OSData.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.
/* IOData.h created by rsulack on Wed 17-Sep-1997 */
/* IOData.h converted to C++ by gvdl on Fri 1998-10-30 */

#ifndef _OS_OSDATA_H
#define _OS_OSDATA_H

#include <libkern/c++/OSObject.h>

class OSString; 

 * @header
 * @abstract
 * This header declares the OSData container class.
 * @class OSData
 * @abstract
 * OSData wraps an array of bytes in a C++ object
 * for use in Libkern collections.
 * @discussion
 * OSData represents an array of bytes as a Libkern C++ object.
 * OSData objects are mutable:
 * You can add bytes to them and
 * overwrite portions of the byte array.
 * <b>Use Restrictions</b>
 * With very few exceptions in the I/O Kit, all Libkern-based C++
 * classes, functions, and macros are <b>unsafe</b>
 * to use in a primary interrupt context.
 * Consult the I/O Kit documentation related to primary interrupts 
 * for more information.
 * OSData provides no concurrency protection;
 * it's up to the usage context to provide any protection necessary.
 * Some portions of the I/O Kit, such as
 * @link //apple_ref/doc/class/IORegistryEntry IORegistryEntry@/link,
 * handle synchronization via defined member functions for setting
 * properties.
class OSData : public OSObject
    friend class OSSerialize;

    void         * data;
    unsigned int   length;
    unsigned int   capacity;
    unsigned int   capacityIncrement;

    /* Available within xnu source only */
    typedef void (*DeallocFunction)(void * ptr, unsigned int length);
	struct ExpansionData
		DeallocFunction deallocFunction;
		bool            disableSerialization;
    typedef void (*DeallocFunction)(void * ptr, unsigned int length);
	struct ExpansionData;
   /* Reserved for future use. (Internal use only)  */
    ExpansionData * reserved;


    * @function withCapacity
    * @abstract
    * Creates and initializes an empty instance of OSData.
    * @param capacity  The initial capacity of the OSData object in bytes.
    * @result
    * An instance of OSData with a reference count of 1;
    * <code>NULL</code> on failure.
    * @discussion
    * <code>capacity</code> may be zero.
    * The OSData object will allocate a buffer internally
    * when necessary, and will grow as needed to accommodate more bytes
    * (<i>unlike</i> @link //apple_ref/doc/uid/20001498 CFMutableData@/link,
    * for which a nonzero initial capacity is a hard limit).
    static OSData * withCapacity(unsigned int capacity);

    * @function withBytes
    * @abstract
    * Creates and initializes an instance of OSData
    * with a copy of the provided data buffer.
    * @param bytes     The buffer of data to copy.
    * @param numBytes  The length of <code>bytes</code>.
    * @result
    * An instance of OSData containing a copy of the provided byte array,
    * with a reference count of 1;
    * <code>NULL</code> on failure.
    * @discussion
    * The new OSData object will grow as needed to accommodate more bytes
    * (<i>unlike</i> @link //apple_ref/doc/uid/20001498 CFMutableData@/link,
    * for which a nonzero initial capacity is a hard limit).
    static OSData * withBytes(
        const void   * bytes,
        unsigned int   numBytes);

    * @function withBytesNoCopy
    * @abstract
    * Creates and initializes an instance of OSData
    * that shares the provided data buffer.
    * @param bytes     The buffer of data to represent.
    * @param numBytes  The length of <code>bytes</code>.
    * @result
    * A instance of OSData that shares the provided byte array,
    * with a reference count of 1;
    * <code>NULL</coe> on failure.
    * @discussion
    * An OSData object created with this function
    * does not claim ownership
    * of the data buffer, but shares it with the caller.
    * When the caller determines that the OSData object has actually been freed,
    * it can safely dispose of the data buffer.
    * Conversely, if it frees the shared data buffer,
    * it must not attempt to use the OSData object and should release it.
    * An OSData object created with shared external data cannot append bytes,
    * but you can get the byte pointer and
    * modify bytes within the shared buffer.
    static OSData * withBytesNoCopy(
        void         * bytes,
        unsigned int   numBytes);

    * @function withData
    * @abstract
    * Creates and initializes an instance of OSData
    * with contents copied from another OSData object.
    * @param inData An OSData object that provides the initial data.
    * @result
    * An instance of OSData containing a copy of the data in <code>inData</code>,
    * with a reference count of 1;
    * <code>NULL</code> on failure.
    * @discussion
    * The new OSData object will grow as needed to accommodate more bytes
    * (<i>unlike</i> @link //apple_ref/doc/uid/20001498 CFMutableData@/link,
    * for which a nonzero initial capacity is a hard limit).
    static OSData * withData(const OSData * inData);

