pmap_internal.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2000-2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
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 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
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 * limitations under the License.

#ifndef	_I386_PMAP_INTERNAL_
#define _I386_PMAP_INTERNAL_

#include <vm/pmap.h>
#include <sys/kdebug.h>
#include <kern/ledger.h>
#include <kern/simple_lock.h>
#include <i386/bit_routines.h>

 * pmap locking

#define PMAP_LOCK(pmap) {		\
	simple_lock(&(pmap)->lock);	\

#define PMAP_UNLOCK(pmap) {			\
	simple_unlock(&(pmap)->lock);		\

#define PMAP_UPDATE_TLBS(pmap, s, e)			\
	pmap_flush_tlbs(pmap, s, e, 0, NULL)

#define	PMAP_DELAY_TLB_FLUSH		0x01

#define PMAP_UPDATE_TLBS_DELAYED(pmap, s, e, c)			\
	pmap_flush_tlbs(pmap, s, e, PMAP_DELAY_TLB_FLUSH, c)

#define	iswired(pte)	((pte) & INTEL_PTE_WIRED)

extern	boolean_t	pmap_trace;
#define PMAP_TRACE(x,a,b,c,d,e)						\
	if (pmap_trace) {						\
		KERNEL_DEBUG_CONSTANT(x,a,b,c,d,e);			\
#define PMAP_TRACE(x,a,b,c,d,e)	KERNEL_DEBUG(x,a,b,c,d,e)
#endif /* PMAP_TRACES */

#define PMAP_TRACE_CONSTANT(x,a,b,c,d,e)				\
	KERNEL_DEBUG_CONSTANT(x,a,b,c,d,e);				\

kern_return_t	pmap_expand_pml4(
			pmap_t		map,
			vm_map_offset_t	v,
			unsigned int options);

kern_return_t	pmap_expand_pdpt(
			pmap_t		map,
			vm_map_offset_t	v,
			unsigned int options);

void		phys_attribute_set(
			ppnum_t		phys,
			int		bits);

void		pmap_set_reference(
			ppnum_t pn);

boolean_t	phys_page_exists(
			ppnum_t pn);

pmap_flush_tlbs(pmap_t, vm_map_offset_t, vm_map_offset_t, int, pmap_flush_context *);

pmap_update_cache_attributes_locked(ppnum_t, unsigned);

extern const boolean_t cpu_64bit;

 *	Private data structures.

 *	For each vm_page_t, there is a list of all currently
 *	valid virtual mappings of that page.  An entry is
 *	a pv_rooted_entry_t; the list is the pv_table.
 *      N.B.  with the new combo rooted/hashed scheme it is
 *      only possibly to remove individual non-rooted entries
 *      if they are found via the hashed chains as there is no
 *      way to unlink the singly linked hashed entries if navigated to
 *      via the queue list off the rooted entries.  Think of it as
 *      hash/walk/pull, keeping track of the prev pointer while walking
 *      the singly linked hash list.  All of this is to save memory and
 *      keep both types of pv_entries as small as possible.


PV HASHING Changes - JK 1/2007

Pve's establish physical to virtual mappings.  These are used for aliasing of a 
physical page to (potentially many) virtual addresses within pmaps. In the
previous implementation the structure of the pv_entries (each 16 bytes in size) was

typedef struct pv_entry {
    struct pv_entry_t    next;
    pmap_t                    pmap;
    vm_map_offset_t   va;
} *pv_entry_t;

An initial array of these is created at boot time, one per physical page of
memory, indexed by the physical page number. Additionally, a pool of entries
is created from a pv_zone to be used as needed by pmap_enter() when it is
creating new mappings.  Originally, we kept this pool around because the code
in pmap_enter() was unable to block if it needed an entry and none were
available - we'd panic.  Some time ago I restructured the pmap_enter() code
so that for user pmaps it can block while zalloc'ing a pv structure and restart,
removing a panic from the code (in the case of the kernel pmap we cannot block
and still panic, so, we keep a separate hot pool for use only on kernel pmaps).
The pool has not been removed since there is a large performance gain keeping
freed pv's around for reuse and not suffering the overhead of zalloc for every
new pv we need.

As pmap_enter() created new mappings it linked the new pve's for them off the
fixed pv array for that ppn (off the next pointer).  These pve's are accessed
for several operations, one of them being address space teardown. In that case,
we basically do this

	for (every page/pte in the space) {
		calc pve_ptr from the ppn in the pte
		for (every pv in the list for the ppn) {
			if (this pv is for this pmap/vaddr) {
				do housekeeping
				unlink/free the pv

The problem arose when we were running, say 8000 (or even 2000) apache or
other processes and one or all terminate. The list hanging off each pv array
entry could have thousands of entries.  We were continuously linearly searching
each of these lists as we stepped through the address space we were tearing
down.  Because of the locks we hold, likely taking a cache miss for each node,
and interrupt disabling for MP issues the system became completely unresponsive
for many seconds while we did this.

