corecrypto_aes.c   [plain text]

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#include <libkern/crypto/crypto_internal.h>
#include <libkern/crypto/aes.h>
#include <corecrypto/ccmode.h>
#include <corecrypto/ccaes.h>
#include <kern/debug.h>

aes_rval aes_encrypt_key(const unsigned char *key, int key_len, aes_encrypt_ctx cx[1])
	const struct ccmode_cbc *cbc = g_crypto_funcs->ccaes_cbc_encrypt;

    /* Make sure the context size for the mode fits in the one we have */
        panic("%s: inconsistent size for AES encrypt context", __FUNCTION__);

	cccbc_init(cbc, cx[0].ctx, key_len, key);

	return aes_good;

aes_rval aes_encrypt_cbc(const unsigned char *in_blk, const unsigned char *in_iv, unsigned int num_blk,
					 unsigned char *out_blk, aes_encrypt_ctx cx[1])
	const struct ccmode_cbc *cbc = g_crypto_funcs->ccaes_cbc_encrypt;
	cccbc_iv_decl(cbc->block_size, ctx_iv);

	cccbc_set_iv(cbc, ctx_iv, in_iv);
	cccbc_update(cbc, cx[0].ctx, ctx_iv, num_blk, in_blk, out_blk);	//Actually cbc encrypt.

	return aes_good;

#if defined (__i386__) || defined (__x86_64__) || defined (__arm64__)
/* This does one block of ECB, using the CBC implementation - this allow to use the same context for both CBC and ECB */
aes_rval aes_encrypt(const unsigned char *in_blk, unsigned char *out_blk, aes_encrypt_ctx cx[1])
       return aes_encrypt_cbc(in_blk, NULL, 1, out_blk, cx);    

aes_rval aes_decrypt_key(const unsigned char *key, int key_len, aes_decrypt_ctx cx[1])
	const struct ccmode_cbc *cbc = g_crypto_funcs->ccaes_cbc_decrypt;

    /* Make sure the context size for the mode fits in the one we have */
        panic("%s: inconsistent size for AES decrypt context", __FUNCTION__);

	cccbc_init(cbc, cx[0].ctx, key_len, key);

	return aes_good;

aes_rval aes_decrypt_cbc(const unsigned char *in_blk, const unsigned char *in_iv, unsigned int num_blk,
					 	 unsigned char *out_blk, aes_decrypt_ctx cx[1])
	const struct ccmode_cbc *cbc = g_crypto_funcs->ccaes_cbc_decrypt;
	cccbc_iv_decl(cbc->block_size, ctx_iv);

	cccbc_set_iv(cbc, ctx_iv, in_iv);
	cccbc_update(cbc, cx[0].ctx, ctx_iv, num_blk, in_blk, out_blk);	//Actually cbc decrypt.

	return aes_good;

#if defined (__i386__) || defined (__x86_64__) || defined (__arm64__)
/* This does one block of ECB, using the CBC implementation - this allow to use the same context for both CBC and ECB */
aes_rval aes_decrypt(const unsigned char *in_blk, unsigned char *out_blk, aes_decrypt_ctx cx[1])
	return aes_decrypt_cbc(in_blk, NULL, 1, out_blk, cx);

aes_rval aes_encrypt_key128(const unsigned char *key, aes_encrypt_ctx cx[1])
	return aes_encrypt_key(key, 16, cx);

aes_rval aes_decrypt_key128(const unsigned char *key, aes_decrypt_ctx cx[1])
	return aes_decrypt_key(key, 16, cx);

aes_rval aes_encrypt_key256(const unsigned char *key, aes_encrypt_ctx cx[1])
	return aes_encrypt_key(key, 32, cx);

aes_rval aes_decrypt_key256(const unsigned char *key, aes_decrypt_ctx cx[1])
	return aes_decrypt_key(key, 32, cx);

aes_rval aes_encrypt_key_gcm(const unsigned char *key, int key_len, ccgcm_ctx *ctx)
	const struct ccmode_gcm *gcm = g_crypto_funcs->ccaes_gcm_encrypt;
	if (!gcm) {
	        return aes_error;

	ccgcm_init(gcm, ctx, key_len, key);
	return aes_good;