    * @function withData
    * @abstract
    * Creates and initializes an instance of OSData
    * with contents copied from a range within another OSData object.
    * @param inData    An OSData object that provides the initial data.
    * @param start     The starting index from which bytes will be copied.
    * @param numBytes  The number of bytes to be copied from <code>start</code>.
    * @result
    * An instance of OSData containing a copy
    * of the specified data range from <code>inData</code>,
    * with a reference count of 1;
    * <code>NULL</code> on failure.
    * @discussion
    * The new OSData object will grow as needed to accommodate more bytes
    * (<i>unlike</i> @link //apple_ref/doc/uid/20001498 CFMutableData@/link,
    * for which a nonzero initial capacity is a hard limit).
    static OSData * withData(
        const OSData * inData,
        unsigned int   start,
        unsigned int   numBytes);

    * @function initWithCapacity
    * @abstract
    * Initializes an instance of OSData.
    * @param capacity The initial capacity of the OSData object in bytes.
    * @result
    * <code>true</code> on success, <code>false</code> on failure.
    * @discussion
    * Not for general use. Use the static instance creation method
    * <code>@link
    * //apple_ref/cpp/clm/OSData/withCapacity/staticOSData*\/(unsignedint)
    * withCapacity@/link</code> instead.
    * <code>capacity</code> may be zero.
    * The OSData object will allocate a buffer internally
    * when necessary, and will grow as needed to accommodate more bytes
    * (<i>unlike</i> @link //apple_ref/doc/uid/20001498 CFMutableData@/link,
    * for which a nonzero initial capacity is a hard limit).
    virtual bool initWithCapacity(unsigned int capacity);

    * @function initWithBytes
    * @abstract
    * Initializes an instance of OSData
    * with a copy of the provided data buffer.
    * @param bytes     The buffer of data to copy.
    * @param numBytes  The length of <code>bytes</code>.
    * @result
    * <code>true</code> on success, <code>false</code> on failure.
    * @discussion
    * Not for general use. Use the static instance creation method
    * <code>@link withBytes withBytes@/link</code> instead.
    * The new OSData object will grow as needed to accommodate more bytes
    * (<i>unlike</i> @link //apple_ref/doc/uid/20001498 CFMutableData@/link,
    * for which a nonzero initial capacity is a hard limit).
    virtual bool initWithBytes(
        const void   * bytes,
        unsigned int   numBytes);

    * @function initWithBytesNoCopy
    * @abstract
    * Initializes an instance of OSData
    * to share the provided data buffer.
    * @param bytes     The buffer of data to represent.
    * @param numBytes  The length of <code>bytes</code>.
    * @result
    * <code>true</code> on success, <code>false</code> on failure.
    * @discussion
    * Not for general use. Use the static instance creation method
    * <code>@link withBytesNoCopy withBytesNoCopy@/link</code> instead.
    * An OSData object initialized with this function
    * does not claim ownership
    * of the data buffer, but merely shares it with the caller.
    * An OSData object created with shared external data cannot append bytes,
    * but you can get the byte pointer and
    * modify bytes within the shared buffer.
    virtual bool initWithBytesNoCopy(
        void         * bytes,
        unsigned int   numBytes);

    * @function initWithData
    * @abstract
    * Creates and initializes an instance of OSData
    * with contents copied from another OSData object.
    * @param inData An OSData object that provides the initial data.
    * @result
    * <code>true</code> on success, <code>false</code> on failure.
    * @discussion
    * Not for general use. Use the static instance creation method
    * <code>@link
    * //apple_ref/cpp/clm/OSData/withData/staticOSData*\/(constOSData*)
    * withData(OSData *)@/link</code>
    * instead.
    * The new OSData object will grow as needed to accommodate more bytes
    * (<i>unlike</i> @link //apple_ref/doc/uid/20001498 CFMutableData@/link,
    * for which a nonzero initial capacity is a hard limit).
    virtual bool initWithData(const OSData * inData);

    * @function initWithData
    * @abstract
    * Initializes an instance of OSData
    * with contents copied from a range within another OSData object.
    * @param inData    An OSData object that provides the initial data.
    * @param start     The starting index from which bytes will be copied.
    * @param numBytes  The number of bytes to be copied from <code>start</code>.
    * @result
    * Returns <code>true</code> on success, <code>false</code> on failure.
    * @discussion
    * Not for general use. Use the static instance creation method
    * <code>@link
    * //apple_ref/cpp/clm/OSData/withData/staticOSData*\/(constOSData*,unsignedint,unsignedint)
    * withData(OSData *, unsigned int, unsigned int)@/link</code>
    * instead.
    * The new OSData object will grow as needed to accommodate more bytes
    * (<i>unlike</i> @link //apple_ref/doc/uid/20001498 CFMutableData@/link,
    * for which a nonzero initial capacity is a hard limit).
    virtual bool initWithData(
        const OSData * inData,
        unsigned int   start,
        unsigned int   numBytes);

