if_var.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2000-2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.
 * Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1993
 *	The Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
 * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
 * are met:
 * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
 *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
 * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
 *    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
 *    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
 * 3. All advertising materials mentioning features or use of this software
 *    must display the following acknowledgement:
 *	This product includes software developed by the University of
 *	California, Berkeley and its contributors.
 * 4. Neither the name of the University nor the names of its contributors
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 *	From: @(#)if.h	8.1 (Berkeley) 6/10/93
 * $FreeBSD: src/sys/net/if_var.h,v 2001/07/24 19:10:18 brooks Exp $

#ifndef	_NET_IF_VAR_H_
#define	_NET_IF_VAR_H_

#include <sys/appleapiopts.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/queue.h>		/* get TAILQ macros */
#include <kern/locks.h>
#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
#ifdef PRIVATE
#include <net/route.h>

#ifdef KERNEL
#include <net/kpi_interface.h>
#endif /* KERNEL */

#ifdef __APPLE__
#define APPLE_IF_FAM_SLIP      3
#define APPLE_IF_FAM_TUN       4
#define APPLE_IF_FAM_VLAN      5
#define APPLE_IF_FAM_PPP       6
#define APPLE_IF_FAM_PVC       7
#define APPLE_IF_FAM_DISC      8
#define APPLE_IF_FAM_MDECAP    9
#define APPLE_IF_FAM_GIF       10
#define APPLE_IF_FAM_FAITH     11	/* deprecated */
#define APPLE_IF_FAM_STF       12
#define APPLE_IF_FAM_BOND      14
#endif /* __APPLE__ */

 * 72 was chosen below because it is the size of a TCP/IP
 * header (40) + the minimum mss (32).
#define	IF_MINMTU	72
#define	IF_MAXMTU	65535

 * Structures defining a network interface, providing a packet
 * transport mechanism (ala level 0 of the PUP protocols).
 * Each interface accepts output datagrams of a specified maximum
 * length, and provides higher level routines with input datagrams
 * received from its medium.
 * Output occurs when the routine if_output is called, with three parameters:
 *	(*ifp->if_output)(ifp, m, dst, rt)
 * Here m is the mbuf chain to be sent and dst is the destination address.
 * The output routine encapsulates the supplied datagram if necessary,
 * and then transmits it on its medium.
 * On input, each interface unwraps the data received by it, and either
 * places it on the input queue of a internetwork datagram routine
 * and posts the associated software interrupt, or passes the datagram to a raw
 * packet input routine.
 * Routines exist for locating interfaces by their addresses
 * or for locating a interface on a certain network, as well as more general
 * routing and gateway routines maintaining information used to locate
 * interfaces.  These routines live in the files if.c and route.c

#define	IFNAMSIZ	16

/* This belongs up in socket.h or socketvar.h, depending on how far the
 *   event bubbles up.

struct net_event_data {
	u_int32_t	if_family;
	u_int32_t	if_unit;
	char		if_name[IFNAMSIZ];

#if defined(__LP64__)
#define __need_struct_timeval32
#include <sys/_structs.h>
#define IF_DATA_TIMEVAL timeval32
#define IF_DATA_TIMEVAL timeval

#pragma pack(4)

 * Structure describing information about an interface
 * which may be of interest to management entities.
struct if_data {
	/* generic interface information */
	u_char		ifi_type;	/* ethernet, tokenring, etc */
	u_char		ifi_typelen;	/* Length of frame type id */
	u_char		ifi_physical;	/* e.g., AUI, Thinnet, 10base-T, etc */
	u_char		ifi_addrlen;	/* media address length */
	u_char		ifi_hdrlen;	/* media header length */
	u_char		ifi_recvquota;	/* polling quota for receive intrs */
	u_char		ifi_xmitquota;	/* polling quota for xmit intrs */
	u_char		ifi_unused1;	/* for future use */
	u_int32_t	ifi_mtu;	/* maximum transmission unit */
	u_int32_t	ifi_metric;	/* routing metric (external only) */
	u_int32_t	ifi_baudrate;	/* linespeed */
	/* volatile statistics */
	u_int32_t	ifi_ipackets;	/* packets received on interface */
	u_int32_t	ifi_ierrors;	/* input errors on interface */
	u_int32_t	ifi_opackets;	/* packets sent on interface */
	u_int32_t	ifi_oerrors;	/* output errors on interface */
	u_int32_t	ifi_collisions;	/* collisions on csma interfaces */
	u_int32_t	ifi_ibytes;	/* total number of octets received */
	u_int32_t	ifi_obytes;	/* total number of octets sent */
	u_int32_t	ifi_imcasts;	/* packets received via multicast */
	u_int32_t	ifi_omcasts;	/* packets sent via multicast */
	u_int32_t	ifi_iqdrops;	/* dropped on input, this interface */
	u_int32_t	ifi_noproto;	/* destined for unsupported protocol */
	u_int32_t	ifi_recvtiming;	/* usec spent receiving when timing */
	u_int32_t	ifi_xmittiming;	/* usec spent xmitting when timing */
	struct IF_DATA_TIMEVAL ifi_lastchange;	/* time of last administrative change */
	u_int32_t	ifi_unused2;	/* used to be the default_proto */
	u_int32_t	ifi_hwassist;	/* HW offload capabilities */
	u_int32_t	ifi_reserved1;	/* for future use */
	u_int32_t	ifi_reserved2;	/* for future use */

