_structs.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2004-2007 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

#include <sys/cdefs.h> /* __DARWIN_UNIX03 */
#include <machine/types.h> /* __uint32_t */

#define _STRUCT_ARM_EXCEPTION_STATE struct __darwin_arm_exception_state
	__uint32_t __exception; /* number of arm exception taken */
	__uint32_t __fsr;       /* Fault status */
	__uint32_t __far;       /* Virtual Fault Address */
#else /* !__DARWIN_UNIX03 */
#define _STRUCT_ARM_EXCEPTION_STATE struct arm_exception_state
	__uint32_t exception;   /* number of arm exception taken */
	__uint32_t fsr;         /* Fault status */
	__uint32_t far;         /* Virtual Fault Address */
#endif /* __DARWIN_UNIX03 */

#define _STRUCT_ARM_EXCEPTION_STATE64 struct __darwin_arm_exception_state64
	__uint64_t __far;       /* Virtual Fault Address */
	__uint32_t __esr;       /* Exception syndrome */
	__uint32_t __exception; /* number of arm exception taken */
#else /* !__DARWIN_UNIX03 */
#define _STRUCT_ARM_EXCEPTION_STATE64 struct arm_exception_state64
	__uint64_t far;         /* Virtual Fault Address */
	__uint32_t esr;         /* Exception syndrome */
	__uint32_t exception;   /* number of arm exception taken */
#endif /* __DARWIN_UNIX03 */

#define _STRUCT_ARM_THREAD_STATE struct __darwin_arm_thread_state
	__uint32_t __r[13]; /* General purpose register r0-r12 */
	__uint32_t __sp;    /* Stack pointer r13 */
	__uint32_t __lr;    /* Link register r14 */
	__uint32_t __pc;    /* Program counter r15 */
	__uint32_t __cpsr;  /* Current program status register */
#else /* !__DARWIN_UNIX03 */
#define _STRUCT_ARM_THREAD_STATE struct arm_thread_state
	__uint32_t r[13];   /* General purpose register r0-r12 */
	__uint32_t sp;      /* Stack pointer r13 */
	__uint32_t lr;      /* Link register r14 */
	__uint32_t pc;      /* Program counter r15 */
	__uint32_t cpsr;    /* Current program status register */
#endif /* __DARWIN_UNIX03 */

#if defined(KERNEL)


#define _STRUCT_ARM_THREAD_STATE64      struct arm_thread_state64
	__uint64_t    x[29];    /* General purpose registers x0-x28 */
	__uint64_t    fp;               /* Frame pointer x29 */
	__uint64_t    lr;               /* Link register x30 */
	__uint64_t    sp;               /* Stack pointer x31 */
	__uint64_t    pc;               /* Program counter */
	__uint32_t    cpsr;             /* Current program status register */
	__uint32_t    flags;    /* Flags describing structure format */

#else /* defined(KERNEL) */

 * By default, the pointer fields in the arm_thread_state64_t structure are
 * opaque on the arm64e architecture and require the use of accessor macros.
 * This mode can also be enabled on the arm64 architecture by building with
#if defined(__arm64__) && defined(__LP64__)

#if __has_feature(ptrauth_calls)
#endif /* __has_feature(ptrauth_calls) */


#else /* defined(__arm64__) && defined(__LP64__) */


#endif /* defined(__arm64__) && defined(__LP64__) */

#define _STRUCT_ARM_THREAD_STATE64 struct __darwin_arm_thread_state64
	__uint64_t __x[29];     /* General purpose registers x0-x28 */
	void*      __opaque_fp; /* Frame pointer x29 */
	void*      __opaque_lr; /* Link register x30 */
	void*      __opaque_sp; /* Stack pointer x31 */
	void*      __opaque_pc; /* Program counter */
	__uint32_t __cpsr;      /* Current program status register */
	__uint32_t __opaque_flags; /* Flags describing structure format */
	__uint64_t __x[29]; /* General purpose registers x0-x28 */
	__uint64_t __fp;    /* Frame pointer x29 */
	__uint64_t __lr;    /* Link register x30 */
	__uint64_t __sp;    /* Stack pointer x31 */
	__uint64_t __pc;    /* Program counter */
	__uint32_t __cpsr;  /* Current program status register */
	__uint32_t __pad;   /* Same size for 32-bit or 64-bit clients */
#else /* !__DARWIN_UNIX03 */
#define _STRUCT_ARM_THREAD_STATE64 struct arm_thread_state64
	__uint64_t x[29];       /* General purpose registers x0-x28 */
	void*      __opaque_fp; /* Frame pointer x29 */
	void*      __opaque_lr; /* Link register x30 */
	void*      __opaque_sp; /* Stack pointer x31 */
	void*      __opaque_pc; /* Program counter */
	__uint32_t cpsr;        /* Current program status register */
	__uint32_t __opaque_flags; /* Flags describing structure format */
	__uint64_t x[29]; /* General purpose registers x0-x28 */
	__uint64_t fp;    /* Frame pointer x29 */
	__uint64_t lr;    /* Link register x30 */
	__uint64_t sp;    /* Stack pointer x31 */
	__uint64_t pc;    /* Program counter */
	__uint32_t cpsr;  /* Current program status register */
	__uint32_t __pad; /* Same size for 32-bit or 64-bit clients */
#endif /* __DARWIN_UNIX03 */

