lck_spin_t                      *lck,
	lck_sleep_action_t      lck_sleep_action,
	event_t                         event,
	wait_interrupt_t        interruptible,
	uint64_t                        deadline);


extern void                     lck_spin_lock_nopreempt(                lck_spin_t              *lck);
extern void                     lck_spin_lock_nopreempt_grp(                lck_spin_t              *lck, lck_grp_t *grp);

extern void                     lck_spin_unlock_nopreempt(              lck_spin_t              *lck);

extern boolean_t                lck_spin_try_lock_grp(                      lck_spin_t              *lck, lck_grp_t *grp);

extern boolean_t                lck_spin_try_lock(                      lck_spin_t              *lck);

extern boolean_t                lck_spin_try_lock_nopreempt(            lck_spin_t              *lck);
extern boolean_t                lck_spin_try_lock_nopreempt_grp(            lck_spin_t              *lck, lck_grp_t *grp);

/* NOT SAFE: To be used only by kernel debugger to avoid deadlock. */
extern boolean_t                kdp_lck_spin_is_acquired(               lck_spin_t              *lck);

struct _lck_mtx_ext_;
extern void lck_mtx_init_ext(lck_mtx_t *lck, struct _lck_mtx_ext_ *lck_ext,
    lck_grp_t *grp, lck_attr_t *attr);


#define decl_lck_mtx_data(class, name)     class lck_mtx_t name

extern lck_mtx_t                *lck_mtx_alloc_init(
	lck_grp_t               *grp,
	lck_attr_t              *attr);

extern void                             lck_mtx_init(
	lck_mtx_t               *lck,
	lck_grp_t               *grp,
	lck_attr_t              *attr);
extern void                             lck_mtx_lock(
	lck_mtx_t               *lck);

extern void                             lck_mtx_unlock(
	lck_mtx_t               *lck);

extern void                             lck_mtx_destroy(
	lck_mtx_t               *lck,
	lck_grp_t               *grp);

extern void                             lck_mtx_free(
	lck_mtx_t               *lck,
	lck_grp_t               *grp);

extern wait_result_t    lck_mtx_sleep(
	lck_mtx_t                       *lck,
	lck_sleep_action_t      lck_sleep_action,
	event_t                         event,
	wait_interrupt_t        interruptible);

extern wait_result_t    lck_mtx_sleep_deadline(
	lck_mtx_t                       *lck,
	lck_sleep_action_t      lck_sleep_action,
	event_t                         event,
	wait_interrupt_t        interruptible,
	uint64_t                        deadline);

 * Name: lck_spin_sleep_with_inheritor
 * Description: deschedule the current thread and wait on the waitq associated with event to be woken up.
 *              While waiting, the sched priority of the waiting thread will contribute to the push of the event that will
 *              be directed to the inheritor specified.
 *              An interruptible mode and deadline can be specified to return earlier from the wait.
 * Args:
 *   Arg1: lck_spin_t lock used to protect the sleep. The lock will be dropped while sleeping and reaquired before returning according to the sleep action specified.
 *   Arg2: sleep action. LCK_SLEEP_DEFAULT, LCK_SLEEP_UNLOCK.
 *   Arg3: event to wait on.
 *   Arg4: thread to propagate the event push to.
 *   Arg5: interruptible flag for wait.
 *   Arg6: deadline for wait.
 * Conditions: Lock must be held. Returns with the lock held according to the sleep action specified.
 *             Lock will be dropped while waiting.
 *             The inheritor specified cannot run in user space until another inheritor is specified for the event or a
 *             wakeup for the event is called.
 * Returns: result of the wait.
extern wait_result_t lck_spin_sleep_with_inheritor(lck_spin_t *lock, lck_sleep_action_t lck_sleep_action, event_t event, thread_t inheritor, wait_interrupt_t interruptible, uint64_t deadline);

