dtrace_ptss.c   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
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 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/proc.h>
#include <sys/proc_internal.h>
#include <sys/systm.h>
#include <sys/user.h>
#include <sys/dtrace_ptss.h>

#include <mach/vm_map.h>
#include <mach/vm_param.h>
#include <mach/mach_vm.h>

#include <kern/task.h>

#include <vm/vm_map.h>

 * This function requires the sprlock to be held
 * In general, it will not block. If it needs to allocate a new
 * page of memory, the underlying kernel _MALLOC may block.
struct dtrace_ptss_page_entry*
dtrace_ptss_claim_entry_locked(struct proc* p) {
	lck_mtx_assert(&p->p_dtrace_sprlock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED);

	struct dtrace_ptss_page_entry* entry = NULL;

	while (TRUE) {
		struct dtrace_ptss_page_entry* temp = p->p_dtrace_ptss_free_list;

		if (temp == NULL) {
			// Nothing on the free list. Allocate a new page, its okay if multiple threads race here.
			struct dtrace_ptss_page* page = dtrace_ptss_allocate_page(p);

			// Make sure we actually got a page
			if (page == NULL)
				return NULL;

			// Add the page to the page list
			page->next = p->p_dtrace_ptss_pages;
			p->p_dtrace_ptss_pages = page;

			// CAS the entries onto the free list.
			do {
				page->entries[DTRACE_PTSS_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE-1].next = p->p_dtrace_ptss_free_list;
			} while (!OSCompareAndSwapPtr((void *)page->entries[DTRACE_PTSS_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE-1].next,
						   (void *)&page->entries[0],
						   (void * volatile *)&p->p_dtrace_ptss_free_list));
			// Now that we've added to the free list, try again.

		// Claim temp
		if (!OSCompareAndSwapPtr((void *)temp, (void *)temp->next, (void * volatile *)&p->p_dtrace_ptss_free_list))

		// At this point, we own temp.
		entry = temp;


	return entry;

 * This function does not require any locks to be held on entry.
struct dtrace_ptss_page_entry*
dtrace_ptss_claim_entry(struct proc* p) {
	// Verify no locks held on entry
	lck_mtx_assert(&p->p_dtrace_sprlock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_NOTOWNED);
	lck_mtx_assert(&p->p_mlock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_NOTOWNED);

	struct dtrace_ptss_page_entry* entry = NULL;

	while (TRUE) {
		struct dtrace_ptss_page_entry* temp = p->p_dtrace_ptss_free_list;

		if (temp == NULL) {
			temp = dtrace_ptss_claim_entry_locked(p);
			return temp;

		// Claim temp
		if (!OSCompareAndSwapPtr((void *)temp, (void *)temp->next, (void * volatile *)&p->p_dtrace_ptss_free_list))

		// At this point, we own temp.
		entry = temp;


	return entry;

 * This function does not require any locks to be held on entry.
 * (PR-11138709) A NULL p->p_dtrace_ptss_pages means the entry can
 * no longer be referenced safely. When found in this state, the chore
 * of releasing an entry to the free list is ignored.
dtrace_ptss_release_entry(struct proc* p, struct dtrace_ptss_page_entry* e) {
	if (p && p->p_dtrace_ptss_pages && e) {
		do {
			e->next = p->p_dtrace_ptss_free_list;
		} while (!OSCompareAndSwapPtr((void *)e->next, (void *)e, (void * volatile *)&p->p_dtrace_ptss_free_list));

 * This function allocates a new page in the target process's address space.
 * It returns a dtrace_ptss_page that has its entries chained, with the last
 * entries next field set to NULL. It does not add the page or the entries to
 * the process's page/entry lists.
 * This function does not require that any locks be held when it is invoked.
struct dtrace_ptss_page*
dtrace_ptss_allocate_page(struct proc* p)
	// Allocate the kernel side data
	struct dtrace_ptss_page* ptss_page = _MALLOC(sizeof(struct dtrace_ptss_page), M_TEMP, M_ZERO | M_WAITOK);
	if (ptss_page == NULL)
		return NULL;