Realizing that pve's are accessed in two distinct ways (linearly running the
list by ppn for operations like pmap_page_protect and finding and
modifying/removing a single pve as part of pmap_enter processing) has led to
modifying the pve structures and databases.

There are now two types of pve structures.  A "rooted" structure which is
basically the original structure accessed in an array by ppn, and a ''hashed''
structure accessed on a hash list via a hash of [pmap, vaddr]. These have been
designed with the two goals of minimizing wired memory and making the lookup of
a ppn faster.  Since a vast majority of pages in the system are not aliased
and hence represented by a single pv entry I've kept the rooted entry size as
small as possible because there is one of these dedicated for every physical
page of memory.  The hashed pve's are larger due to the addition of the hash
link and the ppn entry needed for matching while running the hash list to find
the entry we are looking for.  This way, only systems that have lots of
aliasing (like 2000+ httpd procs) will pay the extra memory price. Both
structures have the same first three fields allowing some simplification in
the code.

They have these shapes

typedef struct pv_rooted_entry {
	queue_head_t		qlink;
        vm_map_offset_t		va;
	pmap_t			pmap;
} *pv_rooted_entry_t;

typedef struct pv_hashed_entry {
	queue_head_t		qlink;
	vm_map_offset_t		va;
	pmap_t			pmap;
	ppnum_t 		ppn;
	struct pv_hashed_entry *nexth;
} *pv_hashed_entry_t;

The main flow difference is that the code is now aware of the rooted entry and
the hashed entries.  Code that runs the pv list still starts with the rooted
entry and then continues down the qlink onto the hashed entries.  Code that is
looking up a specific pv entry first checks the rooted entry and then hashes
and runs the hash list for the match. The hash list lengths are much smaller
than the original pv lists that contained all aliases for the specific ppn.


typedef struct pv_rooted_entry {
	/* first three entries must match pv_hashed_entry_t */
        queue_head_t		qlink;
	vm_map_offset_t		va_and_flags;	/* virtual address for mapping */
	pmap_t			pmap;	/* pmap where mapping lies */
} *pv_rooted_entry_t;

#define PV_ROOTED_ENTRY_NULL	((pv_rooted_entry_t) 0)

typedef struct pv_hashed_entry {
	/* first three entries must match pv_rooted_entry_t */
	queue_head_t		qlink;
	vm_map_offset_t		va_and_flags;
	pmap_t			pmap;
	ppnum_t			ppn;
	struct pv_hashed_entry	*nexth;
} *pv_hashed_entry_t;

#define PV_HASHED_ENTRY_NULL ((pv_hashed_entry_t)0)

#define PVE_VA(pve) ((pve)->va_and_flags & ~PAGE_MASK)
#define PVE_FLAGS(pve) ((pve)->va_and_flags & PAGE_MASK)
#define PVE_IS_ALTACCT 0x001
#define PVE_IS_ALTACCT_PAGE(pve) \
	(((pve)->va_and_flags & PVE_IS_ALTACCT) ? TRUE : FALSE)

//#define PV_DEBUG 1   /* uncomment to enable some PV debugging code */
#ifdef PV_DEBUG
#define CHK_NPVHASH() if(0 == npvhashmask) panic("npvhash uninitialized");
#define CHK_NPVHASH(x)

#define NPVHASHBUCKETS (4096)
#define NPVHASHMASK ((NPVHASHBUCKETS) - 1) /* MUST BE 2^N - 1 */

extern volatile uint32_t	mappingrecurse;
extern uint32_t  pv_hashed_low_water_mark, pv_hashed_kern_low_water_mark;

 * PV hash locking

#define LOCK_PV_HASH(hash)	lock_hash_hash(hash)
#define UNLOCK_PV_HASH(hash)	unlock_hash_hash(hash)
extern uint32_t npvhashmask;
extern pv_hashed_entry_t	*pv_hash_table;  /* hash lists */
extern pv_hashed_entry_t	pv_hashed_free_list;
extern pv_hashed_entry_t	pv_hashed_kern_free_list;
decl_simple_lock_data(extern, pv_hashed_free_list_lock)
decl_simple_lock_data(extern, pv_hashed_kern_free_list_lock)
decl_simple_lock_data(extern, pv_hash_table_lock)
decl_simple_lock_data(extern, phys_backup_lock)

extern zone_t		pv_hashed_list_zone;	/* zone of pv_hashed_entry
						 * structures */

extern uint32_t		pv_hashed_free_count;
extern uint32_t		pv_hashed_kern_free_count;
 *	Each entry in the pv_head_table is locked by a bit in the
 *	pv_lock_table.  The lock bits are accessed by the address of
 *	the frame they lock.
#define pv_lock_table_size(n)	(((n)+BYTE_SIZE-1)/BYTE_SIZE)
#define pv_hash_lock_table_size(n)  (((n)+BYTE_SIZE-1)/BYTE_SIZE)
extern char		*pv_lock_table;		/* pointer to array of bits */
extern char		*pv_hash_lock_table;
extern pv_rooted_entry_t pv_head_table;	/* array of entries, one per page */