 * Name: lck_mtx_sleep_with_inheritor
 * Description: deschedule the current thread and wait on the waitq associated with event to be woken up.
 *              While waiting, the sched priority of the waiting thread will contribute to the push of the event that will
 *              be directed to the inheritor specified.
 *              An interruptible mode and deadline can be specified to return earlier from the wait.
 * Args:
 *   Arg1: lck_mtx_t lock used to protect the sleep. The lock will be dropped while sleeping and reaquired before returning according to the sleep action specified.
 *   Arg3: event to wait on.
 *   Arg4: thread to propagate the event push to.
 *   Arg5: interruptible flag for wait.
 *   Arg6: deadline for wait.
 * Conditions: Lock must be held. Returns with the lock held according to the sleep action specified.
 *             Lock will be dropped while waiting.
 *             The inheritor specified cannot run in user space until another inheritor is specified for the event or a
 *             wakeup for the event is called.
 * Returns: result of the wait.
extern wait_result_t lck_mtx_sleep_with_inheritor(lck_mtx_t *lock, lck_sleep_action_t lck_sleep_action, event_t event, thread_t inheritor, wait_interrupt_t interruptible, uint64_t deadline);

 * Name: lck_mtx_sleep_with_inheritor
 * Description: deschedule the current thread and wait on the waitq associated with event to be woken up.
 *              While waiting, the sched priority of the waiting thread will contribute to the push of the event that will
 *              be directed to the inheritor specified.
 *              An interruptible mode and deadline can be specified to return earlier from the wait.
 * Args:
 *   Arg1: lck_rw_t lock used to protect the sleep. The lock will be dropped while sleeping and reaquired before returning according to the sleep action specified.
 *   Arg3: event to wait on.
 *   Arg4: thread to propagate the event push to.
 *   Arg5: interruptible flag for wait.
 *   Arg6: deadline for wait.
 * Conditions: Lock must be held. Returns with the lock held according to the sleep action specified.
 *             Lock will be dropped while waiting.
 *             The inheritor specified cannot run in user space until another inheritor is specified for the event or a
 *             wakeup for the event is called.
 * Returns: result of the wait.
extern wait_result_t lck_rw_sleep_with_inheritor(lck_rw_t *lock, lck_sleep_action_t lck_sleep_action, event_t event, thread_t inheritor, wait_interrupt_t interruptible, uint64_t deadline);

 * Name: wakeup_one_with_inheritor
 * Description: wake up one waiter for event if any. The thread woken up will be the one with the higher sched priority waiting on event.
 *              The push for the event will be transferred from the last inheritor to the woken up thread.
 * Args:
 *   Arg1: event to wake from.
 *   Arg2: wait result to pass to the woken up thread.
 *   Arg3: pointer for storing the thread wokenup.
 * Returns: KERN_NOT_WAITING if no threads were waiting, KERN_SUCCESS otherwise.
 * Conditions: The new inheritor wokenup cannot run in user space until another inheritor is specified for the event or a
 *             wakeup for the event is called.
 *             A reference for the wokenup thread is acquired.
 *             NOTE: this cannot be called from interrupt context.
extern kern_return_t wakeup_one_with_inheritor(event_t event, wait_result_t result, lck_wake_action_t action, thread_t *thread_wokenup);

 * Name: wakeup_all_with_inheritor
 * Description: wake up all waiters waiting for event. The old inheritor will lose the push.
 * Args:
 *   Arg1: event to wake from.
 *   Arg2: wait result to pass to the woken up threads.
 * Returns: KERN_NOT_WAITING if no threads were waiting, KERN_SUCCESS otherwise.
 * Conditions: NOTE: this cannot be called from interrupt context.
extern kern_return_t wakeup_all_with_inheritor(event_t event, wait_result_t result);

 * Name: change_sleep_inheritor
 * Description: Redirect the push of the waiting threads of event to the new inheritor specified.
 * Args:
 *   Arg1: event to redirect the push.
 *   Arg2: new inheritor for event.
 * Returns: KERN_NOT_WAITING if no threads were waiting, KERN_SUCCESS otherwise.
 * Conditions: In case of success, the new inheritor cannot run in user space until another inheritor is specified for the event or a
 *             wakeup for the event is called.
 *             NOTE: this cannot be called from interrupt context.
extern kern_return_t change_sleep_inheritor(event_t event, thread_t inheritor);

