FileIDsServices.c   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
 * "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.  Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this file.
 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
 * under the License.
	File:		FileIDServices.c

	Contains:	File ID manipulating routines.

	Version:	HFS Plus 1.0

	Written by:	Deric Horn

	Copyright:	© 1996-1999 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved.

	File Ownership:

		DRI:				Deric Horn

		Other Contact:		xxx put other contact here xxx

		Technology:			xxx put technology here xxx


		(JL)	Jim Luther
		(msd)	Mark Day
		(djb)	Don Brady
		(DSH)	Deric Horn

	Change History (most recent first):
	  <MacOSX>	 3/2/98		djb		Fix extents corruption bug in MoveExtents (radar #2309434).
	  <MacOSX>	11/20/98	djb		Add support for UTF-8 names.
	  <MacOSX>	  4/2/98	djb		Switch over to real BTree interface in MoveExtents and DeleteExtents.
	  <MacOSX>	 3/31/98	djb		Sync up with final HFSVolumes.h header file.

	  <CS21>	11/17/97	djb		PrepareInputName routine now returns an error.
	  <CS20>	11/13/97	djb		Radar #2001699 ResolveFileID needs to use CMNotFound error.
	  <CS19>	10/31/97	JL		#2000184 - CreateFileThreadID and ExchangeFiles now return the
									WDCBRecPtr or NULL for external file systems. ExchangeFiles no
									longer returns length of FCB table to caller since that wasn't
									ever needed.
		<18>	10/23/97	DSH		1685058, Fix ExchangeFiles by invalidating the node cache before
									switching the files.
	  <CS17>	10/19/97	msd		Bug 1684586. GetCatInfo and SetCatInfo use only contentModDate.
	  <CS16>	10/16/97	DSH		Return badFidErr in ResolveFileID if LocateCatalogThread fails
	  <CS15>	10/15/97	DSH		CreateFileThreadID(), remap btExists to fidExists.
	  <CS14>	  9/7/97	djb		Turn off some DebugStr calls.
	  <CS13>	  9/4/97	msd		Remove call to PropertyExchangeObjects.
	  <CS12>	 8/14/97	djb		Remove hard link support.
	  <CS11>	 7/18/97	msd		Include LowMemPriv.h.
	  <CS10>	 7/16/97	DSH		FilesInternal.i renamed FileMgrInternal.i to avoid name
	   <CS9>	  7/8/97	DSH		Loading PrecompiledHeaders from define passed in on C line
	   <CS8>	 6/24/97	djb		Add hard link support to ResolveFileID and CreateFileIDRef.
	   <CS7>	 6/20/97	msd		Use contentModDate and attributeModDate fields instead of
	   <CS6>	 6/13/97	djb		Switch over from PrepareOutputName to ConvertUnicodeToHFSName.
									PrepareInputName now takes an encoding.
	   <CS5>	 5/28/97	msd		Move the declaration of FindFileName to FilesInternal.i.
	   <CS4>	 5/19/97	djb		No longer need to invalidate vcbDirIDM field.
	   <CS3>	 5/16/97	msd		In ExchangeFiles, change srcNamePtr from char * to StringPtr
									(fixes warnings).
	   <CS2>	 4/28/97	djb		(DSH) Added VolumeWritable check back into CreateFileIDThread.
	   <CS1>	 4/24/97	djb		first checked in
	 <HFS23>	 4/11/97	DSH		Use extended VCB fields catalogRefNum, and extentsRefNum.
	 <HFS22>	  4/9/97	msd		Rewrite CreateFileThreadID so that it properly handles
									pathnames, and doesn't overwrite the ioNamePtr. The data field
									of FindFileNameGlueRec points to a CatalogNodeData, not
	 <HFS21>	  4/4/97	djb		Get in sync with volume format changes.
	 <HFS20>	 3/31/97	djb		Change ClearMem to ClearMemory.
	 <HFS19>	 3/17/97	DSH		C_FlushCache prototype to FilesInternal.h
	 <HFS18>	  3/5/97	msd		ExchangeFiles needs to call PropertyExchangeObjects.
	 <HFS17>	 2/13/97	msd		Fix MoveExtents and DeleteExtents to work with HFS+ extent
	 <HFS16>	 1/31/97	msd		In MoveExtents, when a record isn't found and you want the next
									record in order, use the "next record" offset = 1 instead of
									"current record" offset = 0. DeleteExtents would always exit
									without doing anything because it was searching for an invalid
									key. Removed several DebugStrs that were used as cheap code
	 <HFS15>	 1/15/97	DSH		Resolve wasn't passing the name back for HFS
	 <HFS14>	 1/13/97	djb		LocateCatalogThread now passes back the thread record size.
	 <HFS13>	 1/11/97	DSH		HFS+, fixed some Unicode/Pascal strings related bugs for use on
									HFS+ volumes.
	 <HFS12>	  1/9/97	DSH		Fix ExchangeFiles extents
	 <HFS11>	  1/6/97	DSH		pass VCB in CloseFile() routine.
	 <HFS10>	  1/6/97	djb		Fixed ResolveFileID - it was not returning a directory ID!
	  <HFS9>	  1/3/97	msd		Fix prototype for C_FlushCache. Fix prototype for
	  <HFS8>	  1/3/97	djb		Integrate latest HFSVolumesPriv.h changes.
	  <HFS7>	  1/2/97	DSH		C port of ExchangeFileIDs
	  <HFS6>	12/20/96	djb		Fixed bug in CreateFileID.
	  <HFS5>	12/19/96	DSH		All refs to VCB are now refs to ExtendedVCB
	  <HFS4>	12/19/96	msd		Use kFileThreadExistsMask (from HFSVolumesPriv.h) instead of
									kFileThreadMask (from FilesInternal.h) since the latter was
									incorrectly defined and has now been removed.
	  <HFS3>	12/19/96	djb		Updated for new B-tree Manager interface.
	  <HFS2>	12/18/96	msd		GetFileThreadID was using a bitwise-OR (|) instead of
									bitwise-AND (&) to test for a bit being set.
	  <HFS1>	12/12/96	DSH		first checked in


