[plain text]

""" Please make sure you read the README COMPLETELY BEFORE reading anything below.
    It is very critical that you read coding guidelines in Section E in README file.

from xnu import *
from utils import *
from string import *

import xnudefines

def IterateProcChannels(proc):
    """ Iterate through all channels in the given process

            proc - the proc object
        returns: nothing, this is meant to be used as a generator function
            kc - yields each kern_channel in the process

    proc_filedesc = proc.p_fd
    proc_lastfile = unsigned(proc_filedesc.fd_lastfile)
    proc_ofiles = proc_filedesc.fd_ofiles

    count = 0
    while count <= proc_lastfile:
        if unsigned(proc_ofiles[count]) != 0:
            proc_fd_fglob = proc_ofiles[count].f_fglob
            if (unsigned(proc_fd_fglob.fg_ops.fo_type) == 10):
                yield Cast(proc_fd_fglob.fg_data, 'kern_channel *')
        count += 1

def IterateKernChannelRings(kc, kind):
    """ Iterate through all rings on a given channel

    NR_RX = 0
    NR_TX = 1
    NR_A  = 2
    NR_F  = 3

    if kind == NR_RX:
        rings = kc.ch_na.na_rx_rings
    elif kind == NR_TX :
        rings = kc.ch_na.na_tx_rings
    elif kind == NR_A :
        rings = kc.ch_na.na_alloc_rings
    else :
        rings = kc.ch_na.na_free_rings

    # note that ch_last is actually one greater than the last
    # as per the comment in ch_connect
    for i in xrange(kc.ch_first[kind], kc.ch_last[kind]):
        yield addressof(rings[i])

# Note this is broken if you have type summaries enabled
# because we are summarizing the pointer to the structure
# and not the structure itself.  Unfortunately, that's
# the pattern used elsewhere.
# Trying to actually use the type summary will blow up
# because it has a linked list pointer to itself
@lldb_type_summary(['kern_channel_t', 'kern_channel *'])
@header('{:<20s} {:<36s}'.format('kern_channel', 'uuid'))
def GetKernChannelSummary(kc):
    """ Summarizes a kern_channel and related information

        returns: str - summary of kern_channel

    format_string = '{o: <#020x} {u: <36s}'
    return format_string.format(

@lldb_type_summary(['__kern_channel_ring *'])
@header('{:<20s} {:<65s} {:>10s} | {:<5s} {:<5s} | {:<5s} {:<5s} {:<5s} | {:<5s} {:<5s} {:<5s}'.format(
        'kernchannelring', 'name', 'flags', 'kc', 'kt', 'rc', 'rh', 'rt', 'c', 'h', 't'))
def GetKernChannelRingSummary(kring):
    """ Summarizes a __kern_channel_ring and related information

        returns: str - summary of kern_channel_ring

    format_string = '{o: <#020x} "{name: <63s}" {flags: >#010x} | {kh: <5d} {kt: <5d} | {rh: <5d} {rt: <5d} | {h: <5d} {t: <5d}'
    return format_string.format(

def ShowProcChannels(cmd_args=None):
    """ Show the skywalk channels for a given process.

        usage: showprocchannels <proc_t>

    if not cmd_args:
        raise ArgumentError('missing struct proc * argument')

    proc = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'proc_t')

    print GetKernChannelSummary.header
    for kc in IterateProcChannels(proc):
        print GetKernChannelSummary(kc)

def ShowChannelRings(cmd_args=None):
    """ Show the skywalk rings for a given channel.

        usage: showchannelrings <struct kern_channel *>

    if not cmd_args:
        raise ArgumentError('missing struct kern_channel * argument')

    kc = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'kern_channel *')

    print "RX rings:"
    print GetKernChannelRingSummary.header
    for ring in IterateKernChannelRings(kc, 0) :
        print GetKernChannelRingSummary(ring)

    print "TX rings:"
    print GetKernChannelRingSummary.header
    for ring in IterateKernChannelRings(kc, 1) :
        print GetKernChannelRingSummary(ring)

    print "ALLOC rings:"
    print GetKernChannelRingSummary.header
    for ring in IterateKernChannelRings(kc, 2) :
        print GetKernChannelRingSummary(ring)

    print "FREE rings:"
    print GetKernChannelRingSummary.header
    for ring in IterateKernChannelRings(kc, 3) :
        print GetKernChannelRingSummary(ring)