 * gate structure
typedef struct gate {
	uintptr_t gate_data; // thread holder, interlock bit and waiter bit
	struct turnstile *turnstile; // protected by the interlock bit
} gate_t;

#define GATE_ILOCK_BIT   0


#define gate_ilock(gate) hw_lock_bit((hw_lock_bit_t*)(&(gate)->gate_data), GATE_ILOCK_BIT, LCK_GRP_NULL)
#define gate_iunlock(gate) hw_unlock_bit((hw_lock_bit_t*)(&(gate)->gate_data), GATE_ILOCK_BIT)
#define gate_has_waiters(state) ((state & GATE_WAITERS) != 0)
#define ordered_load_gate(gate) os_atomic_load(&(gate)->gate_data, compiler_acq_rel)
#define ordered_store_gate(gate, value)  os_atomic_store(&(gate)->gate_data, value, compiler_acq_rel)

#define GATE_STATE_TO_THREAD(state) (thread_t)(state & GATE_THREAD_MASK)
#define GATE_THREAD_TO_STATE(thread) ((uintptr_t)thread)

 * Possible gate_wait_result_t values.
typedef int gate_wait_result_t;
#define GATE_HANDOFF       0
#define GATE_OPENED        1
#define GATE_TIMED_OUT     2

 * Gate flags used by gate_assert
#define GATE_ASSERT_CLOSED         0
#define GATE_ASSERT_OPEN           1
#define GATE_ASSERT_HELD           2

 * Gate flags used by gate_handoff
#define GATE_HANDOFF_DEFAULT                    0

#define GATE_EVENT(gate)     ((event_t) gate)
#define EVENT_TO_GATE(event) ((gate_t *) event)

 * Name: decl_lck_rw_gate_data
 * Description: declares a gate variable with specified storage class.
 *              The gate itself will be stored in this variable and it is the caller's responsibility
 *              to ensure that this variable's memory is going to be accessible by all threads that will use
 *              the gate.
 *              Every gate function will require a pointer to this variable as parameter. The same pointer should
 *              be used in every thread.
 *              The variable needs to be initialized once with lck_rw_gate_init() and destroyed once with
 *              lck_rw_gate_destroy() when not needed anymore.
 *              The gate will be used in conjunction with a lck_rw_t.
 * Args:
 *   Arg1: storage class.
 *   Arg2: variable name.
#define decl_lck_rw_gate_data(class, name)                              class gate_t name

 * Name: lck_rw_gate_init
 * Description: initializes a variable declared with decl_lck_rw_gate_data.
 * Args:
 *   Arg1: lck_rw_t lock used to protect the gate.
 *   Arg2: pointer to the gate data declared with decl_lck_rw_gate_data.
extern void lck_rw_gate_init(lck_rw_t *lock, gate_t *gate);

 * Name: lck_rw_gate_destroy
 * Description: destroys a variable previously initialized.
 * Args:
 *   Arg1: lck_rw_t lock used to protect the gate.
 *   Arg2: pointer to the gate data declared with decl_lck_rw_gate_data.
extern void lck_rw_gate_destroy(lck_rw_t *lock, gate_t *gate);

 * Name: lck_rw_gate_try_close
 * Description: Tries to close the gate.
 *              In case of success the current thread will be set as
 *              the holder of the gate.
 * Args:
 *   Arg1: lck_rw_t lock used to protect the gate.
 *   Arg2: pointer to the gate data declared with decl_lck_rw_gate_data.
 * Conditions: Lock must be held. Returns with the lock held.
 * Returns:
 *          KERN_SUCCESS in case the gate was successfully closed. The current thread is the new holder
 *          of the gate.
 *          A matching lck_rw_gate_open() or lck_rw_gate_handoff() needs to be called later on
 *          to wake up possible waiters on the gate before returning to userspace.
 *          If the intent is to conditionally probe the gate before waiting, the lock must not be dropped
 *          between the calls to lck_rw_gate_try_close() and lck_rw_gate_wait().
 *          KERN_FAILURE in case the gate was already closed. Will panic if the current thread was already the holder of the gate.
 *          lck_rw_gate_wait() should be called instead if the intent is to unconditionally wait on this gate.
 *          The calls to lck_rw_gate_try_close() and lck_rw_gate_wait() should
 *          be done without dropping the lock that is protecting the gate in between.
extern kern_return_t lck_rw_gate_try_close(lck_rw_t *lock, gate_t *gate);

