if_classq.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2011-2013 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.


#ifdef PRIVATE
#define	IFCQ_SC_MAX		10		/* max number of queues */

#include <net/classq/classq.h>
/* classq dequeue op arg */
typedef enum cqdq_op {
	CLASSQDQ_REMOVE =	1,	/* dequeue mbuf from the queue */
	CLASSQDQ_POLL =		2,	/* don't dequeue mbuf from the queue */
} cqdq_op_t;

/* classq request types */
typedef enum cqrq {
	CLASSQRQ_PURGE =	1,	/* purge all packets */
	CLASSQRQ_PURGE_SC =	2,	/* purge service class (and flow) */
	CLASSQRQ_EVENT =	3,	/* interface events */
	CLASSQRQ_THROTTLE =	4,	/* throttle packets */
	CLASSQRQ_STAT_SC =	5,	/* get service class queue stats */
} cqrq_t;

/* classq purge_sc request argument */
typedef struct cqrq_purge_sc {
	mbuf_svc_class_t	sc;	/* (in) service class */
	u_int32_t		flow;	/* (in) 0 means all flows */
	u_int32_t		packets; /* (out) purged packets */
	u_int32_t		bytes;	/* (out) purged bytes */
} cqrq_purge_sc_t;

/* classq throttle request argument */
typedef struct cqrq_throttle {
	u_int32_t		set;	/* set or get */
	u_int32_t		level;	/* (in/out) throttling level */
} cqrq_throttle_t;

/* classq service class stats request argument */
typedef struct cqrq_stat_sc {
	mbuf_svc_class_t	sc;	/* (in) service class */
	u_int32_t		packets; /* (out) packets enqueued */
	u_int32_t		bytes;	/* (out) bytes enqueued */
} cqrq_stat_sc_t;

#include <net/altq/if_altq.h>
#endif /* PF_ALTQ */

 * A token-bucket regulator limits the rate that a network driver can
 * dequeue packets from the output queue.  Modern cards are able to buffer
 * a large amount of packets and dequeue too many packets at a time.  This
 * bursty dequeue behavior makes it impossible to schedule packets by
 * queueing disciplines.  A token-bucket is used to control the burst size
 * in a device independent manner.
struct tb_regulator {
	u_int64_t	tbr_rate_raw;	/* (unscaled) token bucket rate */
	u_int32_t	tbr_percent;	/* token bucket rate in percentage */
	int64_t		tbr_rate;	/* (scaled) token bucket rate */
	int64_t		tbr_depth;	/* (scaled) token bucket depth */

	int64_t		tbr_token;	/* (scaled) current token */
	int64_t		tbr_filluptime;	/* (scaled) time to fill up bucket */
	u_int64_t	tbr_last;	/* last time token was updated */

	int		tbr_lastop;	/* last dequeue operation type */
					/*   needed for poll-and-dequeue */

/* simple token bucket meter profile */
struct tb_profile {
	u_int64_t	rate;	/* rate in bit-per-sec */
	u_int32_t	percent; /* rate in percentage */
	u_int32_t	depth;	/* depth in bytes */

struct ifclassq;
enum cqdq_op;
enum cqrq;

typedef int (*ifclassq_enq_func)(struct ifclassq *, struct mbuf *);
typedef struct mbuf *(*ifclassq_deq_func)(struct ifclassq *, enum cqdq_op);
typedef struct mbuf *(*ifclassq_deq_sc_func)(struct ifclassq *,
    mbuf_svc_class_t, enum cqdq_op);
typedef int (*ifclassq_req_func)(struct ifclassq *, enum cqrq, void *);

