kdp_dyld.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
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 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

 * Data structure definitions copied from dyld so that we can read dyld's saved UUID information
 * for each binary image not loaded from the shared cache during stackshots.

/* Some clients check the dyld version at runtime */

/* Re-use dyld format for kext load addresses */
#if __LP64__
typedef struct user64_dyld_uuid_info kernel_uuid_info;
typedef struct user32_dyld_uuid_info kernel_uuid_info;

struct user32_dyld_image_info {
	user32_addr_t   imageLoadAddress;       /* base address image is mapped int */
	user32_addr_t   imageFilePath;          /* path dyld used to load the image */
	user32_ulong_t  imageFileModDate;       /* time_t of image file */

struct user64_dyld_image_info {
	user64_addr_t   imageLoadAddress;       /* base address image is mapped int */
	user64_addr_t   imageFilePath;          /* path dyld used to load the image */
	user64_ulong_t  imageFileModDate;       /* time_t of image file */

// FIXME: dyld is in C++, and some of the fields in dyld_all_image_infos are C++
// native booleans.  There must be a better way...
typedef uint8_t dyld_bool;

struct user32_dyld_all_image_infos {
	uint32_t                                        version;
	uint32_t                                        infoArrayCount;
	user32_addr_t                           infoArray;
	user32_addr_t                           notification;
	dyld_bool                                       processDetachedFromSharedRegion;
	dyld_bool                                       libSystemInitialized;
	user32_addr_t                           dyldImageLoadAddress;
	user32_addr_t                           jitInfo;
	user32_addr_t                           dyldVersion;
	user32_addr_t                           errorMessage;
	user32_addr_t                           terminationFlags;
	user32_addr_t                           coreSymbolicationShmPage;
	user32_addr_t                           systemOrderFlag;
	user32_size_t uuidArrayCount; // dyld defines this as a uintptr_t despite it being a count
	user32_addr_t uuidArray;
	user32_addr_t dyldAllImageInfosAddress;

	/* the following field is only in version 10 (Mac OS X 10.7, iOS 4.2) and later */
	user32_addr_t initialImageCount;
	/* the following field is only in version 11 (Mac OS X 10.7, iOS 4.2) and later */
	user32_addr_t errorKind;
	user32_addr_t errorClientOfDylibPath;
	user32_addr_t errorTargetDylibPath;
	user32_addr_t errorSymbol;
	/* the following field is only in version 12 (Mac OS X 10.7, iOS 4.3) and later */
	user32_addr_t sharedCacheSlide;
	/* the following field is only in version 13 (Mac OS X 10.9, iOS 7.0) and later */
	uint8_t sharedCacheUUID[16];
	/* the following field is only in version 15 (Mac OS X 10.12, iOS 10.0) and later */
	user32_addr_t   sharedCacheBaseAddress;
	uint64_t        timestamp;
	user32_addr_t   reserved[14];
	/* the following fields are only in version 16 (macOS 10.13, iOS 12.0) and later */
	user32_addr_t compact_dyld_image_info_addr;
	user32_size_t compact_dyld_image_info_size;

struct user64_dyld_all_image_infos {
	uint32_t                                        version;
	uint32_t                                        infoArrayCount;
	user64_addr_t                           infoArray;
	user64_addr_t                           notification;
	dyld_bool                                       processDetachedFromSharedRegion;
	dyld_bool                                       libSystemInitialized;
	user64_addr_t                           dyldImageLoadAddress;
	user64_addr_t                           jitInfo;
	user64_addr_t                           dyldVersion;
	user64_addr_t                           errorMessage;
	user64_addr_t                           terminationFlags;
	user64_addr_t                           coreSymbolicationShmPage;
	user64_addr_t                           systemOrderFlag;
	user64_size_t uuidArrayCount; // dyld defines this as a uintptr_t despite it being a count
	user64_addr_t uuidArray;
	user64_addr_t dyldAllImageInfosAddress;

	/* the following field is only in version 10 (Mac OS X 10.7, iOS 4.2) and later */
	user64_addr_t initialImageCount;
	/* the following field is only in version 11 (Mac OS X 10.7, iOS 4.2) and later */
	user64_addr_t errorKind;
	user64_addr_t errorClientOfDylibPath;
	user64_addr_t errorTargetDylibPath;
	user64_addr_t errorSymbol;
	/* the following field is only in version 12 (Mac OS X 10.7, iOS 4.3) and later */
	user64_addr_t sharedCacheSlide;
	/* the following field is only in version 13 (Mac OS X 10.9, iOS 7.0) and later */
	uint8_t sharedCacheUUID[16];
	/* the following field is only in version 15 (macOS 10.12, iOS 10.0) and later */
	user64_addr_t   sharedCacheBaseAddress;
	uint64_t        timestamp;
	user64_addr_t   reserved[14];
	/* the following fields are only in version 16 (macOS 10.13, iOS 12.0) and later */
	user64_addr_t compact_dyld_image_info_addr;
	user64_size_t compact_dyld_image_info_size;