extern event_t mapping_replenish_event;

static inline void	PV_HASHED_ALLOC(pv_hashed_entry_t *pvh_ep) {
	pmap_assert(*pvh_ep == PV_HASHED_ENTRY_NULL);
	/* If the kernel reserved pool is low, let non-kernel mappings allocate
	 * synchronously, possibly subject to a throttle.
	if ((pv_hashed_kern_free_count > pv_hashed_kern_low_water_mark) && ((*pvh_ep = pv_hashed_free_list) != 0)) {
		pv_hashed_free_list = (pv_hashed_entry_t)(*pvh_ep)->;


	if (pv_hashed_free_count <= pv_hashed_low_water_mark) {
		if (!mappingrecurse && hw_compare_and_store(0,1, &mappingrecurse))

static inline void	PV_HASHED_FREE_LIST(pv_hashed_entry_t pvh_eh, pv_hashed_entry_t pvh_et, int pv_cnt) {
	pvh_et-> = (queue_entry_t)pv_hashed_free_list;
	pv_hashed_free_list = pvh_eh;
	pv_hashed_free_count += pv_cnt;

extern unsigned pmap_kern_reserve_alloc_stat;

static inline void	PV_HASHED_KERN_ALLOC(pv_hashed_entry_t *pvh_e) {
	pmap_assert(*pvh_e == PV_HASHED_ENTRY_NULL);

	if ((*pvh_e = pv_hashed_kern_free_list) != 0) {
		pv_hashed_kern_free_list = (pv_hashed_entry_t)(*pvh_e)->;


	if (pv_hashed_kern_free_count < pv_hashed_kern_low_water_mark) {
		if (!mappingrecurse && hw_compare_and_store(0,1, &mappingrecurse))

static inline void	PV_HASHED_KERN_FREE_LIST(pv_hashed_entry_t pvh_eh, pv_hashed_entry_t pvh_et, int pv_cnt) {
	pvh_et-> = (queue_entry_t)pv_hashed_kern_free_list;
	pv_hashed_kern_free_list = pvh_eh;
	pv_hashed_kern_free_count += pv_cnt;

extern uint64_t pmap_pv_throttle_stat, pmap_pv_throttled_waiters;
extern event_t pmap_user_pv_throttle_event;

static inline void pmap_pv_throttle(__unused pmap_t p) {
	pmap_assert(p != kernel_pmap);
	/* Apply throttle on non-kernel mappings */
	if (pv_hashed_kern_free_count < (pv_hashed_kern_low_water_mark / 2)) {
		/* This doesn't need to be strictly accurate, merely a hint
		 * to eliminate the timeout when the reserve is replenished.
		assert_wait_timeout(&pmap_user_pv_throttle_event, THREAD_UNINT, 1, 1000 * NSEC_PER_USEC);

 *	Index into pv_head table, its lock bits, and the modify/reference and managed bits

#define pa_index(pa)		(i386_btop(pa))
#define ppn_to_pai(ppn)		((int)ppn)

#define pai_to_pvh(pai)		(&pv_head_table[pai])
#define lock_pvh_pai(pai)	bit_lock(pai, (void *)pv_lock_table)
#define unlock_pvh_pai(pai)	bit_unlock(pai, (void *)pv_lock_table)
#define pvhash(idx)		(&pv_hash_table[idx])
#define lock_hash_hash(hash)	bit_lock(hash, (void *)pv_hash_lock_table)
#define unlock_hash_hash(hash)	bit_unlock(hash, (void *)pv_hash_lock_table)

#define IS_MANAGED_PAGE(x)				\
	((unsigned int)(x) <= last_managed_page &&	\
	 (pmap_phys_attributes[x] & PHYS_MANAGED))
#define IS_INTERNAL_PAGE(x)			\
	(IS_MANAGED_PAGE(x) && (pmap_phys_attributes[x] & PHYS_INTERNAL))
#define IS_REUSABLE_PAGE(x)			\
	(IS_MANAGED_PAGE(x) && (pmap_phys_attributes[x] & PHYS_REUSABLE))
#define IS_ALTACCT_PAGE(x)				\
	(IS_MANAGED_PAGE((x)) &&			\

 *	Physical page attributes.  Copy bits from PTE definition.
#define	PHYS_MODIFIED	INTEL_PTE_MOD	/* page modified */
#define	PHYS_REFERENCED	INTEL_PTE_REF	/* page referenced */
#define	PHYS_MANAGED	INTEL_PTE_VALID /* page is managed */
#define	PHYS_NOENCRYPT	INTEL_PTE_USER	/* no need to encrypt this page in the hibernation image */
#define	PHYS_INTERNAL	INTEL_PTE_WTHRU	/* page from internal object */
#define	PHYS_REUSABLE	INTEL_PTE_WRITE /* page is "reusable" */

extern boolean_t	pmap_disable_kheap_nx;
extern boolean_t	pmap_disable_kstack_nx;


