mptcp_var.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2012-2017 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.


#ifdef PRIVATE
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netinet/tcp.h>

#include <sys/queue.h>
#include <sys/protosw.h>
#include <kern/locks.h>
#include <mach/boolean.h>
#include <netinet/mp_pcb.h>
#include <netinet/tcp_var.h>
#include <os/log.h>

struct mpt_itf_info {
	uint32_t ifindex;
	uint32_t has_v4_conn:1,

 * MPTCP Session
 * This is an extension to the multipath PCB specific for MPTCP, protected by
 * the per-PCB mpp_lock (also the socket's lock);
struct mptses {
	struct mppcb	*mpte_mppcb;		/* back ptr to multipath PCB */
	struct mptcb	*mpte_mptcb;		/* ptr to MPTCP PCB */
	TAILQ_HEAD(, mptopt) mpte_sopts;	/* list of socket options */
	TAILQ_HEAD(, mptsub) mpte_subflows;	/* list of subflows */
	uint16_t	mpte_numflows;		/* # of subflows in list */
	uint16_t	mpte_nummpcapflows;	/* # of MP_CAP subflows */
	sae_associd_t	mpte_associd;		/* MPTCP association ID */
	sae_connid_t	mpte_connid_last;	/* last used connection ID */

	union {
		/* Source address of initial subflow */
		struct sockaddr	mpte_src;
		struct sockaddr_in __mpte_src_v4;
		struct sockaddr_in6 __mpte_src_v6;

	union {
		/* Destination address of initial subflow */
		struct sockaddr	mpte_dst;
		struct sockaddr_in __mpte_dst_v4;
		struct sockaddr_in6 __mpte_dst_v6;

	struct sockaddr_in mpte_dst_v4_nat64;

	uint16_t	mpte_alternate_port;	/* Alternate port for subflow establishment (network-byte-order) */

	struct mptsub	*mpte_active_sub;	/* ptr to last active subf */
	uint8_t	mpte_flags;			/* per mptcp session flags */
#define	MPTE_SND_REM_ADDR	0x01		/* Send Remove_addr option */
#define	MPTE_SVCTYPE_CHECKED	0x02		/* Did entitlement-check for service-type */
#define	MPTE_FIRSTPARTY		0x04		/* First-party app used multipath_extended entitlement */
#define	MPTE_ACCESS_GRANTED	0x08		/* Access to cellular has been granted for this connection */
	uint8_t	mpte_svctype;			/* MPTCP Service type */
	uint8_t	mpte_lost_aid;			/* storing lost address id */
	uint8_t	mpte_addrid_last;		/* storing address id parm */

	uint32_t	mpte_itfinfo_size;
	struct mpt_itf_info	_mpte_itfinfo[MPTE_ITFINFO_SIZE];
	struct mpt_itf_info	*mpte_itfinfo;

	struct mbuf		*mpte_reinjectq;

	/* The below is used for stats */
	uint32_t	mpte_subflow_switches;	/* Number of subflow-switches in sending */
	uint32_t	mpte_used_cell:1,

	struct mptcp_itf_stats	mpte_itfstats[MPTCP_ITFSTATS_SIZE];
	uint64_t		mpte_init_txbytes __attribute__((aligned(8)));
	uint64_t		mpte_init_rxbytes __attribute__((aligned(8)));

static inline struct socket *
mptetoso(struct mptses *mpte)
	return (mpte->mpte_mppcb->mpp_socket);

static inline struct mptses *
mptompte(struct mppcb *mp)
	return ((struct mptses *)mp->mpp_pcbe);

static inline struct mptses *
mpsotompte(struct socket *so)
	return (mptompte(mpsotomppcb(so)));

static inline void
mpp_lock_assert_held(struct mppcb *mp)
#pragma unused(mp)

static inline void
mpp_lock_assert_notheld(struct mppcb *mp)
#pragma unused(mp)

static inline boolean_t
mpp_try_lock(struct mppcb *mp)
	if (!lck_mtx_try_lock(&mp->mpp_lock))
		return false;

