vmachmon.c   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
 * "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.  Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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** vmachmon.c
** C routines that we are adding to the MacOS X kernel.
** Weird Apple PSL stuff goes here...
** Until then, Copyright 2000, Connectix

#include <mach/mach_types.h>
#include <mach/kern_return.h>
#include <mach/host_info.h>
#include <kern/kern_types.h>
#include <kern/host.h>
#include <kern/task.h>
#include <kern/thread.h>
#include <kern/thread_act.h>
#include <ppc/exception.h>
#include <ppc/mappings.h>
#include <ppc/thread_act.h>
#include <ppc/pmap_internals.h>
#include <vm/vm_kern.h>

#include <ppc/vmachmon.h>

extern struct	Saveanchor saveanchor;			/* Aligned savearea anchor */
extern double FloatInit;
extern unsigned long QNaNbarbarian[4];

	Virtual Machine Monitor Internal Routines

** vmm_get_entry
** This function verifies and return a vmm context entry index
** Inputs:
**		act - pointer to current thread activation
**		index - index into vmm control table (this is a "one based" value)
** Outputs:
**		address of a vmmCntrlEntry or 0 if not found

vmmCntrlEntry *vmm_get_entry(
	thread_act_t		act,
	vmm_thread_index_t 	index)
	vmmCntrlTable *CTable;
	vmmCntrlEntry *CEntry;

	if (act->mact.vmmControl == 0) return NULL;				/* No control table means no vmm */
	if ((index - 1) >= kVmmMaxContextsPerThread) return NULL;	/* Index not in range */	

	CTable = act->mact.vmmControl;							/* Make the address a bit more convienient */
	CEntry = &CTable->vmmc[index - 1];						/* Point to the entry */
	if (!(CEntry->vmmFlags & vmmInUse)) return NULL;		/* See if the slot is actually in use */
	return CEntry;

	Virtual Machine Monitor Exported Functionality
	The following routines are used to implement a quick-switch mechanism for
	virtual machines that need to execute within their own processor envinroment
	(including register and MMU state).

** vmm_get_version
** This function returns the current version of the virtual machine
** interface. It is divided into two portions. The top 16 bits
** represent the major version number, and the bottom 16 bits
** represent the minor version number. Clients using the Vmm
** functionality should make sure they are using a verison new
** enough for them.
** Inputs:
**		none
** Outputs:
**		32-bit number representing major/minor version of 
**				the Vmm module

int vmm_get_version(struct savearea *save)
	save->save_r3 = kVmmCurrentVersion;		/* Return the version */
	return 1;

** Vmm_get_features
** This function returns a set of flags that represents the functionality
** supported by the current verison of the Vmm interface. Clients should
** use this to determine whether they can run on this system.
** Inputs:
**		none
** Outputs:
**		32-bit number representing functionality supported by this
**				version of the Vmm module

int vmm_get_features(struct savearea *save)
	save->save_r3 = kVmmCurrentFeatures;		/* Return the features */
	return 1;

** vmm_init_context
** This function initializes an  emulation context. It allocates
** a new pmap (address space) and fills in the initial processor
** state within the specified structure. The structure, mapped
** into the client's logical address space, must be page-aligned.
** Inputs:
**		act - pointer to current thread activation
**		version - requested version of the Vmm interface (allowing
**			future versions of the interface to change, but still
**			support older clients)
**		vmm_user_state - pointer to a logical page within the
**			client's address space
** Outputs:
**		kernel return code indicating success or failure

int vmm_init_context(struct savearea *save)

	thread_act_t		act;
	vmm_version_t 		version;
	vmm_state_page_t *	vmm_user_state;
	vmmCntrlTable		*CTable;
	vm_offset_t			conkern;
	vmm_state_page_t *	vks;
	vm_offset_t			conphys;
	kern_return_t 		ret;
	pmap_t				new_pmap;	
	int					cvi, i;
    task_t				task;
    thread_act_t		fact, gact;

	vmm_user_state = (vmm_state_page_t *)save->save_r4;		/* Get the user address of the comm area */
	if ((unsigned int)vmm_user_state & (PAGE_SIZE - 1)) {	/* Make sure the comm area is page aligned */
		save->save_r3 = KERN_FAILURE;			/* Return failure */
		return 1;

	/* Make sure that the version requested is supported */
	version = save->save_r3;					/* Pick up passed in version */
	if (((version >> 16) < kVmmMinMajorVersion) || ((version >> 16) > (kVmmCurrentVersion >> 16))) {
		save->save_r3 = KERN_FAILURE;			/* Return failure */
		return 1;

	if((version & 0xFFFF) > kVmmCurMinorVersion) {	/* Check for valid minor */
		save->save_r3 = KERN_FAILURE;			/* Return failure */
		return 1;

	act = current_act();						/* Pick up our activation */
	ml_set_interrupts_enabled(TRUE);			/* This can take a bit of time so pass interruptions */
	task = current_task();						/* Figure out who we are */

	task_lock(task);							/* Lock our task */

	fact = (thread_act_t)task->thr_acts.next;	/* Get the first activation on task */
	gact = 0;									/* Pretend we didn't find it yet */

	for(i = 0; i < task->thr_act_count; i++) {	/* All of the activations */
		if(fact->mact.vmmControl) {				/* Is this a virtual machine monitor? */
			gact = fact;						/* Yeah... */
			break;								/* Bail the loop... */
		fact = (thread_act_t)fact->thr_acts.next;	/* Go to the next one */

 *	We only allow one thread per task to be a virtual machine monitor right now.  This solves
 *	a number of potential problems that I can't put my finger on right now.
 *	Utlimately, I think we want to move the controls and make all this task based instead of
 *	thread based.  That would allow an emulator architecture to spawn a kernel thread for each
 *	VM (if they want) rather than hand dispatch contexts.