 * Name: lck_rw_gate_close
 * Description: Closes the gate. The current thread will be set as
 *              the holder of the gate. Will panic if the gate is already closed.
 *              A matching lck_rw_gate_open() or lck_rw_gate_handoff() needs to be called later on
 *              to wake up possible waiters on the gate before returning to userspace.
 * Args:
 *   Arg1: lck_rw_t lock used to protect the gate.
 *   Arg2: pointer to the gate data declared with decl_lck_rw_gate_data.
 * Conditions: Lock must be held. Returns with the lock held.
 *             The gate must be open.
extern void lck_rw_gate_close(lck_rw_t *lock, gate_t *gate);

 * Name: lck_rw_gate_open
 * Description: Opens the gate and wakes up possible waiters.
 * Args:
 *   Arg1: lck_rw_t lock used to protect the gate.
 *   Arg2: pointer to the gate data declared with decl_lck_rw_gate_data.
 * Conditions: Lock must be held. Returns with the lock held.
 *             The current thread must be the holder of the gate.
extern void lck_rw_gate_open(lck_rw_t *lock, gate_t *gate);

 * Name: lck_rw_gate_handoff
 * Description: Tries to transfer the ownership of the gate. The waiter with highest sched
 *              priority will be selected as the new holder of the gate, and woken up,
 *              with the gate remaining in the closed state throughout.
 *              If no waiters are present, the gate will be kept closed and KERN_NOT_WAITING
 *              will be returned.
 *              GATE_HANDOFF_OPEN_IF_NO_WAITERS flag can be used to specify if the gate should be opened in
 *              case no waiters were found.
 * Args:
 *   Arg1: lck_rw_t lock used to protect the gate.
 *   Arg2: pointer to the gate data declared with decl_lck_rw_gate_data.
 * Conditions: Lock must be held. Returns with the lock held.
 *             The current thread must be the holder of the gate.
 * Returns:
 *          KERN_SUCCESS in case one of the waiters became the new holder.
 *          KERN_NOT_WAITING in case there were no waiters.
extern kern_return_t lck_rw_gate_handoff(lck_rw_t *lock, gate_t *gate, int flags);

 * Name: lck_rw_gate_steal
 * Description: Set the current ownership of the gate. It sets the current thread as the
 *              new holder of the gate.
 *              A matching lck_rw_gate_open() or lck_rw_gate_handoff() needs to be called later on
 *              to wake up possible waiters on the gate before returning to userspace.
 *              NOTE: the previous holder should not call lck_rw_gate_open() or lck_rw_gate_handoff()
 *              anymore.
 * Args:
 *   Arg1: lck_rw_t lock used to protect the gate.
 *   Arg2: pointer to the gate data declared with decl_lck_rw_gate_data.
 * Conditions: Lock must be held. Returns with the lock held.
 *             The gate must be closed and the current thread must not already be the holder.
extern void lck_rw_gate_steal(lck_rw_t *lock, gate_t *gate);

 * Name: lck_rw_gate_wait
 * Description: Waits for the current thread to become the holder of the gate or for the
 *              gate to become open. An interruptible mode and deadline can be specified
 *              to return earlier from the wait.
 * Args:
 *   Arg1: lck_rw_t lock used to protect the gate.
 *   Arg2: pointer to the gate data declared with decl_lck_rw_gate_data.
 *   Arg3: interruptible flag for wait.
 *   Arg4: deadline
 * Conditions: Lock must be held. Returns with the lock held according to the sleep action specified.
 *             Lock will be dropped while waiting.
 *             The gate must be closed.
 * Returns: Reason why the thread was woken up.
 *          GATE_HANDOFF - the current thread was handed off the ownership of the gate.
 *                         A matching lck_rw_gate_open() or lck_rw_gate_handoff() needs to be called later on
 *                         to wake up possible waiters on the gate before returning to userspace.
 *          GATE_OPENED - the gate was opened by the holder.
 *          GATE_TIMED_OUT - the thread was woken up by a timeout.
 *          GATE_INTERRUPTED - the thread was interrupted while sleeping.
extern gate_wait_result_t lck_rw_gate_wait(lck_rw_t *lock, gate_t *gate, lck_sleep_action_t lck_sleep_action, wait_interrupt_t interruptible, uint64_t deadline);