 * Structure defining a queue for a network interface.
struct ifclassq {
	decl_lck_mtx_data(, ifcq_lock);

	struct ifnet	*ifcq_ifp;	/* back pointer to interface */
	u_int32_t	ifcq_len;
	u_int32_t	ifcq_maxlen;
	struct pktcntr	ifcq_xmitcnt;
	struct pktcntr	ifcq_dropcnt;

	u_int32_t	ifcq_type;	/* scheduler type */
	u_int32_t	ifcq_flags;	/* flags */
	u_int32_t	ifcq_sflags;	/* scheduler flags */
	void		*ifcq_disc;	/* for scheduler-specific use */
	 * ifcq_disc_slots[] represents the leaf classes configured for the
	 * corresponding discpline/scheduler, ordered by their corresponding
	 * service class index.  Each slot holds the queue ID used to identify
	 * the class instance, as well as the class instance pointer itself.
	 * The latter is used during enqueue and dequeue in order to avoid the
	 * costs associated with looking up the class pointer based on the
	 * queue ID.  The queue ID is used when querying the statistics from
	 * user space.
	 * Avoiding the use of queue ID during enqueue and dequeue is made
	 * possible by virtue of knowing the particular mbuf service class
	 * associated with the packets.  The service class index of the
	 * packet is used as the index to ifcq_disc_slots[].
	 * ifcq_disc_slots[] therefore also acts as a lookup table which
	 * provides for the mapping between MBUF_SC values and the actual
	 * scheduler classes.
	struct ifclassq_disc_slot {
		u_int32_t	qid;
		void		*cl;
	} ifcq_disc_slots[IFCQ_SC_MAX]; /* for discipline use */

	ifclassq_enq_func	ifcq_enqueue;
	ifclassq_deq_func	ifcq_dequeue;
	ifclassq_deq_sc_func	ifcq_dequeue_sc;
	ifclassq_req_func	ifcq_request;

	/* token bucket regulator */
	struct tb_regulator	ifcq_tbr;	/* TBR */

	u_int32_t	ifcq_drain;
	struct ifaltq	ifcq_altq;
#endif /* PF_ALTQ */

#define	IFCQ_ALTQ(_ifcq)		(&(_ifcq)->ifcq_altq)
#define	IFCQ_IS_DRAINING(_ifcq)		((_ifcq)->ifcq_drain > 0)
#endif /* PF_ALTQ */

/* ifcq_flags */
#define	IFCQF_READY	 0x01		/* ifclassq supports discipline */
#define	IFCQF_ENABLED	 0x02		/* ifclassq is in use */
#define	IFCQF_TBR	 0x04		/* Token Bucket Regulator is in use */

#define	IFCQ_IS_READY(_ifcq)		((_ifcq)->ifcq_flags & IFCQF_READY)
#define	IFCQ_IS_ENABLED(_ifcq)		((_ifcq)->ifcq_flags & IFCQF_ENABLED)
#define	IFCQ_TBR_IS_ENABLED(_ifcq)	((_ifcq)->ifcq_flags & IFCQF_TBR)

/* classq enqueue return value */
#define CLASSQEQ_DROPPED	(-1)	/* packet dropped (freed)  */
#define CLASSQEQ_SUCCESS	0	/* success, packet enqueued */
#define CLASSQEQ_SUCCESS_FC	1	/* packet enqueued; */
					/*   give flow control feedback */
#define CLASSQEQ_DROPPED_FC	2	/* packet dropped; */
					/*  give flow control feedback */
#define	CLASSQEQ_DROPPED_SP	3	/* packet dropped due to suspension; */
					/*  give flow control feedback */

/* interface event argument for CLASSQRQ_EVENT */
typedef enum cqev {
	CLASSQ_EV_LINK_BANDWIDTH = 1,	/* link bandwidth has changed */
	CLASSQ_EV_LINK_LATENCY = 2,	/* link latency has changed */
	CLASSQ_EV_LINK_MTU =	3,	/* link MTU has changed */
	CLASSQ_EV_LINK_UP =	4,	/* link is now up */
	CLASSQ_EV_LINK_DOWN =	5,	/* link is now down */
} cqev_t;

#include <net/pktsched/pktsched_priq.h>
#include <net/pktsched/pktsched_fairq.h>
#include <net/pktsched/pktsched_tcq.h>
#include <net/pktsched/pktsched_cbq.h>
#include <net/pktsched/pktsched_hfsc.h>
#include <net/pktsched/pktsched_qfq.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

struct if_ifclassq_stats {
	u_int32_t	ifqs_len;
	u_int32_t	ifqs_maxlen;
	struct pktcntr	ifqs_xmitcnt;
	struct pktcntr	ifqs_dropcnt;
	u_int32_t	ifqs_scheduler;
	union {
		struct priq_classstats	ifqs_priq_stats;
		struct fairq_classstats	ifqs_fairq_stats;
		struct tcq_classstats	ifqs_tcq_stats;
		struct cbq_classstats	ifqs_cbq_stats;
		struct hfsc_classstats	ifqs_hfsc_stats;
		struct qfq_classstats	ifqs_qfq_stats;
} __attribute__((aligned(8)));