 *	Amount of virtual memory mapped by one
 *	page-directory entry.
#define	PDE_MAPPED_SIZE		(pdetova(1))

 *	Locking and TLB invalidation

 *	Locking Protocols: (changed 2/2007 JK)
 *	There are two structures in the pmap module that need locking:
 *	the pmaps themselves, and the per-page pv_lists (which are locked
 *	by locking the pv_lock_table entry that corresponds to the pv_head
 *	for the list in question.)  Most routines want to lock a pmap and
 *	then do operations in it that require pv_list locking -- however
 *	pmap_remove_all and pmap_copy_on_write operate on a physical page
 *	basis and want to do the locking in the reverse order, i.e. lock
 *	a pv_list and then go through all the pmaps referenced by that list.
 *      The system wide pmap lock has been removed. Now, paths take a lock
 *      on the pmap before changing its 'shape' and the reverse order lockers
 *      (coming in by phys ppn) take a lock on the corresponding pv and then
 *      retest to be sure nothing changed during the window before they locked
 *      and can then run up/down the pv lists holding the list lock. This also
 *      lets the pmap layer run (nearly completely) interrupt enabled, unlike
 *      previously.

 * PV locking

#define LOCK_PVH(index)	{		\
	mp_disable_preemption();	\
	lock_pvh_pai(index);		\

#define UNLOCK_PVH(index) {		\
	unlock_pvh_pai(index);		\
	mp_enable_preemption();		\

extern uint64_t pde_mapped_size;

extern char		*pmap_phys_attributes;
extern ppnum_t		last_managed_page;

extern ppnum_t	lowest_lo;
extern ppnum_t	lowest_hi;
extern ppnum_t	highest_hi;

 * when spinning through pmap_remove
 * ensure that we don't spend too much
 * time with preemption disabled.
 * I'm setting the current threshold
 * to 20us
extern uint64_t max_preemption_latency_tsc;

/* #define DEBUGINTERRUPTS 1  uncomment to ensure pmap callers have interrupts enabled */
#define pmap_intr_assert() {							\
	if (processor_avail_count > 1 && !ml_get_interrupts_enabled())		\
		panic("pmap interrupt assert %s, %d",__FILE__, __LINE__);	\
#define pmap_intr_assert()

extern int 		nx_enabled;
extern unsigned int    inuse_ptepages_count;

static inline uint32_t
pvhashidx(pmap_t pmap, vm_map_offset_t va)
	uint32_t hashidx = ((uint32_t)(uintptr_t)pmap ^
		((uint32_t)(va >> PAGE_SHIFT) & 0xFFFFFFFF)) &
	    return hashidx;

 * unlinks the pv_hashed_entry_t pvh from the singly linked hash chain.
 * properly deals with the anchor.
 * must be called with the hash locked, does not unlock it
static inline void 
pmap_pvh_unlink(pv_hashed_entry_t pvh)
	pv_hashed_entry_t	curh;
	pv_hashed_entry_t	*pprevh;
	int           		pvhash_idx;

	pvhash_idx = pvhashidx(pvh->pmap, PVE_VA(pvh));

	pprevh = pvhash(pvhash_idx);

	if (NULL == *pprevh)
		panic("pvh_unlink null anchor"); /* JK DEBUG */
	curh = *pprevh;

	while (PV_HASHED_ENTRY_NULL != curh) {
		if (pvh == curh)
		pprevh = &curh->nexth;
		curh = curh->nexth;
	if (PV_HASHED_ENTRY_NULL == curh) panic("pmap_pvh_unlink no pvh");
	*pprevh = pvh->nexth;

static inline void
pv_hash_add(pv_hashed_entry_t	pvh_e,
	    pv_rooted_entry_t	pv_h)
	pv_hashed_entry_t       *hashp;
	int                     pvhash_idx;

	pvhash_idx = pvhashidx(pvh_e->pmap, PVE_VA(pvh_e));
	insque(&pvh_e->qlink, &pv_h->qlink);
	hashp = pvhash(pvhash_idx);
	if (NULL==hashp)
		panic("pv_hash_add(%p) null hash bucket", pvh_e);
	pvh_e->nexth = *hashp;
	*hashp = pvh_e;

static inline void
pv_hash_remove(pv_hashed_entry_t pvh_e)
	int                     pvhash_idx;

	pvhash_idx = pvhashidx(pvh_e->pmap,PVE_VA(pvh_e));

static inline boolean_t popcnt1(uint64_t distance) {
	return ((distance & (distance - 1)) == 0);