	VERIFY(!(mp->mpp_flags & MPP_INSIDE_OUTPUT));
	VERIFY(!(mp->mpp_flags & MPP_INSIDE_INPUT));

	return true;

static inline void
mpp_lock(struct mppcb *mp)
	VERIFY(!(mp->mpp_flags & MPP_INSIDE_OUTPUT));
	VERIFY(!(mp->mpp_flags & MPP_INSIDE_INPUT));

static inline void
mpp_unlock(struct mppcb *mp)
	VERIFY(!(mp->mpp_flags & MPP_INSIDE_OUTPUT));
	VERIFY(!(mp->mpp_flags & MPP_INSIDE_INPUT));

static inline lck_mtx_t *
mpp_getlock(struct mppcb *mp, int flags)
	if (flags & PR_F_WILLUNLOCK) {
		VERIFY(!(mp->mpp_flags & MPP_INSIDE_OUTPUT));
		VERIFY(!(mp->mpp_flags & MPP_INSIDE_INPUT));

	return (&mp->mpp_lock);

static inline void
mpte_lock_assert_held(struct mptses *mpte)

static inline void
mpte_lock_assert_notheld(struct mptses *mpte)

static inline boolean_t
mpte_try_lock(struct mptses *mpte)
	return (mpp_try_lock(mpte->mpte_mppcb));

static inline void
mpte_lock(struct mptses *mpte)

static inline void
mpte_unlock(struct mptses *mpte)

static inline lck_mtx_t *
mpte_getlock(struct mptses *mpte, int flags)
	return mpp_getlock(mpte->mpte_mppcb, flags);

static inline int
mptcp_subflow_cwnd_space(struct socket *so)
	struct tcpcb *tp = sototcpcb(so);
	int cwnd = min(tp->snd_wnd, tp->snd_cwnd) - (so->so_snd.sb_cc);

	return (min(cwnd, sbspace(&so->so_snd)));

 * MPTCP socket options
struct mptopt {
	TAILQ_ENTRY(mptopt)	mpo_entry;	/* glue to other options */
	uint32_t		mpo_flags;	/* see flags below */
	int			mpo_level;	/* sopt_level */
	int			mpo_name;	/* sopt_name */
	int			mpo_intval;	/* sopt_val */

#define	MPOF_ATTACHED		0x1	/* attached to MP socket */
#define	MPOF_SUBFLOW_OK		0x2	/* can be issued on subflow socket */
#define	MPOF_INTERIM		0x4	/* has not been issued on any subflow */

 * MPTCP subflow
 * Note that mpts_flags and mpts_evctl are modified via atomic operations.
struct mptsub {
	TAILQ_ENTRY(mptsub)	mpts_entry;	/* glue to peer subflows */
	uint32_t		mpts_refcnt;	/* reference count */
	uint32_t		mpts_flags;	/* see flags below */
	uint32_t		mpts_evctl;	/* subflow control events */
	sae_connid_t		mpts_connid;	/* subflow connection ID */
	int			mpts_oldintval;	/* sopt_val before sosetopt  */
	struct mptses		*mpts_mpte;	/* back ptr to MPTCP session */
	struct socket		*mpts_socket;	/* subflow socket */
	struct sockaddr		*mpts_src;	/* source address */

	union {
		/* destination address */
		struct sockaddr		mpts_dst;
		struct sockaddr_in	__mpts_dst_v4;
		struct sockaddr_in6	__mpts_dst_v6;

	u_int32_t		mpts_rel_seq;	/* running count of subflow # */
	u_int32_t		mpts_iss;	/* Initial sequence number, taking TFO into account */
	u_int32_t		mpts_ifscope;	/* scoped to the interface */
	uint32_t		mpts_probesoon;	/* send probe after probeto */
	uint32_t		mpts_probecnt;	/* number of probes sent */
	uint32_t		mpts_maxseg;	/* cached value of t_maxseg */