#ifdef __cplusplus

 * For ifclassq lock
#define	IFCQ_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(_ifcq)					\
	lck_mtx_assert(&(_ifcq)->ifcq_lock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED)

#define	IFCQ_LOCK_ASSERT_NOTHELD(_ifcq)					\
	lck_mtx_assert(&(_ifcq)->ifcq_lock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_NOTOWNED)

#define	IFCQ_LOCK(_ifcq)						\

#define	IFCQ_LOCK_SPIN(_ifcq)						\

#define	IFCQ_CONVERT_LOCK(_ifcq) do {					\
	IFCQ_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(_ifcq);					\
	lck_mtx_convert_spin(&(_ifcq)->ifcq_lock);			\
} while (0)

#define	IFCQ_UNLOCK(_ifcq)						\

 * For ifclassq operations
#define	IFCQ_ENQUEUE(_ifq, _m, _err) do {				\
	(_err) = (*(_ifq)->ifcq_enqueue)(_ifq, _m);			\
} while (0)

#define	IFCQ_DEQUEUE(_ifq, _m) do {					\
	(_m) = (*(_ifq)->ifcq_dequeue)(_ifq, CLASSQDQ_REMOVE);		\
} while (0)

#define	IFCQ_DEQUEUE_SC(_ifq, _sc, _m) do {				\
	(_m) = (*(_ifq)->ifcq_dequeue_sc)(_ifq, _sc, CLASSQDQ_REMOVE);	\
} while (0)

#define	IFCQ_TBR_DEQUEUE(_ifcq, _m) do {				\
	(_m) = ifclassq_tbr_dequeue(_ifcq, CLASSQDQ_REMOVE);		\
} while (0)

#define	IFCQ_TBR_DEQUEUE_SC(_ifcq, _sc, _m) do {			\
	(_m) = ifclassq_tbr_dequeue_sc(_ifcq, CLASSQDQ_REMOVE, _sc);	\
} while (0)

#define	IFCQ_POLL(_ifq, _m) do {					\
	(_m) = (*(_ifq)->ifcq_dequeue)(_ifq, CLASSQDQ_POLL);		\
} while (0)

#define	IFCQ_POLL_SC(_ifq, _sc, _m) do {				\
	(_m) = (*(_ifq)->ifcq_dequeue_sc)(_ifq, _sc, CLASSQDQ_POLL);	\
} while (0)

#define	IFCQ_TBR_POLL(_ifcq, _m) do {					\
	(_m) = ifclassq_tbr_dequeue(_ifcq, CLASSQDQ_POLL);		\
} while (0)

#define	IFCQ_TBR_POLL_SC(_ifcq, _sc, _m) do {				\
	(_m) = ifclassq_tbr_dequeue_sc(_ifcq, CLASSQDQ_POLL, _sc);	\
} while (0)

#define	IFCQ_PURGE(_ifq) do {						\
	(void) (*(_ifq)->ifcq_request)(_ifq, CLASSQRQ_PURGE, NULL);	\
} while (0)

#define	IFCQ_PURGE_SC(_ifq, _sc, _flow, _packets, _bytes) do {		\
	cqrq_purge_sc_t _req = { _sc, _flow, 0, 0 };			\
	(void) (*(_ifq)->ifcq_request)(_ifq, CLASSQRQ_PURGE_SC, &_req);	\
	(_packets) = _req.packets;					\
	(_bytes) = _req.bytes;						\
} while (0)

#define	IFCQ_UPDATE(_ifq, _ev) do {					\
	(void) (*(_ifq)->ifcq_request)(_ifq, CLASSQRQ_EVENT,		\
	    (void *)(_ev));						\
} while (0)

#define	IFCQ_SET_THROTTLE(_ifq, _level, _err) do {			\
	cqrq_throttle_t _req = { 1, _level };				\
	(_err) = (*(_ifq)->ifcq_request)				\
	    (_ifq, CLASSQRQ_THROTTLE, &_req);				\
} while (0)

