kxld_types.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.
#ifndef _KXLD_TYPES_H
#define _KXLD_TYPES_H

#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <mach/boolean.h>       // boolean_t
#include <mach/kern_return.h>

* Macros 

/* For 32-bit-specific linking code */
#if (!KERNEL || !__LP64__)
    #define KXLD_USER_OR_ILP32 1

/* For 64-bit-specific linking code */
#if (!KERNEL || __LP64__)
    #define KXLD_USER_OR_LP64 1

/* For i386-specific linking code */
#if (!KERNEL || __i386__)
    #define KXLD_USER_OR_I386 1

/* For x86_64-specific linking code */
#if (!KERNEL || __x86_64__)
    #define KXLD_USER_OR_X86_64 1

/* For arm-specific linking code */
#if (!KERNEL || __arm__)
    #define KXLD_USER_OR_ARM 1

/* For arm64-specific linking code */
#if (!KERNEL || __arm64__)
    #define KXLD_USER_OR_ARM64 1

/* For linking code specific to architectures that support common symbols */
#if (!KERNEL || __i386__)
    #define KXLD_USER_OR_COMMON 1

/* For linking code specific to architectures that support strict patching */

/* For linking code specific to architectures that use MH_OBJECT */
#if (!KERNEL || __i386__)
    #define KXLD_USER_OR_OBJECT 1

/* For linking code specific to architectures that use MH_KEXT_BUNDLE */

/* We no longer need to generate our own GOT for any architectures, but the code
 * required to do this will be saved inside this macro.
#define KXLD_USER_OR_GOT 0

/* for building the dysymtab command generation into the dylib */
#if (!KERNEL)
    #define KXLD_PIC_KEXTS 1
//    #define SPLIT_KEXTS 1
    #define SPLIT_KEXTS_DEBUG 0

* Types

/* Maintains linker state across links.  One context should be allocated for
 * each link thread.
typedef struct kxld_context KXLDContext;

/* Unless we're in a 32-bit kernel, all internal math is performed in 64 bits
 * and cast to smaller values as needed by the architecture for which we are
 * linking.  All returned arguments should be handled similarly.  
 * Note: This size can be increased for future architectural size increases
#if KERNEL && !__LP64__
typedef uint32_t kxld_addr_t;
typedef uint32_t kxld_size_t;
typedef uint64_t kxld_addr_t;
typedef uint64_t kxld_size_t;
#endif /* KERNEL && !__LP64__ */

typedef struct splitKextLinkInfo {
    u_char *        kextExecutable;     // kext we will link
    size_t          kextSize;           // size of kextExecutable
    u_char *        linkedKext;         // linked kext
    size_t          linkedKextSize;     // size of linkedKext
    uint64_t        vmaddr_TEXT;        // vmaddr of kext __TEXT segment
    uint64_t        vmaddr_TEXT_EXEC;   // vmaddr of kext __TEXT_EXEC segment
    uint64_t        vmaddr_DATA;        // vmaddr of kext __DATA segment
    uint64_t        vmaddr_DATA_CONST;  // vmaddr of kext __DATA_CONST segment
    uint64_t        vmaddr_LINKEDIT;    // vmaddr of kext __LINKEDIT segment
    uint32_t        kaslr_offsets_count; // offsets into the kext to slide
    uint32_t *      kaslr_offsets;      // offsets into the kext to slide
} splitKextLinkInfo;

/* Flags for general linker behavior */
enum kxld_flags {
    kKxldFlagDefault = 0x0,
    kKXLDFlagIncludeRelocs = 0x01
typedef enum kxld_flags KXLDFlags;

/* Flags for the allocation callback */
enum kxld_allocate_flags {
    kKxldAllocateDefault = 0x0,
    kKxldAllocateWritable = 0x1,        /* kxld may write into the allocated memory */
typedef enum kxld_allocate_flags KXLDAllocateFlags;

/* This specifies the function type of the callback that the linker uses to get
 * the base address and allocated memory for relocation and linker output,
 * respectively.  Note that it is compatible with the standard allocators (e.g.
 * malloc).
typedef kxld_addr_t (*KXLDAllocateCallback)(size_t size, 
    KXLDAllocateFlags *flags, void *user_data);

/* Flags for the logging callback */
typedef enum kxld_log_subsystem {
    kKxldLogLinking = 0x0,
    kKxldLogPatching = 0x01
} KXLDLogSubsystem;

typedef enum kxld_log_level {
    kKxldLogExplicit = 0x0,
    kKxldLogErr = 0x1,
    kKxldLogWarn = 0x2,
    kKxldLogBasic = 0x3,
    kKxldLogDetail = 0x4,
    kKxldLogDebug = 0x5
} KXLDLogLevel;

/* This structure is used to describe a dependency kext. The kext field
 * is a pointer to the binary executable of the dependency. The interface
 * field is a pointer to an optional interface kext that restricts the
 * symbols that may be accessed in the dependency kext.
 * For example, to use this structure with the KPIs, set the kext field
 * to point to the kernel's Mach-O binary, and set interface to point
 * to the KPI's Mach-O binary.
typedef struct kxld_dependency {
    u_char      * kext;
    u_long        kext_size;
    char        * kext_name;
    u_char      * interface;
    u_long        interface_size;
    char        * interface_name;
    boolean_t     is_direct_dependency;
} KXLDDependency;

typedef void (*KXLDLoggingCallback) (KXLDLogSubsystem sys, KXLDLogLevel level, 
    const char *format, va_list ap, void *user_data);

#endif /* _KXLD_TYPES_H */