MASTER.ppc   [plain text]

# Mach Operating System
# Copyright (c) 1986 Carnegie-Mellon University
# All rights reserved.  The CMU software License Agreement
# specifies the terms and conditions for use and redistribution.
#  Master Apple configuration file (see the master machine independent
#  configuration file for a description of the file format).
#  Apple (PSEUDO-)DEVICES (select any combination)
#	ex   = Excelan EXOS 202 Ethernet interface
#	ip   = Interphase V/SMD 3200 disk controller
#	od   = Canon OMD-1 Optical Disk
#	rd   = RAM disk
#	sd   = SCSI disk
#	sg   = Generic SCSI Device
#	st   = SCSI tape
#	fd   = Floppy Disk 
#	en   = Integrated Ethernet controller
#	dsp  = DSP560001 digital signal processor
#	iplmeas = ipl time measurement
#	nextp = NeXT Laser Printer
#	sound = sound I/O
#	vol   = removable volume support device
#	venip = virtual Ethernet/IP network interface
#	zs    = Serial device
#  MULTIPROCESSOR SUPPORT (select exactly one)
#	multi = support 4 processors
#	uni   = supports single processor
#  SPECIAL CHARACTERISTICS (select any combination)
#	gdb        = GNU kernel debugger
#	posix_kern = POSIX support
#  CPU TYPE (select exactly one)
#	NeXT   = FIXME
#  Standard Apple Research Configurations:
#  -------- ----- -------- ---------------
#  RELEASE = [ppc mach medium vol pst gdb simple_clock kernstack nfsclient nfsserver quota fifo fdesc union ffs cd9660 compat_43 revfs noprofiling hfs volfs devfs synthfs netat mrouting ipdivert ipfirewall ktrace inet6 ipsec tcpdrop_synfin gif stf]
#  PROFILE = [ppc mach medium vol pst gdb simple_clock kernstack nfsclient nfsserver quota fifo fdesc union ffs cd9660 compat_43 revfs profile hfs volfs devfs synthfs netat mrouting ipdivert ipfirewall ktrace inet6 ipsec tcpdrop_synfin gif stf]
#  DEBUG = [ppc mach medium vol pst gdb debug simple_clock kernstack nfsclient nfsserver quota fifo fdesc union ffs cd9660 compat_43 revfs profiling hfs volfs devfs synthfs netat mrouting mach_assert ipdivert ipfirewall ktrace inet6 ipsec tcpdrop_synfin gif stf]
#  DEBUG_TRACE = [DEBUG kdebug]
machine		"ppc"						# <ppc>
cpu		"ppc"						# <ppc>

options		GDB		# GNU kernel debugger		# <gdb>
options		DEBUG		# general debugging code	# <debug>
options		SHOW_SPACE	# print size of structures	# <debug>
options		EVENTMETER	# event meter support		# <debug>
options		FP_EMUL		# floating point emulation	# <fp>
options		UXPR		# user-level XPR package	# <uxpr>
config		mach_kernel	swap generic			# <mach>

options		EVENT						# <event>

#  Ipl measurement system
pseudo-device	iplmeas						# <iplmeas>

#  NFS measurement system
pseudo-device	nfsmeas						# <nfsmeas>

#  Removable Volume support
pseudo-device	vol						# <vol>