 * Routines to handle suppression of/recovery from some forms of pagetable corruption
 * incidents observed in the field. These can be either software induced (wild
 * stores to the mapwindows where applicable, use after free errors
 * (typically of pages addressed physically), mis-directed DMAs etc., or due
 * to DRAM/memory hierarchy/interconnect errors. Given the theoretical rarity of these errors,
 * the recording mechanism is deliberately not MP-safe. The overarching goal is to
 * still assert on potential software races, but attempt recovery from incidents
 * identifiable as occurring due to issues beyond the control of the pmap module.
 * The latter includes single-bit errors and malformed pagetable entries.
 * We currently limit ourselves to recovery/suppression of one incident per
 * PMAP_PAGETABLE_CORRUPTION_INTERVAL seconds, and details of the incident
 * are logged.
 * Assertions are not suppressed if kernel debugging is enabled. (DRK 09)

typedef enum {
	PTE_VALID		= 0x0,
	PTE_INVALID		= 0x1,
	PTE_RSVD		= 0x2,
	PTE_BITFLIP		= 0x8,
	PV_BITFLIP		= 0x10,
} pmap_pagetable_corruption_t;

typedef enum {
} pmap_pv_assertion_t;

typedef enum {
} pmap_pagetable_corruption_action_t;

extern uint64_t pmap_pagetable_corruption_interval_abstime;

extern uint32_t pmap_pagetable_corruption_incidents;
typedef struct {
	pmap_pv_assertion_t incident;
	pmap_pagetable_corruption_t reason;
	pmap_pagetable_corruption_action_t action;
	pmap_t	pmap;
	vm_map_offset_t vaddr;
	pt_entry_t pte;
	ppnum_t ppn;
	pmap_t pvpmap;
	vm_map_offset_t pvva;
	uint64_t abstime;
} pmap_pagetable_corruption_record_t;

extern pmap_pagetable_corruption_record_t pmap_pagetable_corruption_records[];
extern uint64_t pmap_pagetable_corruption_last_abstime;
extern thread_call_t 	pmap_pagetable_corruption_log_call;
extern boolean_t pmap_pagetable_corruption_timeout;

static inline void
pmap_pagetable_corruption_log(pmap_pv_assertion_t incident, pmap_pagetable_corruption_t suppress_reason, pmap_pagetable_corruption_action_t action, pmap_t pmap, vm_map_offset_t vaddr, pt_entry_t *ptep, ppnum_t ppn, pmap_t pvpmap, vm_map_offset_t pvva) {
	uint32_t pmap_pagetable_corruption_log_index;
	pmap_pagetable_corruption_log_index = pmap_pagetable_corruption_incidents++ % PMAP_PAGETABLE_CORRUPTION_MAX_LOG;
	pmap_pagetable_corruption_records[pmap_pagetable_corruption_log_index].incident = incident;
	pmap_pagetable_corruption_records[pmap_pagetable_corruption_log_index].reason = suppress_reason;
	pmap_pagetable_corruption_records[pmap_pagetable_corruption_log_index].action = action;
	pmap_pagetable_corruption_records[pmap_pagetable_corruption_log_index].pmap = pmap;
	pmap_pagetable_corruption_records[pmap_pagetable_corruption_log_index].vaddr = vaddr;
	pmap_pagetable_corruption_records[pmap_pagetable_corruption_log_index].pte = *ptep;
	pmap_pagetable_corruption_records[pmap_pagetable_corruption_log_index].ppn = ppn;
	pmap_pagetable_corruption_records[pmap_pagetable_corruption_log_index].pvpmap = pvpmap;
	pmap_pagetable_corruption_records[pmap_pagetable_corruption_log_index].pvva = pvva;
	pmap_pagetable_corruption_records[pmap_pagetable_corruption_log_index].abstime = mach_absolute_time();
	/* Asynchronously log */

static inline pmap_pagetable_corruption_action_t
pmap_classify_pagetable_corruption(pmap_t pmap, vm_map_offset_t vaddr, ppnum_t *ppnp, pt_entry_t *ptep, pmap_pv_assertion_t incident) {
	pmap_pagetable_corruption_action_t	action = PMAP_ACTION_ASSERT;
	pmap_pagetable_corruption_t	suppress_reason = PTE_VALID;
	ppnum_t			suppress_ppn = 0;
	pt_entry_t cpte = *ptep;
	ppnum_t	cpn = pa_index(pte_to_pa(cpte));
	ppnum_t	ppn = *ppnp;
	pv_rooted_entry_t	pv_h = pai_to_pvh(ppn_to_pai(ppn));
	pv_rooted_entry_t	pv_e = pv_h;
	uint32_t	bitdex;
	pmap_t pvpmap = pv_h->pmap;
	vm_map_offset_t pvva = PVE_VA(pv_h);
	vm_map_offset_t pve_flags = PVE_FLAGS(pv_h);
	boolean_t ppcd = FALSE;
	boolean_t is_ept;

	/* Ideally, we'd consult the Mach VM here to definitively determine
	 * the nature of the mapping for this address space and address.
	 * As that would be a layering violation in this context, we
	 * use various heuristics to recover from single bit errors,
	 * malformed pagetable entries etc. These are not intended
	 * to be comprehensive.