def SkmemCacheModeAsString(mode) :
    out_string = ""
    SKM_MODE_AUDIT   = 0x2

    if (mode & SKM_MODE_NOCACHE) :
        out_string += "n"
    else :
        out_string += "-"
    if (mode & SKM_MODE_AUDIT) :
        out_string += "a"
    else :
        out_string += "-"

    return out_string

def ShowSkmemCache(cmd_args=None) :
    """ Show the global list of skmem caches

    format_string = "{:<4s}  {:<18s} {:<4s} {:<4s} {:<4s} {:<4s} {:<4s} {:<4s} {:<4s} {:<4s} {:<4s} {:<s}"
    print format_string.format("", "ADDR", "BUFI", "BUFM", "RESC", "SLCR", "SLDE", "SLAL", "SLFR", "DECO", "MODE", "NAME")

    i = 1
    skmhead = kern.globals.skmem_cache_head

    for skm in IterateTAILQ_HEAD(skmhead, "skm_link") :
        format_string = "{:>4d}: 0x{:<08x} {:<4d} {:<4d} {:<4d} {:<4d} {:<4d} {:<4d} {:<4d} {:<4d} {:<4s} \"{:<s}\""
        print format_string.format(i, skm, skm.skm_bufinuse, skm.skm_bufmax, skm.skm_rescale, skm.skm_sl_create, skm.skm_sl_destroy, skm.skm_sl_alloc, skm.skm_sl_free, skm.skm_depot_contention, SkmemCacheModeAsString(skm.skm_mode), str(skm.skm_name))
        i += 1

def ShowBufCtl(cmd_args=None) :
    """ Show slabs and bufctls of a skmem cache

    if (cmd_args == None or len(cmd_args) == 0) :
        print "Missing argument 0 (skmem_cache address)."

    skm = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'skmem_cache *')

    for slab in IterateTAILQ_HEAD(skm.skm_sl_partial, "sl_link") :
        format_string = "{:<08x} {:<4d} 0x{:<08x} 0x{:08x}"
        print format_string.format(slab, slab.sl_refcnt, slab.sl_base, slab.sl_basem)

    for slab in IterateTAILQ_HEAD(skm.skm_sl_empty, "sl_link") :
        format_string = "{:<08x} {:<4d} 0x{:<08x} 0x{:08x}"
        print format_string.format(slab, slab.sl_refcnt, slab.sl_base, slab.sl_basem)

def SkmemArenaTypeAsString(type) :
    out_string = ""

    if (type == SKMEM_ARENA_TYPE_NEXUS) :
        out_string += "NEXUS"
    elif (type == SKMEM_ARENA_TYPE_NECP) :
        out_string += "NECP"
    elif (type == SKMEM_ARENA_TYPE_SYSTEM) :
        out_string += "SYSTEM"
    else :
        out_string += "?"

    return out_string

def ShowSkmemArena(cmd_args=None) :
    """ Show the global list of skmem arenas

    i = 1
    arhead = kern.globals.skmem_arena_head

    for ar in IterateTAILQ_HEAD(arhead, "ar_link") :
        format_string = "{:>4d}: 0x{:<08x} {:<6s} {:>5d} KB \"{:<s}\""
        print format_string.format(i, ar, SkmemArenaTypeAsString(ar.ar_type), ar.ar_mapsize >> 10, str(ar.ar_name))
        i += 1

def ShowSkmemRegion(cmd_args=None) :
    """ Show the global list of skmem regions

    i = 1
    skrhead = kern.globals.skmem_region_head

    for skr in IterateTAILQ_HEAD(skrhead, "skr_link") :
        format_string = "{:>4d}: 0x{:<08x} \"{:<s}\""
        print format_string.format(i, skr, str(skr.skr_name))
        i += 1

def ShowChannelUppHash(cmd_args=None) :
    """ Show channel user packet pool hash chain

    if (cmd_args == None or len(cmd_args) == 0) :
        print "Missing argument 0 (skmem_cache address)."

    ch = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'kern_channel *')

    for i in range(KERN_CHANNEL_UPP_HTBL_SIZE) :
        bkt = addressof(ch.ch_upp_hash_table[i])
        format_string = "{:>4d} 0x{:<08x}"
        print format_string.format(i, bkt)
        for kqum in IterateListEntry(bkt.upp_head, 'struct __kern_quantum *',
                                      'qum_upp_link', list_prefix='s') :
            format_string = "0x{:<08x}"
            print format_string.format(kqum)