 * Structure describing information about an interface
 * which may be of interest to management entities.
struct if_data64 {
	/* generic interface information */
	u_char		ifi_type;		/* ethernet, tokenring, etc */
	u_char		ifi_typelen;		/* Length of frame type id */
	u_char		ifi_physical;		/* e.g., AUI, Thinnet, 10base-T, etc */
	u_char		ifi_addrlen;		/* media address length */
	u_char		ifi_hdrlen;		/* media header length */
	u_char		ifi_recvquota;		/* polling quota for receive intrs */
	u_char		ifi_xmitquota;		/* polling quota for xmit intrs */
	u_char		ifi_unused1;		/* for future use */
	u_int32_t	ifi_mtu;		/* maximum transmission unit */
	u_int32_t	ifi_metric;		/* routing metric (external only) */
	u_int64_t	ifi_baudrate;		/* linespeed */
	/* volatile statistics */
	u_int64_t	ifi_ipackets;		/* packets received on interface */
	u_int64_t	ifi_ierrors;		/* input errors on interface */
	u_int64_t	ifi_opackets;		/* packets sent on interface */
	u_int64_t	ifi_oerrors;		/* output errors on interface */
	u_int64_t	ifi_collisions;		/* collisions on csma interfaces */
	u_int64_t	ifi_ibytes;		/* total number of octets received */
	u_int64_t	ifi_obytes;		/* total number of octets sent */
	u_int64_t	ifi_imcasts;		/* packets received via multicast */
	u_int64_t	ifi_omcasts;		/* packets sent via multicast */
	u_int64_t	ifi_iqdrops;		/* dropped on input, this interface */
	u_int64_t	ifi_noproto;		/* destined for unsupported protocol */
	u_int32_t	ifi_recvtiming;		/* usec spent receiving when timing */
	u_int32_t	ifi_xmittiming;		/* usec spent xmitting when timing */
	struct IF_DATA_TIMEVAL ifi_lastchange;	/* time of last administrative change */

#ifdef PRIVATE
struct if_traffic_class {
	u_int64_t		ifi_ibepackets;	/* TC_BE packets received on interface */
	u_int64_t		ifi_ibebytes;	/* TC_BE bytes received on interface */
	u_int64_t		ifi_obepackets;	/* TC_BE packet sent on interface */
	u_int64_t		ifi_obebytes;	/* TC_BE bytes sent on interface */
	u_int64_t		ifi_ibkpackets;	/* TC_BK packets received on interface */
	u_int64_t		ifi_ibkbytes;	/* TC_BK bytes received on interface */
	u_int64_t		ifi_obkpackets;	/* TC_BK packet sent on interface */
	u_int64_t		ifi_obkbytes;	/* TC_BK bytes sent on interface */
	u_int64_t		ifi_ivipackets;	/* TC_VI packets received on interface */
	u_int64_t		ifi_ivibytes;	/* TC_VI bytes received on interface */
	u_int64_t		ifi_ovipackets;	/* TC_VI packets sent on interface */
	u_int64_t		ifi_ovibytes;	/* TC_VI bytes sent on interface */
	u_int64_t		ifi_ivopackets;	/* TC_VO packets received on interface */
	u_int64_t		ifi_ivobytes;	/* TC_VO bytes received on interface */
	u_int64_t		ifi_ovopackets;	/* TC_VO packets sent on interface */
	u_int64_t		ifi_ovobytes;	/* TC_VO bytes sent on interface */
	u_int64_t		ifi_ipvpackets;	/* TC priv packets received on interface */
	u_int64_t		ifi_ipvbytes;	/* TC priv bytes received on interface */
	u_int64_t		ifi_opvpackets;	/* TC priv packets sent on interface */
	u_int64_t		ifi_opvbytes;	/* TC priv bytes sent on interface */

struct if_data_extended {
	u_int64_t	ifi_alignerrs;	/* unaligned (32-bit) input pkts */

struct if_packet_stats {
	/* TCP */
	u_int64_t		ifi_tcp_badformat;
	u_int64_t		ifi_tcp_unspecv6;
	u_int64_t		ifi_tcp_synfin;
	u_int64_t		ifi_tcp_badformatipsec;
	u_int64_t		ifi_tcp_noconnnolist;
	u_int64_t		ifi_tcp_noconnlist;
	u_int64_t		ifi_tcp_listbadsyn;
	u_int64_t		ifi_tcp_icmp6unreach;
	u_int64_t		ifi_tcp_deprecate6;
	u_int64_t		ifi_tcp_rstinsynrcv;
	u_int64_t		ifi_tcp_ooopacket;
	u_int64_t		ifi_tcp_dospacket;
	u_int64_t		ifi_tcp_cleanup;
	u_int64_t		ifi_tcp_synwindow;
	/* UDP */
	u_int64_t		ifi_udp_port_unreach;
	u_int64_t		ifi_udp_faithprefix;
	u_int64_t		ifi_udp_port0;
	u_int64_t		ifi_udp_badlength;
	u_int64_t		ifi_udp_badchksum;
	u_int64_t		ifi_udp_badmcast;
	u_int64_t		ifi_udp_cleanup;
	u_int64_t		ifi_udp_badipsec;

struct if_description {
	u_int32_t	ifd_maxlen;	/* must be IF_DESCSIZE */
	u_int32_t	ifd_len;	/* actual ifd_desc length */
	u_int8_t	*ifd_desc;	/* ptr to desc buffer */

struct if_bandwidths {
	u_int64_t	eff_bw;		/* effective bandwidth */
	u_int64_t	max_bw;		/* maximum theoretical bandwidth */

struct if_rxpoll_stats {
	u_int32_t	ifi_poll_off_req;	/* total # of POLL_OFF reqs */
	u_int32_t	ifi_poll_off_err;	/* total # of POLL_OFF errors */
	u_int32_t	ifi_poll_on_req;	/* total # of POLL_ON reqs */
	u_int32_t	ifi_poll_on_err;	/* total # of POLL_ON errors */