 * Name: lck_rw_gate_assert
 * Description: asserts that the gate is in the specified state.
 * Args:
 *   Arg1: lck_rw_t lock used to protect the gate.
 *   Arg2: pointer to the gate data declared with decl_lck_rw_gate_data.
 *   Arg3: flags to specified assert type.
 *         GATE_ASSERT_CLOSED - the gate is currently closed
 *         GATE_ASSERT_OPEN - the gate is currently opened
 *         GATE_ASSERT_HELD - the gate is currently closed and the current thread is the holder
extern void lck_rw_gate_assert(lck_rw_t *lock, gate_t *gate, int flags);

 * Name: decl_lck_mtx_gate_data
 * Description: declares a gate variable with specified storage class.
 *              The gate itself will be stored in this variable and it is the caller's responsibility
 *              to ensure that this variable's memory is going to be accessible by all threads that will use
 *              the gate.
 *              Every gate function will require a pointer to this variable as parameter. The same pointer should
 *              be used in every thread.
 *              The variable needs to be initialized once with lck_mtx_gate_init() and destroyed once with
 *              lck_mtx_gate_destroy() when not needed anymore.
 *              The gate will be used in conjunction with a lck_mtx_t.
 * Args:
 *   Arg1: storage class.
 *   Arg2: variable name.
#define decl_lck_mtx_gate_data(class, name)                             class gate_t name

 * Name: lck_mtx_gate_init
 * Description: initializes a variable declared with decl_lck_mtx_gate_data.
 * Args:
 *   Arg1: lck_mtx_t lock used to protect the gate.
 *   Arg2: pointer to the gate data declared with decl_lck_mtx_gate_data.
extern void lck_mtx_gate_init(lck_mtx_t *lock, gate_t *gate);

 * Name: lck_mtx_gate_destroy
 * Description: destroys a variable previously initialized
 * Args:
 *   Arg1: lck_mtx_t lock used to protect the gate.
 *   Arg2: pointer to the gate data declared with decl_lck_mtx_gate_data.
extern void lck_mtx_gate_destroy(lck_mtx_t *lock, gate_t *gate);

 * Name: lck_mtx_gate_try_close
 * Description: Tries to close the gate.
 *              In case of success the current thread will be set as
 *              the holder of the gate.
 * Args:
 *   Arg1: lck_mtx_t lock used to protect the gate.
 *   Arg2: pointer to the gate data declared with decl_lck_mtx_gate_data.
 * Conditions: Lock must be held. Returns with the lock held.
 * Returns:
 *          KERN_SUCCESS in case the gate was successfully closed. The current thread is the new holder
 *          of the gate.
 *          A matching lck_mtx_gate_open() or lck_mtx_gate_handoff() needs to be called later on
 *          to wake up possible waiters on the gate before returning to userspace.
 *          If the intent is to conditionally probe the gate before waiting, the lock must not be dropped
 *          between the calls to lck_mtx_gate_try_close() and lck_mtx_gate_wait().
 *          KERN_FAILURE in case the gate was already closed. Will panic if the current thread was already the holder of the gate.
 *          lck_mtx_gate_wait() should be called instead if the intent is to unconditionally wait on this gate.
 *          The calls to lck_mtx_gate_try_close() and lck_mtx_gate_wait() should
 *          be done without dropping the lock that is protecting the gate in between.
extern kern_return_t lck_mtx_gate_try_close(lck_mtx_t *lock, gate_t *gate);

