MASTER   [plain text]

# Mach Operating System
# Copyright (c) 1986 Carnegie-Mellon University
# All rights reserved.  The CMU software License Agreement
# specifies the terms and conditions for use and redistribution.
#	Master machine independent configuration file.
#	Specific configuration files are created based on this and
#	the machine specific master file using the doconf script.
#	Any changes to the master configuration files will affect all
#	other configuration files based upon it.
#	To build a configuration, execute "doconf <configuration>."
#	Configurations are specified in the "Configurations:" section
#	of the MASTER and MASTER.* files as follows:
#	<configuration> = [ <attribute0> <attribute1> ... <attributeN> ]
#	Lines in the MASTER and MASTER.* files are selected based on
#	the attribute selector list, found in a comment at the end of
#	the line.  This is a list of attributes separated by commas.
#	The "!" operator selects the line if none of the attributes are
#	specified.
#	For example:
#	<foo,bar>	selects a line if "foo" or "bar" are specified.
#	<!foo,bar>	selects a line if neither "foo" nor "bar" is
#			specified.
#	Lines with no attributes specified are selected for all
#	configurations.
#  These are the default configurations that can be used by most sites.
#  They are used internally by the Mach project.
#  IOKIT      = [iokitcpp debug]
#  SYSTEM SIZE CONFIGURATION (select exactly one)
#	xlarge = extra large scale system configuration
#	large  = large scale system configuration
#	medium = medium scale system configuration
#	small  = small scale system configuration
#	xsmall = extra small scale system configuration
#	bsmall = special extra small scale system configuration
ident		IOKIT

options		HIBERNATION	# system hibernation	# <hibernation>
options		KERNOBJC	# Objective-C implementation	# <kernobjc>
options		IOKITCPP	# C++ implementation		# <iokitcpp>
options		IOKITSTATS	# IOKit statistics		# <iokitstats>
options		KDEBUG		# kernel tracing		# <kdebug>
options		IST_KDEBUG	# limited tracing		# <ist_kdebug>
options		NO_KDEBUG   # no kernel tracing 	# <no_kdebug>
options		NETWORKING	# kernel networking		# <networking>
options		CRYPTO		# want crypto code		# <crypto>
options		CONFIG_DTRACE	# enable dtrace			# <config_dtrace>
options		VM_PRESSURE_EVENTS				# <vm_pressure_events>

options		CONFIG_SLEEP	#				# <config_sleep>

#makeoptions	LIBDRIVER = "libDriver_kern.o"			# <libdriver>
#makeoptions	LIBOBJC   = "libkobjc.o"			# <kernobjc>

#  configurable kernel related resources 
options   CONFIG_MAX_THREADS=64		# <medium,large,xlarge>
options   CONFIG_MAX_THREADS=64		# <small,xsmall>
options   CONFIG_MAX_THREADS=64		# <bsmall>

#  configurable kernel - use these options to strip strings from panic
#  and printf calls.
#  no_panic_str - saves around 50K of kernel footprint.
#  no_printf_str - saves around 45K of kernel footprint.
options   CONFIG_NO_PANIC_STRINGS		# <no_panic_str>
options   CONFIG_NO_PRINTF_STRINGS		# <no_printf_str>
options   CONFIG_NO_KPRINTF_STRINGS		# <no_kprintf_str>

# secure_kernel - secure kernel from user programs
options   SECURE_KERNEL                       # <secure_kernel>

options   MACH_ASSERT				# <mach_assert>

options		DEVELOPMENT			# <development>
options		DEBUG				# <debug>

options		CONFIG_MEMORYSTATUS		# <memorystatus>
options		CONFIG_JETSAM                   # <jetsam>
options		CONFIG_FREEZE			# <freeze>