	/* As a precautionary measure, mark A+D */
	pmap_phys_attributes[ppn_to_pai(ppn)] |= (PHYS_MODIFIED | PHYS_REFERENCED);
	is_ept = is_ept_pmap(pmap);

	 * Correct potential single bit errors in either (but not both) element
	 * of the PV
	do {
		if ((popcnt1((uintptr_t)pv_e->pmap ^ (uintptr_t)pmap) && PVE_VA(pv_e) == vaddr) ||
		    (pv_e->pmap == pmap && popcnt1(PVE_VA(pv_e) ^ vaddr))) {
			pv_e->pmap = pmap;
			if (pv_e == pv_h) {
				pv_h->va_and_flags = vaddr | pve_flags;
			} else {
				pv_e->va_and_flags = vaddr;
			suppress_reason = PV_BITFLIP;
			action = PMAP_ACTION_RETRY;
			goto pmap_cpc_exit;
	} while (((pv_e = (pv_rooted_entry_t) queue_next(&pv_e->qlink))) && (pv_e != pv_h));

	/* Discover root entries with a Hamming
	 * distance of 1 from the supplied
	 * physical page frame.
	for (bitdex = 0; bitdex < (sizeof(ppnum_t) << 3); bitdex++) {
		ppnum_t npn = cpn ^ (ppnum_t) (1ULL << bitdex);
		if (IS_MANAGED_PAGE(npn)) {
			pv_rooted_entry_t npv_h = pai_to_pvh(ppn_to_pai(npn));
			if (PVE_VA(npv_h) == vaddr && npv_h->pmap == pmap) {
				suppress_reason = PTE_BITFLIP;
				suppress_ppn = npn;
				*ppnp = npn;
				goto pmap_cpc_exit;

	if (pmap == kernel_pmap) {
		goto pmap_cpc_exit;

	 * Check for malformed/inconsistent entries.
	 * The first check here isn't useful for EPT PTEs because INTEL_EPT_NCACHE == 0
		suppress_reason = PTE_INVALID_CACHEABILITY;
	else if (cpte & INTEL_PTE_RSVD) {
		suppress_reason = PTE_RSVD;
	else if ((pmap != kernel_pmap) && (!is_ept) && ((cpte & INTEL_PTE_USER) == 0)) {
		suppress_reason = PTE_SUPERVISOR;
	PE_parse_boot_argn("-pmap_pagetable_corruption_deassert", &ppcd, sizeof(ppcd));

	if (debug_boot_arg && !ppcd) {

	if ((mach_absolute_time() - pmap_pagetable_corruption_last_abstime) < pmap_pagetable_corruption_interval_abstime) {
		pmap_pagetable_corruption_timeout = TRUE;
		pmap_pagetable_corruption_last_abstime = mach_absolute_time();
	pmap_pagetable_corruption_log(incident, suppress_reason, action, pmap, vaddr, &cpte, *ppnp, pvpmap, pvva);
	return action;

 * Remove pv list entry.
 * Called with pv_head_table entry locked.
 * Returns pv entry to be freed (or NULL).
static inline __attribute__((always_inline)) pv_hashed_entry_t
pmap_pv_remove(pmap_t		pmap,
	       vm_map_offset_t	vaddr,
    		ppnum_t		*ppnp,
		pt_entry_t	*pte) 
	pv_hashed_entry_t       pvh_e;
	pv_rooted_entry_t	pv_h;
	pv_hashed_entry_t	*pprevh;
	int                     pvhash_idx;
	uint32_t                pv_cnt;
	ppnum_t			ppn;

	ppn = *ppnp;
	pv_h = pai_to_pvh(ppn_to_pai(ppn));

	if (__improbable(pv_h->pmap == PMAP_NULL)) {
		pmap_pagetable_corruption_action_t pac = pmap_classify_pagetable_corruption(pmap, vaddr, ppnp, pte, ROOT_ABSENT);
		if (pac == PMAP_ACTION_IGNORE)
			goto pmap_pv_remove_exit;
		else if (pac == PMAP_ACTION_ASSERT)
			panic("Possible memory corruption: pmap_pv_remove(%p,0x%llx,0x%x, 0x%llx, %p, %p): null pv_list!", pmap, vaddr, ppn, *pte, ppnp, pte);
		else if (pac == PMAP_ACTION_RETRY_RELOCK) {
			pmap_phys_attributes[ppn_to_pai(*ppnp)] |= (PHYS_MODIFIED | PHYS_REFERENCED);
			goto pmap_pv_remove_retry;
		else if (pac == PMAP_ACTION_RETRY)
			goto pmap_pv_remove_retry;

	if (PVE_VA(pv_h) == vaddr && pv_h->pmap == pmap) {
	         * Header is the pv_rooted_entry.
		 * We can't free that. If there is a queued
	         * entry after this one we remove that
	         * from the ppn queue, we remove it from the hash chain
	         * and copy it to the rooted entry. Then free it instead.
		pvh_e = (pv_hashed_entry_t) queue_next(&pv_h->qlink);
		if (pv_h != (pv_rooted_entry_t) pvh_e) {
			vm_map_offset_t	pve_flags;

