bzero.s   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

#include <ppc/asm.h>
#include <ppc/proc_reg.h>	/* For CACHE_LINE_SIZE */

 *	 void	bzero(char *addr, unsigned int length)
 * bzero implementation for PowerPC
 *   - assumes cacheable memory (i.e. uses DCBZ)
 *   - assumes non-pic code
 * returns start address in r3, as per memset (called by memset)

	cmpwi	cr0,	r4,	0 /* no bytes to zero? */
	mr	r7,	r3
	mr	r8,	r3	/* use r8 as counter to where we are */
	cmpwi	cr0,	r4,	CACHE_LINE_SIZE /* clear less than a block? */
	li	r0,	0	 /* use r0 as source of zeros */
	blt	.L_bzeroEndWord

/* first, clear bytes up to the next word boundary */
	addis	r6,	0,	HIGH_CADDR(.L_bzeroBeginWord)
	addi	r6,	r6,	LOW_ADDR(.L_bzeroBeginWord)
		 /* extract byte offset as word offset */
	rlwinm. r5,	r8,	2,	28,	29
	addi	r8,	r8,	-1 /* adjust for update */
	beq	.L_bzeroBeginWord /* no bytes to zero */
	subfic	r5,	r5,	16 /* compute the number of instructions */
	sub	r6,	r6,	r5 /* back from word clear to execute */
	mtctr	r6

	stbu	r0,	1(r8)
	stbu	r0,	1(r8)
	stbu	r0,	1(r8)

/* clear words up to the next block boundary */
	addis	r6,	0,	HIGH_CADDR(.L_bzeroBlock)
	addi	r6,	r6,	LOW_ADDR(.L_bzeroBlock)
	addi	r8,	r8,	1
	rlwinm. r5,	r8,	0,	27,	29 /* extract word offset */
	addi	r8,	r8,	-4		/* adjust for update */
	beq	.L_bzeroBlock			/* no words to zero */
		/* compute the number of instructions */
	subfic	r5,	r5,	CACHE_LINE_SIZE
	sub	r6,	r6,	r5 /* back from word clear to execute */
	mtctr	r6

	stwu	r0,	4(r8)
	stwu	r0,	4(r8)
	stwu	r0,	4(r8)
	stwu	r0,	4(r8)
	stwu	r0,	4(r8)
	stwu	r0,	4(r8)
	stwu	r0,	4(r8)

 /* clear cache blocks */
	addi	r8,	r8,	4 /* remove update adjust */
	sub	r5,	r8,	r7 /* bytes zeroed */
	sub	r4,	r4,	r5
	srwi.	r5,	r4,	CACHE_LINE_POW2 /* blocks to zero */
	beq	.L_bzeroEndWord
	mtctr	r5

	dcbz	0,	r8
	addi	r8,	r8,	CACHE_LINE_SIZE
	bdnz	.L_bzeroBlock1

 /* clear remaining words */
	addis	r6,	0,	HIGH_CADDR(.L_bzeroEndByte)
	addi	r6,	r6,	LOW_ADDR(.L_bzeroEndByte)
	rlwinm. r5,	r4,	0,	27,	29 /* extract word offset */
	addi	r8,	r8,	-4		   /* adjust for update */
	beq	.L_bzeroEndByte			   /* no words to zero */
	sub	r6,	r6,	r5 /* back from word clear to execute */
	mtctr	r6

	stwu	r0,	4(r8)
	stwu	r0,	4(r8)
	stwu	r0,	4(r8)
	stwu	r0,	4(r8)
	stwu	r0,	4(r8)
	stwu	r0,	4(r8)
	stwu	r0,	4(r8)

 /* clear remaining bytes */
	addis	r6,	0,	HIGH_CADDR(.L_bzeroEnd)
	addi	r6,	r6,	LOW_ADDR(.L_bzeroEnd)
		/* extract byte offset as word offset */
	rlwinm. r5,	r4,	2,	28,	29
	addi	r8,	r8,	3 /* adjust for update */
	sub	r6,	r6,	r5 /* back from word clear to execute */
	mtctr	r6

	stbu	r0,	1(r8)
	stbu	r0,	1(r8)
	stbu	r0,	1(r8)


 * void *memset(void *from, int c, vm_size_t nbytes)
 * almost everywhere in the kernel 
 * this appears to be called with argument c==0. We optimise for those 
 * cases and call bzero if we can.


	mr.	ARG3,	ARG1
	mr	ARG1,	ARG2
	/* optimised case - do a bzero */
	beq+	EXT(bzero)