	if(gact && (gact != act)) {					/* Check if another thread is a vmm or trying to be */
		task_unlock(task);						/* Release task lock */
		ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE);		/* Set back interruptions */
		save->save_r3 = KERN_FAILURE;			/* We must play alone... */
		return 1;
	if(!gact) act->mact.vmmControl = (vmmCntrlTable *)1;	/* Temporarily mark that we are the vmm thread */

	task_unlock(task);							/* Safe to release now (because we've marked ourselves) */

	CTable = act->mact.vmmControl;				/* Get the control table address */
	if ((unsigned int)CTable == 1) {			/* If we are marked, try to allocate a new table, otherwise we have one */
		if(!(CTable = (vmmCntrlTable *)kalloc(sizeof(vmmCntrlTable)))) {	/* Get a fresh emulation control table */
			act->mact.vmmControl = 0;			/* Unmark us as vmm 'cause we failed */
			ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE);	/* Set back interruptions */
			save->save_r3 = KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE;		/* No storage... */
			return 1;
		bzero((void *)CTable, sizeof(vmmCntrlTable));	/* Clean it up */
		act->mact.vmmControl = CTable;			/* Initialize the table anchor */

	for(cvi = 0; cvi < kVmmMaxContextsPerThread; cvi++) {	/* Search to find a free slot */
		if(!(CTable->vmmc[cvi].vmmFlags & vmmInUse)) break;	/* Bail if we find an unused slot */
	if(cvi >= kVmmMaxContextsPerThread) {		/* Did we find one? */
		ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE);		/* Set back interruptions */
		save->save_r3 = KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE;	/* No empty slots... */	
		return 1;

	ret = vm_map_wire(							/* Wire the virtual machine monitor's context area */
		(vm_offset_t)vmm_user_state + PAGE_SIZE,
	if (ret != KERN_SUCCESS) 					/* The wire failed, return the code */
		goto return_in_shame;

	/* Map the vmm state into the kernel's address space. */
	conphys = pmap_extract(act->map->pmap, (vm_offset_t)vmm_user_state);

	/* Find a virtual address to use. */
	ret = kmem_alloc_pageable(kernel_map, &conkern, PAGE_SIZE);
	if (ret != KERN_SUCCESS) {					/* Did we find an address? */
		(void) vm_map_unwire(act->map,			/* No, unwire the context area */
			(vm_offset_t)vmm_user_state + PAGE_SIZE,
		goto return_in_shame;
	/* Map it into the kernel's address space. */
	pmap_enter(kernel_pmap, conkern, conphys, VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE, TRUE);
	/* Clear the vmm state structure. */
	vks = (vmm_state_page_t *)conkern;
	bzero((char *)vks, PAGE_SIZE);
	/* Allocate a new pmap for the new vmm context. */
	new_pmap = pmap_create(0);
	if (new_pmap == PMAP_NULL) {
		(void) vm_map_unwire(act->map,			/* Couldn't get a pmap, unwire the user page */
			(vm_offset_t)vmm_user_state + PAGE_SIZE,
		kmem_free(kernel_map, conkern, PAGE_SIZE);	/* Release the kernel address */
		goto return_in_shame;
	/* We're home free now. Simply fill in the necessary info and return. */
	vks->interface_version = version;			/* Set our version code */
	vks->thread_index = cvi + 1;				/* Tell the user the index for this virtual machine */
	CTable->vmmc[cvi].vmmFlags = vmmInUse;		/* Mark the slot in use and make sure the rest are clear */
	CTable->vmmc[cvi].vmmPmap = new_pmap;		/* Remember the pmap for this guy */
	CTable->vmmc[cvi].vmmContextKern = vks;		/* Remember the kernel address of comm area */
	CTable->vmmc[cvi].vmmContextUser = vmm_user_state;		/* Remember user address of comm area */
	CTable->vmmc[cvi].vmmFPU_pcb = 0;			/* Clear saved floating point context */
	CTable->vmmc[cvi].vmmFPU_cpu = -1;			/* Invalidate CPU saved fp context is valid on */
	CTable->vmmc[cvi].vmmVMX_pcb = 0;			/* Clear saved vector context */
	CTable->vmmc[cvi].vmmVMX_cpu = -1;			/* Invalidate CPU saved vector context is valid on */

	hw_atomic_add(&saveanchor.saveneed, 2);		/* Account for the number of extra saveareas we think we might "need" */
	ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE);			/* Set back interruptions */
	save->save_r3 = KERN_SUCCESS;				/* Hip, hip, horay... */	
	return 1;

	if(!gact) kfree((vm_offset_t)CTable, sizeof(vmmCntrlTable));	/* Toss the table if we just allocated it */
	act->mact.vmmControl = 0;					/* Unmark us as vmm 'cause we failed */
	ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE);			/* Set back interruptions */
	save->save_r3 = ret;						/* Pass back return code... */	
	return 1;


** vmm_tear_down_context
** This function uninitializes an emulation context. It deallocates
** internal resources associated with the context block.
** Inputs:
**		act - pointer to current thread activation structure
**		index - index returned by vmm_init_context
** Outputs:
**		kernel return code indicating success or failure

kern_return_t vmm_tear_down_context(
	thread_act_t 		act,
	vmm_thread_index_t 	index)
	vmmCntrlEntry 		*CEntry;
	vmmCntrlTable		*CTable;
	int					cvi;
	register savearea 	*sv;