 * Valid values for mpts_flags.  In particular:
 *    - MP_CAPABLE means that the connection is successfully established as
 *	MPTCP and data transfer may occur, but is not yet ready for multipath-
 *	related semantics until MP_READY.  I.e. if this is on the first subflow,
 *	it causes the MPTCP socket to transition to a connected state, except
 *	that additional subflows will not be established; they will be marked
 *	with PENDING and will be processed when the first subflow is marked
 *	with MP_READY.
 *    - MP_READY implies that an MP_CAPABLE connection has been confirmed as
 *	an MPTCP connection.  See notes above.
 *    - MP_DEGRADED implies that the connection has lost its MPTCP capabilities
 *	but data transfer on the MPTCP socket is unaffected.  Any existing
 *	PENDING subflows will be disconnected, and further attempts to connect
 *	additional subflows will be rejected.
 * Note that these are per-subflow flags.  The setting and clearing of MP_READY
 * reflects the state of the MPTCP connection with regards to its multipath
 * semantics, via the MPTCPF_JOIN_READY flag.  Until that flag is set (meaning
 * until at least a subflow is marked with MP_READY), further connectx(2)
 * attempts to join will be queued.  When the flag is cleared (after it has
 * been set), further connectx(2) will fail (and existing queued ones will be
 * aborted) and the MPTCP connection loses all of its multipath semantics.
 * Keep in sync with bsd/dev/dtrace/scripts/mptcp.d.
#define	MPTSF_ATTACHED		0x00000001	/* attached to MPTCP PCB */
#define	MPTSF_CONNECTING	0x00000002	/* connection was attempted */
#define	MPTSF_CONNECT_PENDING	0x00000004	/* will connect when MPTCP is ready */
#define	MPTSF_CONNECTED		0x00000008	/* connection is established */
#define	MPTSF_DISCONNECTING	0x00000010	/* disconnection was attempted */
#define	MPTSF_DISCONNECTED	0x00000020	/* has been disconnected */
#define	MPTSF_MP_CAPABLE	0x00000040	/* connected as a MPTCP subflow */
#define	MPTSF_MP_READY		0x00000080	/* MPTCP has been confirmed */
#define	MPTSF_MP_DEGRADED	0x00000100	/* has lost its MPTCP capabilities */
#define	MPTSF_PREFERRED		0x00000200	/* primary/preferred subflow */
#define	MPTSF_SOPT_OLDVAL	0x00000400	/* old option value is valid */
#define	MPTSF_SOPT_INPROG	0x00000800	/* sosetopt in progress */
#define	MPTSF_FAILINGOVER	0x00001000	/* subflow not used for output */
#define	MPTSF_ACTIVE		0x00002000	/* subflow currently in use */
#define	MPTSF_MPCAP_CTRSET	0x00004000	/* mpcap counter */
#define	MPTSF_CLOSED		0x00008000	/* soclose_locked has been called on this subflow */
#define	MPTSF_TFO_REQD		0x00010000	/* TFO requested */
#define	MPTSF_CLOSE_REQD	0x00020000	/* A close has been requested from NECP */
#define	MPTSF_INITIAL_SUB	0x00040000	/* This is the initial subflow */
#define	MPTSF_READ_STALL	0x00080000	/* A read-stall has been detected */
#define	MPTSF_WRITE_STALL	0x00100000	/* A write-stall has been detected */
#define	MPTSF_CONFIRMED		0x00200000	/* Subflow confirmed to be MPTCP-capable */