#if __DARWIN_C_LEVEL >= __DARWIN_C_FULL && defined(__arm64__)

/* Accessor macros for arm_thread_state64_t pointer fields */

#if __has_feature(ptrauth_calls) && defined(__LP64__)
#include <ptrauth.h>

#error "Invalid configuration"


/* Return pc field of arm_thread_state64_t as a data pointer value */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_get_pc(ts) \
	__extension__ ({ const _STRUCT_ARM_THREAD_STATE64 *__tsp = &(ts); \
	(uintptr_t)(__tsp->__opaque_pc && !(__tsp->__opaque_flags &       \
	__DARWIN_ARM_THREAD_STATE64_FLAGS_NO_PTRAUTH) ?                   \
	ptrauth_auth_data(__tsp->__opaque_pc,                             \
	ptrauth_key_process_independent_code,                             \
	ptrauth_string_discriminator("pc")) : __tsp->__opaque_pc); })
/* Return pc field of arm_thread_state64_t as a function pointer. May return
 * NULL if a valid function pointer cannot be constructed, the caller should
 * fall back to the __darwin_arm_thread_state64_get_pc() macro in that case. */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_get_pc_fptr(ts) \
	__extension__ ({ const _STRUCT_ARM_THREAD_STATE64 *__tsp = &(ts); \
	(__tsp->__opaque_pc && !(__tsp->__opaque_flags &                  \
	__DARWIN_ARM_THREAD_STATE64_FLAGS_NO_PTRAUTH) ?                   \
	ptrauth_auth_function(__tsp->__opaque_pc,                         \
	ptrauth_key_process_independent_code,                             \
	ptrauth_string_discriminator("pc")) : NULL); })
/* Set pc field of arm_thread_state64_t to a function pointer */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_set_pc_fptr(ts, fptr) \
	__extension__ ({ _STRUCT_ARM_THREAD_STATE64 *__tsp = &(ts);   \
	__typeof__(fptr) __f = (fptr); __tsp->__opaque_pc =           \
	(__f ? (!(__tsp->__opaque_flags &                             \
	ptrauth_auth_and_resign(__f, ptrauth_key_function_pointer, 0, \
	ptrauth_key_process_independent_code,                         \
	ptrauth_string_discriminator("pc")) : ptrauth_auth_data(__f,  \
	ptrauth_key_function_pointer, 0)) : __f); })
/* Return lr field of arm_thread_state64_t as a data pointer value */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_get_lr(ts) \
	__extension__ ({ const _STRUCT_ARM_THREAD_STATE64 *__tsp = &(ts); \
	(uintptr_t)(__tsp->__opaque_lr && !(__tsp->__opaque_flags & (     \
	__DARWIN_ARM_THREAD_STATE64_FLAGS_NO_PTRAUTH |                    \
	ptrauth_auth_data(__tsp->__opaque_lr,                             \
	ptrauth_key_process_independent_code,                             \
	ptrauth_string_discriminator("lr")) : __tsp->__opaque_lr); })
/* Return lr field of arm_thread_state64_t as a function pointer. May return
 * NULL if a valid function pointer cannot be constructed, the caller should
 * fall back to the __darwin_arm_thread_state64_get_lr() macro in that case. */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_get_lr_fptr(ts) \
	__extension__ ({ const _STRUCT_ARM_THREAD_STATE64 *__tsp = &(ts); \
	(__tsp->__opaque_lr && !(__tsp->__opaque_flags & (                \
	__DARWIN_ARM_THREAD_STATE64_FLAGS_NO_PTRAUTH |                    \
	ptrauth_auth_function(__tsp->__opaque_lr,                         \
	ptrauth_key_process_independent_code,                             \
	ptrauth_string_discriminator("lr")) : NULL); })
/* Set lr field of arm_thread_state64_t to a function pointer */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_set_lr_fptr(ts, fptr) \
	__extension__ ({ _STRUCT_ARM_THREAD_STATE64 *__tsp = &(ts);            \
	__typeof__(fptr) __f = (fptr); __tsp->__opaque_lr =                    \
	(__f ? (!(__tsp->__opaque_flags &                                      \
	__DARWIN_ARM_THREAD_STATE64_FLAGS_NO_PTRAUTH) ? (__tsp->__opaque_flags \
	&= ~__DARWIN_ARM_THREAD_STATE64_FLAGS_IB_SIGNED_LR ,                   \
	ptrauth_auth_and_resign(__f, ptrauth_key_function_pointer, 0,          \