	u_int32_t	ifi_poll_wakeups_avg;	/* avg # of wakeup reqs */
	u_int32_t	ifi_poll_wakeups_lowat;	/* wakeups low watermark */
	u_int32_t	ifi_poll_wakeups_hiwat;	/* wakeups high watermark */

	u_int64_t	ifi_poll_packets;	/* total # of polled packets */
	u_int32_t	ifi_poll_packets_avg;	/* average polled packets */
	u_int32_t	ifi_poll_packets_min;	/* smallest polled packets */
	u_int32_t	ifi_poll_packets_max;	/* largest polled packets */
	u_int32_t	ifi_poll_packets_lowat;	/* packets low watermark */
	u_int32_t	ifi_poll_packets_hiwat;	/* packets high watermark */

	u_int64_t	ifi_poll_bytes;		/* total # of polled bytes */
	u_int32_t	ifi_poll_bytes_avg;	/* average polled bytes */
	u_int32_t	ifi_poll_bytes_min;	/* smallest polled bytes */
	u_int32_t	ifi_poll_bytes_max;	/* largest polled bytes */
	u_int32_t	ifi_poll_bytes_lowat;	/* bytes low watermark */
	u_int32_t	ifi_poll_bytes_hiwat;	/* bytes high watermark */
#endif /* PRIVATE */

#pragma pack()

 * Structure defining a queue for a network interface.
struct	ifqueue {
	void	*ifq_head;
	void	*ifq_tail;
	int	ifq_len;
	int	ifq_maxlen;
	int	ifq_drops;

 * Internal storage of if_data. This is bound to change. Various places in the
 * stack will translate this data structure in to the externally visible
 * if_data structure above.  Note that during interface attach time, the
 * embedded if_data structure in ifnet is cleared, with the exception of
 * some non-statistics related fields.
struct if_data_internal {
	/* generic interface information */
	u_char		ifi_type;	/* ethernet, tokenring, etc */
	u_char		ifi_typelen;	/* Length of frame type id */
	u_char		ifi_physical;	/* e.g., AUI, Thinnet, 10base-T, etc */
	u_char		ifi_addrlen;	/* media address length */
	u_char		ifi_hdrlen;	/* media header length */
	u_char		ifi_recvquota;	/* polling quota for receive intrs */
	u_char		ifi_xmitquota;	/* polling quota for xmit intrs */
	u_char		ifi_unused1;	/* for future use */
	u_int32_t	ifi_mtu;	/* maximum transmission unit */
	u_int32_t	ifi_metric;	/* routing metric (external only) */
	u_int32_t	ifi_baudrate;	/* linespeed */
	u_int32_t	_pad;
	/* volatile statistics */
	u_int64_t	ifi_ipackets;	/* packets received on interface */
	u_int64_t	ifi_ierrors;	/* input errors on interface */
	u_int64_t	ifi_opackets;	/* packets sent on interface */
	u_int64_t	ifi_oerrors;	/* output errors on interface */
	u_int64_t	ifi_collisions;	/* collisions on csma interfaces */
	u_int64_t	ifi_ibytes;	/* total number of octets received */
	u_int64_t	ifi_obytes;	/* total number of octets sent */
	u_int64_t	ifi_imcasts;	/* packets received via multicast */
	u_int64_t	ifi_omcasts;	/* packets sent via multicast */
	u_int64_t	ifi_iqdrops;	/* dropped on input, this interface */
	u_int64_t	ifi_noproto;	/* destined for unsupported protocol */
	u_int32_t	ifi_recvtiming;	/* usec spent receiving when timing */
	u_int32_t	ifi_xmittiming;	/* usec spent xmitting when timing */
	u_int64_t	ifi_alignerrs;	/* unaligned (32-bit) input pkts */
#define IF_LASTCHANGEUPTIME	1	/* lastchange: 1-uptime 0-calendar time */
	struct	timeval ifi_lastchange;	/* time of last administrative change */
	u_int32_t	ifi_hwassist;	/* HW offload capabilities */
	u_int32_t	ifi_tso_v4_mtu;	/* TCP Segment Offload IPv4 maximum segment size */
	u_int32_t	ifi_tso_v6_mtu;	/* TCP Segment Offload IPv6 maximum segment size */

 * Fields per interface to measure perceived bandwidth.

struct if_measured_bw {
	u_int64_t	bw;		/* measured bandwidth in bytes per ms */
	u_int64_t	bytes;		/* XXX not needed */
	u_int64_t	ts;		/* XXX not needed */
	u_int64_t	cur_seq __attribute((aligned(8)));	/* current sequence for marking a packet */
	u_int64_t	start_ts;	/* time at which a measurement started */
	u_int64_t	start_seq;	/* sequence at which a measurement should start */
	u_int64_t	last_seq;	/* last recorded seq */
	u_int64_t	last_ts;	/* last recorded ts */
	u_int32_t	flags __attribute__((aligned(4)));		/* flags */


#ifdef PRIVATE
#define	if_mtu		if_data.ifi_mtu
#define	if_type		if_data.ifi_type
#define if_typelen	if_data.ifi_typelen
#define if_physical	if_data.ifi_physical
#define	if_addrlen	if_data.ifi_addrlen
#define	if_hdrlen	if_data.ifi_hdrlen
#define	if_metric	if_data.ifi_metric
#define	if_baudrate	if_data.ifi_baudrate
#define	if_hwassist	if_data.ifi_hwassist
#define	if_ipackets	if_data.ifi_ipackets
#define	if_ierrors	if_data.ifi_ierrors
#define	if_opackets	if_data.ifi_opackets
#define	if_oerrors	if_data.ifi_oerrors
#define	if_collisions	if_data.ifi_collisions
#define	if_ibytes	if_data.ifi_ibytes
#define	if_obytes	if_data.ifi_obytes
#define	if_imcasts	if_data.ifi_imcasts
#define	if_omcasts	if_data.ifi_omcasts
#define	if_iqdrops	if_data.ifi_iqdrops
#define	if_noproto	if_data.ifi_noproto
#define	if_lastchange	if_data.ifi_lastchange
#define if_recvquota	if_data.ifi_recvquota
#define	if_xmitquota	if_data.ifi_xmitquota
#endif /* PRIVATE */
#define	if_tso_v4_mtu	if_data.ifi_tso_v4_mtu
#define	if_tso_v6_mtu	if_data.ifi_tso_v6_mtu
#define	if_alignerrs	if_data.ifi_alignerrs