aes_rval aes_encrypt_set_iv_gcm(const unsigned char *in_iv, unsigned int len, ccgcm_ctx *ctx)
	const struct ccmode_gcm *gcm = g_crypto_funcs->ccaes_gcm_encrypt;
	if (!gcm) {
	        return aes_error;

	ccgcm_set_iv(gcm, ctx, len, in_iv);
	return aes_good;

aes_rval aes_encrypt_aad_gcm(const unsigned char *aad, unsigned int aad_bytes, ccgcm_ctx *ctx)
	const struct ccmode_gcm *gcm = g_crypto_funcs->ccaes_gcm_encrypt;
	if (!gcm) {
	        return aes_error;

	ccgcm_gmac(gcm, ctx, aad_bytes, aad);
	return aes_good;

aes_rval aes_encrypt_gcm(const unsigned char *in_blk, unsigned int num_bytes, 
			 unsigned char *out_blk, ccgcm_ctx *ctx)
	const struct ccmode_gcm *gcm = g_crypto_funcs->ccaes_gcm_encrypt;
	if (!gcm) {
	        return aes_error;

	ccgcm_update(gcm, ctx, num_bytes, in_blk, out_blk);	//Actually gcm encrypt.
	return aes_good;

aes_rval aes_encrypt_finalize_gcm(unsigned char *tag, unsigned int tag_bytes, ccgcm_ctx *ctx)
	const struct ccmode_gcm *gcm = g_crypto_funcs->ccaes_gcm_encrypt;
	if (!gcm) {
	        return aes_error;

	ccgcm_finalize(gcm, ctx, tag_bytes, tag);
	ccgcm_reset(gcm, ctx);
	return aes_good;

aes_rval aes_decrypt_key_gcm(const unsigned char *key, int key_len, ccgcm_ctx *ctx)
	const struct ccmode_gcm *gcm = g_crypto_funcs->ccaes_gcm_decrypt;
	if (!gcm) {
	        return aes_error;

	ccgcm_init(gcm, ctx, key_len, key);
	return aes_good;

aes_rval aes_decrypt_set_iv_gcm(const unsigned char *in_iv, unsigned int len, ccgcm_ctx *ctx)
	const struct ccmode_gcm *gcm = g_crypto_funcs->ccaes_gcm_decrypt;
	if (!gcm) {
	        return aes_error;

	ccgcm_set_iv(gcm, ctx, len, in_iv);
	return aes_good;

aes_rval aes_decrypt_aad_gcm(const unsigned char *aad, unsigned int aad_bytes, ccgcm_ctx *ctx)
	const struct ccmode_gcm *gcm = g_crypto_funcs->ccaes_gcm_decrypt;
	if (!gcm) {
	        return aes_error;

	ccgcm_gmac(gcm, ctx, aad_bytes, aad);
	return aes_good;

aes_rval aes_decrypt_gcm(const unsigned char *in_blk, unsigned int num_bytes,
			 unsigned char *out_blk, ccgcm_ctx *ctx)
	const struct ccmode_gcm *gcm = g_crypto_funcs->ccaes_gcm_decrypt;
	if (!gcm) {
	        return aes_error;

	ccgcm_update(gcm, ctx, num_bytes, in_blk, out_blk);	//Actually gcm decrypt.
	return aes_good;

aes_rval aes_decrypt_finalize_gcm(unsigned char *tag, unsigned int tag_bytes, ccgcm_ctx *ctx)
	const struct ccmode_gcm *gcm = g_crypto_funcs->ccaes_gcm_decrypt;
	if (!gcm) {
	        return aes_error;

	ccgcm_finalize(gcm, ctx, tag_bytes, tag);
	ccgcm_reset(gcm, ctx);
	return aes_good;

unsigned aes_encrypt_get_ctx_size_gcm(void)
	const struct ccmode_gcm *gcm = g_crypto_funcs->ccaes_gcm_encrypt;
	if (!gcm) {
	        return 0;
	return (cc_ctx_sizeof(ccgcm_ctx, gcm->size));

unsigned aes_decrypt_get_ctx_size_gcm(void)
	const struct ccmode_gcm *gcm = g_crypto_funcs->ccaes_gcm_decrypt;
	if (!gcm) {
	        return 0;
	return (cc_ctx_sizeof(ccgcm_ctx, gcm->size));