#include "../../hfs_macos_defs.h"
#include "../../hfs_format.h"

#include	"../headers/FileMgrInternal.h"
#include	"../headers/HFSUnicodeWrappers.h"
#include	"../headers/CatalogPrivate.h"

struct ExtentsRecBuffer {
	ExtentKey		extentKey;
	ExtentRecord	extentData;
typedef struct ExtentsRecBuffer ExtentsRecBuffer;

OSErr	CreateFileID( ExtendedVCB *vcb, HFSCatalogNodeID fileID, CatalogName *name, HFSCatalogNodeID *threadID );
OSErr	GetFileThreadID( ExtendedVCB *vcb, HFSCatalogNodeID id, const CatalogName *name, Boolean isHFSPlus, UInt32 *threadID );

UInt32	CheckExtents( void *extents, UInt32 blocks, Boolean isHFSPlus );
OSErr	DeleteExtents( ExtendedVCB *vcb, UInt32 fileNumber, Boolean isHFSPlus );
OSErr	MoveExtents( ExtendedVCB *vcb, UInt32 srcFileID, UInt32 destFileID, Boolean isHFSPlus );
void	CopyCatalogNodeInfo( CatalogRecord *src, CatalogRecord *dest );
void	CopyBigCatalogNodeInfo( CatalogRecord *src, CatalogRecord *dest );

void	CopyExtentInfo( ExtentKey *key, ExtentRecord *data, ExtentsRecBuffer *buffer, UInt16 bufferCount );
extern	void	TrashFileBlocks( ExtendedVCB *vcb, UInt32 fileNumber );

OSErr ExchangeFileIDs( ExtendedVCB *vcb, ConstUTF8Param srcName, ConstUTF8Param destName, HFSCatalogNodeID srcID, HFSCatalogNodeID destID, UInt32 srcHint, UInt32 destHint )
	CatalogKey		srcKey;		// 518 bytes
	CatalogRecord	srcData;	// 520 bytes
	CatalogKey		destKey;	// 518 bytes
	CatalogRecord	destData;	// 520 bytes
	CatalogRecord	swapData;	// 520 bytes
	SInt16			numSrcExtentBlocks;
	SInt16			numDestExtentBlocks;
	UInt32			textEncoding;
	OSErr			err;
	Boolean			isHFSPlus = ( vcb->vcbSigWord == kHFSPlusSigWord );