@lldb_type_summary(['struct ns *'])
@header('{:<20s} {:<5s} {:<48s} {:<4s}'.format('ns', 'proto', 'addr', 'nreservations'))
def GetStructNsSummary(ns):
    """ Summarizes a struct ns from the netns

        returns: str - summary of struct ns

    if (ns.ns_proto == IPPROTO_TCP):
        proto = "tcp"
    elif (ns.ns_proto == IPPROTO_UDP):
        proto = "udp"
        proto = str(ns.ns_proto)

    if (ns.ns_addr_len == sizeof('struct in_addr')):
        addr = GetInAddrAsString(addressof(ns.ns_inaddr))
    elif (ns.ns_addr_len == sizeof('struct in6_addr')):
        addr = GetIn6AddrAsString(ns.ns_in6addr.__u6_addr.__u6_addr8)
        addr = str(ns_addr) + " bad len {:u}".format(ns.ns_addr_len)

    format_string = '{o:#020x} {p:<5s} {a:<48s} {n:<4d}'

    """ show ports and refs, one per line
    ports_string = "ports & refs\n"
    for f in IterateRBTreeEntry(ns.ns_reservations, 'struct ns_reservation *', 'nsr_link'):
        ports_string += "\t%u" % f.nsr_port
        ports_string += "\tlisten %d\tskywalk %d\tbsd %d\tpf %d\n" % (f.nsr_refs[0], f.nsr_refs[1], f.nsr_refs[2], f.nsr_refs[3])
    """ show just the ports, not refs
    offs = 0
    ports_string = "\nports:\t"
    for f in IterateRBTreeEntry(ns.ns_reservations, 'struct ns_reservation *', 'nsr_link'):
        if (len(ports_string)-offs > 70):
            ports_string += "\n\t"
            offs = len(ports_string)
        ports_string += " %u" % f.nsr_port

    return format_string.format(
        n=ns.ns_n_reservations) + ports_string

def ShowNetNS(cmd_args=None):
    """ Show the netns table
    print GetStructNsSummary.header

    namespaces = kern.globals.netns_namespaces
    for ns in IterateRBTreeEntry(namespaces, 'struct ns *', 'ns_link'):
        print GetStructNsSummary(ns)

    print "\nwild: (these should be duplicated above)"
    print GetStructNsSummary.header
    for i in range(0,4):
        print GetStructNsSummary(kern.globals.netns_global_wild[i])

    print "\nnon wild:"
    print GetStructNsSummary.header
    for i in range(0,4):
        print GetStructNsSummary(kern.globals.netns_global_non_wild[i])

@lldb_type_summary(['struct ns_token *'])
@header('{:<20s} {:<5s} {:<48s} {:<12s} {:<8s} {:<38s} {:<38s} {:<12s}'.format('nt', 'proto', 'addr', 'port', 'owner', 'ifp', 'parent', 'flags'))
def GetNsTokenSummary(nt):
    """ Summarizes a struct ns from the netns

        returns: str - summary of struct ns

    if (nt.nt_proto == IPPROTO_TCP):
        proto = "tcp"
    elif (nt.nt_proto == IPPROTO_UDP):
        proto = "udp"
        proto = str(nt.nt_proto)

    if (nt.nt_addr_len == sizeof('struct in_addr')):
        addr = GetInAddrAsString(addressof(nt.nt_inaddr))
    elif (nt.nt_addr_len == sizeof('struct in6_addr')):
        addr = GetIn6AddrAsString(nt.nt_in6addr.__u6_addr.__u6_addr8)
        addr = str(nt_addr) + " bad len {:u}".format(nt.nt_addr_len)

    format_string = '{o:#020x} {p:<5s} {a:<48s} {pt:<12s} {wn:<8s} {ifp:38s} {pa:38s} {f:#012x}'

    ports = "%u" % nt.nt_port

    ifp = "(struct ifnet *)" + hex(nt.nt_ifp)

    if ((nt.nt_flags & 0x7) == 0x00):
        owner = "LISTENER"
        parent = "(void *)" + hex(nt.nt_parent)
    elif ((nt.nt_flags & 0x7) == 0x01):
        owner = "SKYWALK"
        parent = "(struct flow_entry *)" + hex(nt.nt_parent_skywalk)
    elif ((nt.nt_flags & 0x7) == 0x02): # XXX xnudefines?
        owner = "BSD"
        parent = "(struct inpcb *)" + hex(nt.nt_parent_bsd)
    elif ((nt.nt_flags & 0x7) == 0x03): # XXX xnudefines?
        owner = "PF"
        parent = "(void *)" + hex(nt.nt_parent)

