payload.h   [plain text]

 * @header
 * Image4 payload interfaces. These interfaces provide a lightweight type for
 * working with an Image4 payload that is described by a separate manifest (e.g.
 * a .im4p file whose contents are described by an object in a manifest from a
 * .im4m file).
 * No direct access is provided to the raw payload bytes encapsulated by the
 * Image4 payload by design. The intent is that in order to access the raw
 * bytes, the payload object must be validated against a manifest object using
 * the {@link img4_get_trusted_external_payload} interface.
#ifndef __IMG4_PAYLOAD_H
#define __IMG4_PAYLOAD_H

#ifndef __IMG4_INDIRECT
#error "Please #include <img4/img4.h> instead of this file directly"
#endif // __IMG4_INDIRECT

 * @typedef img4_payload_flags_t
 * Flags modifying the behavior of an Image4 payload object.
 * @const I4PLF_INIT
 * No flags set. This value is suitable for initialization purposes.
 * Indicates that the payload bytes are not wrapped in an Image4 payload object
 * (.im4p file). If this flag is given, the payload tag is ignored.
 * This should be used in scenarios such as x86 SecureBoot, which use Image4 to
 * describe portable executable files which must be fed directly to the firmware
 * and cannot tolerate being wrapped in an intermediary format.
OS_ENUM(img4_payload_flags, uint64_t,
	I4PLF_INIT = 0,
	I4PLF_UNWRAPPED = (1 << 0),

 * @function img4_payload_init
 * Initializes an Image4 payload object.
 * @param i4p
 * A pointer to the payload object to initialize.
 * @param tag
 * The expected tag for the payload.
 * @param flags
 * Flags modifying the behavior of the payload object.
 * @param bytes
 * The buffer containing the Image4 payload.
 * @param len
 * The length of the buffer.
 * @param destructor
 * A pointer to a routine to dispose of the buffer. May be NULL if the buffer
 * does not require explicit disposal (e.g. the buffer is stack memory).
 * @result
 * Upon success, zero is returned. Otherwise, one of the following error codes:
 *     [EILSEQ]     The data is not valid Image4 data
 *     [EFTYPE]     The data does not contain an Image4 payload
 *     [ENOENT]     The bytes do not contain a payload for the specified tag
img4_payload_init(img4_payload_t *i4p, img4_tag_t tag,
		img4_payload_flags_t flags, const uint8_t *bytes, size_t len,
		img4_destructor_t destructor);
#define img4_payload_init(...) img4if->i4if_payload_init(__VA_ARGS__)

 * @function img4_payload_destroy
 * Disposes of the resources associated with the payload object.
 * @param i4p
 * The payload object of which to dispose.
 * @discussion
 * This routine does not deallocate the storage for the payload object itself,
 * only the associated resources. This routine will cause the destructor given
 * in {@link img4_payload_init} to be called, if any.
img4_payload_destroy(img4_payload_t *i4p);
#define img4_payload_destroy(...) img4if->i4if_payload_destroy(__VA_ARGS__)

#endif // __IMG4_PAYLOAD_H