	CEntry = vmm_get_entry(act, index);				/* Convert index to entry */		
	if (CEntry == NULL) return KERN_FAILURE;		/* Either this isn't vmm thread or the index is bogus */

	ml_set_interrupts_enabled(TRUE);				/* This can take a bit of time so pass interruptions */

	hw_atomic_sub(&saveanchor.saveneed, 2);			/* We don't need these extra saveareas anymore */

	if(CEntry->vmmFPU_pcb) {						/* Is there any floating point context? */
		sv = (savearea *)CEntry->vmmFPU_pcb;		/* Make useable */
		sv->save_flags  &= ~SAVfpuvalid;			/* Clear in use bit */
		if(!(sv->save_flags & SAVinuse)) {			/* Anyone left with this one? */			
			save_release(sv);						/* Nope, release it */

	if(CEntry->vmmVMX_pcb) {						/* Is there any vector context? */
		sv = (savearea *)CEntry->vmmVMX_pcb;		/* Make useable */
		sv->save_flags  &= ~SAVvmxvalid;			/* Clear in use bit */
		if(!(sv->save_flags & SAVinuse)) {			/* Anyone left with this one? */			
			save_release(sv);						/* Nope, release it */
	mapping_remove(CEntry->vmmPmap, 0xFFFFF000);	/* Remove final page explicitly because we might have mapped it */	
	pmap_remove(CEntry->vmmPmap, 0, 0xFFFFF000);	/* Remove all entries from this map */
	pmap_destroy(CEntry->vmmPmap);					/* Toss the pmap for this context */
	CEntry->vmmPmap = NULL;							/* Clean it up */
	(void) vm_map_unwire(							/* Unwire the user comm page */
		(vm_offset_t)CEntry->vmmContextUser + PAGE_SIZE,
	kmem_free(kernel_map, (vm_offset_t)CEntry->vmmContextKern, PAGE_SIZE);	/* Remove kernel's view of the comm page */
	CEntry->vmmFlags = 0;							/* Clear out all of the flags for this entry including in use */
	CEntry->vmmPmap = 0;							/* Clear pmap pointer */
	CEntry->vmmContextKern = 0;						/* Clear the kernel address of comm area */
	CEntry->vmmContextUser = 0;						/* Clear the user address of comm area */
	CEntry->vmmFPU_pcb = 0;							/* Clear saved floating point context */
	CEntry->vmmFPU_cpu = -1;						/* Invalidate CPU saved fp context is valid on */
	CEntry->vmmVMX_pcb = 0;							/* Clear saved vector context */
	CEntry->vmmVMX_cpu = -1;						/* Invalidate CPU saved vector context is valid on */
	CTable = act->mact.vmmControl;					/* Get the control table address */
	for(cvi = 0; cvi < kVmmMaxContextsPerThread; cvi++) {	/* Search to find a free slot */
		if(CTable->vmmc[cvi].vmmFlags & vmmInUse) {	/* Return if there are still some in use */
			ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE);		/* No more interruptions */
			return KERN_SUCCESS;					/* Leave... */

	kfree((vm_offset_t)CTable, sizeof(vmmCntrlTable));	/* Toss the table because to tossed the last context */
	act->mact.vmmControl = 0;						/* Unmark us as vmm */

	ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE);				/* No more interruptions */

** vmm_tear_down_all
** This function uninitializes all emulation contexts. If there are
** any vmm contexts, it calls vmm_tear_down_context for each one.
** Note: this can also be called from normal thread termination.  Because of
** that, we will context switch out of an alternate if we are currenty in it.
** It will be terminated with no valid return code set because we don't expect 
** the activation to ever run again.
** Inputs:
**		activation to tear down
** Outputs:
**		All vmm contexts released and VMM shut down
void vmm_tear_down_all(thread_act_t act) {

	vmmCntrlTable		*CTable;
	int					cvi;
	kern_return_t		ret;
	savearea			*save;
	spl_t				s;
	if(act->mact.specFlags & runningVM) {			/* Are we actually in a context right now? */
		save = (savearea *)find_user_regs(act);		/* Find the user state context */
		if(!save) {									/* Did we find it? */
			panic("vmm_tear_down_all: runningVM marked but no user state context\n");
		save->save_exception = kVmmBogusContext*4;	/* Indicate that this context is bogus now */
		s = splhigh();								/* Make sure interrupts are off */
		vmm_force_exit(act, save);					/* Force and exit from VM state */
		splx(s);									/* Restore interrupts */
	if(CTable = act->mact.vmmControl) {				/* Do we have a vmm control block? */

		for(cvi = 1; cvi <= kVmmMaxContextsPerThread; cvi++) {	/* Look at all slots */
			if(CTable->vmmc[cvi - 1].vmmFlags & vmmInUse) {	/* Is this one in use */
				ret = vmm_tear_down_context(act, cvi);	/* Take down the found context */
				if(ret != KERN_SUCCESS) {			/* Did it go away? */
					panic("vmm_tear_down_all: vmm_tear_down_context failed; ret=%08X, act = %08X, cvi = %d\n",
					  ret, act, cvi);
		if(act->mact.vmmControl) {						/* Did we find one? */
			panic("vmm_tear_down_all: control table did not get deallocated\n");	/* Table did not go away */


** vmm_map_page
** This function maps a page from within the client's logical
** address space into the alternate address space of the
** Virtual Machine Monitor context. 
** The page need not be locked or resident.  If not resident, it will be faulted
** in by this code, which may take some time.   Also, if the page is not locked,
** it, and this mapping may disappear at any time, even before it gets used.  Note also
** that reference and change information is NOT preserved when a page is unmapped, either
** explicitly or implicitly (e.g., a pageout, being unmapped in the non-alternate address
** space).  This means that if RC is needed, the page MUST be wired.
** Note that if there is already a mapping at the address, it is removed and all 
** information (including RC) is lost BEFORE an attempt is made to map it. Also,
** if the map call fails, the old address is still unmapped..
** Inputs:
**		act   - pointer to current thread activation
**		index - index of vmm state for this page
**		va    - virtual address within the client's address
**			    space
**		ava   - virtual address within the alternate address
**			    space
**		prot - protection flags
**	Note that attempted mapping of areas in nested pmaps (shared libraries) or block mapped
**  areas are not allowed and will fail. Same with directly mapped I/O areas.
** Input conditions:
**      Interrupts disabled (from fast trap)
** Outputs:
**		kernel return code indicating success or failure
**      if success, va resident and alternate mapping made

kern_return_t vmm_map_page(
	thread_act_t 		act,
	vmm_thread_index_t 	index,
	vm_offset_t 		cva,
	vm_offset_t 		ava,
	vm_prot_t 			prot)
	kern_return_t		ret;
	vmmCntrlEntry 		*CEntry;
	vm_offset_t			phys_addr;
	register mapping 	*mpv, *mp, *nmpv, *nmp;
	struct phys_entry 	*pp;
	pmap_t				mpmap;
	vm_map_t 			map;