	TrashCatalogIterator(vcb, srcID);	//	invalidate any iterators for this parentID
	TrashCatalogIterator(vcb, destID);	//	invalidate any iterators for this parentID

	err = BuildCatalogKeyUTF8(vcb, srcID, srcName, kUndefinedStrLen, &srcKey, &textEncoding);

	err = BuildCatalogKeyUTF8(vcb, destID, destName, kUndefinedStrLen, &destKey, &textEncoding);

	if ( isHFSPlus )
		//--	Step 1: Check the catalog nodes for extents
		//--	locate the source file, test for extents in extent file, and copy the cat record for later
		err = LocateCatalogNodeByKey( vcb, srcHint, &srcKey, &srcData, &srcHint );
		ReturnIfError( err );
		if ( srcData.recordType != kHFSPlusFileRecord )
			return( cmFThdDirErr );					//	Error "cmFThdDirErr = it is a directory"
		//--	Check if there are any extents in the source file
		//€€	I am only checling the extents in the low 32 bits, routine will fail if files extents after 2 gig are in overflow
		numSrcExtentBlocks = CheckExtents( srcData.hfsPlusFile.dataFork.extents, srcData.hfsPlusFile.dataFork.totalBlocks, isHFSPlus );
		if ( numSrcExtentBlocks == 0 )					//	then check the resource fork extents
			numSrcExtentBlocks = CheckExtents( srcData.hfsPlusFile.resourceFork.extents, srcData.hfsPlusFile.resourceFork.totalBlocks, isHFSPlus );

		//--	Check if there are any extents in the destination file
		err = LocateCatalogNodeByKey( vcb, destHint, &destKey, &destData, &destHint );
		ReturnIfError( err );
		if ( destData.recordType != kHFSPlusFileRecord )
			return( cmFThdDirErr );					//	Error "cmFThdDirErr = it is a directory"

		numDestExtentBlocks = CheckExtents( destData.hfsPlusFile.dataFork.extents, destData.hfsPlusFile.dataFork.totalBlocks, isHFSPlus );
		if ( numDestExtentBlocks == 0 )					//	then check the resource fork extents
			numDestExtentBlocks = CheckExtents( destData.hfsPlusFile.resourceFork.extents, destData.hfsPlusFile.resourceFork.totalBlocks, isHFSPlus );

		//--	Step 2: Exchange the Extent key in the extent file
		//--	Exchange the extents key in the extent file
		err = DeleteExtents( vcb, kHFSBogusExtentFileID, isHFSPlus );
		ReturnIfError( err );
		if ( numSrcExtentBlocks && numDestExtentBlocks )	//	if both files have extents
			//--	Change the source extents file ids to our known bogus value
			err = MoveExtents( vcb, srcData.hfsPlusFile.fileID, kHFSBogusExtentFileID, isHFSPlus );
			if ( err != noErr )
				if ( err != dskFulErr )
					return( err );
					goto ExUndo1a;
			//--	Change the destination extents file id's to the source id's
			err = MoveExtents( vcb, destData.hfsPlusFile.fileID, srcData.hfsPlusFile.fileID, isHFSPlus );
			if ( err != noErr )
				if ( err != dskFulErr )
					return( err );

ExUndo2aPlus:	err = DeleteExtents( vcb, srcData.hfsPlusFile.fileID, isHFSPlus );
				ReturnIfError( err );					//	we are doomed. Just QUIT!

                err = MoveExtents( vcb, kHFSBogusExtentFileID, srcData.hfsPlusFile.fileID, isHFSPlus );	//	Move the extents back
				ReturnIfError( err );					//	we are doomed. Just QUIT!
				goto ExUndo1a;
			//--	Change the bogus extents file id's to the dest id's
            err = MoveExtents( vcb, kHFSBogusExtentFileID, destData.hfsPlusFile.fileID, isHFSPlus );
			if ( err != noErr )
				if ( err != dskFulErr )
					return( err );

				err = DeleteExtents( vcb, destData.hfsPlusFile.fileID, isHFSPlus );
				ReturnIfError( err );					//	we are doomed. Just QUIT!