	ptrauth_key_process_independent_code,                                  \
	ptrauth_string_discriminator("lr"))) : ptrauth_auth_data(__f,          \
	ptrauth_key_function_pointer, 0)) : __f); })
/* Return sp field of arm_thread_state64_t as a data pointer value */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_get_sp(ts) \
	__extension__ ({ const _STRUCT_ARM_THREAD_STATE64 *__tsp = &(ts); \
	(uintptr_t)(__tsp->__opaque_sp && !(__tsp->__opaque_flags &       \
	__DARWIN_ARM_THREAD_STATE64_FLAGS_NO_PTRAUTH) ?                   \
	ptrauth_auth_data(__tsp->__opaque_sp,                             \
	ptrauth_key_process_independent_data,                             \
	ptrauth_string_discriminator("sp")) : __tsp->__opaque_sp); })
/* Set sp field of arm_thread_state64_t to a data pointer value */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_set_sp(ts, ptr) \
	__extension__ ({ _STRUCT_ARM_THREAD_STATE64 *__tsp = &(ts); \
	void *__p = (void*)(uintptr_t)(ptr); __tsp->__opaque_sp =   \
	(__p && !(__tsp->__opaque_flags &                           \
	ptrauth_sign_unauthenticated(__p,                           \
	ptrauth_key_process_independent_data,                       \
	ptrauth_string_discriminator("sp")) : __p); })
/* Return fp field of arm_thread_state64_t as a data pointer value */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_get_fp(ts) \
	__extension__ ({ const _STRUCT_ARM_THREAD_STATE64 *__tsp = &(ts); \
	(uintptr_t)(__tsp->__opaque_fp && !(__tsp->__opaque_flags &       \
	__DARWIN_ARM_THREAD_STATE64_FLAGS_NO_PTRAUTH) ?                   \
	ptrauth_auth_data(__tsp->__opaque_fp,                             \
	ptrauth_key_process_independent_data,                             \
	ptrauth_string_discriminator("fp")) : __tsp->__opaque_fp); })
/* Set fp field of arm_thread_state64_t to a data pointer value */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_set_fp(ts, ptr) \
	__extension__ ({ _STRUCT_ARM_THREAD_STATE64 *__tsp = &(ts); \
	void *__p = (void*)(uintptr_t)(ptr); __tsp->__opaque_fp =   \
	(__p && !(__tsp->__opaque_flags &                           \
	ptrauth_sign_unauthenticated(__p,                           \
	ptrauth_key_process_independent_data,                       \
	ptrauth_string_discriminator("fp")) : __p); })

#else /* __has_feature(ptrauth_calls) && defined(__LP64__) */


#ifndef __LP64__
#error "Invalid configuration"

/* Return pc field of arm_thread_state64_t as a data pointer value */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_get_pc(ts) \
/* Return pc field of arm_thread_state64_t as a function pointer */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_get_pc_fptr(ts) \
/* Set pc field of arm_thread_state64_t to a function pointer */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_set_pc_fptr(ts, fptr) \
	((ts).__opaque_pc = (fptr))
/* Return lr field of arm_thread_state64_t as a data pointer value */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_get_lr(ts) \
/* Return lr field of arm_thread_state64_t as a function pointer */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_get_lr_fptr(ts) \
/* Set lr field of arm_thread_state64_t to a function pointer */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_set_lr_fptr(ts, fptr) \
	((ts).__opaque_lr = (fptr))
/* Return sp field of arm_thread_state64_t as a data pointer value */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_get_sp(ts) \
/* Set sp field of arm_thread_state64_t to a data pointer value */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_set_sp(ts, ptr) \
	((ts).__opaque_sp = (void*)(uintptr_t)(ptr))
/* Return fp field of arm_thread_state64_t as a data pointer value */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_get_fp(ts) \
/* Set fp field of arm_thread_state64_t to a data pointer value */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_set_fp(ts, ptr) \
	((ts).__opaque_fp = (void*)(uintptr_t)(ptr))