 * Forward structure declarations for function prototypes [sic].
struct proc;
struct rtentry;
struct socket;
struct ifnet_filter;
struct mbuf;
struct ifaddr;
struct tqdummy;
struct proto_hash_entry;
struct dlil_threading_info;
struct tcpstat_local;
struct udpstat_local;
#if PF
struct pfi_kif;
#endif /* PF */

/* we use TAILQs so that the order of instantiation is preserved in the list */
TAILQ_HEAD(ifnethead, ifnet);
TAILQ_HEAD(ifaddrhead, ifaddr);
TAILQ_HEAD(ifprefixhead, ifprefix);
LIST_HEAD(ifmultihead, ifmultiaddr);
TAILQ_HEAD(tailq_head, tqdummy);
TAILQ_HEAD(ifnet_filter_head, ifnet_filter);
TAILQ_HEAD(ddesc_head_name, dlil_demux_desc);

#ifdef PRIVATE
 * All of the following IF_HWASSIST_* flags are defined in kpi_inteface.h as
 * IFNET_* flags. These are redefined here as constants to avoid failures to
 * build user level programs that can not include kpi_interface.h. It is
 * important to keep this in sync with the definitions in kpi_interface.h.
 * The corresponding constant for each definition is mentioned in the comment.
 * Bottom 16 bits reserved for hardware checksum
#define IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_IP		0x0001	/* will csum IP, IFNET_CSUM_IP */
#define IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_TCP		0x0002	/* will csum TCP, IFNET_CSUM_TCP */
#define IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_UDP		0x0004	/* will csum UDP, IFNET_CSUM_UDP */
#define IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_IP_FRAGS	0x0008	/* will csum IP fragments, IFNET_CSUM_FRAGMENT */
#define IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_FRAGMENT	0x0010	/* will do IP fragmentation, IFNET_IP_FRAGMENT */
#define IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_TCPIPV6	0x0020	/* will csum TCPv6, IFNET_CSUM_TCPIPV6 */
#define IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_UDPIPV6	0x0040	/* will csum UDPv6, IFNET_CSUM_UDP */
#define IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_FRAGMENT_IPV6	0x0080	/* will do IPv6 fragmentation, IFNET_IPV6_FRAGMENT */
#define IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_TCP_SUM16	0x1000	/* simple TCP Sum16 computation, IFNET_CSUM_SUM16 */
#define IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_MASK		0xffff
#define IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_FLAGS(hwassist)	((hwassist) & IF_HWASSIST_CSUM_MASK)

/* VLAN support */
#define IF_HWASSIST_VLAN_TAGGING	0x00010000	/* supports VLAN tagging, IFNET_VLAN_TAGGING */
#define IF_HWASSIST_VLAN_MTU		0x00020000	/* supports VLAN MTU-sized packet (for software VLAN), IFNET_VLAN_MTU */

/* TCP Segment Offloading support */

#define IF_HWASSIST_TSO_V4		0x00200000	/* will do TCP Segment offload for IPv4, IFNET_TSO_IPV4 */
#define IF_HWASSIST_TSO_V6		0x00400000	/* will do TCP Segment offload for IPv6, IFNET_TSO_IPV6 */
#endif /* PRIVATE */

 * ifnet is private to BSD portion of kernel
#include <sys/tree.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <net/classq/if_classq.h>

RB_HEAD(ll_reach_tree, if_llreach);	/* define struct ll_reach_tree */

 * Structure defining a network interface.
 * (Would like to call this struct ``if'', but C isn't PL/1.)
struct ifnet {
	 * Lock (RW or mutex) to protect this data structure (static storage.)
	decl_lck_rw_data(, if_lock);
	void		*if_softc;	/* pointer to driver state */
	const char	*if_name;	/* name, e.g. ``en'' or ``lo'' */
	struct if_description if_desc;	/* extended description */
	TAILQ_ENTRY(ifnet) if_link;	/* all struct ifnets are chained */
	TAILQ_ENTRY(ifnet) if_detaching_link; /* list of detaching ifnets */

	decl_lck_mtx_data(, if_ref_lock)
	u_int32_t	if_refflags;
	u_int32_t	if_refio;	/* number of io ops to the underlying driver */