				err = MoveExtents( vcb, srcData.hfsPlusFile.fileID, destData.hfsPlusFile.fileID, isHFSPlus );	//	Move the extents back
				ReturnIfError( err );					//	we are doomed. Just QUIT!
				goto ExUndo2aPlus;
		else if ( numSrcExtentBlocks )	//	just the source file has extents
			err = MoveExtents( vcb, srcData.hfsPlusFile.fileID, destData.hfsPlusFile.fileID, isHFSPlus );
			if ( err != noErr )
				if ( err != dskFulErr )
					return( err );

				err = DeleteExtents( vcb, srcData.hfsPlusFile.fileID, isHFSPlus );
				ReturnIfError( err );					//	we are doomed. Just QUIT!

				goto FlushAndReturn;
		else if ( numDestExtentBlocks )	//	just the destination file has extents
			err = MoveExtents( vcb, destData.hfsPlusFile.fileID, srcData.hfsPlusFile.fileID, isHFSPlus );
			if ( err != noErr )
				if ( err != dskFulErr )
					return( err );

				err = DeleteExtents( vcb, destData.hfsPlusFile.fileID, isHFSPlus );
				ReturnIfError( err );					//	we are doomed. Just QUIT!

				goto FlushAndReturn;

		//--	Step 3: Change the data in the catalog nodes
		//--	find the source cnode and put dest info in it
		err = LocateCatalogNodeByKey( vcb, srcHint, &srcKey, &srcData, &srcHint );
		if ( err != noErr )
			return( cmBadNews );
		BlockMoveData( &srcData, &swapData, sizeof(CatalogRecord) );
		CopyBigCatalogNodeInfo( &destData, &srcData );
		err = ReplaceBTreeRecord( vcb->catalogRefNum, &srcKey, srcHint, &srcData, sizeof(HFSPlusCatalogFile), &srcHint );
		ReturnIfError( err );

		//	find the destination cnode and put source info in it		
		err = LocateCatalogNodeByKey( vcb, destHint, &destKey, &destData, &destHint );
		if ( err != noErr )
			return( cmBadNews );
		CopyBigCatalogNodeInfo( &swapData, &destData );
		err = ReplaceBTreeRecord( vcb->catalogRefNum, &destKey, destHint, &destData, sizeof(HFSPlusCatalogFile), &destHint );
		ReturnIfError( err );
	else		//	HFS	//
		//--	Step 1: Check the catalog nodes for extents
		//--	locate the source file, test for extents in extent file, and copy the cat record for later
		err = LocateCatalogNodeByKey( vcb, srcHint, &srcKey, &srcData, &srcHint );
		ReturnIfError( err );
		if ( srcData.recordType != kHFSFileRecord )
			return( cmFThdDirErr );					//	Error "cmFThdDirErr = it is a directory"
		//--	Check if there are any extents in the source file
		numSrcExtentBlocks = CheckExtents( srcData.hfsFile.dataExtents, srcData.hfsFile.dataPhysicalSize / vcb->blockSize, isHFSPlus );
		if ( numSrcExtentBlocks == 0 )					//	then check the resource fork extents
			numSrcExtentBlocks = CheckExtents( srcData.hfsFile.rsrcExtents, srcData.hfsFile.rsrcPhysicalSize / vcb->blockSize, isHFSPlus );
		//€€	Do we save the found source node for later use?
		//--	Check if there are any extents in the destination file
		err = LocateCatalogNodeByKey( vcb, destHint, &destKey, &destData, &destHint );
		ReturnIfError( err );
		if ( destData.recordType != kHFSFileRecord )
			return( cmFThdDirErr );					//	Error "cmFThdDirErr = it is a directory"

		numDestExtentBlocks = CheckExtents( destData.hfsFile.dataExtents, destData.hfsFile.dataPhysicalSize / vcb->blockSize, isHFSPlus );
		if ( numDestExtentBlocks == 0 )					//	then check the resource fork extents
			numDestExtentBlocks = CheckExtents( destData.hfsFile.rsrcExtents, destData.hfsFile.rsrcPhysicalSize / vcb->blockSize, isHFSPlus );
		//€€	Do we save the found destination node for later use?

