#!/usr/bin/env python helpdoc = """ A simple utility that verifies the syntax for python scripts. The checks it does are : * Check for 'tab' characters in .py files * Compile errors in py sources Usage: python syntax_checker.py [ ..] """ import py_compile import sys import os import re tabs_search_rex = re.compile("^\s*\t+",re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL) if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) < 2: print >>sys.stderr, "Error: Unknown arguments" print helpdoc sys.exit(1) for fname in sys.argv[1:]: if not os.path.exists(fname): print >>sys.stderr, "Error: Cannot recognize %s as a file" % fname sys.exit(1) if fname.split('.')[-1] != 'py': print "Note: %s is not a valid python file. Skipping." % fname continue fh = open(fname) strdata = fh.readlines() lineno = 0 tab_check_status = True for linedata in strdata: lineno += 1 if len(tabs_search_rex.findall(linedata)) > 0 : print >>sys.stderr, "Error: Found a TAB character at %s:%d" % (fname, lineno) tab_check_status = False if tab_check_status == False: print >>sys.stderr, "Error: Syntax check failed. Please fix the errors and try again." sys.exit(1) #now check for error in compilation try: compile_result = py_compile.compile(fname, cfile="/dev/null", doraise=True) except py_compile.PyCompileError as exc: print >>sys.stderr, str(exc) print >>sys.stderr, "Error: Compilation failed. Please fix the errors and try again." sys.exit(1) print "Success: Checked %s. No syntax errors found." % fname sys.exit(0)