#define	if_list		if_link
	struct ifaddrhead if_addrhead;	/* linked list of addresses per if */
#define	if_addrlist	if_addrhead
	struct ifaddr	*if_lladdr;	/* link address (first/permanent) */

	int		if_pcount;	/* number of promiscuous listeners */
	struct bpf_if	*if_bpf;	/* packet filter structure */
	u_short		if_index;	/* numeric abbreviation for this if  */
	short		if_unit;	/* sub-unit for lower level driver */
	short		if_timer;	/* time 'til if_watchdog called */
	short		if_flags;	/* up/down, broadcast, etc. */
	u_int32_t	if_eflags;	/* see <net/if.h> */

	int		if_capabilities;	/* interface features & capabilities */
	int		if_capenable;		/* enabled features & capabilities */

	void		*if_linkmib;	/* link-type-specific MIB data */
	size_t		if_linkmiblen;	/* length of above data */

	struct if_data_internal if_data __attribute__((aligned(8)));

	ifnet_family_t		if_family;	/* value assigned by Apple */
	uintptr_t		if_family_cookie;
	ifnet_output_func	if_output;
	ifnet_pre_enqueue_func	if_pre_enqueue;
	ifnet_start_func	if_start;
	ifnet_ctl_func		if_output_ctl;
	ifnet_input_poll_func	if_input_poll;
	ifnet_ctl_func		if_input_ctl;
	ifnet_ioctl_func	if_ioctl;
	ifnet_set_bpf_tap	if_set_bpf_tap;
	ifnet_detached_func	if_free;
	ifnet_demux_func	if_demux;
	ifnet_event_func	if_event;
	ifnet_framer_func	if_framer;
	ifnet_add_proto_func	if_add_proto;
	ifnet_del_proto_func	if_del_proto;
	ifnet_check_multi	if_check_multi;
	struct proto_hash_entry	*if_proto_hash;
	void			*if_kpi_storage;

	decl_lck_mtx_data(, if_start_lock);
	u_int32_t		if_start_req;
	u_int32_t		if_start_active; /* output is active */
	struct timespec		if_start_cycle;	 /* restart interval */
	struct thread		*if_start_thread;

	struct ifclassq		if_snd;		/* transmit queue */
	u_int32_t		if_output_sched_model;	/* tx sched model */

	struct if_bandwidths	if_output_bw;
	struct if_bandwidths	if_input_bw;

	decl_lck_mtx_data(, if_flt_lock)
	u_int32_t		if_flt_busy;
	u_int32_t		if_flt_waiters;
	struct ifnet_filter_head if_flt_head;

	struct ifmultihead	if_multiaddrs;	/* multicast addresses */
	u_int32_t		if_updatemcasts; /* mcast addrs need updating */
	int			if_amcount;	/* # of all-multicast reqs */
	decl_lck_mtx_data(, if_addrconfig_lock); /* for serializing addr config */
	struct in_multi		*if_allhostsinm; /* store all-hosts inm for this ifp */

	decl_lck_mtx_data(, if_poll_lock);
	u_int16_t		if_poll_req;
	u_int16_t		if_poll_update;	/* link update */
	u_int32_t		if_poll_active;	/* polling is active */
	struct timespec		if_poll_cycle;  /* poll interval */
	struct thread		*if_poll_thread;

	struct dlil_threading_info *if_inp;

	struct	ifprefixhead	if_prefixhead;	/* list of prefixes per if */
	struct {
		u_int32_t	length;
		union {
			u_char	buffer[8];
			u_char	*ptr;
		} u;
	} if_broadcast;
	struct label		*if_label;	/* interface MAC label */

	u_int32_t		if_wake_properties;
#if PF
	struct pfi_kif		*if_pf_kif;
#endif /* PF */

	decl_lck_mtx_data(, if_cached_route_lock);
	u_int32_t		if_fwd_cacheok;
	struct route		if_fwd_route;	/* cached forwarding route */
	struct route		if_src_route;	/* cached ipv4 source route */
	struct route_in6	if_src_route6;	/* cached ipv6 source route */

	decl_lck_rw_data(, if_llreach_lock);
	struct ll_reach_tree	if_ll_srcs;	/* source link-layer tree */

	void			*if_bridge;	/* bridge glue */

	u_int32_t		if_want_aggressive_drain;
	u_int32_t		if_idle_flags;	/* idle flags */
	u_int32_t		if_idle_new_flags; /* temporary idle flags */
	u_int32_t		if_idle_new_flags_mask; /* temporary mask */
	u_int32_t		if_route_refcnt; /* idle: route ref count */

	struct if_traffic_class if_tc __attribute__((aligned(8)));
#if INET
	struct igmp_ifinfo	*if_igi;	/* for IGMPv3 */
#endif /* INET */
#if INET6
	struct mld_ifinfo	*if_mli;	/* for MLDv2 */
#endif /* INET6 */

	int			if_lqm;		/* link quality metric */
	struct if_measured_bw	if_bw;
	struct tcpstat_local	*if_tcp_stat;	/* TCP specific stats */
	struct udpstat_local	*if_udp_stat;	/* UDP specific stats */

 * Valid values for if_useflags
#define	IFRF_ATTACHED	0x1	/* ifnet attach is completely done */
#define	IFRF_DETACHING	0x2	/* detach has been requested */

 * Structure describing a `cloning' interface.
struct if_clone {
	LIST_ENTRY(if_clone) ifc_list;	/* on list of cloners */
	const char	*ifc_name;	/* name of device, e.g. `vlan' */
	size_t		ifc_namelen;	/* length of name */
	u_int32_t	ifc_minifs;	/* minimum number of interfaces */
	u_int32_t	ifc_maxunit;	/* maximum unit number */
	unsigned char	*ifc_units;	/* bitmap to handle units */
	u_int32_t	ifc_bmlen;	/* bitmap length */

	int		(*ifc_create)(struct if_clone *, u_int32_t, void *);
	int		(*ifc_destroy)(struct ifnet *);

#define IF_CLONE_INITIALIZER(name, create, destroy, minifs, maxunit) {	      \
	{ NULL, NULL }, name, (sizeof (name) - 1), minifs, maxunit, NULL, 0,  \
	create, destroy							      \

#define M_CLONE         M_IFADDR

 * Macros to manipulate ifqueue.  Users of these macros are responsible
 * for serialization, by holding whatever lock is appropriate for the
 * corresponding structure that is referring the ifqueue.
#define	IF_QFULL(ifq)		((ifq)->ifq_len >= (ifq)->ifq_maxlen)
#define	IF_DROP(ifq)		((ifq)->ifq_drops++)

