asp.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License
 * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of,
 * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to
 * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any
 * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement.
 * Please obtain a copy of the License at
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 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.
 * ORIGINS: 82
 * (C) COPYRIGHT Apple Computer, Inc. 1992-1996
 * All Rights Reserved

#ifndef _NETAT_ASP_H_
#define _NETAT_ASP_H_
#include <sys/appleapiopts.h>


#define ASP_Version           0x100

#define ASPFUNC_CloseSess     1
#define ASPFUNC_Command       2
#define ASPFUNC_GetStatus     3
#define ASPFUNC_OpenSess      4
#define ASPFUNC_Tickle        5
#define ASPFUNC_Write         6
#define ASPFUNC_WriteContinue 7
#define ASPFUNC_Attention     8
#define ASPFUNC_CmdReply      9

#define ASPIOC               210 /* AT_MID_ASP */
#define ASPIOC_ClientBind    ((ASPIOC<<8) | 1)
#define ASPIOC_CloseSession  ((ASPIOC<<8) | 2)
#define ASPIOC_GetLocEntity  ((ASPIOC<<8) | 3)
#define ASPIOC_GetRemEntity  ((ASPIOC<<8) | 4)
#define ASPIOC_GetSession    ((ASPIOC<<8) | 5)
#define ASPIOC_GetStatus     ((ASPIOC<<8) | 6)
#define ASPIOC_ListenerBind  ((ASPIOC<<8) | 7)
#define ASPIOC_OpenSession   ((ASPIOC<<8) | 8)
#define ASPIOC_StatusBlock   ((ASPIOC<<8) | 9)
#define ASPIOC_SetPid        ((ASPIOC<<8) |10)
#define ASPIOC_GetSessId     ((ASPIOC<<8) |11)
#define ASPIOC_EnableSelect  ((ASPIOC<<8) |12)	/* not needed */
#define ASPIOC_Look          ((ASPIOC<<8) |13)

#define MOREDATA 1

/* The following ASP error codes are defined in Inside AppleTalk: */

#define ASPERR_NoError         0
#define ASPERR_BadVersNum      -1066
#define ASPERR_BufTooSmall     -1067
#define ASPERR_NoMoreSessions  -1068
#define ASPERR_NoServers       -1069
#define ASPERR_ParamErr        -1070
#define ASPERR_ServerBusy      -1071
#define ASPERR_SessClosed      -1072
#define ASPERR_SizeErr         -1073
#define ASPERR_TooManyClients  -1074
#define ASPERR_NoAck           -1075

/* These ASP error codes were apparently defined later: */

#define ASPERR_NoSuchDevice    -1058
#define ASPERR_BindErr         -1059
#define ASPERR_CmdReply        -1060
#define ASPERR_CmdRequest      -1061
#define ASPERR_SystemErr       -1062
#define ASPERR_ProtoErr        -1063
#define ASPERR_NoSuchEntity    -1064
#define ASPERR_RegisterErr     -1065

typedef struct {
	at_inet_t SLSEntityIdentifier;
	at_retry_t Retry;
	int StatusBufferSize;
} asp_status_cmd_t;

typedef struct {
	at_inet_t SLSEntityIdentifier;
	at_retry_t Retry;
	unsigned short TickleInterval;
	unsigned short SessionTimer;
} asp_open_cmd_t;

typedef struct {
	int Primitive;
	int CmdResult;
	unsigned short ReqRefNum;
	unsigned short Filler;
} asp_cmdreply_req_t;

typedef struct {
	int Primitive;
	int CmdResult;
} asp_cmdreply_ind_t;

typedef struct {
	int Primitive;
	unsigned short ReqRefNum;
	unsigned char ReqType;
	unsigned char Filler;
} asp_command_ind_t;

union asp_primitives {
	int Primitive;
	asp_cmdreply_ind_t CmdReplyInd;
	asp_cmdreply_req_t CmdReplyReq;
	asp_command_ind_t CommandInd;


#define ASPSTATE_Close                      0
#define ASPSTATE_Idle                       1
#define ASPSTATE_WaitingForGetStatusRsp     2
#define ASPSTATE_WaitingForOpenSessRsp      3
#define ASPSTATE_WaitingForCommandRsp       4
#define ASPSTATE_WaitingForWriteContinue    5
#define ASPSTATE_WaitingForWriteRsp         6
#define ASPSTATE_WaitingForWriteContinueRsp 7
#define ASPSTATE_WaitingForCloseSessRsp     8
#ifdef NOT_USED
#define ASPSTATE_WaitingForCfgAck           9

 * ATP state block
typedef struct {
	gref_t *atp_gref; /* gref must be the first entry */
	int pid; /* process id, must be the second entry */
	gbuf_t *atp_msgq; /* data msg, must be the third entry */
	unsigned char dflag; /* structure flag, must be the fourth entry */
	unsigned char filler[3];
} atp_state_t;

 * ASP word
typedef struct {
	unsigned char  func;
	unsigned char  param1;
	unsigned short param2;
} asp_word_t;

struct asp_scb;
typedef void (*asp_tmo_func)(struct asp_scb *);

 * ASP session control block
typedef struct asp_scb {
	gref_t *gref; /* read queue pointer, must be the first entry */
	int pid; /* process id, must be the second entry */
	atp_state_t *atp_state; /* atp state info, must be the third entry */
	unsigned char  dflag; /* structure flag, must be the fourth entry */
	unsigned char  state;
	unsigned char  sess_id;
	unsigned char  tmo_delta;
	unsigned char  tmo_cnt;
	unsigned char  rem_socket;
	unsigned char  rem_node;
	unsigned char  magic_num;
	unsigned short snd_seq_num;
	unsigned short rcv_seq_num;
	unsigned short filler;
	unsigned short tickle_tid;
	unsigned short tickle_interval;
	unsigned short session_timer;
	unsigned short attn_tid;
	unsigned char  attn_flag;
	unsigned char  req_flag;
	gbuf_t *req_msgq;
	unsigned short wrt_seq_num;
	unsigned char get_wait;
	unsigned char ioc_wait;
	at_retry_t cmd_retry;
	at_inet_t loc_addr;
	at_inet_t rem_addr;
	at_inet_t svc_addr;
	gbuf_t *sess_ioc;
	gbuf_t *stat_msg;
	asp_tmo_func tmo_func;
	struct asp_scb *next_tmo;
	struct asp_scb *prev_tmo;
	struct asp_scb *sess_scb;
	struct asp_scb *next_scb;
	struct asp_scb *prev_scb;
	unsigned char sel_on;		/* not needed */
	unsigned char user;
	unsigned char rcv_cnt;
	unsigned char snd_stop;
	unsigned char reply_socket;
	unsigned char if_num;
	unsigned char pad[2];
	atlock_t lock;
	atlock_t delay_lock;
	atevent_t event;
	atevent_t delay_event;
} asp_scb_t;

int ASPgetmsg(gref_t *, strbuf_t *, strbuf_t *, gbuf_t **,  int *, int *);
int ASPputmsg(gref_t *, strbuf_t *, strbuf_t *, gbuf_t *, int , int *);
void asp_init(void);
void asp_ack_reply(gref_t *, gbuf_t *);
void asp_nak_reply(gref_t *, gbuf_t *);
int asp_wput(gref_t *, gbuf_t *);
void asp_clock(void *);
void asp_clock_locked(void *);
int asp_open(gref_t *);
int asp_close(gref_t *);

#endif /* KERNEL_PRIVATE */
#endif /* __APPLE_API_OBSOLETE */
#endif /* _NETAT_ASP_H_ */