 * Name: lck_mtx_gate_close
 * Description: Closes the gate. The current thread will be set as
 *              the holder of the gate. Will panic if the gate is already closed.
 *              A matching lck_mtx_gate_open() or lck_mtx_gate_handoff() needs to be called later on
 *              to wake up possible waiters on the gate before returning to userspace.
 * Args:
 *   Arg1: lck_mtx_t lock used to protect the gate.
 *   Arg2: pointer to the gate data declared with decl_lck_mtx_gate_data.
 * Conditions: Lock must be held. Returns with the lock held.
 *             The gate must be open.
extern void lck_mtx_gate_close(lck_mtx_t *lock, gate_t *gate);

 * Name: lck_mtx_gate_open
 * Description: Opens of the gate and wakes up possible waiters.
 * Args:
 *   Arg1: lck_mtx_t lock used to protect the gate.
 *   Arg2: pointer to the gate data declared with decl_lck_mtx_gate_data.
 * Conditions: Lock must be held. Returns with the lock held.
 *             The current thread must be the holder of the gate.
extern void lck_mtx_gate_open(lck_mtx_t *lock, gate_t *gate);

 * Name: lck_mtx_gate_handoff
 * Description: Set the current ownership of the gate. The waiter with highest sched
 *              priority will be selected as the new holder of the gate, and woken up,
 *              with the gate remaining in the closed state throughout.
 *              If no waiters are present, the gate will be kept closed and KERN_NOT_WAITING
 *              will be returned.
 *              OPEN_ON_FAILURE flag can be used to specify if the gate should be opened in
 *              case no waiters were found.
 * Args:
 *   Arg1: lck_mtx_t lock used to protect the gate.
 *   Arg2: pointer to the gate data declared with decl_lck_mtx_gate_data.
 *   Arg3: flags - GATE_NO_FALGS or OPEN_ON_FAILURE
 * Conditions: Lock must be held. Returns with the lock held.
 *             The current thread must be the holder of the gate.
 * Returns:
 *          KERN_SUCCESS in case one of the waiters became the new holder.
 *          KERN_NOT_WAITING in case there were no waiters.
extern kern_return_t lck_mtx_gate_handoff(lck_mtx_t *lock, gate_t *gate, int flags);

 * Name: lck_mtx_gate_steal
 * Description: Steals the ownership of the gate. It sets the current thread as the
 *              new holder of the gate.
 *              A matching lck_mtx_gate_open() or lck_mtx_gate_handoff() needs to be called later on
 *              to wake up possible waiters on the gate before returning to userspace.
 *              NOTE: the previous holder should not call lck_mtx_gate_open() or lck_mtx_gate_handoff()
 *              anymore.
 * Args:
 *   Arg1: lck_mtx_t lock used to protect the gate.
 *   Arg2: pointer to the gate data declared with decl_lck_mtx_gate_data.
 * Conditions: Lock must be held. Returns with the lock held.
 *             The gate must be closed and the current thread must not already be the holder.
extern void lck_mtx_gate_steal(lck_mtx_t *lock, gate_t *gate);

 * Name: lck_mtx_gate_wait
 * Description: Waits for the current thread to become the holder of the gate or for the
 *              gate to become open. An interruptible mode and deadline can be specified
 *              to return earlier from the wait.
 * Args:
 *   Arg1: lck_mtx_t lock used to protect the gate.
 *   Arg2: pointer to the gate data declared with decl_lck_mtx_gate_data.
 *   Arg3: interruptible flag for wait.
 *   Arg4: deadline
 * Conditions: Lock must be held. Returns with the lock held according to the sleep action specified.
 *             Lock will be dropped while waiting.
 *             The gate must be closed.
 * Returns: Reason why the thread was woken up.
 *          GATE_HANDOFF - the current thread was handed off the ownership of the gate.
 *                         A matching lck_mtx_gate_open() or lck_mtx_gate_handoff() needs to be called later on
 *                         to wake up possible waiters on the gate before returning to userspace.
 *          GATE_OPENED - the gate was opened by the holder.
 *          GATE_TIMED_OUT - the thread was woken up by a timeout.
 *          GATE_INTERRUPTED - the thread was interrupted while sleeping.
extern gate_wait_result_t lck_mtx_gate_wait(lck_mtx_t *lock, gate_t *gate, lck_sleep_action_t lck_sleep_action, wait_interrupt_t interruptible, uint64_t deadline);