    return format_string.format(

def ShowAllNetNSTokens(cmd_args=None):
    """ show all netns tokens

    tokenhead = kern.globals.netns_all_tokens
    print GetNsTokenSummary.header
    for nt in IterateListEntry(tokenhead, 'struct ns_token *', 'nt_all_link', list_prefix='s'):
        print GetNsTokenSummary(nt)

def ShowNetNSTokens(cmd_args=None):
    """ show netns tokens attached to an ifp
        with no args, shows unbound tokens

    if (cmd_args == None or len(cmd_args) == 0):
        print "No ifp argument provided, showing unbound tokens"
        tokenhead = kern.globals.netns_unbound_tokens
    elif len(cmd_args) > 0:
        ifp = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'ifnet *')
        print "Showing tokens for ifp %r" % ifp
        tokenhead = ifp.if_netns_tokens
        print "Missing ifp argument 0 in shownetnstokens"
        print cmd_args

    print GetNsTokenSummary.header
    for nt in IterateListEntry(tokenhead, 'struct ns_token *', 'nt_ifp_link', list_prefix='s'):
        print GetNsTokenSummary(nt)

def IterateSTAILQ_HEAD(headval, element_name):
    iter_val = headval.stqh_first
    while unsigned(iter_val) != 0 :
        yield iter_val
        iter_val = iter_val.__getattr__(element_name).stqe_next
    #end of yield loop

def ShowNexusChannels(cmd_args=None):
    """ show nexus channels
    if (cmd_args == None or len(cmd_args) == 0):
        print "Missing argument 0 (kern_nexus address)."

    nx = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'kern_nexus *')
    i = 1

    format_string = "{:>4s}  {:<18s} {:>4s} {:<7s} {:<7s} {:<18s} {:<18s} {:<18s} {:>8s} {:6s} {:<18s} {:>4s} {:s}"
    print format_string.format("", "addr", "refs", "txrings", "rxrings", "arena", "ioskmap", "mapaddr", "mapsize", "maprdr", "na", "fd", "process")

    for ch in IterateSTAILQ_HEAD(nx.nx_ch_head, "ch_link"):
        format_string = "{:>4d}: 0x{:<08x} {:>4d} [{:2d},{:2d}] [{:2d},{:2d}] 0x{:<08x} 0x{:<08x} 0x{:<16x} {:>8d} {:>6d} 0x{:<08x} {:>4d} {:s}({:d})"
        print format_string.format(i, ch, ch.ch_refcnt, ch.ch_first[0], ch.ch_last[0], ch.ch_first[1], ch.ch_last[1], ch.ch_mmap.ami_arena, ch.ch_mmap.ami_mapref, ch.ch_mmap.ami_mapaddr, ch.ch_mmap.ami_mapsize, ch.ch_mmap.ami_redirect, ch.ch_na, ch.ch_fd, ch.ch_name, ch.ch_pid)
        i += 1

    for ch in IterateSTAILQ_HEAD(nx.nx_ch_nonxref_head, "ch_link"):
        format_string = "{:>4d}: 0x{:<08x} {:>4d} [{:2d},{:2d}] [{:2d},{:2d}] 0x{:<08x} 0x{:<08x} 0x{:<16x} {:>8d} {:>6d} 0x{:<08x} {:>4d} {:s}({:d})"
        print format_string.format(i, ch, ch.ch_refcnt, ch.ch_first[0], ch.ch_last[0], ch.ch_first[1], ch.ch_last[1], ch.ch_mmap.ami_arena, ch.ch_mmap.ami_mapref, ch.ch_mmap.ami_mapaddr, ch.ch_mmap.ami_mapsize, ch.ch_mmap.ami_redirect, ch.ch_na, ch.ch_fd, ch.ch_name, ch.ch_pid)
        i += 1

def IterateProcNECP(proc):
    """ Iterate through all NECP descriptors in the given process

            proc - the proc object
        returns: nothing, this is meant to be used as a generator function
            necp - yields each necp_fd_data in the process