/* Return pc field of arm_thread_state64_t as a data pointer value */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_get_pc(ts) \
/* Return pc field of arm_thread_state64_t as a function pointer */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_get_pc_fptr(ts) \
/* Set pc field of arm_thread_state64_t to a function pointer */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_set_pc_fptr(ts, fptr) \
	((ts).__pc = (uintptr_t)(fptr))
/* Return lr field of arm_thread_state64_t as a data pointer value */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_get_lr(ts) \
/* Return lr field of arm_thread_state64_t as a function pointer */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_get_lr_fptr(ts) \
/* Set lr field of arm_thread_state64_t to a function pointer */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_set_lr_fptr(ts, fptr) \
	((ts).__lr = (uintptr_t)(fptr))
/* Return sp field of arm_thread_state64_t as a data pointer value */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_get_sp(ts) \
/* Set sp field of arm_thread_state64_t to a data pointer value */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_set_sp(ts, ptr) \
	((ts).__sp = (uintptr_t)(ptr))
/* Return fp field of arm_thread_state64_t as a data pointer value */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_get_fp(ts) \
/* Set fp field of arm_thread_state64_t to a data pointer value */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_set_fp(ts, ptr) \
	((ts).__fp = (uintptr_t)(ptr))

#else /* __DARWIN_UNIX03 */

/* Return pc field of arm_thread_state64_t as a data pointer value */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_get_pc(ts) \
/* Return pc field of arm_thread_state64_t as a function pointer */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_get_pc_fptr(ts) \
/* Set pc field of arm_thread_state64_t to a function pointer */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_set_pc_fptr(ts, fptr) \
	((ts).pc = (uintptr_t)(fptr))
/* Return lr field of arm_thread_state64_t as a data pointer value */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_get_lr(ts) \
/* Return lr field of arm_thread_state64_t as a function pointer */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_get_lr_fptr(ts) \
/* Set lr field of arm_thread_state64_t to a function pointer */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_set_lr_fptr(ts, fptr) \
	((ts).lr = (uintptr_t)(fptr))
/* Return sp field of arm_thread_state64_t as a data pointer value */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_get_sp(ts) \
/* Set sp field of arm_thread_state64_t to a data pointer value */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_set_sp(ts, ptr) \
	((ts).sp = (uintptr_t)(ptr))
/* Return fp field of arm_thread_state64_t as a data pointer value */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_get_fp(ts) \
/* Set fp field of arm_thread_state64_t to a data pointer value */
#define __darwin_arm_thread_state64_set_fp(ts, ptr) \
	((ts).fp = (uintptr_t)(ptr))

#endif /* __DARWIN_UNIX03 */

#endif /* __has_feature(ptrauth_calls) && defined(__LP64__) */
#endif /* __DARWIN_C_LEVEL >= __DARWIN_C_FULL && defined(__arm64__) */
#endif /* !defined(KERNEL) */

#define _STRUCT_ARM_VFP_STATE struct __darwin_arm_vfp_state
	__uint32_t __r[64];
	__uint32_t __fpscr;
#else /* !__DARWIN_UNIX03 */
#define _STRUCT_ARM_VFP_STATE struct arm_vfp_state
	__uint32_t r[64];
	__uint32_t fpscr;
#endif /* __DARWIN_UNIX03 */

#define _STRUCT_ARM_NEON_STATE64 struct __darwin_arm_neon_state64
#define _STRUCT_ARM_NEON_STATE   struct __darwin_arm_neon_state

#if defined(__arm64__)
	__uint128_t __v[32];
	__uint32_t  __fpsr;
	__uint32_t  __fpcr;

	__uint128_t __v[16];
	__uint32_t  __fpsr;
	__uint32_t  __fpcr;
#elif defined(__arm__)
 * No 128-bit intrinsic for ARM; leave it opaque for now.
	char opaque[(32 * 16) + (2 * sizeof(__uint32_t))];
} __attribute__((aligned(16)));

	char opaque[(16 * 16) + (2 * sizeof(__uint32_t))];
} __attribute__((aligned(16)));

#error Unknown architecture.