#define	MPTSF_BITS \

 * MPTCP states
 * Keep in sync with bsd/dev/dtrace/mptcp.d
typedef enum mptcp_state {
	MPTCPS_CLOSED		= 0,	/* closed */
	MPTCPS_LISTEN		= 1,	/* not yet implemented */
	MPTCPS_ESTABLISHED	= 2,	/* MPTCP connection established */
	MPTCPS_CLOSE_WAIT	= 3,	/* rcvd DFIN, waiting for close */
	MPTCPS_FIN_WAIT_1	= 4,	/* have closed, sent DFIN */
	MPTCPS_CLOSING		= 5,	/* closed xchd DFIN, waiting DFIN ACK */
	MPTCPS_LAST_ACK		= 6,	/* had DFIN and close; await DFIN ACK */
	MPTCPS_FIN_WAIT_2	= 7,	/* have closed, DFIN is acked */
	MPTCPS_TIME_WAIT	= 8,	/* in 2*MSL quiet wait after close */
	MPTCPS_TERMINATE	= 9,	/* terminal state */
} mptcp_state_t;

typedef u_int64_t	mptcp_key_t;
typedef u_int32_t	mptcp_token_t;
typedef u_int8_t	mptcp_addr_id;

/* Address ID list */
struct mptcp_subf_auth_entry {
	LIST_ENTRY(mptcp_subf_auth_entry) msae_next;
	u_int32_t	msae_laddr_rand;	/* Local nonce */
	u_int32_t	msae_raddr_rand;	/* Remote nonce */
	mptcp_addr_id	msae_laddr_id;		/* Local addr ID */
	mptcp_addr_id	msae_raddr_id;		/* Remote addr ID */

 * MPTCP Protocol Control Block
 * Protected by per-MPTCP mpt_lock.
 * Keep in sync with bsd/dev/dtrace/scripts/mptcp.d.
struct mptcb {
	struct mptses	*mpt_mpte;		/* back ptr to MPTCP session */
	mptcp_state_t	mpt_state;		/* MPTCP state */
	u_int32_t	mpt_flags;		/* see flags below */
	u_int32_t	mpt_version;		/* MPTCP proto version */
	int		mpt_softerror;		/* error not yet reported */
	 * Authentication and metadata invariants
	mptcp_key_t	mpt_localkey;		/* in network byte order */
	mptcp_key_t	mpt_remotekey;		/* in network byte order */
	mptcp_token_t	mpt_localtoken;		/* HMAC SHA1 of local key */
	mptcp_token_t	mpt_remotetoken;	/* HMAC SHA1 of remote key */

	 * Timer vars for scenarios where subflow level acks arrive, but
	 * Data ACKs do not.
	int		mpt_rxtshift;		/* num of consecutive retrans */
	u_int32_t	mpt_rxtstart;		/* time at which rxt started */
	u_int64_t	mpt_rtseq;		/* seq # being tracked */
	u_int32_t	mpt_timer_vals;		/* timer related values */
	u_int32_t	mpt_timewait;		/* timewait */
	 * Sending side
	u_int64_t	mpt_snduna;		/* DSN of last unacked byte */
	u_int64_t	mpt_sndnxt;		/* DSN of next byte to send */
	u_int64_t	mpt_sndmax;		/* DSN of max byte sent */
	u_int64_t	mpt_local_idsn;		/* First byte's DSN */
	u_int32_t	mpt_sndwnd;
	u_int64_t	mpt_sndwl1;
	u_int64_t	mpt_sndwl2;
	 * Receiving side
	u_int64_t	mpt_rcvnxt;		/* Next expected DSN */
	u_int64_t	mpt_remote_idsn;	/* Peer's IDSN */
	u_int32_t	mpt_rcvwnd;
	LIST_HEAD(, mptcp_subf_auth_entry) mpt_subauth_list; /* address IDs */
	 * Fastclose
	u_int64_t	mpt_dsn_at_csum_fail;   /* MPFail Opt DSN */
	u_int32_t	mpt_ssn_at_csum_fail;	/* MPFail Subflow Seq */
	 * Zombie handling
#define	MPT_GC_TICKS		(30)
#define MPT_GC_TICKS_FAST	(10)
	int32_t		mpt_gc_ticks;		/* Used for zombie deletion */

	u_int32_t	mpt_notsent_lowat;	/* TCP_NOTSENT_LOWAT support */
	u_int32_t	mpt_peer_version;	/* Version from peer */

	struct tsegqe_head	mpt_segq;
	u_int16_t	mpt_reassqlen;		/* length of reassembly queue */