		//--	Step 2: Exchange the Extent key in the extent file
		//--	Exchange the extents key in the extent file
        err = DeleteExtents( vcb, kHFSBogusExtentFileID, isHFSPlus );
		ReturnIfError( err );
		if ( numSrcExtentBlocks && numDestExtentBlocks )	//	if both files have extents
			//--	Change the source extents file ids to our known bogus value
        err = MoveExtents( vcb, srcData.hfsFile.fileID, kHFSBogusExtentFileID, isHFSPlus );
			if ( err != noErr )
				if ( err != dskFulErr )
					return( err );

ExUndo1a:		err = DeleteExtents( vcb, kHFSBogusExtentFileID, isHFSPlus );
				ReturnIfError( err );					//	we are doomed. Just QUIT!

				err = FlushCatalog( vcb );   			//	flush the catalog
				err = FlushExtentFile( vcb );			//	flush the extent file (unneeded for common case, but it's cheap)			
				return( dskFulErr );
			//--	Change the destination extents file id's to the source id's
			err = MoveExtents( vcb, destData.hfsFile.fileID, srcData.hfsFile.fileID, isHFSPlus );
			if ( err != noErr )
				if ( err != dskFulErr )
					return( err );

ExUndo2a:		err = DeleteExtents( vcb, srcData.hfsFile.fileID, isHFSPlus );
				ReturnIfError( err );					//	we are doomed. Just QUIT!

                err = MoveExtents( vcb, kHFSBogusExtentFileID, srcData.hfsFile.fileID, isHFSPlus );	//	Move the extents back
				ReturnIfError( err );					//	we are doomed. Just QUIT!
				goto ExUndo1a;
			//--	Change the bogus extents file id's to the dest id's
            err = MoveExtents( vcb, kHFSBogusExtentFileID, destData.hfsFile.fileID, isHFSPlus );
			if ( err != noErr )
				if ( err != dskFulErr )
					return( err );

				err = DeleteExtents( vcb, destData.hfsFile.fileID, isHFSPlus );
				ReturnIfError( err );					//	we are doomed. Just QUIT!

				err = MoveExtents( vcb, srcData.hfsFile.fileID, destData.hfsFile.fileID, isHFSPlus );	//	Move the extents back
				ReturnIfError( err );					//	we are doomed. Just QUIT!
				goto ExUndo2a;
		else if ( numSrcExtentBlocks )	//	just the source file has extents
			err = MoveExtents( vcb, srcData.hfsFile.fileID, destData.hfsFile.fileID, isHFSPlus );
			if ( err != noErr )
				if ( err != dskFulErr )
					return( err );

				err = DeleteExtents( vcb, srcData.hfsFile.fileID, isHFSPlus );
				ReturnIfError( err );					//	we are doomed. Just QUIT!

				goto FlushAndReturn;
		else if ( numDestExtentBlocks )	//	just the destination file has extents
			err = MoveExtents( vcb, destData.hfsFile.fileID, srcData.hfsFile.fileID, isHFSPlus );
			if ( err != noErr )
				if ( err != dskFulErr )
					return( err );

				err = DeleteExtents( vcb, destData.hfsFile.fileID, isHFSPlus );
				ReturnIfError( err );					//	we are doomed. Just QUIT!

				goto FlushAndReturn;

		//--	Step 3: Change the data in the catalog nodes
		//--	find the source cnode and put dest info in it
		err = LocateCatalogNodeByKey( vcb, srcHint, &srcKey, &srcData, &srcHint );
		if ( err != noErr )
			return( cmBadNews );
		BlockMoveData( &srcData, &swapData, sizeof(CatalogRecord) );
		//€€	Asm source copies from the saved dest catalog node
		CopyCatalogNodeInfo( &destData, &srcData );
		err = ReplaceBTreeRecord( vcb->catalogRefNum, &srcKey, srcHint, &srcData, sizeof(HFSCatalogFile), &srcHint );
		ReturnIfError( err );