#else /* !__DARWIN_UNIX03 */
#define _STRUCT_ARM_NEON_STATE64 struct arm_neon_state64
#define _STRUCT_ARM_NEON_STATE struct arm_neon_state

#if defined(__arm64__)
	__uint128_t q[32];
	uint32_t    fpsr;
	uint32_t    fpcr;

	__uint128_t q[16];
	uint32_t    fpsr;
	uint32_t    fpcr;
#elif defined(__arm__)
 * No 128-bit intrinsic for ARM; leave it opaque for now.
	char opaque[(32 * 16) + (2 * sizeof(__uint32_t))];
} __attribute__((aligned(16)));

	char opaque[(16 * 16) + (2 * sizeof(__uint32_t))];
} __attribute__((aligned(16)));

#error Unknown architecture.

#endif /* __DARWIN_UNIX03 */

#define _STRUCT_ARM_PAGEIN_STATE struct __arm_pagein_state
	int __pagein_error;

 * Debug State
#if defined(__arm__)
/* Old-fashioned debug state is only for ARM */

#define _STRUCT_ARM_DEBUG_STATE struct __darwin_arm_debug_state
	__uint32_t __bvr[16];
	__uint32_t __bcr[16];
	__uint32_t __wvr[16];
	__uint32_t __wcr[16];
#else /* !__DARWIN_UNIX03 */
#define _STRUCT_ARM_DEBUG_STATE struct arm_debug_state
	__uint32_t bvr[16];
	__uint32_t bcr[16];
	__uint32_t wvr[16];
	__uint32_t wcr[16];
#endif /* __DARWIN_UNIX03 */

#elif defined(__arm64__)

/* ARM's arm_debug_state is ARM64's arm_legacy_debug_state */

#define _STRUCT_ARM_LEGACY_DEBUG_STATE struct arm_legacy_debug_state
	__uint32_t __bvr[16];
	__uint32_t __bcr[16];
	__uint32_t __wvr[16];
	__uint32_t __wcr[16];
#else /* __DARWIN_UNIX03 */
#define _STRUCT_ARM_LEGACY_DEBUG_STATE struct arm_legacy_debug_state
	__uint32_t bvr[16];
	__uint32_t bcr[16];
	__uint32_t wvr[16];
	__uint32_t wcr[16];
#endif /* __DARWIN_UNIX03 */
#error unknown architecture

#define _STRUCT_ARM_DEBUG_STATE32 struct __darwin_arm_debug_state32
	__uint32_t __bvr[16];
	__uint32_t __bcr[16];
	__uint32_t __wvr[16];
	__uint32_t __wcr[16];
	__uint64_t __mdscr_el1; /* Bit 0 is SS (Hardware Single Step) */

#define _STRUCT_ARM_DEBUG_STATE64 struct __darwin_arm_debug_state64
	__uint64_t __bvr[16];
	__uint64_t __bcr[16];
	__uint64_t __wvr[16];
	__uint64_t __wcr[16];
	__uint64_t __mdscr_el1; /* Bit 0 is SS (Hardware Single Step) */
#else /* !__DARWIN_UNIX03 */
#define _STRUCT_ARM_DEBUG_STATE32 struct arm_debug_state32
	__uint32_t bvr[16];
	__uint32_t bcr[16];
	__uint32_t wvr[16];
	__uint32_t wcr[16];
	__uint64_t mdscr_el1; /* Bit 0 is SS (Hardware Single Step) */

#define _STRUCT_ARM_DEBUG_STATE64 struct arm_debug_state64
	__uint64_t bvr[16];
	__uint64_t bcr[16];
	__uint64_t wvr[16];
	__uint64_t wcr[16];
	__uint64_t mdscr_el1; /* Bit 0 is SS (Hardware Single Step) */
#endif /* __DARWIN_UNIX03 */

#define _STRUCT_ARM_CPMU_STATE64 struct __darwin_arm_cpmu_state64
	__uint64_t __ctrs[16];
#else /* __DARWIN_UNIX03 */
#define _STRUCT_ARM_CPMU_STATE64 struct arm_cpmu_state64
	__uint64_t ctrs[16];
#endif /* !__DARWIN_UNIX03 */

#endif /* _MACH_ARM__STRUCTS_H_ */