/* valid values for mpt_flags (see also notes on mpts_flags above) */
#define	MPTCPF_CHECKSUM			0x001	/* checksum DSS option */
#define	MPTCPF_FALLBACK_TO_TCP		0x002	/* Fallback to TCP */
#define	MPTCPF_JOIN_READY		0x004	/* Ready to start 2 or more subflows */
#define	MPTCPF_RECVD_MPFAIL		0x008	/* Received MP_FAIL option */
#define	MPTCPF_SND_64BITDSN		0x010	/* Send full 64-bit DSN */
#define	MPTCPF_SND_64BITACK		0x020	/* Send 64-bit ACK response */
#define	MPTCPF_RCVD_64BITACK		0x040	/* Received 64-bit Data ACK */
#define	MPTCPF_POST_FALLBACK_SYNC	0x080	/* Post fallback resend data */
#define	MPTCPF_FALLBACK_HEURISTIC	0x100	/* Send SYN without MP_CAPABLE due to heuristic */
#define	MPTCPF_HEURISTIC_TRAC		0x200	/* Tracked this connection in the heuristics as a failure */
#define	MPTCPF_REASS_INPROG		0x400	/* Reassembly is in progress */

#define	MPTCPF_BITS \

/* valid values for mpt_timer_vals */
#define	MPTT_REXMT		0x01	/* Starting Retransmit Timer */
#define	MPTT_TW			0x02	/* Starting Timewait Timer */
#define	MPTT_FASTCLOSE		0x04	/* Starting Fastclose wait timer */

/* events for close FSM */
#define	MPCE_CLOSE		0x1
#define	MPCE_RECV_DATA_ACK	0x2
#define	MPCE_RECV_DATA_FIN	0x4

/* mptcb manipulation */
static inline struct mptcb *tptomptp(struct tcpcb *tp)
	return (tp->t_mptcb);

 * MPTCP control block and state structures are allocated along with
 * the MP protocol control block; the folllowing represents the layout.
struct mpp_mtp {
	struct mppcb		mpp;		/* Multipath PCB */
	struct mptses		mpp_ses;	/* MPTCP session */
	struct mptcb		mtcb;		/* MPTCP PCB */

#endif /* SYSCTL_DECL */

extern struct mppcbinfo mtcbinfo;
extern struct pr_usrreqs mptcp_usrreqs;
extern os_log_t mptcp_log_handle;

/* Encryption algorithm related definitions */
#define	SHA1_TRUNCATED		8

/* MPTCP Debugging Levels */
#define	MPTCP_LOGLVL_NONE	0x0	/* No debug logging */
#define	MPTCP_LOGLVL_ERR	0x1	/* Errors in execution are logged */
#define	MPTCP_LOGLVL_LOG	0x2	/* Important logs */
#define	MPTCP_LOGLVL_VERBOSE	0x4	/* Verbose logs */

/* MPTCP sub-components for debug logging */
#define MPTCP_NO_DBG		0x00	/* No areas are logged */
#define MPTCP_STATE_DBG		0x01	/* State machine logging */
#define MPTCP_SOCKET_DBG	0x02	/* Socket call logging */
#define MPTCP_SENDER_DBG	0x04	/* Sender side logging */
#define MPTCP_RECEIVER_DBG	0x08	/* Receiver logging */
#define MPTCP_EVENTS_DBG	0x10	/* Subflow events logging */

/* Mask to obtain 32-bit portion of data sequence number */
#define	MPTCP_DATASEQ_LOW32_MASK	(0xffffffff)

/* Mask to obtain upper 32-bit portion of data sequence number */
#define	MPTCP_DATASEQ_HIGH32_MASK	(0xffffffff00000000)