 * Name: lck_mtx_gate_assert
 * Description: asserts that the gate is in the specified state.
 * Args:
 *   Arg1: lck_mtx_t lock used to protect the gate.
 *   Arg2: pointer to the gate data declared with decl_lck_mtx_gate_data.
 *   Arg3: flags to specified assert type.
 *         GATE_ASSERT_CLOSED - the gate is currently closed
 *         GATE_ASSERT_OPEN - the gate is currently opened
 *         GATE_ASSERT_HELD - the gate is currently closed and the current thread is the holder
extern void lck_mtx_gate_assert(lck_mtx_t *lock, gate_t *gate, int flags);


#define MAX_CONDENDED  2

extern void             erase_all_test_mtx_stats(void);
extern int              get_test_mtx_stats_string(char* buffer, int buffer_size);
extern void             lck_mtx_test_init(void);
extern void             lck_mtx_test_lock(void);
extern void             lck_mtx_test_unlock(void);
extern int              lck_mtx_test_mtx_uncontended(int iter, char* buffer, int buffer_size);
extern int              lck_mtx_test_mtx_contended(int iter, char* buffer, int buffer_size, int type);
extern int              lck_mtx_test_mtx_uncontended_loop_time(int iter, char* buffer, int buffer_size);
extern int              lck_mtx_test_mtx_contended_loop_time(int iter, char* buffer, int buffer_size, int type);

extern boolean_t                lck_mtx_try_lock(
	lck_mtx_t               *lck);

extern void                             mutex_pause(uint32_t);

extern void                     lck_mtx_yield(
	lck_mtx_t               *lck);

extern boolean_t                lck_mtx_try_lock_spin(
	lck_mtx_t               *lck);

extern void                     lck_mtx_lock_spin(
	lck_mtx_t               *lck);

extern boolean_t                kdp_lck_mtx_lock_spin_is_acquired(
	lck_mtx_t               *lck);

extern void                     lck_mtx_convert_spin(
	lck_mtx_t               *lck);

extern void                     lck_mtx_lock_spin_always(
	lck_mtx_t               *lck);

extern boolean_t                lck_mtx_try_lock_spin_always(
	lck_mtx_t               *lck);

#define lck_mtx_unlock_always(l)        lck_mtx_unlock(l)

extern void                             lck_spin_assert(
	lck_spin_t              *lck,
	unsigned int    type);

extern boolean_t                kdp_lck_rw_lock_is_acquired_exclusive(
	lck_rw_t                *lck);

#endif  /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */

extern void                             lck_mtx_assert(
	lck_mtx_t               *lck,
	unsigned int    type);

#define LCK_MTX_ASSERT(lck, type) lck_mtx_assert((lck),(type))
#define LCK_SPIN_ASSERT(lck, type) lck_spin_assert((lck),(type))
#define LCK_RW_ASSERT(lck, type) lck_rw_assert((lck),(type))
#else /* MACH_ASSERT */
#define LCK_MTX_ASSERT(lck, type)
#define LCK_SPIN_ASSERT(lck, type)
#define LCK_RW_ASSERT(lck, type)
#endif /* MACH_ASSERT */

#define LCK_MTX_ASSERT_DEBUG(lck, type) lck_mtx_assert((lck),(type))
#define LCK_SPIN_ASSERT_DEBUG(lck, type) lck_spin_assert((lck),(type))
#define LCK_RW_ASSERT_DEBUG(lck, type) lck_rw_assert((lck),(type))
#else /* DEBUG */
#define LCK_MTX_ASSERT_DEBUG(lck, type)
#define LCK_SPIN_ASSERT_DEBUG(lck, type)
#define LCK_RW_ASSERT_DEBUG(lck, type)
#endif /* DEBUG */