			 * Entry queued to root, remove this from hash
			 * and install as new root.
			pvhash_idx = pvhashidx(pvh_e->pmap, PVE_VA(pvh_e));
			pprevh = pvhash(pvhash_idx);
			if (PV_HASHED_ENTRY_NULL == *pprevh) {
				panic("Possible memory corruption: pmap_pv_remove(%p,0x%llx,0x%x): "
				      "empty hash, removing rooted",
				      pmap, vaddr, ppn);
			pv_h->pmap = pvh_e->pmap;
			pve_flags = PVE_FLAGS(pv_h);
			pv_h->va_and_flags = PVE_VA(pvh_e) | pve_flags;
			/* dispose of pvh_e */
		} else {
			/* none queued after rooted */
			pv_h->pmap = PMAP_NULL;
	} else {
		 * not removing rooted pv. find it on hash chain, remove from
		 * ppn queue and hash chain and free it
		pvhash_idx = pvhashidx(pmap, vaddr);
		pprevh = pvhash(pvhash_idx);
		if (PV_HASHED_ENTRY_NULL == *pprevh) {
			panic("Possible memory corruption: pmap_pv_remove(%p,0x%llx,0x%x, 0x%llx, %p): empty hash",
			    pmap, vaddr, ppn, *pte, pte);
		pvh_e = *pprevh;
		pv_cnt = 0;
		while (PV_HASHED_ENTRY_NULL != pvh_e) {
			if (pvh_e->pmap == pmap &&
			    PVE_VA(pvh_e) == vaddr &&
			    pvh_e->ppn == ppn)
			pprevh = &pvh_e->nexth;
			pvh_e = pvh_e->nexth;

		if (PV_HASHED_ENTRY_NULL == pvh_e) {
			pmap_pagetable_corruption_action_t pac = pmap_classify_pagetable_corruption(pmap, vaddr, ppnp, pte, ROOT_PRESENT);

			if (pac == PMAP_ACTION_ASSERT)
				panic("Possible memory corruption: pmap_pv_remove(%p, 0x%llx, 0x%x, 0x%llx, %p, %p): pv not on hash, head: %p, 0x%llx", pmap, vaddr, ppn, *pte, ppnp, pte, pv_h->pmap, PVE_VA(pv_h));
			else {
				if (pac == PMAP_ACTION_RETRY_RELOCK) {
					pmap_phys_attributes[ppn_to_pai(*ppnp)] |= (PHYS_MODIFIED | PHYS_REFERENCED);
					goto pmap_pv_remove_retry;
				else if (pac == PMAP_ACTION_RETRY) {
					goto pmap_pv_remove_retry;
				else if (pac == PMAP_ACTION_IGNORE) {
					goto pmap_pv_remove_exit;

		pmap_pv_hashlist_cnts += pv_cnt;
		if (pmap_pv_hashlist_max < pv_cnt)
			pmap_pv_hashlist_max = pv_cnt;
		*pprevh = pvh_e->nexth;
	return pvh_e;

extern int 	pt_fake_zone_index;
static inline void
PMAP_ZINFO_PALLOC(pmap_t pmap, vm_size_t bytes)
	pmap_ledger_credit(pmap, task_ledgers.tkm_private, bytes);

static inline void
PMAP_ZINFO_PFREE(pmap_t pmap, vm_size_t bytes)
	pmap_ledger_debit(pmap, task_ledgers.tkm_private, bytes);

static inline void
PMAP_ZINFO_SALLOC(pmap_t pmap, vm_size_t bytes)
	pmap_ledger_credit(pmap, task_ledgers.tkm_shared, bytes);

static inline void
PMAP_ZINFO_SFREE(pmap_t pmap, vm_size_t bytes)
	pmap_ledger_debit(pmap, task_ledgers.tkm_shared, bytes);

extern boolean_t	pmap_initialized;/* Has pmap_init completed? */
#define valid_page(x) (pmap_initialized && pmap_valid_page(x))

// XXX
#define HIGH_MEM_BASE  ((uint32_t)( -NBPDE) )  /* shared gdt etc seg addr */ /* XXX64 ?? */
// XXX

int		phys_attribute_test(
			ppnum_t		phys,
			int		bits);
void		phys_attribute_clear(
			ppnum_t		phys,
			int		bits,
			unsigned int	options,
	                void		*arg);