		//	find the destination cnode and put source info in it		
		err = LocateCatalogNodeByKey( vcb, destHint, &destKey, &destData, &destHint );
		if ( err != noErr )
			return( cmBadNews );
		CopyCatalogNodeInfo( &swapData, &destData );
		err = ReplaceBTreeRecord( vcb->catalogRefNum, &destKey, destHint, &destData, sizeof(HFSCatalogFile), &destHint );
		ReturnIfError( err );
	err = noErr;

	//--	Step 4: Error Handling section

	err = FlushCatalog( vcb );   			//	flush the catalog
	err = FlushExtentFile( vcb );			//	flush the extent file (unneeded for common case, but it's cheap)			
	return( err );

void	CopyCatalogNodeInfo( CatalogRecord *src, CatalogRecord *dest )
//	dest->hfsFile.filStBlk = src->hfsFile.filStBlk;
	dest->hfsFile.dataLogicalSize	= src->hfsFile.dataLogicalSize;
	dest->hfsFile.dataPhysicalSize = src->hfsFile.dataPhysicalSize;
//	dest->hfsFile.filRStBlk = src->hfsFile.filRStBlk;
	dest->hfsFile.rsrcLogicalSize	= src->hfsFile.rsrcLogicalSize;
	dest->hfsFile.rsrcPhysicalSize = src->hfsFile.rsrcPhysicalSize;
	dest->hfsFile.modifyDate = src->hfsFile.modifyDate;
	BlockMoveData( src->hfsFile.dataExtents, dest->hfsFile.dataExtents, sizeof(HFSExtentRecord) );
	BlockMoveData( src->hfsFile.rsrcExtents, dest->hfsFile.rsrcExtents, sizeof(HFSExtentRecord) );

void	CopyBigCatalogNodeInfo( CatalogRecord *src, CatalogRecord *dest )
	BlockMoveData( &src->hfsPlusFile.dataFork, &dest->hfsPlusFile.dataFork, sizeof(HFSPlusForkData) );
	BlockMoveData( &src->hfsPlusFile.resourceFork, &dest->hfsPlusFile.resourceFork, sizeof(HFSPlusForkData) );
	dest->hfsPlusFile.contentModDate = src->hfsPlusFile.contentModDate;

OSErr	MoveExtents( ExtendedVCB *vcb, UInt32 srcFileID, UInt32 destFileID, Boolean isHFSPlus )
	FCB *				fcb;
	ExtentsRecBuffer	extentsBuffer[kNumExtentsToCache];
	ExtentKey *			extentKeyPtr;
	ExtentRecord		extentData;
	BTreeIterator		btIterator;
	FSBufferDescriptor	btRecord;
	UInt16				btKeySize;
	UInt16				btRecordSize;
	SInt16				i, j;
	OSErr				err;

	fcb = GetFileControlBlock(vcb->extentsRefNum);
	(void) BTInvalidateHint(&btIterator);
	extentKeyPtr = (ExtentKey*) &btIterator.key;
	btRecord.bufferAddress = &extentData;
	btRecord.itemCount = 1;

	//--	Collect the extent records

	//	A search on the following key will cause the BTree to be positioned immediately
	//	before the first extent record for file #srcFileID, but not actually positioned
	//	on any record.  This is because there cannot be an extent record with FABN = 0
	//	(the first extent of the fork, which would be in the catalog entry, not an extent
	//	record).
	//	Using BTIterateRecord with kBTreeNextRecord will then get that first extent record.
	if (isHFSPlus) {
		btRecord.itemSize = sizeof(HFSPlusExtentRecord);
		btKeySize = sizeof(HFSPlusExtentKey);

		extentKeyPtr->hfsPlus.keyLength	 = kHFSPlusExtentKeyMaximumLength;
		extentKeyPtr->hfsPlus.forkType	 = 0;
		extentKeyPtr->hfsPlus.pad		 = 0;
		extentKeyPtr->hfsPlus.fileID	 = srcFileID;
		extentKeyPtr->hfsPlus.startBlock = 0;
	else {
		btRecord.itemSize = sizeof(HFSExtentRecord);
		btKeySize = sizeof(HFSExtentKey);