#define LCK_ASSERT_OWNED                1
#define LCK_ASSERT_NOTOWNED             2


struct turnstile;
extern void                             lck_mtx_lock_wait(
	lck_mtx_t               *lck,
	thread_t                holder,
	struct turnstile        **ts);

extern int                              lck_mtx_lock_acquire(
	lck_mtx_t               *lck,
	struct turnstile        *ts);

extern  boolean_t                            lck_mtx_unlock_wakeup(
	lck_mtx_t               *lck,
	thread_t                holder);

extern boolean_t                lck_mtx_ilk_unlock(
	lck_mtx_t               *lck);

extern boolean_t                lck_mtx_ilk_try_lock(
	lck_mtx_t               *lck);

extern void lck_mtx_wakeup_adjust_pri(thread_t thread, integer_t priority);


#define decl_lck_rw_data(class, name)     class lck_rw_t name

typedef unsigned int     lck_rw_type_t;

#define LCK_RW_TYPE_SHARED                      0x01
#define LCK_RW_TYPE_EXCLUSIVE           0x02

#define LCK_RW_ASSERT_SHARED    0x01
#define LCK_RW_ASSERT_HELD              0x03
#define LCK_RW_ASSERT_NOTHELD   0x04


extern lck_rw_t                 *lck_rw_alloc_init(
	lck_grp_t               *grp,
	lck_attr_t              *attr);

extern void                             lck_rw_init(
	lck_rw_t                *lck,
	lck_grp_t               *grp,
	lck_attr_t              *attr);

extern void                             lck_rw_lock(
	lck_rw_t                *lck,
	lck_rw_type_t   lck_rw_type);

extern void                             lck_rw_unlock(
	lck_rw_t                *lck,
	lck_rw_type_t   lck_rw_type);

extern void                             lck_rw_lock_shared(
	lck_rw_t                *lck);

extern void                             lck_rw_unlock_shared(
	lck_rw_t                *lck);

extern boolean_t                        lck_rw_lock_yield_shared(
	lck_rw_t                *lck,
	boolean_t       force_yield);

extern void                             lck_rw_lock_exclusive(
	lck_rw_t                *lck);

extern void                             lck_rw_unlock_exclusive(
	lck_rw_t                *lck);

 * read-write locks do not have a concept of ownership, so lck_rw_assert()
 * merely asserts that someone is holding the lock, not necessarily the caller.
extern void                             lck_rw_assert(
	lck_rw_t                *lck,
	unsigned int            type);

extern void lck_rw_clear_promotion(thread_t thread, uintptr_t trace_obj);
extern void lck_rw_set_promotion_locked(thread_t thread);

uintptr_t unslide_for_kdebug(void* object);


extern lck_rw_type_t    lck_rw_done(
	lck_rw_t                *lck);

extern void                             lck_rw_destroy(
	lck_rw_t                *lck,
	lck_grp_t               *grp);

extern void                             lck_rw_free(
	lck_rw_t                *lck,
	lck_grp_t               *grp);

extern wait_result_t    lck_rw_sleep(
	lck_rw_t                        *lck,
	lck_sleep_action_t      lck_sleep_action,
	event_t                         event,
	wait_interrupt_t        interruptible);

extern wait_result_t    lck_rw_sleep_deadline(
	lck_rw_t                        *lck,
	lck_sleep_action_t      lck_sleep_action,
	event_t                         event,
	wait_interrupt_t        interruptible,
	uint64_t                        deadline);

extern boolean_t                lck_rw_lock_shared_to_exclusive(
	lck_rw_t                *lck);

extern void                             lck_rw_lock_exclusive_to_shared(
	lck_rw_t                *lck);

extern boolean_t                lck_rw_try_lock(
	lck_rw_t                *lck,
	lck_rw_type_t   lck_rw_type);


extern boolean_t                lck_rw_try_lock_shared(
	lck_rw_t                *lck);

extern boolean_t                lck_rw_try_lock_exclusive(
	lck_rw_t                *lck);


#endif /* _KERN_LOCKS_H_ */