    * @function free
    * @abstract
    * Deallocates or releases any resources
    * used by the OSDictionary instance.
    * @discussion
    * This function should not be called directly;
    * use
    * <code>@link
    * //apple_ref/cpp/instm/OSObject/release/virtualvoid/()
    * release@/link</code>
    * instead.
    virtual void free();

    * @function getLength
    * @abstract
    * Returns the number of bytes in or referenced by the OSData object.
    * @result
    * The number of bytes in or referenced by the OSData object.
    virtual unsigned int getLength() const;

    * @function getCapacity
    * @abstract
    * Returns the total number of bytes the OSData can store without reallocating.
    * @result
    * The total number bytes the OSData can store without reallocating.
    * @discussion
    * OSData objects grow when full to accommodate additional bytes.
    * See
    * <code>@link
    * //apple_ref/cpp/instm/OSData/getCapacityIncrement/virtualunsignedint/()
    * getCapacityIncrement@/link</code>
    * and
    * <code>@link
    * //apple_ref/cpp/instm/OSData/ensureCapacity/virtualunsignedint/(unsignedint)
    * ensureCapacity@/link</code>.
    * OSData objects created or initialized to use a shared buffer
    * do not make use of this attribute, and return -1 from this function.
    virtual unsigned int getCapacity() const;

    * @function getCapacityIncrement
    * @abstract
    * Returns the storage increment of the OSData object.
    * @result
    * The storage increment of the OSData object.
    * @discussion
    * An OSData object allocates storage for bytes in multiples
    * of the capacity increment.
    * OSData objects created or initialized to use a shared buffer
    * do not make use of this attribute.
    virtual unsigned int getCapacityIncrement() const;

    * @function setCapacityIncrement
    * @abstract
    * Sets the storage increment of the array.
    * @result
    * The original storage increment of the array.
    * @discussion
    * An OSArray allocates storage for objects in multiples
    * of the capacity increment.
    * OSData objects created or initialized to use a shared buffer
    * do not make use of this attribute.
    virtual unsigned int setCapacityIncrement(unsigned increment);

// xx-review: does not check for capacity == EXTERNAL

    * @function ensureCapacity
    * @abstract
    * Ensures the array has enough space
    * to store the requested number of bytes.
    * @param newCapacity The total number of bytes the OSData object
    *                    should be able to store.
    * @result
    * Returns the new capacity of the OSData object,
    * which may be different from the number requested
    * (if smaller, reallocation of storage failed).
    * @discussion
    * This function immediately resizes the OSData's buffer, if necessary,
    * to accommodate at least <code>newCapacity</code> bytes.
    * If <code>newCapacity</code> is not greater than the current capacity,
    * or if an allocation error occurs, the original capacity is returned.
    * There is no way to reduce the capacity of an OSData.
    * An OSData object created "NoCopy" does not allow resizing.
    virtual unsigned int ensureCapacity(unsigned int newCapacity);

    * @function appendBytes
    * @abstract
    * Appends a buffer of bytes to the OSData object's internal data buffer.
    * @param bytes     A pointer to the data to append.
    *                  If <code>bytes</code> is <code>NULL</code>
    *                  then a zero-filled buffer of length <code>numBytes</code>
    *                  is appended.
    * @param numBytes  The number of bytes from <code>bytes</code> to append.
    * @result
    * <code>true</code> if the new data was successfully added,
    * <code>false</code> on failure.
    * @discussion
    * This function immediately resizes the OSData's buffer, if necessary,
    * to accommodate the new total size.
    * An OSData object created "NoCopy" does not allow bytes
    * to be appended.
    virtual bool appendBytes(
        const void   * bytes,
        unsigned int   numBytes);

    * @function appendBytes
    * @abstract
    * Appends the data contained in another OSData object.
    * @param aDataObj  The OSData object whose contents will be appended.
    * @result
    * <code>true</code> if the new data was successfully added,
    * <code>false</code> on failure.
    * @discussion
    * This function immediately resizes the OSData's buffer, if necessary,
    * to accommodate the new total size.
    * An OSData object created "NoCopy" does not allow bytes
    * to be appended.
    virtual bool appendBytes(const OSData * aDataObj);