		extentKeyPtr->hfs.keyLength	 = kHFSExtentKeyMaximumLength;
		extentKeyPtr->hfs.forkType	 = 0;
		extentKeyPtr->hfs.fileID	 = srcFileID;
		extentKeyPtr->hfs.startBlock = 0;
	//	We do an initial BTSearchRecord to position the BTree's iterator just before any extent
	//	records for srcFileID.  We then do a few BTIterateRecord and BTInsertRecord of those found
	//	records, but with destFileID as the file number in the key.  Keep doing this sequence of
	//	BTIterateRecord and BTInsertRecord until we find an extent for another file, or there are
	//	no more extent records in the tree.
	//	Basically, we're copying records kNumExtentsToCache at a time.  The copies have their file ID
	//	set to destFileID.
	//	This depends on BTInsertRecord not effecting the iterator used by BTIterateRecord.  If it
	//	_did_ effect the iterator, then we would need to do a BTSearchRecord before each series
	//	of BTIterateRecord.  We'd need to set up the key for BTSearchRecord to find the last record
	//	we found, so that BTIterateRecord would get the next one (the first we haven't processed).

	err = BTSearchRecord(fcb, &btIterator, kInvalidMRUCacheKey, &btRecord, &btRecordSize, &btIterator);
	//	We expect a btNotFound here, since there shouldn't be an extent record with FABN = 0.
	if (err != btNotFound)
		if ( DEBUG_BUILD )
			DebugStr("\pUnexpected error from SearchBTreeRecord");
		if (err == noErr)			//	If we found such a bogus extent record, then the tree is really messed up
			err = cmBadNews;		//	so return an error that conveys the disk is hosed.
		return err;

		btRecord.bufferAddress = &extentData;
		btRecord.itemCount = 1;

		for ( i=0 ; i<kNumExtentsToCache ; i++ )
			HFSCatalogNodeID	foundFileID;

			err = BTIterateRecord(fcb, kBTreeNextRecord, &btIterator, &btRecord, &btRecordSize);
			if ( err == btNotFound )		//	Did we run out of extent records in the extents tree?
				break;						//	if xkrFNum(A0) is cleared on this error, then this test is bogus!
			else if ( err != noErr )
				return( err );				//	must be ioError
			foundFileID = isHFSPlus ? extentKeyPtr->hfsPlus.fileID : extentKeyPtr->hfs.fileID;
			if ( foundFileID == srcFileID )
				CopyExtentInfo(extentKeyPtr, &extentData, extentsBuffer, i);
		//--	edit each extent key, and reinsert each extent record in the extent file
		if (isHFSPlus)
			btRecordSize = sizeof(HFSPlusExtentRecord);
			btRecordSize = sizeof(HFSExtentRecord);

		for ( j=0 ; j<i ; j++ )
			BTreeIterator tmpIterator;

			if (isHFSPlus)
				extentsBuffer[j].extentKey.hfsPlus.fileID = destFileID;	//	change only the id in the key to dest ID
				extentsBuffer[j].extentKey.hfs.fileID = destFileID;	//	change only the id in the key to dest ID

			// get iterator and buffer descriptor ready...
			(void) BTInvalidateHint(&tmpIterator);
			BlockMoveData(&(extentsBuffer[j].extentKey), &tmpIterator.key, btKeySize);
			btRecord.bufferAddress = &(extentsBuffer[j].extentData);

			err = BTInsertRecord(fcb, &tmpIterator, &btRecord, btRecordSize);
			if ( err != noErr )
			{									//	parse the error
				if ( err == btExists )
					if ( DEBUG_BUILD )
						DebugStr("\pCan't insert record -- already exists");
					return( cmBadNews );
					return( err );
		//--	okay, done with this buffered batch, go get the next set of extent records
		//	If our buffer is not full, we must be done, or recieved an error
		if ( i != kNumExtentsToCache )			//	if the buffer is not full, we must be done
			err = DeleteExtents( vcb, srcFileID, isHFSPlus );	//	Now delete all the extent entries with the sourceID
			if ( DEBUG_BUILD && err != noErr )
				DebugStr("\pError from DeleteExtents");
			break;									//	we're done!
	} while ( true );
	return( err );

void	CopyExtentInfo( ExtentKey *key, ExtentRecord *data, ExtentsRecBuffer *buffer, UInt16 bufferCount )
	BlockMoveData( key, &(buffer[bufferCount].extentKey), sizeof( ExtentKey ) );
	BlockMoveData( data, &(buffer[bufferCount].extentData), sizeof( ExtentRecord ) );