	CEntry = vmm_get_entry(act, index);			/* Get and validate the index */
	if (CEntry == NULL)return KERN_FAILURE;		/* No good, failure... */
 *	Find out if we have already mapped the address and toss it out if so.
	mp = hw_lock_phys_vir(CEntry->vmmPmap->space, ava);	/* See if there is already a mapping */
	if((unsigned int)mp & 1) {					/* Did we timeout? */
		panic("vmm_map_page: timeout locking physical entry for alternate virtual address (%08X)\n", ava);	/* Yeah, scream about it! */
		return KERN_FAILURE;					/* Bad hair day, return FALSE... */
	if(mp) {									/* If it was there, toss it */
		mpv = hw_cpv(mp);						/* Convert mapping block to virtual */
		hw_unlock_bit((unsigned int *)&mpv->physent->phys_link, PHYS_LOCK);	/* We're done, unlock the physical entry */
		(void)mapping_remove(CEntry->vmmPmap, ava);	/* Throw away the mapping. we're about to replace it */
	map = current_act()->map;					/* Get the current map */
	while(1) {									/* Keep trying until we get it or until we fail */
		if(hw_cvp_blk(map->pmap, cva)) return KERN_FAILURE;	/* Make sure that there is no block map at this address */

		mp = hw_lock_phys_vir(map->pmap->space, cva);	/* Lock the physical entry for emulator's page */
		if((unsigned int)mp&1) {				/* Did we timeout? */
			panic("vmm_map_page: timeout locking physical entry for emulator virtual address (%08X)\n", cva);	/* Yeah, scream about it! */
			return KERN_FAILURE;				/* Bad hair day, return FALSE... */
		if(mp) {								/* We found it... */
			mpv = hw_cpv(mp);					/* Convert mapping block to virtual */
			if(!mpv->physent) return KERN_FAILURE;	/* If there is no physical entry (e.g., I/O area), we won't map it */
			if(!(mpv->PTEr & 1)) break;			/* If we are writable go ahead and map it... */
			hw_unlock_bit((unsigned int *)&mpv->physent->phys_link, PHYS_LOCK);	/* Unlock the map before we try to fault the write bit on */

		ml_set_interrupts_enabled(TRUE);		/* Enable interruptions */
		ret = vm_fault(map, trunc_page(cva), VM_PROT_READ | VM_PROT_WRITE, FALSE);	/* Didn't find it, try to fault it in read/write... */
		ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE);		/* Disable interruptions */
		if (ret != KERN_SUCCESS) return KERN_FAILURE;	/* There isn't a page there, return... */

 *	Now we make a mapping using all of the attributes of the source page except for protection.
 *	Also specify that the physical entry is locked.
	nmpv = mapping_make(CEntry->vmmPmap, mpv->physent, (ava & -PAGE_SIZE),
		(mpv->physent->pte1 & -PAGE_SIZE), prot, ((mpv->physent->pte1 >> 3) & 0xF), 1); 

	hw_unlock_bit((unsigned int *)&mpv->physent->phys_link, PHYS_LOCK);	/* Unlock the physical entry now, we're done with it */
	CEntry->vmmLastMap = ava & -PAGE_SIZE;		/* Remember the last mapping we made */
	CEntry->vmmFlags |= vmmMapDone;				/* Set that we did a map operation */


** vmm_map_execute
** This function maps a page from within the client's logical
** address space into the alternate address space of the
** Virtual Machine Monitor context and then directly starts executing.
**	See description of vmm_map_page for details. 
** Outputs:
**		Normal exit is to run the VM.  Abnormal exit is triggered via a 
**		non-KERN_SUCCESS return from vmm_map_page or later during the 
**		attempt to transition into the VM. 

vmm_return_code_t vmm_map_execute(
	thread_act_t 		act,
	vmm_thread_index_t 	index,
	vm_offset_t 		cva,
	vm_offset_t 		ava,
	vm_prot_t 			prot)
	kern_return_t		ret;
	vmmCntrlEntry 		*CEntry;

	CEntry = vmm_get_entry(act, index);			/* Get and validate the index */

	if (CEntry == NULL) return kVmmBogusContext;	/* Return bogus context */
	ret = vmm_map_page(act, index, cva, ava, prot);	/* Go try to map the page on in */
	if(ret == KERN_SUCCESS) vmm_execute_vm(act, index);	/* Return was ok, launch the VM */
	return kVmmInvalidAddress;					/* We had trouble mapping in the page */	

** vmm_get_page_mapping
** This function determines whether the specified VMM
** virtual address is mapped.
** Inputs:
**		act   - pointer to current thread activation
**		index - index of vmm state for this page
**		va    - virtual address within the alternate's address
**			    space
** Outputs:
**		Non-alternate's virtual address (page aligned) or -1 if not mapped or any failure
** Note:
**      If there are aliases to the page in the non-alternate address space,
**	    this call could return the wrong one.  Moral of the story: no aliases.

vm_offset_t vmm_get_page_mapping(
	thread_act_t 		act,
	vmm_thread_index_t 	index,
	vm_offset_t 		va)
	vmmCntrlEntry 		*CEntry;
	vm_offset_t			ova;
	register mapping 	*mpv, *mp, *nmpv, *nmp;
	pmap_t				pmap;