/* Mask to obtain 32-bit portion of data ack */
#define	MPTCP_DATAACK_LOW32_MASK	(0xffffffff)

/* Mask to obtain upper 32-bit portion of data ack */
#define	MPTCP_DATAACK_HIGH32_MASK	(0xffffffff00000000)

 * x is the 64-bit data sequence number, y the 32-bit data seq number to be
 * extended. z is y extended to the appropriate 64-bit value.
 * This algorithm is based on the fact that subflow level window sizes are
 * at the maximum 2**30 (in reality, they are a lot lesser). A high throughput
 * application sending on a large number of subflows can in theory have very
 * large MPTCP level send and receive windows. In which case, 64 bit DSNs
 * must be sent in place of 32 bit DSNs on wire. For us, with 2 subflows at
 * 512K each, sequence wraparound detection can be done by checking whether
 * the 32-bit value obtained on wire is 2**31 bytes apart from the stored
 * lower 32-bits of the Data Sequence Number. Bogus DSNs are dropped by
 * comparing against rwnd. Bogus DSNs within rwnd cannot be protected against
 * and are as weak as bogus TCP sequence numbers.
#define	MPTCP_EXTEND_DSN(x, y, z) {					\
	if ((MPTCP_DATASEQ_LOW32(x) > y) &&				\
	    ((((u_int32_t)MPTCP_DATASEQ_LOW32(x)) - (u_int32_t)y) >=	\
	    (u_int32_t)(1 << 31))) {					\
		/*							\
		 * y wrapped around and x and y are 2**31 bytes  apart	\
		 */							\
		z = MPTCP_DATASEQ_HIGH32(x) + 0x100000000;		\
		z |= y;							\
	} else if ((MPTCP_DATASEQ_LOW32(x) < y) &&			\
	    (((u_int32_t)y -						\
	    ((u_int32_t)MPTCP_DATASEQ_LOW32(x))) >=			\
	    (u_int32_t)(1 << 31))) {					\
		/*							\
		 * x wrapped around and x and y are 2**31 apart		\
		 */							\
		z = MPTCP_DATASEQ_HIGH32(x) - 0x100000000;		\
		z |= y;							\
	} else {							\
		z = MPTCP_DATASEQ_HIGH32(x) | y;			\
	}								\

#define	mptcplog(x, y, z)	do {					\
	if ((mptcp_dbg_area & y) && (mptcp_dbg_level & z))		\
		log x;							\
} while (0)

extern int mptcp_enable;	/* Multipath TCP */
extern int mptcp_mpcap_retries;	/* Multipath TCP retries */
extern int mptcp_join_retries;	/* Multipath TCP Join retries */
extern int mptcp_dss_csum;	/* Multipath DSS Option checksum */
extern int mptcp_fail_thresh;	/* Multipath failover thresh of retransmits */
extern int mptcp_subflow_keeptime; /* Multipath subflow TCP_KEEPALIVE opt */
extern uint32_t mptcp_dbg_level;	/* Multipath TCP debugging level */
extern uint32_t mptcp_dbg_area;	/* Multipath TCP debugging area */
extern int mptcp_developer_mode;	/* Allow aggregation mode */

extern int tcp_jack_rxmt;	/* Join ACK retransmission value in msecs */

extern void mptcp_init(struct protosw *, struct domain *);
extern int mptcp_ctloutput(struct socket *, struct sockopt *);
extern int mptcp_sescreate(struct mppcb *);
extern void mptcp_check_subflows_and_add(struct mptses *);
extern int mptcp_get_statsindex(struct mptcp_itf_stats *stats,
				const struct mptsub *mpts);
extern void mptcpstats_inc_switch(struct mptses *, const struct mptsub *);
extern struct mptses *mptcp_drop(struct mptses *, struct mptcb *, int);
extern struct mptses *mptcp_close(struct mptses *, struct mptcb *);
extern int mptcp_lock(struct socket *, int, void *);
extern int mptcp_unlock(struct socket *, int, void *);
extern lck_mtx_t *mptcp_getlock(struct socket *, int);
extern void mptcp_subflow_workloop(struct mptses *);