#define	IF_ENQUEUE(ifq, m) do {						\
	(m)->m_nextpkt = NULL;						\
	if ((ifq)->ifq_tail == NULL)					\
		(ifq)->ifq_head = m;					\
	else								\
		((struct mbuf*)(ifq)->ifq_tail)->m_nextpkt = m;		\
	(ifq)->ifq_tail = m;						\
	(ifq)->ifq_len++;						\
} while (0)

#define	IF_PREPEND(ifq, m) do {						\
	(m)->m_nextpkt = (ifq)->ifq_head;				\
	if ((ifq)->ifq_tail == NULL)					\
		(ifq)->ifq_tail = (m);					\
	(ifq)->ifq_head = (m);						\
	(ifq)->ifq_len++;						\
} while (0)

#define	IF_DEQUEUE(ifq, m) do {						\
	(m) = (ifq)->ifq_head;						\
	if (m != NULL) {						\
		if (((ifq)->ifq_head = (m)->m_nextpkt) == NULL)		\
			(ifq)->ifq_tail = NULL;				\
		(m)->m_nextpkt = NULL;					\
		(ifq)->ifq_len--;					\
	}								\
} while (0)

#define	IF_REMQUEUE(ifq, m) do {					\
	struct mbuf *_p = (ifq)->ifq_head;				\
	struct mbuf *_n = (m)->m_nextpkt;				\
	if ((m) == _p)							\
		_p = NULL;						\
	while (_p != NULL) {						\
		if (_p->m_nextpkt == (m))				\
			break;						\
		_p = _p->m_nextpkt;					\
	}								\
	VERIFY(_p != NULL || ((m) == (ifq)->ifq_head));			\
	if ((m) == (ifq)->ifq_head)					\
		(ifq)->ifq_head = _n;					\
	if ((m) == (ifq)->ifq_tail)					\
		(ifq)->ifq_tail = _p;					\
	VERIFY((ifq)->ifq_tail != NULL || (ifq)->ifq_head == NULL);	\
	VERIFY((ifq)->ifq_len != 0);					\
	--(ifq)->ifq_len;						\
	if (_p != NULL)							\
		_p->m_nextpkt = _n;					\
	(m)->m_nextpkt = NULL;						\
} while (0)

#define IF_DRAIN(ifq) do {						\
	struct mbuf *_m;						\
	for (;;) {							\
		IF_DEQUEUE(ifq, _m);					\
		if (_m == NULL)						\
			break;						\
		m_freem(_m);						\
	}								\
} while (0)

 * The ifaddr structure contains information about one address
 * of an interface.  They are maintained by the different address families,
 * are allocated and attached when an address is set, and are linked
 * together so all addresses for an interface can be located.
struct ifaddr {
	decl_lck_mtx_data(, ifa_lock);	/* lock for ifaddr */
	uint32_t	ifa_refcnt;	/* ref count, use IFA_{ADD,REM}REF */
	uint32_t	ifa_debug;	/* debug flags */
	struct sockaddr	*ifa_addr;	/* address of interface */
	struct sockaddr	*ifa_dstaddr;	/* other end of p-to-p link */
#define	ifa_broadaddr	ifa_dstaddr	/* broadcast address interface */
	struct sockaddr	*ifa_netmask;	/* used to determine subnet */
	struct ifnet	*ifa_ifp;	/* back-pointer to interface */
	TAILQ_ENTRY(ifaddr) ifa_link;	/* queue macro glue */
	void (*ifa_rtrequest)		/* check or clean routes (+ or -)'d */
	    (int, struct rtentry *, struct sockaddr *);
	uint32_t	ifa_flags;	/* mostly rt_flags for cloning */
	int32_t		ifa_metric;	/* cost of going out this interface */
	void (*ifa_free)(struct ifaddr *); /* callback fn for freeing */
	void (*ifa_trace)		/* callback fn for tracing refs */
	    (struct ifaddr *, int);
	void (*ifa_attached)(struct ifaddr *); /* callback fn for attaching */
	void (*ifa_detached)(struct ifaddr *); /* callback fn for detaching */

 * Valid values for ifa_flags
#define	IFA_ROUTE	RTF_UP		/* route installed (0x1) */
#define	IFA_CLONING	RTF_CLONING	/* (0x100) */

 * Valid values for ifa_debug
#define	IFD_ATTACHED	0x1		/* attached to list */
#define	IFD_ALLOC	0x2		/* dynamically allocated */
#define	IFD_DEBUG	0x4		/* has debugging info */
#define	IFD_LINK	0x8		/* link address */
#define	IFD_TRASHED	0x10		/* in trash list */
#define	IFD_SKIP	0x20		/* skip this entry */
#define	IFD_NOTREADY	0x40		/* embryonic; not yet ready */

#define	IFA_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(_ifa)					\
	lck_mtx_assert(&(_ifa)->ifa_lock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED)

#define	IFA_LOCK_ASSERT_NOTHELD(_ifa)					\
	lck_mtx_assert(&(_ifa)->ifa_lock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_NOTOWNED)

#define	IFA_LOCK(_ifa)							\

#define	IFA_LOCK_SPIN(_ifa)						\

#define	IFA_CONVERT_LOCK(_ifa) do {					\
	IFA_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(_ifa);					\
	lck_mtx_convert_spin(&(_ifa)->ifa_lock);			\
} while (0)

#define	IFA_UNLOCK(_ifa)						\

#define	IFA_ADDREF(_ifa)						\
	ifa_addref(_ifa, 0)

#define	IFA_ADDREF_LOCKED(_ifa)						\
	ifa_addref(_ifa, 1)