    * @function getBytesNoCopy
    * @abstract
    * Returns a pointer to the OSData object's internal data buffer.
    * @result
    * A pointer to the OSData object's internal data buffer.
    * @discussion
    * You can modify the existing contents of an OSData object
    * via this function.
    * It works with OSData objects that have their own data buffers
    * as well as with OSData objects that have shared buffers.
    * If you append bytes or characters to an OSData object,
    * it may have to reallocate its internal storage,
    * rendering invalid an extrated pointer to that storage.
    virtual const void * getBytesNoCopy() const;

    * @function getBytesNoCopy
    * @abstract
    * Returns a pointer into the OSData object's internal data buffer
    * with a given offset and length.
    * @param start    The offset from the base of the internal data buffer.
    * @param numBytes The length of the  window.
    * @result
    * A pointer to the bytes in the specified range
    * within the OSData object,
    * or 0 if that range does not lie completely
    * within the object's buffer.
    * @discussion
    * You can modify the existing contents of an OSData object
    * via this function.
    * It works with OSData objects that have their own data buffers
    * as well as with OSData objects that have shared buffers.
    * If you append bytes or characters to an OSData object,
    * it may have to reallocate its internal storage,
    * rendering invalid an extrated pointer to that storage.
    virtual const void * getBytesNoCopy(
        unsigned int start,
        unsigned int numBytes) const;

    * @function isEqualTo
    * @abstract
    * Tests the equality of two OSData objects.
    * @param aDataObj The OSData object being compared against the receiver.
    * @result
    * <code>true</code> if the two OSData objects are equivalent,
    * <code>false</code> otherwise.
    * @discussion
    * Two OSData objects are considered equal
    * if they have same length and if their
    * byte buffers hold the same contents.
    virtual bool isEqualTo(const OSData * aDataObj) const;

    * @function isEqualTo
    * @abstract
    * Tests the equality of an OSData object's contents
    * to a C array of bytes.
    * @param bytes    A pointer to the bytes to compare.
    * @param numBytes The number of bytes to compare.
    * @result
    * <code>true</code> if the data buffers are equal
    * over the given length,
    * <code>false</code> otherwise.
    virtual bool isEqualTo(
        const void   * bytes,
        unsigned int   numBytes) const;

    * @function isEqualTo
    * @abstract
    * Tests the equality of an OSData object to an arbitrary object.
    * @param anObject The object to be compared against the receiver.
    * @result
    * <code>true</code> if the two objects are equivalent,
    * <code>false</code> otherwise.
    * @discussion
    * An OSData is considered equal to another object
    * if that object is derived from OSData
    * and contains the equivalent bytes of the same length.
    virtual bool isEqualTo(const OSMetaClassBase * anObject) const;

    * @function isEqualTo
    * @abstract
    * Tests the equality of an OSData object to an OSString.
    * @param aString  The string object to be compared against the receiver.
    * @result
    * <code>true</code> if the two objects are equivalent,
    * <code>false</code> otherwise.
    * @discussion
    * This function compares the bytes of the OSData object
    * against those of the OSString,
    * accounting for the possibility that an OSData
    * might explicitly include a nul
    * character as part of its total length.
    * Thus, for example, an OSData object containing
    * either the bytes <'u', 's', 'b', '\0'>
    * or  <'u', 's', 'b'>
    * will compare as equal to the OSString containing "usb".
    virtual bool isEqualTo(const OSString * aString) const;

    * @function serialize
    * @abstract
    * Archives the receiver into the provided
    * @link //apple_ref/doc/class/IORegistryEntry OSSerialize@/link object.
    * @param serializer The OSSerialize object.
    * @result
    * <code>true</code> if serialization succeeds, <code>false</code> if not.
    virtual bool serialize(OSSerialize * serializer) const;

    * @function appendByte
    * @abstract
    * Appends a single byte value
    * to the OSData object's internal data buffer
    * a specified number of times.
    * @param byte     The byte value to append.
    * @param numBytes The number of copies of <code>byte</code> to append.
    * @result
    * <code>true</code> if the new data was successfully added,
    * <code>false</code> if not.
    * @discussion
    * This function immediately resizes the OSData's buffer, if necessary,
    * to accommodate the new total size.
    * An OSData object created "NoCopy" does not allow bytes
    * to be appended.
    virtual bool appendByte(
        unsigned char byte,
        unsigned int  numBytes);

    void setSerializable(bool serializable);

/* Available within xnu source only */
    virtual void setDeallocFunction(DeallocFunction func);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(OSData, 0);

    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(OSData, 1);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(OSData, 2);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(OSData, 3);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(OSData, 4);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(OSData, 5);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(OSData, 6);
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(OSData, 7);

#endif /* !_OS_OSDATA_H */