	// Now allocate a page in user space and set its protections to allow execute.
	task_t task = p->task;
	vm_map_t map = get_task_map_reference(task);
	if (map == NULL)
	  goto err;

	mach_vm_size_t size = PAGE_MAX_SIZE;
	mach_vm_offset_t addr = 0;
	vm_prot_t cur_protection = VM_PROT_READ|VM_PROT_WRITE|VM_PROT_EXECUTE;
	vm_prot_t max_protection = VM_PROT_READ|VM_PROT_WRITE|VM_PROT_EXECUTE;

	kern_return_t kr = mach_vm_map(map, &addr, size, 0, VM_FLAGS_ANYWHERE, IPC_PORT_NULL, 0, FALSE, cur_protection, max_protection, VM_INHERIT_DEFAULT);
	if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) {
		goto err;
	// Chain the page entries.
	int i;
	for (i=0; i<DTRACE_PTSS_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE; i++) {
		ptss_page->entries[i].addr = addr + (i * DTRACE_PTSS_SCRATCH_SPACE_PER_THREAD);
		ptss_page->entries[i].next = &ptss_page->entries[i+1];

	// The last entry should point to NULL
	ptss_page->entries[DTRACE_PTSS_ENTRIES_PER_PAGE-1].next = NULL;


	return ptss_page;

	_FREE(ptss_page, M_TEMP);

	if (map)

	return NULL;

 * This function frees an existing page in the target process's address space.
 * It does not alter any of the process's page/entry lists.
 * TODO: Inline in dtrace_ptrace_exec_exit?
dtrace_ptss_free_page(struct proc* p, struct dtrace_ptss_page* ptss_page)
	// Grab the task and get a reference to its vm_map
	task_t task = p->task;
	vm_map_t map = get_task_map_reference(task);

	mach_vm_address_t addr = ptss_page->entries[0].addr;
	mach_vm_size_t size = PAGE_SIZE; // We need some way to assert that this matches vm_map_round_page() !!!

	// Silent failures, no point in checking return code.
	mach_vm_deallocate(map, addr, size);


 * This function assumes that the target process has been
 * suspended, and the proc_lock & sprlock is held 
dtrace_ptss_enable(struct proc* p) {
	lck_mtx_assert(&p->p_dtrace_sprlock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED);
	lck_mtx_assert(&p->p_mlock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED);

	struct uthread* uth;
	 * XXX There has been a concern raised about holding the proc_lock
	 * while calling dtrace_ptss_claim_entry(), due to the fact
	 * that dtrace_ptss_claim_entry() can potentially malloc.
	TAILQ_FOREACH(uth, &p->p_uthlist, uu_list) {
		uth->t_dtrace_scratch = dtrace_ptss_claim_entry_locked(p);

 * This function is not thread safe.
 * It assumes the sprlock is held, and the proc_lock is not.
dtrace_ptss_exec_exit(struct proc* p) {
	 * Should hold sprlock to touch the pages list. Must not
	 * hold the proc lock to avoid deadlock.
	lck_mtx_assert(&p->p_dtrace_sprlock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED);
	lck_mtx_assert(&p->p_mlock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_NOTOWNED);

	p->p_dtrace_ptss_free_list = NULL;

	struct dtrace_ptss_page* temp = p->p_dtrace_ptss_pages;
	p->p_dtrace_ptss_pages = NULL;

	while (temp != NULL) {
		struct dtrace_ptss_page* next = temp->next;
		// Do we need to specifically mach_vm_deallocate the user pages?
		// This can be called when the process is exiting, I believe the proc's
		// vm_map_t may already be toast.
		// Must be certain to free the kernel memory!
		_FREE(temp, M_TEMP);
		temp = next;

 * This function is not thread safe. It is not used for vfork.
 * The child proc ptss fields are initialized to NULL at fork time.
 * Pages allocated in the parent are copied as part of the vm_map copy, though.
 * We need to deallocate those pages.
 * Parent and child sprlock should be held, and proc_lock must NOT be held.
dtrace_ptss_fork(struct proc* parent, struct proc* child) {
	// The child should not have any pages/entries allocated at this point.
	// ASSERT(child->p_dtrace_ptss_pages == NULL);
	// ASSERT(child->p_dtrace_ptss_free_list == NULL);

	 * The parent's sprlock should be held, to protect its pages list
	 * from changing while the child references it. The child's sprlock
	 * must also be held, because we are modifying its pages list.
	 * Finally, to prevent a deadlock with the fasttrap cleanup code,
	 * neither the parent or child proc_lock should be held.
	lck_mtx_assert(&parent->p_dtrace_sprlock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED);
	lck_mtx_assert(&parent->p_mlock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_NOTOWNED);
	lck_mtx_assert(&child->p_dtrace_sprlock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED);
	lck_mtx_assert(&child->p_mlock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_NOTOWNED);

	// Get page list from *PARENT*
	struct dtrace_ptss_page* temp = parent->p_dtrace_ptss_pages;

	while (temp != NULL) {		
		// Freeing the page in the *CHILD*
		dtrace_ptss_free_page(child, temp);

		// Do not free the kernel memory, it belong to the parent.
		temp = temp->next;