	CEntry = vmm_get_entry(act, index);						/* Get and validate the index */
	if (CEntry == NULL)return -1;							/* No good, failure... */

	mp = hw_lock_phys_vir(CEntry->vmmPmap->space, va);		/* Look up the mapping */
	if((unsigned int)mp & 1) {								/* Did we timeout? */
		panic("vmm_get_page_mapping: timeout locking physical entry for alternate virtual address (%08X)\n", va);	/* Yeah, scream about it! */
		return -1;											/* Bad hair day, return FALSE... */
	if(!mp) return -1;										/* Not mapped, return -1 */

	mpv = hw_cpv(mp);										/* Convert mapping block to virtual */
	pmap = current_act()->map->pmap;						/* Get the current pmap */
	ova = -1;												/* Assume failure for now */
	for(nmpv = hw_cpv(mpv->physent->phys_link); nmpv; nmpv = hw_cpv(nmpv->next)) {	/* Scan 'em all */
		if(nmpv->pmap != pmap) continue;					/* Skip all the rest if this is not the right pmap... */ 
		ova = ((((unsigned int)nmpv->PTEhash & -64) << 6) ^ (pmap->space  << 12)) & 0x003FF000;	/* Backward hash to the wrapped VADDR */
		ova = ova | ((nmpv->PTEv << 1) & 0xF0000000);		/* Move in the segment number */
		ova = ova | ((nmpv->PTEv << 22) & 0x0FC00000);		/* Add in the API for the top of the address */
		break;												/* We're done now, pass virtual address back */

	hw_unlock_bit((unsigned int *)&mpv->physent->phys_link, PHYS_LOCK);	/* We're done, unlock the physical entry */
	if(ova == -1) panic("vmm_get_page_mapping: could not back-map alternate va (%08X)\n", va);	/* We are bad wrong if we can't find it */

	return ova;

** vmm_unmap_page
** This function unmaps a page from the alternate's logical
** address space.
** Inputs:
**		act   - pointer to current thread activation
**		index - index of vmm state for this page
**		va    - virtual address within the vmm's address
**			    space
** Outputs:
**		kernel return code indicating success or failure

kern_return_t vmm_unmap_page(
	thread_act_t 		act,
	vmm_thread_index_t 	index,
	vm_offset_t 		va)
	vmmCntrlEntry 		*CEntry;
	boolean_t			ret;
	kern_return_t		kern_result = KERN_SUCCESS;

	CEntry = vmm_get_entry(act, index);						/* Get and validate the index */
	if (CEntry == NULL)return -1;							/* No good, failure... */
	ret = mapping_remove(CEntry->vmmPmap, va);				/* Toss the mapping */
	return (ret ? KERN_SUCCESS : KERN_FAILURE);				/* Return... */

** vmm_unmap_all_pages
** This function unmaps all pages from the alternates's logical
** address space.
** Inputs:
**		act   - pointer to current thread activation
**		index - index of context state
** Outputs:
**		none
** Note:
**      All pages are unmapped, but the address space (i.e., pmap) is still alive

void vmm_unmap_all_pages(
	thread_act_t 		act,
	vmm_thread_index_t 	index)
	vmmCntrlEntry 		*CEntry;

	CEntry = vmm_get_entry(act, index);						/* Convert index to entry */		
	if (CEntry == NULL) return;								/* Either this isn't vmm thread or the index is bogus */
 *	Note: the pmap code won't deal with the last page in the address space, so handle it explicitly
	mapping_remove(CEntry->vmmPmap, 0xFFFFF000);			/* Remove final page explicitly because we might have mapped it */	
	pmap_remove(CEntry->vmmPmap, 0, 0xFFFFF000);			/* Remove all entries from this map */

** vmm_get_page_dirty_flag
** This function returns the changed flag of the page
** and optionally clears clears the flag.
** Inputs:
**		act   - pointer to current thread activation
**		index - index of vmm state for this page
**		va    - virtual address within the vmm's address
**			    space
**		reset - Clears dirty if true, untouched if not
** Outputs:
**		the dirty bit
**		clears the dirty bit in the pte if requested
**	Note:
**		The RC bits are merged into the global physical entry

boolean_t vmm_get_page_dirty_flag(
	thread_act_t 				act,
	vmm_thread_index_t 	index,
	vm_offset_t 		va,
	unsigned int		reset)
	vmmCntrlEntry 		*CEntry;
	register mapping 	*mpv, *mp;
	unsigned int		RC;

	CEntry = vmm_get_entry(act, index);						/* Convert index to entry */		
	if (CEntry == NULL) return 1;							/* Either this isn't vmm thread or the index is bogus */
	mp = hw_lock_phys_vir(CEntry->vmmPmap->space, va);		/* Look up the mapping */
	if((unsigned int)mp & 1) {								/* Did we timeout? */
		panic("vmm_get_page_dirty_flag: timeout locking physical entry for alternate virtual address (%08X)\n", va);	/* Yeah, scream about it! */
		return 1;											/* Bad hair day, return dirty... */
	if(!mp) return 1;										/* Not mapped, return dirty... */
	RC = hw_test_rc(mp, reset);								/* Fetch the RC bits and clear if requested */	

	mpv = hw_cpv(mp);										/* Convert mapping block to virtual */
	hw_unlock_bit((unsigned int *)&mpv->physent->phys_link, PHYS_LOCK);		/* We're done, unlock the physical entry */

	return (RC & 1);										/* Return the change bit */

** vmm_protect_page
** This function sets the protection bits of a mapped page
** Inputs:
**		act   - pointer to current thread activation
**		index - index of vmm state for this page
**		va    - virtual address within the vmm's address
**			    space
**		prot  - Protection flags
** Outputs:
**		none
**		Protection bits of the mapping are modifed

kern_return_t vmm_protect_page(
	thread_act_t 		act,
	vmm_thread_index_t 	index,
	vm_offset_t 		va,
	vm_prot_t			prot)
	vmmCntrlEntry 		*CEntry;
	register mapping 	*mpv, *mp;
	unsigned int		RC;