	/* If count is zero, return straight away */
	cmpi	cr0,	ARG1,	0
	/* Now, ARG0 = addr, ARG1=len, ARG3=value */

	subi	ARG2,	ARG0,	1	/* use ARG2 as our counter */
	subi	ARG1,	ARG1,	1
	cmpi	cr0,	ARG1,	0
	stbu	ARG3,	1(ARG2)
	bne+	0b

	/* Return original address in ARG0 */

 *	 void	bzero_nc(char *addr, unsigned int length)
 * bzero implementation for PowerPC
 *   - assumes non-pic code
 * returns start address in r3, as per memset (called by memset)

	cmpwi	cr0,	r4,	0 /* no bytes to zero? */
	mr	r7,	r3
	mr	r8,	r3	/* use r8 as counter to where we are */
	cmpwi	cr0,	r4,	CACHE_LINE_SIZE /* clear less than a block? */
	li	r0,	0	 /* use r0 as source of zeros */
	blt	.L_bzeroNCEndWord

/* first, clear bytes up to the next word boundary */
	addis	r6,	0,	HIGH_CADDR(.L_bzeroNCBeginWord)
	addi	r6,	r6,	LOW_ADDR(.L_bzeroNCBeginWord)
		 /* extract byte offset as word offset */
	rlwinm. r5,	r8,	2,	28,	29
	addi	r8,	r8,	-1 /* adjust for update */
	beq	.L_bzeroNCBeginWord /* no bytes to zero */
	subfic	r5,	r5,	16 /* compute the number of instructions */
	sub	r6,	r6,	r5 /* back from word clear to execute */
	mtctr	r6

	stbu	r0,	1(r8)
	stbu	r0,	1(r8)
	stbu	r0,	1(r8)

/* clear words up to the next block boundary */
	addis	r6,	0,	HIGH_CADDR(.L_bzeroNCBlock)
	addi	r6,	r6,	LOW_ADDR(.L_bzeroNCBlock)
	addi	r8,	r8,	1
	rlwinm. r5,	r8,	0,	27,	29 /* extract word offset */
	addi	r8,	r8,	-4		/* adjust for update */
	beq	.L_bzeroNCBlock			/* no words to zero */
		/* compute the number of instructions */
	subfic	r5,	r5,	CACHE_LINE_SIZE
	sub	r6,	r6,	r5 /* back from word clear to execute */
	mtctr	r6

	stwu	r0,	4(r8)
	stwu	r0,	4(r8)
	stwu	r0,	4(r8)
	stwu	r0,	4(r8)
	stwu	r0,	4(r8)
	stwu	r0,	4(r8)
	stwu	r0,	4(r8)

 /* clear cache blocks */
	addi	r8,	r8,	4 /* remove update adjust */
	sub	r5,	r8,	r7 /* bytes zeroed */
	sub	r4,	r4,	r5
	srwi.	r5,	r4,	CACHE_LINE_POW2 /* blocks to zero */
	beq	.L_bzeroNCEndWord
	mtctr	r5

	stw	r0,	0(r8)
	stw	r0,	4(r8)
	stw	r0,	8(r8)
	stw	r0,	12(r8)
	stw	r0,	16(r8)
	stw	r0,	20(r8)
	stw	r0,	24(r8)
	stw	r0,	28(r8)
	addi	r8,	r8,	CACHE_LINE_SIZE
	bdnz	.L_bzeroNCBlock1

 /* clear remaining words */
	addis	r6,	0,	HIGH_CADDR(.L_bzeroNCEndByte)
	addi	r6,	r6,	LOW_ADDR(.L_bzeroNCEndByte)
	rlwinm. r5,	r4,	0,	27,	29 /* extract word offset */
	addi	r8,	r8,	-4		   /* adjust for update */
	beq	.L_bzeroNCEndByte			   /* no words to zero */
	sub	r6,	r6,	r5 /* back from word clear to execute */
	mtctr	r6

	stwu	r0,	4(r8)
	stwu	r0,	4(r8)
	stwu	r0,	4(r8)
	stwu	r0,	4(r8)
	stwu	r0,	4(r8)
	stwu	r0,	4(r8)
	stwu	r0,	4(r8)

 /* clear remaining bytes */
	addis	r6,	0,	HIGH_CADDR(.L_bzeroNCEnd)
	addi	r6,	r6,	LOW_ADDR(.L_bzeroNCEnd)
		/* extract byte offset as word offset */
	rlwinm. r5,	r4,	2,	28,	29
	addi	r8,	r8,	3 /* adjust for update */
	sub	r6,	r6,	r5 /* back from word clear to execute */
	mtctr	r6

	stbu	r0,	1(r8)
	stbu	r0,	1(r8)
	stbu	r0,	1(r8)