extern void mptcp_sched_create_subflows(struct mptses *);

extern void mptcp_finish_usrclosed(struct mptses *mpte);
extern struct mptopt *mptcp_sopt_alloc(int);
extern const char *mptcp_sopt2str(int, int);
extern void mptcp_sopt_free(struct mptopt *);
extern void mptcp_sopt_insert(struct mptses *, struct mptopt *);
extern void mptcp_sopt_remove(struct mptses *, struct mptopt *);
extern struct mptopt *mptcp_sopt_find(struct mptses *, struct sockopt *);

extern int mptcp_subflow_add(struct mptses *, struct sockaddr *,
    struct sockaddr *, uint32_t, sae_connid_t *);
extern void mptcpstats_update(struct mptcp_itf_stats *stats, struct mptsub *mpts);
extern void mptcp_subflow_del(struct mptses *, struct mptsub *);

extern int mptcp_subflow_output(struct mptses *mpte, struct mptsub *mpts, int flags);
extern void mptcp_clean_reinjectq(struct mptses *mpte);
extern void mptcp_subflow_shutdown(struct mptses *, struct mptsub *);
extern void mptcp_subflow_disconnect(struct mptses *, struct mptsub *);
extern int mptcp_subflow_sosetopt(struct mptses *, struct mptsub *,
    struct mptopt *);
extern int mptcp_subflow_sogetopt(struct mptses *, struct socket *,
    struct mptopt *);

extern void mptcp_input(struct mptses *, struct mbuf *);
extern boolean_t mptcp_can_send_more(struct mptcb *mp_tp, boolean_t ignore_reinject);
extern int mptcp_output(struct mptses *);
extern void mptcp_close_fsm(struct mptcb *, uint32_t);

extern void mptcp_hmac_sha1(mptcp_key_t, mptcp_key_t, u_int32_t, u_int32_t,
extern void mptcp_get_hmac(mptcp_addr_id, struct mptcb *, u_char *);
extern void mptcp_get_rands(mptcp_addr_id, struct mptcb *, u_int32_t *,
    u_int32_t *);
extern void mptcp_set_raddr_rand(mptcp_addr_id, struct mptcb *, mptcp_addr_id,
extern int mptcp_init_remote_parms(struct mptcb *);
extern boolean_t mptcp_ok_to_keepalive(struct mptcb *);
extern void mptcp_insert_dsn(struct mppcb *, struct mbuf *);
extern void mptcp_output_getm_dsnmap32(struct socket *so, int off,
				       uint32_t *dsn, uint32_t *relseq,
				       uint16_t *data_len, uint16_t *dss_csum);
extern void mptcp_output_getm_dsnmap64(struct socket *so, int off,
				       uint64_t *dsn, uint32_t *relseq,
				       uint16_t *data_len, uint16_t *dss_csum);
extern void mptcp_act_on_txfail(struct socket *);
extern struct mptsub *mptcp_get_subflow(struct mptses *, struct mptsub *,
    struct mptsub **);
extern int mptcp_get_map_for_dsn(struct socket *, u_int64_t, u_int32_t *);
extern int32_t mptcp_adj_sendlen(struct socket *so, int32_t off);
extern void mptcp_sbrcv_grow(struct mptcb *mp_tp);
extern int32_t mptcp_sbspace(struct mptcb *);
extern void mptcp_notify_mpready(struct socket *);
extern void mptcp_notify_mpfail(struct socket *);
extern void mptcp_notify_close(struct socket *);
extern boolean_t mptcp_no_rto_spike(struct socket*);
extern int mptcp_set_notsent_lowat(struct mptses *mpte, int optval);
extern u_int32_t mptcp_get_notsent_lowat(struct mptses *mpte);
extern int mptcp_notsent_lowat_check(struct socket *so);
extern void mptcp_ask_symptoms(struct mptses *mpte);
extern void mptcp_control_register(void);
extern int mptcp_is_wifi_unusable(void);
extern void mptcp_ask_for_nat64(struct ifnet *ifp);
extern void mptcp_session_necp_cb(void *, int, struct necp_client_flow *);
extern void mptcp_set_restrictions(struct socket *mp_so);
extern int mptcp_freeq(struct mptcb *);
extern void mptcp_set_cellicon(struct mptses *mpte);
extern void mptcp_unset_cellicon(void);
extern void mptcp_reset_rexmit_state(struct tcpcb *tp);
extern void mptcp_reset_keepalive(struct tcpcb *tp);
extern int mptcp_validate_csum(struct tcpcb *tp, struct mbuf *m, uint64_t dsn,
			       uint32_t sseq, uint16_t dlen, uint16_t csum,
			       uint16_t dfin);