	CEntry = vmm_get_entry(act, index);						/* Convert index to entry */		
	if (CEntry == NULL) return KERN_FAILURE;				/* Either this isn't vmm thread or the index is bogus */
	mp = hw_lock_phys_vir(CEntry->vmmPmap->space, va);		/* Look up the mapping */
	if((unsigned int)mp & 1) {								/* Did we timeout? */
		panic("vmm_protect_page: timeout locking physical entry for virtual address (%08X)\n", va);	/* Yeah, scream about it! */
		return 1;											/* Bad hair day, return dirty... */
	if(!mp) return KERN_SUCCESS;							/* Not mapped, just return... */
	hw_prot_virt(mp, prot);									/* Set the protection */	

	mpv = hw_cpv(mp);										/* Convert mapping block to virtual */
	hw_unlock_bit((unsigned int *)&mpv->physent->phys_link, PHYS_LOCK);		/* We're done, unlock the physical entry */

	CEntry->vmmLastMap = va & -PAGE_SIZE;					/* Remember the last mapping we changed */
	CEntry->vmmFlags |= vmmMapDone;							/* Set that we did a map operation */

	return KERN_SUCCESS;									/* Return */

** vmm_protect_execute
** This function sets the protection bits of a mapped page
** and then directly starts executing.
**	See description of vmm_protect_page for details. 
** Outputs:
**		Normal exit is to run the VM.  Abnormal exit is triggered via a 
**		non-KERN_SUCCESS return from vmm_map_page or later during the 
**		attempt to transition into the VM. 

vmm_return_code_t vmm_protect_execute(
	thread_act_t 		act,
	vmm_thread_index_t 	index,
	vm_offset_t 		va,
	vm_prot_t			prot)
	kern_return_t		ret;
	vmmCntrlEntry 		*CEntry;

	CEntry = vmm_get_entry(act, index);					/* Get and validate the index */

	if (CEntry == NULL) return kVmmBogusContext;		/* Return bogus context */
	ret = vmm_protect_page(act, index, va, prot);		/* Go try to change access */
	if(ret == KERN_SUCCESS) vmm_execute_vm(act, index);	/* Return was ok, launch the VM */
	return kVmmInvalidAddress;							/* We had trouble of some kind (shouldn't happen) */	

** vmm_get_float_state
** This function causes the current floating point state to 
** be saved into the shared context area.  It also clears the
** vmmFloatCngd changed flag.
** Inputs:
**		act - pointer to current thread activation structure
**		index - index returned by vmm_init_context
** Outputs:
**		context saved

kern_return_t vmm_get_float_state(
	thread_act_t 		act,
	vmm_thread_index_t 	index)
	vmmCntrlEntry 		*CEntry;
	vmmCntrlTable		*CTable;
	int					i;
	register struct savearea *sv;

	CEntry = vmm_get_entry(act, index);				/* Convert index to entry */		
	if (CEntry == NULL) return KERN_FAILURE;		/* Either this isn't vmm thread or the index is bogus */
	act->mact.specFlags &= ~floatCng;				/* Clear the special flag */
	CEntry->vmmContextKern->vmmStat &= ~vmmFloatCngd;	/* Clear the change indication */
	if(sv = (struct savearea *)CEntry->vmmFPU_pcb) {	/* Is there context yet? */
		bcopy((char *)&sv->save_fp0, (char *)&(CEntry->vmmContextKern->vmm_proc_state.ppcFPRs[0].d), sizeof(vmm_processor_state_t)); /* 32 registers plus status and pad */
		return KERN_SUCCESS;

	CEntry->vmmContextKern->vmm_proc_state.ppcFPSCR.i[0] = 0;	/* Clear FPSCR */
	CEntry->vmmContextKern->vmm_proc_state.ppcFPSCR.i[1] = 0;	/* Clear FPSCR */

	for(i = 0; i < 32; i++) {					/* Initialize floating points */
		CEntry->vmmContextKern->vmm_proc_state.ppcFPRs[i].d = FloatInit;	/* Initial value */


** vmm_get_vector_state
** This function causes the current vector state to 
** be saved into the shared context area.  It also clears the
** vmmVectorCngd changed flag.
** Inputs:
**		act - pointer to current thread activation structure
**		index - index returned by vmm_init_context
** Outputs:
**		context saved

kern_return_t vmm_get_vector_state(
	thread_act_t 		act,
	vmm_thread_index_t 	index)
	vmmCntrlEntry 		*CEntry;
	vmmCntrlTable		*CTable;
	int					i, j;
	unsigned int 		vrvalidwrk;
	register struct savearea *sv;

	CEntry = vmm_get_entry(act, index);				/* Convert index to entry */		
	if (CEntry == NULL) return KERN_FAILURE;		/* Either this isn't vmm thread or the index is bogus */
	act->mact.specFlags &= ~vectorCng;				/* Clear the special flag */
	CEntry->vmmContextKern->vmmStat &= ~vmmVectCngd;	/* Clear the change indication */
	if(sv = (savearea *)CEntry->vmmVMX_pcb) {					/* Is there context yet? */

		vrvalidwrk = sv->save_vrvalid;				/* Get the valid flags */

		for(j=0; j < 4; j++) {						/* Set value for vscr */
			CEntry->vmmContextKern->vmm_proc_state.ppcVSCR.i[j] = sv->save_vscr[j];
		for(i = 0; i < 32; i++) {					/* Copy the saved registers and invalidate the others */
			if(vrvalidwrk & 0x80000000) {			/* Do we have a valid value here? */
				for(j = 0; j < 4; j++) {			/* If so, copy it over */
					CEntry->vmmContextKern->vmm_proc_state.ppcVRs[i].i[j] = ((unsigned int *)&(sv->save_vr0))[(i * 4) + j];
			else {
				for(j = 0; j < 4; j++) {			/* Otherwise set to empty value */
					CEntry->vmmContextKern->vmm_proc_state.ppcVRs[i].i[j] = QNaNbarbarian[j];
			vrvalidwrk = vrvalidwrk << 1;			/* Shift over to the next */

		return KERN_SUCCESS;

	for(j = 0; j < 4; j++) {						/* Initialize vscr to java mode */
		CEntry->vmmContextKern->vmm_proc_state.ppcVSCR.i[j] = 0;	/* Initial value */

	for(i = 0; i < 32; i++) {						/* Initialize vector registers */
		for(j=0; j < 4; j++) {						/* Do words */
			CEntry->vmmContextKern->vmm_proc_state.ppcVRs[i].i[j] = QNaNbarbarian[j];		/* Initial value */