#define	IFA_REMREF(_ifa) do {						\
	(void) ifa_remref(_ifa, 0);					\
} while (0)

#define	IFA_REMREF_LOCKED(_ifa)						\
	ifa_remref(_ifa, 1)

 * The prefix structure contains information about one prefix
 * of an interface.  They are maintained by the different address families,
 * are allocated and attached when an prefix or an address is set,
 * and are linked together so all prefixes for an interface can be located.
struct ifprefix {
	struct	sockaddr *ifpr_prefix;	/* prefix of interface */
	struct	ifnet *ifpr_ifp;	/* back-pointer to interface */
	TAILQ_ENTRY(ifprefix) ifpr_list; /* queue macro glue */
	u_char	ifpr_plen;		/* prefix length in bits */
	u_char	ifpr_type;		/* protocol dependent prefix type */

 * Multicast address structure.  This is analogous to the ifaddr
 * structure except that it keeps track of multicast addresses.
 * Also, the request count here is a count of requests for this
 * address, not a count of pointers to this structure; anonymous
 * membership(s) holds one outstanding request count.
struct ifmultiaddr {
	decl_lck_mtx_data(, ifma_lock);
	u_int32_t ifma_refcount;	/* reference count */
	u_int32_t ifma_anoncnt;		/* # of anonymous requests */
	u_int32_t ifma_reqcnt;		/* total requests for this address */
	u_int32_t ifma_debug;		/* see ifa_debug flags */
	u_int32_t ifma_flags;		/* see below */
	LIST_ENTRY(ifmultiaddr) ifma_link; /* queue macro glue */
	struct sockaddr *ifma_addr;	/* address this membership is for */
	struct ifmultiaddr *ifma_ll;	/* link-layer translation, if any */
	struct ifnet *ifma_ifp;		/* back-pointer to interface */
	void *ifma_protospec;		/* protocol-specific state, if any */
	void (*ifma_trace)		/* callback fn for tracing refs */
	    (struct ifmultiaddr *, int);

 * Values for ifma_flags
#define	IFMAF_ANONYMOUS		0x1	/* has anonymous request ref(s) held */

#define	IFMA_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(_ifma)					\
	lck_mtx_assert(&(_ifma)->ifma_lock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED)

#define	IFMA_LOCK_ASSERT_NOTHELD(_ifma)					\
	lck_mtx_assert(&(_ifma)->ifma_lock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_NOTOWNED)

#define	IFMA_LOCK(_ifma)						\

#define	IFMA_LOCK_SPIN(_ifma)						\

#define	IFMA_CONVERT_LOCK(_ifma) do {					\
	IFMA_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(_ifma);					\
	lck_mtx_convert_spin(&(_ifma)->ifma_lock);			\
} while (0)

#define	IFMA_UNLOCK(_ifma)						\

#define	IFMA_ADDREF(_ifma)						\
	ifma_addref(_ifma, 0)

#define	IFMA_ADDREF_LOCKED(_ifma)					\
	ifma_addref(_ifma, 1)

#define	IFMA_REMREF(_ifma)						\

__private_extern__ struct ifnethead ifnet_head;
__private_extern__ struct ifnet **ifindex2ifnet;
__private_extern__ u_int32_t if_sndq_maxlen;
__private_extern__ u_int32_t if_rcvq_maxlen;
__private_extern__ int if_index;
__private_extern__ struct ifaddr **ifnet_addrs;
__private_extern__ lck_attr_t *ifa_mtx_attr;
__private_extern__ lck_grp_t *ifa_mtx_grp;
__private_extern__ lck_grp_t *ifnet_lock_group;
__private_extern__ lck_attr_t *ifnet_lock_attr;
extern ifnet_t lo_ifp;
extern uint32_t if_bw_measure_size;
extern u_int32_t if_bw_smoothing_val;

extern int if_addmulti(struct ifnet *, const struct sockaddr *,
    struct ifmultiaddr **);
extern int if_addmulti_anon(struct ifnet *, const struct sockaddr *,
    struct ifmultiaddr **);
extern int if_allmulti(struct ifnet *, int);
extern int if_delmulti(struct ifnet *, const struct sockaddr *);
extern int if_delmulti_ifma(struct ifmultiaddr *);
extern int if_delmulti_anon(struct ifnet *, const struct sockaddr *);
extern void if_down(struct ifnet *);
extern int if_down_all(void);
extern void if_up(struct ifnet *);
__private_extern__ void if_updown(struct ifnet *ifp, int up);
extern int ifioctl(struct socket *, u_long, caddr_t, struct proc *);
extern int ifioctllocked(struct socket *, u_long, caddr_t, struct proc *);
extern struct ifnet *ifunit(const char *);
extern struct ifnet *if_withname(struct sockaddr *);
extern void if_qflush(struct ifnet *, int);
extern void if_qflush_sc(struct ifnet *, mbuf_svc_class_t, u_int32_t,
    u_int32_t *, u_int32_t *, int);

extern struct if_clone *if_clone_lookup(const char *, u_int32_t *);
extern int if_clone_attach(struct if_clone *);
extern void if_clone_detach(struct if_clone *);

extern errno_t if_mcasts_update(struct ifnet *);

typedef enum {
	IFNET_LCK_ASSERT_EXCLUSIVE,	/* RW: held as writer */
	IFNET_LCK_ASSERT_SHARED,	/* RW: held as reader */
	IFNET_LCK_ASSERT_OWNED,		/* RW: writer/reader, MTX: held */
} ifnet_lock_assert_t;

__private_extern__ void ifnet_lock_assert(struct ifnet *, ifnet_lock_assert_t);
__private_extern__ void ifnet_lock_shared(struct ifnet *ifp);
__private_extern__ void ifnet_lock_exclusive(struct ifnet *ifp);
__private_extern__ void ifnet_lock_done(struct ifnet *ifp);