//--	Delete all extents in extent file that have the ID given.
OSErr	DeleteExtents( ExtendedVCB *vcb, UInt32 fileID, Boolean isHFSPlus )
	FCB *				fcb;
	ExtentKey *			extentKeyPtr;
	ExtentRecord		extentData;
	BTreeIterator		btIterator;
	FSBufferDescriptor	btRecord;
	UInt16				btRecordSize;
	OSErr				err;

	fcb = GetFileControlBlock(vcb->extentsRefNum);

	(void) BTInvalidateHint(&btIterator);
	extentKeyPtr = (ExtentKey*) &btIterator.key;
	btRecord.bufferAddress = &extentData;
	btRecord.itemCount = 1;

	//	The algorithm is to position the BTree just before any extent records for fileID.
	//	Then just keep getting successive records.  If the record is still for fileID,
	//	then delete it.
	if (isHFSPlus) {
		btRecord.itemSize = sizeof(HFSPlusExtentRecord);

		extentKeyPtr->hfsPlus.keyLength	 = kHFSPlusExtentKeyMaximumLength;
		extentKeyPtr->hfsPlus.forkType	 = 0;
		extentKeyPtr->hfsPlus.pad		 = 0;
		extentKeyPtr->hfsPlus.fileID	 = fileID;
		extentKeyPtr->hfsPlus.startBlock = 0;
	else {
		btRecord.itemSize = sizeof(HFSExtentRecord);

		extentKeyPtr->hfs.keyLength	 = kHFSExtentKeyMaximumLength;
		extentKeyPtr->hfs.forkType	 = 0;
		extentKeyPtr->hfs.fileID	 = fileID;
		extentKeyPtr->hfs.startBlock = 0;

	err = BTSearchRecord(fcb, &btIterator, kInvalidMRUCacheKey, &btRecord, &btRecordSize, &btIterator);
	if ( err != btNotFound )
		if (err == noErr) {		//	Did we find a bogus extent record?
			err = cmBadNews;	//	Yes, so indicate things are messed up.
		return err;				//	Got some unexpected error, so return it

		BTreeIterator 		tmpIterator;
		HFSCatalogNodeID	foundFileID;

		err = BTIterateRecord(fcb, kBTreeNextRecord, &btIterator, &btRecord, &btRecordSize);
		if ( err != noErr )
			if (err == btNotFound)	//	If we hit the end of the BTree
				err = noErr;		//		then it's OK
			break;					//	We're done now.
		foundFileID = isHFSPlus ? extentKeyPtr->hfsPlus.fileID : extentKeyPtr->hfs.fileID;
		if ( foundFileID != fileID )
			break;					//	numbers don't match, we must be done

		tmpIterator = btIterator;
		err = BTDeleteRecord( fcb, &tmpIterator );
		if (err != noErr)
	}	while ( true );
	return( err );

//	Check if there are extents represented in the extents overflow file.
UInt32	CheckExtents( void *extents, UInt32 totalBlocks, Boolean isHFSPlus )
	UInt32		extentAllocationBlocks;
	UInt16		i;

	if ( totalBlocks == 0 )
		return( 0 );
	extentAllocationBlocks = 0;
	if ( isHFSPlus )
		for ( i = 0 ; i < kHFSPlusExtentDensity ; i++ )
			extentAllocationBlocks += ((HFSPlusExtentDescriptor *)extents)[i].blockCount;
			if ( extentAllocationBlocks >= totalBlocks )		//	greater than or equal (extents can add past eof if 'Close" crashes w/o truncating new clump)
				return( 0 );
		for ( i = 0 ; i < kHFSExtentDensity ; i++ )
			extentAllocationBlocks += ((HFSExtentDescriptor *)extents)[i].blockCount;
			if ( extentAllocationBlocks >= totalBlocks )		//	greater than or equal (extents can add past eof if 'Close" crashes w/o truncating new clump)
				return( 0 );
	return( extentAllocationBlocks );