** vmm_set_timer
** This function causes a timer (in AbsoluteTime) for a specific time
** to be set  It also clears the vmmTimerPop flag if the timer is actually 
** set, it is cleared otherwise.
** A timer is cleared by setting setting the time to 0. This will clear
** the vmmTimerPop bit. Simply setting the timer to earlier than the
** current time clears the internal timer request, but leaves the
** vmmTimerPop flag set.
** Inputs:
**		act - pointer to current thread activation structure
**		index - index returned by vmm_init_context
**		timerhi - high order word of AbsoluteTime to pop
**		timerlo - low order word of AbsoluteTime to pop
** Outputs:
**		timer set, vmmTimerPop cleared

kern_return_t vmm_set_timer(
	thread_act_t 		act,
	vmm_thread_index_t 	index,
	unsigned int 		timerhi, 
	unsigned int 		timerlo)
	vmmCntrlEntry 		*CEntry;
	CEntry = vmm_get_entry(act, index);				/* Convert index to entry */		
	if (CEntry == NULL) return KERN_FAILURE;		/* Either this isn't vmm thread or the index is bogus */
	CEntry->vmmTimer = ((uint64_t)timerhi << 32) | timerlo;
	vmm_timer_pop(act);								/* Go adjust all of the timer stuff */
	return KERN_SUCCESS;							/* Leave now... */

** vmm_get_timer
** This function causes the timer for a specified VM to be
** returned in return_params[0] and return_params[1].
** Inputs:
**		act - pointer to current thread activation structure
**		index - index returned by vmm_init_context
** Outputs:
**		Timer value set in return_params[0] and return_params[1].
**		Set to 0 if timer is not set.

kern_return_t vmm_get_timer(
	thread_act_t 		act,
	vmm_thread_index_t 	index)
	vmmCntrlEntry 		*CEntry;
	vmmCntrlTable		*CTable;

	CEntry = vmm_get_entry(act, index);				/* Convert index to entry */		
	if (CEntry == NULL) return KERN_FAILURE;		/* Either this isn't vmm thread or the index is bogus */

	CEntry->vmmContextKern->return_params[0] = (CEntry->vmmTimer >> 32);	/* Return the last timer value */
	CEntry->vmmContextKern->return_params[1] = (uint32_t)CEntry->vmmTimer;	/* Return the last timer value */

** vmm_timer_pop
** This function causes all timers in the array of VMs to be updated.
** All appropriate flags are set or reset.  If a VM is currently
** running and its timer expired, it is intercepted.
** The qactTimer value is set to the lowest unexpired timer.  It is
** zeroed if all timers are expired or have been reset.
** Inputs:
**		act - pointer to current thread activation structure
** Outputs:
**		timers set, vmmTimerPop cleared or set

void vmm_timer_pop(
	thread_act_t 		act)
	vmmCntrlEntry 		*CEntry;
	vmmCntrlTable		*CTable;
	int					cvi, any;
	uint64_t			now, soonest;
	savearea			*sv;
	if(!((unsigned int)act->mact.vmmControl & 0xFFFFFFFE)) {	/* Are there any virtual machines? */
		panic("vmm_timer_pop: No virtual machines defined; act = %08X\n", act);

	soonest = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL;				/* Max time */

	clock_get_uptime(&now);							/* What time is it? */
	CTable = act->mact.vmmControl;					/* Make this easier */	
	any = 0;										/* Haven't found a running unexpired timer yet */
	for(cvi = 0; cvi < kVmmMaxContextsPerThread; cvi++) {	/* Cycle through all and check time now */

		if(!(CTable->vmmc[cvi].vmmFlags & vmmInUse)) continue;	/* Do not check if the entry is empty */
		if(CTable->vmmc[cvi].vmmTimer == 0) {	/* Is the timer reset? */
			CTable->vmmc[cvi].vmmFlags &= ~vmmTimerPop;			/* Clear timer popped */
			CTable->vmmc[cvi].vmmContextKern->vmmStat &= ~vmmTimerPop;	/* Clear timer popped */
			continue;								/* Check next */

		if (CTable->vmmc[cvi].vmmTimer <= now) {
			CTable->vmmc[cvi].vmmFlags |= vmmTimerPop;	/* Set timer popped here */
			CTable->vmmc[cvi].vmmContextKern->vmmStat |= vmmTimerPop;	/* Set timer popped here */
			if((unsigned int)&CTable->vmmc[cvi] == (unsigned int)act->mact.vmmCEntry) {	/* Is this the running VM? */
				sv = (savearea *)find_user_regs(act);	/* Get the user state registers */
				if(!sv) {							/* Did we find something? */
					panic("vmm_timer_pop: no user context; act = %08X\n", act);
				sv->save_exception = kVmmReturnNull*4;	/* Indicate that this is a null exception */
				vmm_force_exit(act, sv);			/* Intercept a running VM */
			continue;								/* Check the rest */
		else {										/* It hasn't popped yet */
			CTable->vmmc[cvi].vmmFlags &= ~vmmTimerPop;	/* Set timer not popped here */
			CTable->vmmc[cvi].vmmContextKern->vmmStat &= ~vmmTimerPop;	/* Set timer not popped here */
		any = 1;									/* Show we found an active unexpired timer */
		if (CTable->vmmc[cvi].vmmTimer < soonest)
			soonest = CTable->vmmc[cvi].vmmTimer;
	if(any) {
		if (act->mact.qactTimer == 0 || soonest <= act->mact.qactTimer)
			act->mact.qactTimer = soonest;	/* Set lowest timer */