__private_extern__ void	ifnet_head_lock_shared(void);
__private_extern__ void	ifnet_head_lock_exclusive(void);
__private_extern__ void	ifnet_head_done(void);

__private_extern__ errno_t ifnet_set_idle_flags_locked(ifnet_t, u_int32_t,
__private_extern__ int ifnet_is_attached(struct ifnet *, int refio);
__private_extern__ void ifnet_decr_iorefcnt(struct ifnet *);
__private_extern__ void ifnet_set_start_cycle(struct ifnet *,
    struct timespec *);
__private_extern__ void ifnet_set_poll_cycle(struct ifnet *,
    struct timespec *);

__private_extern__ void if_attach_ifa(struct ifnet *, struct ifaddr *);
__private_extern__ void if_attach_link_ifa(struct ifnet *, struct ifaddr *);
__private_extern__ void if_detach_ifa(struct ifnet *, struct ifaddr *);
__private_extern__ void if_detach_link_ifa(struct ifnet *, struct ifaddr *);

__private_extern__ void dlil_if_lock(void);
__private_extern__ void dlil_if_unlock(void);
__private_extern__ void dlil_if_lock_assert(void);

extern struct ifaddr *ifa_ifwithaddr(const struct sockaddr *);
extern struct ifaddr *ifa_ifwithaddr_scoped(const struct sockaddr *,
    unsigned int);
extern struct ifaddr *ifa_ifwithdstaddr(const struct sockaddr *);
extern struct ifaddr *ifa_ifwithnet(const struct sockaddr *);
extern struct ifaddr *ifa_ifwithnet_scoped(const struct sockaddr *,
    unsigned int);
extern struct ifaddr *ifa_ifwithroute(int, const struct sockaddr *,
    const struct sockaddr *);
extern struct	ifaddr *ifa_ifwithroute_locked(int, const struct sockaddr *,
    const struct sockaddr *);
extern struct ifaddr *ifa_ifwithroute_scoped_locked(int,
    const struct sockaddr *, const struct sockaddr *, unsigned int);
extern struct ifaddr *ifaof_ifpforaddr(const struct sockaddr *, struct ifnet *);
__private_extern__ struct ifaddr *ifa_ifpgetprimary(struct ifnet *, int);
extern void ifa_addref(struct ifaddr *, int);
extern struct ifaddr *ifa_remref(struct ifaddr *, int);
extern void ifa_lock_init(struct ifaddr *);
extern void ifa_lock_destroy(struct ifaddr *);
extern void ifma_addref(struct ifmultiaddr *, int);
extern void ifma_remref(struct ifmultiaddr *);

extern void ifa_init(void);

__private_extern__ struct in_ifaddr *ifa_foraddr(unsigned int);
__private_extern__ struct in_ifaddr *ifa_foraddr_scoped(unsigned int,
    unsigned int);

extern void ifnet_fclist_append(struct sfb *sp, struct sfb_fc_list *fcl);
extern struct sfb_bin_fcentry* ifnet_fce_alloc(int how);
extern void ifnet_fce_free(struct sfb_bin_fcentry *);

struct ifreq;
extern errno_t ifnet_getset_opportunistic(struct ifnet *, u_long,
    struct ifreq *, struct proc *);
extern int ifnet_get_throttle(struct ifnet *, u_int32_t *);
extern int ifnet_set_throttle(struct ifnet *, u_int32_t);

#if INET6
struct in6_addr;
__private_extern__ struct in6_ifaddr *ifa_foraddr6(struct in6_addr *);
__private_extern__ struct in6_ifaddr *ifa_foraddr6_scoped(struct in6_addr *,
    unsigned int);
#endif /* INET6 */

__private_extern__ void if_data_internal_to_if_data(struct ifnet *ifp,
    const struct if_data_internal *if_data_int, struct if_data *if_data);
__private_extern__ void	if_data_internal_to_if_data64(struct ifnet *ifp,
    const struct if_data_internal *if_data_int, struct if_data64 *if_data64);
__private_extern__ void	if_copy_traffic_class(struct ifnet *ifp,
    struct if_traffic_class *if_tc);
__private_extern__ void	if_copy_data_extended(struct ifnet *ifp,
    struct if_data_extended *if_de);
__private_extern__ void if_copy_packet_stats(struct ifnet *ifp,
    struct if_packet_stats *if_ps);
__private_extern__ void if_copy_rxpoll_stats(struct ifnet *ifp,
    struct if_rxpoll_stats *if_rs);

__private_extern__ struct rtentry *ifnet_cached_rtlookup_inet(struct ifnet *,
    struct in_addr);
#if INET6
__private_extern__ struct rtentry *ifnet_cached_rtlookup_inet6(struct ifnet *,
    struct in6_addr *);
#endif /* INET6 */

__private_extern__ void if_lqm_update(struct ifnet *, int32_t);
__private_extern__ void ifnet_update_sndq(struct ifclassq *, cqev_t);
__private_extern__ void ifnet_update_rcv(struct ifnet *, cqev_t);

__private_extern__ errno_t ifnet_set_input_bandwidths(struct ifnet *,
    struct if_bandwidths *);
__private_extern__ errno_t ifnet_set_output_bandwidths(struct ifnet *,
    struct if_bandwidths *, boolean_t);
__private_extern__ u_int64_t ifnet_output_linkrate(struct ifnet *);
__private_extern__ u_int64_t ifnet_input_linkrate(struct ifnet *);
/* for uuid.c */
__private_extern__ int uuid_get_ethernet(u_int8_t *);
#endif /* !_NET_IF_VAR_H_ */