#define	IFCQ_GET_THROTTLE(_ifq, _level, _err) do {			\
	cqrq_throttle_t _req = { 0, IFNET_THROTTLE_OFF };		\
	(_err) = (*(_ifq)->ifcq_request)				\
	    (_ifq, CLASSQRQ_THROTTLE, &_req);				\
	(_level) = _req.level;						\
} while (0)

#define	IFCQ_LEN_SC(_ifq, _sc, _packets, _bytes, _err) do {		\
	cqrq_stat_sc_t _req = { _sc, 0, 0 };				\
	(_err) = (*(ifq)->ifcq_request)(_ifq, CLASSQRQ_STAT_SC, &_req);	\
	if ((_packets) != NULL)						\
		(*(_packets)) = _req.packets;				\
	if ((_bytes) != NULL)						\
		(*(_bytes)) = _req.bytes;				\
} while (0)

#define	IFCQ_LEN(_ifcq)		((_ifcq)->ifcq_len)
#define	IFCQ_QFULL(_ifcq)	(IFCQ_LEN(_ifcq) >= (_ifcq)->ifcq_maxlen)
#define	IFCQ_IS_EMPTY(_ifcq)	(IFCQ_LEN(_ifcq) == 0)
#define	IFCQ_INC_LEN(_ifcq)	(IFCQ_LEN(_ifcq)++)
#define	IFCQ_DEC_LEN(_ifcq)	(IFCQ_LEN(_ifcq)--)
#define	IFCQ_MAXLEN(_ifcq)	((_ifcq)->ifcq_maxlen)
#define	IFCQ_SET_MAXLEN(_ifcq, _len) ((_ifcq)->ifcq_maxlen = (_len))

#define	IFCQ_XMIT_ADD(_ifcq, _pkt, _len) do {				\
	PKTCNTR_ADD(&(_ifcq)->ifcq_xmitcnt, _pkt, _len);		\
} while (0)

#define	IFCQ_DROP_ADD(_ifcq, _pkt, _len) do {				\
	PKTCNTR_ADD(&(_ifcq)->ifcq_dropcnt, _pkt, _len);		\
} while (0)

extern int ifclassq_setup(struct ifnet *, u_int32_t, boolean_t);
extern void ifclassq_teardown(struct ifnet *);
extern int ifclassq_pktsched_setup(struct ifclassq *);
extern void ifclassq_set_maxlen(struct ifclassq *, u_int32_t);
extern u_int32_t ifclassq_get_maxlen(struct ifclassq *);
extern int ifclassq_get_len(struct ifclassq *, mbuf_svc_class_t,
    u_int32_t *, u_int32_t *);
extern errno_t ifclassq_enqueue(struct ifclassq *, struct mbuf *);
extern errno_t ifclassq_dequeue(struct ifclassq *, u_int32_t, struct mbuf **,
    struct mbuf **, u_int32_t *, u_int32_t *);
extern errno_t ifclassq_dequeue_sc(struct ifclassq *, mbuf_svc_class_t,
    u_int32_t, struct mbuf **, struct mbuf **, u_int32_t *, u_int32_t *);
extern struct mbuf *ifclassq_poll(struct ifclassq *);
extern struct mbuf *ifclassq_poll_sc(struct ifclassq *, mbuf_svc_class_t);
extern void ifclassq_update(struct ifclassq *, cqev_t);
extern int ifclassq_attach(struct ifclassq *, u_int32_t, void *,
    ifclassq_enq_func, ifclassq_deq_func, ifclassq_deq_sc_func,
extern int ifclassq_detach(struct ifclassq *);
extern int ifclassq_getqstats(struct ifclassq *, u_int32_t,
    void *, u_int32_t *);
extern const char *ifclassq_ev2str(cqev_t);
extern int ifclassq_tbr_set(struct ifclassq *, struct tb_profile *, boolean_t);
extern struct mbuf *ifclassq_tbr_dequeue(struct ifclassq *, int);
extern struct mbuf *ifclassq_tbr_dequeue_sc(struct ifclassq *, int,
#endif /* PRIVATE */
#endif /* _NET_CLASSQ_IF_CLASSQ_H_ */