//#define PCID_DEBUG 1
#define pmap_pcid_log(fmt, args...)					\
	do {								\
		kprintf(fmt, ##args);					\
		printf(fmt, ##args);					\
	} while(0)
#define pmap_pcid_log(fmt, args...)
void	pmap_pcid_configure(void);

 * Atomic 64-bit compare and exchange of a page table entry.
static inline boolean_t
pmap_cmpx_pte(pt_entry_t *entryp, pt_entry_t old, pt_entry_t new)
	boolean_t		ret;

	 * Load the old value into %rax
	 * Load the new value into another register
	 * Compare-exchange-quad at address entryp
	 * If the compare succeeds, the new value is stored, return TRUE.
	 * Otherwise, no swap is made, return FALSE.
	asm volatile(
		"	lock; cmpxchgq %2,(%3)	\n\t"
		"	setz	%%al		\n\t"
		"	movzbl	%%al,%0"
		: "=a" (ret)
		: "a" (old),
		  "r" (new),
		  "r" (entryp)
		: "memory");
	return ret;

extern uint32_t pmap_update_clear_pte_count;

static inline void pmap_update_pte(pt_entry_t *mptep, uint64_t pclear_bits, uint64_t pset_bits) {
	pt_entry_t npte, opte;
	do {
		opte = *mptep;
		if (__improbable(opte == 0)) {
		npte = opte & ~(pclear_bits);
		npte |= pset_bits;
	}	while (!pmap_cmpx_pte(mptep, opte, npte));

#if	defined(__x86_64__)
 * The single pml4 page per pmap is allocated at pmap create time and exists
 * for the duration of the pmap. we allocate this page in kernel vm.
 * this returns the address of the requested pml4 entry in the top level page.
static inline
pml4_entry_t *
pmap64_pml4(pmap_t pmap, vm_map_offset_t vaddr)
	if (__improbable((vaddr > 0x00007FFFFFFFFFFFULL) &&
		(vaddr < 0xFFFF800000000000ULL))) {
		return (NULL);

	return PHYSMAP_PTOV(&((pml4_entry_t *)pmap->pm_cr3)[(vaddr >> PML4SHIFT) & (NPML4PG-1)]);
	return &pmap->pm_pml4[(vaddr >> PML4SHIFT) & (NPML4PG-1)];

 * Returns address of requested PDPT entry in the physmap.
static inline pdpt_entry_t *
pmap64_pdpt(pmap_t pmap, vm_map_offset_t vaddr)
	pml4_entry_t	newpf;
	pml4_entry_t	*pml4;
	boolean_t	is_ept;

	pml4 = pmap64_pml4(pmap, vaddr);
	is_ept = is_ept_pmap(pmap);

	if (pml4 && (*pml4 & PTE_VALID_MASK(is_ept))) {
		newpf = *pml4 & PG_FRAME;
		return &((pdpt_entry_t *) PHYSMAP_PTOV(newpf))
			[(vaddr >> PDPTSHIFT) & (NPDPTPG-1)];
	return (NULL);
 * Returns the address of the requested PDE entry in the physmap.
static inline pd_entry_t *
pmap64_pde(pmap_t pmap, vm_map_offset_t vaddr)
	pdpt_entry_t	newpf;
	pdpt_entry_t	*pdpt;
	boolean_t	is_ept;

	pdpt = pmap64_pdpt(pmap, vaddr);
	is_ept = is_ept_pmap(pmap);

	if (pdpt && (*pdpt & PTE_VALID_MASK(is_ept))) {
		newpf = *pdpt & PG_FRAME;
		return &((pd_entry_t *) PHYSMAP_PTOV(newpf))
			[(vaddr >> PDSHIFT) & (NPDPG-1)];
	return (NULL);

static inline pd_entry_t     *
pmap_pde(pmap_t m, vm_map_offset_t v)
	pd_entry_t     *pde;

	pde = pmap64_pde(m, v);

	return pde;

 * return address of mapped pte for vaddr va in pmap pmap.
 * In case the pde maps a superpage, return the pde, which, in this case
 * is the actual page table entry.
static inline pt_entry_t *
pmap_pte(pmap_t pmap, vm_map_offset_t vaddr)
	pd_entry_t	*pde;
	pd_entry_t	newpf;
	boolean_t	is_ept;

	pde = pmap64_pde(pmap, vaddr);

	is_ept = is_ept_pmap(pmap);

	if (pde && (*pde & PTE_VALID_MASK(is_ept))) {
		if (*pde & PTE_PS)
			return pde;
		newpf = *pde & PG_FRAME;
		return &((pt_entry_t *)PHYSMAP_PTOV(newpf))
			[i386_btop(vaddr) & (ppnum_t)(NPTEPG-1)];
	return (NULL);
#define DPRINTF(x...)	kprintf(x)
#define DPRINTF(x...)

#endif /* _I386_PMAP_INTERNAL_ */