    proc_filedesc = proc.p_fd
    proc_lastfile = unsigned(proc_filedesc.fd_lastfile)
    proc_ofiles = proc_filedesc.fd_ofiles

    count = 0
    while count <= proc_lastfile:
        if unsigned(proc_ofiles[count]) != 0:
            proc_fd_fglob = proc_ofiles[count].f_fglob
            if (unsigned(proc_fd_fglob.fg_ops.fo_type) == 9):
                yield Cast(proc_fd_fglob.fg_data, 'necp_fd_data *')
        count += 1

def GetNECPClientBitFields(necp):
    """ Return the bit fields in necp_client as string

        returns: str - string representation of necp_client bit fields

    bitfields_string = ''
    if necp.result_read != 0:
        bitfields_string += 'r'
        bitfields_string += '-'
    if necp.allow_multiple_flows != 0:
        bitfields_string += 'm'
        bitfields_string += '-'
    if necp.background != 0:
        bitfields_string += 'b'
        bitfields_string += '-'
    if necp.background_update != 0:
        bitfields_string += 'B'
        bitfields_string += '-'
    if necp.platform_binary != 0:
        bitfields_string += 'p'
        bitfields_string += '-'

    return bitfields_string

def GetNECPFlowBitFields(flow_registration):
    """ Return the bit fields in necp_client_flow_registration as string

        returns: str - string representation of necp_client_flow_registration bit fields

    bitfields_string = ''
    if flow_registration.flow_result_read != 0:
        bitfields_string += 'r'
        bitfields_string += '-'
    if flow_registration.defunct != 0:
        bitfields_string += 'd'
        bitfields_string += '-'

    return bitfields_string

@lldb_type_summary(['necp_fd_data *'])
@header('{:<20s} {:<8s}'.format('necp_fd_data', "flags"))
def GetNECPSummary(necp):
    """ Summarizes a necp_fd_data and related information

        returns: str - summary of necp_fd_data

    format_string = '{o: <#020x} {u:<#08x}'

    stats_arenas_string = "\n\n\t%-18s %-39s %-4s %-10s\n" % ("stats_arenas", "mmap", "refs", "flags")
    for sa in IterateListEntry(necp.stats_arena_list, 'struct necp_arena_info *', 'nai_chain'):
        stats_arenas_string += "\t0x%016x " % sa
        stats_arenas_string += "[0x%016x-0x%016x) " % (sa.nai_mmap.ami_mapaddr,(sa.nai_mmap.ami_mapaddr+sa.nai_mmap.ami_mapsize))
        stats_arenas_string += "%4u " % sa.nai_use_count
        stats_arenas_string += "0x%08x " % sa.nai_flags
        stats_arenas_string += "\n"

    clients_string = ""
    for c in IterateRBTreeEntry(necp.clients, 'struct necp_client *', 'link'):
        clients_string += "\n\t%-18s %-36s %-4s %-5s\n" % ("necp_clients", "client_id", "refs", "flags")
        clients_string += "\t0x%016x " % c
        clients_string += "%36s " % GetUUIDSummary(c.client_id)
        clients_string += "%4u " % c.reference_count
        clients_string += "%5s " % GetNECPClientBitFields(c)
        count = 0;
        for f in IterateRBTreeEntry(c.flow_registrations, 'struct necp_client_flow_registration *', 'client_link'):
            if count == 0:
                clients_string += "\n\t\t%-18s %-36s %-2s %-18s %-18s %-18s\n" % ("flow_registration", "registraton_id", "flags", "stats_arena", "kstats_obj", "ustats_obj")
            clients_string += "\t\t0x%016x " % f
            clients_string += "%36s " % GetUUIDSummary(f.registration_id)
            clients_string += "%2s " % GetNECPFlowBitFields(f)
            clients_string += "0x%016x " % f.stats_arena
            clients_string += "0x%016x " % f.kstats_kaddr
            clients_string += "0x%016x " % f.ustats_uaddr
        clients_string += "\n"

    return format_string.format(
        u=necp.flags) + stats_arenas_string + clients_string

def ShowProcNECP(cmd_args=None):
    """ Show NECP descriptors for a given process.

        usage: showprocnecp <proc_t>

    if not cmd_args:
        raise ArgumentError('missing struct proc * argument')

    proc = kern.GetValueFromAddress(cmd_args[0], 'proc_t')

    print GetNECPSummary.header
    for kc in IterateProcNECP(proc):
        print GetNECPSummary(kc)