** vmm_stop_vm
** This function prevents the specified VM(s) to from running.
** If any is currently executing, the execution is intercepted
** with a code of kVmmStopped.  Note that execution of the VM is
** blocked until a vmmExecuteVM is called with the start flag set to 1.
** This provides the ability for a thread to stop execution of a VM and
** insure that it will not be run until the emulator has processed the
** "virtual" interruption.
** Inputs:
**		vmmask - 32 bit mask corresponding to the VMs to put in stop state
**				 NOTE: if this mask is all 0s, any executing VM is intercepted with
*     			 a kVmmStopped (but not marked stopped), otherwise this is a no-op. Also note that there
**				 note that there is a potential race here and the VM may not stop.
** Outputs:
**		kernel return code indicating success
**      or if no VMs are enabled, an invalid syscall exception.

int vmm_stop_vm(struct savearea *save)

	thread_act_t		act;
	vmmCntrlTable		*CTable;
	int					cvi, i;
    task_t				task;
    thread_act_t		fact;
    unsigned int		vmmask;
    ReturnHandler		*stopapc;

	ml_set_interrupts_enabled(TRUE);			/* This can take a bit of time so pass interruptions */
	task = current_task();						/* Figure out who we are */

	task_lock(task);							/* Lock our task */

	fact = (thread_act_t)task->thr_acts.next;	/* Get the first activation on task */
	act = 0;									/* Pretend we didn't find it yet */

	for(i = 0; i < task->thr_act_count; i++) {	/* All of the activations */
		if(fact->mact.vmmControl) {				/* Is this a virtual machine monitor? */
			act = fact;							/* Yeah... */
			break;								/* Bail the loop... */
		fact = (thread_act_t)fact->thr_acts.next;	/* Go to the next one */

	if(!((unsigned int)act)) {					/* See if we have VMMs yet */
		task_unlock(task);						/* No, unlock the task */
		ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE);		/* Set back interruptions */
		return 0;								/* Go generate a syscall exception */

	act_lock_thread(act);						/* Make sure this stays 'round */
	task_unlock(task);							/* Safe to release now */

	CTable = act->mact.vmmControl;				/* Get the pointer to the table */
	if(!((unsigned int)CTable & -2)) {			/* Are there any all the way up yet? */
		act_unlock_thread(act);					/* Unlock the activation */
		ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE);		/* Set back interruptions */
		return 0;								/* Go generate a syscall exception */
	if(!(vmmask = save->save_r3)) {				/* Get the stop mask and check if all zeros */
		act_unlock_thread(act);					/* Unlock the activation */
		ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE);		/* Set back interruptions */
		save->save_r3 = KERN_SUCCESS;			/* Set success */	
		return 1;								/* Return... */

	for(cvi = 0; cvi < kVmmMaxContextsPerThread; cvi++) {	/* Search slots */
		if((0x80000000 & vmmask) && (CTable->vmmc[cvi].vmmFlags & vmmInUse)) {	/* See if we need to stop and if it is in use */
			hw_atomic_or(&CTable->vmmc[cvi].vmmFlags, vmmXStop);	/* Set this one to stop */
		vmmask = vmmask << 1;					/* Slide mask over */
	if(hw_compare_and_store(0, 1, &act->mact.emPendRupts)) {	/* See if there is already a stop pending and lock out others if not */
		act_unlock_thread(act);					/* Already one pending, unlock the activation */
		ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE);		/* Set back interruptions */
		save->save_r3 = KERN_SUCCESS;			/* Say we did it... */	
		return 1;								/* Leave */

	if(!(stopapc = (ReturnHandler *)kalloc(sizeof(ReturnHandler)))) {	/* Get a return handler control block */
		act->mact.emPendRupts = 0;				/* No memory, say we have given up request */
		act_unlock_thread(act);					/* Unlock the activation */
		ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE);		/* Set back interruptions */
		save->save_r3 = KERN_RESOURCE_SHORTAGE;	/* No storage... */
		return 1;								/* Return... */

	ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE);			/* Disable interruptions for now */

	stopapc->handler = vmm_interrupt;			/* Set interruption routine */

	stopapc->next = act->handlers;				/* Put our interrupt at the start of the list */
	act->handlers = stopapc;					/* Point to us */

	act_set_apc(act);							/* Set an APC AST */
	ml_set_interrupts_enabled(TRUE);			/* Enable interruptions now */

	act_unlock_thread(act);						/* Unlock the activation */
	ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE);			/* Set back interruptions */
	save->save_r3 = KERN_SUCCESS;				/* Hip, hip, horay... */	
	return 1;

** vmm_interrupt
** This function is executed asynchronously from an APC AST.
** It is to be used for anything that needs to interrupt a running VM.
** This include any kind of interruption generation (other than timer pop)
** or entering the stopped state.
** Inputs:
**		ReturnHandler *rh - the return handler control block as required by the APC.
**		thread_act_t act  - the activation
** Outputs:
**		Whatever needed to be done is done.

void vmm_interrupt(ReturnHandler *rh, thread_act_t act) {

	vmmCntrlTable		*CTable;
	savearea			*sv;
	boolean_t			inter;

	kfree((vm_offset_t)rh, sizeof(ReturnHandler));	/* Release the return handler block */
	inter  = ml_set_interrupts_enabled(FALSE);	/* Disable interruptions for now */

	act->mact.emPendRupts = 0;					/* Say that there are no more interrupts pending */
	CTable = act->mact.vmmControl;				/* Get the pointer to the table */
	if(!((unsigned int)CTable & -2)) return;	/* Leave if we aren't doing VMs any more... */

	if(act->mact.vmmCEntry && (act->mact.vmmCEntry->vmmFlags & vmmXStop)) {	/* Do we need to stop the running guy? */
		sv = (savearea *)find_user_regs(act);	/* Get the user state registers */
		if(!sv) {								/* Did we find something? */
			panic("vmm_interrupt: no user context; act = %08X\n", act);
		sv->save_exception = kVmmStopped*4;		/* Set a "stopped" exception */
		vmm_force_exit(act, sv);				/* Intercept a running VM */
	ml_set_interrupts_enabled(inter);			/* Put interrupts back to what they were */
