ubc_internal.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1999-2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.
 *	File:	ubc.h
 *	Author:	Umesh Vaishampayan [umeshv@apple.com]
 *		05-Aug-1999	umeshv	Created.
 *	Header file for Unified Buffer Cache.


#include <sys/appleapiopts.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/kernel_types.h>
#include <sys/ucred.h>
#include <sys/vnode.h>
#include <sys/ubc.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/codesign.h>

#include <sys/cdefs.h>

#include <kern/locks.h>
#include <mach/memory_object_types.h>

#define UBC_INFO_NULL	((struct ubc_info *) 0)

extern struct zone	*ubc_info_zone;

 * Maximum number of vfs clusters per vnode

#define SPARSE_PUSH_LIMIT 4	/* limit on number of concurrent sparse pushes outside of the cl_lockw */
                                /* once we reach this limit, we'll hold the lock */

struct cl_extent {
	daddr64_t	b_addr;
	daddr64_t	e_addr;

struct cl_wextent {
	daddr64_t	b_addr;
	daddr64_t	e_addr;
        int		io_flags;

struct cl_readahead {
	lck_mtx_t	cl_lockr;
	daddr64_t	cl_lastr;			/* last block read by client */
	daddr64_t	cl_maxra;			/* last block prefetched by the read ahead */
	int		cl_ralen;			/* length of last prefetch */

struct cl_writebehind {
	lck_mtx_t	cl_lockw;
        void	*	cl_scmap;			/* pointer to sparse cluster map */
	off_t		cl_last_write;			/* offset of the end of the last write */
	off_t		cl_seq_written;			/* sequentially written bytes */
	int		cl_sparse_pushes;		/* number of pushes outside of the cl_lockw in progress */
	int		cl_sparse_wait;			/* synchronous push is in progress */
	int		cl_number;			/* number of packed write behind clusters currently valid */
	struct cl_wextent cl_clusters[MAX_CLUSTERS];	/* packed write behind clusters */

struct cs_hash;

struct cs_blob {
	struct cs_blob	*csb_next;
	cpu_type_t	csb_cpu_type;
	unsigned int	csb_flags;
	off_t		csb_base_offset;	/* Offset of Mach-O binary in fat binary */
	off_t		csb_start_offset;	/* Blob coverage area start, from csb_base_offset */
	off_t		csb_end_offset;		/* Blob coverage area end, from csb_base_offset */
	ipc_port_t	csb_mem_handle;
	vm_size_t	csb_mem_size;
	vm_offset_t	csb_mem_offset;
	vm_address_t	csb_mem_kaddr;
	unsigned char	csb_cdhash[CS_CDHASH_LEN];
	struct cs_hash  *csb_hashtype;
	const CS_CodeDirectory *csb_cd;
	const char 	*csb_teamid;
	unsigned int	csb_platform_binary:1;
	unsigned int	csb_platform_path:1;

 *	The following data structure keeps the information to associate
 *	a vnode to the correspondig VM objects.
struct ubc_info {
	memory_object_t		ui_pager;	/* pager */
	memory_object_control_t	ui_control;	/* VM control for the pager */
	vnode_t 		ui_vnode;	/* vnode for this ubc_info */
	kauth_cred_t	 	ui_ucred;	/* holds credentials for NFS paging */
	off_t			ui_size;	/* file size for the vnode */
	uint32_t		ui_flags;	/* flags */
	uint32_t		cs_add_gen;	/* generation count when csblob was validated */

        struct	cl_readahead   *cl_rahead;	/* cluster read ahead context */
        struct	cl_writebehind *cl_wbehind;	/* cluster write behind context */

	struct timespec		cs_mtime;	/* modify time of file when
						   first cs_blob was loaded */
	struct	cs_blob		*cs_blobs; 	/* for CODE SIGNING */
	void			*cs_valid_bitmap;     /* right now: used only for signed files on the read-only root volume */
	uint64_t		cs_valid_bitmap_size; /* Save original bitmap size in case the file size changes.
						       * In the future, we may want to reconsider changing the
						       * underlying bitmap to reflect the new file size changes.

/* Defines for ui_flags */
#define	UI_NONE		0x00000000	/* none */
#define	UI_HASPAGER	0x00000001	/* has a pager associated */
#define	UI_INITED	0x00000002	/* newly initialized vnode */
#define UI_HASOBJREF	0x00000004	/* hold a reference on object */
#define UI_WASMAPPED	0x00000008	/* vnode was mapped */
#define	UI_ISMAPPED	0x00000010	/* vnode is currently mapped */
#define UI_MAPBUSY	0x00000020	/* vnode is being mapped or unmapped */
#define UI_MAPWAITING	0x00000040	/* someone waiting for UI_MAPBUSY */
#define UI_MAPPEDWRITE	0x00000080	/* it's mapped with PROT_WRITE */

 * exported primitives for loadable file systems.

__private_extern__ void ubc_init(void);
__private_extern__ int	ubc_umount(mount_t mp);
__private_extern__ void	ubc_unmountall(void);
__private_extern__ memory_object_t ubc_getpager(vnode_t);
__private_extern__ void	ubc_destroy_named(vnode_t);

/* internal only */
__private_extern__ void	cluster_release(struct ubc_info *);
__private_extern__ uint32_t cluster_max_io_size(mount_t, int);
__private_extern__ uint32_t cluster_throttle_io_limit(vnode_t, uint32_t *);

/* Flags for ubc_getobject() */
#define UBC_FLAGS_NONE		0x0000
#define UBC_HOLDOBJECT		0x0001
#define UBC_FOR_PAGEOUT         0x0002

memory_object_control_t ubc_getobject(vnode_t, int);
boolean_t	ubc_strict_uncached_IO(vnode_t);

int	ubc_info_init(vnode_t);
int	ubc_info_init_withsize(vnode_t, off_t);
void	ubc_info_deallocate(struct ubc_info *);

int	ubc_isinuse(vnode_t, int);
int	ubc_isinuse_locked(vnode_t, int, int);

int	ubc_getcdhash(vnode_t, off_t, unsigned char *);

__attribute__((pure)) boolean_t ubc_is_mapped(const struct vnode *, boolean_t *writable);
__attribute__((pure)) boolean_t ubc_is_mapped_writable(const struct vnode *);

int UBCINFOEXISTS(const struct vnode *);

/* code signing */
struct cs_blob;
int	ubc_cs_blob_add(vnode_t, cpu_type_t, off_t, vm_address_t, vm_size_t, int, struct cs_blob **);
int	ubc_cs_sigpup_add(vnode_t, vm_address_t, vm_size_t);
struct cs_blob *ubc_get_cs_blobs(vnode_t);
void	ubc_get_cs_mtime(vnode_t, struct timespec *);
int	ubc_cs_getcdhash(vnode_t, off_t, unsigned char *);
kern_return_t ubc_cs_blob_allocate(vm_offset_t *, vm_size_t *);
void ubc_cs_blob_deallocate(vm_offset_t, vm_size_t);

kern_return_t	ubc_cs_validation_bitmap_allocate( vnode_t );
void		ubc_cs_validation_bitmap_deallocate( vnode_t );

#endif	/* _SYS_UBC_INTERNAL_H_ */