#ifdef PRIVATE

typedef struct mptcp_flow {
	size_t			flow_len;
	size_t			flow_tcpci_offset;
	uint32_t		flow_flags;
	sae_connid_t		flow_cid;
	struct sockaddr_storage flow_src;
	struct sockaddr_storage flow_dst;
	uint32_t		flow_relseq;	/* last subflow rel seq# */
	int32_t			flow_soerror;	/* subflow level error */
	uint32_t		flow_probecnt;	/* number of probes sent */
	conninfo_tcp_t		flow_ci;	/* must be the last field */
} mptcp_flow_t;

typedef struct conninfo_mptcp {
	size_t		mptcpci_len;
	size_t		mptcpci_flow_offset;	/* offsetof first flow */
	size_t		mptcpci_nflows;		/* number of subflows */
	uint32_t	mptcpci_state;		/* MPTCP level state */
	uint32_t	mptcpci_mpte_flags;	/* Session flags */
	uint32_t	mptcpci_flags;		/* MPTCB flags */
	uint32_t	mptcpci_ltoken;		/* local token */
	uint32_t	mptcpci_rtoken;		/* remote token */
	uint32_t        mptcpci_notsent_lowat;	/* NOTSENT_LOWAT */

	/* Send side */
	uint64_t	mptcpci_snduna;		/* DSN of last unacked byte */
	uint64_t	mptcpci_sndnxt;		/* DSN of next byte to send */
	uint64_t	mptcpci_sndmax;		/* DSN of max byte sent */
	uint64_t	mptcpci_lidsn;		/* Local IDSN */
	uint32_t	mptcpci_sndwnd;		/* Send window snapshot */

	/* Receive side */
	uint64_t	mptcpci_rcvnxt;		/* Next expected DSN */
	uint64_t	mptcpci_rcvatmark;	/* Session level rcvnxt */
	uint64_t	mptcpci_ridsn;		/* Peer's IDSN */
	uint32_t	mptcpci_rcvwnd;		/* Receive window */

	uint8_t		mptcpci_mpte_addrid;	/* last addr id */

	mptcp_flow_t	mptcpci_flows[1];
} conninfo_mptcp_t;

/* Use SymptomsD notifications of wifi and cell status in subflow selection */
#define MPTCP_KERN_CTL_NAME    ""
typedef struct symptoms_advisory {
	union {
		uint32_t	sa_nwk_status_int;
		struct {
			union {
#define SYMPTOMS_ADVISORY_USEAPP	0xFFFF /* Very ugly workaround to avoid breaking backwards compatibility - ToDo: Fix it in +1 */
				uint16_t	sa_nwk_status;
				struct {
					uint8_t	sa_wifi_status;
					uint8_t	sa_cell_status;
			uint16_t	sa_unused;
} symptoms_advisory_t;

struct mptcp_symptoms_ask_uuid {
	uint32_t	cmd;
	uuid_t		uuid;
	uint32_t	priority;

struct kev_mptcp_data {
	int value;

#endif /* PRIVATE */
#endif /* _NETINET_MPTCP_VAR_H_ */